Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 12, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 59

As Keith exited the interstate and headed towards the office the small black pickup truck was headed down a side street. "Damn is that Keith's truck ? Shit that was fast. I guess he got kicked out pretty quick. My plan is working." the man thought. "I may not can have him but I will stop anyone else from having him too." he thought as he continued his journey.

Keith entered his bosses office. The Sheriff could see the rage in Keith's face. "What's wrong Keith ?" the Sheriff asked. Keith handed him the note and explained that it was delivered with flowers. The Sheriff picked up the phone and dialed the number on the card from the flower shop. After talking to the florist for a few minutes the Sheriff thanked them for their help and hung up and dialed a second number. The Sheriff explained his call to the person on the other end. The Sheriff made notes and then thanked them also for their help. "O.k. Keith. This is where we stand. The flowers were ordered online and paid for with a prepaid credit card. The only way to find out the computer's IP address is to get a warrant." The Sheriff said. "SHIT." Keith exclaimed. "Its not a dead end yet. Hold on." The Sheriff said.

Picking up the phone he dialed his secretary and asked if a certain investigator had arrived yet. "Tell him to come to my office." the Sheriff said. Moments later there was a knock on the door. "Hey boss, hey Keith. What's up ?" the investigator asked. The Sheriff handed him the letter and explained what happened. "I need you to check into this. I would let Keith do it but if we find anything it was not be admissible." the Sheriff said. "Lee also said that we could use any of he and Mrs. Ruth's resources if we needed them." Keith said. "Let me see what I can find out first." the investigator said. "Well I have contacted the florist and the online service and so far that's a dead end." the Sheriff said. "I will do some digging. Sorry about all this. How is Brian ?" the investigator asked. "He was a little shaken at first but he is fine. He is with Lee and the kids right now." Keith said.. "At least he isn't freaked out. " the investigator said. "Just let me know if I can help in anyway." Keith said. The men exited the office and like most offices the conversation continued in the break room like a water cooler situation.

Lee had been talking to Paul. Paul had asked how Kyle was doing and was upset that he had not been able to help. Lee knew that he had to keep Brian's mind busy so he offered to bring Brian and the boys over to watch the twins so that Paul could go to the hospital for a while. Lee finished the few invoices and phone calls he needed to make for the day and loaded everyone up to head to Paul and Bob's. Once they arrived Brian was happy to jump in and feed Addyson. Paul was almost through feeding Leyton. "I try to space it out but I think being twins they try to time it so they both eat at the same time. I just have to choose who seems to be the hungriest." Paul laughed. Alex sat with Brian hoping that he could do anything to help. Lee took Leyton from Paul so that he could get dressed to go to the hospital. Cody climbed up and sat quietly beside Lee watching every move that Lee made with Leyton. "You use to be this small buddy." Lee said looking at Cody. Cody looked up and smiled at Lee and then his eyes went right back to the baby. Lee could only laugh to himself wondering what was going through Cody's mind trying to figure out what this baby was.

Paul arrived at the hospital and was met by James. They chatted for about ten minutes before they were both allowed in to see Kyle. "I am sorry that I haven't been able to visit more buddy." Paul whispered. Kyle took his pad and paper and wrote. "You take care of those precious babies. I will be fine." Paul fought back the tears. "How can any one man find the strength that Kyle has." he thought. The doctor came in and told the men that he was pleased with Kyle's progress and that they may consider moving him in to a private room either later that day or the next morning. Kyle attempted a smile but was difficult with his jaw wired shut. Paul returned to the waiting room and let James spend some time with Kyle alone.

About twenty minutes later James returned to the waiting room. "They are taking him upstairs to run a couple of tests before they decide if they are going to move him." James said. "How are you doing James ?" Paul asked. "Good question. I am relieved that I have found Kyle but I am tortured that I allowed all this to happen to him." James said. "Well its time to think about Kyle and not yourself. He is the one in pain. Now its up to you as to what the rest of his life is going to be." Paul said. "You are right." James said. "I know that sounded blunt but you have to forgive me. I am a new parent with infant twins and operate on a couple of hours of sleep a night." Paul laughed. "No. I appreciate your candor. The other guys try to sugar coat it and hint around. You and Keith get straight to the point." James said. "Oh Lawd I am picking up Keith's bad habits. He's a good guy though. He just has that cop mentality." Paul laughed.

