Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 9, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 50

"Baby we need to discuss something." Brian said. "Sure babe. What's up ?" Keith asked. "Well my lease is up at the end of this month. I know its bad timing but I want to get out of here." Brian said. "Sure we can move everything to my house if you want." Keith said. "Well that would be nice but I was really hoping you would go look at houses with me. I had rather rent a house than an apartment." Brian said. "Sure babe but why not buy one instead of renting ?" Keith asked. "Right now we don't know where we are headed so I had rather lease for a year and then we can consider buying." Brian said. "Well we are headed together and that's all that matters. Plus don't get upset but I plan to help pay. My house payment is cheap and almost paid for. I want you to get what you like so I plan to pay part of it too." Keith said. "Well I wasn't asking you to do that." Brian said. "Look baby. I will live there too just as much as you and besides I don't have a truck payment anymore and had rather pay that amount towards a house you are happy in than settle for what you think you can afford on your own." Keith said. "Have I told you that I love you ?" Brian said. "Sure did. You asked me to marry you. I can't wait." Keith said. "So will you look at houses with me ?" Brian asked. "Try and stop me." Keith laughed.

Life went on for all the couples. Chris and Lee kept a check on Kyle. Keith and Brian had also went and paid for Kyle to stay. Chris had stopped by the Salvation Army to pay more and found out that another ten days had been paid by someone else. He had no clue that it was Keith and Brian. Keith and Brian had found a house to rent and were in the process of moving. Some of Keith's buddies had come up one weekend and helped move everything from the apartment to the house. The house was a fairly large three bedroom house with swimming pool. When they were unloading the last boxes a delivery van arrived. Chris, Lee, Bob and Paul had gone in together to buy an outdoor kitchen set including grill as a gift. "Damn baby. Where did that come from ?" Keith asked. "The card says its from all the guys." Brian said. "Well we are going to have to invite them over so I can use their gift and feed them." Keith said. "Don't worry. I am sure that with this and the pool you will get lots of use out of it. " Brian said.

A couple of Keith's buddies watched as the kitchen unit was assembled. "Damn Keith. My wife's friends didn't do anything like this. You got any single friends Brian ? I need one of these." one of his friends laughed. "Not any female ones." Brian laughed. "Hell for one of these I will change teams." the friend laughed. One of Keith's friends had to go back home that evening but his friend Phillip was spending the night to help with one last load the next day. All the furniture was placed and Keith headed to the grocery store. For the friend that was leaving Keith bought a six pack of beer for him to carry home. For the other three men he bought steaks and a case of beer.

Late afternoon Bob and Paul stopped by with the twins to see the new house. "Well we know that you two will be hosting some of the parties now with all this room." Paul said. "Thank you so much for the grill and kitchen unit." Keith said as he hugged both men. Keith took Addyson and handed her to Phillip and then took Leyton for himself. "We got diaper duty. Let Brian give you the ten cent tour. " Keith said. Keith watched his friend Phillip as he talked to the infant as if he was a natural. "I need me a couple of these." Phillip said. "Well now that we have moved into the house I am going to start working on a few for me and Brian." Keith said. "Buddy I don't want you to get your hopes up too high. You know its not easy for gay couples." Phillip said. "Well Lee has the inside scoop. It may take a year or two but at least we will be working on it." Keith said. "Well you know if you need a character reference I will lie for you." Phillip laughed.

"How are things going with you and your girlfriend ?" Keith asked. "Oh she is ready to get married. I am just not sure she is the one." Phillip said. "Don't make a move until you are sure." Keith said. "How did you know that Brian was the one ? I mean I see it in both your eyes and I hear it in your voice when you mention his name. " Phillip asked. "Phillip I never believed in love at first site until I saw Brian. I thought that love was something that came later but the moment he let the window down on that SUV and looked into my eyes I knew i was in love." Keith said. "Damn that sounds nice. I don't have that feeling I don't think." Phillip said. "Do you miss her from the minute she isn't where you can see her ? Do you constantly look at your watch and count the minutes until you are back with her ? And when you touch her do you get almost and electric shock and feel the rest of the world and all its issues just melt away ?" Keith asked. "Not even close. Sometimes I look at my watch to see how long before I can carry her home." Phillip said. "Well buddy move slow then please. You are one of my best friends and I don't want to see you trapped and unhappy." Keith said. The men continued to talk to the infants until Bob and Paul returned. "This house is perfect for you two." Bob said. "Yeah we looked at six or seven but kept coming back to this one." Keith said. Bob and Paul collected their babies and bid the men goodbye. "You are closer now so don't be strangers." Paul said. "Hey your number one baby sitter had to move closer." Keith laughed.

