Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 17, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 46

It has been a month since the threat to Lee's family occurred Keith was in the hospital for two weeks but was able to go home with limited activity. Its funny to see Bob and Paul with the babies. Though Paul is home with them all day its tough to see which one is the mother hen. The comforting thing is they do not argue about the children. They seem to think as one when it comes to the babies. It was quite comical but Keith's first truck was rejected. The dealer called Dean before delivery and Dean said no. So Keith had to pick a much nicer truck. The insurance company had settled with Chris on Lee's SUV. To Chris' surprise Lee wanted one exactly like the one that was wrecked. Lee said that he had loved that one especially since Chris picked it out and that he didn't want something different or even different color as a reminder every day of what happened. Lee wanted things as close as possible to what it was before this happened.

Four days after that scary night the threat was revealed. There was an individual that had run a major ponzi scheme. It was about to fold and he had tried to embezzle money in an attempt to take over one of Mrs. Ruth's business interests. Her CPA caught the fraud and the man was on the verge of loosing everything and going to prison. He spent some of his ill earned gains to try to force Mrs. Ruth into hiding so that he could get away. It came to light that he also figured if his threat was strong enough that Mrs. Ruth would drop her legal action and run and hide. Boy was he surprised. There is no fear from him anymore since all assets were frozen by the IRS. He even had to ask for a public defender. His attorney would not touch the case because there was no money to get paid. Life had returned to its normal hustle and bustle. The dreams still haunted Lee. He was still clueless as to who was presented to him in his dreams. He was convinced that Ronnie was involved in this even if it was just be a hint to who this may be.

Fall was in the air and the days had cooled and nights become chilly. "Morning sexy. Did you sleep well ?" Chris whispered as he pulled Lee even closer. "With you in the bed every nights sleep is a good one." Lee said. "You charmer. I bet you say that too all your men." Chris said as he hugged Lee tighter. "I do. I tell you that and when Alex and Cody end up in our bed I tell them that too. I am too old to handle more than three men." Lee laughed. "What are your plans today ?" Chris asked. "I have a few invoices to get sent out and then don't forget all the guys are coming for dinner. Its funny. Ronnie told Keith he could drive earlier this week but he wont tell Brian. He is forcing Brian to drive his new truck some so that he isn't scared to drive it." Lee said. "Those two are just too funny." Chris said.

"Oh and don't forget to call Ronnie today and make sure he is coming too." Lee said. "Is his partner coming ?" Chris asked. "I don't think so but from what I understand from Wayne I would like to meet this guy. It sounds like he is a real piece of work." Lee said. "Is Wayne coming ?" Chris asked. "No I wouldn't do that to him. He is coming up tomorrow night and we are taking him out to eat." Lee said. "I knew that. I just wondered if he would be here tonight too." Chris asked. "Alright sexy. Get that cute ass in gear. You have to meet with your future mother in law today. She is coming to town to meet with Bob remember?" Lee said. "Can I call in sick ?" Chris laughed. "Not today sexy. You know she is coming by here. I doubt she will stay but I am going to invite her to stay for dinner." Lee said. "That's right. She has never been to this house before." Chris said. "Well her companies main office is only a couple of miles from here so she is going there too. " Lee said. "Guess I need to look my best then." Chris laughed.

The office visit to Chris went smoothly. Pamela was so stressed when she found out Lee's Mom was coming she wanted to go home herself. Lee's Mom stayed for about twenty minutes and got a tour of the offices. "She was a charming lady. I don't see why she scares you so bad." Pamela said. "She defiantly is a charming lady but that little woman also packs a mighty powerful punch when she wants too." Chris laughed.

At the house Lee and his Mom sat in the living room and chatted while the boys took turns climbing all over their new Grandmother. Cody was the funniest. Mrs. Ruth had picked him up to get a goodbye kiss and hug claiming she already had other plans for dinner so she needed to head home. Cody turned towards Lee. With one arm around Mrs. Ruth's neck he waved and told Lee "bye, bye." "Sorry munchkin you have to stay here with me." Lee said as he took Cody from Mrs. Ruth. This was the first time that Cody have ever cried after someone. Chris and Lee came closer than they knew to loosing one little boy for the night.

