
By Richard McQueen

Published on Mar 2, 2023


Story: Makarovia! Sure, I Know Where That is Chapter: 37 Makarovian Royal Burgers Author: Eric McQueen ( Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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The Ivanovs talk about their future. Our American born prince talks about his and Peter's future and MIT. They talk about stretching the knowledge of Makarovia in other countries.

My grandmother then held her hands up, "What are we doing?" She smiled. "We may never know what happened to Ms. Schuman." Her head cocked slightly, "Does it even matter? We aren't going to be able to fix Tahnee. She has been this way a long time...all of her life, as far as I can tell." She waved in Olek's direction, "Olek will not let anything threaten Helga, and he has the power to do it."

Peter nodded, "Yes, he's feeling responsible because he invited Tahnee to this event."

I nodded, "He did it for the right reason." Shrugging I added, "He was trying to be fair. The fact that Ms. Schuman has issues was never brought up." I gave a grudging nod, "Well, not by Helga to us, but probably to Olek. Especially now." I looked at Peter, "I say the Consortium might think Tahnee would be perfect to use to get to Olek and the uranium. She could be a threat to Helga, Olek, and Makarovia!"

Grandmother gave me a smirking look, "I'm sorry, you've known Yuri how long?" She smiled, "Do you think anyone could outsmart HIM!?"

I nodded with a grin, "It was just a moment, but I did forget." I held the finger up, "Just a few minutes. He sure outsmarted that Penelope woman."

Grandmother touched Peter gently, "Helga should have a calm pregnancy. For a healthy baby with no stress, this should be our concern. Olek will protect her. Yuri will protect her. All of Makarovia will protect her. You better believe he's thought about these things and has a possible solution." She sighed, "If Tahnee Schuman wants to end the ostracization, she can seek help. Help for her has to be asked for." She smiled broader, "He is a well-trained military operative. Well-trained with security." She shook her head, "I'm not a psychiatrist nor a psychologist, my observations do not reflect any professional accreditation..."

"Yet," I said. "You are right so often." I nodded. "But your right. We can't do much from here..." I looked at Grandmother, "Or anywhere. Yuri's job is to handle this. He does it very well." I smiled and shoved Peter lightly, "And as far as our future nephew or niece is concerned, we'll just be there. Why didn't you think of this?"

Peter threw his arms out, "You know me. I worry about everything!" He said helplessly. "It all happened so fast..."

I nodded, "We've two days with Pano, Barry, and Edger," I said happily. I looked at Grandmother. "The Big Bar is closed on Mondays, so they get to stay another night on Sunday. Isn't that marvelous? We should go back to the Grotto one more time."

Peter raised a finger, "No more of the no touch dance!"

My eyes widened, "Why not? They love it!"

Peter stooped a little and whined, "I'm tired of it," He brightened, "Hey!" He waved at Grandmother, "We have a dancing whiz right here! Surely she can show us a new dance! She's a star!" He closed one eye and leaned toward her, "You CAN instruct on modern, innovative dance moves, can't you?"

Grandmother smiled and looked at him the same way as he did us, "You just be ready on Tuesday! I'll show you dance moves you never dreamed of. I won't go easy on you just because you're my favorite grandsons."

Peter shook his head, "We're your only grandsons." He shrugged, "Technically, he's your..."

"Don't quibble!" Grandmother grumbled pointing her finger at Peter. "Rest well, I'm going to really put you through the paces!" She looked slightly offended and a bit superior for a moment, "Just because I'm pushing eighty, you think I don't know modern and innovated dance moves!?" She wore comfortable shoes, kicked them off, and stood on Pointe! She stood on her toe's tips. Her arms went over her head, tilted at the waist and did the fast steps on her tip toes. She was a classic ballet dancer. She was a star!

I smiled at her and pointed to her, "I could NEVER do that! I tried." Looking at Peter, I grinned, "She dances every day! Just to keep it up!" I smiled at Grandmother, "You've still got it!"

She lowered to her feet returning to her normal stance. "I'll keep it as long as I can. There's no better exercise." She leaned in and kissed Peter on the cheek and then me. "I love you both. Sleep well." She stopped and looked at me. "Your Grandfather and I passed on the need to investigate and help people to your mother, and she passed it on to you. You want to learn how and help others. That's wonderful. Let Yuri handle Tahnee Schuman. YOU are a royal prince! I know you went to two reunions to your father's father's family." She looked at Peter. "His grandfather on that side had many brothers and sister."

"Which were totally underwhelming," I muttered. "A bunch of hicks and rednecks..."

Grandmother chuckled, "Not your father. He was an only child, but you have cousins in spades on that side. I promise, they all know who you are now. Some will take pride in knowing and being related to you. Others will be ashamed, yes." She touched my face, "YOU are a royal prince. You live in palaces, that includes the house in Boston." She smiled, "Enjoy it. Help Helga by being there and on her side. You'll worry. Keep an eye out, but let those who can do something about it, do something about it." She sighed, "I will talk to Yuri and let him know about my unprofessional opinions. Assist Yuri and Olek but let them handle things. Let them know what you think but leave it to them! Okay?" She smiled, "And be prepared on Tuesday. I'll show you moves." She kissed me and Peter again, "Good night, my darlings."

"Good night," Peter and I said back.

"It's hard to believe she's almost EIGHTY!" Peter said reverently.

"Yep," I agreed watching Grandmother go to her room. "She is." I turned to him, pushed him against the wall and kissed him pretty intensely, "That means you have another fifty years with me." I shrugged a grudging qualification, "If my life is as long as hers."

Peter grinned, "We'll do everything so we both do. Fifty years with you? Why stop there. I look forward to it." He kissed me and took my hand, "We need to take this in our room. We begin that fifty plus years right now."

We had a great night, Peter and me. It was so nice to no longer try to attract or lure anyone. We were married. Newly discovered attraction was great! That hot person you see and the desire to be in a sexual encounter was great, too. Peter and I KNEW each other. There were new discoveries we found out about each other all the time. My comfort was the comfortable familiarity with someone that I knew, his vulnerabilities and strengths. He also knew mine. That was freeing! We could be comfortable with being ourselves.

