Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 1, 2016


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"Make mine to go" Chapter 40

"Hey Keith. What do you two have planned for today?" Lee asked as he had called Keith's cell phone. "Nothing much, what's up ?" Keith asked. "Paul has called me about five times already. He is freaking out. They are going to stop at Bob's parents house with the babies for a couple of hours. We have the boys packed up and Chris has a key to their house. We are going up there to make sure the house is ready and I wanted to know if you two could come and help for a little while. Bob and Paul both need a break after this trip home and I am not sure that Chris and I can handle four children. I am not old but I am damn sure not that young anymore either. I hate to ask but I know how I felt with one infant, much less two." Lee said.

Keith had put his phone on speaker so that Brian could hear too. "What time do you want us there ?" Brian asked. "Oh hey Brian. I didn't know you were listening." Lee said. "We are leaving here in just a few minutes so that will give me about three hours to wash crib sheets and that type thing. "Just call when you pull out and we will be ready and follow you guys." Keith said. "Thanks. I was hoping you could help." Lee said. "No, I am glad you called. I wouldn't miss it." Keith said. "Ok guys I will call you in a few minutes." Lee said. "Oh well. I had plans for some more of that sweet ass of yours. And quite a few times today." Keith said. "Well its yours whenever you want it so its not going anywhere." Brian said. "Yes it is. Its going with me everywhere I go, forever." Keith said as he kissed Brian and squeezed on of Brian's ass cheeks.

Once at Bob and Paul's house everyone got inside and put Alex and Cody down. "What's the game plan boss." Keith asked Lee. "For right now if you can help Chris with these two monsters and maybe Brian can help me. " Lee said. "Sure." Brian said. "And by the way baby. They are the kids and you are the grown up." Brian said to Keith. "That goes for you too." Lee said to Chris. Almost in unison "Who us ?" Chris and Keith both said laughing. In the babies room Lee and Brian gathered sheets, blankets, wash cloths and towels to get washed and dried before Bob and Paul arrived.

"Hey buddy. Where are you guys ?" Lee said as he answered his cell phone. "Stop crying. Everything is going to be fine." Lee added "We didn't have time to prepare anything." Paul cried. "Chris and I are at your house along with Keith and Brian. I hope you don't mind but we came early to get sheets and things ready." Lee said. "Remind me to kiss Chris for finding you. You and Brian are both God sends. I will owe Brian a big wet one too." Paul said as you could hear his voice calming. "Well we have Keith and Chris keeping our monkeys from tearing your house down while we get things ready." Lee said. "Let them tear anything they want too." Paul said. "Don't worry in a couple of years you will be telling someone the same thing about your two." Lee laughed. "Well Thank you. I don't know that I will be able to speak by the time we get there." Paul said. "Well give Bob a break. He is as nervous as you are and he is trying to drive." Lee said. "Thank you." a faint voice said. It was Bob from the driver's seat. "You just drive old man." Paul said laughing. "Do you have plenty of diapers, wipes and formula ?" Lee asked. "Oh shit baby. We need to stop and get wipes." Paul said. "Don't stop. We will send one of these guys to get some." Lee said. "I think we have plenty of everything else." Paul said. "Be safe and we will see you guys in a couple of hours." Lee said.

"This is so exciting." Brian said. "I am excited for them. Until Paul gets settled into fatherhood he is going to need our support. Babies this small can be a challenge." Lee said. "Well I will help anyway I can and I know Keith will too. If you need us to watch your boys too that's no problem. " Brian said. "How are you and Keith doing ?" Lee asked. "Too good." Brian said. "What do you mean ?" Lee asked. "It just seems to be too perfect. I am waiting on the bomb to fall." Brian said. "Well I have known Keith most of his life. He is not putting on a show for you. He is the real thing." Lee said. "Yeah and its too good to be true." Brian said. "Buddy just enjoy it. I get the feeling that if anything went wrong between you two that Keith would be devastated." Lee said. "I would be too and that's what's scary." Brian said.

" I can understand. If I didn't have the boys to keep me busy I would worry more about Chris too." Lee said. "Oh believe me you have no worries. I have never seen Chris as freaked out as he was when you were missing. I thought he was going to beat Juan to death." Brian laughed. "Well Chris is to me like Keith is to you. Too good to be true. But I know Keith and he is sincere." Lee said. "Well I know Chris and he is too." Brian added. "Is the distance causing issues ?" Lee asked. "Not so far. Keith even mentioned trying to find a job in Atlanta but for right now I had rather he stay where he is happy." Brian said. "Just don't push him in either direction. Let him make his own decision when it comes to his law enforcement career." Lee said. "Keith keeps talking about the house full of kids that we are going to have. " Brian said. "Sounds like you are stuck with that big lug forever then." Lee laughed. "That will be just fine with me." Brian laughed.

