Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 22, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 61

The doctor had made his rounds and checked in James again. "It looks like you may be able to go home in a couple of days." the doctor said. "You will have to take it easy and you wont be able to be alone for very long at a time. You will be very weak and will need help to bathe but I think that you will heal quicker and rest better at home." he added. The doctor left the room and the tears began to fall. "What's wrong little brother ?" Debra asked. Kyle picked up his pen and wrote "Home ??" "Yes little brother you may get out of here in a couple of days." Debra said. The tears got even stronger. "But home ? I have no home." Kyle wrote.

"Calm down Kyle. James said that you were going to his house but if you are not comfortable there you are coming home with me." Debra said. "I love you Sis but you know going to your house is not an option." Kyle wrote. "You let me worry about that. If that needs to happen then it will." Debra said. James entered the room. "Hello sexy. How are you this evening." James said. "Shhh" Kyle wrote on the board and handed it to Debra. Debra just smiled and started a conversation with James about his day. "I am taking Debra down stairs to buy here dinner. Do you mind if I borrow her for a few minutes ?" James asked. "Please take her" Kyle wrote and then smiled. "Watch it little brother." Debra said and laughed. James knew that until Kyle spent all his money on him that he had been financially helping Debra. Knowing that the cost of coming to see Kyle was an even bigger burden, James wanted to do what he could without just handing her money. He knew she would never accept it so providing a meal would not offend her.

Once in the cafeteria James and Debra sat at a small table with their food. "Can I ask you a question?" James asked. "Sure." Debra said. "You may not be able to tell me but I saw what Kyle wrote on his board as I was walking in. Can I ask what that was about ?" James asked. Debra ran her fork through the coleslaw on her tray for a moment and then lay it down and sat back in her chair. "James I really like you. I didn't know you before this. I just knew your name. I will be honest. I hated you for a couple of years. The doctor came in today and said that they may let Kyle go home in a couple of days." Debra said. "That's WONDERFUL." James almost shouted. "Well it hit Kyle hard. He wrote at first that he had no home to go to. He cried for a while and I could tell it was concern about his future. I told him that you had said that he was going to your house." Debra said. "He wont have a choice." James said.

"I understand and appreciate that but you have to realize. Kyle can not just put the last couple of years behind him as if they didn't happen. Kyle had to dig deep inside himself to find the strength to survive on the streets. He can't just tell himself that part of his life is behind him. This is going to be a slow process. I hope you have the patience to deal with it. " Debra said. "Debra. I love your brother with all my heart. I will be as patient as needed and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to him." James said. "Listen carefully. You can not tell him that you are planning to make it up to him. I know my brother. He is a very proud man and he will walk away. The only thing you can do is be patient with him and prove to him that you want him there and that you are not doing anything for him out of guilt. " Debra said.

"But I want him to know that I owe him so much and plan to do everything in my power to make it up to him." James said. "Well if you go at this with that attitude you will loose him I guarantee." Debra said. "What should I do ?" James asked. "If you love him as much as you say you do then you just need to be patient. There will be a lot of anxiety. I know he trusts you but you are going to have to gain the trust from him that you are not doing this out of pity. No matter how stressed you get never tell him that you owe him anything. If you do you will loose him. And after all of this you will loose him for good." Debra said. "Do I have your support ?" James asked. "My brother has my support and if you love him as much as you say you do then you will have mine too." Debra said.

Chris and Lee were still on the porch when the Sheriff arrived. As the Sheriff walked up he could already tell that his conversation with Lee would for the most part would be one sided. "Hello Lee, hello Chris. What can I do for you ?" the Sheriff asked. Chris handed both the note and the picture to the Sheriff. The Sheriff read the note and pulled his cell phone out. "What are you doing ?" Lee asked. "I have an investigator on this I am calling him." the Sheriff said. "No hell you are not." Lee said. "I need to give this to him. He needs to know everything if he is going to help." the Sheriff said. "I was not getting involved until now." Lee said. "You need to let us try to handle this. Do you have any idea who it is ?" the Sheriff asked. "No but I guarantee you I will know before you do." Lee said.

"Lee you need to let my department handle this. We have to be careful that everything we collect is admissible in court." the Sheriff said. Lee turned and looked sternly at the Sheriff. "You worry about admissible stuff. I will worry about stopping this." Lee said. "You know I didn't mean it that way." the Sheriff said. "NO mother fucker is going to step up in my face and threaten me or my family. I WILL handle this and leave you the left overs." Lee said. "Chris can you help me out here?" the Sheriff said. "You have to be kidding right ? Someone just threatened the three men in my life that I love more than life itself. They better hope I don't find them first." Chris said.