I felt Peter move and get up to answer nature's morning call. That call was triggered in me as well. Rising, I went in our bathroom as Peter was answering that call as that call came over me, and I answered nature's call. There were those who were aroused by seeing men urinate. I wasn't that sort of guy. Peter wasn't either. It was simply a bodily function. Nothing more. We had no problem doing anything with the other there, except going number two. (Those that don't know, that's when you take a shit) While doing that, we closed the door. Hearing the exhaust fan on was another sign. We weren't bothered by it, it stunk! Who wants to smell THAT!? If you're wondering, Peter and I did the cleansing afterwards to keep any stink from happening during sex. Sometimes it happened, but we did pretty well with that.

How'd I get on this subject? Anyway, Peter and I never bothered to even dress in the Summer and sleep.

"What do you want to do today? We have Pano, Barry, and Edger going back tomorrow morning," Peter asked as he headed to the sink to begin his morning routines.

"We can show the Rsys Lake and National Park," I suggested. "Show them the countryside." I shrugged and raised my finger, "After we hit the Makarovian Coffee Shoppe and Makarovian Royal Burgers!" I looked at Peter with a question in my mind, "Boris is a fabulous Chef. I assume he could make the King's Royal Burger, French Fries, and Onion Rings." I narrowed an eye, "With no embellishments from Boris. He does that, you know. A whopper bought anywhere in the world should taste like a Whopper does at home. Quality and portion controls are there for a reason. If I ask for a Prince's American Burger from Boris, I want it to taste like the Prince's American Burger I had down there!" I pointed at the floor.

Peter's eyes widened, "Hey, we may not have to bother Boris at all! Near Northeastern and the other universities in Boston there is a Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, and other burger joints," he threw his hands out, "Why not a Makarovian Royal Burger...or two?"

My eyes widened, "You want a Makarovian Royal Burger franchise in the United States?"

"Sure," Peter nodded, "Why not? They know who we are now. A Makarovian Royal Burger restaurant would be a novelty at first, but I think welcomed. We put one near Northeastern and all those students and faculty will come." He said logically, "And maybe downtown?"

I grinned, "We would have to put one in Athens near the Big Bar for Pano and Barry."

"Why not?" Peter asked again. "We can put one in every big city in the West! England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada..."

"There will be restrictions," I cautioned. "We need a supply of ground beef. And chicken for the Queen's Chicken sandwich."

"We will!" Peter's mind was going. "Talk about your two all-beef patties, lettuce, pickles, onions, and special sauce on a sesame seed bun!"

I chuckled, "I know that jingle is copyrighted, but sure. I doubt they have Makarovian Sauce with Hungarian Spices. Not just ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise...Makarovian Sauce with hot paprika, the Hungarian Goulash Sauce..." I nodded. "We can talk to Pylyp about it. I know he wants to expand to the other cities and towns in Makarovia. We can add Romania, Hungary, Poland...all the Western European cities. Ukrainian, Belarus and the Eastern European countries." His eyes got bigger, "We can corner the market around the world!"

I chuckled, "We'll be known as more than just a small country in the Carpathian Mountains, and source of Uranium, and the country that whole-heartedly welcomed a real prince to marry a man. We'll be the king of burgers." I stopped and thought, "No, wait, that's Burger King." I shrugged, waved the thought physically away, and smiled, "We'll think of something else." I grinned at Peter. "If Burger King, Wendy's, or McDonald's wants to open a restaurant here, that should be encouraged. You and I talked about the golden arches when I came to Makarovia the first time. I'd love a whopper here, but I think Makarovian Royal Burgers will always be first here."

Peter grinned, "We've never HAD a fast-food restaurant here before." He nodded quickly; this is great!" His smile grew sly, "We own it all those from the West here! They have to have their hamburgers and hotdogs!"

"Well, our English friends need their Fish and Chips," I smiled. "Soon, the new tunnels will need a stop between Skoal and Stryia. That new recreation mall like Mall of America is being built so people in Makarovia can swim, ride rides, shop, and dine during Winter. Red Lobster and Olive Garden, will they be welcomed?"

"Sure," Peter nodded. "We'll have additions from other countries, but Makarovia will have our touch on the other countries because of Makarovian Royal Burgers!"

I chuckled and added, "We can have pizza, tacos, burritos...You're in urban planning. Get to planning!"

"I am! We are!" Peter said happily. "You and I worried about Makarovia and that Makarovians were going to be harmed by the rapid sudden urbanizing. They would lose their innocence." He nodded, "Modernization is happening mostly UNDERGROUND! Yes, there is some happening above ground, but..."

I nodded smiling, "We'll help them adjust. Stryia has that storybook feel and so it will remain. Makarovians are smart." I touched his bare chest. "I suggest we shave, shower, and dress. We have some Greek friends to show around."

Peter looked down at himself and then me, "Okay." He smiled, "We can save time showering together."

I smirked, "Yet, somehow it always takes longer when we do that."

Peter's head wavered as he said, "It's the thought that counts."

I had a pleasant life. There were dangers, which you know. Things from Peter's past would surface. His acne had been the most severe case the doctor in Boston had EVER seen. He had taken the Isotretinoin medication and that had worked wonders. There were side effects he and I were warned about. High blood pressure, depression...there was a list of dangers. I studied that list and who better to watch for those dangers that I was? I looked at Peter's face and whole body every day. He was handsome. You've heard me say that. His hair was dark black, but his skin was so fair! We did what we could to prevent him from having a "farmers tan." He used a special soap on his body to prevent those cyst-like things away from his chest, arms, and ass. He had them all over, remember? He washed his face in a solution that kept his face clean and clear. It worked! If he had that acne longer, he'd scar. There were tiny places where he did scar, but you had to look close to see them. His face was clear, but his beard was so black he insisted on using a straight razor to shave with. Otherwise, he'd have that dark shadow over his face by noon! No, he couldn't have that. Those under the skin blemishes would be just under the surface, so when I heard...

"Damn it!" Peter said irritated and put his razor down quickly. He moved quickly to put the washcloth over the nick that was now bleeding.

It was a practiced thing between Peter and I. Getting the styptic pencil I moved quickly and pushed his hand and washcloth down to see he'd cut himself in a small place below his left ear on his chin. "I've got it." I used the magic pencil over his small cut, and he hissed and inhaled in pain. I cut myself on occasion and knew the medicine hurt some. It made the cut stop bleeding. "That's it." I said calmly. "We're getting an electric razor for you."

"But those don't cut close enough!" Peter whined.

