Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 30, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 14

Morning came quickly. Chris slipped out of bed trying not to disturb Lee. The coffee was brewing when Chris heard the driveway alarm go off. He saw a truck from last night coming down the drive and assumed it was Dean. Chris met Dean at the door. "Morning buddy. You didn't have to come over here." Chris said. "Oh I don't mind. I know the drama at my house in the mornings with Breanna and the kids so this will be a break. " Dean laughed. "How did things go last night ?" Dean asked. "It was all quiet and everyone seemed to sleep without incident." Chris said. "Well you go get ready to get out of here and I will check on the boys." Dean said.

Chris returned to the bedroom and began to get ready to go to the office. "Morning sexy." I said still in the bed. "I was trying not to wake you." Chris said. "I was awake when you got up but I was enjoying your morning wood pressed into my butt too much to say anything." I said. "Well I can send Dean home. Stay here. And do something about that. " Chris smiled. "No you go take care of what you have to and when you get back we can take care of more than one thing." I said. About that time I heard Alex crying softly and could hear Dean talking to him. I got up and pulled on a pair of shorts and t shirt and headed for Alex's room. From listening at the door I could tell that Alex was upset because he had wet his pull ups during the night but not wanting to stress him anymore I didn't go in. Besides it sounded as though Dean was handling it quite well alone.

Chris arrived at the office a little early. To his surprise or maybe not so much Pamela was already there. "Good Morning Mr. Hamrick." Pamela said. "Good Morning Pamela. How are you this morning ? " Chris said. "Ah do you have a minute ? " Pamela asked. "Sure, come on in." Chris said. " I have a question. Who is this Mrs. Ruth lady ?" Pamela asked. Chris sat back in his chair and laughed. "That's Lee's Mom. How do you know about her ?" Chris asked. "Oh she and I have had a couple of lengthy conversations this morning already and she scares me. And as you know Mr. Hamrick very few people rattle me at all. " Pamela said. "What did she have to say ?" Chris asked. "Well I am at a loss. Somethings I am not suppose to tell you. By the time we finished the last conversation I was expecting guys dressed as Ninjas to storm the building." she said. "Well Pamela all I know is that she has apparently stepped in to protect the boys in ways I could never." Chris said. "Well as long as you know then I am alright. I think." Pamela said,

Pamela got up to leave the office as Chris' phone rang. "Mr. Hamrick's office." she said. "Sure Bob hold on one second. Sure I will see you shortly." Pamela said as she handed Chris the phone. "Hey Bob what's up ?" Chris asked. "Buddy remind me to never piss you off." Bob laughed. "Why is that ? " Chris asked. "Well Lee's Mom had a group waiting for me when I walked in the office this morning. I had a Federal Marshall, and FBI agent, another lawyer, and some other guy that I am not sure exactly who he was. But we are all meeting in your office in about thirty minutes." Bob said. "This is going to cost me a fortune." Chris said. "Not a dime. I was handed a quite large retainer check this morning by another attorney." Bob said. "See you in a few." Bob said as he hung up the phone.

After an hour meeting with all the people that had started in Bob's office Chris and Pamela were finally alone in Chris' office. "Um Mr. Hamrick. What just happened here ?" Pamela asked. "I have no clue but the good thing was apparently they didn't need us to do a thing. If they had I would be lost." Chris said. "Well Mr. Hamrick I have always thought of myself as a top notch secretary but I am lost also. " Pamela said.

Lee cleaned up the kitchen and also Cody from Dean's attempt at feeding breakfast. Dean and Alex were out in the back yard playing with a football so Lee carried Cody out to the back yard to watch. Alex saw Lee coming out the door and moved closer to Dean. Lee had looked in the mirror and his eye and his lip looked much better but still showed major battle scar signs. "Show Uncle Dean you know how to throw the ball stinker." I said. "Pop I am not a stinker." Alex laughed. Just that one sentence can calm a turbulent child's world.

Lee convinced Dean that he and the boys would be fine and that he was welcomed to stay but if he had other plans for his day off that everything would be alright. Dean had been gone about an hour when the phone rang. "Hey Handsome. How is your day going ?" I said. "You always answer the phone that way ?" Chris laughed. "Oh sorry I thought it was my hot lover. What's up Chris." I said with a laugh. "Well I guess I need to come home and monitor your phone calls. I will be there shortly. " Chris said.

Chris arrived at home to find Lee and the boys in the back yard playing. "Papa, papa. Pop is fine. SEE." Alex shouted. "Yes I see stinker. I told you Pop was fine." Chris said as he walked towards the group. A few minutes play time in the yard and the boys were ready for naps. Both boys were out like a light. As Chris took Alex from the couch and I took Cody and placed them in their beds we had a moment of peace. "I need a shower baby. I will be out shortly." I told Chris. Knowing the boys were asleep I had hoped that he would plan to join me. About half way through my shower I realized that this one was apparently going to be alone. Shower finished I came out of the master bath drying off to see a site on the bed that would take any mans breath away. Chris was naked laying on the bed with a sly grin on his face. "Doors locked baby." Chris whispered.

