Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 19, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 22

Sunday morning Brian was up early looking through the freezer and cabinets. "I want to make a special breakfast. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Brian kept thinking. Paul came in about a half hour later. "Dang son, You feeding an army ? Or just one sexy cop ?" Paul said. Brian blushed and continued preparing the feast. Paul helped the best he could. All he knew was that he had to watch and make sure that Brian didn't cook the kitchen sink also. "Uuuuuggghhhh" Chirs stretched as he began to wake up. He looked to his right and saw Lee's blood shot eyes looking directly at him. "Feel better baby ?" Chris whispered. "I did sleep a little." Lee said. Chris could tell from Lee's voice that he had been crying. "Come here baby." Chris said as he pulled Lee into his chest. As he began to stroke the siode of Lee's face. "Whats wrong baby ? You still feeling the drugs ?" Chris asked. "No, they had pretty much warn off by the time we went to bed. I was just exhausted." Lee said. "I know that last night was stressful and I am so sorry. But baby why have you been crying ?" Chris asked. "It was just a reality check. I had a lot to think about." Lee said as he lightly played with Chris' chest hair with his fingers. "Baby please talk to me. You are scaring me." Chris said. "We will talk later and don't be scared. You have no reason to be." Lee said. About that time the bedroom door flew open and a fast blur landed in the middle of the bed right on top of Chris and Lee. "Wake up Papa , Pop. I saw the police man and he had his blue lights on Unca Bob last night. It was fun." Alex said. Lee and Chris began a tickle attack on Alex that had the child vertually in tears from laughing. In the kitchen the feast was almost complete when the doorbell rang. Bob got up and started towards the door. "Sit down Bob. That ring was for Brian." Paul said laughing. "Go get your man." Paul said to Brian. Brian was blushing as he went to the door. When he opened the door he almost lost his balance. Standing in front of him was the most gorgeous man he had ever layed eyes on. "Morning stud. Smells good in here." Keith said as he stepped in and gave Brian a quick hug. Brian still frozen in one spot came back to life and watched Keith as he walked past to greet Bob and Paul. As Brian turned his eyes were glued on Keith. "Damn. It looks like he could drive nails with that ass. Did someone dip him in that denim ?" Brian though and then blushed. The feast was on the table and everyone complimented on all the food. Alex seemed to be starving and just shoveled food and didn't take time to talk. Lee ate just a little but with his chest still sore from all the anxiety attacks he just didn't feel like it. "Chris I am planning on going back early. If you and Lee don't mind I would like to take your car back to the house and then clean up all the food stuff we left out. " Brian said. "I really appreciate it but you don't need to do all that Brian. That will be a rough task all by yourself." Chris said. "I have volunteered to take him and to help clean up." Keith said. "Now thats really too much to ....." Chris got stopped with a punch on the leg by Lee. "That would be greatly appreciated Brian and Keith. I had not even thought about the food and stuff. " Lee said. The neighbors daughter came over to babysit while the adults headed out. Keith and Brian left in his truck headed to Atlanta. The remaining adults headed to Ms. Ruth's house for a meeting. "You are going to have to give me directions." Keith said. " I will show you where to put me out." Brian said. "Lets hope not." Keith said. "Is this guy flirting or am I just wishing it ?" Brian thought. They arrived at the shopping center to get Chris' car. "Don't run off and leave me." Keith said and lifted Brian's hand and kissed it. "Don't worry you haven't known me long enough to run away." Brian said laughing. Keith just frowned at Brian and then smiled. They arrived at the house to find that someone had been there since they left. Brian called the Police and then Chris. The police finished and Brian and Keith started cleaning up. It only took a little over an hour to get all the food in the trash and the trays cleaned. Keith would get close to Brian every chance he could and brush against him or reach out and touch him in some fashion. Brian didn't know at that point whather to scream or cry. Back at Ms. Ruth's there were the family members, Bob and Paul, a DEA official, a Home Land Security official, an Immigrations Supervisor and the local Sheriff. Very little was said until Ms. Ruth had her say. She explained to the ones that didn't know that the Cartel had placed a price on the boys. They knew that the parents owed them money but no one knew until now that it was close to two million dollars. The reason that there was such a high alert was that Home Land Security flagged four of the cartel members arriving at Hartsfield Jackson Airport in Atlanta late Saturday evening. They had found out that the lady that was interviewed when the boys were taken had been tortured by cartel members and she told them that she thought they were brought to Georgia because they guys father lived there the last she heard. Ms. Ruth was setting at the head of the table. "I know that it takes years to build cases against these cartels. But when my family is at risk it ends now." She said. "I know that they have no link to us individually so we are safe here. But those boys are our family now and that is all that matters." Breanna added. The Sheriff gave a few suggestions as to what his department could do. The DEA officer had called the Fulton County Sheriff's department to have them check for signs that the break in at Chris' house may have been by them. There seemed to be nothing missing that Brian could see immediatly. There was only a broken picture frame and the picture gone. The best Chris could figure was it was a picture of him taken the year before on vacation. "Well Ms. Ruth. I am not sure why I am even here. This seems to be a civilian problem and I don't know that I can help. I suggest you take your chances with the local law enforcement." The Home Land official said. "My dear sir. I pay more in taxes each year to this government than you make. I don't ask for anything unless I need it. But when I ask I don't expect someone of your low status to understand that I will get what I want. " She said. " One more thing. I can handle this if I need to. But if I do be prepared because I will bring you down in the process." she added. "You have no power to threaten me." he added. "No one move." she said as she got up and left the room. "Shit. I hope she realized that was your ass talking and not me you dumb ass." the DEA agent said. "Whew, glad I am on this side of the table." The Sheriff commented.

