Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 12, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 65

The men still at the table at James and Kyle's chatted about the new charity. Kyle was still amazed that this group of men would try to take on something so big. "Guys I can't ask you to do this. Plus, Lee and Chris are sacrificing the most so you need to rename this." Kyle said. "The building is paid for. We can write the rent, insurance and taxes off on our taxes. We are not loosing any money. If it had not been for you we would have never realized how bad conditions can be on the street. This is just a small way that we can help. We have two little boys in the other room that are our legacy. We couldn't think of a better person to make this his legacy." Chris said.

Kyle had tears running down his cheeks. Josh had gotten up from the cartoons. He had been able to see Keith but not Brian. Checking to make sure Brian had not moved he saw Kyle crying. He slowly walked over to Kyle and lightly pulled on his sleeve. Kyle turned to look at the innocent face. "Please don't cry. Daddy Keith and Daddy Brian said that it will be alright. Plus Uncle Chris and Uncle Lee said it too. They told me they loved me and I am sure they love you too." Josh whispered. Kyle reached out and picked Josh up who immediately hugged Kyle tightly. "I love you too little man. Thank you for loving me." Kyle whispered. The rest of the men sat in amazement at Josh. Brian sat there trying to fight back the tears watching his son show love to someone he felt was in need.

The party was a success and all the men headed out. Making sure that the house was clean and back in order, everyone loaded children, diaper bags, and back packs. Each child had a carry home bag of cookies. Josh followed Alex's lead and gave each man a hug as they were getting ready to leave. Josh was not as comfortable as Alex but was making both his fathers proud at his attempts. As they headed home Keith and Brian kept telling Josh how proud they were of him at how well he played with Alex and Cody. They also talked about all the men at the party and how much they loved and cared for him and would protect him too.

Josh still barely talked over a whisper but both men figured time would work on that. As they turned into the drive Keith's heart almost stopped. "What is that baby ?" Brian asked. Being on the passenger side of the truck Brian could not clearly see. "Oh probably a bag blown up into the tree. I will come out in a little while and get it down." Keith said. "It can wait until in the morning." Brian said with no concern. "Nah I will get it shortly. I don't want the neighbors to come out in the morning and think they have trashy neighbors. " Keith laughed.

Once the truck was parked. Keith instructed Brian to take Josh inside and start his bath while he got everything out of the truck. Keith got a quick kiss from both Brian and Josh as they headed in the house. Keith pulled out his phone and quickly went through his contact list. Hitting the right button the phone began to ring. "Hey Keith. I was expecting your call. " the man said. "Why would you say that ?" Keith asked. "I am guessing that you got the same surprise that we found at Lee and Chris' house." the man said. "They got one too ?" Keith asked. "Yes but we removed theirs before they got home." the man said. "Thank goodness." Keith said. "Have you taken yours down ?" the man asked. "No I told Brian I thought it was a bag blown into the tree. I saw what it was or at least part of it. I pretended I didn't see anything in case someone was watching." Keith said.

"I am glad you did that. We will remove it for you shortly." the man said. "No. I would like for one of your guys to meet me at the end of the drive in a couple of hours but I want to get a good look at it. I am guessing if anyone is watching they wont stay all night." Keith said. "Just give me about twenty minutes notice when you want someone to meet you." the man said. "Oh shit. I let them go in the house alone." Keith said. "Don't worry. We have someone watching as we speak." the man said. "Thank you." Keith said. "Just call me when you are ready to remove it." the man said and ended the call.

Chris and Lee had arrived home and had gotten the boys bathed and in bed. Lee's phone rang and the man on the other end wanted to know if he could come by for a few minutes before they went to bed. Lee told him that anytime was fine and that they would be up for at least another two hours. "Who was that baby ?" Chris asked. "It was one of the security guys. He wanted to come by for a few minutes tonight. " Lee said. "Ah shit. What this time ?" Chris asked. "It may be nothing. Lets just wait until he gets here." Lee said.

The two men took turns getting their shower just in case the doorbell rang. Both men were showered and wearing gym shorts and t shirts when the bell rang. Chris answered the door and invited the man into the living room. The man sat a garbage bag on the coffee table. Both men looked at the bag wondering what in the world could be inside. " I want to start by saying we are on top of this. We are to meet Keith in an hour or so to remove the one from his home. " the man said. "Remove what ?" Lee asked. The man opened the bag and pulled out something wrapped in a towel. As he opened the towel the color began to drain from his face and Lee gasp and turned and buried his face in Chris' chest.