Dinner was almost ready as the guests began to arrive. Keith and Brian were the first to arrive to see if they could help prepare. Ronnie was the last to arrive but he was still early. Chris entertained all but Lee and Brian in the living room. Well lets just say that the twins and Alex and Cody did the entertaining. Ronnie held both the twins at different times and assured Paul that they seemed to be in perfect health. Paul's concern was their size. He had seen other babies that were larger at the same age. Ronnie assured him it was common for twins to be smaller at that age. Everyone took their places at the table and the prayer was said. "We are sorry your partner was not able to be with you Ronnie." Chris said. "Don't be sorry. I looked forward to a meal in peace." Ronnie said. "You call this peaceful ?" Lee laughed. "Believe it or not . Yes." Ronnie said. Lee kept looking at Ronnie and could not get the images out of his head from his dreams. He wanted badly to talk to Ronnie about it but was scared that like many others it would freak Ronnie out. "You alright baby ? You haven't eaten a thing hardly." Chris whispered. "I am fine. I just can't shake these images." Lee said. "Talk to him about it." Chris said. "And be labeled the freak of Atlanta. I think not." Lee said. "He wouldn't do that." Chris said. "Been down this road a few times. I will know when the time is right." Lee said.

"Alright you two. We are trying to eat and you two are talking dirty to each other at the table." Keith laughed. "You are just upset because you are still can't get any. " Chris laughed. "Soon buddy. Very soon." Keith said. "How does it feel driving again ?" Ronnie asked. "Uummm." Keith hesitated. "Driving ?" Brain said as he sat back and looked at Keith. "Oh I told him earlier this week he could start driving again." Ronnie said. "Oh you did , huh ?" Brian said. "Baby I wanted you to get comfortable driving my truck. You still think its your fault. Plus as long as you drive I can look at you and not have to watch the road." Keith said. "Excuses, excuses. You just wanted me to keep spoiling you." Brian laughed. "Well that too." Keith admitted. "I guess we will have to wait until next week then. If you were doing fine driving and no complications I had planned to lift your other restrictions tonight." Ronnie said as he winked at Bob. The look on Keith's face brought a round of laughter from all the men. "Hold up. I can go drive now. I will be back and you can lift my restrictions." Keith said. "Too late. We will revisit it next week." Ronnie said. "See what you get for fibbing ?" Brian laughed.

The table was cleared and Chris, Bob and Lee were finishing the kitchen. Lee stood looking at Ronnie as he chatted with Brian. "Where are you at buddy ?" Bob asked. Not realizing that he had zoned out Lee turned quickly to the sink. "I'm here are we almost done ?" Lee said. Bob looked at Chris and he shook his head no as if to leave it alone. "I will be right back. I need to change my shirt." Lee said. After leaving the room Bob walked over to Chris. "Is he alright ?" Bob asked. "Yeah I am not sure if Paul told you about our conversation with Mrs. Ruth or not." Chris said. "Well most of it I think." Bob said. "Well did Paul tell you about Lee's Grandmother." Chris asked. "Yes. I think its neat but Paul said that it freaks Lee out for people to know so I just stayed quiet." Bob said. "It does. I don't know why but then again I have never been in his situation. He had been having dreams for almost a month. One of his dreams is about Ronnie and his situation." Chris said. "Dreams ?" Bob asked. "Well I call them dreams. I am not exactly sure what they are. But he can see Ronnie's life situation surrounding him and he can't shake it. There is another guy in the dream that is even more concerning and Lee feels that Ronnie is connected somehow. I told him to talk to Ronnie but he almost freaked out." Chris said. "I think Ronnie would be fine. Should we talk to him ?" Bob asked. "Hell no. I have learned there are some things you don't try to fix for Lee. I never want that side of him aimed at me. I have to let him deal with this his own way." Chris said. "Well I don't want to see what you saw aimed at me either then." Bob laughed.

