Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 18, 2016


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"Make mine to go " Chapter 36

Wayne and the other men emerged from the curtain to join the rest of the reception guests. Chris came up and put his hand on Lee's shoulder. "Everything alright ?" Chris asked. "I think so. Wayne is strong. He was just tired and nervous anyway and then seeing Ronnie was just too much." Lee said. "Why would seeing Ronnie be too much. Yeah he is a hot man but there are a lot of those here." Chris said. "Oh cruising at the reception huh ?" Lee laughed. Chris reached down and squeezed one of Lee's ass cheeks. "Baby that's the only thing that has had my attention all night. I hope later to get inside it to show you just what its doing to me." Chris whispered in a flirty tone. "Down big boy." Lee laughed. "I am trying to keep big boy down. Believe me." Chris laughed. "What is the deal with Wayne and Ronnie ?" Chris asked.

Lee told Chris the short version of the story. Ronnie and Wayne had met online a few years back. They chatted and become friends for over a year before they decided to meet. On the way to meet, someone ran a stop sign and hit Wayne. Wayne was not injured but meeting was not going to happen. Before they had a chance to set up another meeting due to distance Ronnie had been introduced to his current partner. Wayne and Ronnie met four years ago and it seemed to be instant love for both of them. Ronnie was very unhappy in his relationship. They had played around quite a bit but had never had sex. When Ronnie was ready to end his relationship with his partner his partner reminded him of the commitment he made to him and threatened to hurt himself. Wayne had even told Lee about a conversation he had with Ronnie's partner. The partner told Wayne that he didn't sign up to cook, clean, do laundry, or even change light bulbs. He deserved a doctor and finally got one and wasn't going anywhere. If all that stuff needed to be done then the doctor could pay someone. Wayne loves him so much that he is willing to do all he can for Ronnie but all he can do is set back and watch the partner reap all the rewards. He even takes care of things for Ronnie so he and his partner can travel. "That has to suck. I couldn't do all that." Chris said.

Lee stood there for a minute watching Wayne as he moved quietly around the room. "I have known Wayne for many years. That man has more love to give than any other human being I know but no one wants it. It took him a long time to fall in love with Ronnie but I also know Wayne. He will walk away if that's what Ronnie wants but he will carry that same love until the day he dies." Lee said. "Did you guys ever hook up ?" Chris asked. "No. We have just been good friends. Plus he is a total bottom just like me and two bottoms does not make a good party." Lee laughed. "Well I for one am glad you didn't." Chris laughed. "Is there anything we can do ?" Chris asked. "Just try to keep Wayne from getting hurt tonight is all I know." Lee said. "Time to get to know the Doc. better." Chris said. "Careful sweetie. Please don't do anything that will hurt Wayne anymore." Lee said. "Don't worry. I would never do that but I want to find out what type person the Doc. is." Chris said as he walked towards Ronnie chatting with other guests.

Before Chris could make it across the room Ronnie walked over to where Wayne was. Wayne could smell the cologne and feel Ronnie's body heat behind him before Ronnie touched him. Ronnie reached out and lightly rubbed his fingers up the back of Wayne's arm so that no other guests could see. "You alright baby. I wish you had told me you were going to be in town." Ronnie whispered. "You already stress out every time I am near so I wanted you to enjoy your time alone and not stress." Wayne said. "Well you know that I would want to see you." Ronnie said. "Baby its not that way." Ronnie added. "I don't know what I did that was so wrong but every time I get anywhere near, you stress out and that hurts me worse than the other situation knowing I have that affect on you. " Wayne said fighting back tears. "You guys enjoying yourselves ?" Chris asked as he walked up. "This is amazing." Ronnie said. "I need to run check on the food." Wayne said and mouthed "thank you" to Chris as he walked by.