Both men composed themselves and turned to look at the object again. Carefully looking at every detail Lee looked up at the man. "You said Keith and Brian got the same thing ?" Lee said. "Yes sir. He asked that we wait and meet him in the drive later to remove his in case anyone was watching." the man said. "You said you were on top of this right ?" Chris asked. "Yes sir. We have already downloaded the hidden cameras in your yard and we are also getting footage from traffic cameras in both directions leading to your house. We are waiting on the owner of the condo's down the street for security footage in case they parked there." the man said.

Lee leaned over and pulled the towel back over the object. "Tell your boss that his clock is ticking. Got it ?" Lee said. "Yes sir. He has already warned us all that he wanted answers and he wanted them now. " the man said. "I want to stay informed." Lee said. "I was also asked to tell you that we have found two of the youth through cameras and were getting the names of the other two involved in Kyle's beating." the man said. "Good. Just tell your boss to teach them a lesson. It would be impossible to prosecute." Lee said. The man's phone began to ring. "Excuse me." he said. returning to the room he placed the object back in the bag. "That was Keith. I am headed to his house now." he said. "I bet Brian is a basket case." Chris said. "Sir it is my understanding that he did not see what it was. Keith told him it was some blown up trash." the man said. "Good for Keith." Lee said.

"Baby come set down with me. You look exhausted." James said. "This has just been a crazy night. Did you know about the kitchen for the homeless ?" Kyle asked as he sat beside James. "I knew they had a surprise planned is all. Lee told me that he had a job for you that he thought you would like. I told him that I was going to take care of you and that you didn't need a job. He told me to wait until they told you about their surprise and then you and I could talk about it." James said.

"I really want to do this. I think its perfect for me." Kyle said. "I am sure there will be some stress starting out but Lee said that it wouldn't take that many hours. Plus he said you could keep your schedule flexible." James said. "I still don't know what I did to deserve this." Kyle said as he settled in laying his head on James' chest. "I and all your friends know exactly what you did to deserve this and more." James said. "I do feel better. Soon I will be able to help out with bills here." Kyle said.

"Baby please. You paid all the bills here for over a year without my help. Let me worry about that." James said. "We will discuss that after I start work. But I am not a free loader." Kyle said. "No one could ever accuse you of that. Did you enjoy the dinner party ?" James asked. "I did. I am so proud of Keith and Brian. That little Josh is a treasure. He shocked me when he came up and said what he did and then let me pick him up and hug him. " Kyle said. "Yeah Brian told me a little about what Josh had been through. That poor little boy has lived through more than most should have in their life." James said. "He sure has. At some points I would feel sorry for myself at what I was living through and sometimes now I would feel sorry for myself at what I had lived through. No more. I am a grown man. He is a child. If he can live through what he did and still tell me that he loves me then my life has been a charm." Kyle said. "Yeah when you see it in a child it really makes you stop and think." James said. "Remind me of tonight if I ever complain." Kyle said. "Baby are you wanting to think about adopting ?" James asked. "Oh no. I will babysit all they want. But I am ready for the freedom to live life. Why were you wanting too ?" Kyle asked. "Really that's a relief. I love kids but at this point I had rather borrow them and give them back." James laughed.

"Daddy Brian which is my bedroom ?" Josh asked. "You can pick any of them you want baby. I think you may like this one better. It has its own bathroom." Keith said as they surveyed the rooms. "My own bathroom ?" Josh whispered. "What was that ?" Keith said. "I can have my own bathroom ?" Josh whispered. "I can't hear you ." Keith said in a little louder voice. "I can have my own bathroom ?" Josh finally spoke in a normal voice. "Finally little buddy. Yes you can." Keith said with a smile.

Josh climbed up on the edge of the bed and sat beside Brian. "Was Daddy Keith mad at me ?" Josh whispered. "No baby. He just wanted you to realize that you don't have to whisper anymore. We love to hear you talk and you will not get in trouble for talking." Brian said. "Do you mean that Daddy Keith ?" Josh asked with a scared look on his face. Keith walked over to the bed. Josh was expecting him to pick him up but instead Keith began tickling him again. "Little buddy I want you to talk, laugh, squeal, and run around the house and be a little boy." Keith said as he began to blow raspberries on the squealing boys neck. "Stop Daddy please I have to potty." Josh squealed.