"Pop, Unca Keith is being mean to me." Alex said as he bolted into the babies room out of breath.. "What about Papa ?" Lee asked. "Him too Pop." Alex said. "Well you go tell Papa and Unca Keith that I am going to get the fly swatter and spank both of them if they don't straighten up." Lee said laughing. Alex took off back down the hall. "Pop said he was going to pank both of you." Alex called out. A couple of minutes later you could hear loud squeals "You sure you wants kids. And especially kids with Keith ?" Lee laughed. "I will just have to buy two sizes of fly swatters. A grown up size too. " Brian laughed. More squeals came from down the hall. "Duty calls." Lee laughed. "Alright kids. The grown up kids need to take the true kids and check diapers because you guys have to go grocery shopping." Lee said. Lee searched the kitchen for some food to prepare and made a list of food and baby things. Chris and Keith loaded the boys up and headed to the store. "Ah peace. But I feel sorry for the grocery store employees." Lee said. "You really enjoy the quiet ?" Brian asked. "Well its good to get a few minutes of peace but in about thirty minutes I will start missing them." Lee laughed.

"You have the list ?" Chris asked. "I thought you brought it in." Keith said. "Ugh, why did they send us ?" Chris laughed. "Hand me Cody and you run back out and get the list off the console." Chris said as he handed Keith the keys. "I will watch the boys." Keith said. "Oh no. By the time I got back you and Alex would have the buggy full and it would be nothing on the list." Chris laughed. "You have a point." Keith laughed. The two men and kids had completed half of their shopping when a young lady and an elderly lady walked up to the shopping cart. "They are so cute." the younger lady said. "Hi my name is Alex." Alex chimed in. "Nice to meet you Alex." the lady said. "He is Cody. He don't talk yet. Just "up". " Alex commented. "They are so neat, clean and well mannered. Plus they are just adorable." the elderly lady said. "Thank you mam." Chris said.

"This is refreshing. I grew up in the time that gay men were considered perverts. I hope that didn't offend you." the elder lady said. "It doesn't. I have dealt with that stigma for years from many people." Chris said wondering where this was headed. "You are a good man son. It warms my heart to see couples like you that have children. Your children seem happy. You can tell they know they are loved when someone else didn't love them. It just warms my heart every time I see a gay couple with happy children. It lets me know that people in my age group were wrong my whole life. " she said. Keith went to speak. Chris realizing that Keith was about to divulge they were not a couple he placed his hand on Keith's arm and squeezed it lightly and shook his head no to Keith. " I have one question though. Aren't those diapers a little too small for either of these cuties ?" the younger woman asked.

"Our best friends are headed home with their new family and we are picking up some supplies for them." Keith said. "Another gay couple ?" the elderly lady asked. "Yes. They are married and they just adopted new born twins." Chris said. "That is wonderful. I would love to thank the people that helped them adopt. I don't mean to stereotype but what I have seen is that children from a gay household seem to be happier than a lot of children." the younger woman said. "Well part of it is that you always cherish even more the thing you want the most and society says you are not suppose to have. " Keith said. "You are a very smart young man. Cute too. These are two lucky boys." the elderly lady said to Keith. "Thank you for stopping to let us see these precious babies." the younger woman said. "Thank you both for the vote of confidence. They are few and far between." Chris said. Both Keith and Chris hugged the elderly lady. Seeing this Alex could not be left out and wanted a hug from both. "That was odd. I wanted to tell her we were not a couple." Keith said. "I understand. But with a lady from her generation pay a major compliment as that I was not about to give her a reason to change her mind." Chris said. "I didn't think of it that way. You have a major point honey." Keith laughed.

"Hello." Wayne said as he answered his phone. "Hey baby. Please don't hang up." Ronnie said. "Why would I hang up on you ?" Wayne said. "I figure you are mad at me." Ronnie said. "Why would I be mad at you ?" Wayne asked. " I don't know. After the note it just seems like you may have been mad at me." Ronnie said. "I still feel the same way I always have. I love you so much it hurts. But that's the problem. You just don't get it." Wayne said. "I am trying." Ronnie said. "Until you have loved someone so much that it hurts you even more than they are hurting when they hurt you won't get it. " Wayne said. "You know that I am in a bad situation." Ronnie said. "Yes I know that but that's your fault. You can fix it but you aren't willing to." Wayne said. "It's not that easy." Ronnie said. "Yes it is but you aren't willing to deal with it. I just have to step back and let you live your life how you want to and not be your back up support." Wayne said.

"You were never my back up support." Ronnie said. "If you were truthful with yourself you would see that I was. You have always felt that you could handle this just a little longer and when things get really bad I can count on Wayne. Plus you have always felt like that when you finally decided to do something about your situation that I was standing there waiting to step right in. I love you with all my being, but I can't be your enabler anymore. " Wayne said. "I have hurt you and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I guess I am a horrible friend. " Ronnie said. "Don't even go there. This is not a pity party for Ronnie. We have done that for too long. I just have to step back a little. I am not going anywhere but I just can't hurt for you anymore like I use to. I don't have that light switch that I can turn my feelings on and off at the flip of a switch like you do." Wayne said.