"Sweetie you know I love you more than life itself." Paul whispered to Bob as he looked around the room at all the guests. Bob put his arm around Paul's shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. " I hope you are happy with the reception and I love you more than you love me sexy. " Bob whispered. " I don't see how the guys pulled this all off." Paul said. "It was all for you baby." Bob whispered. "No Sir. It was all for us." Paul said. "Point taken." Bob laughed. "How many people are here I wonder ?" Bob asked. "Lee said something about a little over 200." Paul said.

"MMMmmm. This feels amazing." Keith said and he leaned against the wall with his arms wrapped around Brian. "You are a silly man." Brian said. "Nope I am a man holding onto the man I love. That's not silly." Keith said. "I love you too stud." Brian whispered. "Well stop stressing over Wayne and Ronnie. I see you watching their every move. You worked hard too on this event. I want you to relax and enjoy it." Keith said. "Your right. We can't fix it. All we can do is just be there for both of them." Brian said. "What's really going through that sexy brain of yours." Keith asked. "I just need to stop and be thankful. I have been in Wayne's shoes for a very short time and I pray five times a day that I don't end up in Ronnie's." Brian said. "Baby. Do you trust me ? " Keith whispered. "You know I do. I let you stick your dick in me don't I ?" Brian laughed. "Speaking of..... remember that for later..... but back to my question. Trust me that I am not going anywhere. Trust me that every day I don't think I can love you anymore than I did the day before but I do. I am not going anywhere and if you are like Ronnie's partner picking a cop was a bad judgement. I can't afford what a doctor can." Keith whispered. "Baby I would live in a tent as long as you shared my sleeping bag." Brian said. "You said you were in Wayne's situation once. Who was that ?" Keith asked. "From the moment you asked for my driver's license until the moment that you slid that monster inside me the first time. I was so in love and so afraid I would scare you off I didn't know what to do." Brain said. "Baby I am sorry. I didn't know that you felt that way. I knew I loved you and was taking Lee's advice so I didn't loose you. BUT neither of us are going anywhere now so please baby . Relax." Keith said as he kissed Brian's neck.

"May I have everyone's attention ? If everyone will grab a glass I would like to make a toast to the newlyweds." Chris said. He motioned for Lee to join him at the microphone. "I have known both Bob and Paul for years now. In this city I have seen many loves come and go but I have never seen these two waver. To you my dear friends. I wish you all the love and happiness that life has to offer and am R.S.V.P ' ing now for your thirtieth anniversary party." Chris said. "I'll let you know which nursing home." Bob called out. Which brought a good laugh from everyone. "Too you two my friends. May life pave a golden road for you to travel the rest of your days together. " Chris said. "Here, Here." the crowd said as everyone drank to the toast.

Chris opened his arm towards Bob and Paul as to give them the podium. "Thank You Chris and especially thank you Lee. Paul and I especially want to thank Lee, Brian, Keith and our new friend Wayne. They are the ones that prepared the food and set up this amazing reception. Secondly we would like to thank all our friends for their contribution that made this possible. Until something like this happens you never know how many friends you really have that will step in to help. For this we are deeply grateful. I am truly blessed with my husband. Who by the way surprised me by changing his last name to mine but I am also blessed to be surrounded by so many friends and family that have come to help us celebrate." Bob said. "I am grateful to everyone that came tonight. I am thankful for old friends and also new friends. I hope that you all help us celebrate our new lives as I try to train my new husband." Paul said. "This toast is to our guests. Our friends, our family and our future friends." Bob said. "Here. Here" came from the crowd. During the cheers for the toast both Bob and Paul's cell phones began to vibrate. Bob paid his no attention thinking it may be a client. Paul quietly pulled his out. The text was from Mrs. Gladys. "Nothing wrong. babies fine. doctor says for all safety he will do cesarean section 10 am tomorrow." was the text Paul read. The crowd watched as Paul almost crumbled on stage. He handed his phone to Bob. "Ummmm... My friends I think that my husband and I will have to postpone our second wedding night... Apparently at 10 am tomorrow morning we will be PROUD NEW PARENTS." Bob shouted as he fisted the phone as high in the air as he could get it. A roar came from the crowd as people gathered around to congratulate them. "Ah thanks guys but we got to go." Paul said as he ran from the stage towards Lee and Chris.

