Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 16, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 60

Keith and Brian were so excited about the news of possibly being parents. On the way home from Paul's the drive was quiet for the most part. "What are you thinking baby ?" Keith asked. "Nothing really. I am just imaging you on the couch napping with our child laying on your chest." Brian said. "Yes I will. Will you ?" Keith asked. "What?" Brian asked. "Yes I will marry you and please say yes that you will marry me." Keith whispered.

"Any day any time." Brian whispered. "Not today though. We need to get you home and at least let you take a nap." Brian said "Ah snuggle time." Keith said. "No big boy we are getting you some food and then you go to sleep. We can make up for the snuggle later this afternoon." Brian laughed. Keith pretended to pout. "Yep they were right. " Brian said. "About what?" Keith asked. "I already have one big kid already." Brian laughed. Keith just smiled and negotiated traffic to get home.

Wayne and Ronnie still lay naked in the bed cuddling each other. They had ordered room service for lunch and only put a robe on long enough to answer the door. Wayne seemed to be happy but also distant. "What's wrong babe ?" Ronnie asked. "Nothing. Why do you ask ?" Ronnie whispered. "You seem to be distant. Or you are thinking too much. " Ronnie said. "This has just been a dream come true too fast. I guess I am preparing myself for what may happen when I return to Georgia." Wayne said as he lightly traced his fingers over Ronnie's chest. "It will be some adjustment but we will be fine." Ronnie said. "I do have to say this. If this is just a game to keep me from moving and keep me close until you decide you want to try "us" as a couple then you need to tell me now. I have gotten use to that idea so if that is what is going to happen then I need to know now so that I can decide if I want to stay here or go back." Wayne said.

"Baby where ever you decide to live then I will live there too. I know I have been a fool for all these years and I will be damned if I will let you get away from me now. I understand I have to be patient and earn your trust but I am ready to do just that." Ronnie said. "Well before I think anymore I feel a little crusty from the dried cum on me so I need to shower before I start to stink even worse. " Wayne said. "Not without me . " Ronnie said as both men exited the bed and headed for the shower. Within minutes all the guests on the same hotel floor could tell from the loud moans that Wayne was in heaven and apparently happily impaled on his lovers cock in the shower.

At the hospital the doctors had made their rounds and were well pleased with Kyle's recovery. He still had a long ways to go but was easily holding his own and for the first time in many days was awake more than asleep. The oral surgeon had came in and removed some of the wires from Kyle's mouth which made it easier on Kyle. James had spent almost every waking moment with Kyle and seemed afraid that if he left that when he returned Kyle would be gone. James seemed to take advantage of the removed wires. It was much more comfortable for Kyle when James leaned over and kissed him. Chris had stopped by and brought Kyle a small dry erase board and pen so that he didn't have to fill the trash can with as many pieces of paper.

"James you have to go back to work." Kyle wrote. "I know but only on one condition." James said. "?" Kyle wrote. "That you are here when I get back." James said. Kyle pointed to his legs and then wrote. "Does it look like I can go anywhere ?" "Knowing you. Yes. Baby I don't mean that I want you in this hospital bed. I want you home in our bed." James said. "Our bed ?" Kyle wrote. "Yes baby. Our bed. I have looked for you for too long to let you get away from me now. No more shelters. No more bridges. Got it ?" James said. "Park benches ?" Kyle wrote. James just grinned slightly "As long as its big enough for both of us." James said. Little did he know that there was a definite seriousness to Kyle's doubts. "Baby I know you have been through hell on earth but its time for you to relax and enjoy life and let me worry about everything." James said. "You do know that it takes two in any relationship." Kyle wrote. "I know baby but for now you let me do the worrying. You just get well." James said.

Chris had came home early to help Lee get things ready. They were headed back to Lee's house for a few days and Chris wanted to get out of town before too much of the rush hour traffic hit. Lee had told him earlier that he would take the boys and Chris could come there after he left the office but Chris feeling uneasy about the day felt that he needed and wanted to help. He was so grateful for Lee and had been feeling stressed that he was not doing enough to help out. "I want to go see Kyle before we leave. I wont be back for a few days and don't want him to think I have forgotten about him. " Lee said. "You go ahead. I stopped by this morning and carried him a dry erase board. I will get the boys ready and also get the house ready while you are gone." Chris said. "Have I told you how much I love you today ?" Lee said. "Nope." Chris said and smiled. Lee walked over and wrapped his arms around Chris and lightly kissed him on the lips. "I love you more than you could ever imagine." Lee whispered. "Prove it." Chris whispered. "Baby the boys are awake and if I prove it right now we wont be leaving until tomorrow. Plus I would never make it to the hospital." Lee said.

