Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 3, 2016


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"Make mine to go" Chapter 41

Paul looked like he was about to freak out baby." Chris said as he and Lee sat on the couch with Lee's head resting on Chris' chest. "Give him a day or two at home with the babies and he will calm down. Its all new and most of the time has been in a vehicle on the road. " Lee said. "Yeah I guess. I was just expecting to see more excitement and less stress." Chris said. "Well I remember this strapping stud walking up to my table not too long ago that had been on the road with two even older than the twins and he seemed to be on his last leg." Lee laughed. "Yeah you are right. I had really forgotten that. It seems like so long ago at this point. " Chris said. "So don't worry. Paul will calm back down soon enough." Lee said. "Thank you." Chris said and kissed Lee on the top of the head. "For what ?" Lee asked. "For making mine and the boys life so complete that I can totally forget about the bad parts." Chris said. "Oh I didn't do that. You would have calmed down after a couple of days being home with the boys even without me. " Lee said. "One of these days I will make you accept a compliment and not argue. " Chris said laughing.

Bob and Paul came into the living room to see the boys playing in front of the group. "That will be us one day." Paul said. The four adults turned to see them standing there. "Feeling better ?" Lee asked. "Oh yes he is. I need to find out what Bob's secret is to his magic wand. Seems like it brought out a whole new Paul. " Keith laughed. "KEITH." Brian scolded. "Hey Paul must have gotten some and it must have been really good. " Keith laughed. "Sorry guys. I am trying to train him." Brian laughed. "Well he has a point. Yes I got some and yes it is always amazing. It always makes me feel like a new man." Paul said causing Bob to blush. "Leyton drank his milk. I gave him a kiss on his head for not crying. But I promise I was really careful. " Alex said. "Come here little buddy." Paul said as he leaned down to pick Alex up. "You can kiss Leyton or Addyson anytime you want too." Paul said. "See Papa . Unca Paul said I could kiss Annyson too." Alex said. "Its Addyson baby." Chris said. "That's what I said. Annyson." Alex said. This brought a big laugh from all the men. "Dinner is ready. You guys ready to eat ?" Lee asked. "Always." Keith said. "I give up." Brian said laughing. "We don't want Keith any other way. That's why we love him so much." Bob said. "See somebody loves me. " Keith said as he looked at Brian and pouted.

Dinner went well. About half way through the meal there was a cry that came over the baby monitor. All the men began to stand at one time. "You guys eat. This is my job. " Paul said. After a few minutes you could see the glow on Bob's face. Paul had forgotten the baby monitor was on and all the men could hear him talking to both babies telling them how much their two daddies loved them and how much their two daddies loved each other. "I want to hear that one day through our baby monitor." Keith said. "Baby monitor ?" Chris asked. "Well hell I am trying everything I can and Brian just wont get pregnant." Keith said as if he were serious. "Like I said. I give up. I can't take him out in public." Brian said. "Well you can lock me in the bedroom as long as you are in there with me then. " Keith said. That brought another round of laughter from the men.

