Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 13, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 34

"Baby do you have everything packed ?" Keith asked. "All I have left are a few things in the bathroom. Do you have all your stuff ?" Brian asked. "I think so. When are we suppose to be at Chris' ?" Keith asked. "We are suppose to be there around seven p.m. but we wont be staying long. The real work will start tomorrow." Brian said. "I know but it will be worth it." Keith said. "Did you call Ronnie and invite him ? " Brian asked. "Oh shit I almost forgot. Let me call him while you finish." Keith said. Keith looked through his wallet looking for the card the Doctor had given him. "Yes this is Keith please call me at the number on your caller ID. Talk to you soon buddy." Keith said as he hung the phone. "Got his voice service and left a message." Keith called out to Brian.

"Sweetie we have to get ready to go to Chris and Lee's." Paul called out. "Its only five p.m. and we don't need to be there until seven." Bob answered. "I don't want to be late." Paul said. "Sweetie you wouldn't be late if you walked to their house. We are only ten minutes away remember." Bob said. "I know, I know. I still can't believe they pulled this off. I was just kidding when I said I wanted the reception at the Georgia Aquarium. " Paul said. "Well you insisted no gifts so Lee and Chris contacted all our friends and they all contributed to pay for the space." Bob said. "That is still hard to believe. I would never imagine our friends putting up the money to rent the Aquarium for our reception." Paul said. "Well my love we are blessed in more ways than you can imagine." Bob said as he walked in and took Paul into his arms for a deep sensual kiss.

"Honey I'm home." Chris called as he hit the top of the steps. After the boys had made their mad dash for Papa, Chris went into the kitchen. "Mmm... smells good. What are you making. They aren't going to be here long and I know they aren't expecting snacks." Chris said as he stole a kiss from Lee. "Well I know that Paul is really stressed so I figured if there were a few things for him to taste that will be at the reception then he may calm down a little." Lee said. "Good luck with that one." Chris laughed. "Well tomorrow it will get crazy around here and will be until Saturday. Don't forget my friend Wayne is coming up to help me with all this. He has helped many times and we work really well together. Plus I will give Keith and Brian a crash course. " Lee said. "You may have to give me one too." Chris laughed. "No sexy your crash course is in the living room watching cartoons." Lee said laughing.

"Hello." Keith said as his cell phone rang. "Hey Keith this is Ronnie. Something wrong ?" Ronnie asked. "No nothing wrong. Brian and I were wanting to know what you were doing Saturday night ?" Keith asked. "Nothing special. What's up ?" Ronnie asked. "Well first off do you have the evening to yourself ?" Keith asked. "Yeah my partner has plans for Saturday. He will be out of town Friday until Monday. So what's up ?" Ronnie asked. "We are having the wedding reception for our friends Bob and Paul at the Aquarium Saturday night and we would all like for you too come." Keith said. "Well I am not sure about going to a reception. I don't really know them." Ronnie said. "My point exactly. All of our friends will be there and it will give you a chance to hang out with us and mingle and not be in a house party atmosphere." Keith said. "I will think about it." Ronnie said. "O.k. Buddy I will R.S.V.P. you for one unless you have a guest. It starts at six p.m. so I will expect you there. Oh yeah and no tie." Keith said. " I will try." Ronnie said. "Well if we don't see you there by six thirty I will send and emergency call through your service to get to the Aquarium." Brian called out. "O.k. guys how bad could it be. What kind of gift do they need ?" Ronnie asked. "No gifts allowed. Paul said no gifts so a group of us chipped in to pay for the room at the Aquarium." Keith said. "Well I will try my best to make it." Ronnie said. "Try hell. See you there buddy." Keith said.

Paul was a nervous wreck. Lee tried to calm his nerves by going over everything that will be there. The rental company will be there early with tables and chairs. The florist will be there by three p.m. and the food that Lee was not preparing will be delivered before four. "I have done this too many times. You let me stress and you just enjoy." Lee said. All Paul could do was walk over to Lee and hug him and cry. "Do you have enough help?" Bob asked. "I have those two ( Lee pointed to Keith and Brian ) and my friend Wayne from my home town is coming to help." Lee said. "I am the official taster." Keith said. "Official dishwasher you mean." Brian laughed. "Well someone has to lick the bowl." Keith said. "You sure you don't need more help ?" Bob asked Lee laughing. "You better not let that one get away buddy." Bob said as he gave Chris a big hug. "Oh don't worry my friend. If he leaves he has three tag alongs going with him." Chris said. Both men laughed. "What are you two laughing at ?" Paul asked. "Oh just the thought of Keith licking the bowls clean." Chris said.

