Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 9, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 58

"He is so sexy walking around in his uniform. I would give up my wife and kids to be able to suck that pole of his and fuck that tight beautiful ass." the man thought. "I know he has another man but if I can't come out and have him I will see what this little bitch he has thinks about someone else being in love with him. I have loved him longer." the man though as he heard his wife lightly snoring in the bed beside him. "My life is hell and if I can't have him I will make his hell." he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Wayne lay there afraid to move. Afraid to breath. "What is Ronnie doing here ? I can't take another rejection." Wayne thought. Wayne's mind raced. Just to feel Ronnie's naked body pressed to his with his arms around him made him both feel safe and loved. But the conflict that surrounds them made it hurt like a sword being thrust through his heart. "Are you alright baby ?" Ronnie whispered in Wayne's ear. The tears began to flow. "What are you doing here ? I can't do this anymore Ronnie." Wayne said. "Everything is going to be just fine. I am here now and it will all be fine." Ronnie whispered. "That's just it. You are here now but you have to leave to go back home to your partner. I can't keep doing the yo yo thing. Its killing me." Wayne cried.

"That's all over with now." Ronnie said. "What do you mean ?" Wayne asked. "He is gone. Or at least he will be by the time I get back." Ronnie whispered. "You know he is not leaving. That is just a dream." Wayne said. "Hold on a minute." Ronnie said as he released Wayne and rolled over to get his cell phone from the night stand. Ronnie rolled back to Wayne and wrapped him back in his arms. Once settled he went through his phone list and found the number he wanted. Wayne could here the ringing over the speaker phone. "Hello Dr. Hoffer. How was your trip ?" the man asked. "It was fine thank you. How are things going there ?" Ronnie asked. "We had some issues and he called the police out here twice but this letter answered all of their questions. He is no longer here. He has an appointment with me at two p.m. tomorrow to remove more of his personal affects. There were a few antiques he claimed to be his but I told him that he would have to make another appointment once you have returned to retrieve anything like that. I did assure him though that I would be here for that appointment also. " he said.

"Is he still staying there ?" Ronnie asked. "Originally he was going to stay tonight but after the second call to the police and the threat from him that he was bringing friends I just locked him out of the house. Our people have already came and changed the locks and changed the garage door openers so I will have all new ones for you when you return." he said. "I hope he doesn't try to bring any friends over to cause you problems." Ronnie said. "I wish he would. I assured him though that I had friends too and most of mine came from military special forces." the man laughed. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your help and I am so sorry for all the drama." Ronnie said.

"Don't even think about it Dr. Hoffer. This is like a vacation for me compared to what I normally deal with. Plus I have to stay on my toes. Chris and Lee are keeping close tabs on my progress." the man laughed. "Well you have my number if you need me. And no, he has no antiques in my house. Mainly clothes and few nick knacks " Ronnie said. "I didn't figure him to have the things he claimed were his. They matched your decor too closely." the man said. "Thanks again and if you need me just call." Ronnie said. "Enjoy your trip and everything will be fine here. " he said as the call ended.

Wayne rolled to his back so that he could see Ronnie. "Alright. What the hell is going on ?" Wayne asked. "First can I ask you something ?" Ronnie said. "Maybe." Wayne said. "Why are you way out here interviewing for another job ?" Ronnie asked. "I had rather not say. It is just something I felt I had to do." Wayne said. "Were you trying to get away from me ?" Ronnie asked. "I can't do this anymore. I just can't. I figured I may try to come out here and just fade away." Wayne said. "I thought that might be the reason. I don't want you to fade anywhere baby. I want you to fade into old age with me if you will have me." Ronnie said.