"The biggest thing right now is that Kyle is pushing me to go back to work." James said. "Well you should. You don't need to live here at the hospital. Kyle is a grown man. He has been through more that any of us can ever try to imagine. I don't think he is going to run away plus you need to be careful that you don't resent him later." Paul said. "I could never do that." James said. "If you want to provide a normal life for Kyle when he is well then you need to go back to normal as much as possible. Besides you may need to take this time away once he is released. Have you discussed that yet ?" Paul asked. "Well I discussed and he had to listen. I told him he was coming to my house and that was final." James laughed. "Sounds like you have been hanging around Keith too much too." Paul laughed. " I just know he is not getting away from me again." James said.

All four kids were down for a nap and Lee and Brian finally had a chance to talk. "How are you doing buddy ?" Lee asked. "Just a little numb. At first I thought that Keith was cheating on me. Right now I don't know what to think." Brian said. "I know Keith better than most. I would almost bet my life that he is not cheating on you. There are jealous people all around us. Look at what happened with the Juan and Mikey situation. There was nothing there as far as Chris and Bob were concerned so I am sure that Keith has no idea who this is or what its about." Lee said. "I guess you are right. I didn't think to compare your situation to mine." Brian said. "I see how Keith looks at you. The man is so in love that he is beside himself. " Lee said. "Lee I love him so much I have to say a prayer of thanks every few minutes. But when I got that note it seemed like my world just crashed." Brian said.

"Was Keith able to assure you that there was nothing to this ?" Lee asked. "Yeah he was I guess. I have never seen him so angry. It was not directed at me in anyway but he was furious." Brian said. "Well I have some news for both of you but I need to make sure that everything is alright before I say anything." Lee said. "What news ?" Brian asked. "Its good news I guarantee but I want to wait until you are both together and that things are alright." Lee said. "Not fair. You have my curiosity up." Brian said with a smile. "Just trust me when I say this. Trust Keith and trust what he says. If he says there is nothing to this then he means it. " Lee said. "Your right. I trust Keith with my life. That is what scared me so bad. I was afraid that I had trusted the wrong man too fast and had fallen too far in love to survive it ending." Brian said.

"Just hold to Keith and I am sure he will hold to you. The rest will work itself out and whoever this is will pay I can assure you." Lee said. "Well Keith text me a few minutes ago and said he was headed back. I told him that we were here babysitting. Maybe he will have more news when he gets here." Brian said. "It may get rough because Keith wont take someone trying to hurt you or you guys relationship easily. Just hold onto that trust and love and you guys will be fine." Lee said. "How did you get so wise ?" Brian asked. "School of hard knocks." Lee laughed. "You saw how I doubted Chris when all of that happened. You also saw the damage that was done because I didn't put my trust in Chris. Don't do the same with Keith." Lee said. "I wont." Brian said.

Wayne slipped quietly back into bed trying not to disturb Ronnie. He watched the handsome man sleep and wondered where this was headed. It was all a little too much and a little too fast. While Ronnie slept Wayne had slipped out of the room and went to the all night Pharmacy. Purchasing what he needed to clean himself and a quick bottle of lube he had returned to the room and prepared himself. "This might be only a one time thing but if I get a chance to make love to Ronnie I don't plan on screwing it up." Wayne thought. About an hour later Ronnie began to stir. "Morning sexy. Did you sleep well ?" Ronnie asked. "I had to wake up a few times to make sure you were really here." Wayne laughed.

"Well get use to waking up with me beside you if you will have me." Ronnie said. "This is all so fast. Just let me enjoy this moment." Wayne said. "Hold that thought. I need to use the bathroom real quick. " Ronnie said as he jumped from the bed and headed to the bathroom. "Damn he is one sexy man." Wayne thought as he watched Ronnie's firm ass cheeks dance as he walked towards the bathroom. Ronnie stood at the toilet relieving himself and happened to look down at the trash can. Reaching down he pulled out the wrapper to the cleaning kit that Wayne had bought. He spotted the kit in the corner and noticed that it was still wet. Ronnie took one of the hospitality tooth brushes and brushed his teeth real quick. "He is a sneaky little devil." Ronnie thought. Ronnie took the wet wash rag and also lightly washed his cock and balls just in case he was reading the signs correctly. Making sure he was good and dry so that Wayne did not notice Ronnie headed back towards the bed. "You want room service for breakfast sweetie ?" Ronnie asked. "I think they have already delivered." Wayne whispered. "What was that? I didn't hear you." Ronnie whispered. "Maybe later. Just get back in bed for now." Wayne said with a smile.

