Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 13, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 45

"How is our patient this morning ?" Ronnie asked as he entered Keith's hospital room. "Horny." Keith replied rather quickly. "Well the swelling didn't change the personality." Brian laughed. "Well you are going to have to stay horny for a while buddy. An orgasm causes too much all over body pressure. Especially the brain." Ronnie said. "But Doc. Its really rough having HOT twins waiting on you hand and foot." Keith said. "Twins?" Brian looked puzzled at Keith. "Yeah I thought I had the hottest man in the world. But my dream has come true. There are two of you now." Keith laughed. "Double vision is to be expected. That's why we give you motion sickness medicine to keep it from causing nausea." Ronnie said. "Well I don't mind it when I am looking at my sweetie." Keith said. "Well buddy you are only taking one home. So you better choose wisely." Brain said. All three men laughed.

"Ooohhh. Don't make me laugh. It hurts too bad." Keith said. "Well Brian I think you will get your wish. Keith will be back to normal fairly soon. Maybe even a little more frisky." Ronnie said. "Doc. He can't get any friskier. I may need to take that twin home if that's the case." Brian laughed. "Well I guess you don't want it anymore." Keith said trying to pout. "Baby you will forget that statement in about ten seconds. You know better." Brian said. "Thank you Ronnie. We owe you big time. I owe you for Brian and now he says he owes you for Me." Keith said. "All you owe me is to get well and go on and enjoy life." Ronnie said. "I owe you guys too." Ronnie added. "How is that ?" Brian asked. "Seeing you two together and seeing you with your friends has given me a lot to think about." Ronnie said.

"Well I thank God every second of the day for him directing Wayne to call me at the right moment." Brian said. "What do you mean ?" Keith said. "I was crying in the phone begging you to speak to me. The call had not dropped. When the security people got into the Navigator your phone died. Just as soon as it went dead mine rang. It was Wayne. He had called to see how the evening went with the new babies. He told me to have them bring you to Piedmont and he would get in touch with Ronnie for me. I told him I didn't want to him to put himself through that. No offense Ronnie. He told me that at that moment that Keith and I were the priority and don't worry about it." Brian said. "He is one of a kind." Ronnie said. "No pressure here Doc. but remember you said it. We already know it." Keith said.

Lee had a restless night. Every time he fell asleep his grandmother appeared in his dreams bringing someone to him. He saw the shadow of a man. The man seemed broken. There was no face just the silhouette. Where the man's heart should be there was a hole. To the left of the man where family normally appears there were dark shadows with their back to him. On the right where friends normally appear there were only very faint shadows. If you didn't look carefully you would miss them. Above and behind the man where your love interest usually appears there was a man facing sideways but he had a very dark and evil shadow surrounding him. The more puzzling part was there was a glow around the broken man.

In the left corner of Lee's dream was a religious figure as if it was protecting the broken man. Lee is not catholic but knows he has seen this figure but not sure who it was. Lee's grandmother kept pushing the scene towards Lee as if claiming that he needed to fix this. "Who is he Grandma ? How do I find him ?" Lee pleaded in his dream. All she would do was push the scene even closer. "I need your help if you want me to do this." Lee pleaded with her. Lee woke up in a cold sweat. He slid out of bed slowly. The clock said 4:11 a.m. He sat at the desk in the bedroom and wrote out notes on his dream. He turned and watched his lover sleep and a calm came over him realizing how good his life was. The security people were moving around outside so Lee put on a robe and went to the great room. "Everything is fine sir. Just a precaution. Sorry we woke you." the inside guard said. "Not a problem. I was already awake." Lee said. "It has been an active night." the guard said. "Is everything alright ?" Lee asked. "Everything is under control sir." he said.

Lee made a pot of coffee for the guards but his dream still haunted him. One pot of coffee only made one round for the officers so Lee prepared a second pot still lost in his dream. Once the coffee had brewed Lee prepared a cup and sat on the couch. His body automatically relaxed. He had sat where Chris normally sets and could still catch a hint of his lovers cologne. The baby monitor was still on and he heard one of the babies start to cry. He could hear both Paul and Bob struggling to wake up Lee got up and knocked lightly on the door. "Come in." Bob called out. "Hey guys. Let me take this shift." Lee said. " We can handle it. Leyton has had a rough night. Sorry that they woke you up." Paul said.

