Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 6, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 31

"Uh. Do I have too ?" Brian asked as he and Keith got out of the truck in the parking deck. "Your appointment is at nine a.m. you are not going to be late." Keith said. "Yes Daddy." Brian said with a laugh. "And don't you forget it." Keith said laughing. They entered the office and were surprised that there was only one other patient waiting. Brian signed in and the nurse assured him that the doctor would be with him very shortly. "I want to go home." Brian said. "Poor baby. Afraid of needles ?" Keith asked. "Am I getting a shot ?" Brian asked. "Well you are acting like you are here to get neutered or something." Keith said. Brian chuckled. "I just don't like doctors." Brian said. "Well this one is the doc. that will give you the green light for sex. So don't piss him off." Keith laughed. "Good point." Brian said.

In the examining room the nurse gave Brian a gown to put on. Keith watched as Brian removed his clothes. "Wooh. Where did those come from ?" Keith asked referring to Brian's boxer briefs. " I put them on while you were dressing. I figured this may happen." Brian said. "Yeah but I wanted to see that hot ass." Keith said with a smile. "Oh you were going to get off by me flashing the doctor ?" Brian asked. "On second thought its a good thing. I don't want to have to compete with a doctor. He may want that beautiful ass for himself." Keith said. "Well my fantasy was never a doctor. It's always been a cop so your safe there. " Brian laughed. "Morning gentleman. How is our patient ?" The doctor said as he entered the room. A series of questions and a quick examination seemed to have the doctor pleased with what he saw. The bandage was removed and to Keith's relief it wasn't as bad as he had expected. He had figured if there was any scaring that it would take him years to convince Brian that he didn't care.

"So is he going to live Doc.?" Keith asked. "Oh he will be fine. A few more days of rest and most of this will just be a bad memory. The stitches will have to stay in for another ten days or so. So that means no washing your hair." The Doctor said. "For ten days ?" Brian asked. "Well the top and front you can wash as long as you have help to keep from getting water on the stitches. That area you can wipe with a warm damp rag." Doc. said. "I guess you will have to keep me around for a while so you can wash your hair." Keith said. "Yeah I guess you can stay then." Brian said with a laugh. "Sounds like my husband. " the doctor said. "How long have you two been together ?" the doctor asked. "Only a couple of weeks." Brian answered. "Well you two seem to be a great match. My husband and I have been together almost seven years." The doctor said. "Congratulations." Keith added. "No don't congratulate me. I am just glad to see that there are still gay men that come together for love. Don't loose that." The doctor said.

The doctor whos name is Ronnie chatted with Keith and Brian. He explained that he and his husband/partner had gotten together for all the wrong reasons. The only thing his partner wanted was to be able to tell his friends that he had a doctor. He also explained that his partner was happy with their coexistence because he could come and go as he pleased and the doctor's house was much nicer than his. "He feels that I give him the life that he has earned." Ronnie said. The doctor also explained that with the stress of his work that it was just easier to tolerate the situation than to go through the stress of breaking up. Plus over the past few years when his partner had thought they might break up he had threatened to harm himself. Then when he felt safe again he and his friends would take six or seven week private vacations. "I am not telling you any of this to throw any doubt in your relationship. I tell you this because I see something in you two that I have not seen in years and truthfully wish I had for myself. So cherish it and when you get upset with each other remember how you feel today. " Ronnie said. "Oh he wont shake me that easily." Keith said. "That's good to hear." Ronnie added.

"Well I guess this little incident will take my vacation money for this year. Be kind on the bill. I haven't met my deductible for this year." Brian said. "What do you mean ? We have already gotten a check. I have a feeling you will get a refund. A lady kept calling my nurses and asked how much the bill was. We told her that we would have to wait to see what your insurance paid. Two days later we got a check anyway. " Ronnie said. "Ms. Ruth" Keith laughed. "Yeah seems like I remember that name." Ronnie said. Brian looked at Keith with a shocked look. "Well it had to be either Ms. Ruth or Breanna. They are the only two that would right a check like that and not ask questions." Keith said. "To the main subject Doc. You told me no sex until he saw you again." Keith said. "Keith." Brian scolded. Ronnie just laughed. "Well you will still be sore for a few days but as long as you don't try to hang from the ceilings I think you will be fine. Just make sure you find positions that you are not uncomfortable because of the bruises." Ronnie said.

