Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 10, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 33

"Finally we are only an hour away." Chris said. "Yeah I think I would have sprung for the plane tickets." Lee laughed. "We do need to stop though I smell a diaper change and Alex probably needs to use the restroom." Lee added. Chris and Lee had driven to Indiana from Georgia. The trip normally took Chris about twelve hours but with two small children it had taken about fifteen hours. Luckily both boys slept a lot during riding and the new SUV had a DVD player so that the boys could watch cartoons. Arriving finally in the town Lee began to get nervous about meeting Chris' family.

Pulling in the drive we were met by Chris' parents. The boys were a little reluctant but before we could get in the house Cody had his arms wrapped around Chris' Mom's neck and Alex was telling all about his trip while holding Chris' father's hand and walking to the house. Once inside Mr. Hamrick walked up and introduced himself to Lee. "I have heard a lot about you son. I hope my son has been good to you ?" Mr. Hamrick said. "Oh its tough but I try to keep him in line." Lee said. "You got a full time job then." Mr. Hamrick said laughing. "Dad you know Chris is a sweetheart." Mrs. Hamrick argued. Mr. Hamrick just smiled and walked into the den to spend time with the boys. "Let me show you to your room." Mrs. Hamrick told Lee. "I figured we would stay in my old room and put Cody's bed in there." Chris said. "Well you can stay in your old room. I am putting Lee in the guest room." She added. "Mom, we have already had this conversation." Chris added. Mrs. Hamrick like many mothers pretended not to hear Chris' protest. "Dad." Chris called out. "You will win son just give it a couple of hours." Mr. Hamrick said.

The afternoon and evening went as well as could be expected. "Are you alright baby?" Chris whispered to Lee. "Don't worry about me. I am fine. Besides this is all sort of sudden for your parents too so give them time." Lee added. Lee offered to clean the kitchen after dinner so that the new grandparents could spend more time with the boys before bedtime. The phone rang and Mrs. Hamrick answered the phone but stood in the kitchen door way talking. "Yes they made it fine. . . He seems to be nice enough. You will meet him tomorrow. . . Yes I think you were right but we can find out more tomorrow.. . . O.k. see you tomorrow. Love you. " Mrs. Hamrick said and returned the phone to the wall. She looked at Lee as she walked through the kitchen but did not stop to chat.

The boys were bathed and ready for bed. Good night hugs and kisses to everyone and the boys were off to dream land. "So what do you do for a living ?" Mrs. Hamrick asked. Lee explained the rental properties and the work for his friend. "Oh so you are not a professional then." Mrs. Hamrick said. "Well I am not a doctor, lawyer or Architect if that's what you mean." Lee said. Chris had entered the room and caught the end of the conversation. "Drop it Mom. What is wrong with you ?" Chris asked. "I am your Mom and I am looking out for you." she said. "Well Mom at least he knows how to make a living. You know how to watch soap operas and Dad's folks didn't complain. Well at least not to your face." Chris barked. Mr. Hamrick burst out laughing. "What's so funny father ?" Mrs. Hamrick asked. "Truth hurts doesn't it ?" he remarked.

Lee retired to the guest room but within minutes Chris came in holding Cody in his arms. "Mind some bed guests ?" Chris asked. "You Mom will stroke." Lee said. "Well we all have to go somehow." Chris laughed. Cody never moved and both men were so tired from the trip with just one quick kiss they were both sound asleep. The morning sun came through the window too soon. Cody was awake and playing with Lee's nose. "Morning stink pot." Lee whispered. "Get Papa's nose and wake him up." Lee whispered. Cody turned over and began playing with Chris' nose and eye lids. "I know a little boy that is asking for the tickle monster." Chris said as he rolled over and began to tickle Cody and rub his goatee into the helpless child's neck. Squeals came from the child trying to get away from Chris. Within seconds the door flew open and Alex leaped in the bed to join in the fun. Mr. Hamrick stood leaning against the door frame enjoying watching the boys play in the bed. "I put him in here and Chris in his room." Mrs. Hamrick barked as she passed by the door. "Give it a rest Mother." Mr. Hamrick said. "Not in my house." she commented and kept walking.

The day went fairly well with no comments or daggered looks towards Lee. That's was until Chris' sister and her husband arrived. Chris introduced Lee to his sister and brother in law. His sister pretended that Lee was not even in the room. Chris' brother in law shook Lee's hand and told him that he had heard a lot about him from Chris and was honored to meet him. "Mother and Linda are up to something." Joe whispered in Chris' ear. "I will help all I can." he added. "Thanks Bro. I don't think either one of them are up to messing with me right now though." Chris said. Mrs. Hamrick and Linda went to the kitchen to prepare the dinner for the evening. Lee walked into the kitchen to offer help. "We don't need any help." Linda snapped. Chris heard the comment. "I am sorry baby. I am going in there and fixing this right now." Chris said. "No you don't big boy. This is your family and I am a grown man. I can handle it." Lee said. "You know I love you don't you ?" Chris asked. "I do sweetie and because I love you I can handle whatever they dish and still smile." Lee said.

