Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 26, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 62

Back inside the house Lee began to calm down a little. "I appreciate you coming Mom but I could have handled this." Lee said. "I am sure son that you and Chris could handle it. Hopefully its just a sick prank but it never hurts for the Sheriff to see that he is dealing with more than just one in this family." Mrs. Ruth said. "It seems like I have brought a lot of drama to your family." Chris said. "Nonsense. I have to admit it has been a little more exciting but this is not your fault." she said. "No we can find enough drama on our own. Believe me." Lee laughed.

"Is it always this busy ?" Chris asked. "Not usually but it has been good though. We find out where our weakness is in our security when things like this happen. I had rather these small things happen to keep them on their toes and earn their pay than to have something major happen and we realize too late that where the weak links are." she said. "Well I feel like I need to help pay for this stuff. I am sure since the boys and I got here your costs have gone up tremendously." Chris said. "It hasn't cost me anymore." Mrs. Ruth said. "The grocery bill is higher is all for me." Lee said. "Chris even if it did cost me more. These babies and you two are more important to me than money. Besides it is just setting there. I can't take it with me so I might as well make it work. I had to work hard for it so its about time it started paying me back." she laughed.

A small white compact car pulled up in the drive at Keith and Brian's. Keith answered the door and was greeted by a young man that was not huge but still well built. "Hi, Can I help you ?" Keith asked. The young man introduced himself as part of Lee's security team. "I thought you all drove big black SUV's" Keith said. "Well sir you are being watched apparently and if I can come in I will explain a little more." the young man said. "Stop being so rude Keith. Please come in and make yourself at home. Can I get you something to drink ?" Brian asked. "I am fine sir but thanks." the young man said.

Once inside with the door closed the young man pulled his security ID out to show to Keith. "I told Lee that I would handle this and if I needed help I would let him know." Keith said with a little anger in his voice. "Well sir this has escalated. There was a threat on Mr. Lee and his two sons today." the young man said. "Oh my" Brian gasped. "What happened ?" Keith asked. The young man explained what happened and told them he was sent there to explain what the security team planned to do. They were not going to leave Keith's investigators out of it but they wanted to be notified of any other situations first. He also stressed the point that no one was to know that they had been contacted at all and especially that they were contacted first.

"Our guys are good guys." Keith said. "We know that sir. But for us to do our jobs we need to stay under the radar. Everyone's radar. As you know a judge does not always condone everything necessary for us to get results." the young man said. "What about my boss?" Keith asked. "My understanding is that he met with Mr. Lee, Mr. Chris, and Mrs. Ruth this evening and has agreed to the terms as long as he and only he is kept informed of any progress." the young man said. Brian sat there shocked. Even though it was not normal for the threats, he had felt until this point that it was just a bad joke from one of Keith's or even his friends.

Ronnie and Wayne finally emerged from the hotel room and had decided to go out for dinner. The night was chilly but not cold so a light jacket or sweater was all that was needed. "Where do you want to go baby ?" Ronnie asked "Lets just go somewhere close that we can walk too." Wayne said. Both men entered the elevator and started to the lobby. Ronnie leaned over and kissed Wayne passionately. "They may have camera's in this elevator." Wayne said. "Are you ashamed of me ?" Ronnie asked. "Not at all." Wayne said. "Then let them enjoy the show." Ronnie laughed.

Exiting the elevator Ronnie reached out and took Wayne's hand and walked towards the reception desk. "How may I help you sirs ?" the young lady asked. Ronnie explained that they were looking for a nice but quiet and romantic restaurant that was in walking distance. The young lady gave them a couple of options. She also told them there was one in particular but she was not suppose to recommend. Ronnie thanked her and handed her a twenty dollar bill. "Sir you don't need to tip me for information." she said. "If this dinner goes as planned it is well worth more than the twenty." Ronnie laughed. As they exited to the sidewalk Wayne looked at Ronnie. "What did you mean by that ?" Wayne asked. "Oh nothing much. You made me leave your room and if the dinner goes well and you let me back in then it was worth it." Ronnie said. Wayne just smiled and snuggled closer to Ronnie as they made their way down the sidewalk.