Keith arrived at Bob and Paul's about the same time Paul did. Entering the house it seemed too quiet to have four children in it. "Sshhh they are all asleep." Brian said. "How did you manage that ?" Paul laughed. "You will get the touch." Lee laughed. "How did it go ?" Brian asked Keith. "What's up or am I being too nosey ?" Paul asked. Keith explained to Paul what had happened and to all the men what he had found out while at the Sheriff's office. He also explained that Ben, one of the investigators, had been assigned. "Well if I can help in anyway just let me know." Lee said. "Lee has some news for us but wont tell me what." Brian said pouting. "What is it Lee. You know me. You have said too much so you might as well spill." Keith said.

"Chris and I got a phone call from Mrs. Gladys last night. She has a girl that came to her looking for prospective parents for her baby. She is only two months pregnant so its still early. Mrs. Gladys asked if we knew of a couple that would be loving parents ?" Lee said. "Hell yeah." Keith said. "Language." Paul laughed. "Oh sorry. Well I mean yes as long as Brian wants too also." Keith said. Brian was still speechless. This had been his dream his whole life and it looked at the moment like it may be possible. "What do you think ?" Keith asked Brian. "You aren't just pulling my leg are you Lee ?" Brian asked. "Lee doesn't do that with serious matters." Keith said.

"No, she called last night. Mine and Chris' first thought were you two. There is a minor issue though." Lee said. "Here it comes." Brian said. "Well it may not be an issue. The young girl does not know who the father is and she was seeing three different guys. This baby may be mixed race." Lee said. "So ?" Brian said. "Doesn't matter to me." Keith said. "What else ?" Brian asked. "Well that was easier than I thought. That was the only issue. To some that's a big one. She has a meeting with the girl later today to discuss it with her further. She said the girl seemed excited that Mrs. Gladys was going to be able to help her though." Lee said. "See baby I told you everything would be alright." Keith said as he leaned over and kissed Brian on the forehead. "When will we know ?" Brian asked.

The men talked for a few minutes about the conversation with Mrs. Gladys. "Now you do realize there are a couple of things that you have to do. First being you have to meet with Mrs. Gladys and get her approval." Lee said. "Good I have some time to send Keith to obedience school." Brian laughed. "HEY, she will love me." Keith said. "This is one meeting I have to see." Paul laughed. "Why is that ?" Keith asked. "Mrs. Gladys is a super sweet lady but when it comes to these babies she is a tough nut to crack. She will eat you alive." Paul laughed. "Hey have a little faith." Keith laughed. "Well I am sure that Lee and Chris' recommendation will go a long way. I did with us." Paul said. "Nope. All I did was the introductions. You and Bob did the rest." Lee said. "Oh you had more to do with it than you realize." Paul said.

"There is also the cost. Its not that expensive but it still cost quite a bit." Lee said. "How much ?" Keith asked. Paul told of the cost they paid but told them that they also paid extra to the foundation over what was expected. "I still have the money from my truck plus I have some savings. " Keith said. " I have some money saved too. The money will not be a problem." Brian said. "Well Bob will donate his attorney services so you wont have to pay that." Paul said. "You sure ? You haven't asked him." Brian said. "He will if he ever wants anymore of this." Paul said and patted one hand on his ass. All the men laughed at that gesture. "You will learn how to control your man too Brian." Paul laughed. "Baby I told you everything would be alright. We may be parents." Keith gleamed. Not even noticing Alex had came into the living room. He walked over and climbed up in Keith's lap.