I nodded, "We'll have to LOOK!" I said simply and took the pencil away to see if the bleeding had stopped. Momentarily satisfied, I put the pencil down. I picked up Peter's straight razor and waved it at Peter. "THIS is what's often used in those wonderful slasher films." I put it down again. "I'm not scared you'll kill anyone and definitely not yourself. Norelco, Remington, Braun...someone has to have a razor where you don't hurt yourself. We'll know when we find it, but we'll LOOK!" I brought him close and kissed him. "You could grow a beard." I grinned and shrugged. "Olek looks great with his beard!"

Peter's face was that of a little boy being asked to do something he didn't want to, "But those itch! I hate that." He whined. "I tried one once when I was twenty-one. In three days, I had to shave it off!"

"Fine," I smiled. Tapping the next words on his bare chest with that finger. "Then we find an electric razor that works!"

He gave a somewhat salute, "Roger that." He said with reluctance.

That styptic pencil did its job and stopped the bleeding and as fair as Peter's face was, the nick would fade in a few hours. He would be comfortable facing his public. We stopped by Pano's and Barry's room and got no answer to our knock. Nor did Edger. Peter frowned and looked at his watch. "We must be late."

I looked at my watch, "It's Sunday morning and not even nine-thirty. We can't be late." I protested.

We went to the family dining room and we WERE late. Everyone was there except Ryna, Cosmo, and Tahnee Schuman. Mario, Alexi, Maria, Boris, Yuri...everyone else was there! The table looked delightfully crowded. The smells for breakfast were wonderful. Everyone smiled at us as we entered the dining room.

"This is great!" Pano declared pointing at his Kholodets on his plate with his fork, "They're Kholodets? I think that's what Boris said."

I nodded, "They are." I smiled. "I know you're eating them with horseradish."

"You bet," Pano nodded.

Barry pointed at his plate, "This Makarovian Breakfast Hash is very good. Spicy without burning your mouth."

Grandmother smiled at that, "A version you get only in Makarovia. Ukrainian and Russian breakfast hash is good, but Boris converted me to the Makarovian version pretty quickly."

I looked and saw Helga eating her scones carefully. In her first trimester she was getting morning sickness. I knew saltine crackers were the usual treatment, so I'd seen and heard, but I don't know if these worked better. "Are you okay, Helga?"

Nodding and smiling she told me, "Yes, just a little queasy this morning."

Grandmother smiled sympathetically, "If it helps, I had it with Eric's mother. Are you snacking during the day?"

Helga shook her head, "No. I hadn't thought to. I have an appointment this week with the doctor here, I'll ask him for some more help."

"Well, I found taking B-6 vitamins and ginger ale worked to ease the sickness," Grandmother said. "Ask him before you add anything to your diet. He or she will know better."

"Thanks," Helga nodded.

"Ginger ale," Maria nodded, "Make sure it's real ginger ale." She looked at Grandmother. "I did that with my pregnancies, too. Aromatherapy, slicing a fresh lemon helps." She chuckled and touched her husband, "Alexie drank a lot of lemon aide while I was pregnant."

Grandmother laughed, "So did Theodore." She snapped her fingers, "Oh, cinnamon."

Mom nodded, "And don't rush in the morning to brush your teeth. You're gag reflex is stronger when you first wake up. Peppermint worked while I carried Peter the first few months."

Helga laughed lightly and nodded quick once, "Thank you all. I will listen and try some of your suggestions." She raised one of the scones from her plate, "These work! I'll add cinnamon and see if that helps more."

Olek took her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it, "We're all family and will help all the way."

"I know," Helga smiled.

"Everybody is involved with this baby," Edger smiled as he paused eating.

Olek looked up, "Oh, yes. We are. Good friends, too." Looking at Pano and Barry, "What are your plans for today?"

"Yeah," Pano sat back slightly and looked at Peter and I. "We don't know where we are very much. What are our plans?"

Peter chuckled lightly, "How do you feel about nature?"

"It is," Pano shrugged. "Nature is natural. We love it, naturally."

Barry chuckled now, "We've seen Makarovia's nightlife. That's very healthy."

"It is," Peter agreed. "It's Summer! Makarovia is beautiful, especially now." He leaned into Pano and Barry, "We have more than mines."

Barry grinned, "Do you?"

"I thought of taking them to Rsys Lake," Peter said.

"Aren't we calling it Olek's Lake or something?" I asked. Turning to Pano I explained, "That's after Olek the First. It was his favorite place, and he took his sons there often."

Olek the Second nodded, "We need to decide and have it dedicated to Dad. It will become our national park." He grudged a shrug of something he didn't want to talk about, but needed to bring it up, "There is an interested party, Dimitri and Dano," he looked at Peter and me with a grin, "your friends from the Grotto? They want to build a resort on that lake. A hotel and recreation facility offering swimming , jet skis, boats, and other recreational craft on the lake..."

Peter didn't like the sound of that, "A resort!?" He was a little upset. "That means people and trash on that beautiful lake! They'll ruin it!"

I took Peter's hand, "Stay calm." I said quietly . "Let Olek finish."

Olek nodded to me, "Thank you." His fingers came together as he leaned forward close to his hands. "I told Dano and Dimitri, IF we agreed, there would be strict rules on the construction of the hotel and the use of recreational equipment on the lake. As it's inaccessible during the winter, summer would be the only time it could be used."

"The lake water is freezing!" Peter stated. "Even in the summer it's cold! The melting snow and ice feeds that lake. They could swim in it for maybe four weeks!? They barely lose the ice and snow in the summer." He shook his head, "What sort of resort or hotel could function like that and make money?"

I shrugged and grinned, "It worked for the Overlook Hotel." We were speaking English, but I saw Maria, Alexie, Mario, and Olek weren't understanding. "The Shining?" I explained and still nothing. "Stephen King? The movie? The hotel that only opened in the spring until autumn, but had to have a caregiver stay during the winter?"

Mom and Olek finally smiled and nodded. Mom had to speak in Italian to Mario and Maria. Alexie was smiling. He understood now. Pano, Barry, and Edger had lived in Canada and knew the novel and movie.

Maria chuckled, "I knew of it, but I never saw it. I turned the channel when it came on."

"The feasibility of this," Peter continued, "How would this work?"

Olek nodded and waved his brother down, "I told them that if any of us disagreed, the answer would be no."

"How big a hotel are we talking about?" Mom asked. "We have two ski resorts in the works now!" She waved outside the palace. "They only open in the Autumn a spring..."