Paul had calmed down and all the men were in the living room chatting. "Oh we invited the doctor that took care of Brian. His name is Ronnie. I hope you guys don't mind." Keith said. "The more the merrier." Bob said. "I met him. He seemed to be a super nice guy." Paul said. "He is. He is gay and is stuck in a very bad relationship. He talked to us for a while about not loosing what he saw in the two of us." Keith said. "Is he bringing his partner ?" Lee asked. "No. He said they seldom do things together unless its his partner's idea." Brian said. "Well you better never think that's going to happen here." Lee said and placed his hand on Chris' leg. "Don't worry. Eight hours of work every day hurts bad enough. I need to put you a desk and the boys a play room in my office as it is." Chris said. "Well we have more news." Bob said. "I had talked to Paul about quitting his job when the babies arrive. His boss offered to cut his time and do almost all his work from home. My honey here was stressing about leaving the babies every day to go to work. So now I am the only one that will stress." Bob added. "Well congratulations guys. I don't know what I would do if Lee had to work in an office every day." Chris said. " I see play dates in the future." Brian said. "When are the twins due ?" Keith asked. "Twenty days." Paul said. "Well you know that twins usually come early. But don't stress because that is normal." Lee said.

"Both of them seem to be so very happy." Brian said as he rests his head on Keith's shoulder. They had made it home and in their normal attire. Naked on the couch watching television. "Who baby ?" Keith asked as he ran his hand down Brian's back. " All of them. Bob and Paul. Chris and Lee. Bob and Paul are married now and have babies on the way. Chris and Lee are talking about getting married and they have the boys." Brian said. "Yes they do. Are you happy baby ?" Keith asked. "Oh I am very happy. I guess that seeing them and thinking of Ronnie just makes me worry a little." Brian said. "Well sweetie we will never be that way. I wont allow it. I hope that I have proved that to you." Keith said. "Oh you have. Every day I know I am blessed. I do need one thing as reassurance though." Brian said. "Anything baby." Keith said. Brian raised his head from Keith's shoulder and looked in Keith's eyes and licked his lips. With a smile on his face he lowered his head and lightly licked the head of Keith's flaccid cock. "Oh baby you can have this reassurance anytime you want it." Keith said.

Brian opened his mouth and took the mushroom head of Keith's dick in his mouth. Brian loves the feeling of Keith's dick growing inside his mouth. Brian has tried but knows that due to Keith's massive size the he probably will never be able to deep throat Keith but Keith is not complaining. Keith began rubbing Brian's back and moaning as his cock began to grow in Brian's mouth. "Lets move baby so I can get to yours ." Keith whispered. "Nope baby. This is all about you." Brian whispered. Keith leaned over and took a finger and slid it up and down the crack of Brian's ass. "Oh my baby always has what I want." Keith said. "Oh its yours anytime you want it. I will even have your name tattooed on it." Brian said. That statement made Keith's cock flex inside Brian's mouth. Brian picked up his pace of sucking down as much of Keith's cock as he could manage. "Damn baby that is too intense. We need to move this up a level before its too late." Keith whispered.

Keith pulled Brian's head up and leaned in for a very passionate kiss. They had both became so heated that their tongues were fighting for space in each others mouths. Keith stood up and reached down and picked Brian up. With Brian's arms around Keith's neck and their lips locked together Keith walked to the bedroom. Keith set Brian at the foot of the bed in front of a quilt table that stays at the foot of Brian's bed. "Stay right here baby." Keith whispered. Keith moved around the bed and grabbed the bottle of lube from the night stand. Moving back to the end of the bed Keith wrapped an arm around Brian and began kissing and nibbling his neck. "What are you up to back there baby ?" Brian whispered. "Just trust me baby." Keith whispered in Brian's ear and then nibbled the ear lobe. Keith reached down and picked up one of Brian's legs resting his foot on the short table. Turning Brian's head so that he could kiss Brian, Keith slowly inserted a finger into Brian's twitching ass. "Uuuuuu hhhhhhh." was all that Brian could manage. Keith fumbled with the lube bottle trying to steady Brian. Keith was able to squeeze a little lube into his hand and dropped the bottle to the floor.