On his return from "his" new bathroom Josh announced that he wanted to sleep in his new bed. Having no children's books Brian went and got his electronic book. "Why don't I read you a bedtime story." Brian said. "Please." Josh grinned. "While you get him to sleep I am going out and get rid of that bag or whatever it is." Keith said. "Baby it can wait until daylight." Brian said. "I wont be too long. I will meet you shortly in the daddy bed." Keith said with a smile. He stood at the door for a minute watching his lover and his son look through the book selection and could feel a warm glow all over his body.

Outside Keith made his way down the driveway. Two dark figures made their way across the street to meet him. Keith reached the article left and after close inspection sank to his knees. "Its alright Keith. We have some good leads now. I promise we will get to the bottom of this." one man said. Hanging from a low tree limb was a doll. The doll had its hair cut really short like a boys hair cut. There was an old kitchen knife stuck through the heart of the doll. There was red paint all around the knife and written on the stomach area was "Keith's son". "They said Lee and Chris got something similar. "They did. The doll was similar. It had a pair of old scissors through the heart and said "Lee's boys. I warned you". Keith's head sank back towards the ground. The men were expecting tears but when Keith's head came back up they could see the rage in his face and the veins in his thick neck about to explode.

"I want five minutes with this mother fucker when you catch him. " Keith said. "Lee has made us promise to keep him informed of everything we find out." the man said. "No offense but fuck Lee. I want five minutes. This mother fucker is after me and now my family. They are just mad at Lee for getting you guys to help. I want to teach them a lesson they will never forget." Keith said. "Please calm down Keith. Have you told Brian about this yet ?" the man asked. "No he thinks it was some trash that blew up. I had to get a good look at it before I said anything." Keith said. "Do yourself a favor. Push the rage back inside you. Go back in. Enjoy your new family as if nothing is going on. Get a good nights sleep and then wait until the morning to tell Brian what has happened. We may even have more answers by then." the man said.

"I'm just so FUCKING mad." Keith said. "I understand that but you have two now up there in that house that depend on your strength. You need to prove now that you can be cool under pressure. That little boy would freak out if he saw the rage in your face." the man said. "You are right. Are you sure you aren't Lee's twin ?" Keith laughed. "Not his twin but one reason I was hired is because we think a lot alike." the man said. "I knew they were picky and thorough but I never knew how much so." Keith said. "Now go be a happy family and let us worry about this. That's our job remember." the man said.

Not too far away Ronnie and Wayne had settled in Ronnie's downstairs den to watch a movie. There was an oversized couch. Wayne was laying on the couch with a throw cover pulled over him. Ronnie had went upstairs to the kitchen for a couple of glasses of wine. Returning to the den Ronnie set the glasses on the coffee table. "Room for one more ?" Ronnie asked. "Not dressed like that." Wayne said as he pulled the cover back to reveal he was naked under the blanket.

"Mmmm. I love movie night." Ronnie said as he began to strip. Once naked he slid in behind Wayne and pulled the cover back over their naked bodies. Reaching his arm around Wayne he pulled Wayne's naked body up against his tightly. "Ready or the movie ?" Wayne whispered. "Umhum." Ronnie mumbled not wanting to stop the light kisses he had began on Wayne's neck. The movie had barely passed the beginning credits. "I thought you wanted to see this movie. " Wayne whispered. "I had rather make our own love story." Ronnie whispered.

Wayne turned so that he was facing Ronnie. "Oohh careful there baby." Ronnie winched. "Yeah I noticed there was a baseball bat poking me in the back." Wayne whispered. "Sorry about that." Ronnie laughed. "No baby. Never say you are sorry for that. Its a compliment." Wayne whispered. "So I can take that leaking hard pole pressed against my stomach as a compliment too then. " Ronnie whispered. "Compliment just for you baby." Wayne whispered. "Be right back." Ronnie said as he threw the cover off , got to his feet and headed towards the stairs. Just watching his lovers rock hard cock sway in front of him and then seeing his firm round ass bounce as he walked to the stairs almost made Wayne shoot his load.

