Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 28, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go"

Chapter 13

Chris sprinted to the master bedroom. The bed was empty, the bathroom was empty. "LEE ?" Chris shouted. "In here." I said. "What the Fu........ Oh my God. What happened to you ? Why are the boys freaking out ? Why didn't you call me ? " Chris ranted quickly. Chris looked at my injuries and walked over to the chaise lounge I was relaxing on. I couldn't hold the tears. Once again I began to cry. "Baby please. I am sorry I yelled. Would you PLEASE tell me what's happening here. " Chris said.

When Chris saw Lee he was in such shock he couldn't imagine what may have happened. Looking at Lee first he sees the torn shirt covered in blood. The left side of Lee's body is all scratched up with dried blood. Where Lee's shirt is torn he see scratch marks that have turned bright red through the hair. As he looked further up he saw some harsh scratches on Lee's shoulder. When Lee turned Chris' heart sunk. Lee's nose was bloody and bruised. Both top and bottom lip were busted with the bottom being the worse and Lee's right eye was swollen and beginning to darken around the edges. Chris could not help his emotions. The children screaming and Lee looking as if he was in a prize fight he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Oh shit baby. Are you alright ?" Chris asked. "I will be alright I just need a few minutes." I said. "What the hell happened ? Who did this ? What happened to the boys ?" Chris rambled out. "I'm sorry baby but I have to know what's going on. Please. " Chris added.

I began to tell Chris about our day. Breanna wanted me to bring the boys over so that they could see the animals on the farm. My brother raises chickens so he had houses full of baby chickens. I rode them on one of the tractors and on the golf cart. I had never seen Alex gleam so. I thought his jaw was going to hurt from all the grinning and laughing. I told Chris that as we started to leave that we were in Breanna's driveway. I was holding Cody and had taken Alex's hand. There was a feed truck coming in the drive headed by the house and Alex was hollering "Big Truck" My brother was standing beside me when one of Breanna's dogs came out barking at the truck. Alex had not seen the dogs and as the dog rounded the house "ALL HELL broke loose." Alex started screaming "NO PLEASE I DIDN'T MEAN TO." Alex began climbing me like a mad man. He had his shoes digging in my legs and then my side as he tried to climb higher. My shirt was ripping and I was trying to use my free hand to catch him. The support that my hand gave him brought him even higher. He was clawing my neck trying to climb completely over my back. As he got higher trying to climb his knee came up first and hit me in the lips. I started loosing my balance. Luckily my brother was able to grab Cody as I was falling. On the way down Alex caught me in the nose with his knee. Once I hit the gravel I was trying to hold on to Alex and he ended up kicking me in the eye. Chris sat there with tears rolling down his face and shocked look.

" I saw the blood on Alex and on Cody and you were nowhere around. My first thought was they tried to take them and you got killed." Chris said. "Who tried to take them ? I asked. "Nothing I guess. well maybe." Chris said. "Well I made it back home." I said, I was able to get up and just hold Alex as still as I could get him in my lap just to get here. Breanna brought Cody. My brother and his wife have Kolt and Shasta." I said. I began to cry again. "What's wrong baby ? The boys are alright." Chris said. " I tried to calm Alex and also Cody. Every time I speak Alex will not look at me and screams that much louder and started thrashing himself against the wall. Cody looks at me and all the blood and he just screams." I cried. " I can't help them. I make things worse." I said. "Sweetie do you think that it was the dog barking?" Chris asked. When I got home I had gotten the folder on the boys desperate to find and answer. I handed one of the sheets of paper to Chris.

California Children and Family Services Juvenile Incident Report. Incident Report concerning Master Alex and Master Cody Hamrick.

I as agent on scene was called by the Los Angeles Police Dept. They reported deplorable conditions involving the two above mentioned minors.

Upon arriving there were a number of Ambulances and Police cars. Upon entering the residence the officer informed me that there were five adults that were in different stages of incoherence. There was one female approximately late forty's that was sober enough to interview.

Upon further inspection Minor Child known as Cody was found in an open chest freezer on a screened porch. Above mention child had no clothing or diaper and was covered in human feces and urine. Upon further inspection minor child known as Alex was found in the back yard in a 4 foot by 4 foot fenced pen with two aggressive dogs attacking the pen. One seemed to be of German Shepard breed and the other of a Bulldog breed. The above mentioned child was cowered in the corner furthest from the dogs with his hands covering his face. Above mentioned child had a t shirt and shorts on that were covered with soil, feces and urine. Animal Control had to be called to sedate the animals before I or the officer could approach the pen to remove the child.

Further investigation by interviewing the said female in the home she revealed the children's confinement. In my interview she revealed that when the parents crossed the border that they would place Cody in the freezer nad Alex in the pen to remain there until they returned. Some trips would take up to four days. It was also revealed that if the minor Alex soiled his clothes that he would receive a beating and put back in the pen.