"No baby. Sex doesn't prove how much you love me. Oh don't get me wrong I think about making love to you twenty four hours a day, seven days a week but what I am talking about is you and I sitting down and setting a wedding date. If it were legal in Georgia I would have a babysitter here right now and you and I would be at the courthouse." Chris said. "Down big boy. We will be around family for the next few days. Tonight you and I will sit down and come up with a couple of dates. First thing will be to contact your parents and talk to them about it. We need to see if they want to be there and we can make everyone else work around that." Lee said. "As long as you don't forget. Now get that sweet ass over to the hospital and then back here to your family." Chris said as he leaned forward and kissed Lee while he took both hands and squeezed Lee's ass cheeks. "Damn I am a lucky man." Lee thought.

While Lee was at the hospital Chris called Bob to check to see if there was anything that he and Paul needed before they left town. "What do you think about this situation with Keith ?" Bob asked. "It is a little scary but so far there has only been some flowers and a threat. Keith assured Lee that his department was on it." Chris said. "Well it has certainly gotten lively around here in the last few months." Bob laughed. "Yeah well I am hoping that it will calm down a little and we can all get back to a fun and normal life. " Chris laughed. "Yeah did you think six months ago that you would be living in a James Bond lifestyle." Bob laughed. "Well did you ever figure six months ago that you would have a client like Mrs. Ruth ?" Chris laughed. "It has definitely been interesting but for as much as they are paying me I really don't do anything. I have to admit the extra income has made me feel better about Paul cutting back at work though.:" Bob said.

"Well I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would have walked into Lee's house and within four hours become a millionaire. I felt like one already since Lee didn't send me and the boys packing." Chris said. "Well you definitely have one in a million with him. I am so happy for you. I felt a little guilty being around you as much as Paul and I were. We were so happy and you had no one." Bob said. "I felt out of place a few times but I am glad now that I didn't just go out and find someone. If I had done that I would have over looked Lee." Chris said. "Well Paul and I are so happy for both of you and the boys too. Besides we owe a lot to Lee for the twins." Bob said. "So you owe him for the lack of sleep and the lack of sex huh ?" Chris laughed. "Its all good. So far we have been able to keep up the sex life. That may change when the babies get older." Bob laughed.

"Oh I trust you will find a way. How do you like the married part ?" Chris asked. "Honestly I thought it would just be a piece of paper but I have to admit. It is so much more. I can't describe it. Plus I have really been surprised but I only thought that sex was out of this world but from the minute we said I do it has been off the chart." Bob said. "Well I told Lee that we had to sit down tonight and set a date. At the rate we are going with everything going on we would still be planning this at Cody's graduation." Chris laughed. "Well you know that Paul and I are thrilled for both of you. If there is anything we can do just let us know." Bob said. "Thanks buddy I don't think we could do it without you guys. Let me run or I will be in trouble when Lee gets back." Chris said. The call ended and Chris quickly began to get things together and ready to leave.

Keith woke from his nap and felt cold and alone. The house was comfortable but he had gotten so use to Brian's body heat and it almost felt cold. He could smell food coming from the kitchen so he quickly jumped in the shower and then headed to the other end of the house. "The ass wrecker is ready" Keith called out to get no response. There was food on the stove but no Brian. It was an unusually warm day and as Keith entered the kitchen he could see Brian sitting out by the pool in the sun reading a magazine. Keith hurried back to the bedroom. He grabbed a beach towel and wrapped a small bottle of lube in the towel. "Keith is going to get him some outside ass." he thought. Stopping in the kitchen for a glass of juice Keith started out the backdoor.

Brian heard the backdoor shut and looked up to see Keith walking across the yard naked. "My God that man is sexy as hell." Brian thought. "You sleep good ?" Brian asked as Keith got closer. "Yes but I woke up alone feeling unloved and horny as hell." Keith called out. "Shhh. the neighbors may hear you." Brian said. "So what. If they want to see how to properly tear an ass up they can peek over the fence." Keith laughed. "Oh so that's all you want from me then." Brian laughed. "Not at all but its a good start." Keith said as he lay the towel beside Brian's lounge chair and leaned over to kiss Brian. Brian reached up and lightly tugged on Keith's semi hard cock. "Was it you that missed me of Keith Junior here." Brian said. Keith looked deep in his lover's eye. "Both" he whispered.

