Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!? Northeastern University

By Richard McQueen

Published on Mar 24, 2023


Story: Makarovia! Sure, I Know Where That is Chapter: 38 Treasure Author: Eric McQueen ( Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that, Nifty needs help. Your donations are greatly desired. Give to or thisstory ends and all the others. That would be a crime.

Peter, Eric, Olek, and Helga deal with changes and a newly discovered treasure!

I grinned as Pylyp was looking at us and waited for a punchline. His jaw was partly open, but nothing was coming out. His eyes were searching our faces to see some reality.

Three of the employees working that afternoon came with those lovely trays everyone knows about. Fast food restaurants everywhere used those. They were even color coordinated to reflect Makarovia's national colors. Some were a deep red and the others were black.

A young man pushed a red tray in front of Olek, "Your Royal King's Burger. Double beef and cheese, Your Majesty." The accent said he was from England. He slid another black tray in front of Helga. "Your American Prince's Burger with cheese, Your Highness."

The other trays were given to each at the table. There was a protocol when serving. Really? The king and queen was served first, Peter and I were next. Mom was next. The guests we had with us and then the support staff such as Yuri, Boris and on down. That was true in the palace, but even here at Makarovian Royal Burgers, too. Fortunately, the staff working here served us quickly. The problem with that was Olek and Helga waited until everyone was served to begin eating. I smiled as I saw Symon had a chili and cheese covered hotdog or sausage placed in front of him. Darina had a hotdog with sauerkraut put in front of them.

"Vam taki podobayutsya?" I asked Symon in Makarovian if he liked what he had gotten. He obviously did as he had ordered it. It was more of a confirmation.

Symon nodded, "Tse douge dobre!" He said it was very good.

I held my fist up and he fist bumped me, "Miy colovice!" I said "My man" in Makarovian. I saw his blank look and quickly explained it was something said in the United States. That made Symon smile even bigger.

Helga, Mom, Grandma, and Maria were eating, but trying to be ladies. Delicate bites and frequent use of napkins on their faces. I'll just say the males at the table weren't as concerned with their manners. They weren't barbarians but took heartier bites. Peter and I had gotten the fries and onion rings. Yes, both. The fries weren't what you got at Burger King or McDonalds. I knew the founders of those fast-food franchises had wanted guests going to the restaurant in Miami, Los Angeles, or Boston...any of their restaurants got the same thing in each! These were more like steak fries. Fatter and wider, sprinkled not only with salt, but I saw the tiny dots of red and knew it was the cherished paprika. Those tiny paper ramekins of catsup, paprika, and the goulash sauce with them to dip and eat after dipping the fries or onion rings. It was great again!

Pylyp had his lunch in front of him as did Ganna. Both had not touched them yet.

Olek looked at them carefully, "Your reaction is to say what? Do you want to do it?"

Pylyp seemed to be slightly behind in comprehended what Olek said, "What?" Then it sunk in. "Of course, I want to do it!" He said enthusiastically. "Your Majesty, I never imagined I COULD!"

Ganna put her hand on Pylyp's hand, "WE want to do it." She corrected her husband's omission of not including her. "I woke this morning and got the children ready for church, never imagining THIS!"

"When they were asking for anyone who wanted to start businesses down in the Stryian Underground," Pylyp began. "I jumped at the chance. Ganna told me about what she had done for you, Prince Pedro, and Prince Eric...I knew what we could do" he shrugged, "So far, the business is going well! We were opening the new restaurant in Skoal..." his head wavered. "We planned to open more in other towns in Makarovia, but..." he looked again at Olek, Peter, me, Helga, "opening restaurants internationally!? Athens, London, and Boston!?"

Olek smiled, It would be a service to Makarovia. Think of it as Makarovian Public Relations." He smiled, "We'll be known as more than a country that has uranium."

I added, "Or as the country that has a prince to marry a man with the country's blessing."

Olek chuckled and nodded, "Right. There is that. We have been entertained with and by presidents, generals, and other royalty from other countries. We haven't shown ourselves to the regular people in those countries. This will be that opportunity."

Pylyp look around the fast-food restaurant. "You want me to do this." He looked hesitantly at Olek. Ganna and I didn't put much money into this one." He confessed. "We earned this space because we wanted to do it. We did have to buy some of the equipment, the meats, potatoes..."

Olek nodded, "And because this will be for Makarovia," he smiled, "The restaurants in Greece, England, and the United States will be for Makarovia, so Makarovia will finance them." Olek pointed at Pylyp, "But you will be in control."

"That means you'll have to show us how," Edger smiled. "I'll hire those that can learn, but you have to show them what to do."

"That means a trip to Athens," Pano added.

"And a trip to London," I added.

"And to Boston!" Peter said.

Olek held a cautioning hand up, "This will take about a year. We need plans. Building the restaurants..."

"The targeted countries will help rush things through," I said. "They want for us to remain in their good graces."

Olek nodded, "True. They could even use an increase in the uranium as incentive. Which we will do." He smiled a little meanly, "All they have to do is let it go through." He nodded, "We will adhere to any law and restrictions, but many countries have lengthy waiting periods and paperwork. Which will get done quickly."

Helga smiled, "It's nice to have power."

Olek shrugged, "We had no real power before. We do now."

I looked at Olek, "Can't we use the rising popularity to further things such as the continued threats by pirates and this Consortium?"

Olek looked a bit confused, "We're doing everything we can to counter any further threat."

I nodded, "Yes, WE are." I waved at those here at the table. "Remember," I started, "the attack almost a year ago happened on American soil. We were attacked in England, on English soil." I nodded quickly, "Quick thinking and the combined efforts of American guards and Yuri and Makarovian security stopped the attack in Boston. Some wonderful people in England stopped the attack in England..."

Olek nodded, "I remember."

I looked at Peter, "How many million is our website have now? People that support us and want us to represent them?"

Peter shrugged, "I didn't check it today. Twelve million was the last count. It grows every day."

I nodded and thought before I said anything, "But that's more than just because of our marriage." I sighed, "There was the bomb that went off just outside the palace that threated Makarovia. There are countries, prominent political leaders who are pushing hate forward. Senators, Congressmen and women, Prime Ministers, Representatives worldwide that are against our marriage. These people that said we represent them are not all LGBT members..." We were speaking English so everyone at the table understood. I looked up to be sure everyone understood. Alexie and Maria...even Mario understood. "There are a lot of them, but they support Makarovia and it's policies." I leaned in, "The potential attack on the Duchess on Peter's and my honeymoon...was it covered by the media?"