"You still haven't answered my question." Chris laughed. "I have already told Brian that I want he and I to have a house full of kids." Keith said and he pulled Brian closer to him on the love seat. "That's great guys." Lee said. "Well if Brian still refuses to get pregnant Lee has the right hook up for you to get that house full. Paul wouldn't get pregnant either and believe me we tried every day. I finally had to get Lee's help." Bob laughed. "Well when I finally delivered from all your efforts I brought you home one of each." Paul said. Not realizing that he had came back in the room and heard the conversation. "Yes you did baby. Hand me which ever one that is you are carrying." Bob said as he reached out to take the infant. "Can't tell your kids apart yet ?" Keith laughed. "At this point not with a diaper on." Bob laughed. "Well Addyson wanted her other daddy." Paul said as he handed the baby to Bob. "Alex, come here little buddy." Bob said. "Yes Unca Bob. " Alex said. "I think Addyson needs a kiss from her cousin Alex." Bob said. Alex was almost trembling as he leaned over and kissed the baby on the top of the head. He stood there after the kiss and just stared. Not a movement nor a sound. "You alright buddy ?" Bob asked. Alex ran towards Chris and Lee and jumped into Lee's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Pop I have a cousin." Alex said still trembling. "Yes you do buddy. You have Kolt and Shasta and now you have Leyton and Addyson. So now you have four cousins." Lee said. Alex sat back straddling Lee's lap. He held up three fingers. "I have this many ?" Alex asked. "No baby. You have this many." Lee said as he held Alex's hand and raised another finger. The amazement in the little boys eyes was priceless. Alex turned quickly. "Unca Brian I have this many cousins." Alex grinned. "Yes you do buddy. " Brian said. "Unca Brian. That was so sweet. I guess I am family now." Brian thought. Lee saw the look in Brian's eyes. "You have always been family Brian." Lee said. Brian sat for a minute and wondered if he had said that out loud. Realizing he had not all he could think was. "Boy is Lee scary."

Lee and Brian were cleaning the kitchen after dinner while Chris and Keith cleared the table and brought the food and dishes to the kitchen. The mood was light and the men laughed and joked. Bob stood in the kitchen doorway holding Addyson while Paul entertained both Cody and Alex. Lee had a dish rag in his hand and was wiping the stove when all of a sudden he grabbed his chest and dropped the rag. "Chris saw what was happening and dropped the two dishes he had in his hand. Luckily they were the plastic dishes that Alex and Cody were eating from. Brian had gotten to Lee just before Chris did. "What's wrong ?" Brian asked. Chris grabbed Lee and hugged him tight. It scared him that Lee remained motionless and did not return the hug. Lee pushed Chris away. "Phone... phone.. where is my....." Lee tried to say about the time an alarm went off on his phone and also on Chris'. "What the hell ?" Chris said.

Lee grabbed his phone and mashed the flashing button. "Mash the flashing button Chris." Lee shouted. "What the hell is going on ?" Chris asked. Still looking at the phone. "MASH THE DAMN FLASHING BUTTON." Lee shouted. Bob stepped back shielding Addyson's ear from the shouting. Not sure what was going on Chris mashed the button on his phone. "I mashed it, Don't shout at me. " Chris said. with a little anger in his voice. "Hello. Yes sir.. yes sir... they are here with me. Yes sir I am on it. Who is coming ? I need clarification when they arrive. Is everyone alright ? Where are they taking her ? I understand. Oh shit. Where are they taking him ? Yes sir. Consider it handled on this end. Yes sir he is here too. Don't worry about that sir. Yes sir. Keep me informed. " Keith said as he hit the end button on his phone. Hearing the conversation Lee's knees had gotten weak and without the help of Chris and Brian he would have sank to the floor.

"Sit tight everyone. We are about to have company. " Keith said. "What's wrong and who is it this time ?" Lee asked. Keith told the group about the conversation he had just received. Mrs. Ruth's security company caught someone hacking into their computers and activating all the families GPS's. They had activated and pinged not only vehicles but cell phones. Mrs. Ruth was headed home from dinner with friends and a truck forced her off the road and down an embankment. Dean was headed home from work and another truck forced him into the interstate median wall. They were both a little bruised but were being taken to the hospital. When the security company got to Dean and Breanna's and also Lee's brother's houses there were unknown vehicles on the property and both the security company and the sheriff's office were in pursuit of the vehicles as we speak. Lee's brother and his family and Breanna and the kids were fine but they were all at Breanna's house now with security there.