"Didn't you say that Lee was allergic to raw onion?" Linda asked. "That's what Chris said. " Mrs. Hamrick commented. Linda went to the pantry and grabbed a hand full of onions. "Start chopping mother." she said. Mrs. Hamrick called everyone to the table. She had decided that she would assign seats. She placed the boys on each side of her with Mr. Hamrick at the head of the table. She placed Chris between his father and his sister. Joe sat beside his wife and Mrs. Hamrick had moved the space further down on the table and instructed Lee to set there. Chris went to comment but before he could speak he could see Lee looking at him shaking his head no as to tell him to leave it alone. The dishes were passed and plates were made. "Chris says you are a great cook. I hope that my cooking can compare." Mrs. Hamrick said. Something tasted real funny about some of the food. Mr. Hamrick even commented that she must be loosing her touch. Within about five minutes Lee had to ask to be excused and rush to the bathroom. He had enough years experience in avoiding onion to recognize that all the food had raw onion in it. Chris followed. "Are you alright baby ? What's wrong ?" Chris asked. "Raw onion. Pills in suitcase." Lee could mumble between heavings. Chris returned with the pills and kneeled next to Lee until he was able to get one to stay down. "What can I do baby ?" Chris asked. "I just need to lay down and hope the pill works." Lee said. Chris helped him to the bed and sat there for a minute until Lee was settled. Lee could see the anger in Chris' face. "They didn't know baby." Lee said. "Yes they did. I made a point to tell them." Chris said as he left the room and pulled the door too.

"What the fuck is your issue ?" Chris shouted as he rounded the corner to the dining room. "Calm down brother. All he wants is your money so I had to give him a little taste. You were right Mother, onions did the trick." Linda laughed. Chris took a bowl of pasta salad and threw it in Linda's face. "I hope you choke on your own poison you crazy bitch." Chris shouted. "And as for you ." as he turned towards his mother. "Christopher Hamrick. I am your mother and you are in my house so you mind your manners and your language." she spouted. "You are no mother of mine that's for damn sure." Chris shouted. "You knew he was allergic to raw onion. Why would you do that ?" Chris asked. "He had to know he was not welcome in this family." Linda said. "Well I like him." Joe replied. "No one asked for your opinion." Mrs. Hamrick said. " Shut up mother you have crossed the line this time. And for your information this is my house. I am the one that went to work every day to pay for this. " Mr. Hamrick said. "I will deal with you later just as Linda will with Joe." Mrs. Hamrick barked. "For once in your life just shut the fuck up. Both of you." Mr. Hamrick said to both Mrs. Hamrick and Linda. This brought a big laugh from Joe.

"My money ? MY MONEY ? " Chris asked. "Well Mother said that you bought that expensive SUV out there for him. He has to have seen your house. All he wants is your check book." Linda said. "For your information I bought that SUV for "us" because we needed something bigger. Yes I drive his SUV now but its new also and cost almost as much as that one. Oh and by the way his is paid for. That one out there is not. As for houses. His is designed different but almost as large. My house is on one acre and his is on twenty acres. And guess what bitch ? His is paid for and mine is not. So after "my money" is not even close." Chris shouted. "Well brother you need to just come home and leave him there and let us help with these babies." Mrs. Hamrick said. "Well OId woman I have a feeling that you have just met your grandchildren for the first and the last time." Chris said. "Wait a minute son." Mr. Hamrick said. "Not you Dad. You are welcome at our house anytime. But until these two change this will be mine and the boys last trip to visit. I can't believe you two. You have always been jealous of me Linda but its about time for you to get the fuck over it." Chris said. "Jealous of you ?" Linda snapped. "Shut up Linda. You know you have been." Joe added. About that time Alex heaved all over his plate. "Papa, I need Pop." Alex cried. Mrs. Hamrick went to reach for Alex. "Leave him alone. You try to poison your son in law and now your grandchild. I hope you are happy." Chris said.

Chris took Alex to the bathroom and cleaned him up. He could hear from the bathroom that both men were telling the women in no uncertain terms how they felt. After cleaning Alex up and making sure that he was free of nausea he took Alex into the room with Lee. "Pop someone else can't take onions. He wants his Pop." Chris said. Lee patted the bed in front of him as to show to put Alex there and lifted his arm. Lee's arm came down and embraced the small boy as he snuggled up against him. Chris leaned over and kissed Lee on the forehead. "Damn he is burning up." Chris thought. "Are you alright baby ? " Chris asked. "Give me a couple of hours and I will be fine." Lee said with a smile. He returned to the dining room and took Cody right out of Linda's arms and headed outside to where the men were chatting on the patio. "Just leave him with me ?" Mrs. Hamrick said. "So you and Linda can try to poison him too ? I don't think so. " Chris said as he slammed the door.

