Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 4, 2016


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"Make mine to go" Chapter 16

"I really enjoyed tonight. Lee seems to be a great guy." Paul said as he and Bob drove home. "He is a great guy and perfect for Chris. The only thing that concerns me is that he is so open and honest you know some of these queens around here that we call friends may try to eat him alive." Bob said. "Well I better not hear them. Besides I have a feeling he can take care of himself and what he doesn't handle I am sure that Chris is capable." Paul said. Paul put his arm through Bob's and lay his head on his shoulder as they traveled up the interstate.

There were just a few miles of silence just listening to the radio. "I miss that look from you. I can still see a little of it but the way you looked at me when we first got together would just make me melt." Bob said. "It's still there sexy. Believe it or not I love you more today than I did back in the beginning." Paul said. "I do you too babe. We just need to slow down and enjoy our life." Bob said. "I envy Chris and Lee." Paul said. "Babe I don't think they love each other more that we love each other." Bob said with concern. "No it's not that. After being there with them and the two boys. I just wish that we had a family. I now theirs is new and I know its lots of work. But I envy them." Paul said. "We talked about it a few years ago but I dropped it. Do you want to consider adopting ?" Bob asked. "Sweetheart I would love to have a house full of kids running around calling you Daddy." Paul said and leaned up and kissed Bob on the cheek.

Bob didn't think he could get the car home fast enough. Once in the garage Paul went to open his door and get out as normal. Bob grabbed his arm and pulled him back to him for a long deep sensual kiss. "Lets take this inside big boy." Paul whispered. "I can't wait that long." Bob growled. " I want that sexy ass body of yours right now, right here in the garage." Bob added. Paul got out of the car and Bob exited on his side. "Wait right there sexy." Paul said. Bob watched over the top of the car as Paul began to strip and lay first his shirt, then jeans, and finally his underwear on the hood of the car. Bob started to move around the car. "Oh no mister. Stay right there." Paul whispered. Paul spit in his hand and began rubbing his growing cock. Paul opened the car door so that Bob could watch. As Paul began to slowly jack himself Bob began to strip himself. The pain from Bob's straining cock was finally released as he removed his boxers. "Don't you even touch Bob Jr. stud. I have plans for it myself. " Paul said. Bob watched what was better than any porn show across the car with Paul moaning and wiggling as he edged himself.

Short break to describe Bob and Paul. Bob is in his early forties. He stands about 6 foot 1 inches. His hair is thinning so he keeps his head almost shaved with a very close cut mustache and goatee. If you can imagine Christopher Meloni from SVU and OZ, Bob could almost be his twin. His shoulders are a little broader and has a little thicker hair on his chest but they could pass as twins. Paul is probably 5 foot 11 inches with a swimmers build in his early forties also. He has light brown almost blonde hair and only on his head and pubic area. His chest and ass cheeks are naturally smooth. I think the boy does a thousand squats a day. He has the tightest bubble butt I have seen on a man. Bob's cock is probably 7 and one half inches but has a very thick girth. Not quite a beer can but its mighty close. Paul's cock is probably just over 7 inches but not as thick but has a curve to the left side when hard. O.k. back to the garage.

Bob couldn't take it any longer. Even though Paul protested Bob walked around the car and pulled Paul to the front of the car where there was more room. Bob turned Paul around and rested his butt against the grill of the car. He squatted down in in one hungry move too his lovers cock all the way down his throat. After a couple of minutes Paul spoke up. Breathing hard he said. " Back off baby I am about to cum." Bob just moaned and "mmm" and sucked harder. Within seconds Paul was unloading his load in Bob's mouth. Without saying a word Bob stood up and turned Paul around and lay him across the hood of the car. He took Paul's cum that was collected in his mouth and spread some on Paul's ass and use the other to lube his raging cock. In one swift move Bob buried his aching cock into Paul ball deep. Bob held onto Paul's shoulders to keep him from crawling the hood of the car. "OH GOD" Paul hollered. Paul always wanted the first part of sex with Bob to be rough and quick. He had learned over the years to take Bob quickly with only a little pain but the stretching sensation of not being prepared would almost make him cum each time. Bob fucked Paul as if it would be the last fuck of his life. Within about ten minutes Bob was pushing Paul up the hood of the car and began to dump his load deep inside his lover. It only took two strokes and Paul shot his second load. This time all over the grill and bumper of the car. Bob leaned over trying to catch his breath. "Alright stud lets get in side. Its time for you to fuck me senseless." Bob said. "I am not super man. Its been along time since I have had three orgasms in one night." Paul said. Bob slapped Paul on the ass as he began to pull his still hard cock out of his lovers ass. "Who said there would only be three sexy." Bob said.