Olek shook his head, "It was in Boston and a little in London, but we wanted to contain as much as possible."

I nodded, "Yes, we did. We're doing so much in telling what Makarovia did in the past during World War II. How Makarovia took in and gave a safe haven to many people that were unwanted. We are showing the testimonies of those in concentration camps because they were Jewish, Gypsies, Homosexual and others Makarovia gave security. We have been honest with anyone and everyone that sought the truth." I looked at them, "We can tell them about what happened. Everything from World War II up to the attempt on Peter and me during our honeymoon. We can talk about Nelson Carter and Penelope Baldwin, about his attempt with the Consortium and Penelope's attempt to seduce you to get you to marry her, or at least get her pregnant." I looked at Yuri, "Do we have recorded footage of the attempt to the house in Boston?"

Yuri nodded, "Of course."

"I bet there are recordings of the attack in England," I reasoned. "Modern cities now have traffic cams, there are shop cams that probably recorded the whole thing!"

Yuri nodded again, "There is." Then he grudged a shake of his head, "Though the British Government may not just hand that footage over to us."

"Why not?" I asked. I waved in the direction of the employees here. "I can guarantee some of those employees from England are here because of British Military Personnel. Why are they here?" I asked and quickly answered, "Again, because they want the uranium! Not because it's the right thing to do. Generals Burke and Hammond are here to insure they get it. We're using that uranium to cut through delays for these restaurants. We can use that same way to get footage and let the world know what we have gone through! Show the heroes!" I smiled at Yuri. "You're a very important one." I looked at Cosmo, "You died becoming a hero. We got you back, but you DID give your life to protect Peter and me." I pounded the table lightly with a finger. "This Consortium wants to stay hidden. We'll show the world what we have on this group of greedy sons of bitches!" I nodded waving at Pylyp and Ganna. "We open these restaurants and let the world see WHO we are! We show the world the attacks. We show the world WHAT we are!"

Helga was smiling, "The footage at the house in Boston and here is ours. The recordings in England, they may not want to release."

I grinned, "Drew and the BBC." I saw Peter's smile as Olek did. "This has just a little to do with the fay, fag, and fairy shit..." What Drew's rival anchor, Louis Garner at the BBC had told Drew. That got laughter from Olek, Mom, and Grandma. Mom had to quickly explain to Mario, Maria and Alexis. "...we have gone from, Makarovia? Where the Hell is that? To winning the hearts of millions! They know who we are now. The restaurants and some documentaries about the Consortium, the attack by that group in the Middle East, will bring us closer in the hearts of the world!"

Olek nodded again, "He's right. People are persuaded by what they see on television."

"By bringing the focus in on us MORE," I said. "It will help us!"

"There are some Makarovians who left years ago," Olek said happily, "The ones that left to go to school or some other reason that are coming BACK!"

Peter was not as happy hearing that, "Sure, now that we're profitable."

"Peter," I said shaking my head. "They had reasons to leave Makarovia." I shrugged, "Whatever those reasons were, it doesn't matter. They want to come home."

Mom nodded, "Many wanted jobs that were few In Makarovia. Perhaps they wanted to be more than a miner. Or they wanted more education than they could get here, they got that and stayed where they got that education because they had new friends...." She tried to get him to see the truth. "All we had here was a vocational college."

"But not anymore!" Olek said happily. "In Skoal and Stryia we've begun a college that offers more of the sciences."

"We now have the accredited teachers to do that," Mom nodded. "As I understand it, there are two that are doctors now. Makarovia needs those desperately."

Helga smiled and touched her abdomen, "The doctor I'm seeing tomorrow is from England and part of the British Armed Forces."

"They weren't disloyal to Makarovia," Mom said further. "They wanted more than Makarovia could offer. Those two doctors can set up a practice in Makarovia."

I touched Peter's hand, "You left Makarovia for the same reason." I said quietly.

"I did, knowing I would come back," Peter grudged a shrugging nod. "I guess it's the same thing, but I NEVER left Makarovia." He touched his chest over his heart, "Not in here."

"I left the United States, but not in my heart," I offered. "I waved at Yuri and Boris. "They left Russia. So did Mom!" I pointed out. "Grandma left..."

Peter nodded and held his hands up, "I get it!" He chuckled, "They aren't traitors." He looked at me curious, "How did we get from opening Makarovian Royal Burgers in Athens, London, and Boston to the Consortium and finally to those coming back to Makarovia?"

"They're all connected," Grandmother said simply. "I think Makarovian Royal Burgers in several cities around the world is a great way to get people more familiar with Makarovia! No greater way than through their stomachs!"

"And the Consortium are a bunch of cowards!" I thudded the table with my fist. "They don't do the dirty work but send others to do the job!" I waved my hand away. "How much were they paying the men that stormed the house in Boston? I don't care if it was a million Euros apiece! Those men died! What portion of the billion Euros were going to them?" I waved at Olek, "Penelope was sent to school to learn to be the best assistant to Olek! Where is she now? I say we shine a light on these cockroaches and get them to scurry farther into the darkness! They want to remain hidden? I say we tell the world what we know. They want us scared of THEM!? I say we make them scared of US!"

Olek laughed, "Stamp them out like the cockroaches they are." He nodded, "Being in the public eye is still new to us. You're right. I'll call the British Prime Minister. We'll get those recorded events from them."

I grinned, "If they don't. I know someone that can get them. He's not afraid to be controversial!"

Peter nodded chuckling, "No, he's not." He pointed at my two chili and cheese covered sausages. "You're Prince's Choice Dogs are getting cold." He pointed to my onion rings, "So are they."

I nodded, "But still delicious!" I picked up a sausage dog and bit happily. It only lost a little heat, but I was right. It was still good!

