Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 8, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 64

Morning came quickly. Josh had a rough night but never woke up. Keith and Brain both took turns holding the little boy to help calm his dreams. The sun was beginning to show through the bedroom blinds when Brian was awakened by little fingers tapping him lightly on his cheek. "Good morning little buddy. Did you sleep good ?" Brian whispered. "I have to potty." Josh said. " Me too little man. Alright little buddy lets be quiet so we don't wake Daddy Keith." Brain said as he lifted Josh and set him on the floor beside the bed.

Brian noticed as he got out of bed that Josh had lost his underwear sometime during the night. Thankful that his boxer briefs somewhat hid his morning wood the man and boy headed to the master bathroom. Brian could only smile to himself as he watched Josh set on the toilet and relieve both his bladder and his bowels. Josh was finished and lowered his head. "What's wrong baby ?" Brian asked. "I am finished but I can't clean myself. I will try to be careful though." Josh whispered. "Baby anytime you need help all you have to do is ask me or Daddy Keith." Brian said as he retrieved some toilet tissue and cleaned Josh.

Leaning over Josh to make sure he was clean Brian got a surprise. Josh lifted his head and kissed Brian on the cheek. No words were spoken but that was thank you enough for Brian. Josh ran back to the bed and crawled back into the covers cuddled against Keith. Brian returned to the bed and slowly got in. Not realizing that Keith was awake Brian tried to settle in beside his new family. Keith reached his arm out and pulled Brian's head to his shoulder. "It wasn't a dream was it baby ? Are you as happy as me ?" Keith whispered. The kiss that Brian gave Keith was awkward due to the small body snuggled in between the two men. "I thought so." Keith said with a smile.

"Are we suppose to fix anything for tonight ?" Paul asked. Bob and Paul were in the nursery. Each one had a baby and were feeding them their morning two ounces of formula. "James said not to bring anything but ourselves and the babies." Bob said. "I wonder how Keith and Brian are doing this morning." Paul said. "I am sure they are fine. It may be a rough day of adjustments though." Bob said. "That poor little boy. I can not begin to imagine what he must have had to live through in his short little life." Paul said. "Well the information that the state gave to me was pretty gruesome." Bob said. "I feel so sorry for him. But I do feel like if anyone can show him love and bring him through this it will be Keith and Brian." Paul said.

"This will be a true test of patience for Keith. He is always wonderful with the kids but he also has that Cop mentality." Bob said. "I have seen him with our babies and especially how he reacts with Alex and Cody so I think the Cop part leaves all together." Paul said. "Yeah he seems to have a glow about him when he is dealing with the kids." Bob said. "Yeah he is a big kid right with them. Poor Brian." Paul said which caused both men to laugh. "Alright daddy. Mine is full and asleep again. You hurry up with yours and meet me in the bedroom. Mama needs some early morning daddy lovin' " Paul said as he stood and placed Addyson in the crib. As he started out of the room he stopped and wiggled his naked ass at Bob and then rubbed both hands over the cheeks. "Don't be long daddy." Paul said as he watched his lover. He could see Bob's cock begin to grow just watching the show.

Lee had woken early. He had dark dreams during the night and was trying to figure out if they meant something. The only realization was that his grandmother had told him that there was a very dark day coming. Cody had woken during the night and Chris had gotten up and spent a couple of hours getting him back to sleep. Finally putting the toddler in their bed both Chris and Cody had been able to fall asleep.

Lee slowly got out of bed and picked up the sleeping toddler and carried him back to his bed. Cody never stirred so Lee was fairly confident that he would sleep for at least another couple of hours. Feeling concerned and sort of numb from his dreams Lee went into the master bathroom. Knowing that he needed to feel close to Chris he cleaned himself well like any good bottom would and took a quick shower to insure total cleanliness. Once good and dry Lee returned to the bed. Sliding in beside Chris it seemed to be automatic that Chris pulled Lee to him still asleep. Rolling Lee to his side Chris spooned behind his lover and held his tight with his nose buried in Lee's neck. Lee dozed for about an hour and was wakened by Chris' hand lightly stroking Lee's morning wood with his nose still buried in Lee's neck.

