Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 11, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 44

Chris and Lee arrived at Lee's house to what felt like a family reunion. Bob, Paul and the two babies were there as was Breanna, Dean and their two. "Baby we are going to have to apply for a daycare license." Chris said as he and Lee put their luggage in the master bedroom. "Oh no we aren't. I love all the parents and all the babies but they aren't leaving them all for us to watch." Lee said laughing. "Just wait. Keith can not stop talking about he and Brian adopting. He even asked me one day what the chances of finding triplets." Chris laughed. "Poor Brian. Having to raise four kids." Lee laughed. "Four ? Oh yeah Keith. I almost forgot. " Chris laughed.

"Mom called this morning and wanted everyone to come for supper. What do you think about calling her and asking her to come here. It would be easier than getting a school bus to carry everyone over there." Lee laughed. "Sure I will help anyway I can. Have I told you in the last two minutes that I love you ?" Chris said. "Nope." Lee pouted. Chris walked over and took Lee into his arms and gave him a deep passionate kiss. "Does that make up for it ?" Chris asked. Lee looked down at the front of his shorts as a large wet spot was forming. "Yep, I still got it. Now I guess you will have to change." Chris laughed as he rubbed the wet spot and then squeezed one of Lee's ass cheeks and headed out of the room. "Hey, not fair." Lee said. "Sorry babe. I have a daycare center to run and a meal to help cook. Sorry." Chris laughed as he left the room.

"How is our buddy this morning ?" Ronnie said as he entered Keith's room. "Still the same. He still hasn't opened his eyes." Brian said. "That is probably a good thing. This will give his body a chance to heal a little more and the swelling in his brain to go down without him trying to over do things." Ronnie said. Brian stood and released Keith's hand to walk over and hug Ronnie. "Thank you so much. One of the night nurses said that you were not on call this weekend." Brian said. "I would have been upset if someone had not called me." Ronnie said. "I owe Wayne a lot. Any ideas of what Keith and I can do for him ?" Brian asked. "Buddy I have been trying to figure that out for years. The most simple gestures mean more to him than anything you could buy in a store." Ronnie said. "When Keith is well we are taking you both out for dinner. Well separate dinners." Brian said. "I know what you feel I should do but its not that simple." Ronnie said. "I am not fussing at you. Its your life. I can't say anything. My life is laying in that bed. I owe you my life for saving his. " Brian said.

"Look, watch his hand." Ronnie said. The fingers on the hand that Brian had been holding were moving slightly. "He knows you were holding his hand and he realizes you aren't. " Ronnie laughed. Brian raced back to Keith's bed side and took his hand and leaned over and kissed Keith's lips. "I am here baby. I love you." Brian whispered. Ronnie went around to the other side of the bed to check Keith. Ronnie finished his check up on Keith. "I think Keith here is going to be as good as new. I think he is just keeping his eyes closed and enjoying the extra attention. " he laughed and said. "If he knows what's good for him he better wake up. If that's what he is doing and I find out you wont be able to help him when I am finished with him." Brian said laughing. "Well take care of him. I will be back this evening to check on him. If anything changes you call me. Don't wait on the nurses too." Ronnie said as he headed out of the room.

"How did my life get so messed up ?" he thought as he sat in a shadowed corner of the street just south of the downtown MARTA station in Atlanta. (Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) "I gave him everything I had. At least he is well and safe now. I did my part." the man thought. As he watched the people rushing to get from point A to point B. "I just need to come up with enough money for a bus ticket to a new life." he thought. Someone walking by saw him crouched in a corner and tossed him a quarter. "I use to own a business, my own home, and now strangers are pitching quarters at me. Did I do the right thing ?" he thought as he began to quietly cry. "Crying wont help. I just need to stand up and brush myself off and get on with my life." he thought. "I guess a quarter is a start." he whispered to himself reaching out and picking the coin up.