We got back to the palace through the main floor and a man in his mid-forties with short black hair rushed toward us very excited about something. He liked to eat. He wasn't fat, he had a middle that was not thin or trim. Who didn't like to eat? He was carrying something in a white piece of cloth. "Vasa Velichnist!" He said Your Majesty in Makarovian. He was almost shouting. He was apparently alright to do this as Yuri nor any of the guards were stopping him. He continued to speak Makarovian quickly. He thrust the white cloth covered...whatever toward Olek, "We found it!" He rushed on excited, "Or at least one, but look!" He uncovered the whatever, not touching what it was. It was clearly a scepter! A gold and with a clear something that was shiny. It was about a foot and a half long and ornately sculpted. I had seen them in movies and on other things that had scepters! It was old. Gold didn't tarnish.

Olek's eyes grew seeing what this man showed him. "A, boze, Luca!" Olek said "My God" as he took the scepter reverently. "Day...Colli..." Olek stammered in Makarovian asking where and when. He looked at the scepter carefully. "This is..." he looked at the scepter. He looked back at us and remembered his manners. In English he said, "Sorry, this is Luca Kovacs, everyone. He is a..." he thought of a word, "historian of Makarovia!" He continued in English as he spoke with Luca, "Where did you FIND this?"

"I didn't," Luca answered. "A couple of teenage boys were hiking and had fallen into an abandoned mine on Rsys Mountain! That was two days ago! They had to find their way out, but on their way out they found THIS!" He pointed at the scepter. "They said there was much more down there! They brought this out as PROOF!"

Olek looked at us smiling and pointed at the scepter, "This is over six hundred years OLD!" He hugged the scepter to his chest. "This is one used by kings and queens of Makarovia in the past." He was almost crying. "When World War II began and then the Soviets came, we hid the treasures..." he handed the scepter to Peter. "This was used by our great grandparents, Peter!"

Peter was looking at it is feeling the weight of the scepter in gold and the weight of what Olek said.

"That makes sense," Mom said. "Having these precious items in the mines even we had trouble getting to in Winter makes perfect sense!"

Peter shook the scepter slightly, "It's heavy!" He handed it to me. "Feel how heavy it is?"

I looked at it carefully. It had a center of the staff portion where it had the most reflective clear crystal. I knew it couldn't be diamond, but it sure as Hell wasn't glass! The scepter was perfectly straight, and it was as if someone stretched the gold up revealing the crystal and before the gold fully hardened, they twisted it slightly, so the strands of gold encircled the center crystal were elegantly and evenly spaced circling the clear, shining center. No flaws, and the crystal center was clear to see, but protected. The top had a smaller version of this, but this one was only a couple of inches tall. Someone a pushed it down causing the sides to balloon out. In its center was a dark red gem! It was bigger than the smasher I used in the second grade when marbles became popular. You know, the bigger one you shoot with in marbles. You may have known them as Aggies, or mashers, was bigger than the others. Remember? This gem was the biggest dark red...ruby? I've ever seen! It was facetted and just as reflective as the lower crystal! "Is this..." I began.

Olek was so happy; he was having trouble containing himself. He pointed at the scepter. "Yes! That's a ruby! Prince Nizam Khan was traveling through Makarovia and got caught in one of our horrible snowstorms. Our grandfather harbored him through the worst of it for two WEEKS! He never asked for a thing to shelter Prince Nizam. When Prince Nizam assumed power of the Lodi Dynasty. That's part of Pakistan," he pointed again to the scepter and the ruby, "he sent that as payment!" Olek shook his head in amazement. "I've seen pictures of it, but that's it! That's the Makarovian Royal Scepter!"

I was smiling now and not because of the scepter, but at how happy it made Olek! I understood how important this scepter was, but I said to Luca, "You said there is more?"

Luca nodded, "According to Bohdan, yes, much more."

Mom, being mom said, "You said he and a friend were hiking and fell into the mine? Were they hurt?"

Luca gave a shrug and shook his head once, "Well, he and Ruslan suffered some bruises, scrapes, minor cuts, and abrasions, but they walked out of the mine..." he pointed at the scepter, "with THIS!" He became excited again. "Bohdan said there were gold bowls, a jeweled sword. Pearl necklaces, a chest full of gold coins, jewelry, a couple of gold crowns..."

We all watched as Olek staggered a bit and looked like he was going to faint again, like he did in Boston! Pano was fast and held Olek upright.

"Olek!" Helga was at Olek's side anyway. She touched him in concern, "Are you alright?"

Olek had to regain his composure before he could shake his head but was shaking his head, "No! I'm not alright at all!" He looked at Pano, "Thank you, my friend. You constantly prove yourself valuable to us." He moved toward me and pointed at the scepter, "THIS is part of the Makarovian Treasure! It's been hidden since the early twentieth century! Before Hitler, Stalin, or anyone else could find it and claim it as their own, we hid it to keep from losing it! WE even forgot where we put it!"

Makarovians were killed during World War II and with the Soviet takeover.

I nodded in Mom's direction, "Mom's right. It made sense to hide it in the forgotten mine on Rsys Mountain."

"THIS treasure is more important than it's monetary value!" Olek said still happier than I'd seen. "This treasure is over a thousand years of HISTORY!" He looked at Yuri and Mikell, "Have guards placed at any entrance to the mine." Both Yuri and Mikell bowed to Olek and hurried off to do what Olek asked. Olek looked at Luca, "Have a group of men go to get that treasure loaded up and brought to the palace! As soon as possible!"

Luca nodded and was smiling, too. "I already gathered some men to do that, Your Majesty. I expected you would. They're ready now!"

"Great!" Olek nodded, "What are you waiting for? Did you honestly think I'd say no?"

Luca laughed and shook his head, "No! That's why the team's ready!"

"Do it!" Olek said waving Luca away, "Do it now!"

Luca bowed and hurried off to do as he was instructed.

I handed the scepter back to Olek, "This is beautiful."

"Being protected by Rsys Mountain and the mine," Peter grinned, "The Russians that took control in the past would NEVER find it there. They wouldn't go there!" He chuckled looking at Pano, Barry, Edger, and Ryna. "The Soviets that took control didn't want to climb the many stairs to the palace. We had a manual elevator for freight we used. Raised by men, horses, and cattle! They didn't trust the ten to twenty men used to raise the elevator. Even when using strong animals to raise the elevator, there were times it would fall. They added the motor and secured the elevator."

Olek smiled and added, "They sure as Hell wouldn't tunnel through a mountain to get to a maybe treasure." He shrugged. "Asking any Makarovian where it was, no one knew!"