The party ended fairly soon after Bob and Paul left. The clean up and packing was easier that most had expected. The friends that helped pay for the party also stayed and helped. Lee made sure that they all had take home boxes so he would not have to pack food up and take it home. He did give Chris a box for him to pack some of the things that he wanted. Lee usually has seen so much of the food by the time it gets to this point that he doesn't want to see any of it again. The last vehicle was being loaded. Keith and Brian didn't have to haul anything back to Chris' and all the silver services were loaded in Wayne's since he was going back home. He had a key and knew where to put everything and Lee and Chris would not have to keep up with it until they went home.

"Wayne I want to thank you for everything you have done. Are you sure you don't want to come and spend the night and go home tomorrow ?" Lee asked. "No I think I need to go home but thanks for the offer. Thank you too Chris. You were a great host." Wayne said. "Well I hope you picked a bedroom and plan on using it quite often." Chris said. "Thanks. I may take you up on that some day." Wayne said. Chris gave Wayne a tight hug and then Lee went to hug Wayne. " I see Ronnie over there in the parking deck. Are you going to be alright ?" Lee whispered. "I'll be fine but thanks." Wayne said. Chris and Lee got in their vehicle and headed out of the parking deck. Ronnie walked over to Wayne's SUV. He walked up and hugged Wayne and gave him a light kiss on the lips. " I was so glad to see you baby. I just wish you had told me you were coming." Ronnie whispered still holding Wayne in a hug. "I am glad I got to see you too." Wayne said. "Where are you headed ?" Ronnie asked. " I was suppose to spend the night at Chris and Lee's but I told them I had rather just go home." Wayne said. "Will you come by the house ?" Ronnie asked. "Its late and you need to get home and rest." Wayne said. "Please come by for at least a few minutes. Please." Ronnie said. " I will stop by for a few minutes. That can't hurt." Wayne said. "Well you are more than welcome to spend the night too. " Ronnie said. "Well we will see but it will probably be only a few minutes." Wayne said. Ronnie made his way back to his vehicle. "Why did I say yes ?" Wayne thought to himself.

"Baby where are you going ? We have to get the boys." Lee said. "Pamela asked at the reception if they could spend the night. She said her niece already had them in their pajamas and this way if we needed to run check on Bob and Paul they would already be at her house." Chris said. "Well I don't plan on going to check on them. They need to do this on their own." Lee said. "Good then. Now I have my sweetheart and that sweet ass of his all to myself until after lunch tomorrow. GET OUT OF THE WAY slow pock." Chris called out and speeded up. Lee just lay his head on Chris shoulder.

"Shit babe . Do we have everything ? We need to get on the road." Paul said frantically. "Car seats, Diaper bags, bottles, diapers, outfits for both boys and girls. I think we have everything. Oh shit. We need clothes for us." Bob said. "Shit baby just grab me anything but hurry please." Paul said. Within about thirty minutes Bob and Paul merged onto the interstate headed north. "Baby I can't believe this time tomorrow night we will have our babies in our arms." Paul said. "Well we better hold them early. Remember both our parents are meeting at six am to come to the hospital." Bob said. "Well two grandma's. At least there will be two babies." Paul laughed. "Did you enjoy tonight ? " Bob asked. "Baby it could not have been more perfect. We owe Lee and Chris big time." Paul said. "As long as you are happy is all I am concerned about at the moment." Bob said. Paul leaned over and kissed Bob on the cheek. "The only time I was a happier man was when you said "I do". " Paul said as they drove off into the dark Georgia night.

