Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 29, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 56

Lee, James and Debra took turns spending a few minutes with Kyle. He had begun to wake up a little but was still not able to speak. Still partially sedated and on very low doses of pain medication kept Kyle in a fog. They didn't want him to wake up too quickly, but they wanted to make sure that he would wake up. "It will be a while before he can tell us what happened." Debra said. "Maybe by tomorrow they will have him awake more." James said. "Maybe. But be prepared. Kyle is going to be very aggravated. You saw they wired his jaw shut." Debra said. "I knew something was different when I kissed his lips but I didn't notice they had is jaw wired shut." James said and lowered his head. "Its not your fault James. Its not anyone's fault." Debra said. " I feel like its all my fault." James said. "Look buddy. If you can't put this behind you and realize its not your fault then you will not be any good in helping Kyle to recover both physically and mentally." Lee said.

Just about lunch time Chris and Ronnie returned. Chris had went by Ronnie's house to get him and carry him to James' house to get his car. As the men walked in the waiting room they saw the small group chatting in the corner. "Lunch is served." Chris called out. Lee got up and greeted the group. "Hey sexy. How are you ?" Lee asked Chris. Lee took the food and began to lay the food out on the coffee table. "I don't think I can eat." James said. "You have no choice. If I stood in line and argued with the girl at the counter you are going to eat." Chris laughed. "Let me go in and see if there are any changes while you fix your plates." Ronnie said.

With plates fixed the group chatted more than ate. Ronnie returned and said that they were taking Kyle upstairs in an hour to run some tests. Plus they wanted to put him in a pressure chamber for at least twelve hours to help with the lung healing. "They are going to let you in again before they carry him up. Then my friend you need to go home and get some sleep and take a shower. " Ronnie said to James. "I'm not leaving." James said. "Yes you are. And so am I. Kyle seems to be in good hands and for once we know he can't run away." Debra said. "I need to stay here." James said. "Look. You just met Kyle's sister. You and I have not been on the best of terms but I am beginning to like you. You don't want to piss me off again this early." Debra laughed. "I like her." Chris laughed.

The nurses allowed extra time for visits. Each person was allowed to spend a few minutes with Kyle. James held his hand and whispered to him assuring him that he was there and that he was going to take care of him from now on. Lee's visit was a little different. Lee took Kyle's hand and almost felt an electrical jolt. He did not hear voices or see images. The images were there when he walked in the room. He could tell that there were many on the other side standing beside Kyle to keep him here and keep him safe. "This is new to me buddy but i know that you have lots of help. I know that you will make it through this. And yes I have been around James long enough to know that he truly loves you. He has been single for almost a year looking for you." Lee whispered. Kyle lightly squeezed Lee's hand as if to say thank you. "One of the guys will be here with you and James until you are better. I know that may upset you but get use to it. You are in no shape to argue with us. " Lee laughed. He could almost swear that he saw a small smile on Kyle's face.

Kyle was moved upstairs and with some argument James was convinced to leave also. Lee headed home and Kyle's sister was going to follow James to his house. Chris agreed to take Ronnie home on his way. "How are things going at home ?" Chris asked. "I told him that I was leaving for Seattle and that he had better have all his stuff out by the time I got home." Ronnie said. "That was easy enough." Chris said. "Oh I am sure its not over yet. He said he wasn't leaving. One of my fears is that he damage something of mine of even take it since I wont be around. Worse than that he may still be here when I get back." Ronnie said. "Is there anything I can do to help ?" Chris asked. "Just say a prayer. I am afraid of what I might find when I come back. I don't want to go after Wayne and come back home to my partner still being there. Wayne may never believe me. " Ronnie said. "Hold on I may can do you one better than that. Well not better than prayer but second best." Chris said.

Chris pulled out his cell phone. "Hey this is Chris. I need to know if you have someone that is willing to house sit for a few days. They are evicting their room mate slash ex partner and want them out while they are gone. My friend is just afraid that his house may be wrecked, things stolen, or this person still there when they get back. " Chris said. There were a couple of minutes silence. "Sure hold on. When are you leaving ? " Chris asked. "I fly out at eight p.m. " Ronnie said. "Do you trust me and Lee ?" Chris asked. "Sure. " Ronnie said. "He leaves for the airport around six or six thirty p.m. today." Chris said. "So that wont be a problem ? He will return either Thursday or Friday. " Chris said. "Will you have an hour or so before you leave ? And do you need a ride to the airport ? " Chris asked. "I am packed now so anytime between now and then would be fine and I have another friend taking me to the airport." Ronnie said. "Did you hear all that ? O.k.. Sure I will tell him to expect them around four p.m. Thanks. I owe you one." Chris said.