"Occasionally, in winter," Olek added. "When the weather allows, but it's sometimes too cold. Winter access would be difficult. Not impossible, but difficult.

"Why?" Pano asked.

"You'll see," I said. "It's a horseshoe valley and the snow and ice block the entry during the winter. Any access is blocked in winter." I grinned at Peter, "You have to be prepared to live in Makarovia."

Peter smiled that I remembered what he said when I first came here. He nodded, "It should be limited to just so many rooms if we agree. No sprawling hotel and no towering structures!"

"Hold it, hold it, Pete-boy," I chuckled patting him on the arm. I looked at him surprised, "You're going to be their urban planner..."

Peter's single arm jutted out beyond him, "Rsys Lake isn't urban!"

"They have to have a business proposal," I said to Peter. "Along with the architectural proposal and business projections." I smiled at Olek, "Do they have that?"

Olek grinned and shook his head, "No. They wanted to know our thoughts before they submitted any. Construction won't even start until next summer at the earliest."

"Okay!" I looked at Peter as I waved at Olek, "See there?" I looked at Olek, "When will they have something ready? To submit those?"

"At least a month for any plans," Olek answered. "I'll email you with any proposal."

I pointed with a narrowed eye at Olek, "You tell them it should be the most ecofriendly structure. Energy efficient and use only environment friendly materials."

Olek nodded, chuckling, "Okay, anything else?"

"Of course," I said quickly. "Everything now can be powered by electricity. That means the jet skis and boats for water skiing! I know they have the jet skis; I don't know about boats. I'm sure they have something."

Helga chuckled, "We've got more of the needed electricity now. We just need to get the electricity there."

I added, "I know there are electric hydrofoils, so..."

"Okay," Pano tried to understand. "If you approve and..." He moved closer at us. Just his head, as if he could understand more that way, "This horseshoe valley..."

Olek smiled and nodded, "Rsys Mountain is the tallest in that ring of mountains. The horseshoe is as if Rsys Mountain's arms stretch on either side of the lake. It's hands almost touch. Rsys Lake is formed by the runoff of the mountain snows and springs. The lake formed the river that runs through Stryia. The river cut through Rsys' hands and the only way in is a road we constructed along that river." He shrugged slightly, "It is always blocked by snow and ice during the winter. The valley has not really been mined because of that difficulty."

"Can't you widen that road?" Barry asked. "Or build a tunnel? You guys know how to tunnel and drill...if you agree."

Olek nodded, "We do know how. It just seemed that all Makarovia left it alone."

I nodded, "There are smaller ponds, but Rsys Lake is the largest lake in Makarovia." I squeezed Peter's hand. "Peter seems to not want his memories changed. That lake is one of the places he remembers his father, Olek, and Peter went...he remembers that."

"I do!" Peter acknowledged and added, "I don't want it to change, but I know it will." He sighed, "Fine." He pointed at me as he looked at Olek, "What he said. The business proposal, plans both architectural and business projections and it must be energy efficient and use approved supplies."

Olek nodded and held his hands out helplessly, "I'll tell them and it may be rejected. Dano and Dimitri could be wasting money on the proposal and construction of the resort."

I leaned in Peter's direction, "Makarovia is growing up." I realized we hadn't gotten our coffees or food, "Do you want your espresso?"

Peter nodded smiling, "Please." He looked at the buffet table, "I'll see what's available."

"Edger, Pano, Barry," I began as I got up to get Peter's and my coffees. "How about Makarovian Royal Burgers for lunch?"

"Ooh," Pano brightened delighted. He looked at Olek, "That King's Burger is great!"

Barry smirked at his husband, "Only YOU could get excited over a future meal when not even finished with the one you're eating now!"

"Makarovian Royal Burgers is very good!" Pano defended.

I got Peter's espresso and waited for my cold vanilla latte. "And if Peter does what he hopes to, you could have a Makarovian Royal Burger near you in Athens! Preferably, nearer to you than downtown."

Peter's face turned a little pink. He motioned between himself and me, "We were just talking." He leaned closer to me. "As in WE, you and I." He rose with both our plates to get our food.

I knew what he was doing, but I didn't let it go, "So, you don't want a Makarovian Royal Burger near us in Boston?" I placed his espresso at his place at the table.

"We have Boris!" Peter waved at Boris. "He can make it. Bacon or sausage?"

"Both, please," I answered. "Are there waffles?"

"Yes," Peter grinned as he nodded. "Those thick, fat ones. I gather you want that."

"Smart man," I said sitting. "Yes, we have Boris." I grinned at Boris, "Poor Boris."

Boris smiled, but asked, "Why poor Boris?"

"Because," I smiled as Peter put my plate in front of me, "We can have Makarovian Royal Burgers at home. Our security agents can have them, too. They tell our American Security men outside and they want some. He'll be making hamburgers all day! And it won't just be the hamburgers," I began counting the additional items on my fingers. "There are the chicken sandwiches, the hotdogs, French fries, the onion rings..."

"Wait," Olek smiled. "You want to start a Makarovian Royal Burger in Greece and the West?"

I nodded, "Sure. Right now we are on the top of everyone's mind because of Peter's and my wedding, yours and Helga's wedding, her recent coronation and the Uranium! Now we can capitalize on that with our own take on burgers and fries!" I waved at the reality! "In a college town!? We'll be on all their minds and now in their stomachs! College kids love their burgers and fries! Not to mention their hotdogs! I love the prince's choice in hotdogs."

"Your choice?" Helga asked.

"It is! Chili with cheese covering the chili and hotdog!" I nodded. I looked at Peter, "American cheese. Two slices, all melted and gooey..."

Mario was chuckling, "Now, I want one!"

"There are other cheeses," I told him. "Blue cheese, provolone, Swiss..."

"Stop!" Mom laughed. "Now, I want one."

Peter put hot syrup on his waffle after he buttered it, "You're in luck." He pointed at the floor. "It's right down there."

"Wait again," Olek said. "You want to start a restaurant in Boston?"

"A franchise!" I said happily. "Governed here and controlled from here." I shrugged, "People purchase franchises for Burger King, McDonalds, Hardees, and Wendy's all the time. We start one in Boston and Athens, others will want one in their own cities; maybe two or three! Commercials will sell it!" I was getting excited about this. "I can see the logo of a crown overhead," my hand moved over the air above me as I placed the crown only I could see. "Wait," I thought out loud, "When Burger King started, their logo had a crown on their logo brand."