Barry shrugged, "All we did was escort a friend home. And we end up at a coronation, the beginning of what I'm sure will be a fast-food empire around the world, and the restoration of a kingdom's treasure!? What can happen next?"

Peter was catching Olek's happiness, "Stick around and see."

I patted Edger lightly on the back, "No, he has his own kingdom that will need tending."

Edger nodded at that, "Damned right! I'll be proud to have a part of Makarovia in Athens! I'll do a good job and show Greece how wonderful you are!"

Peter hugged Edger as he was closer to Edger. I would later.

"The extra security is to prevent theft," Alexie said.

Olek nodded, "I trust my people, but anyone can steal. This is Makarovian history they've found."

"We can have Drew do a special," Olek nodded. "After we get the treasure back in the palace. He's done others before."

Pano bounced, "This HAS been an exciting week!"

"Is it always like this?" Barry asked.

"Not at all," Olek confessed. "There are times it's almost boring."

Helga gave a slight nod, "Almost."

Peter shrugged and grinned, "It's Summer." He waved at the world on the outside of the palace, "There are more people active now."

"Olek," Mom said quietly causing Olek to look at her. "Don't forget Bohdan and Ruslan. Whether they went looking for it or simply fell into the mine," she held her finger up to make an addition, "Which we need to make sure it's secure to prevent others from falling in." She saw Olek smile and continued on. "Bohdan and Ruslan deserve to be rewarded! They could simply have claimed it for themselves. They had it sent to us. That deserves recognition."

"You bet your tiara they do!" Olek agreed. "We'll have them brought to the palace and all of us will greet and thank them. We'll have a special dinner for them and their families!" He bounced. "And we need to have this rediscovered treasure put on display for everyone to see." He looked at me. "When do you think Drew and Wayne can get here?"

I shrugged, "He'll make the time, I'm sure."

Peter chuckled, "As long as it isn't Winter."

I laughed, "Yes, he didn't fare too well when we brought him and Wayne here during last Christmas."

Olek grinned, "As he will be doing this for Makarovia, we will send the Makarovian jet to him. He should be fine. We can even begin that report about the Consortium. Were there pictures of the female pirate that attacked you on your honeymoon?"

Peter looked uncertain, "Maybe." He looked at Maria. "Are there cameras on the Duchess?"

"Internally, yes," Maria said.

"We know who that Beast Woman pirate was!" Peter stated.

"Beast woman?" Mom asked.

Peter nodded, "She fancied herself a combination of the beauty and the beast." He shrugged, "She was very pretty, but a ruthless pirate," he explained. "She was a killer."

"I know Luke," I grinned, "The Maltese captain with all his gadgets on the Duchess had cameras pointed at her. We'll broadcast what she did and make her undesirable to the Consortium. They don't want to be seen. So, we'll make her famous." I shrugged. "What can she do? Sue us for slander?"

Peter nodded, "She'll be famous!" He waved at Cosmo, "What her goons did to Cosmo is an example!"

"We're already a target," I reasoned. "We'll take that bull's eye and focus it more on us. Be it a bombing because Makarovia welcomed my marriage to Peter or simple greed. We let the people know.,"

"I'm sure the BBC will give any report that needs airing," Mario said.

"I'll talk with Drew," I said. "We'll have to use the encrypted line by phone. I don't want to let others that would like to take Makarovian treasures." I looked at Olek more directly. "We need to again ask Makarovians here to release any treasures they have. Sculptures, paintings, or literature...those treasures need to be shared. The discovery of these Makarovian treasures will be a good time to ask them again."

Olek was smiling even bigger, "Makarovia will no longer be an unknown and forgotten country! We will no longer need to hide who we are and what we have! We are a kind people, but we are strong! The world will know who we are!"

It was Sunday. You would not really believe that at the palace. We had people that worked on Sunday, but it was always calmer with a lot less frantic activity. Not now. The head of Makarovian Security, Danylets Braverman was in charge of all Makarovian military. He was a rough looking man in his late forties with hair cut so short, it was barely there. He and Yuri were cut from the same source, but Danylets was Makarovian born while Yuri was Russian born. Who cares? They both knew what they were doing. Military men were all the same.

Modern technology made it much easier. Yuri had a man with a camera using an encrypted system to send images to the palace. Olek was taking no chances that ANYONE would know about the find. It took a couple of hours for the men sent to find the treasure could get there. Getting to the mine tunnel using the road was not hard, although the forest growth would need clearing a little more. It was maneuvering the twists and turns inside the tunnel that took time. When they arrived at the part of the mine that had the treasure they had to rig up some artificial lights to see. At the palace we were looking at the progression on a big screen monitor in Olek's office. Everyone, except Pano, Barry, Edger, Grandmother, Maria, and Alexie. They had been in the gathering area of the palace when Luca rushed at us with the discovery. We weren't hiding anything, but they had the option of seeing it in their rooms. Like with any image sent by a Human. It wasn't that steady.

The "chamber" the treasure was located in was not small, but it just stopped. At the time the tunnel was dug had been abandoned perhaps due to weather. Makarovia was rich with metal ore such as iron. What was there now made me think of pirate treasure. Indeed, there was the open chest filled with golden coins. Makarovian coins. Makarovian Hryvnia. Again, who cared? Gold was gold. These coins were gold. There was another chest of jewels in necklaces of gems, pearls, a cross of gold with diamonds, rubies, emeralds inlaid. The cross was on a necklace that someone wore hundreds of years ago. The tunnel was only a few hundred years ago. The things that were treasure was older. Some were more recent, but they were gathered here. I was expecting an "argh" or a "yo ho, ho." An "ahoy matie!" They only came to my mind.

I saw something, "Wait!" I pointed at the screen. "Go back. What is that?"

Olek said in his microphone, "Go back."

The image went back, and I said quickly, "There! Can we see those closer?"

"Sure," the male voice said back, and the scene did move, and he got closer.

There were six statues, all similar, but various creatures. They weren't Human. Everyone knows a gargoyle when they see them. They were everywhere in medieval times and even today, but more as a joke. The leather-like winged creatures with the faces that were clearly not Human but had sharp teeth like fangs. Claw-like hands with talons. These were also gold! They were each different gargoyle. One tallest was probably a foot tall with wings folded behind him, posed as he thought while resting his fist under his chin. One was shorter but obviously loved to eat. He wasn't fat, just the chubbiest. He had the same almost demonic face, but he didn't look scary. None of them looked menacing. One was about to take flight as his wings were spread getting ready to fly away! You saw his wings were not angelic, but the leathery kind. There were six of them!

