Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 2, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 49

The men had finished their desserts and coffee. "Thank you guys so much. You will never know how much tonight has meant to me. Hopefully one day I can pay you back. " Kyle said. "No need for any payback. I have been at the top and I have been at the bottom. I have been SO very close to where you are today. At the moment I guess you could say I am in the middle.:" Lee said. "Hopefully one day I will be back on the bottom side of the middle." Kyle laughed. "Is there anything that we can do for you ?" Chris asked. "You have done more than you can imagine. I will never forget this night as long as I live." Kyle said. "I have extra room at my house if you would be interested in moving south and trying to start over." Wayne said.

"That's a very tempting offer but I still have my pride. That's the only thing I have left and I will make it." Kyle said. "I hope this doesn't piss you off but could I give you some money ?" Wayne said. "No thank you. I can't have the luxury of relaxing on the street for a couple of days. It would be like having to start over again." Kyle said. "Where will you stay tonight ?" Chris asked. "I just need to get near the downtown MARTA station and I can go from there." Kyle said. "You still didn't say where you plan to sleep." Chris said. "Well along with pride I do have a few secrets. I will be fine. " Kyle said seeming to get a little nervous. "Well our deal was that we would take you back to where you wanted to go. " Lee said. That got a cross look from Chris and even Wayne. "One more deal though. You have to let us know how to keep in touch. Don't worry I wont be hunting you down to give you money. You have become a friend and I can't just turn you loose and not know at least how you are." Lee said. "That shop doorway is my evening spot to people watch. So I will be there. But please don't try to get your friends to bring me money. I wont take it. " Kyle said. "Deal then. See you again soon." Lee said.

Chris drove Kyle back downtown. "I know that you are a proud man. I also understand that you don't want hand outs but you had said you sleep under a bridge. At least let me help you until your ribs are healed. Lee would kill me for this but I am having a hard time here." Chris said. "You are a very kind man and Lee is lucky but I have to do this on my own. I created the mess and I have to fix it. " Kyle said. " Beside Salvation Army on Luckie street is ten dollars a night." he added. " Luckie street huh?" Chris said. "I will make you a deal. Let me take you there so you can stay at least until your ribs heal. Then once you are better we can go from there." Chris said. "What's the deal ?" Kyle asked. "The deal is that Lee doesn't make me sleep on the couch." Chris laughed.

"Sounds like a one sided deal to me." Kyle said. "Oh no its not buddy. I don't want to freak you out and I wont go into details but Lee's Grandmother was native Indian. She has haunted his dreams for over a month that there was someone that needed him. He almost broke his neck to find you when we drove by. It scared the hell out of me. I saw a peace on his face tonight that I haven't seen in a month. It's not that we felt like we did anything charity wise. Honestly we found a new friend. " Chris said. Kyle had a tear running down his cheek. "A couple of nights then Lee wont be mad at you. I still think its charity." Kyle said. "Believe me when I say this, but charity has nothing to do with it." Chris said. They arrived at the Salvation Army rescue mission. It took a few minutes but Kyle was accepted. Chris pulled out a $100 bill and handed it to the attendant. "This is for ten days." Chris said. "I said a couple." Kyle said. "Too late." Chris laughed. "Here is another $50 for an account so that my friend can get things he needs from the thrift store. And be advised he will give me receipts." Chris said. A quick hug and the promise that they would be able to find Kyle and the attendant carried Kyle through to his room.

Wayne sat quietly on the couch waiting on Chris to return. He and Lee had been in lite conversation. "What's wrong buddy ?" Lee asked. "Oh nothing really. Kyle just gave me a lot to think about." Wayne said. "Why is that ?" Lee asked. "Well I thought about Ronnie and his situation. I am afraid if that were to happen to him he would be in the same shape. And yes I would do exactly what Kyle did." Wayne said. "I was afraid when he started his story that it would hit close to home with you." Lee said. "I am alright it just gives me a lot to think about." Wayne said. "Well buddy we would never let that happen to you." Lee said. "No offense but I am sure that Kyle thought the same thing. I wish I knew who this dentist was so I could give him a piece of my mind." Wayne said.