Lee's Mom arrived late in the afternoon with the food she had prepared. "MEMAW" Alex screamed as he ran across the great room to greet her. He stopped just inches from her and extended his hand as if to shake it. "I don't get a hug and a kiss ?" she asked. "Papa and Pop said that you were hurt and that I had to be careful and not hurt you more." Alex said as he lowered his head and twisted his right foot back and forth. "Alex baby I am sore but I am not hurt so I still want my hug and kiss." she said. Mrs. Ruth got down on her knees so that Alex could give her a hug. Alex lay his head on her shoulder and patted her back as if to tell her it will be alright. Another "MEMAW" scream came as Kolt came running through the great room. "KOLT" Breanna shouted. Chris was close enough to grab the little boy and pick him up and spin them both around. "Thank You. He would have treated memaw like a bowling pin." Dean laughed.

"Ohhh.. It hurts to laugh." Dean added. Chris tilted the little boy so that he could give Memaw a kiss before putting him back down. Finally all seated at the table. Mrs. Ruth could not have been happier. Alex sat on one side in a booster seat with Kolt on the other side in another booster. Shasta was in her lap while Lee and Breanna prepare her a plate. "Do I need to save her ?" Chris whispered. "Just try." Lee laughed. She was in heaven trying to make the two boys eat their dinner while Shasta waited patiently for her great grandmother to give her small bites off her plate. When Memaw was not fast enough she would reach out and pull the spoon towards her mouth. Every bite that went to the elderly ladies mouth and not the infant's caused a look on Shasta's face as though her world was crushed only to be rewarded by a small amount on the next spoon.

Dinner was finished and the kitchen almost clean. "I need to borrow you for a few minutes Chris." Mrs. Ruth said. "Oh boy. What did you do this time Uncle Chris ?" Breanna laughed. "Leave him alone Breanna." she said. Chris had slight fear in his eyes and he and Mrs. Ruth went into the den. Lee followed them into the den. "I said Chris. I didn't mention Lee." Mrs. Ruth said and smiled. At that point both Chris and Lee were feeling a little bit of concern. "Remember Mom you are in my house. This is not my brother's . You don't own it." Lee said with a stern tone. "I know its your house and I am not upset with Chris. Quite the opposite. So go and let the adults talk." she said. "Yeah adults." Chris said and laughed. "I will remember that mister." Lee said as he turned and headed back to the kitchen.

"Please take a seat." Mrs. Ruth said. "What can I do for you Mrs. Ruth ?" Chris asked. "Do you love my son ?" she asked. "More than I could ever explain. I couldn't if I tried. Why ?" Chris asked. "I can see that." she said. "I am sorry that if you are upset that we are gay but I love him more than life." Chris said. "Gay does not bother me. I have known that Lee was gay since he was about four years old." she said. "Four ?" Chris asked. "I will explain that later." she said. "Lee said that you have asked him to marry you. " she said. "Yes I have. If you want a prenup or anything you want I will gladly sign. I don't want money. My business is doing great. I just want Lee." Chris said.

"Calm down. I don't need a prenup. Besides they are no good anyway." she said. "I had to ask. I have already talked to Bob about it." she said. "Bob ? His ass is toast." Chris thought. "I truly believe you love my son. I have no doubt that he loves both you and the boys. My original issue was that Lee has been used his whole life by the people around him. He opens his heart and also his wallet. They take what they want and then leave him to rebuild his life." she said. "Well I am trying to talk him into selling his properties except this one and quitting his other jobs and just retire. I make enough money for both of us." Chris said getting concerned. "Well son that will be a tough argument for you to win. I know my son. " she laughed. "You have been thrown into a whirl wind in the last few weeks and you have stood strong beside my son." she said. "I told him last night that I would fight the devil bare handed for him. I also told him that he planned to leave me and the boys he had to pack enough for all of us because we were going with him." Chris said. "Well that makes me feel even better about what I am about to do. " she said.

Mrs. Ruth explained to Chris about some of the things she has done over the years to keep her family safe and insure their future. She also explained that she wanted to insure that her and her late husband's hard work was not squandered. She explained that the day would come that Lee would have the responsibility of insuring its safety. His brother is a different story. He has been married twice. "It took me a few years to be comfortable enough to do with my daughter in law what I am about to do with you and I still wonder if it was a smart move with her sometimes. Please don't make me have the same feeling with you." she said.