Lee stood in the edge of the shower with the water running waiting on it to warm. Chris came into the bathroom and Lee watched as his large cock and ball swayed as he walked. "What are you looking at ?" Chris said as he walked up behind Lee and wrapped his arms around him. "The sexiest man in the world." Lee whispered. He could feel Chris' cock beginning to grow against his hip. Lee reached down and lightly stroked Chris' growing cock. "Mmmmm" Chris moaned. "Looks like someone is glad to see me." Lee said. "Yep and he is ready to do some exploring. Plus he is a little over weighted and needs to plant a good load of seed. " Chris whispered. "Well I guess we need to give him special attention then." Lee whispered.

Chris and Lee stood under the warm running water and began to lather each other up. Nothing was being said. Both men were enjoying their hand exploration of each others bodies. Chris washed Lee's back well and took special care to clean between Lee's ass cheeks before inserting a finger. Lee began to almost climb Chris' body. "You like that baby ?" Chris asked. "I like you touching me anyway you want." Lee whispered. "Well baby I can't take much more...Turn around." Chris whispered. Chris soaped his cock well and aimed it at Lee's twitching hole. As the mushroom head slipped inside Lee's hole he had to lean back against Chris' shoulder because his knees became weak. " I got you baby." Chris whispered. Chris wrapped his left arm around Lee's shoulders just under his neck and wrapped his right arm around Lee's waist. Slowly but steadily he pushed his aching cock into the depths of Lee's ass. "Lee's body was almost vibrating. "Honey, Daddy's home. Home sweet Home." Chris said as he turned Lee's head for a deep sensual kiss.

Chris took the bottle of body wash and began to wash Lee's chest from behind while his cock was buried balls deep in Lee's ass. Chris began to move his hips as though he and Lee were slow dancing. Certain moves put extra pressure on Lee's prostate. "Ooohh.. ooohhh.. uummm.. " was all Lee could manage. Chris began to move his hips still holding onto Lee. He began to pull back leaving about half his cock inside Lee and slide back in. He filled his hand with soap and reached around and began to massage Lee's super low hanging balls. "Baby please. I am too close." Lee begged. "Good. that's what I wanted." Chris whispered. Chris began to pump faster making sure that he hit the right spot each time. Fondling Lee's soapy balls with each stroke. Lee arched his back and threw his arm backwards around Chris' neck. "Uuhhhh, Uhhhhh... cuummmiingg." Lee shouted as the first shot from his cock hit the shower wall. Three more shots landed on the shower floor. Chris held Lee tight while Lee's body almost convulsed. With his cock still buried in Lee's ass Chris moved them around to rinse off the soap. "I need to feel you fill me inside baby." Lee whispered. "Oh I plan to but I want to look in my babies eyes while I cum in his ass." Chris whispered. Chris pulled out of Lee's ass which left a terrible empty feeling for Lee. Chris grabbed a towel and lay it on the shower floor with the water still spraying. Chris lay Lee on the floor and before Lee could get his legs up completely Chris was shoving his hard cock back in as deep as he could get it.

Chris began a slow in and out motion while searching new depths in Lee's mouth with his tongue. It was slow and passionate. As Chris began to pick up the pace the kiss deepened. For the first time in his life Lee had a second partial orgasm. His body shook and his ass ring clamped down on Chris' cock as no spirts but long continuous streams of cum began to escape Lee's cock. Lee had pulled Chris in as tight as he could with both arms and legs as his ass ring played havoc on Chris' cock.

"GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR...... Hhhhooolllllyy fuck." Chris shouted into Lee's shoulder as he tried to dig his toes into the shower floor to get even deeper into Lee's ass as his body vibrated and his dick flexed as he dumped the biggest load of his life into Lee's ass. "Oh baby. Daddy loves his baby and his sweet ass more than life itself." Chris whispered as his cock still flexed inside his lovers ass as he tried to regain his composure. "Yep Daddy's home and his baby is the happiest man in the world. " Lee whispered. Just those words made Chris' softening cock regain its full strength.

Next: Chapter 37

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