Keith pulled Brian from the chair and pulled Brian's shirt off and shorts down in record time. Keith lay down on the chair and pulled Brian with him. Brian was straddling Keith's waste as he leaned over and began to kiss his lover laying in the chair. Almost automatically Keith's cock became rock hard and began to crawl up Brian's back. "Baby you are still a little too big for me to take you dry. I am not that good." Brian whispered. Keith reached over and pulled the bottle of lube from the towel and twisted it back and forth between his fingers smiling at Brian. "Oh so you knew you were getting some huh ?" Brian laughed. "Well, I have felt empty all day." Brian whispered. "I think Keith junior can fix that little problem." Keith said. "Little ?" Brian said with a laugh.

Brian had his feet on the ground not putting all of his weight on Keith's hips. He leaned over and began to passionately kiss Keith. Keith had taken both hands and began to pull Brian's ass cheeks apart. He lightly teased the rosebud of Brian ass as their tongues battled. Keith leaned up and took the bottle of lube and opened it. Squirting some on a couple of fingers he pulled Brian back down for another passionate kiss. As his tongue entered Brian's mouth he pushed one finger deep inside Brain's ass. As Brian gasp for air Keith's tongue eased further into his mouth. A second and then third finger was inserted.

Keith had placed the other hand on Brian's hips to keep him from standing up completely. Brian took the bottle of lube and applied a liberal amount to his hand. Reaching behind him he applies as much as possible to Keith's raging cock. Keith leaned back and moaned just at the touch of Brian's hand. "Like that baby. Well I hope you like this better." Brian whispered as he lifted his body and aimed Keith's cock at the entrance to his ass. Brian moaned and squirmed as the massive mushroom head broke through. His legs began to shake as he tried to hold his body up to adjust to the massive invader. Loosing the battle with his legs Brian took a deep breath and sat down on Keith's cock completely impaling himself. Keith lifted his shoulders off the chair by pushing his head backwards and allowing a moan come from deep inside him. Brian leaned forward moving slightly off of Keith's cock so that he could kiss his lover. Taking that opportunity Keith began to slowly move in and out fucking upward into Brian's tight ass.

Moving slowly as if it were a well choreographed dance Brian began to match Keith's upward thrusts. "My God baby your ass is always so tight." Keith whispered. "Custom fit for you baby." Brian whispered. The pace of their love making remained slow and sensual. At one point Keith sat up in the chair pulling Brian to his chest with his cock still buried deep inside Brian. He put Brian's arms around his neck and used his free arm to balance himself as he stood up. Brian's leg automatically wrapped around Keith's waist. Keith stood and eased his way to the end of the chair. He reached down and took the lounge cushion from the chair and dropped it to the ground. He walked around the cushion still holding his lover on his cock. "Hold on tight baby." Keith whispered. As he landed on his knees his cock reached even new depths inside Brian which brought a gasp.

Keith placed his arm behind Brian's back and began to lower Brian and himself onto the cushion. Never taking his eyes off of Brian's beautiful eyes Keith lay his lover on his back and in one quick push he had Brian's legs higher and his cock embedded as deep as humanly possible. Brian began to shout as the friction of that movement pushed him over the edge and he began to shoot his load in between the two men. "Oh I see my baby likes this too." Keith said as he maneuvered himself so that he could deep thrust his lover. Keith began a quick pace of pounding Brain's ass. Each stroke of Keith's cock on Brian's already tender love nut brought loud moans from deep inside Brian. Keith's pace quickened as he began to fuck his lover. He would pull out until only the head of his massive cock was trapped by the ring and then slam back in until he was balls deep. Each thrust seemed to move Brian further and further up the cushion which caused Keith to have to adjust and move forward himself. Within minutes Keith arched his back and as he buried his face in Brian's neck he buried his cock as deep as he possibly could. "UUuuuuggghh.... Hhhollllllyyyy fuuuuuccccckkkk... cuuummmmminnnngggg.... Ooohhhh shhhhiiiiitttt... " Keith howled as his body shook with each load he emptied inside his lover."

Keith lay trying to regain his breath. Brian could feel Keith's cock flex inside him as it started to soften slightly. Brian moved his head so that he could suck on Keith's ear lobe and then moved to his neck. As he began to suck on Keith's neck he could feel Keith's cock begin to grow again inside him to full mass. "Mmmm... Keith junior says he is not ready to come out yet." Keith whispered. "Baby Keith junior never has to leave his new home if he doesn't want to." Brian whispered. Keith raised his head and began to passionately kiss Brain as began to slowly make love to Brian.