"Morning sexy." Chris whispered. "Morning. Thank you for taking care of Cody last night." Lee whispered. "He's mine too remember." Chris said as he squeezed Lee's cock. "Yes and that's your too." Lee laughed. "Better be all mine. And this too. " Chris whispered and he slid his morning hard on in between Lee's ass cheeks. "That too baby." Lee whispered. Chris moved and turned Lee on his back and began a slow but passionate kiss. The more they kissed the more Lee began to leak precum. Resting on one elbow Chris began to run his hand over his lover's hairy chest. Moving his hand lower he reached Lee's waist line and his fingers found the slick fluid that was gathering on Lee's body.

"It amazes me that I have this affect on you baby." Chris whispered. "Only you lover." Lee whispered. Chris moved so that his body was resting between Lee's parted legs. Chris looked down at Lee. "You have some more dreams ?" Chris whispered. "How did you know ?" Lee asked. "Baby anytime you are restless and I feel like I have to try to hold onto you I find out later it is a dream. You and Cody were both restless at the same time. That concerned me a little." Chris whispered. "Right now baby I need to feel connected and safe. I need you inside me. I need to feel safe." Lee whispered. "That I can do baby." Chris said and moved and began to kiss his way down Lee's body. Knowing that nibbling on Lee's nipples would produce and even heavier flow Chris took his time paying each nipple special attention.

Working his way down Lee's body Chris found the first of his two prizes for the morning. Chris took the tip of Lee's cock into his mouth and sucked on it lightly before releasing it. "Damn baby I don't know how you do it but I could live off this stuff." Chris whispered. Just those words produced another pearl of nectar for Chris on the tip of Lee's dick. "Mmmmm... breakfast for Papa." Chris whispered and he leaned over to retrieve it with the tip of his tongue. Chris then reached over and grabbed a pillow Folding the pillow he placed it under Lee's waist. Lifting Lee's legs and pushing them towards his chest Chris eyes his second prize of the morning. "Mmm come to Papa." Chris whispered.

Lowering his face he began to blow puffs of warm air on Lee's twitching ass ring. Lightly touching it with his tongue made Lee moan and twitch. Spending a little time getting the outer ring good and wet Chris slowly slid his tongue inside of Lee. Lee jolted almost pulling Chris' tongue out. The volume of precum increased tremendously. Chris reached up and began collecting the lubricant and using it to stroke his own raging cock. Once he felt that he had adequate precum applied to his cock and his own saliva applied to Lee's ass Chris moved up and began to kiss Lee as he pressed his raging cock against Lee's ass ring. He barely had to move. "Damn he wants it bad. His ring is reaching out and pulling it inside." Chris thought.

The thought of Lee's body wanting him so bad made his cock even harder. Once the huge mushroom head was inside a very deep and low growl came from inside Lee. "Better baby ?" Chris whispered. "Almost Papa. Almost." Lee whispered. Chris slowly slid the remaining inches inside Lee until he was balls deep. The extra girth at the base of his cock stretched Lee's tight ring even wider. Realizing that he had all of his lover inside him and feeling over full and safe. "Now baby. Much better." Lee whispered. Chris held still except for the movement of his lips and tongue locked into a very deep kiss. Using his toes he pushed every few seconds to make sure that his lover was happily impaled with his cock as deep inside as humanly possible.

Chris began a slow and easy motion moving his hips in and out. Pulling out until only the mushroom head of his cock was still inside Lee and then slowly moving back in until the bottom girth of his cock stretched his lover again. Lee moaned the entire time and Chris just watched his lover wondering what was going through his mind and body to cause such a reaction. After about twenty minutes Chris quickened the pace. For the first time he felt like that Lee's internal muscles were stroking his cock even when he didn't move. It was a new sensation. "Did he really need me inside him this bad ?" Chris thought. Quickening his pace for a couple of minutes Lee arched his head back on the pillow.

'UUuuuuuuu gggggg hhhhhhhhh." Lee almost shouted. Chris had assumed that his lover had shot his load. Not feeling the jerk of Lee's cock between their bodies nor the warmth of Lee shooting Chris maintained his rhythm. Within a couple of minutes of Lee's ass ring squeezing on his cock Chris buried his face in Lee's neck.. "fffuuuuuuuccccckkk.... ooooohhhh shhhhhhhiiiiitttt. " Chris growled and he pushed in for the last time stretching Lee's ass. Chris' body shook and his cock flexed and jerked as it shot a heavy load deep inside Lee. Lee purred just feeling every flex of his lover's cock inside him and the warmth of every spray of seed planted deep inside.

