Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 9, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 18

Morning came and went in a rush. Lee prepared breakfast for his three boys. Yes the way Chris acts sometimes he considers having three boys. Chris was off to the office and Lee got the boys settled and pulled out his laptop to see what if any pressing matters he may have. There were a list of invoices from his friends business that needed his attention and also one email from a realtor handling one of his properties. The boys playing in the floor in front of him and also watching cartoons allowed Lee to focus on getting his work done also. Lunch time came quickly due to the back log of work. The boys were fed and had been down for their naps about ten minutes when the doorbell rang.

"Hey buddy come on in." Lee spoke as he opened the door and saw Bob there just on time. "Well I brought my lawyer hat and my father hat. Wasn't sure which one I would need." Bob said. "Well today you will probably need both." Lee said laughing. We went into the office at Chris' so we could use the speaker phone.

"Hey James. How's it going buddy ?. How is your other half and the kids ?" Lee asked. James is one of Lee's friends that started the charity. "We are doing great. I hear you are too. When do we get to meet your new half and the boys ?" James asked. "Damn news travels fast." Lee said. "Well you know Breanna keeps in touch and a few others too. They make sure we are doing all we can with this charity." James said. "Yeah I know Breanna does." I said laughing. "Well what's up buddy. You finally call to tell me about Chris and the boys ?" James asked. "Not entirely. I have a friend here with me. His name is Bob and he is Chris' lawyer. He and his partner Paul are great guys and I have to try to find them a baby of their own before they kidnap my two." Lee said laughing. "Oh a lawyer huh ? Well this should be a piece of cake for him then." James said. "You still have the number to Gladys' office at the center ?" James asked. "Yeah I was going to call her next. I figured I may need a good word from you." Lee said. "Hell fella you know Gladys likes you better than me. She says I am difficult. " James said laughing. "Thanks for calling me first though. Now I have one up on her. " James laughed. "Alright buddy. Give everyone a hug and we will make plans to meet soon." Lee said.

"Hey Ms. Gladys this is Lee. How are you doing ?" Lee said after calling her office. "Mad at you for one thing. You don't love me enough to call me and tell me that you have a hunk and two boys. I have to find out the hard way." She said. "It has been crazy Ms. Gladys. I am sorry but don't feel bad. We had all been together for about three days at my house before Mom even found out." Lee said. "Oh shit. And you lived through that ?" she asked laughing. After a couple more minutes of conversation it was time to get down to business. " I have a friend here with me named Bob. He is an attorney and he and his partner had told me they were interested in adopting. I told them I may have another answer." Lee said. "Oh honey you know I love my gay men. Let me talk to him for a few minutes if you don't mind. " She said. "Not a problem. I need to go check on my napping rug rats anyway." Lee said. "You better not make me come to Georgia to meet this hottie of yours and those cute babies." she added. " We will see you soon. I promise." Lee said and left the room so she and Bob could talk.

I was in the den picking up toys when Bob came out of the office. "Everything go alright ?" I asked. Bob just walked over to me and grabbed me in a tight bear hug. "If this is the real deal Lee you are a miracle." Bob said. "What are you talking about ?" I asked. We sat on the couch and chatted about the phone conversation. Ms. Gladys had told Bob that she was at her wits end. She had a 15 year old girl that was giving birth in about six weeks to twins. She didn't want to break the infants up but didn't have anyone that was willing to take twins. "Twins ?" I asked. "Yeah isn't it great ?" Bob said. "Well you may want to talk to Paul about twins." I said. "He has said quite a few times. Wouldn't it be great if we could find twins. But I do think he was thinking Cody's age or older." Bob said. "I took the liberty of calling Paul from the office and telling him to take the rest of the week off. He doesn't know exactly why yet because I wanted him to get home safe. I plan to leave this evening so we can meet the mother to be tomorrow afternoon. If it works out for all of us then we will start the paperwork then." Bob said. "Well that was quicker than I had thought but like I said. If it works out it could be three weeks or it could be a year." I said. "Well it looks like it may only be about six weeks." Bob said with a huge grin.