EMT's on site checked the children and released them to me to carry for Emergency Care.

I am not sure if Chris even finished reading the report before he bolted for the bathroom. I could hear him heaving into the toilet. After a couple of minutes Chris returned to the chaise lounge. He reached over and picked up his suit jacket. "I;m sorry. You didn't ask for all this stuff. " Chris said. He acted like he was about to get up. "Oh hell no you don't mister. These are just bruises and if you didn't know I will heal. We said we were in this together. Now if you want to leave then you go right ahead but you leave those boys here. If this is too much for you then you need to let me know right now. " I said as I was starting to get angry. Chris sat for a second and leaned over and very lightly kissed my lips even though they looked mangled. " Well if the boys have to stay then I guess that means I do too. " Chris said with a slight smile. "Now, you go see if you can help the boys. I want them to calm down before they see me again. Plus I need to shower some of this blood off. " I added "Since all this has happened I need to show you something else so it will all be out in the open." Chris said.

Chris handed me a piece of paper that he had written notes on. Chris sat quietly as I read the paper. Apparently there was a man arrested in Los Angeles with a picture of each boy. During his interrogation he admitted the he and a couple of his friends had plotted to find the boys and kidnap them for a ransom. If they were able to present the money to the Cartel that was lost in the raid at the border when the boys parents were killed that they would be able to rise up in the organization. I read the paper again to make sure that I was seeing this properly. I looked at Chris with questions in my eyes. " I found this out yesterday. " Chris said. "YESTERDAY?" I asked. " I didn't say anything last night because I wanted to try to find out more information before I told you." Chris said. "Promise me one thing. " I said. "Anything Lee, anything." Chris said with tears in his eyes. "No more secrets." I said. "I promise, no more secrets." Chris said.

I looked at the paper one more time and fear for the kids was finally gone. Now I was determined to make things right for them. "First off you go change clothes. You look too official. Go and see if you can help calm the boys at least enough to get them cleaned up. I know they are covered with blood. And yes its all my blood. They are not injured. Take this paper and let Breanna see it. Tell Breanna to call Grandma and tell her to get her blue phone book out of the safe and get over her now. " I said. "While you do that I will try to shower and clean up." I said. "No sweetie you wait here and I will come back and help." Chris said. "Go and get started and see if you can help." I said. "Just let......" Chris started. "MOVE. NOW" I barked. "Damn you and Breanna have that same look." Chris said. "You set there any longer and you will see what's behind that look." I said as I smiled. Chris leaned over and kissed me lightly and headed off.

When Chris returned to the kitchen he found that Breanna had been able to calm Alex down and he was setting in her lap hiding his face in her chest. Cody was still hiding behind Dean's back but was at least peeking out to see what was going on. "Hey little stinker." Chris said. Alex screamed and lunged back towards the corner. Breanna caught him and pulled him back to her. " I hurt Pop. I am sorry I wont do it again. Pop won't love me." Alex screamed hysterically. Chris reached over, with major resistance pulled Alex to him and pulled him tight into his chest. "Baby, calm down. Pop is the one that sent me in here to check on you. He said you didn't hurt him that he fell." Chris told him. "But Pop was bleeding Papa. Please don't hit me." Alex said. "Oh sweet baby it's not your fault. No one is going to hurt you ever again." Chris said. " Pop will make me leave." Alex said as he calmed down. " Alex what was the deal you and Pop had about you leaving ?" Chris asked. "Pop was going with me." Alex said. " Well do I need to go pack me and Pop a suit case so we can leave with you ?" Chris asked. "No." Alex said, Chris looked around to see a blood covered Cody crawl out and up into Dean's arms. You could tell that he still knew where his escape route if he needed it. Dean was talking to him quietly and Chris could see Cody's tension drop.

Finally with Alex not crying but holding on to tightly Chris handed Breanna the paper. "Lee said to tell you to call your Memaw. Something about a blue phone book and get over here now." Chris said. Breanna read the paper and with a shocked look on her face and tears in her eyes. " Are you sure he said blue ?" Breanna asked. "Yes and he had that look on his face that you inherited from him." Chris said. "Breanna there is more." Chris added. Dean had snickered at the comment about the expression. "Welcome to the family bud." Dean said to Chris. "Oh shit." Breanna said as she grabbed her phone and dialed as she headed to the bedroom.

Breanna came into the bedroom dialing the phone. "You said blue?" She asked. I handed her the paper that Chris had written the notes on. "OH shit. O.k." she said. Breanna left the room before she even got an answer. In the mean time Dean had convinced the boys to let him give them a bath and find them something to eat. Chris came in as I was getting up and told me that Dean had the boys taken care of. Breanna was on the phone. And the poor baby sitter was scared to death. He helped me into the shower and tried to lightly help me wash all the dirt, gravel and dry blood. Looking in the mirror I looked worse than I felt. But I did look a little more presentable than earlier. Chris got me a robe so that I wouldn't have to put on a shirt and it would also help cover a lot more than a shirt.