"Honestly from listening to Kyle's story I wonder if the dentist even knows." Lee said. "He has to know something. Hell you wake up with the same self centered partner but all your bills are paid and all your money is still there. No one is that dumb." Wayne said. "I agree but unless I heard his side of the story I couldn't be mad at him." Lee said. About that time Chris came through the door. "Hey babe. Where did you take Kyle ?" Lee asked. "O.k. don't get mad but I finally put my foot down a little. I carried him to the Salvation Army Center downtown and I paid for ten nights." Chris said. Wayne jumped up and ran and hugged Chris tightly. "Oh God thank you. How can I pay for more time." Wayne said. "Lets just let this time run for a little while and see what happens." Chris said. Chris pulled Wayne back into a hug. "I am sorry buddy. This was suppose to be a special night for you. We will have to do another one later." Chris said. "No way. I don't think my night could have been any better." Wayne said. Chris looked over Wayne's shoulder towards Lee with a questionable look. "Later" Lee mouthed and blew Chris a kiss.

"Have you seen my phone ?" Ronnie asked. "Yes." his partner said. "Where is it ?" Ronnie asked. "You don't need it. You ruined my plans earlier and you are taking me to the Eagle tonight." he said. "You know I hate going to the bars. Too loud and too much smoke." Ronnie said. "I didn't ask. Here put on this dog collar." he said. "I am not wearing that collar." Ronnie said. "Well you wont get your phone back then." he said. "I am not dressing up but I will go for an hour or so if that will shut you up." Ronnie said. "I told my friends that you would make this up to me so you need to wear the collar." he said. "I have never worn a collar and tonight will not be the first. Now where the hell is my phone." Ronnie said. "You will get it later when we get back and I am happy." he said. "What the fuck is your problem ?" Ronnie said. "This is my house and I run it." he said. "Umm last I looked my name was on the deed and the mortgage." Ronnie said. "Just a technicality." he said. "Well if I am going lets go now. We are not staying but an hour." Ronnie said. "No we are going in my vehicle and I will have the keys. This is my night." he said. "This shit is just getting too much." Ronnie thought. "Well move or you are going alone." Ronnie said.

Lee slept the best he had in almost a month. "Morning sexy." Lee whispered to Chris. "You feel alright baby ? Chris asked. "I slept great." Lee said. "No more dreams ?" Chris asked. "I still had some but they were not desperate. I am convinced though that Kyle and Ronnie have some sort of connection. I just have to think about how to approach it. " Lee said. "Well you know I will help all I can." Chris said. "Baby you have helped more than you can ever know already. I am sorry that I worried you so bad last night but I had no option but to find him." Lee said. "I understand. I just wish I knew what you were going through so I could help." Chris said. "Baby you just helped. I have been so afraid that you were going to say all this was just too much and wanted no more part of it." Lee said.

"Well Wayne helped last night. I was so scared I was going to cross a line and you would never forgive me. I didn't know what you were trying to do." Chris said. "Wayne is a good guy. I just hate we ruined his evening. " Lee said. " I talked to him about it and he said that we had no reason to apologize." Chris said. "He had a rough time while you were gone. He said that he could see himself doing the same thing with Ronnie if he had too." Lee said. "You know I thought about that too. I have a question though ? " Chris said. "What is that?" Lee asked. "Last night Alex told me that Kyle needed him. He said that his insides were sad. Am I going to have two dreamers ?" Chris asked. "Too early to tell but it may have just been that Alex is still able to see into Kyle's soul. Besides Cody went straight to him and it usually takes him a few minutes to warm up." Lee said. "I guess your right." Chris said. "Alright sexy time to hit the shower before everyone starts moving around. Do I need to call Keith for you ?" Lee laughed. "Nah You get me excited not Keith. " Chris laughed.

"Come on baby. We need to straighten up before Wayne gets here. " Brian said. "Wayne?" Keith asked. "Yes remember we asked him to come by here before he went home." Brian said. "No naked day with my baby today ? Yesterday was life changing." Keith said. "Well you can have a naked night with your baby but we have to get moving." Brian said. About an hour later Wayne arrived at Brian's apartment. "Hey buddy how was the picnic and the dinner ?" Keith asked. "The picnic was great but the dinner was beyond interesting." Wayne said. "What do you mean interesting ?" Brian asked. "Keith does Brian know about Lee and the dreams ?" Wayne asked. "Well I told him what I know but don't tell Lee." Keith said. "Well that latest dream he has been having was a rough one. We found the guy." Wayne said. "No shit. How did that go ?" Keith asked. Wayne told the two men of the events of the evening before. He told as much of Kyle's story as he could. He told about Lee jumping out of the vehicle and also told how Alex and Cody reacted when they met Kyle. "Shit we missed out." Keith said. "Well I think Kyle would have freaked out worse if the group had been larger." Wayne said. "How did he react ?" Brian asked.