"My concern at the moment is that it took me making this move to get you to decide to make changes. The last thing I ever wanted was to be the reason for you to make any changes you may regret." Wayne said. "This wasn't the only reason." Ronnie said. "I know that I shouldn't care but after all we have been through what made you decide to do something ?" Wayne asked. "Is it really important ?" Ronnie asked. "Maybe not to you but you have to realize I have been through so much I need a little bit of explanation." Wayne said. "I have been really thinking hard about it for the last year. I was too stressed out with everything to try to deal with the break up. It was just easier to deal with life as I knew it. There were so many nights that I wished you were there with me. There were so many trips that I wished it was you with me instead. " Ronnie said. "That's sweet. I still want to know what made you finally decide this was worth it." Wayne said.

Ronnie began to tell the story of what happened to Kyle in more detail than Wayne had gotten over the phone. He also told Wayne what happened in the Emergency room between Kyle and Lee and then Chris and Lee. He also told Wayne that he had talked with Lee and had been told of his dreams. "I saw the love between that group of men, both between each partner and for the group in general. I only dreamed that this life was out there. I saw it in person and knew that I had been a fool for not doing something earlier. Then when Lee said that his Grandmother said "this was my last chance." it shook me to the bone. I guess I had been taking for granted that I knew you would always be there in case I decided to live through the stress. But when he said this was my last chance from everything I had seen happen I didn't dare question his wisdom. When Lee told me you were out here for a job interview my world felt like it was ending. I need you. I love you and I want to spend my life proving that to you. So here I am. Am I forgiven ?" Ronnie asked. "Well its a start but Lee isn't forgiven." Wayne laughed.

Keith had rearranged the furniture in the waiting room so that he would be comfortable. He finally found a channel on the television with old sitcoms that would keep him laughing so he would not get sleepy. James entered the waiting room and sat two chairs down from Keith and placed his face in his hands. "Kyle will be fine buddy. He has more help than you know. " Keith said. "I know he will but I should have never let this happen." James said. "Well part of that I will not argue with. You really can not blame yourself though. The sad part is that it came to this for you to realize who Kyle really is. I have to admit, Kyle is the strongest man I have ever met. I dare say I would not have survived the way he has. " Keith said.

"Yes he is. I have always felt he was the strongest person that I knew even before this." James said. "The sad part is that it takes life's trama's sometimes to realize who is right in front of us waving their arms." Keith said. "I am not sure what you said to Kyle but I need to thank you. He seemed more receptive after you left." James said. "He seemed concerned. I told him that we all felt you were sincere but that if you weren't and you hurt him that I would personally put you in the hospital bed next to him but I guarantee you wouldn't recover like he will. " Keith said. "You don't have to worry about that happening and I believe you meant that when you said it." James said. "Every word." Keith laughed.

"Whew baby tomorrow will be a something else." Paul laughed. "I hate going back to work and leaving you here." Bob said. "Your little family will be just fine. We will all have a new learning curve." Paul said. "I seriously want you to consider us getting at least a part time housekeeper. Once the babies get a little bigger they wont sleep as long and you will need at least household help." Bob said. "Are you happy ?" Paul asked. Both men lay naked in bed with Bob on his back and Paul on his side with his head on Bob's chest. "I don't think I could be any happier or feel more full filled." Bob said.

Paul began to lick and nibble on Bob's nipple that was closest to his face. With his hand he began to fondle Bob's growing cock. "Are you sure you are not too tired ?" Bob whispered. "I just want to make my husband even happier and I need to feel filled." Paul whispered. Paul began to slowly lick his way down Bob's muscular body paying close attention to the belly button area. Knowing his lover well he knew that would make Bob even harder and larger. Now facing his prize Paul reached his tongue out and began to lightly trace the mushroom head of Bob's cock. "Oh shit baby." Bob whispered. Paul just smiled and began to lick his way down the shaft until he reached Bob's plump balls. "Turn baby so I can do the same to you." Bob whispered. "Oh no sexy. I will get what I need shortly." Paul whispered. "Do you want to fuck me baby ?" Bob asked. "Oh no. You know I really don't care to top. Besides there is only one man pussy allowed in this house and that one is mine." Paul whispered seductively. Bob reached out and quickly slid a finger inside Paul's ass. While Paul moaned Bob fingered Paul's ass. "And that dick in your mouth is the only one allowed in this man pussy." Bob whispered. "You got it lover. Its all yours." Paul whispered.