"Who is it ? Is this about the boys ?" Lee asked. "They are not sure at this point. They don't think so though." Keith said. "Who the hell could it be ?" Chris asked. "It could be any number. While Mr. Ward was alive someone came after his family in retaliation to the governor. They tried to force the governor to change a law. That didn't go well for them though. You think Mrs. Ruth is tough. Mr. Ward was a big man and even bigger force to reckon with." Keith said. "Baby there are a bunch of vehicles coming up the drive." Paul said as he entered the kitchen. Lee took off out the back door and met the lead vehicle as it stopped. Keith was fast on his heals trying to stop him and let him make sure they were security. "What do we need to do Chris ?" Bob asked. "Well that is a side of Lee I have never seen. But apparently he has been trained for this and apparently went through it before. At this point all I plan to do is do as he and Keith say and not ask questions. " Chris said. Watching from the window they saw Keith and another security officer taking the car seats out of Lee's vehicle and putting them in one of the SUV's. Lee was pointing and waving as if calling other security people to him. It didn't seem that any were brave enough to argue with Lee from the other men's vantage point. including Keith.

Lee was on the phone as he came through the back door. "Yes Mom we are all fine. Let the doctors do what they need to and we will be there as soon as we can. I love you too." Lee said as he closed his phone. He walked straight to Chris. "Hold me baby.. Please." Lee said as Chris took Lee into his arms and held him for a minute. Keith came in through the back door and walked over and pulled Brian too him and wrapped his arms around him from behind. "What's going on or should I ask ?" Bob asked. Paul walked up and took Addyson from Bob and headed back to lay her in the bed. Once Paul had returned Keith began to explain what he knew.

" I really don't know much more. Apparently someone is trying to send a message to either Lee's family or someone connected to them." Keith said. "Is your Mom alright ?" Brian asked. "She is pretty banged up but she drives big cars. We wont allow smaller ones. We want plenty of metal around her just in case. That town car is totaled. She was scared to begin with but now that she knows everyone is alright she is pissed." Lee said. "We have to go south baby. But they don't want us to go until the sun comes up. They are at the house now going through it to make sure no one is hiding there. You, I and the boys are going in that SUV in the front. We will come back later for mine. " Lee said. " The Sheriff told me not to let you out of my sight so I will drive your vehicle and Brian can drive my truck. Baby we have to stay at Lee and Chris' tonight." Keith said to Brian. "Just tell me what I need to do." Brian said.

Lee had tears running down his cheeks. "Everyone is alright baby. That's the important part." Chris said. "I know. I just feel bad. We came back to help Bob and Paul get adjusted with the babies and now we have to go." Lee cried. Paul walked over and took Lee from Chris and hugged him. "Buddy you have already done too much. We have my parents and Bob's parents that are dying to help. We will be fine." Paul said. "Bob you will need to meet with the security people when we leave. They will need both parents names and pictures if you have them. " Lee said. "Why?" Bob asked. "You will have two security teams here around the clock until we know what is going on." Lee said. "I told them about the grandparents but that is about all that will be allowed without either of you approving it until we know something." Lee said.

Chris jumped as his phone rang. Usually it does not startle him but this time it did. "Hello Pamela. " Chris said. "Sir this is the security officer. We were to contact you when we had this home secure." he said. "Are you at Pamela's ?" Chris asked. "Yes sir. We are contracted to protect anyone that could be used against a family member until we know what the threat is. " he said. "Let me speak to her." Chris said. "Hello Mr. Hamrick." Pamela said. "Are you alright ?" Chris asked. "Yes sir I was scared to begin with but I am fine now. Besides this security guy is a cutie. Just don't tell my husband I said that." Pamela laughed. Chris had known her long enough to sense the stress in her voice. "Everything will be alright. I promise." Chris said. "As long as you, Lee and the boys are alright then I am fine." Pamela said. "Remind me to give you that raise." Chris said. "Don't worry Mr. Hamrick I will sign your name to the papers." Pamela laughed.