"Son I am so sorry for all that. I don't know what to say. How is Lee ?" Mr. Hamrick asked. "He says he is fine but I felt his forehead and he is burning up. The thing is I only know that he is allergic to raw onion. I don't know exactly what it does to him." Chris said and lowered his head. "Come here little man and see your Uncle Joe." Joe said as he took Cody. Cody still not sure from all the shouting and food throwing held tight to Joe's chest. " Too say I am sorry does not even start to say how bad I feel. I really like Lee. He seems to be a super guy." Joe said. "You have no idea just how super Joe." Chris said with a tear rolling down his cheek. "His family welcomed me and the boys with opened arms. And for his mother that's a major feet believe me." Chris said. "I can't believe that they would think he was after my money. Hell his Mom is dripping in the shit." Chris added. "So they have money ?" Joe asked. "Money isn't even the tip of the ice burg." Chris said. Chris began to explain to the two men what he and Lee had been through. He also told them of the threat to the boys and how Lee's Mom let people that Chris could only dream of meeting that she wanted it fixed and fixed now. "So this little fella was the reason for all that drug bust and kidnapping stuff on the news ?" Joe asked and he rubbed the side of Cody's face. "Yep that was us." Chris said. "Shit that had to be scary." Mr. Hamrick said. "Hell I was more scared of what Lee's Mom was doing than the cartel." Chris laughed. "She told some powerful people "this ends now" and she damn sure meant it." Chris said. "So after "my money" what a fucking joke." Chris said.

Back inside Mrs. Hamrick opened the bedroom door. "Come with me Alex. You can spend time with Grandma and Aunt Linda." she said. "Your not my Grandma. Memaw doesn't try to make me sick like you did. She loves me and Cody." Alex said. Mrs. Hamrick started towards the bed with her hand out like she was going to take Alex. Lee pulled Alex closer and looked at Mrs. Hamrick. "Don't you think you have done enough damage for one night?" Lee asked. "Nonsense." she said as she reached again for Alex. "Lay one hand on him and I swear as God as my witness I will rip it off of you and feed it to you personally. You understand me ?" Lee said. "Don't threaten me in my own house to which you are not welcomed. Besides this is my grandchild and you WILL not tell me what to do." she barked. "Do you really want to see if mine was an idol threat at this moment ?" Lee said firmly. Mrs. Hamrick turned and huffed as she left the room.

The house seemed quiet from what Lee could tell. He lay there waiting for the medicine to kick in so that he felt some better. "Papa, I got to pee pee." Alex said. "Come on buddy." Lee said as he lifted himself off the bed to help Alex to the bathroom. Lee was feeling dizzy so he held to the wall as he made his way with Alex to the bathroom. They were met at the door by Joe. "Hey Lee, Sorry about all this. Are you feeling better ?" Joe asked. "I will soon." Lee said with a smile. "Alex had to pee." Lee added. "Come on little man. Let Uncle Joe help you. You go lay back down. I will bring him back when he is done." Joe said. A few minutes later Joe returned Alex. "You may want to watch him tonight. He has diarrhea too." Joe said. "I am sorry Joe. I should have handled that." Lee said. "Hey don't worry. Uncle Joe can handle it can't he stinker ?" Joe said as he kissed Alex on the top of the head. "Pop he calls me stinker too." Alex smiled as he crawled back into Lee's arms.

Lee and Alex had dosed off when Chris came to bed. Chris slipped in the bed and leaned over and kissed Lee lightly. "I am so sorry baby. You know i love you don't you ?" Chris whispered. "You better after all this." Lee said with a smile. Seeing that Lee was joking calmed Chris but the severe chest pains let Lee know that he had to fight off a major anxiety attack. "I will drive the whole damn fifteen hours. I want to go home. I need to get out of here. I can't run though. I can't do that to Chris." was all that was going through Lee's mind. Chris sensed Lee was not sleeping well. "Baby I called my Aunt. We are going to her house tomorrow and stay for a couple of days before we head home. " Chris whispered. "We don't have to leave here." Lee said. "I love you for saying that baby but yes hell we do." Chris said. "Oh great. I dealt with one part of the family and survived. Now comes round two. Deep breath. You will survive. Just don't eat any of the food." Lee though. The news of moving to another relative made Lee's chest hurt even more.