By the time Mom arrived Dean and the baby sitter were feeding the boys hotdogs and potato chips. Breanna was walking down the hall with the boys clothes to put them in the trash. Mom stopped her and looked at the clothes and then looked back at the boys. "Where is Lee and Chris ?" Mom asked. "They were in the setting room in the master bedroom." Breanna said. Mom gasp when she entered the room and saw my face. "Its a lot worse than it looks." I said. I handed her first the paper that was faxed. She read the paper and cried. Then I handed her the paper with Chris' notes on it. Mom's look went from upset to angry. "This stops right now." she said as she removed a second cell phone from her purse and a little blue phone book. She began to dial as she walked out of the room. "Hello this is Ruth......" was all we heard. We did hear her from the other room make a comment to the affect. "These are my grandchildren so I don't think you want to cross me." she said. Other than that we could not hear. "She scares me. " Chris said. "She's my Mom and she scares me too sometimes." I laughed. Moments later Mom returned and placed the cell phone and phone book back in her purse. She then picked up her normal cell phone and called my brother to let him know that Breanna and Dean would be there soon for the kids.

"This you can deal with Lee you know how." Mom said as she handed me the faxed sheet. "This is taken care of." she said as she handed the other paper to Chris. "I have already talked to my lawyer about it." Chris said. "Give me his name and number and I will make the arrangements." Mom said. " I don't know what you did or how to thank you. " Chris said. "You are family now so we take care of our own. " Mom said and leaned down and hugged Chris and kissed him on the cheek. "Now lets get these babies to bed they have had a bad day." Mom said. The boys were tucked in and both were not comfortable with me giving them a good night kiss. So I did not press the issue and left it at that. Once back in the great room Dean said that he was off the next day and he would be over by seven a.m. "I am not going to work tomorrow so you won't need to come." Chris said. Dean glanced over at Mom before she could speak. "You will have to go for part of the day there will be things for you to do." Mom said.

We entered the master bedroom after everyone was gone. Chris removed his clothes and came around to help me remove the robe. " I can do this. It's not as bad as it looks." I said. Chris just smiled and continued to help. "I do need one thing though." I said. "Anything baby." Chris said. "I need you to make love to me. Its not the sex. Right now I have to feel connected to you. I feel so empty and so tired. I need you inside me so I feel relaxed and protected." I said. My bed is a high bed so I leaned over the edge of the bed. This allowed me to lay my head and shoulders on the bed. Chris leaned down and began to lick the inside of my ass cheeks. Chris darted his tongue inside my ring and i wanted to climb the bed. "Inside me now please. I need you bad." I said. Chris reached over and removed the bottle of lube from the night stand. He applies the lube to both his cock and my ass. He slowly leaned into me and the head of his cock slid in. It took my breath as always and Chris froze. "It was not pain baby. You just take my breath away. In more ways than one." I whispered. Chris sank in balls deep. "Oh shit baby you are always so damn tight." Chris said. With one hand on my hip and the other under my chest Chris leaned over me and began to kiss my neck. I could feel the hairs on his chest rubbing my back but not applying weight. Slowly Chris began to pick up speed. At certain points he pulled all the way out and then went back in balls deep without ever removing his chest from my back. "I love you baby. I hope you feel safe now." Chris whispered. "Impaled on my lovers huge cock means all the world is safe and fine. " I said. Chris picked up his pace and then slowed rather quickly. "My dick is inside my lover and I am going to pump my seed deep inside him to prove i love him. " Chris whispered. A few more light strokes and Chris pushed in as deep as he could. He kissed my neck and began to pump his load deep inside me. "Oh baby do you feel daddy's cum ?" Chris whispered. "Every drop lover." I said.

We lay with me leaning over the bed with Chris still deep inside me. As Chris moved his semi hard cock slipped out of my ass. I felt so empty that I just wanted to shove it back in. "You didn't cum baby" Chris said. "Yes I did sweetie. I don't have to ejaculate to have an orgasm." I said. Chris picked up a discarded towel and wipe my leg where some of his seed had leaked out. "I need one more thing baby." I said. "Anything." Chris said. "I need to fall asleep with you inside me." I said. "Gladly" Chris said. We lay in the bed on our sides and Chris slide his cock back into me where it was safe and warm. "You alright baby ?" Chris asked. "Baby I feel full and loved." I said. Chris humped a couple of times with his arm around my chest and began to drift off. "Your family still scares me." Chris whispered laughing. "Just remember that." I said. It only took moments before we were both fast asleep.

Next: Chapter 14

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