I made my way to the side of the bed. I crawled between Chris' legs and began kissing his legs as I moved my way north. I lightly licked his huge balls and slowly sucked one in my mouth and rolled it around applying light pressure with my tongue. I released one and quickly sucked in the other. Moans coming from Chris made me know that I was pleasing my lover. As i moved upward I began to lick his throbbing cock from the base. I reached the large helmet head and lightly sucked and licked it. "Oh baby you are killing me." Chris whispered. I opened as wide as I could and began my descent with my mouth on his cock. Luckily I am getting better and was able this time to deep throat all but about half an inch. I hummed as if I were trying to talk to him like you see in a dentist chair. The vibration on his cock made a deep moan come from deep inside him as he raised his hips off the bed. With the vibration on his cock I could feel it beginning to swell even more. I knew that it would not take long. I backed off his cock and began a slow assault moving up and down trying each time to get that last half inch down my throat. Chris was tossing his head from side to side. "No baby. I want to make my lover happy." Chris whispered. I reached up and began to tweak his nipples and went back down as far as I could and began to hum again. "Ooohh Fuuucccckkkk !!" Chris cried out as he began to shoot his load deep in my throat.

As Chris began to come down off his orgasm high I crawled up and kissed him deeply on the lips. "That was not fair." Chris whispered. " I wanted to take care of you." Chris added. "Baby last night was about me. Today was all about my lover." I said. Chris and I kissed for a few minutes and began to drift off to sleep. "Why don't we just leave this evening to go to your house. " I said. "Whenever you want to leave baby. As long as I am with you I don't care. " Chris said. Chris was in the garage trying to figure out how to put things in his car. I walked past and began to load things in my SUV. " I already have the gates, nets and car seat in here." I said. "Gates, nets?" Chris asked. "Sweetie you have a lot to learn about kids but I will get you there." I said. Chris stopped me and pulled me in for a deep kiss while he ran his hands down in my shorts and squeezed my ass cheeks. He quickly moved one hand around and rubbed the head of my cock and brought his fingers to his mouth. "Mmmm. You amaze me that you can leak so easily but I am addicted to it so keep it up. " Chris said.

The trip to Chris' house was an easy trip. Alex was excited and talked almost non stop because we had told him that he also had a bedroom of his own there. "I have two bedrooms ? But I am only one kid. " Alex would say. Then he would finish his statement by saying. "I have two bedrooms that are mine. " and smile. We reached Chris' house and started to unload. "Your house in not child friendly so this should be interesting." I told Chris. Once everything and everyone was inside I told Chris to take the boys downstairs to a big room he has as a den while I installed the nets and gates. The house is four stories so stairs are an issue. The bedrooms are on the third and fourth floors. Once that gates and nets were up Chris brought Alex upstairs to choose which room he wanted on the same floor as that master suite. Groceries and supplies put away Chris decided that instead of cooking that we all needed to load up and go out to eat. "Alright, remember its not just the two of us. Choose a kid friendly place." I said. "Oh yeah I almost forgot." Chris laughed.

Chris chose a nice but small family style restaurant. It was in a part of Buckhead that was highly gay populated. There were quite a few gay and lesbian couples there with their children. There were many more that stopped at the table to compliment us on raising two children. We didn't dare tell them that we were only six days in at this point. A quick trip to the restroom and both boys were cleaned up and presentable again. As we started out the door. I had Cody on one hip. Chris had Alex on one hip and Chris had his other arm around my waste. Once in the SUV Chris leaned over and kissed me. "I love you baby." Chris said. "I love you too. What brought that on ?" I asked. "I have felt from the very beginning that this was right but after tonight and seeing the other couples I know that this is not only right but its perfect." Chris said.

Once back at what i consider our other home now. Everyone exhausted from a busy day even though the nap helped we turned the water on in Chris' oversized shower. For the first time just to save time we all four showered together. Since I was holding Cody Chris had some fun washing me but was very respectful that the children were in there. While I put the boys down Chris went down stairs and closed up and secured the house. When I made it to the bedroom Chris had already gotten under the sheets and was almost asleep. I removed my clothes and slid in beside him. Chris pulled me close and adjusted his semi hard cock in between the cheeks of may ass and pulled me tight. He kissed the back of my neck with his arm around my chest. "Like I said earlier. Perfect. I love you." Chris whispered. "I love you too." I said as we both began to drift off. "Oh by the way I invited Bob and Paul to dinner tomorrow night. I hope that's alright." Chris said. Needless to say I was wide awake at that point.

Next: Chapter 15

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