"How is Keith doing ?" Ronnie asked. "He is doing great. He hasn't had any double vision in almost three weeks and I think he has taken maybe two of the pills you gave him for headaches." Brian said. "Well the driving part was only a poor joke. When was his last headache ?" Ronnie asked. "Well he had one yesterday but he said it was sinuses and took a sinus pill and it was gone in minutes." Brian said. "Has it been a week since he took a prescription pill for headache ?" Ronnie asked. "Probably longer than that." Brian said. "Are you sure he isn't taking them without you knowing ?" Ronnie asked. "We are talking about Keith. He doesn't even know where they are. If he needs one he has to ask me to get one for him. " Brian laughed. "Well I knew you would not believe him if I had told him but since he hasn't had to have any of the meds. in over a week I am lifting his restrictions." Ronnie said. "Oh God.. Are you sure ?" Brian said beaming. "Yes but don't tell him until later. I will let this be your gift to him. I will say though if he needs something for a headache afterwards then I need to know." Ronnie said. "Oh thank you so much. I am so excited." Brian said. "Well don't let on until later. This can be your payback for the driving thing." Ronnie laughed. "I like the way you think. Thank you for everything Ronnie. We owe you so much." Brian said as he hugged Ronnie.

Paul walked up as Brian had finished his hug. "Alright you two. You are suppose to be mingling. Here, your turn to mingle with Leyton." Paul said as he handed the infant to Brian. Alex had followed Paul and stood with his arm wrapped around Brian's leg looking up at Ronnie. "Unca Brian is he a doctor ?" Alex asked. "Yes little buddy. This is Doctor Ronnie he is the one that fixed Uncle Keith." Brian said. Still holding onto and peering around Brian's leg Alex looked at Ronnie. "Mr. Doctor. Did you give Uncle Keith a shot ?" Alex asked. "Your Uncle Keith was very sick so he had to have a shot." Ronnie said. "Oh." Alex said. Brian squatted so that he was more on Alex's level. Without taking his eyes off Ronnie Alex moved his arm from Brian's leg to his shoulder. "Do you give little boy's shots ?" Alex asked. "No little buddy. Not unless they are really, really sick." Ronnie said as he squatted to Alex's level also. "You pomise ?" Alex said. "I promise little buddy. I only give little boys shots if they are really sick and have to have it." Ronnie said. Alex hesitated for a minute and then walked slowly over to Ronnie. He wrapped his arms around Ronnie's neck and whispered. "I like you Mr. Doctor." Ronnie picked the small boy up and when he turned Alex was all grins. "Pop I like Mr. Doctor he doesn't give little boys shots." Alex shouted. "Don't worry in a week or so you will be Uncle Ronnie." Brain said laughing.

"Oh no buddy. Ronnie said you could drive so here you take the keys." Brian said as they headed to Keith's truck. "I hope you aren't mad. I swear I was going to tell you. I just wanted you to be comfortable driving my truck. You only drove my other one once and that didn't go well. " Keith said. "I forgive you but no more secrets. " Brian said. "I promise baby." Keith said as he kissed Brian and took the keys. "Well I have a small secret but I will have to tell you later." Brian said. "Well I owe you that one." Keith said.

Back at Brian's apartment he had excused himself to prepare before he revealed his secret. Keith was in the living room watching the news. "I'm headed to bed baby." Brian called out. Keith turned out the lights and made sure the doors were locked. When he entered the bedroom Brian was in the bed with the covers pulled up. Since the accident they had not slept nude because it was too tough on Keith. Keith went into the master bath to brush his teeth. Brian was so excited about his surprise that he almost wanted to shout for Keith to hurry up.

Keith walked to the bed and began to remove his shirt. Brian pulled the covers back to reveal his naked body. "I'm lonely baby. Hurry up." Brian said with a seductive voice. "Oh I see. Now I get punished for the driving thing." Keith whined. "Come here baby. I have a secret to tell you." Brian said. Keith slowly got in the bed stopping to run his hand up and down Brian's body before he leaned over for a kiss. " One day soon I am going to prove to you just how sexy you are and how much you turn me on." Keith said. "Still want to know my secret ?" Brian whispered. "Anytime baby." Keith whispered. Brian had seen Keith's cock go from flaccid to raging hard in only seconds through Keith's boxers when he opened the covers. "Well my secret is that Ronnie said that your restrictions are lifted." Brian whispered.

"Your fucking kidding right ? " Keith said. "No that is what he and I were talking about when Alex came over. You are free baby." Brian said. "Fuckin' A. Time to tear that sweet ass of yours apart. I have dreamed of this every minute since I woke up in the hospital." Keith said. "Well I am all yours baby. Prove to me how much you have missed this ass." Brian whispered. Keith almost lost his balance trying to remove his boxers. "Baby your restrictions don't come back in five minutes." Brian said. "I know but I plan on cuming deep in my babies ass for the first time tonight within five minutes." Keith said. "Five minutes ?" Brian said. "Yep Babe but I said for the "first" time remember." Keith smiled.