It only took Ronnie a couple of minutes to return with a bottle of lube. He stood and watched Wayne. Not knowing that Ronnie had returned Wayne had collected his precum and was using his fingers and trying to concentrate to loosen his ass ring. As Ronnie stood there and watched Wayne he felt a drop of precum at the end of his own raging cock. "I don't usually leak." he thought to himself. "This has to be the right man." he thought. "Sorry it took so long baby. Here thats my job. Its hot to watch you finger fuck yourself but even hotter when I do it." Ronnie whispered and he pulled Wayne's fingers out, reached up and ran his fingers through the precum on Wayne's stomach and replaced it Wayne's fingers with his own.

Wayne arched his back as Ronnie's fingers passed through his ring. "Uuuuhhhhhhh." he moaned. "Does my baby like this ?" Ronnie asked. "Not as much as the real thing but yes." Wayne whispered. Ronnie leaned over while his three fingers were still buried in Wayne's ass and began to lick the leaking precum from Wayne's cock. "Baby be careful. It wont take much." Wayne whispered. Ronnie began to kiss his way up Wayne's body. Once he reached Wayne's lips he began to speed his assault with his fingers on Wayne's ass. Wayne moaned as he tried to kiss Ronnie deeply. Ronnie was on his knees on the floor beside Wayne. He sat back and began to pay more attention to his effort to loosen Wayne's love tunnel.

"Get up here baby. I need some cock in my mouth for a while. " Wayne whispered. Ronnie removed his fingers and went to stand. Wayne slid down on the couch so that Ronnie cold place his knees above his head. "Feed me my dessert baby." Wayne whispered. Ronnie pulled Wayne's knees up as he got on his knees above Wayne's head. Ronnie lowered his body so that the two men were in a sixty nine position. As if it were in rhythm both men moaned as Wayne took the head of the raging cock in his face into his mouth. On the other end at the same moment Ronnie took Wayne's raging cock into his mouth at the same time he slipped three fingers into Wayne's ass.

Both men had been to the edge and back a couple of times. Ronnie stood back up and moved Wayne back to the head of the couch. Sliding a towel under Wayne's hips Ronnie then lifted and parted Wayne's legs with one hand while applying lube to his cock with the other. Moving to lay between Wayne's legs Ronnie began to kiss his way up Wayne's body again. Once he reached his lips Ronnie began to slowly slide his cock inside Wayne. Wayne could barely breath but was not about to break the kiss. Sensing the tension in Wayne's ass Ronnie stopped about half way in giving Wayne time to adjust to the large invasion.

Within a minute or two Ronnie could feel Wayne's ass loosen up and he slid the rest of the way in until he was balls deep. "Damn baby you are so fucking tight. Are you alright ?" Ronnie whispered. "Perfect." Wayne whispered. Ronnie began a slow movement in and out of Wayne's ass. Pulling half way out and then pushing back in to the hilt. Each time he would bottom out in Wayne's ass he would get a grateful gasp from Wayne. After about twenty minutes of slow and passionate love making Wayne whispered in Ronnie's ear. "I want to fulfill one of your fantasies." Wayne whispered. "You are my fantasy baby." Ronnie said. "Another one then. You told me a few years back that one of your fantasies was to watch your cock slide in and out of a hairy ass. " Wayne whispered. "You have a good memory." Ronnie smiled. "Time for your first fantasy." Wayne whispered.

Ronnie slowly pulled his cock out Wayne. Leaving Wayne feeling very empty. Quickly Wayne got up and placed the towel over the back and bottom of the couch. Placing his hands on the back of the couch and poking his ass in the air. "There baby. There is a hairy ass you can watch that beautiful cock of yours tear up." Wayne whispered. Holding onto Wayne's hips Ronnie slowly slid his hard cock up and down the crack of Wayne's ass. Applying a little more lube Ronnie worked his cock up and down the crack to make sure it was good and wet . On one of his strokes upward he hit the mark and his cock head slipped inside Wayne. Sliding in to the hilt. "Holy fuck baby that is so hot and you are still so tight." Ronnie whispered.

Ronnie began to fuck Wayne with a faster rhythm. Pulling completely out and then watching the head and then shaft of his cock disappear in the mass of hair that covered Wayne's ass. "Fuck baby I can't last long like this." Ronnie said. On his third stroke in Wayne leaned back quickly and began to shake. "Oooohh ffffuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkk...... " Wayne screamed as his orgasm began to shake his body and shoot into the towel on the back of the couch. "Fffuuccckkk baby that was hot." Ronnie said as he pulled Wayne to his chest.