"Taken care of buddy." Chris told Ronnie. "Um what was that all about ?" Ronnie asked. "Someone from Lee's, rather our security company is going to house sit." Chris said. "That is going to cost a fortune." Ronnie said. "Nope. They work twenty four hours, seven days a week. They will get paid the same whether they do this or not." Chris said. "What is that all about ?" Ronnie asked. "Never mind that. If everything works out just tell Wayne its a gift from me and Lee. Oh and I guarantee you that your partner will not spend a minute in that house he is not allowed. Plus he wont touch a thing he is not suppose to." Chris said.

Chris arrived home and told Lee that he had called the security guys to help Ronnie. "I am glad for more than one reason." Lee said. "Why is that ?" Chris asked. "I am glad that you are comfortable using them when needed and not asking." Lee said. "By the way. I thought you were going to get the boys. ?" Lee said "I called this morning to tell Pamela I was coming to get them. She said that she had promised Alex if he was good last night she would ask us if she could take them to the zoo. I told her we would come get them around five. " Chris said. "One of two things. Alex will either be too wound up to sleep or too tired to stay awake." Lee laughed. "We do need to be at Ronnie's a little after four so that we can introduce him to the security guys." Chris said. "That will be good. We can go there for that. Then go pick up the boys and go get a bite to eat. I am really too tired to think of cooking." Lee said. "Plus you need to give Ronnie the information about where Wayne is." Chris said. "Oh shit. I need to call Wayne and tell him what happened." Lee said. "Don't tell him about Ronnie though." Chris said. "Don't worry. If Ronnie changes his mind I wouldn't want to hurt Wayne like that. Plus its time for Ronnie to step up to the plate and Its best to let him do it his way." Lee said.

Ronnie contemplated telling his partner what was going to happen later in the day but decided to wait until the security guy arrived. He went ahead and packed his clothes for his trip. His partner huffed around the house complaining that Ronnie was not preparing lunch. "Things are fine now so lets just get back to normal. What's for lunch ?" his partner asked. Ronnie pretended that he was not even speaking and went about his packing. Ronnie continued to do things around the house. He was nervous about the security officer staying but he trusted Chris and Lee. The other thing that weighed heavy on his mind was how would he approach Wayne. "Will he reject me ? I am going to have to make this work." Ronnie thought.

The time passed quickly and Ronnie heard the doorbell. Ronnie answered the door and Chris, Lee and the security officer were standing there. "Hey guys. Thank you for this. Please come in. " Ronnie said. Chris and Lee introduced Ronnie to the officer. The security people had chosen a single officer that Lee had known for years. He planned to stay twenty four hours a day until Ronnie returned. There would be no need in shift changes. "Sir its nice to meet you. Before we go any further I need you to sign these papers. An associate of mine is outside and will notarize the form. This form gives me permission to make total decision on whom can be on your property and also what property can be removed in your absence. Please list your departure date and add one day to your return date just in case. This gives me the authority to handle anything that happens on the premises. " the officer stated. Ronnie's partner came from downstairs. "Who is this ?" he asked. "Don't worry about it for the moment." Ronnie said. Ronnie filled out the forms and the associate notarized the signatures. "Sir if you can show me any particulars about the house and what you want to happen and expect then we can call him back in here and I will handle it from there. " the officer said.