Brian's face had turned as red as possible in embarrassment. "Don't worry Doc. I wouldn't dare hurt him." Keith said. "Uh can we stop talking about our sex life." Brian said. "Well sweetie its either talk about it or demonstrate it for the Doc. here." Keith laughed. "Damn I can't take you out in public." Brian said. "Well I don't plan on it for the next few days. We have some catching up to do." Keith said. Ronnie began to laugh and Brian turned even a darker shade of red. "Thanks Ronnie. I appreciate all you have done for my sweetheart. No offense but I would love to take you out to dinner sometime but I don't think I could bite my tongue with your partner." Keith said. "Well we don't go out together very often. Usually he is with his friends and I am at home. " Ronnie said. "Well I would love for you to meet our friends too. They are a great group of guys. Maybe we can put something together in the near future." Brian said. "I would love it. Thank you. Now if you have any more problems or concerns just call the number on the card I gave you. I will see you in about ten days to remove the stitches. You guys should be caught up by then." Ronnie said as he placed his hand on Keith's shoulder as he headed out of the room. "Want to start catching up here ?" Keith smiled.

"Its about time." was the message Ronnie was greeted with in the waiting room. "You said it would only take about twenty minutes and you have been almost an hour. I told my friends we would meet them for brunch. You better not make us late." Ronnie's partner barked. Keith and Brian had thought that it was a patient in the waiting room when in fact Brian was Ronnie's only patient for the day. The man in the waiting room was actually Ronnie's partner. On the drive to the restaurant Ronnie reflected on the love and care he saw in both Keith and Brian's eyes. He wondered if he had ever had that with his partner. He seemed to remember a little of it years ago.

As they headed down the street Ronnie took his right hand and placed on his partners leg who promptly picked it up and placed Ronnie's hand back on the console. "You know I am going out with another group tonight. Did you finish the laundry? I want all my clothes clean to choose from and you know that washer and dryer is just too complicated for me to operate." Ronnie's partner said. "Just like the vacuum and the dishwasher." Ronnie commented. "Your a doctor. If you don't want to do it just hire someone." his partner said. "Oh by the way. Have you booked our tickets to Europe yet ? I need to know the dates so I can work it around my work schedule to plan myself another trip." the partner added. "The dates are on the counter where I put your mail." Ronnie said as they drove on.

A little about Ronnie before we move on. Ronnie moved to Atlanta about eight years ago. He is a very handsome man. He stands about six foot two inches and weighs about two hundred and seventeen pounds. His stress relief from his life is the gym. He is not a bodybuilder but his body is firm and has no fat. He met his partner a few months after arriving in Atlanta and was so desperate to not be alone he moved too fast. Ronnie's love lies elsewhere. He had met a man named Wayne online before he even moved to Atlanta. Wayne is a very quiet and shy man even more so than Brian. He dreams of Wayne constantly. He and Wayne have met many times in person and also came within seconds of having sex. Within seconds I mean that Ronnie had Wayne naked in his bed with Wayne's ass lubed up and Ronnie's hard cock pressing at the entrance. Ronnie's life had become so stressed that at the last minute he felt guilt about what he was doing to his partner and stopped.