Chris lay his body on Lee with his cock still embedded inside. "Baby I love you so much." Lee whispered. "Ditto baby." Chris whispered. Chris reached one hand down expecting to collect some of Lee's orgasm to taste. Only finding left over precum Chris raised up on his elbows. "Baby you didn't cum. What's wrong ? Was I too quick ?" Chris questioned. "No baby. You are a top. A bottom does not always have to ejaculate to have an orgasm. Its more of a full body thing. " Lee whispered. "You aren't just saying that are you ?" Chris questioned. "No lover. I could not have felt any more pleased even if I had cum." Lee whispered pulling his lover into a deep after sex kiss.

Brian woke to the smell of coffee and bacon cooking. Reaching over he realized that he was in bed alone. Getting out of bed and relieving his bladder again, Brian headed to the kitchen. Keith stood at the stove still naked with a naked four or five year old standing on a stool beside him. Brian smiled at the site. He walked up behind Keith and reached one arm around his stomach. With the other hand he reached over and roughed Josh's hair. "Ah. Morning sleepy head. " Keith said and turned his head from the stove for a quick kiss. "Morning daddy." Brian whispered.

He could not see the smile on Keith's face but he could feel it in all the muscles on Keith's body. "Daddy Keith said I could have Mickey Mouse pancakes." Josh whispered. "Is that what that is ?" Brian laughed. "Hey." Keith laughed. Josh reached up and tugged on Keith's arm. Keith leaned over and Josh whispered in his ear. "Daddy Brian has on underwear. Why is he not a member of the big boys club.?" Josh whispered. Keith just laughed. "I can fix that in just a minute buddy." Keith said. "What ?" Brain asked. Keith lay down the utensils and turned to face Brian. With a smile on his face he quickly reached down and snatched Brian's underwear down to his ankles. Brian's boner sprang free quickly. His cock had began to harden just holding onto his lover. "Better now little buddy ?" Keith asked as he looked at Josh. Josh just looked up at Keith and nodded his head yes. "What was that ?" Brain asked. "Our son wanted to know why you weren't in the big boys club." Keith laughed.

"Alright little man. Help me set the table while Daddy Keith finishes your pancakes. " Brian said. Like a flash Josh was off the stool and standing waiting on instruction. Once at the table Brian gave Josh the forks to put by the plates. Josh came up beside Brian and pulled on his arm. Brian leaned down and picked the little boy up and placed him on his hip. "Daddy Keith's pancakes don't look like Mickey Mouse but don't tell him o.k. ?" Josh whispered. " I wont tell him little buddy." Brian said. "Daddy Keith told me this morning that he loved me. Do you think he does ?" Josh whispered. Brain pulled a chair out from the table and sat down. Taking Josh from his hip and placing him on his lap facing him. "Baby I know Daddy Keith loves you. I love you as much as he does. I hope you believe me. " Brian said. "I do. I have just never had anyone love me. You and Daddy Keith are the first people to tell me you love me." Josh whispered.

Brain pulled the small child up and placed Josh's head on his shoulder. "Baby we will always love you. Please never doubt that." Brian whispered as he held the small boy tight to his chest. Moments later Josh lifted his head and put both hands on each side of Brian's face and quickly kissed Brian on the lips. Keith had been watching from the kitchen wondering what was going on. "Hey, hey. Don't be giving away my sugar." Keith called out. "He can have all he wants. " Brain called back. "I wasn't talking about yours. I was talking about my little man giving his away." Keith said. Josh jumped down and ran into the kitchen. Quickly maneuvering the stool he stood proud and strong with his arms arched back, his eyes closed and his lips puckered. Keith leaned over and kissed Josh on the lips. "That's better." Keith said which brought the biggest grin from Josh they had seen since he stood in the corner of Mrs. Gladys' office.

Not far away James and Kyle lay naked cuddled in James' bed. They had been awake for a few minutes but too comfortable to move. James stroked the hair on Kyle's chest and shoulders with his fingers. "You sleep well sweetie ?" James asked. "I had a couple of rough dreams but went right back to sleep." Kyle whispered. "Are you up for tonight ?" James asked. "Yes but I would be better if you would make love to me." Kyle whispered. "Not until the doctor says we can. I want nothing more than to make love to you the rest of my life baby but not yet." James whispered.