"I was already awake. You two just sleep. I will take both into the great room." Lee said. "Thank you but I don't want to inconvenience you. You go back to sleep." Bob said. "Stop arguing. Lay back down and go back to sleep. Your babies are in safe hands." Lee said. Around 7:30 am Chris made his way into the great room. He walked up behind the rocking chair that Lee was in and kissed him on the top of the head. "Morning baby." Chris said. "Morning lover. Sleep well ?" Lee asked. "I tried but you were having a very bad night. I started to wake you up but you didn't seem to be too stressed." Chris said. "Sorry about that. It was just a dream." Lee said. "Don't apologize. I was just concerned." Chris said. "Coffee is ready baby." Lee said. "Here give me one of those." Chris said as he walked around the chair and took one of the babies. "Come to Uncle Chris little lady. We need coffee." Chris said as he took Addyson to the kitchen with him. Both men moved to the couch. Each man with their own baby. "You look so natural. Do you want one like this." Chris asked. "Ask me that again around ten after the two little monsters have had a good nights sleep and are trying to burn off the energy from their breakfast." Lee laughed. "Good point." Chris laughed.

"Bring it on mother fucker.... I will kick every ass here... Bring it the fuck on. " Keith whispered as he tossed and turned in bed. "Baby wake up. Your dreaming. I am here please wake up." Brian pleaded. Keith's eyes opened as if he was startled and his fist was clinched. Brian had one hand rubbing his face and the other covering one of Keith's fists. Keith looked around the room but his eyes stopped looking directly into his lovers eyes. "Hey sexy." Keith said as the tension left his body. "Baby you had a bad dream." Brian said. "Sorry if I upset you. I am fine now. Well now that I see you." Keith said. "What was your dream ?" Brian asked. "I was surrounded by a bunch of men in black hoods. They all had guns and I didn't. There were three behind them that had you and was dragging you away. You were screaming for me to help you." Keith said.

The door opened quickly and a security guard and one of Keith's deputy friends entered the room scanning it quickly. "He had a bad dream. Everything is fine." Brian said. "Just making sure." the deputy said. "Thank you. But we have this." Brian said. The door bursting open had brought Keith back on the defensive and his body had tensed back up. Brian turned to Keith and took his hand and placed it on the side of his face. "Baby I am here and nothing is going to happen to me. I have you to protect me." Brian said. "I almost lost you." Keith said. "No baby. I almost lost you. If it had not been for your quick actions I may have been hurt too." Brian said. "All I could think was to take the threat away from Brian." Keith said. "Well we are both safe and fine. I do have to say I am sorry though." Brian said. "Sorry for what ?" Keith said. "Your truck. I know you loved that truck." Brian said and lowered his head. Keith reached up and place his hand under Brian's chin. "Baby that truck means nothing to me compared to you. They make new trucks every day. Besides I figured you wanted me to get a neon pink or purple one. " Keith laughed lightly. "Only if you want to ride in it by yourself." Brian laughed.

"Shit this job market has changed." Wayne thought as he filled out online applications. "If I am going to live my last few years in peace I have to get out of here. " he thought. Wayne loved his job but could not stand the pain of being this close to Ronnie and with his expanded circle of friends he knew that he would come in contact with Ronnie even more. "Shit you use to walk in and shake a persons hand and they interviewed you. Now if you don't look good on the "net" then you don't even get considered." Wayne though. "Damn. This job was posted less than an half hour ago and I am number fifty three as an applicant." Wayne thought as he sat back and looked at his computer screen. A few sips of coffee and his screen saver came up. It was the only picture he had of him and Ronnie together. " I have to do something besides this to get a job and get out of Georgia." Wayne thought.