Olek was almost in tears again, "The Makarovian Protectors." He said almost reverently. He reached out to touch it, but this was just an image. He'd have to wait. He looked at me, "These Gargoyle were sculpted and represented the gargoyle believed to watch and protect Makarovia." He smiled. "The legend is about a thousand years old! These statues were created shortly thereafter." He pointed with his hand toward the outside. "Some of the structures...the oldest have the gargoyle drain spouts and statues on the roofs. There are some on the roof of this palace!" He pointed at the tallest. "He is Eih! He is the head of this gargoyle troupe."

I smiled seeing the statue, "He looks like he can do it with no problem."

"Most of what I see is old," Olek chuckled. "Very old. Some are more recent." He looked at Peter and me, "Over a hundred years, but more recent than the Guardian Statues." He shook Peter lightly. "This was a hundred years ago when it was hidden! If the Germans, "he looked at Helga, "Not you, of course." He grinned. "Nazis or when the Soviets came..." he waved at the screen, "We would have lost this!" Pointing again to the gargoyle he added, "These statues are supposed to be solid GOLD!"

I sat back a little, "Wow."

The camera moved again, and he touched a thick coarse cloth covered box? He pulled it open. Inside were books! Old, old, OLD books! Elegant leather covered, artfully sculpted covers. The top one was a burnt red, the writing was in gold. I don't mean gold ink; I mean inlaid with gold that read "Apocrypha." This was, sorry, but no other word in Makarovian or English would work. OLD! We're talking about Monks who handwrote the whole thing carefully. Constantinople was the seat of the East Orthodox Church. Still Catholic but had no Pope. There were other names and other branches of the Catholic Church. This book was from that Church! The was also a Bible there. Thick and beautiful. They were very valuable! There were Histories.

"Makarovia was wealthy?" I asked.

Olek gave a nod, "There were times, we were. At one time we were three times as big as we are now. The river from Rsys Mountain that carved the valley we settled in," he pointed again to outside the palace, "the mountains were a natural barrier invading armies didn't want to cross." He grudged a nod, "They did, but it was more difficult. We had a lot of iron. Needed for swords, shields, cannons, and eventually guns. Other countries traded and bought the ore. We were wealthy." He nodded, "We are becoming wealthy again, more so with what was found!"

A young woman came in and told us Bohdan and Ruslan were here with their parents.

Olek rose waving the come in motion, "Send them in! Send them in!"

Olek's office was a good sized as he often had other leaders with him but we all stood as the young woman motioned someone out of view to go in the office.

Two teenagers and three adults came in. The teenagers were about sixteen or seventeen and one was a few inches taller than the other. Both had short dark hair. There was a man and woman together, she had dark hair and the man right next to her had hair that was sandy colored. The other dark-haired man stood right behind the shorter teen. Clearly he was that teen's father. No DNA was needed as the teen looked like the man! That father was shorter than the other man.

The young woman, Anna I learned later, waved in the tall teen's direction. "This is Bohdan Cap," she looked at the tall man, "Bohdan's father Faddei Cap and his mother Ivana Cap." She waved at the other teen, "This is Ruslan Gleba and his father Osip Gleba."

No, we weren't anywhere in the West. Not the United States, Canada, England, or in Western Europe! The names weren't like the ones there. I repeated them in my mind in an attempt to remember them. I'd fail, but I tried. Hey! I only had a partial ancestry in this part of the world. There were things even I had to put more thought into.

Olek was shaking Bohdan's and Ruslan's hands thanking them again and again. He shook the parents' hands, but was focused on Bohdan and Ruslan, "What you two found...this is an important day for Makarovia. Thank you!"

Ruslan was smiling, "All because Bohdan fell into a vent!" He chuckled and nudged his friend.

Bohdan was turning pink and true for all friends added, "And YOU fell in after me!"

"A vent," Olek nodded.

I knew that with some mines, in case there was a partial cave in, the miners could be trapped. Vents were carved out to give miners air to breathe. The food and water was another issue, if getting the miners out...depending on how long it took to get them free.

Bohdan grinned and shrugged, but when he did that he groaned and held his shoulder. "Yes, Sire." Bohdan nodded. He waved in Ruslan's direction, "We were exploring. The vent's opening was covered in brush. I didn't see it."

"You're lucky you didn't break your NECK!" Peter said sternly. "Did you fall far?"

"Nah," Bohdan shook his head and then received a light slap to the back of his head from his father Faddei.

"Is that how you speak to royalty?" Faddei asked in a soft growl. "Or anyone?"

I had to laugh. No matter what country, the in parental discipline father to son was the same!

"Sorry, Your Highness," Bohdan bowed to Peter. "It wasn't far, and it curved inward after a few meters to get to the tunnel." He moved his right shoulder with effort and grimaced. "I banged up my shoulder pretty badly, but no broken bones."

"Once he was down the first drop," Ruslan explained further. "I tried to get him up again, but he couldn't make the climb. He told me the hole went further and I remembered being told they carved out these vents, I told him to see how far." He shrugged, "I sent our flashlight down to see." He thumbed behind himself at his father, "He insisted we carry emergency supplies. Canteens of water, Swiss Army Knives, matches, jerky if we can't find food right away."

The whole conversation was done in English. These young men were old enough to have learned English fluently. Makarovian was spoken first in their lives, but followed by English, Ukrainian, Russian, and others! Makarovians used English predominately because of many who spoke English in Makarovia now. English was an official language in Makarovia.

"Makarovians are always prepared," I grinned nodding at Peter who had told me that on our first meeting and trip to Makarovia. "In the United States the Boy Scout Motto is always be prepared. Makarovians have done that a long time."

Osip smiled back and scratched his ear, "I can't say anything about the Boy Scouts in the West, Your Highness. My son and Bohdan like to hike and the unexplored portions of Rsys Mountain is one area they like to go. It's only available to hike a few months in the year, so..." he shrugged.

"I said to Ruslan there was a passage large enough and clearly had been a mine," Bohdan said. "There had to be a way out."