"Well my mouth still works. Can I at least give you a blow job please ?" Kyle begged. "No baby. The first time we have sex will not be sex. I want to make love to you. I don't want just sex with you. I want to be deep inside you and connect on a level that we will never forget. After that if you just want sex we will talk about it. Until then no. Sorry." James said as he leaned over and kissed Kyle on the cheek. "What did I do to deserve a man like you." Kyle said. "Oh no baby. I am the lucky one. No one has ever loved me enough to even call to see if I were alright much less what you did and lost for me." James said. "Well that's all in the past." Kyle said. "The hurt is. The love you showed isn't. Never make light of that. I wont allow it." James said. Kyle slowly turned so that he could at least get the good morning kiss that he wanted.

Chris and Lee got everything together and loaded up to head back to Atlanta. They wanted to get there early enough for the boys to take their naps before going to James and Kyle's for dinner. Lee could not get the dark thoughts out of his mind as he traveled north on the interstate. Both boys had ended up in the vehicle with Lee. Chris would pull up on each side of Lee on the way up the interstate so that the boys could wave out the window at him. About half way there Chris could tell that Lee would not laugh with the boys as they laughed and giggled every time they would see Chris pull up beside them on either side.

The speakers beeped which meant an incoming call. "Hello" Lee said. "Hey babe. You alright up there ?" Chris asked. "Yeah we are fine. Why do you ask ?" Lee said. "Because I can't help but notice every time I pull up beside you guys that you seem to be off somewhere distant. " Chris said. "HEY PAPA." came a shout from Alex from the back seat. "Hey Stinkers." Chris called out. Both boys laughed and looked around to see if Chris was beside them. "I am alright. I am just ready to get to the house." Lee said. "Well when we get there you are going to tell me what's going on.. I love you." Chris said. "I Love you too babe." Lee said.

Moments later the speakers beeped again. "Baby I said I am fine." Lee said. "Glad to hear it but wrong baby." Brian said. The laughter brought Lee back to earth. The rest of the trip Brian talked to Lee about things that had happened and asked how Lee thought they should approach certain things. Lee assured him that the three being naked was not an issue. The only thing that he and Keith would have to remember was that naked or clothed Josh was probably the perfect height to cause issues or pain. "Are you sure that us being naked isn't an issue ?" Brian asked. "Hell I will drop one more off on the way. When I put Cody in the car seat he had shirt, pants, diaper, shoes and socks. I just looked in the mirror and somehow even with all the straps he is down to a diaper. Hell I can't bet it will be on when we get home." Lee laughed. "I guess so." Brian laughed.

"Sweetie please go set down and rest for a while. I don't want you totally exhausted when everyone gets here." James pleaded. "I am fine. These guys have done so much for me. I want things to be perfect. I want them to know how much I appreciate everything." Kyle said. "Baby they already know that. Plus I haven't seen anyone in the group that is a perfectionist except Lee and he has finally given up." James laughed. "Baby please go and lay down for a few minutes. Everything is ready except for a little warming and we have a few hours until they arrive. Remember they are bringing all the kids so you need to be careful." James said. "Alright mother.: Kyle laughed as he started towards the master bedroom to rest. "If that's what it takes." James called out behind him.

Around five p.m. all the men and children began arriving at James' house. Keith and Brian were the last to arrive. They rang the bell and as they stood waiting Josh could hear the talk from inside and also the children's laughter. Keith was totting him on his hip. Josh pushed his head as far into Keith's neck as he could get it even pushing Keith's head to the side. "Its o.k. buddy. You will love all these men just like they will love you." Keith whispered. James opened the door and welcomed them in. Alex spotted the child in Keith's arms from across the room and raced over to greet them. "Hi I'm Alex. Do you want to play with me ?" Alex asked. Josh did not reply so Keith squatted down still holding Josh. Now that Josh was almost eye level with Alex he asked again. "Hi I am Alex. Do you want to play with me ?" Alex asked. With a small truck in his hand he reached out to see if Josh would take it.

"Its o.k. baby. Alex can be your friend. " Keith whispered. "Does he like me Unca Keith ?" Alex asked. "Yes buddy he does. He is just a little shy." Keith said. "I was shy once ?" Alex said. "You were. I don't remember that ?" Keith laughed. "I was Unca Keith I promise." Alex said. Josh relaxed enough to step down and stand beside Keith. He then looked up at Brian as if asking permission to play. Brain leaned over and kissed Josh on the head. "Go play if you want to buddy. We are not going anywhere. Me and Daddy Keith will be right here." Brian said. Josh took a step away from Keith and Alex grabbed him by the hand and headed to the small pile of toys.