One hand on Wayne's chest and one pulling his head around for a passionate kiss. "Uuuuuuugggghhhhhhhhhhh......Aaaaahhhhhhhh.....FFFUUUCCCCCKKKK." Ronnie hollered into Wayne's mouth as he slammed in as deep as he could one last time. Ronnie's body shook and his toes curled as his cock flexed inside his lover and began to fill him with his seed. "Shit baby. I can feel your cock flexing and feel each warm spray deep inside me." Wayne whispered. Just the thought seemed to make Ronnie's orgasm even stronger.

Ronnie fell across Wayne's back still flexing his cock deep inside. Wayne braced the weight of both men with his arms on the back of the couch as Ronnie kissed the hair on Wayne's back and shoulder. "Fuck baby. That was so hot. I hope you know how much I love you. " Ronnie whispered. "I love you too baby. We need to make every night movie night." Wayne whispered. "You got it." Ronnie whispered still trying to come down from his earth shattering orgasm.

"I can't FUCKING believe this. All that fucking effort and I didn't see the faggots face when he saw my gift. I can't be there in the morning but I would love to see his damn face when he sees it." the man began to laugh. Readjusting his crotch as he drove, the man realized the thought of Brian's fear was making him hard. " I wonder what is going through Lee's fucking head right now." the man laughed. "SON OF A BITCH I wanted to see their faces." he thought. "Maybe they will get the fucking idea after this. I will see if Keith comes back home tomorrow alone." the man laughed to himself.

About that time his cell phone rang. "What does that slut want?" he thought. "Hey honey. Sorry I am running late. I should be home in about thirty minutes. Give the kids a kiss and I promise I will make breakfast for them in the morning and let you sleep in." he said. Hurry home sweetie. I love you." the voice said. "Love you too honey. See you in a few." the man said. Turning his phone off and tossing it into the passenger seat. "FUCKING BITCH" he screamed to himself inside his truck. " No more games. Its time to get Keith. I want that sweet ass." the man said.

It was just past midnight. Keith and Brian had just completed what felt like a marathon love making session. Remembering to be quiet since they had a new family member in the house. Keith lay behind Brain still having him fully impaled on his cock. Keith slowly flexed his still fully hard cock inside his lover as he kissed the back of his neck. Suddenly the bedroom door opened. Keith froze. "What's up little man ?" Brian asked. "I had a bad dream. Can I get in bed with you for a little while ?" Josh asked as he looked towards the floor twisting his foot on the floor. He seemed to be ashamed that he had to ask. "Come here little buddy." Brian said as he pulled part of the cover back for Josh to get in bed in front of him.

The naked little boy jumped into bed and cuddled against Brian as the covers got pulled back over him. "Better buddy ?" Brian asked. "Yes daddy." Josh whispered. "Where is my kiss ?" Keith asked. Keith leaned up as Josh did to get a quick kiss leaning over Brian's body. "Uuuhhhh....mmmmm." Brian moaned. "I'm sorry did I hurt you ?' Josh asked. "No baby." Brian whispered. The movement of Josh and Keith, and still being impaled on Keith's hard cock was almost more than Brian could take. Realizing he had to be careful Keith slid his cock out of Brian's ass. "Pop....slush" came the sound. Josh began to laugh. Blushing Brian asked. "What's so funny?" Brain asked.

"You pooted daddy." Josh laughed. "Guess I did buddy...Sorry." Brain said as he pushed Keith with his hand. Keith reached down and realized that his seed was starting to leak out of Brian due to his fast exit. Sliding his cock back inside quickly brought another gasp from Brian. "You alright daddy ?" Josh asked. "Yes baby. Daddy Keith just can't get comfortable and keeps poking me." Brian whispered. "I had to plug up the leak." Keith whispered in Brian's ear. "Daddy Keith you have to stop poking Daddy Brian. " Josh said. "Yes Daddy Keith. You have to stop poking Daddy Brain." Brian laughed. "Alright you guys just go to sleep." Keith laughed.

Settling in with his arm across his lover with his still hard cock buried deep inside and his arm over his lover's side and wrapped around his son's chest Keith felt complete. "I love you baby." Keith whispered. Brian did not answer but did not need to . He took his ass ring and squeezed tightly on the cock still inside him letting Keith know that he loved him too.

Next: Chapter 66

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