"Honey I'm home." Chris called out as he came up the stairs from the garage. Alex ran to the door to meet him and Cody toddled as fast as he could in that direction. Poor little fellow isn't quite as stable on his feet and lost his balance a few times. Thank goodness for the padding of diapers or he would have one sore little butt. Hugs, kisses and tickles for both boys before Chris made his way in my direction. "Boy you are just full of surprises." Chris said and leaned down for a sensual home coming kiss. "What did I do this time ?" I asked. "Bob called me. He was so excited he scared Pamela. When I got off the phone with him she was standing beside her desk waiting on navy seals to storm the building." Chris laughed. "Well I wasn't expecting that fast of action." I said. "Well when he called me. He and Paul were already on the road and I could hear Paul crying in the background. I hope this works out or it will kill Paul." Chris said.

Dinner complete and the boys bathed and ready for bed. Chris took a quick shower and came down stairs for a little down time with me. "I bet Paul isn't going to sleep a wink tonight." Chris said as he walked up behind me. I was finishing a couple of dishes that would not fit in the dishwasher when Chris walked up and wrapped his arms around me. "What do I need to do to help get ready for the migration back to your house tomorrow ?" Chris asked. "Just remember to go their instead of here after work tomorrow." I said. "Bob said they were coming there Thursday night so that Paul could help get things ready to bring here for the party Saturday." Chris whispered as he nibbled on my neck. "Oh man. I thought their trip would call the party off." I said. "Not a chance. I need to show you off." Chris said.

Chris began to press closer into me as I stood at the sink. Chris was just wearing a robe and I only had on shorts. Chris opened his robe and slid the back of my shorts down as I washed dishes and moved close to nuzzle his rising cock between my ass cheeks. He reached around me and put his hands into the dishwater as if he were going to help. After a couple of minute of nibbling on my neck he took his hands out of the water and reached around me to get the bottle of olive oil. Chris lubed his cock with the olive oil and slowly began to slide his huge cock into my waiting ass. As usual the man and his cock just took my breath away. Chris slid in balls deep and reached back around and took my hands and began to wash dishes again. "Lets get the corners of this one good baby." Chris whispered as he took my hands and rubbed the dish in the water. I had leaned my head back on his shoulder. I could not concentrate on the dish. "O.k. baby lets rinse the dish so I can concentrate on rinsing your insides." Chris whispered.

Chris began to pump faster. His heavy breathing in my ear brought me to the edge. " Oh fuck baby your ass is so sweet." Chris whispered. Every time he would push back in balls deep it would bring me to my tip toes. "I'm going to fill my babies ass and rinse him like those dishes have never been rinsed." Chris said as he began to quicken his strokes in and out of my ass, Chris reached around and grabbed my throbbing cock through my short. He had not had a chance to even stroke it before I gasped for air and rose to my tip toes. I began to shoot in my shorts. As cum began to run down my leg Chris pushed me against the sink and with quick shaky jabs deep in my ass I could feel his dick releasing his seed deep inside me. "Baby you are amazing in so many ways. I never dreamed that I would be in my 50's before I had an earth shattering orgasm. Its that way with you every time." Chris said as he kissed and licked my ear. "You amaze me too sweetheart." I said. Chris reached down and collected some of my cum running down my leg and lifted his fingers to him mouth. "Honey from my honey. Its what I live for." Chris said as he smacked his lips.

Chris walked me backwards with his dick still embedded deep inside me to the couch. Without removing his still throbbing member he sat me down in his lap and began rubbing my chest and playing with my nipples. He chewed on my neck and tweaked my nipples. I could feel his dick flexing inside me. "Baby I am getting close again." I whispered. "Damn son without me even moving daddies dick is about to make you cum again." Chris whispered. "Umm. Hmm." I moaned. "Daddy does that to me." I said. Chris stood up with me still impaled. He pulled out quickly which made a loud slurping sound. With a chuckle he spun me around and lay me on the rug. In one swift motion he lifted my legs and entered me again. As he hit bottom going balls deep I wrapped my legs around his waste and shot my second load in less than thirty minutes between our chests. "UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH" Chris growled as his dick began to flex inside me dumping another full load deep in my ass.