The men entered the quaint little eatery. The hostess looked at them with a concerned look since they were holding hands. "Can I help you sir ?" she asked. "Yes we would like a nice quiet table for two." Ronnie said. The young girl seemed to scan her table chart and then began to scan it again. The restaurant was only half full so a table was not an issue. The manager noticed the two men just standing there and walked up to the hostess station. "Good evening sirs. Is everything alright ?" he asked. "We were just waiting for a nice quiet table for two." Ronnie explained. The manager pulled two menus from the holder. "Follow me. I have the perfect table." he said.

Once they were seated and the manager offered them each a complimentary glass of wine he returned to the hostess desk. "What the hell is your problem ?" he asked the girl. "Did you see them ? They were holding hands." she said. "So ?" the manager asked. "That's gross." she said. "We have gay customers come in all the time. What was so different ?" he asked. "The others are just gay. These two were holding hands." she said. "Well I have seen you holding hands with your boyfriend." the manager said. "Yes. He loves me and we make a cute couple." she said. "Too me they are a cuter couple than you and your boyfriend." the manager said.

"Ewww.. gross.. You can't mean that." she said. "They know what love really is. All you know is that you want the other girls to envy you. So yes they are a real couple. " the manager said. "Not in my opinion." she said. "Well I don't pay you for your opinion. I pay you to do a job. One more incident like this and you will be spending even more time with your boyfriend because you will no longer be working here." he said. The young girl just rolled her eyes at him. "And by the way. Because of your actions I gave them both a glass of our best wine and I will be deducting it from your paycheck." he said as he walked away.

At Lee's house the boys had been bathed and put to bed. The lights were out and the house locked up except in the master bedroom area. Chris came out of the master bathroom naked toweling his hair dry. "Mmmmmm." Lee moaned. Chris stood there and smiled. "See something you like ?" Chris asked. "I just see the sexiest man alive." Lee said. "You looking in a mirror ?" Chris asked. "O.k. lets call it a draw then." Lee said. Chris sensed that the stress from the day had really gotten to Lee. Lee has taken his shower earlier and was under the covers. Chris walked over and pulled the sheets back and looked at Lee's naked body. "Now that is one hot body." Chris said. "Your sweet and I love you." Lee laughed. Chris dropped the towel and slid into bed beside Lee.

Laying his arm out and pulling Lee's head to rest on his chest. "Baby you know that men with zero body fat and eight pack abs don't interest me." Chris whispered as he kissed Lee on the top of his head. "Well these twenty or so extra pounds can't be appealing." Lee whispered. "They are to me. I don't want you to change a thing except to become my husband." Chris said. "I am sorry baby. I know we were going to discuss that tonight and set a date. I promise I was not trying to avoid it." Lee said. "I know baby. Life took precedence so we will start on the wedding tomorrow." Chris said. "Thank you for understanding. I really would love for you to make love to me but I am afraid I would disappoint you." Lee whispered. "You could never disappoint me baby but I think we both need rest instead of sex." Chris whispered as he lightly kissed Lee on the top of the head again.

Lee turned his head to receive a real kiss. "Alright. Get comfortable baby so I can wrap my arms around my future husband and get some sleep." Chris whispered. The two men moved into position with Lee on his right side and Chris spooned behind him pulling their bodies together almost as one. Lee moved around slightly as if he were still trying to get comfortable. "You alright baby ?" Chris asked. Lee reached back and lifted his left ass cheek and moved his fingers around so that he had Chris' semi hard cock nestled in between his ass cheeks. "Perfect now baby. Goodnight. I love you." Lee said. Chris moved his hips and slowly moved his cock up and down the crack of Lee's ass to make sure it was securely in place. "I love you too baby." Chris said.

Bob had spent the last three hours trying to calm a fussy Addyson. Its not known if a baby with gas is more stress on the baby or the parent. Bob had finally gotten her to sleep and was setting in the recliner in the bedroom. Paul had checked on the babies and had came back into the bedroom. Bob had dozed off in the chair. Paul looked at his lover and noticed that Bob's cock and balls were sneaking out of the side of his jogging shorts. Paul removed his shorts and walked closer to Bob. Getting on his knees he crawled closer and reached his tongue out and lightly stroked Bob's bull balls with his tongue. Bob moved a little in the chair but still not awake. Paul leaned further and lightly took the tip of Bobs cock with his tongue and moved it so that he could take it into his mouth.