Mrs. Ruth pulled out some papers. Each of her sons and also Breanna and Dean own a portion of the family corporation. She explained that she had given her daughter in law part of her husbands shares so that if anything happened she would have the access to do what she needed too. "These papers are to transfer some of Lee's shares into your name. If anything happens I want you to have the authority to do what needs to be done. Also you have seen how crazy things can get very quickly. This also gives you the authority to deal with the security people, lawyers and accountants. " she said. "Mrs. Ruth I don't want all that. I am not here for money." Chris said. "Well son this really isn't money as far as putting it in your account. In a few minutes your net worth will jump a few million though." she laughed. "I need to discuss this with Lee." Chris said. "Nonsense." she said. "There is a provision in there that if you and Lee separate that your shares become penny shares though. I do trust you but I have to protect my family." she said.

Chris began to stand. "I don't like this. I don't want your money. I don't even want penny shares." Chris said. "Set down son. I trust you. I trust that you love my son. I believe you were sincere when you asked him to marry you. This is not a test. This is to help me sleep easier at night. " she said. "One day Lee will have to take the reins in this family. I want you to have a footing in this to stand beside him and hold him strong and not be told its non of your business because once you sign these papers it will be your business. The day will come that Lee needs your strength and your support. This way you have the power to give him just that." she said. "Also there are trust funds that you and Lee both are executors of for Alex and Cody. At this point I started them with $500,000.00 each. By the time they are twenty five they should be wealthy young men. This is not for education. That is a separate account." she said. "Now Paul is the only one here that can witness our signatures since he is neither family nor employee. Can you ask him to come in please ?" she said.

"Paul Mrs. Ruth needs you in here for a minute." Bob said as he entered the great room. Paul tenses up. "Oh fuck." he whispered to Bob. "Its all fine baby. You will see." Bob said. Paul entered the room and was given a brief explanation of what was expected of him. The papers signed and witnessed both men sat and waited on further instructions. "I do ask that you only discuss this in private and not in public." she said. "No problem." both men responded. "Well do you have any questions ?" she asked. "I have one. You said that you knew Lee was gay when he was around four. How ?" Chris asked. "I need to excuse myself." Paul said. "Nonsense. You can hear this too." she said.

Mrs. Ruth explained that her mother was full blooded American Indian. You could not tell by looking at Mrs. Ruth or her family. They carried more of the Irish traits. She explained that her mother had told her when Lee was a very small child that he was a "gifted one." Native American Indians welcomed homosexual men. They call them gifted ones because they felt they could walk in two worlds and it was a gift from the gods. One other gift handed down to Lee was that he was considered " a seeker of lost souls." Lee was not psychic but was given the insight of troubled souls. In his youth he would scare her and her husband sometimes. He always knew minutes before something bad happened. He would get up and go to the door and no one was there but within a couple of minutes and car would pull in the drive. Many times he would get up and walk to the phone just before it rang. Her mother was the same way. She also gave him the gift of reading the seeking souls. If presented with a fully troubled soul Lee can see what is going on and also determine what part of the problem is. "He has tried to hide it and would never pursue trying to figure it out better. He told me recently about a doctor he met recently that his soul sought Lee out immediately." she said. "Ronnie" both men thought immediately. "That explains the other night then." Paul said.

"What happened ?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "Lee was cleaning the kitchen and he almost freaked out. He needed his phone. He couldn't find his phone and then within thirty seconds it rang. That was when the security people called. " Paul said. "That doesn't surprise me." she said. "Don't worry boys. I see the look on your faces. Lee would be mad if he knew I told you this. He doesn't read minds or predict the future. But he is very good at reading people very quickly." she said. "I can see that. Plus he is amazing with children." Chris said. "I always said he needed to be a child psychologist. In Indian folklore until a child is trained, tainted by life, they have the ability to see into our souls. I believe that they can see into Lee's soul and see that all he has for them is love." she said. "That makes a lot of sense." Paul said. "O.k. men. Thank You. I have a room full of babies that are waiting for hugs and kisses and Memaw to spoil them. Thank you Paul for your signature and discretion and welcome to the family Chris." she said as they stood and headed to the great room.

