Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 4, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 30

"I feel so fucking fantastic. Did you see that token faggot hit the ground. "SMACK". It was so damn funny." Juan said as he and Mikey sat in the corner of one of the crowded gay bars in Atlanta. "Yeah he wont soon forget what he did to us." Mikey said. "Yeah nobody fucks me over and gets away with it. " Juan said. "Do you think they have any idea who did it ?" Mikey asked. "Hell no. If that bitch is even awake yet he is too damn scared to mention my name. He knows I will come back for more." Juan said. "Yeah I am sure if they were after us we would have heard something by now." Mikey said. "Oh, Oh that's my song. Let me go shake this money maker." Juan said as he pranced to the dance floor.

"Boss. They are here." was the first thing heard when the man answered his cell phone. "Keep them there. I will call you when I am ready to extract." said the gruffy voice. "Yes sir boss man." was the reply. A very handsome almost lumberjack style man walked out onto the dance floor and began to dance with Juan. After about the third song Juan and the man exited the dance floor and made their way to where Mikey was still standing. "Can I buy you men a drink ?" the lumberjack asked. "APPLETINIES for all." Juan said in a very flamboyant manner. As the man headed to the bar. "See I can still get the hot ones." Juan commented. "Yes you can. You got me." Mikey said. "Whatever." Juan said as he rolled his eyes. A few minutes later the lumberjack returned with two appletinies and a beer on tap. "Drink up guys I am buying tonight." the lumberjack said. Juan and Mikey downed their drinks. "Refills" Juan said as he snapped his fingers. "Be right back." the man said. On his way to the bar he pulled out his phone and sent a text. "Primed and ready in about 10." the answer back was "Will be ready."

Back at the table the drinks moved a little slower this time. Juan and Mikey were even moving a little slower. "All these bitches in here want me. Even this unworthy bitch." Juan said as he pointed to Mikey. "But you are the lucky one for the evening. You hit the jackpot tonight." Juan said. "Oh I hit the jackpot alright." the man said. Juan did not realize that the jackpot the man spoke of was the bonus he was getting for finding them so fast. About ten minutes later neither Juan nor Mikey could stand up straight. Juan was confessing all types of devious plans. Even a plan to get Mikey's help and then dump him too. The lumberjack took one man under each arm and headed out the door towards the parking lot. As he crossed the parking lot a van pulled up and opened the side door. "Package delivered." he said. "Once again. Perfect job. Your bonus is inside." as the man with the gruff voice handed him a sealed envelope. "Pleasure doing business with you. Till next time." the lumberjack said as the man raised the van window and pulled out onto the street. "Now to go back in and find me a real man." the lumberjack thought.

Breanna's text message alert went off. "Streets safe." was on her phone. This text was forwarded to Keith. "Well done. contact me in a couple of days for instructions." was her reply.

Friday went smooth. Lee loaded the boys to go to Chris' house so that they could be close to Brian in case Keith needed help. Lee already knew that both Juan and Mikey had been removed from the streets but decided not to tell Chris, Bob or Paul. The less they knew the better. Besides Keith already knew and that was all that mattered. Lee had invited them all to dinner at Chris' house. He was not sure what he would find since he had not returned since the party. Entering the house he was pleasantly surprised. "Damn I need to hire Brian and Keith as full time cleaners." he thought. Just like clock work Lee heard the garage door open. A few minutes later a gorgeous man opened the door at the top of the stairs. "Honey I'm home." Chris called out. Life was good again in Chris' eyes. Alex flew around the corner "PAPA, PAPA." he squealed. Cody was not far behind. He was getting a little better coordinated with his toddling. Hugs, Kisses and Tickles for the boys and they were back to toys and cartoons. Chris walked up to the stove and wrapped his arms around Lee. "Mmmm. I missed this last night. I didn't hardly sleep at all. I have gotten too use to wrapping my arms around you and sleeping." Chris said. "Well I slept like a baby. The whole bed to myself." Lee said laughing. "Oh you did huh ?" Chris asked. "Just kidding. I kept waking up trying to figure out what was wrong. Then I would realize it was because you weren't there and then sleep for a few minutes before waking again." Lee said.

Keith and Brian were the first to arrive. Lee and Alex greeted them at the door. A very light hug for Brian not wanting to cause him discomfort Lee guided them into the living room. Alex clung to Lee's leg. Apparently the bandage on Brian's head and the discolored eye caused him concern. Alex walked up and began to pull himself up into Keith's lap. Not taking his eyes off of Brian. "You got a boo boo ?" Alex said in almost a whisper. "Yes buddy I have a small boo boo on my head but it will be fine. " Brian said with a smile. "I had a boo boo too." Alex said as he tried to scan his legs and arms looking for something to show as a scratch or cut. Keith realized Alex's frustration at not finding evidence so he began to tickle Alex. Alex squirmed and squealed until he could break free. "A good tickle cures all." Keith whispered to Brian. Moments later the doorbell rang and Alex was headed with Chris to the door. Bob and Paul were greeted with hugs and squeals from Alex. Cody seemed to be content with his toys.