It was rare that Paul was able to catch Bob flaccid and be able to take his cock into his mouth so that he could feel it grow to its full strength. Paul almost shot his load feeling every beat of Bob's heart through his cock in his mouth. With every heart beat the massive cock got longer and wider until it was at full mass. Not realizing that Bob had woken up Paul began to move slowly up and down the heavily veined shaft with his tongue. Bob licked one of his fingers and leaned forward and as Paul started down on his shaft getting closer to his throat Bob inserted a finger quickly up Paul's ass. "MMMMMMMM." Paul moaned as the action cause him to deep throat his lover. "Too much moaning baby and this will be over way to quick." Bob whispered. Bob pulled his finger out and shoved it back in almost as quickly adding another finger as he entered. Another moan came from Paul. "Ah I found my babies love nut huh ?" Bob whispered. Paul reluctantly released Bob's cock from his mouth but knowing his lover was awake he could not resist Bob's lips. Without a word Paul raised up and leaned forward so that their lips could meet.

Both men seemed to get even more intense. It was if the passionate kiss had put everything into fast forward. Paul had one hand stroking Bob's cock while Bob's fingers dug for gold inside Paul's ass. Their tongues battled for superiority until Bob broke the kiss. Paul was still on his knees in front of Bob. "Ggggrrrrr." Bob growled as he pulled Paul up and pulled him forward. Bob was pulling Paul's legs so that they straddled the arm rests of the recliner. Bob pulled Paul's chest to his face with one arm tightly around Paul. The other hand he used to furiously finger fuck Paul trying to get him as loose as possible. Removing his fingers from Paul's ass Bob aimed his raging cock at the loosened entrance.

Loosening his grip on Paul, Bob began to lower his lover down onto his cock. When the massive mushroom head broke through Paul gasped loudly and looked down at his lover. "It is so fucking hot to watch your face as you ass takes my cock baby." Bob whispered. Moments later Paul was fully impaled with his legs still straddling the recliner arms. In this position Bob had complete control of how fast Paul raise and lowered his body. Using both hands on Paul's waist, Bob would raise and lower Paul on his pole. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow but always amazed at how Paul's body would shutter every time the mushroom head passed Paul's prostrate.

This continued for about ten minutes or so when Bob reached his arms under Paul's knees. "Hold onto my neck baby." Bob whispered as he stood from the chair with Paul still fully impaled. The second step toward the bed cause Paul to slide further down being completely balls deep on his lover. "AAAAhhhh ssshhhhiiiiiiittttttt... ffffuuuuuuuucccccc." Paul screamed out as his dick flexed between the two men and began to unload his cum in between the two men's bodies. Bob almost lost his balance trying to hold Paul's vibrating body. The extreme pressure on his cock from Paul's ass ring squeezing his cock during each blast of Paul's orgasm was pushing Bob over the edge. Quickly laying Paul on his back on the bed the second forceful jab of his enraged cock into his lover was all it took.

"UUuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhh." came a deep growl from deep inside Bob as his cock began to flex and unload deep inside Paul. Both men's bodies still shook with sensitivity as they tried to regain their breath from their orgasms. "Baby I never thought sex could be any better but it has been absolutely amazing since we got married." Paul whispered. "I thought it might have just been me baby. But I have never cum so strong in all my life until you said I do. Each time it is earth shattering." Bob said as he leaned forward to kiss his lover keeping his cock buried deep inside.

Keith and Paul were cuddled on the couch watching television. Both men naked as normal seemed to be watching the show except for the stray hand that would trace along each other's body. It was as if they were not consciously doing it. It just seemed natural. "What cha thinking lover?" Brian asked as he looked up at Keith. "Just frustrated baby that's all." Keith said. "Frustrated ?" Keith asked. "Well you know all this crap going on. I just wish people would leave us the fuck alone and let us live our lives." Keith said. "I am not worried. Between you and Lee's people you will get to the bottom of this." Brian said. "Oh I will get to the bottom of it and someone will pay dearly." Keith said.