Grandmother nodded, "Yes, but theirs was self-appointed." She pointed at Olek, "His was because he was BORN to be king. The crown you use is real." She chuckled, "You want to give Burger King, Wendy's and McDonalds a run for their money."

"Competition makes the competitors be even BETTER!" I said to grandmother. "Burger King and McDonalds had the biggest competition when they started! Still do! Hardees and Wendy's were competing too." I laughed. "They always want to be better!"

"Eat!" Peter pointed at my waffle. "Otherwise, we'll be here all day."

"And?" I asked but did what I needed to butter my waffle. "We're home." I said cutting into my sausage.

Peter kissed me on the side of my head, then looked at Boris, "I've eaten at Burger King, Hardees, McDonalds, and Wendy's..." he looked at Yuri, "When he let's us or we sneak off." The got him a cross look from Yuri and Olek. "How did you get that ground beef to taste so unique?"

Boris smiled, "The ground beef was aged and rubbed with a few unique spices for two months. There was smoked paprika, garlic made into powder, salt and sugar, crushed cloves..." he shrugged. "We ground it here."

"Hungarians love that red paprika," I said back. "It's good, but I think they should drop the spicy part. It adds flavor. However, I don't think of it as spicy."

Yuri looked at Boris, "The taste in his mouth is dead. You made that Erkuai chicken, and he didn't even slow down!"

Alexie frowned, "I'm sorry. Erkuai chicken doesn't sound American. It sounds Chinese. What is it?"

"It was good!" I said to Alexie.

Boris smiled, "It is Asian. Yunnan in the Southwest of China. A lot of rice, chicken and..."

"Don't forget the Sichuan pepper and the dried red peppers!" Peter muttered and proceeded to chew some waffle in his mouth.

Boris waved a hand at Peter, "I didn't. YOU let them know it was there. I don't have to mention it." He looked at Maria. "Erkiuai means earpiece, but there no ears of anything in it. Chicken and rice in a brown sauce. It is made really as a street food served from one of those rolling kitchens. There's a sweet Erkaui as well as the spicy. I try to keep the BOYS happy and entertained. I occasionally try to surprise them by creating something unusual. I thought I'd make it for them..."

I pointed at Boris and Yuri, "There is nothing wrong with my palette. Granddad and I used to eat jalapenos out of the jar...with those little white seeds! I thought Tex-mex was hot." My head wavered, "Boy, was I wrong. The Chinese have them BEAT!" I shook my head, "Back to the Makarovian Royal Burgers! It could work! We could at least open a couple of restaurants to test the market. One in Boston and the other in Athens." I looked around the table. "The world can get to know us better!"

"You really want this, don't you?" Grandmother said chuckling.

"Why not?" I reasoned. "We get the Makarovian name out more and we get the needed hamburgers, hotdogs, and fries." I looked at Boris. "The meats can be made in the United States and Greece, can't they?"

"Why can't they?" Boris shrugged. "Ganna made those burgers that afternoon you wanted them. She knows what is needed."

"Ganna?" Peter asked and then brightened, "Oh, yes. Pylyp's wife! The restaurants will need managers." He looked at me, "You could..."

"No," I shook my head. "I can't manage any restaurant." I shrugged, "I could if I knew what to do, but we'll be busy this year. We can get into MIT with the recommendation of Olek, and even the President of the United States' recommendation. I have to take Calculus this year. Trigonometry would help as well." I touched Peter, "You never took the SATs. You might think of taking the ACT test."

"ACT?" Peter asked.

"The American College Testing," I replied. "My SAT scores was fifteen hundred. Your grade point average is 4.0." I grumbled, "You took the needed calculus. I have the needed sciences. Do you?" I looked at Olek. "I have the needed grade point average, but a GPA of 4.17 would be awesome. We have two more years to go, but I promised to make the processor and mines as safe for the people and environmentally safe as possible. MIT will help do that."

Olek smiled compassionately, "Calculus is tough. I took it."

"I did in high school," I said. Olek knew the college level of Calculus. "Chemistry, the Humanities, we'll need letters of recommendation from our professors..." I looked at Olek. "I will get in by your recommendation, yes, but I want to get in on my credentials. I want to do the work!" I touched Peter again, "You need a English Language Proficiency Test..."

Mom smiled at Peter, "My son is very smart. He can pass those tests. I was surprised when he wanted to go to Northeastern. Now, he wants to go to MIT!? Your father and I are so proud of you."

I knew Mom was talking about Olek the First. "Peter is a genius."

Grandmother smiled, "So, are you." She looked at Mom. "He got that from my side of the family."

"Granddad was plenty smart!" I defended. "He got you, didn't he?"

Grandmother nodded, smiling at the memory of Granddad. "He did. He wore down my defenses pretty quickly."

"And helped you escape the KGB!" I added. "He outsmarted those charged with keeping you. The Russian sky lost a star."

Grandmother smiled, "Thank you, dear."

Edger had been thinking and said, "I could do it in Athens." All the heads turned to him, "I'm not dead! I'm old but have years left. I ran two Greek restaurants in Calgary I've run businesses before. I could manage a Makarovian Royal Burgers in Athens. I might need some assistance financially..."

Helga looked at Olek, "Wait, these restaurants are to be tests, can't Makarovia front the needed money? It's for Makarovia."

"We can and will!" Olek said happily. "I love this idea!" He looked at me, "I know your plate is running over, but talk with Pylyp and Ganna find out what is needed to start this."

I grinned at Edger, "Now, a trip to Makarovian Royal Burgers will be a necessity, not just to get a burger or hotdog."

Pano looked at his father cautiously, "I know you can do it, but you ran yourself ragged with those restaurants in Calgary. You had a heart attack recently..."

Edger smiled and hugged Barry in that side hug men give sometimes, "I have two strong sons that run a successful business. I can borrow one of you occasionally. I'll hire an assistant manager and he or she can run the stressful parts..."

Barry grinned, "Yes, you do."

"What about Boston?" Olek asked.

I thought a moment, "Well, we can offer some burgers or hotdogs to our American Security Agents." I began. "Maybe one of them or a spouse can do it." I grudged a shrug, "First we need to see what we have to have to do this. I assume the beef can be ground from American beef and pork." I grinned at Edger, "And Greek beef and pork...for the hotdogs."

Edger smiled, "We ground pork for sausage. It's only slightly different for a hotdog."