The two men went to work on each other. Paul deep throated his lover while Bob assaulted Paul's ass with his fingers. Paul pulled off of Bob's cock which quickly slapped against his hairy belly. Paul moved up and straddled Bob's waist. Paul leaned over and lightly kissed Bob on the lips. At this point Bob had a hand on each of Paul's ass cheeks pulling them apart as far as he could exposing the semi wet rosebud to the cool air. Paul reached back and placed Bob's cock tightly against his ass ring. "Make my man pussy sing baby." Paul whispered.

Still holding Paul's ass cheeks wide apart Bob lifted his hips and began to slide his cock inside Paul. Paul tried to maintain the passionate kiss but the intense pleasure caused him to pull his head up to catch a breath. "Oh fuck baby. Your ass always feels so tight." Bob growled. "Custom made for your awesome love stick. Now shut up and fuck me." Paul laughed. Bob began to thrust his cock deep inside Paul. Each stroke playing hell on Paul's prostate. Bob could feel the precum leaking down on him. Each stroke upwards forced even more fluid out of Paul's hard cock. Bob leaned up into a setting position with his cock still buried deep in his lover. Paul was still trying to move up and down and ride Bob's cock but was having difficulty because of the position.

As Bob began to play a tongue battle with Paul in a passionate kiss he would tighten his muscles and flex his cock inside Paul's ass. After a couple of minutes of no movement except for Bob's cock flexing inside Paul he could feel his lovers body begin to tense up. Paul pushed Bob back to the bed and began to slide back and forth on Bob's cock. "Oooooohhhhhh FFFUUUUUCCCCKK GGGrrrrrr.... " Paul screamed as his cock began to flex and shoot his load all over Bob's body. The first shot landed in Bob's hair and above his eye. The second shot landed on his lips and his goatee. The remaining shots left a trail down Bob's body until it reached Paul. Paul leaned forward bracing himself with his hands on both sides of Bob. "Fill my pussy baby." Paul whispered.

Bob began thrusting upward almost lifting Paul off the bed. After about five minutes of intense upward thrusts Bob leaned up quickly and pulled Paul down as far on his cock as he could. He wrapped his arms around Paul and began to suck on Paul's ear lobe while his cock flexed inside his lover dumping his load as deep inside him as he could get. Both men stayed in this position holding each other tightly trying to regain their breath. The baby monitor blared the sound of a baby starting to cry. Paul raised his body up and sadly to him Bob's cock plopped out with a slurping sound. "Need me to go check ?" Bob asked. "No lover you sleep. We'll shower quick first. You have my cum on you from head to cock. " Paul laughed. "Well I hate to tell you baby but you have my cum running out of your ass and down the back of your leg." Bob laughed. "Yep something to give me a smile while I check diapers." Paul laughed as he left the room to head to the nursery. "Fuck he is so hot. Even hotter after he has just been fucked. " Bob thought as he lay there and watch his lover walk out.

Chris and Lee were exhausted. Their sexual adventure for the evening was just as satisfying as Bob and Paul. As they drifted off to sleep Lee was lightly sleeping when his Grandmother appeared in another dream. This time he saw Brian. In his dream he could see Keith and Brian being a strong couple but there was lots of turmoil and stress coming from them and especially on Keith's side. "I don't understand." Lee pleaded. The dream stayed the same but slowly faded and Lee fell deeper into a restful sleep.