"I hope you know you ruined my weekend." Ronnie's partner said. "How do you figure that ?" Ronnie asked. "You were not on call. I had made plans for you to carry me to the bars with my friends but "NNOO" you had to go play doctor." he said. "That's my job." Ronnie said. "Well you need to start paying more attention to my needs. Do you know how embarrassed I was to show up at the bars without you ?" he said. "You know I hate those bars." Ronnie said. "That's not the point. I love them and you promised to make me happy." he said. "I have to work. What the hell do you want me to do ?" Ronnie asked. "Well doing what I want, when I want would be a good start. What good is it to have a doctor as a partner if you aren't treated in the manner a doctor should treat you." he said. "Well you may need to go find you a lawyer then." Ronnie said. "No I have a doctor and one way or another "HE" will fall in line." he said. "Don't hold your breath." Ronnie said. "We will see." he said. "I guess we will. I have to go. I have to make rounds." Ronnie said as he headed for the door.

The men were in the dining room eating breakfast when the Sheriff rang the door bell. Alex raced Lee to the door. When the door opened Alex stood there looking at the huge tower of a man in a police uniform. "Wow." was all he could manage. "Come on in. Have you had breakfast ?" Lee asked. "Not yet. Its been a long night. " the Sheriff commented. "Come on in. Babe get the Sheriff a plate and a cup of coffee please. " Lee called out. "Sure thing. Come on in." Chris said. "I can't impose on your breakfast." the Sheriff said. "Well if you look at the table there is plenty for you and half the county so don't argue and eat all you would like." Lee said.

The Sheriff sat down and fixed himself a plate. Alex's eyes were glued to the police man in his uniform. I am not sure if he even blinked. The Sheriff informed the group that they had caught two people stalking Mrs. Ruth's house but were able to surprise them and take them into custody without incident. It had been a long night of interrogation but they were very close to having an answer to this threat. One of the men was what is called a third timer. The threat of life without parole made him realize the more he talked the better his odds were. "This still make take a couple of days but hopefully we can make a huge dent in this threat today." the Sheriff said. "Did it alarm my Mom ?" Lee asked. "She slept right through it. I just told her about what happened before I came here. " he said. "Well I trust you and know that you will get all the information you can." Lee said. "We really appreciate the attention your department has made towards this." Chris said. "Oh don't worry I would quit before I faced Mrs. Ruth and had to tell her I didn't do all I could." the Sheriff said. "I can believe that." Paul said. This brought a round of laughter from all the men.

Lunch was simple. Sandwiches and chips. He was not expected to but Lee was so grateful to the security officers that he felt the need to feed them also. With very little sleep Lee was too tired to cook a meal but would not let the others know how exhausted he was. Two of the security officers had asked if Alex could come out and play. Cody was down for a nap and both babies sound asleep. Bob and Paul took advantage of nap time and lay down themselves. Chris was in the office looking over a couple of files that needed his attention. Lee went into the master bedroom and lay on the chase. He had not realized how tired he was until he dozed off to sleep.

Once again his grandmother appeared. The same man and the same scene but there seemed to be some difference. Lee tried frantically in his dream to make mental note of everything. The same scene played over and over in his dreams. "You have to help me find him." he thought to his grandmother. There were more detail in this dream. Lee and his extended family were now in the far right corner. The religious figure had a cord in her hand that embraced the broken man, the love interest figure, and also Lee's family and friends which seemed to connect them together. "Who can this be ?" Lee thought. In this vision the broken man's hand was extended slightly with a half a penny in it. "What does a broken penny mean ? " Lee thought. The intensity of the dream woke Lee up and he jotted his additional notes. Chris came into the bedroom and sat beside Lee. He opened Lee's hand and place a penny in it. "Penny for your thoughts baby." Chris said. Lee looked at the penny and then at his note and all he could see was the phrase "broken penny." and began to cry.