Peter smiled, "Some of those hotdogs are sausages, kielbasas, bratwursts...all sorts of pork. Don't forget the chicken."

"The only thing missing is the Fillet of Fish!" I said, "We introduced the Fish and Chip Bites at the Grotto."

"Is that Makarovian?" Yuri asked.

"I'd say so," I replied. "Makarovia is a melting pot of countries and cultures. Fish and Chips are English, but we welcome them. There are fish in the Stryian River, but we import the beef, pork, chicken, and fish." I shrugged. "Even Makarovia isn't all native Makarovian, the number of Russians who are now Makarovian here, Ukrainians, Germans, Italians, Americans, English, and all the others...Fish and Chips are most definitely Makarovian."

"Let's concentrate on how we can get this started first," Olek suggested. "I like this idea. Now, I want a King's Burger! Tell you what." He looked at Peter and me, "Text me or Helga when you're coming back from Rsys Lake, tell us when you plan to get here, and we'll ALL go to Makarovian Royal Burgers!"

Peter nodded happily, "Deal!" He looked at Olek, "We might consider London, as well. I know someone that could do it there."

"Wayne?" I asked to confirm.

"Sure," Peter nodded. "We can ask him and Drew. Drew's too busy, but..."

Olek pulled his phone out, "I'm not talking to anyone on the phone," he grinned at me and Peter. "I'm sending word for someone to REQUEST Pylyp and Ganna to meet us there." He looked at Helga. "Request." He repeated. "Not a royal order, okay?"

Helga laughed and nodded. She looked at us, "I fussed at him for sending royal messages. Request, no orders unless it was imperative." She shrugged, "They won't refuse a request either, but they won't panic as much."

I was right. Makarovia was a mixture of cultures from a mix of a dozen countries. Honestly, I almost never heard accents anymore, but that could be just because I knew them so long I didn't hear it. Pano, Barry, and Edger had spoken English so long in Canada they spoke English fine. They didn't even have the "eh" or say "abo't" for about as Canadians were famous for. Pano had been raised in Canada, but Barry had been born and raised in Canada with family there for generations. Mario, Maria, and Alexie spoke with an Italian and German accent when speaking English. Makarovians had an accent when speaking English. Otherwise, I didn't hear one. Did I have an accent when speaking Makarovian?

"I'll coordinate a couple of security agents to go with you to Rsys Lake," Yuri said. "I'll contact Mikell and ask him who's available."

Peter grimaced, "We have Pano!" He waved at our big friend. "Who'd threaten us with HIM with us?"

Yuri chuckled, "I can think of a number of possibilities. You're in Makarovia, but Rsys Lake is sort of isolated. It's better to be safe than sorry." He smiled,

Yuri used that English proverb before.

"We're ruining their Sunday!" I complained but knew the importance of doing this. "Fine." I relented, "but limit it to two agents, please."

"The vehicle you take is eight passengers," Yuri shook his head. "You have five in your party. I'm adding the third."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine.

For a trip to Rsys Lake, we had to have protection, even inside Makarovia borders. We gathered in the garage of the palace. That lowest level had always been a garage even before the automobile. They called it a stable before the cars and trucks. To this very day this area smelled with what it kept there. In the past it smelled of hay, horses, and horseshit. Well, it did! Now, it smelled of motor oil! I was told it was ventilated!

Peter and I greeted Mikell, Mercea, and Alec. Naturally, Mercea would come with Mikell. I hoped to hear wedding bells for those two. I loved them all, but Alec was special to me. He was the one agent I had to work harder to break through his personal psychological barriers. Yes, I loved that big blond agent. As a result, I appreciated him more! You already know I'm a big hugger. Yuri's protest about being too familiar with these agents had NOT worked on me, or Peter! We both loved these men. Greeting Mikell and Mercea, I then went to Alec and hugged this man just a little tighter and a tad bit longer. We spoke English for our Greek friends.

"Sorry for pulling you away on Sunday morning," I said as Pano, Barry, and Edger greeted these agents with a smile and handshake.

"Oh," Mikel smiled. "We were just being lazy at home."

Peter grinned, "Were WE?" He asked pointedly.

Mercea blushed but Mikell just smiled bigger, "We're rooming together in the States." He grinned, taking Mercea's hand.

"Just roomies, huh?" Pano asked.

"Well..." Mercea blushed even more red.

"Oh, come on, Mercea!" I chastised good-naturedly. "You and Mikell are a couple! That's obvious! You know Peter and I are a couple. So is Pano and Barry! Living together is what couples do. We're all sexual beings. Couples do that. I hope you are doing those things." I looked at Alec, "I hope you are doing those other things couples do."

Alec nodded and smiled, "I have, but not recently. Maybe I'll meet someone in the United States to do those things."

I nodded happily, "I hope you do and I'm sure you can. You're a great person!" I looked at Edger, "I hope you are, too."

Edger chuckled, "I have," he waved at Pano, "Here's my evidence." He smiled at me. "As to whether I am now..." he wavered a shrug, "I'm not saying."

"Dad," Pano grinned and said unashamed. "Barry and I both know about you and Allea Bouras."

Edger narrowed an eye, "The father here, is me. Not you." He said gruffly, but not angry. He brightened, "She's a great person."

Peter said, "She'd have to be if she has you."

Edger was NOT homophobic in the least. "You have to admit it. There are more people in homosexual relationships here than in the world outside Makarovia."

I smiled in Mikell's and Mercea's direction, "I don't know about that, but I can say," I looked at Edger. "Makarovians are raised without the many of those religious and social taboos about homosexuality. They are open to the possibility of loving a person of the same gender without judgement or guilt." I nodded, "Can you honestly say you didn't once become sexually attracted to another man? Ever."

Pano and Barry were waiting for Edger's answer.

This subject was apparently forbidden for Edger. "Are we spending this whole time in the garage?" Edger asked gruffly again, "I wanna see this lake and get the hamburger at Makarovian Royal Burger!"

I hugged Edger in the one-armed man-hug. "We're going, we're going!"