"Baby please wake up." Brian whispered. "You have to come back to me. Our future house full of children need, will need their father." Brian said. He pulled Keith's hand up and kissed it lightly. "I can't raise them without you." Brian whispered. "Lord I will give you my life and anything else you want if you bring Keith back to me." Brian whispered. Brian stood and leaned over and lightly kissed Keith on the lips. As he sat back down he lay his head beside Keith's hand. "Will you marry me my love?" Brian said. Brian dozed off with his head laying beside Keith still holding his hand. He was not sure how long he slept but he awoke to a hand running through his hair and then brushing the side of his face. Startled he sat up and looked over at Keith. Keith's eyes were open and he had a faint smile on his face. "Oh my God baby you are awake. I love you so much." Brian said. "Yes." Keith whispered. "Yes ?" Brian asked puzzled. "Yes I will marry you." Keith said. "Oh baby you heard me." Brian said. "Yes, and our children need us both." Keith whispered. "Alright mister. How long were you listening to me and pretending to be asleep ?" Brian asked. "Baby I have heard you.. .. .. from the beginning and was trying to wake up to tell you I loved you too. I just couldn't" Keith whispered. "I need to call Ronnie. You rest but you better wake back up this time. You hear me ?" Brian laughed. "Yes boss." Keith said as he closed his eyes. "Pain please." Keith whispered. Brian pushed the nurses button as he looked Ronnie's number up in his phone and hit send. After a quick conversation Brian quickly sent out a blanket text message. "My baby is awake."

The evening wound down at Lee's house. Everyone had returned to their respective homes except for Bob and Paul and their new family. "Boy your ass is grass." Chris said to Bob. "Sorry buddy I couldn't say anything." Bob laughed. "Well I was definitely not expecting that. I was expecting to be given a check and told to leave." Chris said. "She is not that brave." Lee said. "Well I almost pissed myself when they said she wanted to see me." Paul laughed. "Well you never know with her. " Lee laughed. "I have a personal question. It is non of my business but do you have any idea how much your Mom is worth ?" Paul asked. "PAUL." Bob said. "No its a legitimate question. I have no idea. Everything is explained in detail in her safety deposit box. If I had to guess I would say maybe ten or twelve million maybe. I really have no clue." Lee said. "Damn. that portfolio was only part and it was in access of $400million. " Bob thought. "Well she definitely knows how to use it." Paul said. "Yeah she calls me every month and complains about the light bill. She isn't sure if she can pay it." Lee laughed. "Alright you two. Lee and I will take first shift of babies while you two get a shower. Then you can take over and we can get ours." Chris said. "Don't read my mind while I am in the shower. You may blush." Paul said to Lee. "What did he mean ? " Lee asked. "Your grandmother." Chris whispered. "I will kill her." Lee said as he sat back and folded his arms. Chris pulled him into his side. "Its alright baby. I am really glad she told us. It explained a lot. A lot that I am sure you would have never explained." Chris said. "Yeah I think its cool. " Paul said. "Well please keep that as our secret." Lee pleaded. "What are you guys talking about ?" Bob asked. "Oh so now we know something that Mr. know it all doesn't. " Chris laughed. "Yeah that makes it even more cool." Paul laughed.

Paul and Bob returned to the great room after their shower. "The boys are asleep and the babies are fed so you two should be good for three or four hours." Chris said. "We are going to shower and hit the sack." he added. Paul had sat next to Lee on the couch. "Magic wand , huh ?" Lee whispered. "How did you know ? Oh never mind." Paul said. "No, not that. You are glowing." Lee laughed. "Yeah that thing works miracles on me." Paul said. "Well time for me to go test drive Chris' magic wand. Well magic ball bat I should say. " Lee laughed. That brought a bright red tent of embarrassment to both Chris and Bob. "Night guys. Hopefully we will find out more tomorrow about what is going on and we can get our lives back to normal.:" Lee said.