He was really shocked that Wayne told him that he respected him even more for stopping. He knows that Wayne loves him unconditionally with all his heart and soul but his partner has used his fake depression and threats of hurting himself to keep Ronnie in line. "I could have their life with Wayne. Maybe even better." Ronnie thought. After dinner and back home Ronnie stood naked looking in the mirror of the master bath. Ronnie's chest is hairy. Not overly hairy but hairy non the less. His tight firm ass cheeks are covered with a dusting of hair also. Ronnie is also a grower and not a shower. His dick at full mass is close to eight inches but has a very healthy girth and unlike Wayne's very low hanging balls, Ronnie's stayed close to home. He has a few hairs on his back but nothing major. His fetish is hair. He loves a hairy man and the hairier the better. Wayne is that man. Just the thought of Wayne's hair made Ronnie's cock begin to grow. His partner had come home from clubbing with his friends early. Upset that they didn't want to go the places he wanted he got hostile and came home. Walking into the bedroom his partner saw that Ronnie was in the mood for sex. "I am going down stairs. I need to catch up with my friends on facebook. Don't wait up for me." his partner said. As Ronnie lay alone in his king sized bed naked he could only wonder if he bit the bullet and made a change could he and Wayne have the life he had always dreamed of.

"Baby promise me something. " Brian whispered to Keith as they lay naked on the couch watching television. "Anything my love. " Keith said. "Promise me we will never be like Ronnie and his partner. He seems to be such a good man but also such a sad man." Brian said. "Don't worry my love. We will never be that way. I feel sorry for him. Not wanting to be alone and so desperate to not be that he is even more alone. I could not imagine trying to love you and you not love me back. I would feel more alone with you there with me." Keith said. "Well you never have to worry about that sexy." Brian said. "Oh and Ronnie said that as long as we didn't swing from the ceiling that we could have sex so why do I still feel so empty." Brian said. "Oh so my baby is horny huh ?" Keith laughed. "Well I was just thinking about Ronnie and his situation and then how you didn't rip my clothes off as soon as we got back and fuck me senseless, I was wondering if you had lost interest." Brian said. "Oh hell no baby. I wanted to fuck you in the exam room but I also want you to know that I don't want you just for the sex. I want you for the man you are. The sex is just a bonus." Keith said as he leaned over and kissed Brian.

A few miles away Paul lay exhausted on Bob's chest with Bob's dick still inside him. "My God baby. That was amazing. I can't wait for the honeymoon if this gets any better." Paul whispered. "Is my baby as happy and satisfied as I am ?" Bob asked. Paul lay his head on Bob's chest still straddling his lover and his semi hard cock still inside him. "Getting married. Getting twins. The man of my dreams inside me. I couldn't be happier." Paul said. "The only thing that would have made me happier is if I were a woman and could have had these babies for you." Paul added. "Well sweet heart if you had been a woman then you wouldn't be in this position." as Bob arched his back forcing his semi hard cock back into his lover further. "In two weeks we will be married and then within a month after that we will be parents." Bob whispered. Bob could feel a tear drop on his chest and he held Paul tight and rubbed his back. "Life is just beginning my sweet and it can only get better." Bob whispered.

Brian excused himself leaving Keith naked on the couch. Still being sore it was difficult for him to do his prep like any good bottom does before sex. After a few winches from pain and a few groans Brian was satisfied with his achievement. After washing himself good in the sink he returned to his lover on the couch. He walked to the couch and reached out his hand as if to pull Keith up. Keith took his hand but only raised up enough to pull Brian closer. As Brian got closer, Keith stuck his tongue out to catch Brian's semi hard dick. Keith licked the end of Brian's cock until it was painfully hard. He began licking down the shaft and lowered his head further so that he could reach Brian's beautiful low hanging balls. One at a time Keith licked the ball sack and then sucked each globe into his mouth and lightly massaged it with his tongue before releasing one and moving to the other. Brian had began to quiver standing in front of his lover. Brian reached down and pulled Keith to his feet and before Keith was completely standing Brian had planted a kiss on Keith's lips. Within seconds Keith's tongue was exploring Brian's mouth. It only took seconds for Keith's massive dick to be at full mass. "I did what you told me baby. " Keith said. "What was that ?" Brian asked. "I haven't touched my dick except to wash it since I left here the other night." Keith said. "Oh so my baby has heavy balls huh ?" Brian asked. "So heavy they hurt." Keith said.