"Hey Unca Keith." Alex said still half asleep. He lay his head on Keith's chest while he tried to wake up. "You have a good nap champ ?" Keith asked. "I'm not champ Unca Keith. I am stinker." Alex commented. Lee just looked at Keith and shrugged his shoulders. Moments later Cody came toddling in bright eyed and went straight to Brian. "Up Peez." Cody said with a huge grin. "See. This looks natural." Keith said. "Umm not with my boys. We need to get you your own." Lee laughed. "Can we take the boys for the afternoon ?" Brian asked. "Are you sure you want to do that ?" Lee asked. Keith whispered in Alex's ear. "Please Pop. Unca Keith wants me to help him eat pacorn." Alex pleaded. "You want two more ?" Paul asked. "Sure. The more the merrier." Keith said. "Maybe when they are older." Paul laughed. "You need to watch this one. He will bribe your kids to get what he wants." Lee said referring to Keith. "I see that." Brian laughed.

Ronnie lay on his back still naked with Wayne's head on his chest. Wayne lightly ran his hands up and down Ronnie's body and would occasionally kiss Ronnie on the chest. "What are you thinking baby ?" Ronnie asked. "Thinking about how this is almost perfect." Wayne said. "Almost ?" Ronnie asked. "Well it may be completely perfect in a little while." Wayne whispered. "You keep running your hands all over me and it will be sooner than you think." Ronnie laughed. "Is that so ?" Wayne said. Looking down he could see that Ronnie had a raging hard on. There was one little drop of precum on the tip of Ronnie's dick. Wayne moved his body so that he could reach his tongue out and lightly lick that drop of precum. He then took just the head of Ronnie's cock in his mouth and lightly sucked it. He released the hard cock and lightly kissed it on the tip. "AAhhhh shit." Ronnie moaned. Wayne then moved back up so that he was laying his head on Ronnie's chest again. "Oh so you want to start and not finish huh ?" Ronnie laughed. "Who me ? I didn't start anything ?" Wayne whispered. "I guess I need to go back to my room next door then." Ronnie said. "If that's what you want." Wayne whispered. "No this is what I want." Ronnie said.

Ronnie pulled Wayne's head up so that he could kiss him lightly on the lips. Within seconds they had began a very deep and passionate kiss. With his tongue still deep in Wayne's mouth Ronnie moved Wayne over on his back so that he was hovering over him. Ronnie reached down and collected some of Wayne's precum on one of his fingers and reached down and began circling his finger around Wayne's rosebud. "Mmmmmmm" Wayne began to moan and wriggle under Ronnie. "Guess I need to go to my room now." Ronnie whispered. "O.k. I guess I will just have to call the room service boy back then." Wayne whispered.

"Like hell. You told me years back that this ass was saved for me. Its time for me to collect." Ronnie whispered. "Hard to do from next door." Wayne laughed. About that time Wayne gasped loudly as Ronnie inserted his finger deeply into Wayne's ass. "Got you hooked. You can't run now big boy." Ronnie whispered. The two men became locked in a very heavy kissing session. Both men fighting for breath as Ronnie continued his finger assault on Wayne's ass. "Damn baby you are so tight. I don't know that I will be able to fit." Ronnie whispered. "Oh you have to work for it. But we will get there." Wayne whispered. With that Ronnie re entered Wayne with a second finger. This took Wayne's breath away and caused him to arch his back off the bed. "Damn baby you are going to be an animal in bed." Ronnie whispered. "Think I will be able to live up to your expectations ?" Wayne whispered. "Baby you being right here with me is more than I could have dreamed for." Ronnie said.

Ronnie moved his body over more parting Wayne's legs further apart so that he could nestle his hips in between Wayne's. "Now this feels natural. It feels like we fit perfectly so far." Ronnie whispered. "I am sure the rest will be perfect too." Wayne whispered. The two men continued their long kiss while Ronnie continued to try to loosen Wayne with his two fingers. "Baby I need you inside me. Fuck me please." Wayne moaned. Wayne reached under his pillow and pulled out the bottle of lube that he had placed there earlier. "Oh so you were prepared huh ?" Ronnie laughed quietly. "Well I had to be in case that cute room service boy came back." Wayne said. "Too bad for him. He wont even get sloppy seconds. This dick will be the last one to ever fuck this ass." Ronnie whispered. "Promise ?" Wayne asked. "Oh yes baby and now its time for me to prove it." Ronnie said.