An hour later as Paul lay on top of Bob trying to catch his breath from dumping his third load of the night, this time deep in his lover, he whispered in Bob's ear. "I love you more than life stud." Paul said. "I love you that much too. " Bob said. With Paul's cock still buried in his lovers ass he began to speak. "Baby, do you think that Chris and Lee will let us keep the boys, babysit I mean.?" Paul asked. "I am sure they will. What's going through that beautiful brain of yours ?" Bob asked. "Were you serious about adopting ?" Paul asked. "Paul I would love to adopt. I have wanted kids for years but I guess we just never really discussed it." Bob said. "I know its a lot to think about. Our lives would completely change. But I think it would be in a good way." Paul said. Paul's softening cock slipped out of his lovers ass and he lay down with his head on Bob's chest with Bob's arms wrapped around him. "That was a first." Bob laughed. "What do you mean ?" Paul asked. "Talking about babies with your cock in my ass." Bob laughed. "You are crazy, but I love you." Paul whispered. They both slowly fell into a very deep and satisfied sleep.

The morning routine was going well. I had prepared breakfast and had almost everything on the table when Chris and the boys came down stairs. Alex came running in the kitchen with a big grin on his face. He grabbed my leg and hugged it. "Morning Pop." he said. "Morning stinker." I said and bent down and kissed the top of his head. "Ugh I am not a stinker." Alex said as he laughed and ran to take his seat at the table. "Papa, Pop made big cookies for breakfast...WOW." Alex called out. Chris came up behind me at the sink and bent down and kissed my neck. "Cookies?" he asked. "Pancakes." I replied. Chris slid his hand down the back of my shorts and quickly inserted a finger into my ass that made me jump. " I missed that this morning." Chris said as he slowly moved his finger in and out of me. "Yeah it feels mighty lonely, unloved and deprived." I laughed and said. About that time Cody's head peeked around the side of Chris'. I had not realized that one hand had a finger up my ass and the other was holding a toddler. "CHRIS." I said. "He has no clue what I am doing." Chris laughed.

Chris cleaned the kitchen while I played with the boys. "Papa said we could go see some amminals today." Alex said. "He did ? What type animals ?" I asked. "Lions, elpants, winosuses, you know that kind." Alex said. You have to love a child's vocabulary. I am guessing that they were talking about going to the Zoo. "Come here Alex. If we go to the zoo you have to promise me something." I said. Alex stopped playing and seemed to focus his full attention on what I was saying. "Remember Breanna's dogs ?" I asked Alex stood still and nodded yes very slowly. " I want you to remember if there is any animal there that scares you that you realize that Papa and I are there to protect you and they can't hurt you." I said. "You also have to hold either my hand or Papa's and not run off to look at other animals." I said. "I promise Pop." Alex said. "Just remember that Papa and I will not let anything hurt you, o.k. ?" I asked. "O.k. Pop. Can we go ?" Alex asked. "That's up to Papa." I said. "Papa can we go, Pop said he wants to see the ammimals too and they can't hurt me." Alex said. I did not know that Chris had come in and was standing behind me listening. "As long as you understand you have to hold one of our hands at all times." Chris said. His voice startled me not knowing he was behind me. Chris leaned over the back of the couch and kissed my neck. "You amaze me you know." Chris said. "Why would you say that ?" I asked. "I would have never thought to have that talk. I would have just gone and it may have been a disaster." Chris said. "Oh sweetie you are learning quicker than you think." I said.

A quick stop at Target to get a stroller and we were off to the zoo. Planning ahead I had convinced Alex to wear a pull up in case of an accident. Once we arrived at the zoo it was a new amazement for Alex every minute. The only animals that really caught Alex off guard were the wolves. But realizing how much they look like a German shepherd dog I could understand. He didn't freak out but he did come up to me and ask me to hold him so he could look at them. We bought lunch and sat at one of the tables to eat. There were a few gay and lesbian couples there also with their children. Most would stop and chat for a moment or at least say hello. It turned out to be a great day out. By mid afternoon Cody was asleep in the stroller and Chris was carrying Alex. He had fallen asleep on Chris' shoulder. So we loaded up and headed back home.

"Hello" Chris said as we headed down the interstate. His cell phone rang just as we got on the interstate. "Well that would be wonderful but I need to talk to Lee about it first. Let me talk to him and I will call you back in a few minutes. But are you really sure about that ? " Chris asked. "Alright, talk to you in a few buddy. Bye." Chris said. "That was Bob. He and Paul want to keep the boys tonight for us to go out and eat. "I don't know. There has been a lot of babysitting going on. I don't want the boys to feel unwanted or tossed around." I said. "Well think about this one. Bob told me that neither of them slept last night. They are considering adopting and Paul was running around the house trying to move things hoping that we would say yes." Chris said. "I guess this would definitely a baptism by child for them. Call Bob back and work out the details." I said,

"Oh shit, be back soon." Paul shouted as he grabbed his keys. "Where are you going ?" Bob asked. "We need toys and groceries. I got to go." Paul said in a hurry. "Slow down sport. We have plenty of time and besides I want to go with you." Bob said. "Well get a move on lead ass." Paul called out.

Finally loaded with toys and groceries Bob and Paul headed back home. "Baby I think you had more fun in the toy store than the boys would have." Bob said. "Was I that crazy ?" Paul asked. "No baby it thrilled me to see you that happy." Bob said. "Good because I have another surprise." Paul said. "Your pregnant ?" Bob asked. "No silly, I invited my parents and yours for dinner tomorrow night to talk to them about us adopting." Paul said. "That's a great idea. We need to involve everyone if we plan to pursue this." Bob said. "Are you serious honey. Are we really going to try to do this ?" Paul asked. "Lets talk after the boys leave but I think we have already started the toy box." Bob said.