"He is a very proud man. It took a few minutes to even get him to look at us. He refused to accept any charity. I tried to offer him some money and that was a big mistake." Wayne said. "Where is he now ?" Keith asked. "Chris paid for ten days at the Salvation Army." Wayne said. "We can go pay for more days baby." Keith said. "I would talk to Lee first. Lee says that this is not over by a long shot." Wayne said. "What's wrong buddy ?" Keith asked. He could see a tear running down Wayne's cheek. "I could see myself in Kyle. I could see the same thing happening with Ronnie and that being me." Wayne said. "We wont let that happen." Brian said. "That is a promise that non of us can make. I just feel blessed that Ronnie is healthy and I haven't been faced with this." Wayne said. "Well we haven't met him but Kyle has two more friends now so we will get this fixed." Keith said.

Bob and Paul both held a baby since both had decided to eat at the same time. "Are you going to be alright when I go back to the office tomorrow ?" Bob asked. "It will be a new learning curve but we will be fine. Plus I am talking to both of our Mom's when they get here today. I am sure they will be glad to help out." Paul said. "Just try and stop them." Bob laughed. Both babies fed, changed and asleep the two men stood arm in arm looking into the cribs. "Are you happy baby ?" Bob asked. "I have never been happier. We have a few minutes. Let me prove how happy I am. Race you to the shower." Paul said as he left the room and headed for the master bedroom. Bob looked at the babies one more time. Pulled their blankets up and then followed Paul. Paul had the shower running warming the water. Bob wearing only a pair of running shorts stood in the door and watched his naked lover preparing for their shower. "I see at least someone likes what he sees." Paul laughed. He had looked and could see Bob's hard on inside his shorts. "Oh baby my whole body loves what it sees. " Bob said. Paul stepped into the shower. "You better hurry if you want some. Your mother in law will be here shortly and she may not approve of what you are doing to her son." Paul laughed. Bob's shorts dropped and within seconds he was under the warm water with his arms wrapped around Paul.

Bob began to wash Paul's body taking very slow motions taking his time to touch every inch of his lover's body. Paul was trying his best to wash what he could of Bob but his lover had other ideas. "This is all about you baby." Bob whispered. As he pushed Paul under the warm water to rinse the soap off, Bob reached over and took a bottle of conditioner. He filled his hand and leaning slightly he reached between Paul's legs and inserted a couple of fingers into Paul's ass. He pulled his finger out and pulled Paul even closer. Locking his lips to Paul's he reached around and reinserted his finger."Uuhhh . oh fuck baby." Paul moaned. Bob lightly pushed Paul back against the shower wall. Lifting Paul's right leg Bob guided his raging cock towards Paul's twitching ass. "If my Mom only knew what you are about to do to her baby." Paul whispered. "She would be happy that I am about to fuck her babies brains out and make him happy." Bob whispered. As Bob's cock head pressed through the opening Paul pulled Bob tighter and gasp for air. "Your Mom would be proud of how well I am going to lube here babies ass." Bob whispered. "She would say faster." Paul whispered. "Sounds like my baby needs a refill." Bob whispered. One quick motion and Bob pushed in as far as he could go. Almost balls deep he pulled Paul's face in for a deep sensual kiss. " Oh fuck baby I am so close." Paul whispered. Bob leaned back in for another kiss and began to quickly stab his lovers prostrate with his cock. Paul pawed at Bob's back and raised to his tip toes on the one foot still down and grabbed Bob tight. "Oooohhhh... ffuuuuucckkkk... aahhhhh....sshhhhiiittttt..." Paul screamed as his cock shot his load in between him and his lover. Bob pulled out and turned Paul around and without missing a step he slid his cock back deep inside his lover. Paul had reached out and braced himself against the wall. "Fuck me baby. I need a refill please." Paul whispered. Bob began to piston in and out of Paul's ass. Pulling his cock completely out and without any guidance moving right back in balls deep with every stroke. Within a couple of minutes "OOOOHHHHHH hoooollllyyy FFFUUUCCCKKKK." Bob shouted as he held Paul tight against his body. Bob's body shook as he began to unload deep inside his lover. "Oh fuck baby that was hot." Bob whispered in Paul's ear as his body still twitched and his cock flexed deep inside of Paul. "I think you mother in law would be pleased. I know her baby is." Paul whispered.