About five minutes later Ms. Ruth walked in and handed the Home Land Security guy the phone and her military Identification Card. "Yes Sir, yes sir, but I .... yes sir....I understand sir..... yes sir and I will take care of it immediately.... Yes sir I see it... Yes sir I see the security level.... Yes sir it is much higher than mine.... But sir I .... No sir I have no argument... yes sir I will be in your office tomorrow." he said as he hung up the phone.

The officer hated dealing with civilians that had influence but all that could go through his mind was. "Damn how the hell did she get this clearance and even more how the hell she made a call like that on a Sunday that would take him a month and two stacks of paperwork just to ask if he could call this person." "Now that this small matter is settled. All I will say is that we will not have this meeting again. As far as I am concerned this is handled. IF I have to handle this myself or any member of my family is harmed I will come down on each of you with every ounce of influence I have, can steal, borrow and blackmail to get. I will use every penny I have and my pockets run very deep. If this is not handled immediately and properly by the time I am through your families will remember my name for centuries to come. AM I understood.?" she said. "Yes Mam." was all that was said by all. "Have a good day gentleman. I have some grandchildren that need their Grandma to come play with them.

Back in Atlanta Brian and Keith had finished cleaning the house. Keith had even mopped the kitchen floor while Brian vacuumed. "Thank you for all your help Keith." Brian said with a hint of sadness. He figured that Keith was about to drive out of his life. "Oh shit. I forgot I rode with some friends. I will call one of them to come get me. " Brian said. "Non sense I will be glad to take you home." Keith said. "You have already done too much and I know you want to get back home." Brian said. "You trying to get rid of me ? I am off for three days so I don't have anywhere I had rather be until Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. So grab your stuff and lets head out." Keith said. All the way to Brian's apartment it was running through his head. "Is my apartment clean I can't remember." Once they arrived at Brian's apartment they went inside and to Brian's relief it was clean. "I would offer you a shower but I am afraid I don't have any clothes that would fit you." Brian said. "No problem. Let me go grab my duffle bag." Keith said. With Keith out the door Brian ran around the apartment making sure that everything was in place. He checked to make sure his dildo collection had been hidden.