The sun had began to set and Brian had most of the kitchen unpacked. Keith and Phillip were out testing the new grill with the steaks that Keith had bought. Brian watched closely because Phillip seemed to make numerous trips to the beer cooler. Brian went out to check on the men. "Is Phillip alright babe ?" Brian whispered. "Yeah I think its girlfriend issues. I am keeping an eye on him. I am glad he plans to stay tonight because no way in hell would I let him drive." Keith said. "Just making sure. I really like him. He is a super guy." Brian said. "I know baby. I hate to see him hurting but I had rather him hurt now than when its too late." Keith said. "Very true. Well I have the potatoes and salad ready. Just waiting on the man of the house and his steaks." Brian said as he squeezed one of Keith's ass cheeks and turned and headed back tot he kitchen. "I saw that. Get a room guys." Phillip called out laughing. "Well I spared you. Normally Keith would be naked and I would be squeezing something else." Brian laughed and he walked back to the house. Just the thought for some reason made Phillips dick twitch. "Well I have no doubt that man loves you buddy." Phillip said. "Not as much as I love him and that's a fact buddy." Keith said. Dinner went well and the men chatted about moving and also police business. "Are we boring you ?" Phillip asked Brian. "Not at all. I enjoy seeing you too laugh and talk about work." Brian said. "Damn my girlfriend tells me I am off the clock so leave it at work." Phillip said. "Well I am interested in everything in Keith's life." Brian said.

It had been a busy day for all three men. Brian had prepared one of the guest rooms and the guest bath. The beer had began to get to Phillip and he went and showered and prepared for bed. In the master bedroom Brian was finishing the bed when Keith came in. "I love you baby. I think Phillip really likes you too." Keith whispered. "He's a great guy. I was afraid that he would be freaked about the gay thing but he seems to be fine." Brian said. "He told me years ago that he was fine with it. I just hate he is having such a hard time with his girlfriend." Keith said. "Is it that bad ?" Brian asked. "Well I think that he realizes that he doesn't have what you and I have and he is starting to rethink his situation." Keith said. "Well I know that there is our type love out there for everyone. I just hope he finds it." Brian said. "Now its time for me to show my baby how much i love him and christen the new house. Well at least the master bedroom since we have guests." Keith laughed.

"Shit that beer is running right through me." Phillip thought. Wearing only his boxers he headed across the hall to relieve the pressure. Once he had finished he started back to bed. "Uhh. oh fuck baby your ass is always so tight." came a voice from the partially opened door. "Harder baby.. Fuck me." he could hear. Phillip moved slowly towards the cracked door. As he looked through the opening he had a plain view of Keith's ass moving back and forth. Brian's arms and legs were wrapped around Keith's body and he could plainly see Keith's huge cock moving in and out of Brian's ass. "Fuck baby this is the sweetest ass on the planet." Keith said. "Just for your dick baby. Harder." Brian said. Phillip stood in the doorway and felt his cock begin to rise. "I thought man on man sex would be gross but this shit is the hottest thing I have ever seen." Phillip thought. The moans began to get even louder.

"Holy shit how does Brian take that baseball bat up his ass ?" Phillip thought. Not even thinking about it Phillip lowered his boxers and began to stroke his now hard seven inch cock. Never taking his eyes off the two men having mad, passionate sex in front of him. "Holy crap. He has to be stretching Brian's ass to its limit." Phillip thought as he stroked his cock. "Ohhhh fffuuucckkk baby I am cuummm.....innnngggg." Brian called out as he shot a load landing on his chest. "OH FUCK. he just shot off without even touching himself. I see all four hands. He didn't fucking touch himself. " Phillip thought. Phillip watched as Keith began pounding Brian's ass even harder. "Fuck baby...Ohhhh shhittt I am going to fill that sweet ass up." Keith said. Philip watched as Keith pushed in one last time as his toes dug into the bed to get even deeper. "UUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHhh,,,,," came from Keith as Phillip watched Keith's body shake as he dumped his load inside Brian.