"Are you hungry baby ?" Ronnie whispered into Wayne's ear. Both men still lay in the bed naked holding each other. "I think I could eat a little." Wayne said. "Want to get dressed and go out to dinner ?" Ronnie whispered. "Nope. Get the room service menu. I am enjoying your state of undress." Wayne laughed. "Baby from this day forward you can see this naked body anytime you want too." Ronnie whispered as he kissed Wayne lightly on the lips. "Maybe so. We still have a lot to talk about." Wayne said. "O.k.. lets get you fed. " Ronnie said as he reached over to get the menu. "How long are you staying ?" Wayne asked. "I plan to fly back home with you." Ronnie said. "You are staying here until then ?" Wayne asked. "Even longer if that's what it takes." Ronnie said. Wayne had a strange look as Ronnie turned back towards him. "Baby I am with you to stay. Where ever you go I will too." Ronnie said. "Yeah we have a lot to talk about then." Wayne said. "Are you planning on taking this job ? I thought you loved the one you had." Ronnie asked as they looked over the menu. " I do love it. Plus they haven't offered me anything yet." Wayne said. "Whew. That's a start. " Ronnie laughed.

Dinner arrived and Wayne put on a robe to allow the steward in the room while Ronnie was in the bathroom. Wayne tipped the young man and asked where the nearest all night drug store was. The young man told him there was one on the same block but on the back side of the hotel. The young man was tipped well for his service and information. Wayne pulled the comforter off the bed and lay it on the floor. He lay the food out in the middle. "What is this ?" Ronnie asked as he returned to the room. "You know I always told you I wanted to have a picnic with you ? Well I am getting that wish. I am not taking any chances on waking up and you are gone." Wayne said. Ronnie pulled him to his feet and wrapped his arms around Wayne. Holding one arm around Wayne's shoulder and the other resting on Wayne's ass with his middle finger wedged in Wayne's crack Ronnie began the most sensual kiss that he could possibly accomplish. "Well maybe a little less to talk about." Wayne said as Ronnie released the kiss. Both men could feel the precum leaking down their legs from Wayne. "Alright. Time to eat." Ronnie whispered.

The morning came and all seemed well. Brian was rushing around the house getting everything cleaned so that he could be quiet and let Keith sleep. The doorbell rang. As Brian opened the door he was greeted by a young man with beautiful bouquet of flowers. "He is such a sweet man. How did I get so lucky. " Brian thought as he took the flowers. Thanking the delivery man Lee went and placed the flowers on coffee table. He removed the card and began to read. In typed print the message read. "He is mine. Take this as a thank you gift for keeping him happy but keep your hands off of him and send him back to me if you know what's good for you. Its me he loves BITCH." Brian sat there in shock.

His body began to shake and he took the card and walked slowly to the bedroom wondering what just happened to his world. Brian sat in the chair facing out the window looking over the pool. It seemed like a lifetime before he heard the garage door opener. "Hey honey. You ass wrecker is here and ready for a good morning wrecking." Keith called out as he came through the door. Surprised that Brian had not met him at the door he walked through the kitchen as he came around the corner he spotted the fresh flowers on the table. "Hmmm. Flowers for me. He is too much. I bet he is in the bed. Ass in the air waiting on me now. " Keith thought.

Keith quickly stripped and pulled a long stem flower from the arrangement. Walking down the hall all he could think was he was going to get the best welcome home sex he could imagine. As he entered the bedroom Brian was not where he expected. He could see from the angle of the chair that Brian was setting there looking out the window. He snuck around the edge of the chair with the flower between his teeth. When Brian looked up and saw the flower he burst into tears. "Hey, hey baby. What's wrong ?" Keith said. Tossing the flower across the room Keith grabbed Brian and pulled him out of the chair and into a very tight hug. "What happened baby ? Talk to me." Keith pleaded.

Brian handed Keith the letter. "This came with the flowers." Brian cried. Keith opened the letter and began to read to himself. "MOTHER FUCK." screamed through his head. "Baby this just has to be a bad joke. I have no idea who this is or where it came from." Keith said. "Are you sure ?" Brian asked. "Some sick mother fucker is trying to play a joke. NOT FUNNY. I will get to the bottom of this. Please don't worry baby. You are the only man for me. PLEASE believe me." Keith said as he held Brian tight. All Brian could do was begin to cry again. "Somebody's ass will pay and pay dearly." Keith thought to himself.