"Guys you have to be careful." the Sheriff said. "You must not remember who you are talking to. I don't hire amateurs." Lee said. "Yes and some of your people don't work inside the letter of the law." the Sheriff said. "Have you ever had the opportunity to arrest one of them ?" Lee asked. "Well no." the Sheriff started. "Enough said." Lee commented interrupting the Sheriff. About that time the men saw a white Town car and a black SUV turning in the drive. "I am going to kick Dean's ass." Lee said. "No you aren't babe. He is in a bad situation. You can't blame him." Chris said.

Moments later a small elderly lady dressed to impress stepped out of her car and headed to the porch. "Hello gentlemen." Mrs. Ruth said. The men greeted her. Both Lee and Chris received a hug and a kiss from the small lady. "Sheriff I trust you are here on business." she asked. " Yes Mam." he said. "Good. Well so am I ." she said. "I need to call the investigator out here." the Sheriff said. " All in due time." Mrs. Ruth said. She turned and motioned for the men that had followed her to come up on the porch and examine the note, picture and the flowers. "As for you son. Its a good thing that Dean is more afraid of me than he is you." Mrs. Ruth said.

"I told him that Dean really had no choice." Chris said. "You are a good man Chris. It will do you well to take a lesson from Dean also." she said with a smile. The men from the SUV were examining everything and taking small samples. "I guess you men are capable of handling this from this point. Come with me Chris. I have grandchildren to see." Mrs. Ruth said as she took his arm and headed in the door. "MEMAW" came a scream from Alex as you could hear him running full force towards the door. Lee, the Sheriff and the men were still on the porch. "We have all we need Mr. Lee. What are your instruction ?" one man asked. "Anything that you find you are too contact the Sheriff and him alone. You do not discuss anything with any investigator or deputy even if they ask." Lee said.

"O.k. what do you need me to do ?" the Sheriff asked. "If you guys are through then make yourself scarce and let the Sheriff call his investigator." Lee said. "Yes sir." the men said as they left the porch and headed to their vehicle. Chris rejoined Lee and the Sheriff on the porch. The sheriff made his call and while they waited on Ben they chatted on the porch. "What do you plan to do ?" the Sheriff asked. "You can threaten me all day long and I will meet you toe to toe. You threaten my kids, my husband or my family and I will run over you ass like a bulldozer and all that will be left is an oil spot. So your best bet is not to be in the line of fire." Lee said. "And to that I will stand right beside him and I will piss on the oil spot." Chris said.

The investigator arrived and was presented with all the items. After reading the note and looking at the picture he took a deep breath. "Damn Lee. Sorry about this. I am guessing that you are going to distance yourself from this issue with Keith." Ben said. Lee looked at Ben for a moment trying to contain his rage. In his mind at this moment Keith was not even a consideration. "Do your job." Lee snapped. About that time the door opened and Mrs. Ruth stepped out on the porch. "I thought I saw you come up. How are you Ben?" she asked. "I am good Mrs. Ruth. How are you ?" Ben asked. "Enjoying my grandbabies. I heard your daughter was a hit in the church play last week." She said. Ben was shaken a bit . "Yes Mam. We were so proud of her." Ben said. "As you should be. And by the way. How is your grandmother doing ? I heard that your family had moved her to a new nursing home in South Carolina. " she said.

"She seems to like it there better. She is in the room with one of her old neighbors." Ben said. "Well I am glad to hear it." she said. "I guess we have all we need. We will leave you good folks to your evening." the Sheriff said. Once in their vehicles and headed down the drive Lee turned to his Mom. "Mom how did you know about Ben's daughter and his grandmother ? I didn't think that you really knew his family." Lee said. "I don't son. Have you not learned anything ? It is always best to now more about the people that you are dealing with than they know about you. Keeps them on their toes." She said as she smiled and walked back inside. "Damn she is scary." Chris said. "You don't know the half of it." Lee laughed. "I wonder what all she knows about me." Chris said. "Probably more than you know about yourself baby." Lee said as he stood and kissed Chris on the cheek.

Ronnie and Wayne stood in the shower letting the water cascade over both of them. They were lightly touching each other. Most of the day had been spent in the bed as Wayne had requested. As Wayne played with Ronnie's chest and stomach he could see that he was getting the response he wanted. Ronnie's cock had become about three quarters hard again. "Mmmm I see someone likes what I am doing." Wayne whispered. "Damn baby. You have already done this to me four times today." Ronnie whispered. "Only four ? I have been lazy then." Wayne whispered. "I thought you may need a rest. Are you always this horny ?" Ronnie laughed. "Oh baby I am not horny today. Just wait until I am horny." Wayne whispered and he moved to his knees and took the head of Ronnie's cock into his mouth.