It was about twenty to thirty kilometers to Rsys Lake. I was forcing myself to try to think in metric. My brain was resistant. I hated converting my thinking. I could do math; I just didn't want to. His coming semester...Hell, the next year would not be my favorite year. Calculus? Chemistry? Trigonometry? I had taken Calculus and Chemistry in high school. I had memorized the Periodic Table then. All was needed for getting into MIT and what I would need to oversee the mining operations and processor. Angles, stresses in load and weight, the chemicals used in the processing...I needed them all. I had no doubt I'd get into MIT due to my status, but I wanted to show I could get there on my own merit. That meant keeping the grade point average up. There were many genius level students who wanted to go to MIT but didn't make it. I had researched the requirements and out of a hundred applications, only seven were accepted. You had to be at the TOP of your class! Performance anxiety was beginning to hit me. We would have to hire some top PreScholar Admissions Tutors and Counselors. MIT was an EXTREMELY competitive school. Our recommendations from the U.S. President, and perhaps the British Prime Minister wouldn't hurt. They want our uranium. I was a little scared about not living up to expectations. My expectations, Olek's expectations, and Makarovia's expectations. A lot was riding on this, and I was worried about not being able to do the job. My SAT scores got me into Northeastern, sure, but this was going to be MIT!

I assumed Peter had passed the tests to get into Northeastern, but MIT!? I knew Peter was smart enough. His English had gotten so much better since that first semester. He handed in papers, essays, other items, meaning he had to know English. Would he pass the required proficiency test in English for MIT? That's why we needed PreScholar teachers and Counselors to prepare and test us for that. Physics! I had to take that, too! How else could I make sure the Processor was safe? I never doubted Helga's ability to have the nuclear power generators and had the processor constructed with safety in mind. How would I know if I didn't know and understand, as well?

Grandpa was a wealth of helpful information and I remembered ANOTHER of his sayings that helped. "Is worrying about it going to help? It won't do anything but make things worse, so stop it! It's a waste of time!" How I missed that man. He was right again. We were doing what we could to be ready.

Makarovia was beautiful in Summer. It was beautiful in Winter, too. When you could see it. The snow and ice only added another magic to the landscape...when you could see it! Hell, Makarovia was beautiful! Everything was so green now. Trees and the grass were just green! The road to Rsys Lake had none of those potholes that came from the melting snow and ice. They had been patched as soon as snow and ice had melted. Taking my car would have been nice, but there was more room in one of those other transports. I didn't get to drive anymore. Not recently. Safety was more important now. Mercea was driving this time.

Rsys Lake was just as pretty as the last time I'd seen it. There was a flock of birds raising their young and getting them ready to fly. They were bigger than ducks and not swans...geese, I think. There were dozens of them we could see. It was a pretty big lake! A few kilometers across with the opposite side visible with a thick grove of trees also green in the distance. I smiled when I saw a boat out on the water with two people in it. Everyone knew you just DIDN'T fish alone. The positioning and holding rods I didn't really see from the distance, but you knew they were there. The lake was large enough to have the jet skis and people water skiing. Did Makarovians know HOW to water ski? Many Makarovians could snow ski certainly, but water ski? I needed to see them water ski. Those from other countries such as the United States, England, and other countries could water ski, but...

The shores of the lake were rocky. Not smooth like ocean shores could be, but the shore we arrived had a wider shore with a slope down to the water. The river that flowed from Rsys Lake that flowed through Stryia, and into Moldova until it reaches the Black Sea. Then to the Sea of Marmara, to the Aegean Sea...oh, you get the idea. Class dismissed.

We spent a few hours hiking some trails I knew weren't made by bears (Yes, we had those here. There weren't any deaths I knew of by these bears. They kept mostly to themselves. People were noisy, so they naturally avoided Humans.) Deer and wolves, but these trails were manmade. We liked our comforts. An easy path was preferred! I saw the appeal that Dimitri and Dano did. They had to be the richest Makarovians, or they soon would be. They made so much money from the Grotto, during the late Spring, Summer, and early Autumn. They were opening a new club that would be open year around in the underground under Stryia. The Ivanovs were well off, naturally. They had to be. To travel for the good of Makarovia, money had to be available to them. We WORKED for it. We got the needed education from top schools, thus the need I felt to go to Northeastern and MIT! The pressure to make the best grades and do the best job. Peter, too. His focus was Urban Planning and developing Makarovia to its best. And we would!

We left the lake after about three or four hours. I looked at our three friends and not one seemed bored or not interested, so we kept going.

Peter was the one that asked, "After that big breakfast, is anybody hungry yet?" He looked at his watch, "It's eleven thirty. It will be about an hour to get back to the palace and go to Stryia's Underground."

Pano looked surprised and said lightly, "I'm seldom full."

Barry chuckled and patted Pano's stomach, "The proof is our grocery bill. I fill the grocery wagon in the store to overflowing," he grinned at us, "and he goes through it in a week! I can't fill him up!" He grinned at me. "That your palace is feeding him this week and I haven't had to cook is a real vacation!"

Pano leaned in and stage whispered, looking at us and pointed at Barry, "It's his fault. He's a great cook!"

"And you don't cook?" Peter asked.

I glanced at Peter and grinned at him. "Yes, to embarrass Peter on purpose, some people shouldn't be allowed to cook."

Peter shrugged as his arms came out in futility, "I tried! I wasn't making HIM do all the cooking. We had just gotten together, and I tried to make dinner," he looked at me. "Twice!"

I nodded leaning against Peter, "Yes, you did." I frowned, thinking. "I still can't figure out what you were trying to cook. It was chicken, right? Or was it ground beef? It didn't smell like..."

"I tried!" Peter defended.

I nodded quickly, "Yes. Yes you did. For the effort, I gave you an A plus." I smiled at Peter, "For what you made, Babe, I'm sorry, but I had to give you an F minus."

Peter pointed at me, "He makes a killer Sloppy Joe. I had never had one before!" He chuckled, "He had to show Boris how to make them!"

"That and Southern Sweet Iced Tea," I said smiling.

They were laughing at that. Barry pointed at Pano, "He can cook. He makes a great Moussaka with lamb, and Pastitsio...a Greek Lasagna, Souvlaki...or Gyros." He grinned. "When he's home, but he cooks with HIS eyes and makes so much!"

Pano shook his head in helplessness, "I get hungry when I cook! I can't help it!"

Edger thumbed in Pano's direction while looking at us, "I taught him how to cook. We come from a long line of great Greek cooks. We have five chefs in the family, from uncles, a grandfather, and a aunt!" He looked gruffly at us, "and all this talk about food is making me hungry!"

Peter looked at Mikell, "We need to feed them!"

Mikell smiled at Mercea, "You remember how hard a job Henri had filling this one on the Duchess. He can always eat."