Keith arrived back at the door. Brian opened it for him to enter and the sight of the man just made him melt. He composed himself enough to lead Keith to the guest bath. While he got Keith a towel Keith started the water and stripped. When Brian returned he almost fell into the door. Standing in front of his was the most gorgeous man he had ever seen and he was naked. Keith had his back to Brian checking the water temperature in the shower. Brian saw the small patch of hair in the middle of Keith's back just above his ass cheeks. "The man is too perfect." thought Brian. That little patch of hair was enough to set off all of Brian's whistles.

Brian lay the towel on the counter and left the bathroom quickly so that Keith could not see the instant hard on that he had. "Thank You." Brian heard as he headed down the hall. About ten minutes later Brian was in the kitchen when Keith walked in wearing just a towel. "I forgot my duffle bag." Keith said. Brian was holding a dish rag that he dropped out of shock. Keith squatted down to retrieve the rag and as the towel opened Brian saw the most sexy set of huge low hanging balls slip out from the towel. Keith stood and walked over to Brian and pulled him in for a hug. "So I smell better ?" Keith whispered. It took all Brian had to break away and go for his own shower.

Returning to the small living room after his shower Brian saw Keith stretched out on the couch taking a nap. He stood and admired the beautiful man that was just wearing a pair of high cut running shorts. Keith's chest was broad and seemed to be nothing but muscle. It was coated with a beautiful layer of dark hair that went from his neck all the way to the waist band of the shorts. It narrowed just a little below his chest but then fanned back out and completely covered his stomach. And there it was peeking back out at Brian. One of Keith's beautiful low hangers had made its way out of the leg of the short shorts. Brian walked over and touched Keith's shoulder. To Brian it was electric and almost like fire. "Follow me. You can stretch out on the guest bed and will be more comfortable." Brian said to Keith. Keith followed with his hand on Brian's shoulder to the bedroom. "Sorry about this. You going to take a nap too ?" Keith asked. "I feel like I need to. If you need anything just let me know." Brian said. He left the room to allow Keith to lay down. About thirty minutes later after one of his many trips down the hall he heard a noise. "Brian?" Keith called out. Keith opened the door. "You can't be awake yet." Brain said. "No but I thought you were going to try to take a nap too." Keith said. "I was but I am just too wired up. I still think that the navy seals or James bond is going to come bursting in." Brian said.

"Come here and lay down with me. I'm not James Bond but will Deputy Keith do ?" Keith asked. Brian blushed but he knew this was his chance to get close to Keith. When Keith got to the side of the bed Keith pulled the covers back and patted the bed right in front of him. "HOLY SHIT" Brian thought. Keith was laying their fully naked and patting the bed for Brain to lay in front of him. "That's the biggest fucking dick I have ever seen and its still soft." Brian thought. Brian slid in the bed and Keith pulled the covers back over them. Keith moved around for a minute or so. He began to remove Brian's shirt. " I hope you don't mind sweetie. I am more of a skin on skin man." Keith said. Keith removed Brian's shirt and then slowly removed his shorts and briefs. Tossing them to the floor he pulled Brian close to his chest and draped one leg over Brian. He reached one hand under Brain's neck so that Brian's head rested on his arm. Keith took his other arm and reached around Brian's chest and rest his hand on one of the nipples that he had longed for since he first saw Brian. Tweaking the nipples between two of his fingers he leaned forward and kissed Brain on the neck. "Sleep baby. Deputy Keith has got your back." Keith whispered. Keith had pulled Brian in so close and so tight it was almost as if they were one person.

"I only thought I couldn't sleep before." Brian thought. But the warmth of Keith's body and some sense of security got the best of Brian and he fell into a deep restful sleep. It seemed that Keith's chest raising and lowering set the breathing tone for Brain. For the first in his life he truly felt comfortable and could sleep with ease.

Next: Chapter 23

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