Ronnie pitched his head back and moaned deep as he placed his hand on the shower wall to steady himself. Wayne moved slow taking Ronnie's cock deep into his throat on each stroke down. "Baby I am still sensitive from a few minutes ago. It wont take much." Ronnie whispered. Wayne never missed a beat. Finding it harder and harder to steady himself because it seemed that Wayne knew exactly how to bring Ronnie to the edge and then back off Ronnie pulled Wayne up and leaned over to kiss him. As the two men began to kiss Ronnie reached his hands down and began to play with Wayne's ass cheeks. Sliding a finger inside Wayne brought him to his tip toes. "Baby you feel a little raw and swollen." Ronnie said. "No baby. Just empty. I need you inside me." Wayne whispered. The two men began the most passionate kiss they had shared so far. "I love you baby. With all that I am." Ronnie whispered. "I love you too." Wayne whispered.

The two men still stood under the spray of warm water. Locked in a passionate kiss with Ronnie finger fucking Wayne at this point with three fingers. "I need the real thing baby." Wayne whispered. Ronnie turned Wayne around so that he was facing the wall. He began at Wayne's shoulder and kissed his neck as he played with the hair on Wayne's back. "Oh baby all this hair is so fucking hot." Ronnie whispered. He worked his way down until he was on his knees. Spreading Wayne's ass cheeks wide he watched the water cascade down Wayne's back and over the swollen rosebud. He moved Wayne's body slightly so that the water was not hitting him in the face. He blew puffs of warm air on Wayne's hole and would lightly take his tongue and lick the outer ring. He could tell by Wayne's moans and movements that he was doing all the right things.

After a few minutes of worshiping and lightly playing with Wayne's hole, Ronnie reached his hands up and held Wayne's hips and in one motion dove into the swollen ass with his tongue as deep as he could. Flicking and rolling his tongue as he went Wayne rose to his tip toes. "Uuuughhh.... Ooohhh FFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK.!!!!!" Wayne shouted as he shot his fifth load of the day all over the wall of the shower. Ronnie grabbed the bottle of conditioner and applied a liberal amount to his cock. Standing quickly while Wayne still shuttered from his orgasm Ronnie slid his cock slowly but steadily balls deep into Wayne. Wayne's body began to shutter again as a second orgasm raged his body. There was not a large shot of semen this time but his first had left a little in reserve that quickly escaped Wayne's cock. Ronnie began to kiss Wayne's neck as he slowly began to move his cock in and out of Wayne. "Fuck me baby. Fuck me hard." Wayne shouted.

Ronnie began his assault on Wayne's ass. In fast strokes Ronnie would pull his cock completely out of Wayne's ass leaving his hole gaping but before it could close Ronnie entered him again quickly and went balls deep. After about five minutes of this assault. Ronnie pulled Wayne tight to his chest. He was so deep in Wayne that the man had risen to his tip toes and as Ronnie tried to balance himself he and Wayne tip toed around the shower as Ronnie held Wayne tight and dumped his fifth load of the day deep in his lover. "SSSHHHHHIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!... HHHOOOLLLLLYYY .............. FFFUUUCKKKK !!!!!!!" Ronnie shouted as his body shook. Each shot coming from his cock inside his lover made his body shake and the movement around the shower made the sensation even more intense. "Oh fuck baby. If this is what the future holds I plan to keep that sweet ass of yours well satisfied." Ronnie whispered and he held Wayne tight with his cock still buried deep inside Wayne trying to catch his breath and regain his balance from his orgasm.

Keith and Brian were still naked but on the couch watching television. "Baby its not long before visiting hours are over. Lets jump in the shower and run over and see Kyle for a minute together and then we can go out for a bite to eat." Brian said. "Sure" Keith said. The two men quickly showered, dressed and headed to the hospital. Brian drove his vehicle since it was easier to maneuver in the parking deck. As they headed to the walkway to go into the hospital Keith spotted an SUV. "That looks like Paul's SUV." Keith commented.

Once they reached the room they could hear laughter coming from the other side of the door. As the entered the room the saw James setting beside the bed holding Kyle's hand and Bob was leaned against the far wall with his arms wrapped around Paul. "Hey guys. What's this ? Nobody invited us to the party." Keith said. The men chatted for a few minutes when James informed them that the doctor had said that Kyle may get to go home in a couple of days. Paul and Brian both noticed the quick look of fear in Kyle's eyes. The men talked for a few more minutes and each leaned over to hug Kyle and tell him goodbye. "Don't worry buddy. It will all be fine I promise." Paul whispered. Paul could feel Kyle's hand shaking nervously during the hug. A couple of hugs later was Brian's turn. "Kyle don't stress. Everything will be just fine. We will make sure of it." Brian whispered. Kyle had calmed some. Keith leaned over to hug Kyle. "I get two. Wayne told me to give you one. He will be back tomorrow." Keith said. "Cheater." Bob laughed. "Don't worry buddy. I know he loves you and remember they have other beds in this hospital if he doesn't." Keith whispered. When the hug was finished the men could see a smile forming on Kyle's face.