Lee and Paul were in the kitchen with Kyle trying to help in any way. Kyle tried to get them to join the rest of the men but they would not hear of it. Brian had tried to join them but if either he or Keith got out of Josh's eye sight he would run and look for them. Seeing that he was finally comfortable playing with Alex and Cody he felt it best to stay in sight. "You look stressed Kyle. Why don't you go set down and let us finish." Paul said. "I am fine. Its not that. I have a lot on my mind." Kyle said. "Is everything good between you and James ?" Lee asked.

"Oh that is almost perfect. The problem is that I am getting better. I have to find a job. No one is going to hire me when my resume shows a year being homeless and I have to explain almost two years. " Kyle said. "You just worry about getting well. You have enough friends in this room and the other room. We will find you something. " Lee said. "I can't ask you to do that. I have to do this on my own." Kyle said. "Who knows Kyle. There may just be the perfect job out there waiting on you to get well." Paul said. "Thank you for being so kind but I know this wont be easy. I have to go to work to buy a vehicle so that I can go to work. That will be a good trick." Kyle said. "Well you enjoy this evening and then you can think about all of that tomorrow." Lee said.

All the men and older children were at the table. Josh watched closely to see what Keith put on his plate. If Keith put it on his plate then Josh had to have some too. The men chatted while they ate. Ronnie and Wayne talked about their few days in Seattle. All the men were laughing and joking. The food was fantastic and you could see the pride on Kyle's face. I would guess that they were about half way through the meal when the men began telling stories about each other. At one point someone made a comment about Chris in his earlier days and someone at the table not only laughed out loud but clapped their hands once.

Josh bolted. The chair hit the floor backwards and Josh hit his head on the floor but he began to crawl as fast as he could to the nearest corner. Keith and Brian both jumped. "Let me." Lee said. Keith could barely hold still wanting to get to Josh. "Keith, Brain. Let me go to him." Lee said. Lee got up as the men watched and walked over and sat down on the floor beside Josh. "Josh buddy. This is Uncle Lee. I am Alex and Cody's daddy remember ?" Lee said. Josh nodded lightly still facing the wall. "You know I love you too just like your Daddy Keith and Daddy Brian ?" Lee said. "You do ?" Josh asked. "Yes baby I do. Do you want me to hold you until you feel better ?" Lee asked. Josh pulled himself out of the corner and climbed into Lee's lap and hid his face in Lee's neck. Lee motioned for Chris to come over.

Before Chris could get to them Alex had gotten down and came over and sat on Lee's knee and had his hand on Josh's back. "Josh baby. This is Uncle Chris. He is Alex and Cody's other daddy. You remember meeting him ?" Lee asked. Josh looked up just enough to see who Chris was. "Umhum." Josh whispered. Lee mouthed the words "I love you" to Chris while pointing to Josh. Chris sat down beside Lee. "Josh. I'm Uncle Chris. Did you know that I love you too ?" Chris asked. Josh settled some and turned so that he could look at Chris. "You do ?" Josh asked. "Yes little buddy. Me and Uncle Lee love you very much. Alex and Cody do too." Chris said. "They do ?" Josh said. "Yes we all do. Can you do me a favor ?" Chris asked. Josh just nodded "yes." "Little buddy I am sorry that you got scared at the table. That was not suppose to happen. Can you come give me a hug and a kiss and let me know that you are alright." Chris said. Josh slowly moved his arms over so that he could pull himself to Chris. Once in Chris' lap Josh hugged him tightly and then leaned back placing a hand on each side of Chris' face he leaned in with a little boy kiss. "That was the best kiss I have had all day." Chris whispered. "My daddy Keith said that too." Josh whispered. "Your Daddy Keith is a smart man." Chris added.

Keith and Chris had settled seeing that Josh was not stressed. Josh lay his head back on Chris' shoulder and began to cry. "Its alright buddy. Its nothing to cry about." Chris whispered. "We need a change of clothes." Chris whispered. "Alex baby can you go get me Josh's back pack over by the door ?" Lee asked. "Don't worry little buddy. Uncle Chris and Uncle Lee will fix you right up. So please don't cry." Chris said. "I didn't mean too." Josh whispered. "I know baby. But its alright. You did nothing wrong." Lee whispered. When Alex returned with the back pack Keith and Brain knew exactly what was wrong. Brian went to get up from the table. "Oh no you don't daddy Brian. I promised Josh that Uncle Chris and Uncle Lee would handle this. " Chris said.