Keith lubed his throbbing cock well and then applied lube to Brian's ass. Using his fingers to push some of the lube into Brian's ass. "Not too much baby. I want the full affect this time." Brian whispered. "Are you sure?" Keith asked. "Never so sure of anything in my life." Brian whispered. "I will be careful baby." Keith whispered. Keith moved so that the tip of his enormous cock was resting on the rosebud of Brian's ass. He pushed slightly to no avail. "Go for it baby. PLEASE." Brian moaned. Holding one arm around Brian's waste and placing his lips on the back of Brian's neck Keith pushed his hips forward and the mushroom head of his dick popped inside Brian.. "GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR." Brian moaned as his other foot came off the floor. Keith released Brian's waste and picked Brian's other foot up and placed it on the table. "Lean back against my chest baby." Keith whispered.

Brian's back was leaning against Keith and he could feel every vein of Keith's cock as it slid in and out of his stretched ass. The feeling from this angle was so intense that Brian was on the verge. Keith reached one hand around and tweaked one of Brian's nipples. The next long stroke in had Brian pressing against Keith's back as he tried to arch his own back. Without touching himself Brian's dick began to shoot his load across the bed. Keith was holding Brian steady because his legs were so shaky. "Damn baby. It amazes me that I can do that to you." Keith whispered. "Oh you do so much for me baby." Brian whispered. Keith pulled out quickly causing a loud pop and slurping sound from Brian's ass. He picked Brian up and carried him around the bed and lay him on his back. "I want to see my babies eyes when I cum inside him." Keith whispered. Brian had his legs raised and was frantically pulling Keith's hips to get him back inside him. As Keith's cock slid back into the depths of Brian's ass. "Ooohhh baby that's heaven." Brian whispered.

Keith's pace began to quicken. Raising his hips until only the mushroom head of his cock was trapped by Brian's ass ring and then quickly punching back in balls deep. All Brian could manage was a loud "Uh, Um" every time Keith landed balls deep. Keith's pace got faster and his cock began to grow thicker and harder letting Brian know that he was close. Keith leaned in and kissed Brian on his last deep dive and while they kissed Brian could feel Keith's cock flex inside him and the warmth of ever spray of cum being unloaded deep inside him. Between flexes and shots inside Brian, Keith's body would shiver. "Oh fuck baby. I love you so much." Keith whispered while trying to catch his breath. "I love you too baby." Brian whispered. Keith lay his head on Brian's shoulder with his dick still flexing inside his lover. "Baby promise me you will never get tired of this." Brian whispered. Keith flexed his cock inside Brian again and said. "Oh no baby. I am home right now and plan to be here as often as you let me." Keith whispered. Brian exhaled heavily realizing to himself. "No we will never be in Ronnie's situation." he thought.

Ronnie stood in his walk in closet. "No tie. Its formal. What in the world would i wear ?" he thought. "Hon where are you at. I am the one packing. Come get my luggage and take it down stairs so I wont have to fool with it in the morning." his partner called out. Ronnie stepped out of his closet and walked towards the luggage. "You know I am stressing about my trip and trying to stay calm and you are not helping." the partner said. Ronnie leaned over to kiss his partner. His partner pushed him away. "Just take my luggage. You can get some when I get back. I have to finish and go relax and get in my happy place so I wont stress on the flight." he said. Ronnie took the luggage and started down the steps. "Where is my happy place?" he thought.

Back in Lee's home town his friend Wayne packed a couple of items in his suitcase. He was leaving early the next morning to go help Lee and planning on making his excuses after the reception and coming home on Saturday night. Lee and Chris had asked him to stay until Sunday. Wayne knew that he couldn't handle that. Seeing Chris and Lee together and knowing that he was going to help with a gay wedding reception. Wayne is one of the most loving men you could ever meet but due to people in his past he is very shy. Plus he seemed to feel that the men that he got close to had rather have a challenge than someone with unconditional love. Clothes ready he sat in the chair next to the bed. "Take a chill pill. You can survive this. Just put the hurt aside and be happy for others." he thought. He sat for a moment and thought to himself. "I wonder what the one I truly love is doing right now ?" That thought brought a tear to his eyes. Wayne knew that the man he loved would have the weekend to himself but would not dare let him know that he was going to be in town. Wayne couldn't handle the hurt of seeing him for only a few minutes and then having to drive home.

Next: Chapter 35

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