Before dinner everyone was in the living room chatting with Brian. Not asking about the attack but about how he was feeling and when he had to go back to the doctor. Keith seemed anxious because there were too many and too close. Lee placed his hand on Keith's shoulder. "Relax buddy. You and Brian are among friends remember. I know that you have been told that those two are off the street." Lee whispered. "I know. I am trying to calm down. I wasn't there to protect him so I am just being over protective now." Keith said. "Thank you for caring enough to do that but remember you are among friends and Brian is safe. So take a breather." Bob said as he walked up and hugged Keith.

Dinner went well. We could tell that Brian was still having slight issues eating but was satisfied with the amount he finally ate. Paul and Bob helped clear the table and quickly clean the kitchen. Chris and Keith were in charge of the boys and Brian was designated to supervise. Once the kitchen was clean we all chatted about upcoming events. Lee and Chris' upcoming trip to his parents, Bob and Paul's upcoming wedding and also the progress in the nursery. "Bath time boys." Lee said. Before he could stand Keith had jumped up and grabbed Cody and Paul went for Alex. "We got this." they said. "I can go help." Lee said. "Since when does it take three men to bathe two little boys." Keith said. "Don't speak too soon." Lee laughed. Keith and Paul headed upstairs with the boys to get them ready for bed. "I didn't know that Keith liked kids." Brian said. "Oh he loves kids. He always use to say he wanted a house full." Lee said. "Well if things keep going right we may be asking for that ladies number that you are talking too." Brian said to Bob. "Well I have a feeling that Keith is that serious about you. I thought I was going to have to wrestle him just to give you a hello hug." Bob laughed. "Yeah sorry about that. I have tried to calm him down." Brian said. "Don't apologize. I thought it was hot as hell when Paul went after Mikey over me. I was impressed. You should be proud." Bob said. "Lee is the one you need to get the number from though." Bob added.

The conversation continued as Paul entered the room. Slightly wet from the bathing experience. He looked at Lee and motioned with his head to meet him in the kitchen. "Let me get you a towel." Lee said. "Where is Keith ?" Chris asked. "He is reading Alex a bedtime story and Cody is asleep on his chest." Paul said as he passed through headed tot he kitchen. "What's up ?" Lee asked. "Holy Shit. Keith had on thin shorts and was commando. He got fairly wet. We may have to get Brian a surgeon if they ever have sex. That sucker is HUGE and he was still soft." Paul said. About that time Brian walked in to the kitchen. Paul began to blush bright red. "What's wrong ?" Brian asked. Lee just laughed a little. "We are friends right ?" Paul asked Brian. "I hope so anyway, why?" Brian asked with concern. "Well the boys splashed a lot of water and Keith's shorts got soaked. DAMN the man is hung. No hung doesn't even come close. For your sake I hope he is a shower and not a grower. " Paul said. "To be honest it scared me to begin with. But it fits fine." Brian said and blushed. "Oh and he is definitely a grower." Brian said. Paul got on his knees and began to bow like you would to a king. "What's that for ?" Brian asked. "Well you have my admiration and sympathy. If Bob had been that big I would have had to shake his hand and say thanks but no thanks." Paul said. "I thought I was going to have to say that to Chris." Lee said with a laugh. "Yeah I pitied you having to take Chris' big shlong but no offense but he can't compare to what I saw. And hell it was still soft. Oh my God I couldn't begin to imagine." Paul said. " I guess I need to go rescue him." Brian said. "There is a blow dryer in the master bathroom or in the top drawer of the dresser you can get him another pair of shorts." Lee said.

The dinner party began to wind down and each couple said their goodbyes. Keith was wearing a pair of Bob's shorts that were too small for him so it wasn't much better than the wet ones. Keith started the truck up and backed into the turn around area. "Sorry baby but I have to readjust here until we get home. Keith raised up in the seat and shifted the shorts freeing his cock and low hanging balls out one of the legs of the shorts. Brian moved his hand over and placed it on top of Keith's resting cock and balls. "I love that readjustment." Brian said. "Don't get any ideas there buddy. You have to wait until you see the doctor in the morning." Keith said. "But I want it." Brian said with a pout. "Oh don't worry baby. When the doc. says you are good I plan to be all over you and all around that ass." Keith said and leaned over to kiss Brian. "Well I was hoping for in it too." Brian said. "Oh don't worry. I have lots of plans for that body baby. You will be begging me to leave before I even get started good. " Keith said. "This body is yours to do with anything you want too and may I add, anytime you want too." Brian said. "Well damn. You left out as often as I wanted too." Keith said. Brian's response was a sharp squeeze of the cock and balls that his hand rested on.