Chris and I took turns showering and dressing. By the time we got home, nap time for the boys was over. Bob and Paul wanted us there before 5 p.m. I am not sure what they had planned but they wanted a full evening. We arrived around 4:30 p.m. I wanted a few minutes to make sure the boys would be o.k with Bob and Paul. Bob met us at the door and directed us to the family room. Alex's eyes were as big as saucers. "Pop, they got toys." Alex said. "Yes pumpkin they look like they have lots of toys." I said. Alex dove in as if it were Christmas morning. Paul was in the floor showing Alex all the toys while Bob took Cody and found him toys to play with. After about twenty minutes I looked at Chris. "Doesn't look like we are needed here." I said. "I wonder if Bob and Paul know what they are in for." Chris said. Bob came up and asked if we minded swapping vehicles for the evening. They may want to take the boys out if it was alright with us. I had no issue with it so I took Paul down to my SUV and gave him a quick course in car seats.

Once on the road we headed to one of the outdoor malls just to walk and spend time together. "I wonder how those four kids are doing?" I said. "Oh Alex and Cody will keep the other two in line." Chris laughed. We shopped a little and then headed to a special restaurant that Bob wanted to go to. "Hey buddy. How are things going ?" Chris asked as he had called Bob's cell phone. "Fantastic here. We are headed to Paul's favorite place. Chucky Cheez." Bob laughed. "Well we are headed out to eat so we will be there to relieve you guys in a little while." Chris said. "Don't rush. We are having a blast so you guys enjoy your evening." Bob said. As they hung up the phones Paul burst out laughing. "What's so funny ?" Bob asked. "We forgot to wash off the front of the car. I wonder if Chris and Lee have noticed my dried cum all over the front of your car ?" Paul said. "Oh I didn't forget. I plan to drive it around with pride for a few days. Everyone can see what I did to my sexy twink." Bob said while Paul blushed.

A very romantic candle light dinner was just what the doctor ordered. Chris and I chatted lightly about many different things. I sat there for a couple of minutes just looking into Chris' eyes. "What are you thinking babe ?" Chris asked. " Are you scared Chris ?" I asked. Chris sat for a minute looking right into my eyes. "Not in the least. I will be honest. A few days ago I was scared that this was too real to be true. I am not scared at all anymore. I do have a regret though. I regret that I didn't meet you early in life. I had no idea that life could be this good. " Chris said and smiled. "Are you scared ?" Chris asked. " To be honest yes. I am so so very much in love with you I am scared I will do something wrong and you will leave me." I said. Chris smiled and reached across and took my hand. "Tell you what. If you decide to leave then you make sure there is enough room for me and the boys. And if I decide to leave the boys and I are taking you with us. Deal ?" Chris said. "Deal" I said.

We arrived back at Bob and Paul's about 9:30 p.m. Paul greeted us at the door along with Alex. I noticed that Alex was wearing different clothes. Paul also looked like he had a few stains on his shirt. We entered the family room and Bob was in the recliner with Cody asleep on his chest. I could tell that he had been bathed and had his pajama's on. " You look tired." I said to Paul. "Well lets see. I had my first two dirty diapers. Cody spit up all over my shirt and Alex had an accident at Chucky Cheez. Then Bob and I both got a bath fully clothed with the boys." Paul said. "I am so sorry. I guess I am just use to it. I apologize for all the trouble." I said. "Oh no. It was AWSEOME. I loved every second of it." Paul said grinning from ear to ear. "Oh and Bob got his first little boy golden shower trying to change Cody." Paul laughed. Bob just lifted the sleeve of his shirt and smiled. "Yep Pop, Uncle Bob got it good by Cody." Alex laughed.

"You guys have the perfect life." Paul said. "Sweetie we start on ours Monday morning." Bob said. "Are you guys going to be home tomorrow just after lunch. " Chris asked. "It will be a simple one but why don't you guys come for lunch. Say about 12:30." I said. "This may be out of line but since we are coming for lunch do you care if the boys spend the night ?" Paul said in a low concerned tone. "I am not sure if you have enough clothes, diapers and everything else." I said. "Oh don't worry about that. We also carried the boys shopping. Paul got clothes, diapers, wipes and a few things I am not even sure what they are. " Bob said laughing. "Can I sleep with Uncle Paul and Uncle Bob Papa. PLEASE." Alex chimed in. Chris and I both looked at each other and apparently neither had an argument. "You are coming home for lunch tomorrow aren't you ?" I asked. "Yes Pop I can't let you be alone too long." Alex said. "Just take my car and we will swap tomorrow." Bob said. "Just remember these are our boys and you have to bring them back." Chris said and we all laughed. A good night kiss and hug from Alex for Both Chris and I and a kiss on the top of Cody's we headed back to the car to go home alone.

Next: Chapter 17

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