The home tour was over and the instructions were clear. "Sir I suggest you get your luggage for your trip and leave the rest to me." the officer said waving the paper that was notarized. "Call your friend and tell them that someone showed up that is giving you a ride to the airport." Chris said. "You have already done enough." Ronnie said. "I don't mind riding to the airport. " Lee laughed. As Ronnie got the bottom of the steps with his luggage his partner came in from the living room. "What is going on in my house ?" he asked. The security officer turned and faced the partner. "Sir this piece of paper says that until Mr. Ronnie returns this is my house and I determine who stays and who goes." the officer said. " I don't fucking think so." the partner said. The officer turned around facing Ronnie. "You go ahead sir and enjoy your trip. I have complete control here and your wishes will be granted. I will see you when you return." the officer said. Chris, Lee and Ronnie could hear the partner screaming and cursing coming from the house. "I hate to leave him there to have to deal with all that." Ronnie said. "Oh I am sure he has had to deal with a lot worse." Lee said. "We called the Motel and made you a reservation. Your room is next door to Wayne's " Chris said. "You didn't need to do that. I am going to pay for this. " Ronnie said. "We will discuss that when you get back but for now we wanted to make sure that there were no problems. "Lee said. "I am afraid of how Wayne is going to react." Ronnie said. "You going to him will make everything alright." Lee said. "I hope so ." Ronnie said. About that time Ronnie's cell phone rang. "Hello. Stop screaming. I told you it was over and it is out of my hands now. Have a good life." Ronnie said as he hit the end button on his phone. "He wont go quietly." Ronnie said. "That's alright but I guarantee you he will go." Chris laughed.

"Afternoon sleeping beauty" Keith whispered as Brian started to stir. "Afternoon love. What time is it ?" Brian asked. "Its about five." Keith said. "You shouldn't have let me sleep so long." Brian said. "It has been a long two days and you looked so sexy sleeping I didn't have the heart to disturb you." Keith said as he leaned over and lightly kissed Brian on the lips. "Ah man I bet I have alligator breath." Brian said. "Nope baby its always sweet to me." Keith said. "You are a good liar. I don't even remember getting home." Brian said. "You got in the truck and reached over and took my hand and before we got out of the parking deck you were dozing off." Keith said. "I am sorry baby. It was along night and I wanted to stay awake and spend the day with you." Brian said. "You did spend the day with me. You had a few bad dreams. I kept checking on you while I was cleaning up. If you got restless I would get in the bed and spoon up against you and wrap you in my arms until you calmed down." Keith said. "What did I do to deserve you ?" Brian asked. "No baby I am the one that got lucky." Keith said. "Speaking of getting lucky. Care to join me in the shower shortly ?" Brian whispered. "As long as I get to do the washing. My hands have been itching all day. They need some serious hair exploration therapy." Keith whispered. "Well if you will get me a cup of coffee my love I will try to wake up enough to enjoy your exploration with you." Brian said. "Your wish is my command." Keith said. Brian lay in bed and watch the most gorgeous naked man with the most perfect ass he had ever seen walk out of the bedroom headed to the kitchen. Brian was even more amazed as he saw his beautiful lover walk back in the room with a smile on his face and his enormous cock flopping from side to side as he walked and his huge low hanging balls also roll from side to side. "Thank you Lord." Brian whispered.

"Papa, Pop we saw a elpant and a gir.. a gir.. he had a really long neck." Alex hollered as he ran to the door to greet his two dads. Cody was much better with his toddling so he made it to the door quickly. "Up Pop pop " Cody said as he reached Lee with his arms extended. "Did you see the monkeys too ?" Chris asked as he scooped up Alex. "Yes Papa they were swinging from a tree and a rope." Alex said. "The zoo people didn't think you were an escaped monkey did they ?" Lee asked. "Pop I am not a monkey. I am a stinker remember." Alex said as serious as he could. "That you are buddy." Chris said and kissed Alex on the neck. "Did they give you any trouble ?" Lee asked Pamela. "Not at all. They were perfect angels. I wish my grandkids were this well behaved." Pamela laughed. "We did everything Nana Pammie said." Alex said. "Nana Pammie ?" Chris asked. "Two of my grandchildren were here last night and that's what they call me. Alex asked if he could call me that too and I was thrilled." Pamela said. "As long as you don't care." Lee said. "Alex go get your bag while I talk to your dads." Pamela said. "Yes Mam." Alex said as Chris put him down and he took off down the hall. "What up ?" Chris asked. "I don't know who Grandma is but Alex told me this morning that Grandma told him last night that his Uncle Kyle was going to be alright. Kyle was not even discussed." Pamela said. A look of concern came over her face as she looked at Chris and saw a tear in his eye. "Its a long story Pamela but don't be concerned. He is not seeing imaginary people." Lee said. "I will explain at the office tomorrow." Chris said. Alex returned with his bag and Cody's diaper bag. "Alright stinkers give Nana Pammie a hug and a kiss and tell her thank you." Chris said.

