Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 24, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 24

Keith and Brian sat watching the news report. Brian had been fixed on the television broadcast and had just realized that he and Keith were setting side by side naked. He moved his eyes towards Keith's body and down to his flaccid cock. "Damn if that thing grows I am in trouble." was going through Brian's mind. The thought of that telephone pole inside him made him begin to leak. Keith pretended to not see Brian looking. Keith moved slightly to break Brian's trance. "Uh umm. Can you tell me anything about what was going on with Chris and Lee ?" Brian asked. "On one condition. Well two really." Keith said. "I can keep a secret." Brian said. "Well that's good to know but that's not one of the conditions. " Keith said.

"Alright, what are they ?" Brian asked. "First you go with me to Piedmont Park and I also get to take you out for a nice dinner." Keith said. "I can live with both of those conditions." Brian said with a smile. "No that was the first condition. I have one more." Keith said. "What is the other ?" Brian asked. Keith reached over and squeezed Brian's dick which covered his fingers with precum. He took his fingers and raised them to his mouth and licked his fingers clean. "Mmmmmm....second condition... Kiss me. " Keith said. Keith leaned in and as his lips touched Brian's it took no effort for his tongue to start exploring Brian's mouth. "Well its a little too late to go to the park though." Brian said. "Well I guess that means we have a date for tomorrow then doesn't it ?" Keith said.

Keith turned on the couch and leaned against the arm rest. He turned Brian so that his back was to him and pulled Brian back into his chest. While he roamed over Brian's chest paying special attention to his nipples he explained the situation with Chris and Lee. He explained everything that happened from the point that Chris was called until the point that he was sent to Lee's house to guard it. He also explained the power and money that Lee's Mom had displayed. When his story was finished he felt a drop of water on his arm. He turned Brian's head to see that he was crying. "What's wrong ?" Keith asked. "Those poor little boys. And it doesn't seem to end." Brian said.

Keith turned Brian over and pulled his head down to his chest. As he rubbed Brian's back and held his head to his chest. " They are the safest place and probably with the man that will love them most in this world right now." Keith said. "Chris ?" Brian asked. "I don't know Chris but if they are with Lee then they will get more love and protection than anyone else can give them. That I guarantee." Keith said. Brian began to calm down as Keith was rubbing his back. He kept moving his hand lower. "Don't touch that beautiful ass Keith or you will pop a boner." Keith kept telling himself. "But I have to touch it at least once." he kept thinking. Keith reached down quickly and squeezed one ass cheek and then patted Brian on the back. "Lets get ready for that dinner." Keith said. Brian picked his head up and lightly kissed Keith on the lips. He raised up slightly and looked down towards Keith's rising cock. "I think someone liked that quick ass squeeze. " Brian said. Keith blushed and smiled. "Oh yeah." he said. With a quick kiss he got up picking Brian up with him. Another quick squeeze of both cheeks this time. "Get that pretty little ass dressed so we can go eat. " Keith said.

Bob and Paul had been watching the news report. They stayed in the living room waiting to see what else may come over the news. "Are you worried sweetie ?" Paul asked. "Why would I be ?" Bob asked. "Well you are on retainer to these people. I have come to love Lee and I like Breanna and Dean but the rest really scare the hell out of me. " Paul said. "Well I had rather be on their retainer than to have to be against them." Bob said with a laugh. " I guess you are right." Paul laughed. They cuddled on the couch while they watched the news. "Babe have you thought of names ?" Bob asked. "Not really. Since we aren't finding out what sex they are I don't really want to come up with names. Plus I want to see their faces before we name them. " Paul said. "Well we need to work on that sweet ass of yours and practice making twins." Bob said as he leaned over and kissed Paul. "Last one in the shower gets fucked." Bob said as he ran down the hall before Paul could even get off the couch. "Not fair." Paul called out as he ran to catch Bob.

Bob had thrown clothes all down the hall headed to the master bath. Paul stopped and picked each item up on his way. "I want to be last." Paul thought. Bob was already in the shower when Paul entered the bathroom. Paul stood and watched as the water cascaded over Bob's beautiful body. The water pouring over Bob's chest hair and making it wet and stick to his body made Paul's cock begin to grow. One of the sexiest sights to Paul is a man with a hairy chest in a pool or in the shower.