Phillip felt himself about to cum which was the first time he had realized that he was jacking himself off while watching two men have sex. Phillip slipped out of the doorway and with his back against the wall he held his hand out to try to catch his earth shattering orgasm. "Fuck. No wonder Keith is so happy." Phillip thought. Not wanting to be caught Phillip slipped back down the hall and into the bathroom to clean himself up. Looking in the mirror all he could think was "what the hell did you just do ?" Keith and Brian fell asleep spooned against each other. Phillip lay in the bed looking at the ceiling. "All I ever get is hurry up, never I want more." he thought.

"Hey Bro. Those beers talking to you this morning ?" Keith asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning buddy. Nope. No affects from the beer." Phillip said. "You seem distant." Keith said. Keith grabbed a cup of coffee and sat across from Phillip. Phillip struggled to look up at Keith to look him in the eyes. "I have a confession." Phillip said. "I already know. Brian saw you. Its alright Bro. No harm." Keith said. "Brian saw me in the door ?" Phillip asked. "Yeah he whispered and told me we had an audience. So I kept it calm." Keith said. "You call that calm ?" Phillip asked. "Very calm." Brian said as he walked in behind the men. "Oh shit Brian I am so sorry buddy." Phillip said. "Don't apologize. Besides I think it made Keith even hornier." Brian laughed. "Well I didn't start out to watch but I just couldn't help it. " Phillip said.

"Bro if there had been a problem we would have stopped right then and shut the door." Keith said. "Do you mind answering a question ?" Phillip asked. "Shoot." Keith said. "I hate to discuss it but ." Phillip started. "Spit it out buddy." Brian said. "Is it always that intense ?" Phillip asked. "That was calm in comparison." Brian said. "Your kidding right ?" Phillip asked. "Nope bud. That was calm." Keith said. "Damn. I saw Brian's toes curl and fuck you shot without touching yourself. And Keith bud. Every muscle in your body tensed up and your body shook when you shot." Phillip said. "It has been a lot more intense. " Keith said. "Shit. I mean I enjoy a nice pussy but its nothing like that. I mean yeah it feels great but its a quick release and then I am done. Plus I have never had one bite their lip to keep from screaming. " Phillip said.

"Oh you saw that." Brian said. "Fuck yeah. At first I thought it was pain from big boy here but then I realized it was pleasure." Phillip said. "If you don't do it right it can be extremely painful." Keith said. "Do you think I am gay ? I got harder than I have in years watching that." Phillip said. "I doubt you are gay." Brian said. "I can't explain it though." Phillip said. "What you saw was passion. It wasn't just sex. And passion is a huge turn on regardless of who is doing it. You didn't see horny. You saw true love." Brian said. "Now wait. I was horny." Keith said. "You are always horny big boy." Brian said. All three men laughed which cut the tension. "Look Phillip. I have fucked a few women along the line and also a few men. The women just didn't do it for me. And no man has done it to me like this until I met this one. Just his scent starts big boy twitching." Keith said. "Down big boy. There will be no exhibition on the breakfast table this morning." Brian said. "Damn." Keith laughed.

"Well it worried me a little. I mean no guy has ever turned me on and it wasn't either of your bodies it was the intense sex." Phillip said. "Well if that hot ass in the air didn't do it for you then you aren't gay." Brian said pointing to Keith. "Besides. I like my tits well rounded and very plump." Phillip said. "Good then I don't have to worry about you trying to take my man. I like my tits a little muscular and covered with hair. " Keith said. "Thanks guys for being so understanding." Phillip said. "No problem. Plus I was informed that next time if there were guests in the house and I left the door open that I wasn't getting any that night." Keith laughed.