"Is that all that's on your mind ?" Brian asked. "Don't worry about the rest." Keith said. "Look. We are a team. No secrets remember ?" Brian said. "I am just concerned. I am afraid that you are thinking there is something to this and you don't trust me is all." Keith said. "Baby we can't control the actions of others. Especially those with mental issues. I assure you that I am not worried that you are cheating. You tell me you love me and I believe you. I am not scared physically either because I have you to protect me. So please don't let your fear of me leaving or breaking up with you be an issue. Focus on getting this bastard. " Brian said. "You know you amaze me. I love you so much. Come here. Ass wrecker needs a kiss." Keith said as he pulled Brian into his lap.

The dinner was perfect in Ronnie's opinion. The table was fairly remote but not stuck back in a corner away from the rest of the patrons. The wine was perfect and the steaks with all their trimmings were almost perfection. Ronnie and Wayne carried on a light hearted conversation during the meal. Neither wanted dessert but sat after the table was cleared to enjoy the remainder of their wine. Ronnie took every chance he could to look into Wayne's eyes trying to look for any trace of concern. As they exited the restaurant they thanked the manager for an amazing evening.

As they walked arm in arm back towards the Hotel they just seemed to soak in the atmosphere. "What's going through that beautiful head of yours ?" Ronnie asked. "Just thinking of how amazing this whole day has been. I want to thank you for that." Wayne said. "Well the day is not over yet." Ronnie whispered. "I know. This has just been so much and so fast. I am still trying to wrap my head around it." Wayne said. "Baby this is real and I plan to spend the rest of my life if you will let me just proving how much I love you." Ronnie said. Wayne stopped which cause Ronnie to stop too. Wayne turned Ronnie to face him and leaned up and lightly kissed Ronnie on the lips. "I thought you were concerned someone would say something." Ronnie said. "I don't care about them. I want the world to know." Wayne said as he kissed Ronnie once again and then took his arm and began their walk again down the city sidewalk towards the Hotel.

Morning came early for Keith and Brian. Keith needed to go to the office but wanted to get Brian's vehicle situated before he left. They took Keith's truck to the parking deck to wait for the tow truck. As they started down the aisle towards the vehicle Brian reached quickly and grabbed Keith's arm and gasped. "Holy Fuck" Keith whispered. Keith pulled the card from his pocket and quickly called the number the young man had given him the night before. Keith explained what he was seeing and the person on the other end told him not to touch anything that they would have someone there in a couple of minutes.

Brian was out of the truck and walking around his car. All the windows were busted out. The body looked like it was beaten with a ball bat and "I warned you faggot" was spray painted all over the car. Tears rolled down Brian's cheeks as he walked around the car looking. As he looked into the driver's window he saw pictures strewn all over the front of the car. As he started to reach in Keith called out. "Baby they said don't touch anything." Brian motioned for Keith to come and see what he saw. "They will be here shortly baby and we can get a closer look. Please come back to the truck and set down." Keith begged. As he walked Brian back to the truck he could feel the weakness in Brian's knees. "Here call your boss. Tell him you wont be in today." Keith said. "I can't do that." Brian said. "Well I will then. You are not getting out of my sight today. Got it ?" Keith barked. Keith took Brian's phone and found the number. Explaining what had happened Brian's boss asked Keith to get Brian to check his emails for any important stuff but to take all the time he needed. He didn't need Brian hurt. Keith thanked him for understanding and promised to keep him updated.

It seemed like an eternity when it had only been about five minutes, one of the black SUV's pulled up behind Brian's car. Keith made Brian stay in the truck while he went and met with the security team. One of the security team sifted through the pictures in the car and after keeping one for comparison, handed the others to Keith. Brian watched carefully as he saw Keith flipping through the pictures. Keith had stepped to one side of the car and sank to his knees looking at the pictures. Brian tried desperately to get out of the seatbelt and get the door unlocked to get out. The child safety lock system must have been engaged because no matter how hard he tried and every button he mashed the door would not unlock. The tow truck had arrived and the security men were giving them instructions.