Ruslan nodded, "He couldn't do it alone, so I climbed down. We made ourselves go one way and found that treasure."

"We took that stick-thing," Bohdan said. "We knew if was that thing kings used. We went the other way."

"It took several hours," Ruslan said with a tone that said it was grueling, "but we made it!"

"We hurried back to our parents, showed them and they took it here!" Bohdan finished in triumph.

I loved that these two friends were so close they were adding to and finishing each other's sentences! "Where are you two from?" I asked.

"Belki, Your Highness," Bohdan answered.

"That's a small village just below Rsys Mountain," Ruslan clarified.

I looked at Peter and then Olek. My arms went out helplessly, "Why is it everyone here assumes I don't know where everything is?"

Olek's smile came as he asked, "Do you?"

"Yes," I said a bit testy. "I studied the map of Makarovia! You might not have let me marry Peter if I didn't know!" I added, "It's southwest of Dolgoye and Southeast of Irshava! They aren't even, but maybe five kilometers away from Belki....each!" I looked at Olek, "Do I pass?"

Olek chuckled, "Yes, you pass."

I pointed at the two friends, "And I bet you two have been friends a while."

Ruslan nodded, "Since Primary School, Your Highness."

Olek was still on his emotional high at the rediscovery, "I can't adequately express what you've done for Makarovia!" He came forward closer to Bohdan and Ruslan. "Whether it was on purpose, by accident or not, what you've done for Makarovia will be celebrated all OVER Makarovia! I'm just happy no one was hurt too badly."

Bohdan nodded and pulled his shirt down to show a pretty big bruise over his right scapula, or shoulder blade. "This was the worst of it, Sire. I've had much worse."

"You're going into the history books," Helga said quietly.

Bohdan and Ruslan looked at each other with eyes wide. Ruslan looked to see if anyone had anything to add, like a punchline. "The history books!?" Bohdan asked for more, "For Makarovia?"

Helga nodded and said, "Around the world! You located a treasure we had lost track of. The treasure will be shared with the world in pictures and seen by other Makarovians and guests here. Your names will be a part of that." She chuckled at the stunned looks just got bigger. "We'll have to take your pictures as well."

"Pictures!?" Ruslan looked down at his nice, but not dressy clothes.

Olek smiled, "Don't worry. We'll be having a banquet when the items are displayed. You will have time."

I looked at them and noted none of them, the young men nor their parents were dressed up. They had been brought to the king! Many families here didn't yet have many dressy clothes. "Perhaps Jori can get them set up." I suggested and waved at them. "The worth of a person is not told by the clothes they wear, but it helps. Perhaps he can get them all in nice clothes. They are going in the history books, so why not?"

Helga smiled, "Queen Alla and I have a wonderful dressmaker to help with Ivana."

Olek nodded, "Absolutely!" He raised a hand, "For what was done for Makarovia, it will be a pleasure. You will pay nothing. It's a reward!"

The male adults were clean, but there were telltale signs that told me they were me they were metal workers. Maybe even miners. Their physiques told me they worked hard. The fathers were in their forties but had strong arms. Summer clothes let me see the definition in the biceps. Ivana, in her late thirties worked too, I would learn. She worked in a food market. A grocery store. She was a nice-looking woman. I knew Mom, and now Queen Helga would make her look spectacular!

"A banquet," Ivana repeated a bit breathless. "Here."

"As our guests and guests of Makarovia," Olek nodded. "We'll give you plenty of notice. We'll bring you here, or Jori or the dressmaker will come to you." He shook their hands again. "If others know, that's fine. I will ask you to not say much more about it until after we get it back in the palace. We will announce it on our Makarovian News Channel, who, how, and what soon. You'll probably be asked to give an interview."

Eyes again were surprised.

They all nodded understanding. They bowed to us.

The whole afternoon was exciting! Hell, the whole YEAR had been exciting. The past two years was exciting for me. I came to a university to help people while I also could save the planet. There I meet the tortured soul that would change those two years so dramatically. I was now a real prince! I didn't even dream that would happen. Yet here I was. Back in a part of the world where a part of my ancestry came from. Okay, Grandmother was from the Ukraine, but I was close.

Mines. Who figured out that some of the rocks could be heated, liquified and then once again hardened and shaped!? Shaped into hardened metal to make swords, shields, and yes, tools to till the ground to raise vegetables and fruits? People have done that for thousands of years! Bronze and copper, too. Uranium. Those rocks could make energy! Lots of energy and valuable to many people. In Makarovia those rocks that contained the uranium were deep, but there was a lot of it. We would share. For a price. To pay for getting those rocks out of the ground and suitable to make the energy needed and a reward to our people that brought those rocks up, melted and processed to make the coveted energy. Trade was a part of the world, and we had something the world wanted.

Now, there was a new queen about to give birth to the next generation of leader. A wealth of treasure, history was the most value with what had been found again by accident! Yes, Makarovia was once again going to emerge and be known by everyone! No more hiding. Known this time for something other than might, but tolerance and acceptance. Everyone was welcome and some were welcomed BACK! Housing was now an issue. There weren't enough residences! Not in Stryia, Skoal, or any other town or village. There were homes abandoned by families when there were deaths and the idea of coming to another town or village was too hard during the Winter. The new tunnel was going to make things easier. Those drilling the new tunnel was coming together from two directions! The group from Stryia was going to meet the group from Skoal in a few weeks! It was going to be the end of Summer, but still warm enough to traverse from one town to the other above ground. The rails would be next, and the train would soon be carrying passengers from one to the other year-round! You know the job was not finished. Branches of the tunnels were needed to other towns, underneath various villages with stations to pick up more passengers. Another track would be needed and another train! Underground. Why did Makarovians come and settle HERE? The weather challenge alone would make Makarovia a bad choice. Or was it? Were they again trying to escape? People knew the enemies would not pursue them because of the weather? The first Makarovians learned to use the weather to their advantage. They prepared for the weather and gathered supplies to carry them through the harsh weather. That was something they passed to future generations for thousands of years! Peter told me to prepare!