"Morning sexy." Chris said as he wrapped his arms around Lee. "Morning Love." Lee whispered. "What do we have to do today ?" Chris asked. "We need to go by and see Brian and Keith's new place." Lee said. "I am glad they found a place they both like." Chris said. Chris began to snuggle up against Lee and kissed his neck lightly. Lee could feel Chris' cock beginning to grow. "Hold that thought. 5.....4.....3....2...1..."Lee whispered. Tap tap on the door. "Come on in stinker." Chris called out. "How you know it was me Papa ?" Alex said as he opened the door. "I could smell you coming." Chris laughed. "No you didn't Papa. Did he Pop ?" Alex asked. "Come here and give me a good morning hug and kiss and let me see." Lee said. Alex squealed and ran around the bed and jumped up beside Lee's head. A quick kiss and a tight hug and Alex sat back up. "What about Papa's ?" Chris asked. "He said you stink and he could smell you didn't he buddy ?" Lee said. Alex just grinned and shook his head yes. Within seconds Chris had reached over and grabbed Alex and Lee was caught between the tickle monster and a screaming child. "Life don't get no better." Lee thought. "Alright kids. We have to get stinker and get ready to go. We have to go see Uncle Keith and Uncle Brian's new house." Lee said. "They have a swimming pool." Chris whispered in Alex's ear. Alex grinned from ear to ear and before he even got to the door running to his bedroom his pajama top went flying across the room. "Think he will be ready first ?" Chris laughed.

"Hey babe. Don't forget the sun block." Paul called out to Bob. "They aren't going to be in the pool." Bob said. Paul just looked at him funny. "Alright baby. Whatever you say." Bob laughed. "I am looking forward to this. You planning on swimming ?" Paul asked. "I am not taking a suit. It will probably be a little too cold." Bob said. "Well we need to stop and get some chips, buns and other fixings. Chris and Lee are bringing the meat and buns plus desert." Paul said. "Well do Keith and Brian know that we are going to test out the gift ?" Bob asked. "No but Chris said that they said they were going to be home all afternoon. They have to eat too." Paul laughed.

Bob and Paul arrived about ten minutes before Chris and Lee. All the men and children had toured the house and Alex ran up to Keith. "Unca Keith. You got a fwimmin' pool ?" Alex asked. "We sure do buddy. Lets go see it." Keith said. Keith and Alex headed out to the backyard. It was a nice large back yard with a privacy fence that went all the way around and was connected to the house. Alex's eyes were big as they walked around the pool. Keith kicked off his flip flops and stood on the steps in the shallow end. He had Alex standing in the water too. "Pop can we go fwimmin'?" Alex asked. "Baby I am sorry but we didn't bring you a swim suit. I was afraid it was going to be too cold." Lee said. "But its not cold." Alex said. "I am sorry baby. If we had known it was this warm we would have brought you a swim suit. Ask Uncle Keith if you can come another day and swim ?" Lee said.

Alex stood there and looked across the pool not making a sound. Keith looked down and saw the tears rolling down Alex's cheeks. "Come here little buddy. Do you want Uncle Keith to fix this. ?" Keith said. Alex held on tight and put his head in Keith's shoulder and began to cry. "Fuck this. I can fix this one." Keith thought. "Alright buddy I need your help." Keith said. He set Alex down and removed his shirt and pants. Next he removed the pull up diaper. "O.k. buddy we are going swimming. When I pick you up you hold on to Uncle Keith real tight and hold your breath. O.k. ?" Keith said. "Can we Unca Keith ?" Alex said sniffling. "Sure thing buddy. Get ready." Keith said. Keith pulled off his own shirt and quickly pulled his shorts off and grabbed Alex. As he bolted towards the pool he heard "KEITH!!" Brian hollered. " Well I see two piles of clothes and one pile is way too big for Alex." Paul said laughing. "He is turning into a real exhibitionist." Brian said. "What the hell. Why not." Bob said as he ran across the pool decking stripping as he went. "BOB!!!" Paul hollered. Before he completely got it out of his mouth there was a big splash and Alex squealed even louder. "Go ahead. I know you want to." Lee told Chris. "Are you sure?" Chris said. "Well one of us has to watch out for our son." Lee laughed. As quick as the rest Chris had stripped and jumped into the pool naked also. "If you two want to join them I will take care of the babies." Lee said. "Are you sure ?" Paul asked. "Go and have fun. I don't plan to swim." Lee said. Paul got up and stripped and joined the men. Though it was fall it was still hot outside with the sun out. Cody kept looking at the men in the pool and laughing never taking his eyes off them. "Can I take Cody in ?" Brian asked. "Sure" Lee said.