Lee had the warm water flowing in the shower when Chris entered the master bath. "God baby you are gorgeous." Chris said as he walked towards Lee. The site of Chris naked and his oversized cock and balls swaying still took Lee's breath away. They entered the shower and as they soaped each other up. "Hey mister. I have never been fucked by a millionaire before. Care to help me out there ?" Lee whispered. "Not funny." Chris said. "Oh yes it is." Lee said as he moved down on his knees and began to lick the mushroom head of his lovers growing cock. Chris reached down and pulled Lee back to his feet. "Baby I tried to turn the money down. I hope you don't think I am in it for the money." Chris said. "I know you aren't. You will realize soon enough why she did what she did." Lee whispered. "As long as you don't think that's why I am here." Chris said. "Not at all stud. Now hush. I want to be royally fucked by Georgia's newest millionaire." Lee whispered.

The shower went fast with more deep passionate kissing than washing. Out of the shower Chris dried Lee off and then himself. Neither man full dry, Chris picked Lee up and set him on the bathroom counter. Chris leaned down and licked the tip of Lee's dripping cock. "I have wanted to taste this honey all day." Chris said. Chris began to suck and nibble on Lee's engorged cock. He slid Lee forward and lay him back more lifting his legs. Chris began to lick from Lee's cock down to his low hanging balls lathering each as he went and stopping to feast on Lee's twitching ass. "Oh God baby I can't take much more." Lee whined. Chris just chuckled and continued his feast. Lee was on the verge of cumming just from the attention as Chris stood and reached over to grab a bottle of lotion. Chris had already gotten Lee's ass as wet as possible with his tongue. He applied lotion to his raging cock and aimed it at Lee's twitching hole. Chris reached down to pull Lee up as he slid his lotioned cock inside of Lee.

"Uuuuugggggghhh.... oohhh .... sshhhiittt." Lee shouted because at the same time Chris bottomed out in Lee's ass Lee shot his first rope of cum which hit the mirror over his head. The second shot hit Chris on the chin. "God baby you are fucking amazing. That is just too hot." Chris said as he began to kiss Lee passionately. Chris took a finger and wiped the cum off his chin and licked his finger. "Damn baby this is sweeter than any honey." Chris whispered. Chris then took Lee's arms and placed them around his shoulder and picked Lee up still fully impaled on his cock and walked towards the bedroom. "Uuhh...oohh....uuhh." Lee moaned into Chris' ear with every step. The pressure on his prostrate and cock from Chris walking was about to drive Lee insane as his body shook. Chris lay Lee on the bed and began to slide him up further with his cock still planted deep inside Lee. "Daddies turn now baby. You are going to get a royal fucking from Georgia's newest millionaire." Chris whispered. Lee wrapped his legs tightly around Chris' waste as Chris went to work giving Lee's ass the fucking that he had begged for. Within five minutes Chris' pace quickened. "Uuugghhhh... uuuhhhh.....hhhoolllyyyy.... ssssshhhhiiiitttttt.....Uhhhh." Chris called out as he leaned over and stuck his tongue deep into Lee's mouth as his body shook and his cock flexed dumping the heaviest load of his life deep inside Lee. "Holy fuck baby. That was worth a million dollars right there. " Chris whispered trying to catch his breath. "Good I will set you up on a payment plan. No cash, no checks, and no credit cards. Just cock." Lee whispered. "Oh I look forward to those payments. " Chris said as he rested his body on top of Lee's.

Eighty seven cents the man counted in his hand. "Fifty towards a bus ticket and the rest with anything I find tomorrow will go for food. Maybe I will eat tomorrow." the man thought. "I use to keep dollar bills in my pocket to give to anyone I saw in need. Now a dollar bill would make me feel rich. I can't dwell on that. I would do the same thing all over again if I had too." the man thought as he settled in the corner under a bridge to try and sleep.

Next: Chapter 45

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