"Baby please don't cry. It was just a joke." Chris said. "Its not that." Lee said. He handed the note pad to Chris. Chris began to read the notes. Not being able to make much sense of it all about half way down the list he looked at Lee. "Dream ?" he asked. "Yes and I can't figure it out." Lee said and turned to stare back out the window. Chris read further and ran across the phrase "broken penny" "Oh shit baby. I am sorry. If I had known I wouldn't have given you the penny." Chris said. "No baby if you had not someone would have. The problem is that his penny is broken and mine is whole." Lee said. "Baby I have no clue what is going on but please talk to me. You never know I may be able to help." Chris pleaded. Lee explained everything he could to Chris that he had seen in his dreams. Chris sat there with his mouth open and not saying a word. "I have to figure this out baby. Please don't be upset with me." Lee said.

"I would have been if your Mom had not told me about this but I know you can't control this. Just do me a favor and don't shut me out." Chris said. "I wont, I promise. I have just never had anyone to talk to this type thing with." Lee said. "Your Grandmother didn't explain any of this ?" Chris asked. "No, I was only eight when she died. I am not sure in these dreams if she gets more frustrated with me or me with her." Lee said. "Does this happen often ?" Chris asked. "It use to. But the past few years it has been very seldom. The first time in about five or six years was when I met Ronnie." Lee said. "Ronnie ?" Chris asked. "Yes I wanted to run. I didn't want to have to deal with dreams again but Ronnie's was not a dream. I was standing looking at him at the reception and I could see the figures around him." Lee said. "Do you think its Wayne ?" Chris asked. "I thought that to begin with but nothing in this even remotely applies to Wayne but I have this aching gut feeling that Ronnie is also connected to this person I am seeing now. I am not sure how but it just seems that the two have some sort of connection even if a brief one. " Lee said.

"Mmmmm baby. The babies are asleep. " Paul moaned as Bob began kissing and licking his way down Paul's body. "I know." Bob laughed as he continued. "Should we be doing this with them in the room? " Paul asked. "Baby I don't think at their age it will corrupt them for their dad's to have sex in the same room. When they are older the thought of their dad's having sex will gross them out. Much less in the same room. " Bob said and continued his tongue assault on Paul. "Do you think us being gay will gross them out ? " Paul whispered. "Think about your parents having sex." Bob said. "Eeewww." Paul said. "Exactly. It wont matter to them gay or straight." Bob said. "Yeah I see what you mean." Paul said. "Now stop stressing and enjoy." Bob said. "I will when you swing that magic wand around here where I can reach it. This baby needs his pacifier to suck on too." Paul said. "Magic wand coming right up." Bob laughed. Bob moved back up and kissed Paul passionately and then moved to get into a 69 position. Both men were busy licking, sucking and deep throating each other. The moans from each only intensified and only took minutes for both to force their cocks down their lovers throat as far as they could get them and begin to unload deep in each others throats. Bob moved to kiss Paul deeply mixing both their semen together in each one's mouth. "I love you baby." Bob whispered. "Not as much as I love you." Paul said as they settled together for a quick nap.

"I have to ask a very personal question." Ronnie asked. He and Brian were standing in the hall talking about Keith's condition. "Shoot." Brian said. "When Keith has an orgasm rating it from one to ten how would you say it was in intensity." Ronnie said. Brian had a puzzled look on his face as he tried to figure out how to answer. "Its not a perverted question believe me. But with his head injury and his total body trama I need to know so I can judge when you can begin again according to his healing. " Ronnie said. "Yeah that makes sense. To be honest I would have to say eleven or twelve. Ten just doesn't get it. The first time we had sex I watched his face turn red, the veins pop out on his neck and the depth of his moan actually worried me. There have been some that were even more intense." Brian said blushing. "Well I will need your help because if he tries too soon it can severely affect his recovery." Ronnie said. "Well Doc. that thing wont spit until you say its alright. I promise." Brian said. Both men laughed as they chatted and then Brian froze. "Oh shit" he said. "What is it ?" Ronnie asked. "Look down the hall. That little lady in the middle of that group headed this way is Lee's Mom, Mrs. Ruth." Brian said. "Well I will let you go so you can visit." Ronnie said. "Oh no hell you don't. You are staying. Come on." Brian said as he grabbed Ronnie's hand and led him back into Keith's room.