The next morning Chris, Lee and the boys were loaded and leaving before Mrs. Hamrick was dressed. Mr. Hamrick stood in the drive. "Where are they going ?" Mrs. Hamrick said as Mr. Hamrick walked back in. "Away from you mother. They are going to your sister Frannie's." he said. "Why would they want to go to her house ?" she snapped. "They are safe from you and Linda there. I dare you to walk into Frannie's house and spout any of your trash." Mr. Hamrick laughed. "She doesn't scare me." Mrs. Hamrick said. "Yeah right." Mr. Hamrick said. "What do you want for breakfast ?" she asked. "Out of that kitchen?. Nothing thank you. I will go get my own." he said. "You too ?" she asked. "You did this to yourself mother. Linda has always been jealous of Chris and the thought of him being happy scares her to death. You fed into it and see what you got. " Mr. Hamrick added. "Well from what I hear Chris has a very rich and very welcoming family back in Georgia. Its up to you now but I will tell you this. I WILL not loose my son and grandsons just to please you and feed Linda's jealousy so get that through your thick ass skull right now." Mr. Hamrick said as he took his keys and headed out the door.

Now Aunt Frannie's house was totally different. Lee thought that she was going to squeeze the life out him the way she hugged him. "Sorry about all this Aunt Frannie." Chris said. "Non sense. Your mother has always fueled that brat of a sister of yours. I never though they would go this far but don't worry. Both of them as scared to death of me. They wont try any shit at my house. Now come on. I need to get to know these two little darlings you brought." Frannie said. "Yeah Linda was non too happy when they left. Joe had told her what he thought." Chris said. "Oh shit I would have paid money to see him grow a set of balls and stand up to her." Frannie laughed. "Speaking of which, Lee, Is my nephew keeping you happy in that department ?" Frannie asked. "Aunt Frannie." Chris said. "Hey I have seen your Dad and if you inherited that then Lee should be plenty happy. If not I will help you find one that will. " Frannie laughed. "He will do in a rush." Lee said laughing. "Oh I like him Chris my boy. He's a keeper." Frannie said. "Yeah Aunt Frannie he will do in a rush too." Chris laughed.

Over the next couple of days Joe visited to see Chris, Lee and the boys as did Mr. Hamrick. Mr. Hamrick spent most of his days there and even stayed for dinner most nights. "Frannie, let me speak to my son." Mrs. Hamrick said over the phone. "I will tell him who it is and its his choice." Frannie said. "Just put him on the phone." Mrs. Hamrick demanded. "Oh get over yourself Sis. You aren't the queen of England and no one is going to bow at your damn feet. " Frannie said. "No one asked you." Mrs. Hamrick said. "Ah, guess they did. You called my house remember. Let me tell you one quick thing sis. You can get off your high horse and enjoy these sweet boys or you can stick with that other brat of yours and when you get old and need help she will dump you like a hot potato. The choice is yours. " Frannie said. "Chris its your mother " Frannie said and lay the phone on the counter. Chris and his mother talked for a few minutes. Chris told her that she could come visit but one word out of line and she had been warned. Anything out of line and she would never see him nor the boys again.

The visit was tense. Lee tried very hard to act as though it was all a mistake and nothing was intended. "May I speak to Lee alone ?" Mrs. Hamrick asked Chris. "That's up to him but let me remind you that you have been warned." Chris said. Lee and Mrs. Hamrick walked outside and sat in rocking chairs on Frannie's porch. Mrs. Hamrick admitted to Lee that Linda had always been jealous of Chris and that Linda felt the only reason Chris said he was gay was because he was afraid of commitment. She also admitted to Lee that she had been afraid that he would take her son from her.

"Mrs. Hamrick. I had hoped that we could have gotten along great. I will make you a deal though. You don't have to like me but for Chris and the boy's sake we do need to be civil to each other in their presence." Lee said. " I will move the world to protect all three of them and keep them happy. That means you too if it ever came to it." Lee added. " I see why you can't trust me." Mrs. Hamrick said. "Its not a matter of trust. I am sure I will be very reserved when Alex and Cody bring their first girlfriends home." Lee said. "Girlfriends ?" Mrs. Hamrick said. "Mrs. Hamrick. Gay is not in the water. Its not a learned lifestyle. Either you are or you are not. Gay or straight those boys will know they are loved and protected. As long as I breath anyway. " Lee said. "Thank you." Mrs. Hamrick said. "For what ?" Lee asked. "For loving my son and my grandsons enough to say that to me." she said. Lee turned and looked through the window. "Look at those three. Your son is quite the charmer. He gave me no choice but to fall head over heals in love with him. And the two boys. Just look in those loving eyes just one time and anyone would be hooked." Lee said. " May Mr. Hamrick and I come to visit ?" She asked. " I can't speak for Chris' house but you are welcome in my house anytime and for as long as you want to visit. The one condition is that if you have any hate that you leave it at the door. You are more than welcome to pick it back up on your way out." Lee said. " I see why Chris cares for you so much. He could never forgive so easily. I see that you ground him. " she said.

Next: Chapter 34

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