Entering the shower Paul reached out and rubbed his hands in the wet chest hair. Bob pulled Paul to him almost crushing their bodies together. As Bob leaned over to kiss Paul deeply he took both hands and pulled Paul's ass cheeks wide apart. Bob could only imagine Paul's perfect pink rose bud twitching as if begging for his cock. He took one finger and began to tap on Paul's rosebud which made Paul begin to moan. The harder and deeper they kissed the harder Bob's finger tapped on Paul's ass ring. "God I have needed this for two days honey." Paul whispered. Bob turned Paul around and placed one of Paul's legs up on the seat in the shower. Bob sank to his knees and pulled apart both ass cheeks and looked at Paul's swollen rosebud. "And I have needed this for two days babe." Bob said.

Bob licked lightly around Paul's ass ring making it twitch. "God I love to see your ass calling for me." Bob said. He began to nibble at the soft tissue around Paul's ass ring which made Paul moan even louder. Once Bob felt he had properly prepared Paul he darted his tongue inside the waiting ass which made Paul come to his tip toes. Bob began feverishly tongue fucking Paul. The louder Bob slurped the louder Paul moaned. "I need you inside me baby. PLEASE." Paul begged. "All in good time sweet cheeks." Bob whispered. Bob began licking Paul's ass again. As he licked up from the bottom of Paul's nut sack he would enter his tongue in Paul's ass and then pull it back out and continue with his tongue up to Paul's lower back and then back down. Stopping each time to enter Paul's ass with his tongue as he passed the ring. Reaching over and getting a bottle of hair conditioner Bob took a small amount and rubbed it on his aching cock. He rinsed most off knowing that Paul loved to be dry fucked but he was too horny to take it easy.

Bob stood and reached his arms under Paul hooking his hands under his shoulders. He lay his chest on Paul's back and began to nibble on Paul's ear. He lined his cock up with Paul's twitching hole and holding Paul's shoulders Bob sank his cock balls deep into Paul in one swift motion causing Paul to rise to his tip toes and scream in pleasure. Bob held his chest to Paul's back as he pushed completely into Paul's ass and then pulled all the way out and swiftly went back in. Paul had reached down and began stroking is own hard on. "Fuck me hard baby I am really close." Paul whispered. "I am about to cum baby...harder....harder." Paul said. Bob pulled out of Paul and sat down on his butt and pulled Paul's cock into his mouth as he began to deep throat Paul while finger fucking him. Paul arched his back and began to shake as he shot his load deep in his lover's throat. Bob quickly stood back up and plunged balls deep into Paul's ass. He pumped like a wild animal. After about fifteen to twenty strokes he plunged deep and pulled Paul tight into him as he emptied his load deep inside his lover. "You have no idea how bad I needed that ." Paul whispered. With Bob's cock still buried deep inside Paul he whispered. "I need this every hour of every day my love." Bob said.

Brian was looking in his closet trying to decide what he wanted to wear. He had pulled out a pair of jeans and a t shirt. Keith came in the room and looked at Brian still naked standing there. "Here let me pick." Keith said. The sound of Keith's voice startled Brian. "Ah. o.k. , but jeans or shorts will be good for where we are going." Brain commented. Keith had on a very tight pair of board shorts so he picked a pair of shorts and a button up shirt. Brian reached in the drawer to get a pair of briefs. "What do you need those for ?" Keith asked. Brian turned and looked at Keith who unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts and opened the fly showing a full bush. "I like my men commando." Keith said as he reached out and squeezed one of Brian's ass cheeks again. Reluctantly Brian pulled on the shorts.

Once he was dressed he turned towards Keith. "Is this o.k. ?" Brain asked. "Almost." Keith said. Keith walked over and unbuttoned two buttons on the shirt. Keith then pulled the collar out a little exposing more Brian's hairy chest. "Now, much better." Keith said. "Well I wont be hiding much this way." Brian laughed. "Well I had to strain when you first drove up that night to see inside your shirt. I finally got you to move enough to see that beautiful nipple for a second. So tonight when you lean across the table to look into my beautiful blue eyes I want that nipple to slip out and say hello too. " Keith said. That statement caused Brian to blush.