Tuesday's move seemed to be a full days job. Everything was settled by the time Chris got home. Wednesday seemed just as hectic. Breanna brought Kolt and Shasta over on Wednesday. The whole time I was stressing about the upcoming "meet Chris' friends" party. By the time Thursday made it around I was really stressed. Chris had really been a super lover and partner trying to calm my anxiety. Thursday afternoon arrived and I had almost forgotten about Bob and Paul coming. The doorbell rang and I looked at the clock. It was about an hour too early for Chris and besides he just walks in. I opened the door and was taken by surprise. Paul grabbed me and hugged me tighter than anyone had ever and began crying on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see Bob smiling a huge smile so I figured these had to be tears of joy. "We're going to be daddies... TWINS." Paul cried. "Congratulations. When are you due ?" I said laughing. Paul released me and began to smile. "In about six weeks." Paul said. I pulled Paul in the door so that Bob could come in and not have to stand on the porch. I looked at Bob and said. "Most people get nine months notice. Remind me to stay away from those powerful little fellas you shoot Bob." and we all laughed. "Oh my God Bob, we only have six weeks." Paul said. "We have time baby. We will start on that after this party Saturday night. Plus we can announce it to all our friends. Well the ones you haven't already called or texted." Bob said.

Thursday night was an easy night. Bob and Paul filled Chris and I in on the events of the week. They had written a check to the charity to cover all expenses so far and the estimated ones to come. Ms. Gladys had been impressed with both of them and was really surprised that they were able to pay all estimated expenses in full. Bob had also told her that if they received the babies that he would set up a trust that would be paid in full for the charity to pay for the girls education and possibly the education of a couple of others also. "Bob tried but I think she still loves you more Lee." Paul laughed. "Well Ms. Gladys and I go way back. I can tell you one thing though. You will never find a sweeter lady. " I said. "I know, I asked her how much would it take to adopt her too. " Bob said " She just told him that she liked me too much to turn me into just the housekeeper because she wouldn't share Bob. " Paul said laughing. "What's the next step ?" Chris asked. "Birth apparently." Bob said. " We both signed paperwork listing each of us as the father of birth record. I am on one and Paul is on the other." Bob stated. "And Bob will change mine next year. We can't do it before the babies get here but Bob asked me to marry him. I agreed and am changing my last name to his. Plus the babies will have his last name. " Paul said. "Congratulations again guys. " Chris said as he got up and hugged both Bob and Paul. "We owe it all to you Chris." Paul said.

Chris went out to the car to help Paul get his and Bob's luggage. "I am glad that this is working out so well for you two. I think Paul's glow could light up Georgia." I said to Bob. "Well Paul told Chris that we owe it all to him but I think he is sadly mistaken. I feel like we owe it to you." Bob said. "God has a plan for all his creatures. He just made sure that we were all in the right place at the right time. So lets give him this one. Not me nor Chris. He knew there were four babies that needed loving homes and parents. He just made it all work" I said. "Tell your Mom that I am refunding her retainer. That's the least I can do for what you have done so far. " Bob said. "Oh no you keep it. First off she would tell you that diapers cost a lot, especially with twins. Second, she will never miss it." I said. "Well I would like to at least offer." Bob said. "Sure, you will meet her tomorrow so you can tell her yourself." I said. "Oh shit, Is she coming here ?" Bob asked. "Sure, she only lives about two miles away." I said. "Uh , can I call in sick ?" Bob said with a slight laugh. "Not a chance buddy. Suck it up and get it over with. Besides, Chris has survived so far. " I said laughing.

Chris and Paul came in with the luggage. Paul sat his down and walked over to me and hugged me and said "I am sorry that I left you out when I said we owed this to Chris. I have just been so excited my mind is not working right." Paul said. "Bob tried that too and no i was not offended. I told Bob that this one goes to God. Chris and I were just around when it happened." I said. Chris and Bob came back down the hall from putting away the luggage. "I asked Daddy one here about names for the babies. He said that you guys asked that they didn't tell you what they would be." Chris said to Paul. "We talked about it and this has all been so fast and such a surprise that we wanted that to be a surprise too. So we will know as they are born if they are boys, girls, or one of each." Paul said. "With twins coming and not knowing their sexes you are both mighty bold." I said. "Paul even made the comment that wouldn't it be neat if the doctor missed one and there were three. I told him he had gotten one wish, twins, so lets deal with that first before we go for a third." Bob said which brought laughs all around.

Next: Chapter 19

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