Keith stood to his feet and walked towards the truck. He could see that Brian was totally stressed out and had his hands over his face crying. As Keith got into the truck he reached over and pulled Brian into his arms as best he could. "Its alright baby. Everything is alright." Keith whispered. Brian pushed back. "No its not I couldn't get the damn door open to get to you. I was trapped." Brian shouted. "Calm down baby. " Keith said as he released Brian and opened the truck door. He looked around the back side of the door and flipped a switch. "Try it now baby. I guess they had the child safety set from the factory." Keith said. Brain reached over and the door opened. Looking back at Keith as he climbed into the truck. "Better now baby ?" Keith asked.

"What were you looking at ?" Brain asked. "What do you mean ?" Keith asked. "Let me see the pictures in your pocket." Brian said. "What pictures ?" Keith asked. "No secrets remember." Brian said. "Damn. Baby please don't let them upset you. Remember I am right here beside you." Keith said. Keith handed the pictures to Brian. Brian could barely breath as he went picture by picture. The first picture was a close up of Keith's dick sliding deep in Brian's ass. Brian's image in the pic had a big black "X" drawn on it. The next picture was of Brian with his legs wrapped around Keith and you could see Keith's cock was inside of Brian. There was a heart drawn over Keith's ass and Brian's body had another "X" marked over it. The rest of the pictures were similar but at different positions. Brian looked over at Keith who had turned his head to look out his window. Brian reached over and took Keith under the chin and pulled him around so that they were facing each other. He could see the tears rolling down Keith's cheeks.

Looking at his lover for a minute he tried to get Keith to look at him. "Look at me baby." Brian said. Keith looked up at Brian as if he had just lost his best friend. "Do you see any black ink on my face baby ?" Brian asked. "No." Keith said. "Well you were the last to see my ass this morning just after you filled it up in the shower and I got dressed. Was there any black ink then ?" Brian continues. "No . but..." Keith started. "But nothing. That is just a car. It can be replaced. You and I are here together and we are both safe. We are fine baby." Brian said. "I will teach this mother fucker something when I get my hands on him." Keith growled. "Baby as long as you don't get taken away from me and put in jail you can do anything you want. But for now lets focus on us. You may be a daddy soon, remember ?" Brian said.

"How do you do that ?" Keith asked. "Do what ?" Brain asked. "Know exactly what to say to bring me back down to earth." Keith said with a smile. "I don't know. Its easy with you. Now lets go pay the attendant so they can get my car out of here. I don't want to stay here any longer." Brian said. Keith started the truck and pulled up to the security people. They assured them they did not need them anymore and would contact Brain about his car. Thinking they were headed home Brain sat back in the seat with his arm looped under Keith's on the console. Keith got on the interstate headed south. "Where are we going ?" Brain asked. "I have to go to the office and if you do have to be out of my sight for a minute or two you are going to be at Lee's where I know you are safe." Keith said. "Isn't that a little bit of over kill." Brian said. Seeing the look in Keith's eyes as he turned to look at him. "O.k. . Whatever you say sweetheart." Brain said as he slid over far enough to try to lean his head on Keith's shoulder.

"Morning sexy. Hopefully this time tomorrow I will be loading you up and taking you home with me." James said. Kyle smiled as he saw James coming in the room. With some of the wires removed Kyle was able to talk a little now. "Are you sure James ?" Kyle whispered. "Well if you aren't going home with me then I am going home with you wherever you decide to go. So you tell me." James laughed. "Are you really sure ?" Kyle asked. "I am more than sure. And I promise I will never give you the excuse to do to my car what happened to some poor slob in the parking deck." James said. "What are you talking about ?" Kyle asked. "Not sure what happened. Apparently some guy either cheated on his partner or broke up with some psycho. All the windows were busted out and the car was beaten up and spray painted. All the tires were slashed too." James said. "That's too much effort. I would just strike a match to it." Kyle laughed. "I will remember that." James laughed.

Next: Chapter 63

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