James stayed with Kyle as the other men made their way to the elevators. "How did you two get out tonight ?" Keith asked. "My Mom and Dad came to visit the babies and told us to come visit Kyle and go out to eat. They claimed they needed quality time with the babies." Bob said. "We were going to go grab a bite too. You two care to join us ?" Brian asked. "That would be nice as long as you don't mind." Paul said. "We would love it. Plus I have been working on Keith's table manners." Brian laughed. "HEY." Keith protested.

All the men were laughing as they exited the elevator into the parking deck. Bob and Paul told the others that they would meet them at the Restaurant as they stopped at their vehicle. Brain and Keith made their way further to Brain's car. "FUCK" Brain shouted. "What ?" Keith said. "I have a fucking flat tire." Brian said. "Um baby don't get alarmed but you have more than one." Keith said as he inspected the car. As Bob and Paul made their way out of the parking space they could see Keith in the aisle shaking his first. "What the hell ?" Paul said. As the men pulled up to Brian's car Bob rolled the window down. "What's wrong ?" Bob asked. "Somebody slashed all the fucking tires." Keith growled. "What do we need to do ?" Paul asked. "Nothing. Just go ahead. We will handle this." Keith said. "We will be glad to take you home." Bob said. "No you go eat." Brian said. "No way. Help us move the car seats and you two go to eat with us and then we will drop you at home. You guys can deal with this in the morning." Bob said.

Once in Paul's SUV they headed to the restaurant. Keith and Brian filled the others in on the events that had taken place. Paul had a look of shock on his face. "Do you know who it could be?" Paul asked. "Not a clue." Keith said. "That's spooky." Paul said. "It pisses me off." Keith said. Once seated and their order placed not much more was mentioned. Brian had noticed that the restaurant just down the street that had caused issues with Kyle was closed and the windows covered. "I wonder what happened down the street." Brian said. "I guess Lee was true to his word." Keith said. "Well I can't say much at this point but I think that everyone at this table will be thrilled with the changes going on in there." Bob said. "Damn I hate being married to a lawyer sometimes." Paul said, "You know you love me." Bob teased. "You yes. Your lawyer client confidentiality. No. " Paul laughed.

The meal went well. Most of the discussion was about babies. Being reminded that he may become a father soon seemed to take Keith's mind off of earlier issues. By the time the meal was over the men were laughing and everyone could see the excitement in both Keith and Brian's eyes. As they pulled up in the drive to drop Keith and Brain off Bob noticed something on Keith's truck. "Aren't you sweet Brian. A red rose on Keith's truck. How romantic. " Bob said. "WHAT ?" Brian gasped. Keith exited the SUV without speaking and walked to his truck. He took the rose and snatched it from the truck and threw it into the bushes. Not saying a word he walked towards the door and never looked back. "I shouldn't have said that." Bob said. "Its alright. We are both frustrated with all this. Keith thinks that I don't trust him." Brain said. "I hope you do." Paul said. "I do. It just hurts me to see him so frustrated and pisses me off that someone is playing games. " Brian said as he exited the SUV. "If we can help in any way all you have to do is ask." Bob said. "I appreciate it. You two have done a lot tonight with your generosity." Brian said. "Not at all. Do you want me to go talk to Keith ?" Bob asked. "I think it will be fine. I will go in and assure him that I don't blame him and he should be fine. " Brian said. "Well if you need us just call. " Paul said. "Thanks guys. Thanks again too for the ride and the company." Brian said. "Anytime buddy." Bob said as Brian closed the door and the SUV began to back out of the drive.

"That should handle it. That little faggot will say Keith is too much stress. I would have loved to have hung around to see the look on that little queen's face when he saw his tires. Better yet I wonder how he liked the rose?" the man laughed as he headed south on the interstate. I expected to see Keith home with his tail tucked tomorrow. The man seemed well pleased with his actions. As he headed south he noticed a black SUV pull up beside him on the interstate. "That looks familiar" he thought. "I wonder if that is some of Lee's bunch ? I may need to send him a stronger message." he thought. The SUV pulled away and continued down the interstate. "One more stop before I go home I guess." the man laughed.

Next: Chapter 62

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