"What's up Babe ?" Keith asked while Ronnie laughed. "You will see soon enough." Brian said as he sat beside Keith's bed. The door opened and Brian wanted to run. "How is our patient today ?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "Hello Mrs. Ruth. I made it so that's all that matters." Keith said. "I can't thank you enough for protecting my family. Hello Brian its good to see you again." she said. "Good to see you too Mrs. Ruth." Brian said. "Mrs. Ruth. This is my doctor Ronnie. He is good friends with Wayne." Keith said. Keith laughed a little. "What was that for ?" Brian asked. "I am sorry Mrs. Ruth but its a little uncomfortable seeing two of you standing there." Keith said. "Two ?" she asked. "The trama to his brain has caused temporary double vision." Ronnie said. "Well don't tell my family there are two of me. I don't think they could take that." She said and laughed.

"It should only be temporary." Ronnie said. "So you know Lee and Keith's friend Wayne ?" she asked. "Yes we are friends. He is the one that called me about getting here to take care of Keith.:" Ronnie said. "Well if you are friends with Wayne you have accomplished something most can't. He is one in a million. He has been a great friend to Lee over the years. He doesn't know it but he works for one of my companies and I make sure he is treated well and paid very well so he doesn't run off." she said. "I didn't know you owned that company." Keith said. "And you still don't. Lee and his brother don't know so I trust this is our secret." she said. "They wont hear it from me." Keith said. "Good man. I knew I liked you. Even when you were a dirty faced little brat." she said. This caused all of them to laugh. "The main reason I am here is to thank you in person for saving my son and his family. The second reason is I hear your truck was totaled." she said. "That was my fault." Brian said. "It was not your fault baby. As long as you are safe that truck means nothing. " Keith said.

"Well I have had Dean contact the local dealership. When you are able to they are expecting you there to pick out a new truck or whatever you want and send me the bill." she said. "I can't do that Mrs. Ruth." Keith said. "I have to talk to my insurance agent and then I will go from there. Besides I think Brian will be driving for a while." Keith said. "I want take no for an answer. And the dealership has been instructed to not let you leave unless the vehicle has every available option. So no picking the cheapest on the lot or I will pick it for you." she said. "You don't need to do this Mrs. Ruth." Keith said. "I do a lot of things I don't need to do. Besides I am 81 years old. I can't take it with me. Plus this truck will not hurt Lee or his brother. There will be enough left for each to take at least a nice vacation." she said. "Well thank you Mrs. Ruth. I greatly appreciate it. I will give you the insurance check." Keith said. "No son you take that money and take Brian somewhere special. This one is on me." she said. "Get well soon. I look forward to seeing you both around the house. It was nice meeting you Ronnie and thank you for taking good care of Keith. When you see Wayne tell him I said hello. Remember he is a rare gem. " she said as she turned and left the room.

"Damn that was unexpected. She is a super sweet lady but seeing two of her was a little alarming." Keith said. "Hell seeing one of her scares the hell out of me." Brian said. Keith and Ronnie both laughed but not Brian. "She said there would be enough for each of her sons to take a nice vacation. More like each buy their own vacation island." Keith said. "Well I figured she must have a coin or two to have all this security and buy you a truck." Ronnie said. "You have no clue. And no she doesn't know about you and Wayne so that was not planned." Brian said. "Speak for yourself. Doc. here needs to hear an unbiased opinion of Wayne. " Keith said.

"Another miserable day. At least that lady that dropped her bags was kind and gave me a dollar for helping her. I need something to eat but that dollar looks mighty good towards a bus ticket. I can last another day. $2.12. I wonder how much a ticket costs. At this rate I may get out of here in a month" the tired and ragged man thought. " I need to go to the motel dumpster. Maybe they threw out some more soap, shampoo and razors." he thought as he stood and started slowly down the street towards one of the motels. Once there he found soap, deodorant, toothpaste and an unopened pack of crackers. The man looked towards heaven and with a tear in his eyes he mouthed the words. "Thank you." "Half the crackers today and half tomorrow and I can save even more." he thought. The man sat under the edge of the bridge and eating only three of the crackers he could not have been happier if a seven course meal was placed in front of him.

Next: Chapter 46

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