"Oh HELL no. I have to stop this. I thought I had fixed this earlier. Look at that baseball bat going up that queers ass." the man thought as he watched over the fence. He could feel his own cock beginning to grow inside his pants. "Keith is mine. I wont have him fucking that bitch." the man said to himself. As he watched and snapped pictures with his camera. He saw Keith stand up holding Brian on his cock. As Keith lay Brian down on the cushion the man could see Brian shoot his load through his zoom lens. "That mother fucker shot without touching himself." he thought.

By this point his cock was painfully hard inside his pants. Once Keith was on top of Brian and the man had a clear shot of Keith's naked ass he began taking pictures quicker. He even zoomed in and got a couple of good shots of Brian's totally stretched ass trying to take Keith's massive cock. "Oh hell no that ass is mine. I need to step up the game." the man thought. About that time his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled the phone out to see it was his wife calling. "What does that bitch want. I am busy." he thought. Placing the phone back in his pocket he returned to the scene with his camera just in time to watch Keith's body shake as he dumped his first load deep inside Brian. "Enjoy it now mother fucker. It will be one of your last." the man thought.

About that time he heard a car door shut behind him. Realizing that the neighbor must have come home the man moved quietly back towards the street. Running across the street back to his pickup trying not to be seen. Once in the truck his phone vibrated again. "Hey honey. What's up ?" He said. The call was short and after saying "I love you too. I will be home shortly." He wanted to throw the phone out the window. "BITCH." he shouted into the phone after the call had ended. Keith and Brian were still making love for the second time when they heard the tires screech from across the street. A common sound so it did not alarm them nor did it cause them to miss a beat.

Both vehicles packed and headed south. Alex had decided to ride with Chris and Cody was tucked in his car seat in Lee's vehicle. Traffic was not to bad so they cleared the downtown Atlanta traffic in almost record time. Lee was trying to figure out how they could work it out so that when they made this trip that they could all travel together. "Maybe a car or something to stay down here so that Chris will have something to drive back and forth to work" Lee thought. In the SUV behind Lee's, Chris was having the same thoughts. "This sucks." he thought.

The trip was quick and they arrived at Lee's house. Unloading the kids and clothes through the carport the group of four began to settle in. They had been at Lee's for about an hour when the doorbell rang. Opening the door Lee invited Dean inside. Dean stood there for a moment and wouldn't move. "What's wrong ?" Lee asked. Dean just pulled Lee out the door and pointed to something setting in the rocking chair. Laying in the rocking chair was a bundle of dead flowers, rag weed, and dead grass tied together with a black bow. Lee pulled the note out of the flowers and a picture fell to the porch floor. Dean picked up the picture which was of Lee coming out of a grocery store with Alex and Cody both in the cart. Opening the note Lee began to read.

"Keep your damn nose out of Keith's business or you and your boys will be as dead as your flowers. This is not a threat. It's a promise." and was signed with a smiley face. Lee felt faint for a second before the rage began to build. He sat in the rocking chair beside the one with the flowers. Dean took the note and as he read it he began to gasp. " What is this about Keith ?" Dean asked. Lee held up his finger as to tell Dean to wait a moment. Removing his cell phone from his pocket he scrolled his phone list. Choosing a number he hit the send button. "I need you at my house right now." Lee said. You could tell the person on the other end was trying to find out what was going on. "I will show you when you get here but get your ass out here NOW and come alone." Lee said and hung up the phone. "Security ?" Dean asked. "Nope Sheriff first." Lee said.

Realizing that the doorbell had rang and no one had come in Chris made his way to the door. As he opened the door and looked out he could see Lee sitting in the chair looking at a picture and Dean was standing with a note in his hand. "Everything alright ?" Chris asked. The man's voice snapped both Lee and Dean out of their trance. Dean saw that Chris was holding Cody. "Come here little man. Lets go see what your brother is getting in to." Dean said as he held out his hands. The eager Cody went straight to Dean and gave him a strong hug. "I am glad to see you too little man." Dean said. "What's wrong ?" Chris asked with a little more authority in his voice. "You guys need to talk." Dean said. "NO." Lee growled. "Lee. Remember you are not alone anymore. You need to tell Chris everything from now on." Dean said. "Your right." Lee said. "Well somebody better tell me something and tell me fast." Chris' voice got stronger. Dean took Cody inside and Lee handed both the note and the picture to Chris and pointed to the flowers.

Next: Chapter 61

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