The security men had met with Bob and Paul while everyone else was being loaded into their appropriate vehicles. At the end of the drive a Atlanta police officer was there to escort the convoy to Chris' house. The first SUV had a full security team. The second vehicle had a security officer with Chris, Lee and the boys. Behind that vehicle was Keith driving Lee and Chris' SUV followed by Brian in Keith's truck and then two more SUV's behind him. "Hell I don't think the President gets this much when he is in town." Brian thought. As they traveled through the dark night in Atlanta Brian's cell phone rang. "Hey baby." Brian said. "Are you alright back there ?" Keith asked. "Yeah I just have to watch the curbs. I am not use to this big truck." Brian laughed. Out of the corner of his eye he could see two vehicles speeding down a side street and didn't seem to be slowing. One of the SUV's broke out of line and began to speed around Brian into oncoming traffic. "We will be at Chris' soon baby and ..... OOHHH FUUCCK." Keith shouted as the first vehicle ran the intersection and broad sided the SUV. The SUV that had tried to pass Brian cut him off and forced him over the curve into a parking lot. "BABY.....KEITH....BABY answer me." Brian screamed into the phone as he watched the SUV roll to its side and spin around so that all he could see was the under carriage and the tires still spinning. The door to the truck came open and a security guard pushed Brian down in the seat. As the gun fire rang out Brian continued to scream into his phone. The call had not been dropped but there was no sound coming from Keith.

"HOLY SHIT. GO BACK." Lee shouted as he saw the action unfold behind him. "I am sorry sir but my instructions are to not stop for any reason until we reach our destination." the security officer said. "..... I.... said go back." Lee said. "They have plenty of help baby. Let him do his job. I am sure that Keith and Brian are fine." Chris said. "Call somebody. I want to know what's going on." Lee instructed the security officer. "Sir we will find out shortly. Just relax we will be at our destination soon." the officer said. "You got your one gimme when you refused to go back. But if you don't punch that fucking phone and find out what is going on you will find out exactly who I am and what I can do." Lee barked. "Calm down baby. You are scaring the boys. We will find out. " Chris said. "Son I think the best thing for you to do is make that call. " Chris said calmly. Chris could feel Lee's body shaking in the seat beside him. He released his seat belt and slid over so that he could take Lee in his arms and hold him. "Sir you need to put your seat belt back on." the security guy said. "I think the best thing for you to do is focus on the road son and let me worry about my family. Got it ?" Chris said firmly. "Yes sir." the officer said. " I bet you wish now you had not stopped to get something to eat that night. " Lee said crying. "Baby I don't regret a minute. I will fight them off single handed and not regret a minute from the time I saw you setting there. I thank god every minute for the hunger pain that made me stop there. So you forget you ever thought that and let me take care of you. " Chris said.

"Yes sir. Everything is secure here. There were two ? Have both been immobilized ? Oh the white SUV. The one the deputy was in ? Three fatalities so far. The deputies pick up will have to be towed too ? Fine sir. We are secure here. If you need any of my men just call." the security officer said. "What was that all about ?" Bob asked. "There was an incident on the route. Mr. Lee and his family are fine. Two vehicles tried to ram the convoy. They hit the white SUV and turned it over and the truck was forced over a curb and into a utility pole." he answered Bob. "Oh shit baby. Keith was driving Lee's car and Brian was driving Keith's truck." Paul said. "You said three fatalities so far. What about the SUV and the truck ?" Bob asked. "Sir they didn't say who the fatalities were. All I know at this point was there were two vehicles disabled and there was a gun fight. Sorry I don't have more to tell you." the officer said. "Bob took Paul into his arms and held him tight as Paul shook and Bob could feel the tears soaking through the shoulder of his shirt. "Come on sweetie. Lets go check on the babies." Bob said trying to calm Paul down.

"Baby please talk to me. PLEASE say something." Brian cried into the phone. One of the security guards ran by the guard at the truck. "Hold your position. Three dead here so far." was all Brain could hear as the officer ran on. "What about Keith?" Brian asked the officer. "Sir I couldn't say. You have heard as much as I have." the officer said. "Baby I love you with all my heart and soul. Please speak to me. Please say something. KEITH." Brian screamed into the phone to receive no response from the other end. The call had not dropped but there was no sound coming from Keith's phone.

Next: Chapter 42

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