Brian emerged from the master bathroom and headed to the kitchen. Keith had prepared two plates and put foil over them and placed them in the oven on low heat. "Ready for that hair exploration stud ?" Brian asked as he walked up behind Keith and wrapped his arms around him from behind. Keith lay his head back on Brian's shoulder. "Damn you feel so good baby." Keith whispered. Brian reached one hand down and lightly stroked Keith's growing cock. "Well bring that ass wrecker to the shower and show me how it works." Brian whispered. "Your wish is my command." Keith said. Keith turned quickly and picked Brian up. With his arms wrapped around Keith's shoulders they began to passionately kiss as Keith carried Brian down the hall towards the master bathroom. Once in the bathroom Keith put Brian down and started the shower. He turned and pulled Brian in for another kiss. He reached around Brian and placed one arm around the back of Brian's neck and using his free hand he reached down and slid his hand down the crack of Brian's ass. As their tongues began to fight for dominance Keith's won as he slid a finger quickly deep inside Brian which caused Brian to gasp for breath. "Oh yes baby I plan to show you just what this ass wrecker can do." Keith whispered. "Promise ?" Brian whispered. "For the rest of my life." Keith said. "I love you baby. " Brian whispered. "Ditto sexy." Keith whispered as he released Brian and headed him towards the warm running water.

Once under the water Keith turned Brian around facing the wall. He soaped his hands up real well and began to slowly wash Brian's back making sure that he didn't miss a single spot. As he got to Brian's ass he applied more soap and washed each cheek before kneeling down and spreading Brian's ass cheeks and soaping the crack and the rosebud very well. Keith moved slightly pulling Brian with him so that Brian was under the spray of water and the soap began to rinse away. As he spread Brian's ass cheeks again Brian's pink rosebud was too inviting for Keith to resist. Keith kissed each ass cheek and lightly bit each one. Brian's moans let him know that he was doing all the right things.

Keith reached between Brian's legs and lightly pulled his nut sack backwards. Lightly sucking each one into his mouth he felt them begin to tighten and pull away. He then headed north back to the object of his desire. Keith licked lightly over the entrance to Brian's love channel. Each pass it seemed that Brian's ass ring would try to reach out to capture his tongue. Not being able to stand it any longer Keith inserted his tongue as deep as he could in one swift push. Having to hold Brian's hips to keep him from escaping. "Ooohh ffuuck." was all that Brian could manage. Keith would pull his tongue completely out and then suck the ring into his mouth and lightly nibble on it and then release it and reinsert his tongue. Brian was about to climb the walls. After about ten minutes of licking chewing and tongue fucking Brian, Keith stood back up and pulled Brian back under the water. He then began to wash Brian's chest and stomach. "You are so sexy baby it should be a sin." Keith whispered. "You are the sexy one." Brian whispered. "Well as long as you share that sinful body with only me that's all that counts. " Keith whispered.

Brian was washed and then it was his turn to wash Keith. Brian soaped his hands and lightly touched Keith and began to wash his enormous hairy chest. Not using pressure but just letting his hand barely touch Keith was making Keith's cock grow even harder. "Damn baby that makes my dick so hard it hurts." Keith whispered. "Good." Brian whispered. Brian worked his way down but instead of turning Keith around he reached around Keith and washed his back paying special attention to Keith's broad shoulders and also his rock hard ass cheeks. He used his chest at that point to rub the soap all over Keith's chest. "Damn baby you are driving me nuts." Keith whispered. "Uh huh." Brian whispered.