He applied lube to his fingers and began to push as much inside Wayne's ass he could get. He then applied some to his cock. "Now relax baby. Tell me if it hurts and we need to stop. " Ronnie whispered. Slowly Ronnie began to push the mushroom head of his cock on the tight entrance to Wayne's ass. After five or six light pushes the head popped through the ring. Wayne gasp for breath and the pain was almost too much to take. "You alright baby ? Does it hurt ?" Ronnie whispered. "Just give me a minute. Its been years remember." Wayne whispered. "Are you sure ? I don't want to hurt you. We can go slower." Ronnie said. "No hell you don't. You are in there. The hard part is over. Just give me a minute." Wayne whispered. Ronnie leaned over and began to kiss Wayne's neck and nibble on his ear lobes. Ronnie felt Wayne relax the vice grip on his cock and he slid in a couple of inches. The vice was back. "That's it baby. I am working my way inside you. Right where I have always belonged. Please forgive me for taking so long." Ronnie whispered. With that Wayne's vice like grip loosened once again and Ronnie was able to quickly slide the rest of his eight inch cock inside Wayne. "Baby you have all of me. You are amazing. You feel like a silk glove molded just for my cock. " Ronnie whispered.

The men lay still for a couple of minutes. Wayne was fully impaled on Ronnie's cock and was trying to relax. The pain had began to subside and Wayne could finally enjoy the feeling of being completely full. Ronnie could feel Wayne beginning to relax around his cock and began a slow and sensual in and out motion. The more Ronnie moved the more passionate the kiss between the two men. "Oh fuck baby your ass is so damn tight and hot." Ronnie whispered. Wayne could only moan from the pleasure Ronnie varied with his pace. For a few moments he would move slow and easy and then change to a furious pace. With each change Wayne's moans got even louder. "You happy baby ?" Ronnie whispered. "Yes and will be more happy when you bath the inside of me with your cum." Wayne whispered. "So my baby wants me to plant my seed deep inside him ?" Ronnie asked. "Baby I want you to fill me up and keep me full every day." Wayne whispered. "That can be arranged." Ronnie whispered.

Ronnie began moving faster and faster. Pulling his cock out until only the mushroom head was trapped and then in one swift motion slamming back in balls deep. After four or five minutes Wayne could feel the muscles on Ronnie's back begin to tighten. Wayne could hear the moans and breathing from his lover get stronger. Ronnie's cock began to get even harder and larger inside Wayne. "Uuuuhh....... Oooohhhh....Uuuhhh.... uumm...... ooohhhhhh sssshhhiiiiiittttttt baby." Ronnie hollered as his body went stiff and his cock began to flex and dump his load deep inside Wayne. Wayne was amazed. He could feel every flex and the warmth of every shot of Ronnie's seed flowing into him. Ronnie lay on Wayne exhausted. "Fuck baby that was absolutely amazing. I have never had that hard an orgasm in my life." Ronnie whispered. "Yes baby it was amazing." Wayne said. "But you didn't cum. That wasn't fair." Ronnie whispered.

"Baby as a total bottom you don't always have to ejaculate to have an orgasm. It comes from inside. " Wayne whispered. "I still think you were jilted." Ronnie said. "No way baby." Wayne said. "What do you want to do today ?" Ronnie said as he began to lift himself off of Wayne. Wayne pulled Ronnie back down on top of him and using his heels he pushed Ronnie's still semi hard cock back in as deep as he could. "I want to stay in this bed all day with Dr. Ronnie's cock deep inside my ass." Wayne said. "That can be arranged baby. No problem." Ronnie said as he began to kiss Wayne deeply. Within seconds Wayne could feel Ronnie's cock begin to grow again inside him. "Now this is heaven. " Wayne thought.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I thought for damn sure that little faggot would kick Keith out. I guess I need to turn this up a notch." the man thought. He rode in his company vehicle not noticing what was going on around him. His mind was deep in thought of what his next step would be. "I will get rid of him if I have too. He can't have Keith. " the man shouted inside his car. "And that Lee and his family. I will teach him a lesson too. Let him see what it feels like to have someone he loves taken from him if he doesn't mind his own business. Fuck him and Mrs. Ruth. Everyone around here is scared to death of her. Not me. Besides they are all looking in the wrong place anyway." he thought as he drove down the road. "Time to get busy." he thought.

Next: Chapter 60

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