Kyle stepped out of the Salvation Army shelter to a beautiful Atlanta day. "Last night still feels like a dream." he thought. "I have to find a way to repay their kindness." he thought. Walking into the building next door Kyle began to look at all the items donated for resale in the Thrift store. As Kyle walked the isles he was reminded of things that he use to donate. There were odds and ends but nothing caught his attention until he turned to start up another isle. It was if a certain figurine that seemed to just glow. As he stood in front of the three inch tall figurine his mind wandered back to his friends house. "Please keep him safe and give him a happy life." Kyle whispered to the figurine. "Hey Kyle. Find anything interesting ?" the man asked. "I like this figurine but I don't need it." Kyle said. "Well you know you have a $50 credit in here and the store for anything you need." the guy said. "I didn't know that." Kyle looked up in shock. "Yeah that dude last night paid for ten nights and also a $50 credit in the store." the man said. Kyle looked at the figurine and saw that it had been marked seventy five cents. "Can you hold this for me for a few days and let me come up with the money?" Kyle asked. "Sure but I can just take it off your account. " he said. "No thanks. For this one I had rather come up with the money myself. I have someone special to give it to." Kyle said. "Done buddy. I will put your name on it under the counter." he said. Kyle stepped out into the sunlight and started about his daily routine. "I need seventy five cents. Breakfast is included here so I will eat and I can wait another few days on my ticket. " Kyle thought as he scanned the sidewalks for change.

"Have you been having any problems ?" Ronnie asked his patient. "No, Everything seems to be fine. No more headaches and no nausea." the patient said. "Well that's good to hear. I want to run a couple of tests and make sure that everything is healed fine and there is no scarring." Ronnie said. "If you think that's necessary. I just want to make sure that I am good to go." the patient said. "How are things at home ?" Ronnie asked. "Well I ended up kicking my partner out. I found out the hard way what I had suspected. He was only out for himself." the patient said. "What about the guy that stayed with you in the hospital and at home ?" Ronnie asked. "I can't find him. My partner ran him off the last couple of days before I got my mind back and no one has seen him. Not even his family. " the patient said. "He hasn't called to check on you ?" Ronnie said. "He probably never will. He was treated so nasty. My partner claimed he paid all my bills so I gave him money. I found out from friends that he had left and was living with another guy until he found out I was going to be fine. He came back and kicked the other guy out and said he wasn't needed anymore. I also found out from his family that he sold everything that he had just to keep my bills up. I was so outraged at my partner. That was the only day that I had a bad headache but I didn't call." the patient said. "Well you understood where that headache was coming from." Ronnie said. "By the end of the day honestly I thought I was going to have a heart attack." the patient said.

"Do you need something for anxiety ?" Ronnie asked. "Not at all. Once I closed the door behind him I had a peace that I have not had in years. My only anxiety is that I lost the one person that truly loved me. He has just vanished. I was so dumb. My sense of commitment ruined two lives. Mine and his" the patient said. "Maybe he will call." Ronnie said. "Its been months. His phone is disconnected and he hasn't checked emails in months. I still send him one every day but they go unread." the patient said. "Well if there is anything that I can do I will be glad too." Ronnie said. "The only thing I can tell you is that if you see him please don't let him out of your sight until you contact me." the patient said. "I think I can handle that." Ronnie laughed. "Well I spend every free minute I have praying and looking but at this point I figure he may be on the west coast by now or something. I don't sleep at night praying that he is alive and safe." the patient said. "What will you do if you find him?" Ronnie asked. "Spend the rest of my life, and if it takes it every penny I have to make up for what happened. He spent every penny he had for me and asked for nothing." the patient said.

The patient went for his tests and returned an hour later. Ronnie looked over the x rays and the blood test results. "Everything looks good. One test wont be back for a couple of weeks but I think everything will be fine." Ronnie said. "Thanks Ronnie. I owe you big time." the patient said. "Just take it easy and stay well." Ronnie said. "How are you and your partner ?" the patient asked. "Honestly we are just there. It gets tougher every day." Ronnie said. "Well buddy I will only say this. If you see the chance to be happy don't do like I did and wait until its too late and they are gone. We only travel around this old cruel world once and we don't get a redo." the patient said.

"Well mine keeps threatening to hurt himself." Ronnie said. "Well you know we both had to take a lot of psychology to get our doctorate. They always told us that someone that threatens is not really a threat. You need to think about you and not worry about him. I am living proof." the patient said. "Well I wish it was that simple." Ronnie said. "That's your excuse. I had the same one and then when it was too late I realized it was just that. Nothing but an excuse." the patient said. Ronnie's patient left his office as he sat as his chair he pulled up a pic he had of he and Wayne together. Lost in his thoughts he caught himself saying a prayer to always keep Wayne safe. "I love you Wayne." Ronnie whispered. He sat and thought of what would happen if he were in the same situation as his patient. He realized then that he had to figure something out because he could only thank God at the moment that he was not in his patients position. Ronnie pulled his patients file up and programmed his number into his phone. "I think my new group of friends will be good for him. I will talk to them about inviting him to one of their dinners." Ronnie thought.

Next: Chapter 50

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