Keith grabbed his keys as they headed for the door. "What do you need those for ?" Brian asked. "Well I am a gentleman. I am not going to ask a man out on a date and then expect him to drive." Keith said. "This is Buckhead sweetheart. We can walk where we are going." Brain said. "He just called me sweetheart." Keith thought. They walked about two blocks to a nice quaint eatery. Once inside they were seated at a booth by the window. It was a perfect view to also watch the people of Atlanta go about their lives. Each table glowed of low candle light. Seated and their drink orders taken they both viewed the menu. Once their drinks arrived and their orders placed they began to chat. Keith asked Brian about his life, family and work. Brian told an abbreviated version of his life and asked the same of Keith. Keith told Brain about his job, family and life. "I still can't believe you are gay." Brain said. "Why is that ?" Keith asked.

"When we pulled up at Lee's house and you asked to see my I.D. all I could think was officer please frisk me." Brian said and lowered his head to blush. "Well to be honest I knew that was Lee's vehicle and I saw Lee in it but when I saw you I had to know what your name was at least. Please don't get mad but I intentionally kept your license so I would have to see you again to give it back. I knew that Lee was gay and knew that he had met Chris. So I knew they were both gay and was hoping that you would be too. I hope you aren't mad." Keith said. "I'm relieved." Brian said. "Why is that ?" Keith asked. "Well I thought in the beginning that you were being nice to me because of Lee and his family. I was scared for you to find out I was gay. But when you asked me to join you for a nap this afternoon and you were naked and then undressed me I knew that you may be interested. That is unusual for me. All I ever get offered is the hook ups and quickies." Brian said.

Their dinner arrived and as they began to eat Keith looked at Brian and said. "I hope you don't get angry with me. But I asked Chris and Lee about you when I went back to his bedroom to talk to them. Lee told me that you were a special guy and that I needed to go easy because you were shy. I don't want you to think that I did something behind your back. It was then that I made up my mind that you were not walking out of my life without me getting to know you better. And also you getting to know me. " Keith said as he moved his leg under the table to rub his against Brian's. "Lee also threatened me." Keith said. "About what ?" Brain asked. "He told me that you were a special man and a special friend and that if I planned to hurt you I better walk away or I would deal with him and you see what it is to cross that bunch." Keith said. "I think I am still dreaming." Brian said. Keith reached under the table and squeezed Brian's knee. "No dream babe. I am here and I am damn sure interested." Keith said with a smile. Dinner when smoothly and the waiter returned. "Dessert anyone ?" he asked. "No thank you. I will have dessert at home." Brain said as he took his foot and placed in Keith's crotch. "How about you sir ?" the waiter asked Keith. "No thanks. I think I will wait until later for dessert." Keith said as he winked at Brian.

As they left the restaurant Keith walked up beside Brian and lightly placed his hand on Brian's hip as they walked. They chatted and window shopped as they walked back to Brian's apartment. Only a half block form the restaurant Brian reached out and took Keith's hand and interlaced his fingers with Keith's. "Is this alright ?" Brian asked. Keith squeezed Brian's hand. "Feels like it molded for a perfect fit to me." Keith said and leaned over and kissed Brian on the cheek. "Flattery will get you everywhere." Brain said. There conversation went to their sex lives. Brian admitted that he had given up on sex. He had not had anything other than oral sex in over six years. Keith admitted that all he had ever had was oral sex with a man. "Please don't think I am bragging because it has been more of a curse. My. uh. my cock is too big for most men or women. I have had a few try over the years but I ended up with just a blow job. But please don't think I am bragging. I have really come to hate my size." Keith said.

Brian stopped and pulled Keith back to him. He raised up on his tip toes and kissed Keith lightly on the lips. "I have seen it remember." Brian said. " Babe I will understand if we get to that point but you have only seen me semi hard." Keith said and blushed. "Well it may take some work but if it were too big to fit then God would not have blessed you with it." Brain said. Keith leaned down and kissed Brain deeply. " Don't let this freak you out but you are one hot and sweet man and I feel like I am starting to fall for you. " Keith said. "Hell I fell for you the minute you pulled up and let your window down." Keith added. The pace to Brian's apartment seemed to speed up. There was no more stops for window shopping. "Holy fuck. He is a grower." Brian thought and felt a small pain in his ass just thinking about it.

Next: Chapter 25

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