In Paul's new SUV, Bob was finally getting to drive it. Paul had his hand rested in Bob's crotch. "I love you baby and you are the perfect man and the perfect size for me." Paul said. "What brought that on." Bob said. Paul explained what happened in the bathroom and then Brian's explanation that Keith was a grower not a shower. "D A M N . I thought he was going to burst out of Chris' shorts. He was making me feel so inadequate." Bob said. "Oh no sexy. I told Brian that if you had been that big I would have had to shake your hand and say thanks but no thanks. I do want to walk again." Paul laughed. "I was afraid you were envious. " Bob said. "Oh hell no. I got almost too much to handle with you. There is not another man or dick on earth that I had rather have." Paul said as they drove off towards home.

Chris finished locking up and turning out the lights. As he got to the top of the stairs he could hear water running in the master bathroom. "What are you doing baby ?" Chris said as he came around the corner. Lee was naked and on his knees testing the temperature of the water. "You have to finish what you started last night stud." Lee said. "Mmm. Now we are talking." Chris said and began to strip. As he approached the tub Lee turned and stood to meet Chris in a very passionate kiss. Lee began leaking so much that Chris could feel it running down his own leg. "Is my baby horny ?" Chris asked. "Always for you stud." Lee whispered.

Chris reached down and collected some of Lee's precum and brought his fingers to his mouth. Licking his fingers and then bringing Lee in for another deep kiss. "Baby the dessert you cooked was wonderful but it can't match my babies honey." Chris said. Lee began kissing Chris. He worked his way down and began to lick and kiss Chris' nipples. Moving further down Chris' hairy chest and belly he paid special attention to Chris' hairy belly button. Oh his knees Lee came face to face with the object of his desires. Right in front of him was the biggest hardest cock that he had ever encountered. He took a moment to memorize the sight of the massive pole just waiting for him to service it. "Mine, all mine." Lee whispered. "Anytime you want it baby for as long as you will have me." Chris whispered.

Lee stuck his tongue out and touched the tip of Chris' throbbing dick. In one swift motion Lee opened his mouth and took Chris' dick in his mouth deep throating until his nose was filled with Chris' pubes. "UUUhhhhhhh." Chris moaned. Lee pulled back until he still had half of Chris' cock still in his mouth and moved back down and began to moan. The vibration on his already steel hard cock was about to drive Chris over the edge. "More of that and we will finish quick." Chris said. "Well if that happens you better be ready for round two. Because daddies baby plans to get a full load up his ass tonight." Lee said. Chris reached down and pulled Lee to his feet for another deep kiss.

The water was just right as they entered the tub. Lee had Chris set back while he soaped Chris' body up and rinsed it off. Chris reached over and took a bottle of hair conditioner. Moments later he had two fingers lubed and began to slide them inside Lee. "MMmmmmmm." Lee moaned and leaned over and kissed Chris lightly on the lips. "Raise up again baby." Lee whispered. Chris raised his raging cock out of the water. Lee applied more conditioner to Chris' cock. Lee leaned down and began to kiss Chris. As his tongue entered Chris' mouth he lowered his ass onto Chris' cock. Lee gasp for breath still lip locked to Chris while shock waves ran all over his body as he lowered himself onto Chris' dick. "Uuummmmmm..........uuuuhhhhhh." came a deep moan from Lee. "Baby like ?" Chris whispered. "No . Baby love." Lee said.

Lee sat motionless for about three or four minutes totally impaled on Chris' cock. Chris began to rotate his hips which caused his cock to move inside Lee. Lee lifted a little so that Chris could push up into his starving ass. Chris began a slow motion moving in and out fucking up into Lee. "I need it faster baby. Make my ass yours." Lee said. Chris pulled Lee off his cock and stood and turned Lee around and placed his hands on the side of the tub. In one swift motion Chris entered Lee's ass again balls deep. Like waves crashing on the beach the motion of Chris pounding in and out of Lee's ass caused water to splash against the side of the tub. "Oh fuck baby. This is so hot. Watching daddies big dick slide in and out of your hairy hole." Chris said. Remembering how heated their session was that got interrupted was almost more than Chris could handle. Chris leaned over and pulled Lee close to his chest and leaned around and kissed Lee.

"Uuuhhhh....uuuuhhhh.... uuggghhh....cuummminnnnnnggggg." Chris growled as he began to dump his seed deep inside Lee. The flexing of Chris' cock inside Lee while dumping his load sent Lee over the edge as he shot his load over the edge of the tub onto the bathroom floor. Chris held Lee close to his chest. "My baby happy now ?" Chris asked. "Until breakfast." Lee said laughing. "You are amazing." Chris whispered. "Sweetie you are the one that makes me that way." Lee said as Chris' cock softened and slipped out of his now filled ass.

Next: Chapter 31

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