"I didn't realize that I was doing that. " Ronnie said. "I have known you long enough. I can tell you the nights that you and "it" had sex. I have known for years that you would be cold to me around his birthday and the holidays. You would see a glimmer of hope during those times and push me away. But when you realized it was a false hope you would pull me back in. Its not fair to either of us. I can't be the one that you call or email so that you can get your dose of love and care to get you through the day because you don't get it at home and then you feel that you can take it one more day." Wayne said. "So are we over ?" Ronnie said. "You haven't heard a word I have said. You decide what you are going to do with your life and then you can let me know." Wayne said. " But I am sure that you will run and hide like you always do. The ball is in your court now so to speak." Wayne said. "I do love you." Ronnie said. "Sounds like you have a lot of life changing decisions to make then. And you know that I love you too." Wayne said.

The door opened and two weary men each with a baby carrier in their hands walked into the living room. The other men gathered around to see the new family additions. "They are so precious." Brian commented. Both babies began to cry and Lee reached down and took Addyson while Keith unbuckled Leyton and removed him form the carrier. Bob and Paul both looked exhausted. "You two go take a shower and then lay down for a few minutes. We have this." Chris said. Lee went to hand Addyson to Chris. "Too little for me." Chris said. "Well Lee, Keith and Brian have this. You two go rest for a little while." Chris laughed. "Are you sure ?" Bob asked. "You guys go. We have babies and dinner under control. You just rest. Its been a long two days." Brian said. " They both ate about an hour ago. Leyton seems to want to eat sooner than Addyson." Bob said. "Be careful of their little belly buttons." Paul said. "Not my first rodeo guys. We will be fine. Go rest." Lee said. Paul walked over and lay his head on Lee's shoulder. Placing a light kiss on Lee's neck. "Thank you for everything." Paul said.

Once in the bedroom Paul was finally able to take a deep breath. "What are you thinking baby ?" Bob said as he came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. As Bob nestled his nose into Paul's shoulder they both moved slightly as if it were a choreographed dance. "I am just thinking how full my life feels right now." Paul said. "Mine too baby. I love you so much. " Bob said. "Show me" Paul said. "Show you ?" Bob said sort of puzzled. "I know we are both exhausted but I need you inside me so bad I could scream. I need to feel your love inside me." Paul whispered. "Come to bed then baby." Bob whispered. "No... right here....right now.... please don't make me beg." Paul said. "Damn baby. Is everything alright ?" Bob whispered. "It will be as soon as you get your dick inside me so hurry." Paul whimpered. Bob reached around and unbuckled and unzipped Paul's shorts and using his thumbs he pushed both Paul's shorts and underwear down. Paul began to lightly sob. "What's wrong baby ?" Bob said with concern. "Just FUCK me please. I need you so bad. PLEASE. I am begging." Paul sobbed.

Being worried about what was happening Bob was almost about to loose his erection but taking his mind off his fear he unzipped his pants and snaked his raging cock through the zipper. Spitting in his hand he quickly rubbed it on Paul's ass and then spit again and rubbed it on cock. Bob aimed his cock at Paul's hole and gently pushed. Feeling how super tight Paul was Bob wanted to be careful. Paul pushed hard backwards and came to his tip toes as he had fully impaled himself on Bob's cock almost dry. "Baby you are scaring me. " Bob said. "Just fuck me senseless please baby and don't ask questions." Paul said. Paul leaned back against Bob's hairy chest and reached down and began to vigorously jack himself off. "Let me do that baby." Bob said. "Just fuck baby please, just fuck. I need to feel you spill inside me." Paul said. Within a few strokes Paul's body started to vibrate against Bob's chest as he leaned even harder into Bob. "Oooohhhhh Ffffuuuuuccckk." Paul shouted as the first rope of his cum shot from his cock and landed five feet away on the floor. "Harder baby, harder. Please rip my ass apart." Paul whimpered. Bob began pounding into Paul's ass as hard as he could while Paul still stroked his cock.

Within a couple of minutes Bob reached around and pinched both of Paul's nipples pulling him back into him. Using what seemed like only his hard cock buried deep in his lover Bob almost picked Paul up off the floor as he began to unload deep inside his lover. "Fffffffuuuuuucccckkkkkk........ Gggrrrrrrr." was all that Bob could manage. Just as his last shot filled his lover Paul arched his back and shot three ropes of a second load. Bob began to pull out of Paul's ass but Paul reached around and grabbed both ass cheeks to hold Bob inside. Bob slowly back up towards the bed with Paul still impaled on his cock. He sat on the bed bringing Paul down with him. "Better now baby ? What was that all about ?" Bob whispered. Paul began to sob. "I love you so much Bob. I love those babies so much. What if I fuck everything up ?" Paul said. "Baby you are just tired and a bundle of emotions. You are going to.. well we are going to do just fine. I love you more and more every day. You are not going to fuck things up. " Bob said. "Promise." Paul whispered. "I promise baby. Now lets get you some sleep. "Bob said. Paul refused to move so Bob slid back on the bed taking Paul with him still riding on his cock and lay them down with him still buried deep inside his lover. "Holy shit. What am I going to do the first time one of the babies sneezes." Bob thought.

Next: Chapter 41

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