In the bath room Josh hung his head in shame. "What's wrong little man ?" Chris asked. "Please don't hit me. PLEASE." Josh cried. Chris had stood Josh on the sink counter to change him. Chris pulled the child to his chest. "Baby no one is going to hit you. We are just going to help you clean up and then you and Alex can play some more." Chris said. "Can I ?" Josh whispered. "Only if I get another one of those hugs and kisses." Chris said. Josh hugged him tighter and had no hesitation in giving Chris a kiss this time. "You know I love you little man." Chris said. "I love you too Uncle Chris and Uncle Lee." Josh said. "Alright little buddy lets get back in there and see if you and Alex can both make a happy plate." Lee said. Back at the table Josh was only comfortable setting in either Keith or Brian's laps. The events of the night had curbed his appetite and he was not interested in much more to eat. At one point Josh ended up in Chris' lap and they shared a dessert.

The three boys were settled in the den watching cartoons and eating popcorn while the men sat at the table. Keith had moved his chair so that Josh could keep and eye on him. The men all praised Keith and Brian for what they were doing and had gone through with Josh. "I never thought that when we left to go up there that we could come back a family. But its been the best couple of days of our lives." Keith said. "Well Bob if you brought what I asked you too I think we have an announcement to make." Lee said.

Bob got up from the table and went and got a large brown envelope and handed it to Lee. "Kyle this group of your friends got together while you were in the hospital. We wanted to do something special and it took a lot of thought and a great deal of effort but we came up with a plan." Lee said. "You all have done so much and if that is money I will absolutely refuse it." Kyle said. "Well this isn't money. Not really but it is a job." Lee said. "Open the envelope Kyle and then we will explain." Paul said. Kyle opened the envelope and pulled out the papers.


no one refused and no one leaves hungry

Atlanta's LGBT community effort to end hunger in Atlanta's homeless

The cover sheet read. "What is this ?" Kyle asked. Lee began to explain that after he had evicted the tenants in his restaurant down town that he was not sure what he wanted to do with the building. Between Bob's legal and Chris' architecture work that they had set up a non profit organization to feed as many homeless in Atlanta as they could. Lee and Chris had donated the rent on the building and other friends had donated money for renovation. They had vendors that agreed to donations and also deep discounts on food to help the cause. Kyle was the inspiration for all of this and with his permission they would like to name it Kyle's kitchen. The work had begun and they hoped to be able to open it just after the first of the year. They also had all proposed that Kyle run the operation. It would come with a small salary but would also give him free time.

Kyle sat there staring at the papers. The men were silent and watched. "Say something baby." James said. "Did you know about this ?" Kyle asked. "Not until you did. But I think its great." James said. "You all have done too much already. This is far too much." Kyle said with tears in his eyes. "Don't you want to help the homeless ?" Wayne asked. "More than anything. But this is too much." Kyle said. "Well I have talked to some doctor friends and their vendors. I have also talked to all of our friends in and out of the gay community here and since the building will be ready by Christmas we are having a fund raiser there on New Years Eve. It will be the week before it opens." Ronnie said. "Sounds like you need to get well quick buddy." Keith laughed. Kyle sat there quietly with tears running down his cheek. "What are you thinking baby ?" James asked. "Am I really going to get to help ?" Kyle whispered. "Its all up to you. But they have offered this so if I were you I would take it." James said. Kyle looked up at the group of men. Not able to really speak all he could do was mouth the words. "Thank You."

"I wonder how the faggot will like his little gift when he gets home. While I am at it I need to leave Lee a little welcome back to Atlanta gift too." the man thought. As he crossed the road in the dark headed back to his truck. "I have enough time to get to Lee's and leave him one but I need to hurry. I want to be back in time to see the look on that stupid little faggots face when he sees what's waiting for him." Starting his truck up he headed towards Lee and Chris'. "I have to be careful not to be seen over there in case some of Lee's goons are around." he thought. "This will put the fear of God in them and send all their asses packing." the man laughed to himself.

Next: Chapter 65

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