A small dark pickup sat in a condo parking lot across the street from Keith and Brian's house. "Ah I see that he made it home to the little ferry faggot. Lets see him get out of this one. I will have him back to myself before the day is over." the man whispered to him self. Starting the truck up. " I would love to set here and glow over Keith leaving with all his shit in his truck but I need to get home and get ready for work." the man thought. With a smile he pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards the interstate.

Lee had the boys fed and enjoyed a long kiss from Chris before he left to go to the office. Still concerned about his dream earlier he put it in the back of his mind. About an hour later the phone rang. "Hey buddy. How was Kyle last night ?" Lee said as he saw the name on the caller I.D. "Kyle was fine. Hey look. Are you busy today ?" Keith asked with a hint of anger still in his voice. "Just hanging out with the munchkins. What's up ?" Lee asked. "Can I bring Brian over to your house for a little while. I have something urgent I need to do and I need to run to the office." Keith said. "Sure he can come over here. Is everything alright ?" Lee asked. "No but it will damn sure be shortly." Keith said. "You are worrying me buddy." Lee said. "I can handle this. I just need to make sure that Brian is not alone until I get back. He is not going to want to come but I am not giving him a choice." Keith said. "Well bring him over when you get ready but I need some explanation. You are scaring me." Lee said.

Within thirty minutes Keith's truck pulled up in the drive. Lee could tell from the window that Brian was shaken. Keith had jumped out and ran around the truck to open the door. He helped Brian up the steps. Not waiting for the doorbell Lee opened the door to greet the men. "Come on in guys." Lee said. Wanting to ask what the hell was wrong he bit his tongue. Once Brain was seated Cody got up and toddled over to Brian and held his hands out. "Up peez" Cody said. Brain picked the toddler up and held him tight in his lap. As Lee walked to the door with Keith he didn't speak. Once they reached the door Keith turned and handed Lee the note.

"This along with a bouquet of flowers was delivered to the house this morning. I am headed to talk to the boss." Keith said. Lee was in shock as he read the note. "So you know who this could be ?" Lee asked. "No fucking clue. But I will find out." Keith said. "Well if you need my help you have my resources too." Lee said. "Thanks but I plan to handle this myself." Keith said. "Just let me know if you need anything." Lee said. Keith walked over and hugged Lee tightly. "Just keep him here and safe until I get back. I will not loose him." Keith said. "Done." Lee replied. Lee returned to Brian who had calmed down and was playing with Cody. Lee sat beside Brian. "Don't worry buddy. We will get to the bottom of this. It has been years since I have seen Keith that mad." Lee said. "So you think there is anything to it ? " Brian asked. "Probably someone just playing a sick joke but if so it was in poor taste. The thing is you have no need to worry. Keith is so in love with you he doesn't realize anyone else on earth is even alive." Lee said. "You know him better than I." Brian said. "Yes I do. So trust me." Lee said.

Keith reached the interstate and the slower the traffic moved through Atlanta the more enraged he became. Opening the console to his truck he hung his shield over the mirror and hit the button on the dash that turned on the strobe lights on the truck and also the blue lights installed in the upper part of both front and back windows. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY." Keith screamed inside his truck. Grabbing his cell phone from the cup holder he mashed the number three and then send. "Hey Keith. What's up bud ?" the voice said. "Hey boss man. Are you in the office ? I need to see you ASAP." Keith said. "Sure I am not leaving for a little while. What's up ?" he asked. "I will explain when I get there. I will be there in a few minutes." Keith said. "Is that your siren I hear ?" he asked. "Yeah its mine. I will be there shortly. Don't tell anyone I am headed there though." Keith said. "Sure buddy. Now you have peaked my interest." he said. "I wish that was all I feel." Keith said as he hung the phone up and focused on the traffic and the road.

Next: Chapter 59

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