Keith began kissing Brian and then moved to his neck. As he moved his body so that he was between Brian's legs Brian raised his legs and wrapped them around Keith's lower back. "No baby turn over. I need to see Keith junior sliding into that sweet ass. I know then I am well. " Keith whispered. Brian released Keith and within seconds he was on his stomach. "Mmmmmmm.. this is the sexiest ass on the sexiest man I have ever seen." Keith whispered. "Its your baby but hurry and reclaim it. I need you inside me. Its been too long." Brian said. "I have to savor this for a second. I have dreamed of it every minute of every day for a month." Keith said.

Keith took the head of his raging cock and covered it with lube. He slide his cock up and down the crack of Brian's ass. "Oh baby I am going to stretch this sweet ass wide open." Keith whispered. "If you don't hurry your restrictions will come back." Brian whined. "Oh no baby. Never again." Keith said as he slipped the head of cock into Brian's ass. Brian had tried to stay loose during the month but without the real thing it just wasn't the same. A sharp pain rushed through his body for only a second. Brian raised his head back and let out a low moan. Keith reached around Brian's neck and kept his head up as he lowered his body onto Brian inching his cock further in as he moved. "Half way there baby. God I love this ass." Keith whispered. As Keith's massive dick bottomed out in Brian's ass his lips landed on Brian's neck. Keith held his lips on Brian's neck gently kissing as he pounded into Brian's ass. "Baby its time for more lube for my big cock for round two." Keith whispered. Within a minute Keith locked his lips on Brian's neck and began to suck while his body went frigid. Keith dug his toes in the bed trying to get even further in his lover while he dumped a month worth of cum deep inside Brian. "Oh fuck baby. I am cured." Keith whispered.

Keith raised up enough that he could turn Brian on his back without pulling his cock out. The feel of Keith's cock messaging his prostate as he turned over caused Brian's cock to empty its month long load. As he turned his cock shot ropes of cum all over the bed and then both his chest and Keith's. "Yep that's my baby. No hands." Keith said as he lowered his body back onto Brian's and began a long and deep passionate kiss. The two made slow passionate love for almost an hour. Brian was woken to a surprise two more times during the night with Keith slowly sliding his hard cock back inside his lover for a slow comfortable fuck. "I am cured baby. It feels so good." Brian whispered. "Welcome back baby." Brian whispered.

"Why me lord ?" the ragged man cried as he took an old news paper to wipe the blood from his face. " He was dressed nice." he said. "I had $12.40. That's not much God but it was a start to get me out. He took it all. Even my ragged shoes." the man cried. On his way back to his space under the bridge the homeless man encountered a couple of thugs. For their entertainment they had beat the man cleaned out his pockets and even took his shoes. "God I have trusted you and still do but why do you not want me to leave. I don't understand." he cried. Reaching his perch under the bridge the man drifted off to sleep to dreams of the life he once had. The big family meals, his own home, a small business and a new vehicle. Sleep was not easy but the man knew that the weather was getting colder and the next day would be back to square one. His only solace was that he was not new to the streets this time. "I am strong. I will survive." he thought as he dozed back off to sleep.

Lee could not sleep. His dream seemed almost desperate. " I need help." he cried. Slipping out of bed Lee took a blanket and lay on the chaise looking out the window. Wide awake the dreams were still real. They played out in front of him as if he were watching television. "I can't do this. I just can't. I don't know who to help." he thought. He felt a breeze on his back realizing the back of the blanket had been lifted. He felt the body heat before Chris ever touched him. Chris wrapped his arm around Lee resting his hand on his chest lightly stroking Lee's chest hair. "Everything alright baby ?" Chris whispered. "Just these dreams." Lee said. "I thought so. Just remember I am here and I love you." Chris whispered. "I love you too baby. Go back to sleep. I will be fine." Lee said. Moments later he felt the warm breath on the back of his neck and knew that his lover had fallen back to sleep. As he looked back out the window the images, but these with pain and blood, came racing back. The pain brought tears to Lee's eyes.

Next: Chapter 47

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