Brian worked his way down Keith's body. He got down on his knees in front of Keith. Brian gently stuck his tongue out and touched the tip of Keith's cock. The warm wet tongue made Keith's cock jump. Brian opened his mouth and began to work the length and girth of Brian's cock into his mouth and then down his throat. Once Brian had buried his nose in Keith's pubic hair he began to moan. Keith reached down and placed his hands on Brian's head. "Please don't hum baby. I don't want to cum yet." Keith whispered. Brian took his time deep throating his lover's cock. Pulling out until only the head was still in his mouth and licking the sensitive skin under the cock head and then diving back down. Keith had leaned over Brian's body by this point and with the aid of some hair conditioner on his finger he had began to finger fuck Brian to loosen him up. Both men moaned. Keith from the amazing blowjob that he was receiving and Brian from the constant assault on his prostrate from Keith's fingers.

Keith reached down and pulled Brian to his feet. The kiss was no less than passionate. "Do you trust me baby ?" Keith whispered. "Unconditionally." Brian said. Keith took Brian's arms and placed them around his neck. In one swift motion Keith picked Brian up off the floor. "Wrap your legs around my waist baby." Keith whispered. "I am too heavy for this. You will hurt yourself." Brian said. "No I wont baby. You did want to see what this ass wrecker could do didn't you ?" Keith whispered. Once Keith had Brian in the air he reached around and applied a little conditioner to his cock. Using the same hand he positioned the tip of his cock at Brian's ass ring. "Now baby relax your legs a little and slide yourself down on my ass wrecker. " Keith whispered. Brian was nervous so he only relaxed just a little. The head of Keith's massive cock entered Brian and holding still for a moment to relax around the baseball bat intruder. Brian tried to relax his legs just a little more. Keith sensed Brian's fear of either falling or hurting Keith's back so he raised up on his tip toes and held there for a moment or two and then dropped back down flat footed. The motion caught Brian off guard and his body slid impaling him completely balls deep on Keith's cock. Brain arms shot out and Keith grabbed him quickly and held him tight to his chest..

" OOoooohhhh Fuuuuucccckkkk..... UUuuuhhhhhh.." Brian screamed as his orgasm took over his body. Keith felt his body quiver and could feel Brian's trapped cock flex as it spewed cum between his body and Keith's. "Fuck baby you are amazing. This shit turns me on so much. " Keith said. He moved back placing Brian's back against the shower wall with Brian's legs still wrapped around his waist. Keith began to piston fuck his lover as fast as he could manage in that position. "If I don't cum soon I think my dick will break from the pain of needed to unload so bad." Keith thought. Within moments Keith pulled Brian from the wall and stood still holding his lover. His body began to quiver and Brian could feel Keith's cock grow longer and wider inside him. He leaned over and began sucking Keith's earlobe. "UUUGGGGHHHHHHH." Keith shouted as his body shook and finally released the seed that had built up in his balls. Brian could feel every flex of his lovers cock inside him and as Keith's body shook he could feel each warm rope of cum as it exploded deep inside him. Keith leaned Brain back against the shower wall and lay him head in the nap of Brian's neck trying to regain his composure.

"You can put me down now baby." Brian whispered. "Oh no I am not through wrecking this ass." Keith laughed. "Hit the water baby." Keith said. Brian reached over and turned the water off as Keith walked out of the shower with Brian's arms and legs still wrapped around him and his cock still embedded deep in Brian's ass. "What about towels and drying off ?" Brian asked. "Fuck that I am still too turned on. We can dry off later." Keith said as he walked to the bed still holding his lover. "Now its time for me to really show you what this ass wrecker is capable of. " Keith said as he lowered both of their bodies onto the bed. "Wreck away stud. This ass is yours to do with as you please. " Brian whispered.

"Can I help you sir ?" the lady asked. "Yes I have a reservation." Ronnie said. "What name would that be ?" she asked. "Dr. Ronnie Hoffer." he said. "Yes sir and welcome. We have your reservation right here. We have your room ready." she said. "Thank you." Ronnie said. "The party that you are here to meet is not here at the moment but I have been instructed to ring your room as soon as he returns." she said. "He knows I am here ?" Ronnie almost gasp. "No sir. When Mr. Hamrick made your reservation he instructed me to let you know when our guest had returned. He said that you already had the room number." she said. "Yes I do. Thank You. I will listen for your call." Ronnie said as he took his key card and headed for the elevator. Once in the room Ronnie sat on the edge of the bed. "Am I doing the right thing ? Time will tell. Lee said I had one last chance so here I am." he thought.

Next: Chapter 57

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