Brain and Cody played in the shallow end. Brian would hold him and let him splash in the water and then hold him so he could float on his back. The other men had Alex in the deeper water tossing him from one to another like a basketball. They played and swam for a while and Keith took Alex and lay him on his stomach and floated on his back. "Watch that monster with Alex. It may sink you guys." Bob called out laughing. Chris and Bob moved closer to the shallow water to watch Paul and Brian with Cody. "Let me get out so that Lee can get in." Bob said. "Don't bother. He wont do it." Chris said. "Why not ? We are all friends here." Bob asked.

"There is no way he would go skinny dipping with a group. He has an amazing body. Its not from a gym but to me its amazing. He doesn't think so. Plus he has so much hair it embarrasses him but I love it. It is a huge turn on to me but he thinks its gross. Plus that man has the most beautiful low hangers you have ever seen on a man. Hell they lay on the bed by themselves." Chris said. "Well most men would love that. He should be proud." Chris said. "He isn't though. Someone told him years ago that he needed scrotum reduction surgery. I have to admit you have to be careful during sex and you have to move them out of the way but I love it. He hates it." Chris said. "Well it may not be until summer but we will have to get him more comfortable around us. " Chris said. "Good luck with that one buddy but you are on your own there. I am not going to push my luck." Chris laughed.

Cody was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open. Brian and Paul brought him out of the pool and before they made it to the shade Cody was slumped over asleep. "One tired little man." Paul said. Just lay him on that towel and you guys go back and swim. I just checked the babies and they are fine." Lee said. "Why don't you go and we will stay." Brian said. "I am fine. I had rather watch all the eye candy anyway." Lee laughed. "Well we need to start cooking soon." Paul said. "Oh no. Those guys can drip dry while they cook." Lee laughed. About twenty minutes later all the men came out of the pool. Bob was carrying Alex and he was asleep on his shoulder. "Lay him down beside Cody. I will dress them when they wake up." Lee said. "Did you get some towels out baby ?" Keith asked. "Nope. You guys can drip dry and cook at the same time." Brian said. "Sounds good to me." Keith said. It was a wonderful afternoon watching all the naked sexy men cooking burger and hot dogs as if it was just another day. "Baby one of us needs to stay out of the pool and watch the babies so Lee can swim." Paul whispered to Bob. Bob pulled his lover in for a tight hug. "I offered earlier and Chris asked me to leave it alone. He said Lee wouldn't do it." Bob whispered. "But ...." Paul started. "But nothing baby. Lets trust Chris." Bob said. "O.k. I guess." Paul said.

"Man its a hot day out here." Kyle thought. As he walked down the sidewalk he thought about just how much easier his life had become having a place to sleep and one meal a day. His ribs were still sore and he had gotten a cough that he couldn't get rid of. Each cough hurt some but it was still better. As he walked along he saw something under the edge of a bush that shinned. As he got closer he stooped to look under the bush. It was three quarters in a triangle. It was if someone had placed them there and not dropped them. Kyle looked around and there was no one close. He sat on a bench near by waiting for a child to come back thinking they had placed it there for safe keeping.

The sun began to set and no one had claimed the quarters. Kyle thought about waiting until the next day to see if they were still there but decided someone else may take them. He took the seventy five cents back to the Salvation Army store to pay for the gift he had picked out. He had been looking for a couple of weeks and still had not been able to come up with the money. Finally he had it. He lifted his face towards heaven and all he could say was "Thank you." Once in the store the man dug under the counter looking for the figurine. Kyle was about to panic thinking someone had moved it. "Found it" the guy said. Kyle paid for the gift and with it clasped in his hands he went to his room to put it safely into his locker. "Today has been a perfect day." he thought.

Next: Chapter 51

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