Brian led Keith down the hall to the bedroom. "I don't want to hurt you baby. You have to tell me if you get uncomfortable." Keith said as he lay Brian on the bed. "The only uncomfort I have is the empty feeling inside me that only you can fill. " Brian said. Brian lay on his back and lifted his legs. His hips still hurt so a slight wrench came. "No baby. lay on your side." Keith whispered. Keith maneuvered Brian almost into the fetal position. He kissed Brian's back as he applied lube to Brian's ass. First one finger and then two sliding in and out of Brian's ass loosening the ring. Brian continued until he had all five digits of one hand sliding in and out. "Fuck me baby....PLEASE... I don't need fingers I need dick." Brian shouted. "You ready baby ?" Keith whispered in Brian's ear. "I was ready five days ago." Brian said. "Hhmmmm I like you when you have to go without for a few days." Keith laughed. "You don't hurry up I will finish this myself and I want need you." Brian said. With that Keith placed the tip of his cock on the ring of Brian's ass. "Breath deep baby." Keith whispered.

As Brian took a deep breath he exhaled it quickly as the head of Keith's massive cock slipped through his hole. Brian's muscle clamped down on the intruder. "You o.k. baby ?" Keith asked with concern. "Getting better just give me a second to relax again." Brian whispered. Keith could feel Brian relax and slid a good four inches inside of Brian. Brian squirmed in pleasure. "Next time baby keep going. don't stop." Brian said. Within a few seconds Brian had relaxed again and this time even with the muscle contrasting against his dick Keith pushed until he was balls deep. When his cock punched the second ring inside. Brian let out a deep moan of pleasure. "You have it all baby. I am all yours." Keith whispered. "Oh my God I have missed this so bad." Brian whimpered. "Oh baby you are so amazing." Keith said. "Am I hurting you ?" Keith asked. "Not at all stud now fuck me senseless. I need it." Brian demanded.

Keith began to quicken his pace. He would push his cock all the way in to hear deep moans from his lover and pull out until just the mushroom head of his cock was still inside. In one quick swift motion he would push back in balls deep to the moans and groans of Brian. "I have missed holding my baby and plugging his sweet ass so bad. " Keith whispered. Just the sound of his lovers voice in his ear and to feel his throbbing cock deep inside him was about to make Brian go wild. Brian reached up and lightly rubbed his hip. Sensing that it was uncomfortable Keith rolled Brian over so that he was on his knees without removing his cock. The next inward push almost made Brian scream in pleasure. Brian was still balled up with Keith covering his entire body. "Oh baby, Oh God...oh ffffuuuuuccckkkk... " Brian called out as the next inward push balls deep by Keith caused Brian's trapped cock to begin to spray his load all over him. The first shot hit him in the face. The next coated the hair on his chest. Brian's body was vibrating as if his orgasm would never end. The continuous tightening and loosening of Brian's ass on Keith cock sent him over the edge too.

"Ooooohhhh......Eeeeerrrr....Oooohhh fuuuuckkk bbbbaaabbbbyyyy..." was all Keith could mange before he lightly bit into Brian's neck and began dumping his load deep inside of Brian. Brian was amazed that he could feel the warmth of every shot Keith released inside him.. "Oh fuck baby." Keith whispered while his cock still flexed and dumped even more seed inside Brian. Keith's cock being so large there was not much room for his semen and Brian could feel it start to leak out of his ass still fully impaled on his lover's hard cock.

Keith began to move once he could breath calmly again. As he began to pull his still hard cock out of Brian a hand landed on his tight muscled ass cheek. "No baby. Please stay inside me." Brian whispered. Still impaled fully on Keith's cock Brian was pulled to his side with Keith's arms wrapped around him. As Keith straightened and stretched his legs his dick would flex inside Brian with each motion. "I am finally safe and secure." was all that could go through Brian's mind. As Brian stretched his legs out Keith carefully turned Brian's head being careful of the stitches to kiss his lover deeply with his tongue while his cock still flexed in his lover's ass. "I love you so much baby. I will never let anyone harm you again." Keith said. "I love you too Keith. I love you so much." Brian said as he leaned forward for another kiss.

Next: Chapter 32

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