Cowards? No. If valuing life was being a coward then yes. They valued the lives of their families, wives and children, were valued more important than anything. They were successful and their numbers increased. Yet, there were countries near them who wanted their resources. Those metal rich mountains were needed by a force greater than they were. They did what these forces wanted, to a point. Be it countries such as the Ukrainian, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian or German, they gave some of what they had. To a point! The greater forces were satiated and Makarovia was allowed to live to keep giving what they had. Was that cowardice? Or cleverness? We were Makarovian and lived! Here we were.

Peter and I went back to the Family Gathering Room where the guests we had gathered.

"That was very interesting," Alexie said standing as we came in.

Peter nodded, "It was.

Barry grinned, "I say the gods of ancient Greece were smiling on you."

"Sure," Pano agreed. "A new Queen. Discovery, by accident, of a lost treasure? A beginning of a new export to other nations? All in one WEEK!? Yes, there had to be a divine force involved."

Edger chuckled, "And we saw it! We are witnesses!"

"I can't disagree," I said nodding. "What would you like to do the last night in Makarovia?"

Pano and Barry looked at each other, shrugged and Pano said simply, "I thought we were going to the Grotto."

Peter smiled and shrugged, "Sure. We can go there."

"They have a successful business," Barry explained. "The Big Bar is not going to change much." He looked at Pano. "We are a limited success..."

"Are you KIDDING us!?" Peter balked. "Your Bar is a haven for quite a few loyal customers...which are really friends! We loved it so much, we gave an endorsement saying so!"

"Don't change a thing!" I added.

Edger nudged his son slightly, "You have it by royal demand!"

I shook my head, "No, it's a request from friends. I know we are friends. We are not more important than anyone."

"Except that Beauty and Beast Pirate," Peter chuckled.

I laughed without much humor, "I say that is without need for comment. We'll fix her." I looked at the other guests in the gathering room. "You guys come, too!"

"I will," Grandmother smiled from her plush chair.

Maria touched Mario gently, "I think my husband and I need to spend time with my brother and our soon-to-be sister-in-law."

"There's a week more you can get to know your new Aunt and Uncle," Mario grinned. "You have a good time."

"Just know," Grandmother said firmly. "I haven't forgotten about you wanting a new dance. Tuesday! We will create a new dance!"

I chuckled, "We haven't forgotten."

This might be obvious to some, but not everybody got it at first. Peter had suggested he and I should go to help pack the treasure. Yuri looked at Peter and his frown held the negative answer.

"You and Prince Eric could lend a very capable hand," He acknowledged. "However, your Greek friends are only here one more night and we invited them to stay." He pointed out. "As hosts you have an obligation to be with them." He smiled. "Olek is a strong healthy man! He could lend another strong pair of strong hands, arms, and legs!" His arms went out in an effort to show how helpless he was. "Queen Helga could help, but because she is pregnant we would not even THINK of asking her! Pano could probably help immensely, but he, Barry, and Edger are guests, so again we won't think of asking them. It would be rude." He sighed. "Check points. We haven't really had them before. Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, even Moldova have check points! We have them NOW!" He chuckled. "No one came here! They are now!" He looked at Peter, "We need a better train station with custom guards!" He waggled his finger in our faces. The big, tough, Russian military trained man no longer scared me. He was funny! "There are people we try to keep track of and others just slip in! You could help get the treasure, but then I have to assign guards for the two of you! Don't go!"

Peter was nodding as he smiled at Yuri's tirade. He hugged Yuri, "Relax. I get it again. Don't worry. We wouldn't dare do that to you!"

Yuri gave a sigh of relief and a simple, "Thank you."

Makarovia was changing. For the better is what we intended. Makarovians would have to change, too. I was still new to this life, but Peter had been raised here. My thinking changed, yes, but it was all new to me. Peter's thinking had to change.

We again had escorts to the Grotto. There were guards and security agents to safeguard the newly found treasure and a truck to bring it back...make that TWO trucks! That left Alec, Mikell, and Mercea. Mikell had coordinated the guards that went with the guards. Mikell came because Mercea was assigned to come by Yuri. Tell me they weren't a couple. We did have to take two vehicles to the Grotto. Cosmo and Ryna didn't come as Ryna determined Cosmo needed to rest. It had been an active Sunday! We knew that was true when Cosmo didn't argue with Ryna.

We went to the Grotto again. Grandmother, I feel safe to bet, was probably the oldest person there! The Grotto was mainly for the younger citizens and guests! Yet, she put a good many of those younger people to shame! She danced with each of us. Me, Peter, Pano, Barry, and a few others there! Her days with the Bolshoi and New York shined. In her seventies? She proved that wasn't important.

Peter and I were asked to again do our "no touch" dance with No Doubt's Hella Good. We would.

Alec, Mikell, and Mercea were our Security Agents and I fought with Yuri to include them as friends. They were Peter's and my friends! Two of them were being Security Agents for us and our protection, they were not here as our friends. We only needed two! Or so Yuri told us. Tonight, Mercea and Alec were on duty.

Mikell stood at our table. He was in the suit just like the other two, but I asked him, "Are you on duty?" I asked. We were all speaking English because of our Greek friends, remember?"

Mikell's head wavered, "Well, no, but I can't be here without..."

"Who says?" Peter interrupted.

"In other words," I added pointing at him. "Only two of you are being paid!"

Peter looked at me and then Mikell, "How are you guys paid? By the hour or are you salaried?"

Mikell looked a little sheepish but answered, "Well, when we were on that honeymoon with you we were all salaried." He waved at Alec and Mercea, "They were, too. We are in..." he thought a second, "Levels?" He went on, "I am level four. Mercea is level two now. Alec is level three."

"And Yuri?" Peter grinned.

Mikell shrugged, "Level six or maybe seven? I never ask. We are salaried. We're always on duty."

"Who did Yuri call for tonight?" Peter folded his arms over his chest daring Mikell to not answer.

"He called me, of course," Mikell said simply. "I am these Security Agents leader."

"And Yuri is your leader," Peter said. "He assigned you to come."

Mikell looked away as he admitted, "No, Alec and Mercea were next in the..." he thought for the word. He knew English, but some seldom used words were sometimes difficult to remember. He looked at me, "What is obertannya zsuyu?"

I grinned and translated the English words to Makarovian, "Shift rotation."

Mikell pointed at me as he nodded, "Yes! Shift rotation." He shrugged a nod, "I had some choices when Mercea came for duty. I could sit in the house alone or come with him."

Peter suddenly looked a bit misty-eyed and placed both hands over his chest above his heart and said touched with emotion and mockingly sweet, "Aw, you didn't want to be lonely."

I gave Peter a look of disapproval, "Thank God! We saw they were in love! Mercea with those puppy dog eyes he always gave Mikell..." I saw Mikell and Mercea look at each other questioning as Mikell mouthed the words "puppy dog eyes" as he tried to understand. Pano, Barry, and Edger were laughing quietly. Grandmother smiled. I explained what I meant, "Puppy dog eyes, that look of complete love and adoration given by a puppy to receive love or a treat."

"I think Mikell gave Mercea both the love and treat!" Pano smiled.

Peter leaned in toward Pano, "Help me out." He waved at Mercea who was trying to do his job and keep watch of the crowd. "What would you classify him as? He's not a bear. Is he an otter?"

Pano and Barry looked at Mercea who even in the Grotto's low lights was turning redder. Barry stated, "He's not a twink. He will be a bear in fifteen to twenty years." He looked at Pano, "Would you agree he's a cub?"

Pano nodded, "Wholeheartedly! He's got the bulk now!' He waved at Mikell, "He's over thirty and he is a bear! And a daddy!"

Mikell looked closer at Pano, "Twink? Daddy!?" He shook his head, "Somehow I don't think you're speaking about fatherhood like daddy or mommy."

Barry chuckled, "You're right, we aren't." He waved at Mercea, "But you love a man younger than thirty. He's not a twink because he's a growing bear making him a cub. I wouldn't call him a wolf! You are HIS daddy!" He held his hand up as Mikell's eyes grew in alarm, "That's not a bad thing! Trust me. Age is not really important," he grudged an acknowledgement, "except when dealing with an underage person." He looked at Mercea. "He sure as Hell isn't a Femme. Twinks have a tendency to go that way, but not all." He nodded, "I've seen some masculine twinks." He shrugged, "I've seen some femme-like bears! Classification is an ongoing experience."

I reached for Mikell's arm, "You know Peter and I love you each." I looked to Alec and Mercea. Then back to Mikell. "We're family. And family teases members of that family unmercifully! My original question. Are you on duty?"

Mikell grinned, "Not officially."

"Great!" Grandmother smiled and grabbed Mikell's hand, "Can you dance?" She shook her head, "Never mind, if you can't you'll learn quickly. Let's go Twinkletoes!" She said dragging Mikell to the dancefloor.

Mikell could dance. My grandmother showed some moves on the dancefloor that seemed hard to do. Those spins while being held up by her partner had that ballerina touch with the kick. She was graceful and quick. I understood her desire to dance every morning. Some people choose to run or lift weights, grandmother danced! She was doing very well. Then I remembered she would soon be eighty! Eighty! I looked forward to seeing what she was going to show us on Tuesday. Except for the white hair she looked twenty to thirty years younger.

Mikell sat beside me at our table and watched grandmother drag Edger to the dancefloor. Mikell shook his head watching her dance again. "Your grandmother has a lot of energy."

I nodded, "She works to keep it going."

Mikell looked at me, "And what you in the West do to the English language! It's no wonder we can't keep up!"

Barry smiled, "You do well!"

"And what you did with Ukrainian!" I said firmly, "It IS Ukrainian! With words added from Hungarian, Polish, Russian, and other's a wonder I can keep up!"

Mikell looked up at Alec and asked in Makarovian if he wanted a break. Alec wasn't going to pass that up and nodded.

I looked at Mikell as he stood up. "You and Mercea are a couple and I think a fine couple. You know Peter and I are. So is Yuri and Boris. It's okay to show emotion for the one you love."

I saw Mercea smile as Mikell got up to allow Alec to sit where Mikell had been. As Mikell passed Mercea, Mercea grabbed Mikell and kissed him with love and passion. "I love you, Mikell." Mikell responded by dipping Mercea and returned the kiss, then brought him back up.

"I love you," Mikell said gently to Mercea caressing Mercea's face. His voice took on the authoritative tone, "For now, we work."

I smiled at what I saw.

"I find it surprising that there are so many here that are in stable relationships," Pano observed. "There doesn't seem to be that much cruising." He looked around the Grotto.

Peter chuckled, "There are cruisers, as I grew to understand it. Many people go to bars to find the available person to have sex." He shrugged slightly. "Makarovians aren't perfect. We just don't have the singles bars or gay hangouts people in the West do."

"Hangouts?" I asked Peter looking at him. "Now, I know you spent a lot of time with Mr. Daw. Enough to add words to your vocabulary!"

Peter looked away slightly, then looked at me firmly. "You and I always speak Makarovian when together. Any additional words in English would come from him! Or my professors! Don`t forget them." He looked at Pano and Barry but pointed at me, "He's jealous of the big, blond football player back at Northwestern!"

I grinned and nodded, "That explains why he's not here and I am."

As much fun as that was, we had to take Edger, Pano, and Barry home. Also, Tahnee Schuman. She was to return to Berlin first. Olek and Yuri had to speak with the German President and German Intelligence Agency. The Bundesnachrichendienst. Or BND. It was the people in charge of for foreign issues. Which Makarovia was. The thing was office hours for Germany were two hours behind us. Nine thirty in the morning in Germany was eleven thirty in Makarovia. It was at lunch Olek let us know what was happening.

Tahnee Shuman had not surfaced from her room since after the coronation two days prior. This really wasn't her fault. Isolating herself from other people was her only comfortable place. Forever on the outside and looking in, never able to fit in or understand Human nature or appreciate love. It was sad. Even with mental help she would only advance so far. She would be pitied. That damage made her dangerous to Makarovia, Olek, Helga, and the child Helga was carrying. She would be watched. Never allowed to see her grandchild unsupervised, not that it would occur to her to want to. It was really sad.

The time came and we boarded the plane to take them home. Olek wasn't going with us. Yuri, Peter, and I were going to say goodbye to Pano, Barry, and Edger. There were four additional passengers made up from Makarovian Security to take Tahnee Shuman home. Two would remain there in Berlin and just watch. Along with Security Agents from Germany. The promise of the additional uranium made it necessary. Finally, we took off from Stryia.

Next: Chapter 49: Makarovia II 39

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