"I'm almost always hungry!" Mercea shrugged.

"He's not finished growing!" I waved at Mercea. "He's still in his early twenties and won't finish growing until he's in his LATE twenties!"

Peter grinned, "Are you saying you and I are almost finished?"

I nodded.

Mikell chuckled, "I'm no doctor, but I think the growth you're talking about is brain development."

"And?" I asked. "That takes fuel, too!"

"I'm not growing," Edger groused. "But I am growing hungry."

"Okay," I smiled. "Let's go!"

Barry looked at the lake, "I can see the appeal of the lake and I don't blame Dimitri and Dano for wanting a hotel here. Rsys Lake is beautiful,"

The ride back to Stryia and the palace was quick. Since Mikell was letting Mercea drive, he must have known Mercea's hunger would cause him to drive faster. Peter texted Olek we were returning, they would be ready as well.

We entered the palace's paved area at the palace. The guards at the entrance gate knew us, of course, and let us in. Remember, guards were NOT security agents. A guard could become an agent if they passed the training. Guards were trained well before they could become agents.

The entrance by those elevators to the hotel portion of the palace were guarded. No one could enter the palace on foot, by vehicle, or by elevator from the underground.

Entering the palace, we saw the guards who stood by the new elevator doors stood to attention. I was over having to say they shouldn't. No, my opinion of myself or them hadn't changed. We were equal as far as I was concerned, but we each had our jobs. I was doing mine and they were doing theirs.

We got into the elevator and once down to the underground's level we walked toward Makarovian Royal Burgers.

Pano was walking hand-in-hand with Barry. I was doing it with Peter. It was so liberating! Yes, that fact STILL blew me over. Peter and I did it in Boston at Northeastern or when out of the house, but there were the stares. Not like some states, but Massachusetts still had some people, tourists, and holdouts to the law. Here there were no stares. Seeing us down here wasn't new, so there were only the smiling, polite greetings and slight bows as they walked. They didn't stop what they were doing.

When we got to Makarovian Royal Burgers we were surprised to see Olek, Helga, Mom, Mario, Maria, Alexie, Yuri, Boris...everyone from the breakfast table was there! Plus, Cosmo and Ryna.

"Are we late?" Pano asked.

"Not at all!" Helga said quickly and motioned toward Peter and me. "They aren't ever late."

We saw a young dark-haired woman come from around the counter where orders were taken at Makarovian Royal Burgers. Her hair was shoulder length, but she didn't have on the black and red uniform the other employees did. We saw Pylyp come behind her and he didn't have on his usual uniform. His was the red shirt and black pants. They were both dressed nicely, and it dawned on me! It was Sunday! They probably came from church! Then we heard Pylyp call in Makarovian, "Davay, davay! Vi ne mozheteh zmsiti korolivsku sim'yu cecali!"

We saw two shorter people come as their father had told them.

I smiled at the little boy about seven or eight-years-old with dark hair like his father and a little girl with longer, slightly lighter brown hair like her mother had. She was about four-years-old. They were also in nice clothes. I realized Pano, Barry, nor Edger spoke Makarovian, so I said to them, "That's Pylyp, he said to the little ones to come on and that they didn't keep us waiting."

Peter looked irritated slightly, "No, he SAID, they don't keep the ROYAL family waiting." He smiled, "If you were an official translator, you'd be fired." He looked smugly at me, "You told them about my failure as a cook." He waved at our Greek friends, "I'm telling them about YOURS!"

His face was telling me he was joking. I think.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes away from him.

Pylyp put his arm around his wife and touched the son's head. "This is Ganna, my wife." She curtsied and bowed her head shortly. She must have been introduced to Olek and the rest before. They would have bowed or curtsied more otherwise. "My son Symon." He touched his daughter's head, "And daughter Darina."

Pylyp had spoken English, but I didn't know if his children did. I reached out a hand and shook their hands, "Aki, iak prekransna sim'yo!"

Peter said to our Greek friends, "He said, such a beautiful family."

I turned to Peter quietly, "You know if you missed one word, there'd be Hell to pay."

"Yep," Peter grinned.

"What do you gentlemen want to eat?" Pylyp asked. He waved at the rest of our group. "We have their orders, I assumed you would."

"Hell, yeah!" Pano clapped his hands together quickly once.

"We're hungry!" Mercea added enthusiastically.

"And there you go!" I waved at them.

Mercea did order, not one, but TWO of the King's burgers! Two orders of fries; just for him! He had placed his order AFTER Mikell had, and Mercea wasn't sharing. I wondered if he EVER got full. Mikell said Mercea didn't. I got two of my Prince's Choice Hotdogs. Not the footlong hotdogs. I wasn't that brave, but mine had the chili and cheese over the top. I had to have room for my onion rings!

"I hope we didn't interrupt your Sunday," I said as we all entered the dining area and sat. The dining area had a steady stream of customers that came and sat, except in the front where a row of tables was empty. There was a roped off section and I saw Pylyp quickly remove the "Zakyhishcheni! Reserved! Reserviert!" along with three other languages written on it. That was a clear sign of "Don't sit here!"

"Not at all," Ganna answered. "It saved me from having to make lunch!" She smiled.

Peter pointed at Pylyp, "He HAS to be able to cook!" He waved at the restaurant. "He's running this business!"

Ganna nodded, "He can very well. We share the job. This was my weekend to make Sunday lunch."

Pylyp grinned and pointed to his wife, "Which I think she should have to do it next Sunday." He turned and looked at us curiously. "Now, can we know WHY we're having lunch in our place of business?"

Peter looked at Olek, "You didn't tell them!?"

Olek shook his head, smiling and pointed at Peter, "It was YOUR idea! YOU tell them!" He sat back and relaxed. He waved at Pylyp and Ganna. "So, tell them!"

You didn't growl at a king, but I wanted to. I looked at Pylyp, "Do you like working here?"

Pylyp looked surprised, "Do I like it!? I do. I'm my own boss! It's much better than the job I HAD!" He looked doubtful. "Do I need to go back to it?" He was worried he was being asked to go back to his former job!

Peter's eyes widened, "What!? No!!" He said quickly. "Why would you think THAT? You certainly are NOT being asked to leave or being fired!"

I nodded, "You wanted expand to Skoal, didn't you?"

He nodded, "We've begun that now." Chuckling, he thumbed in the direction of the underground, "They need to finish the tunnel train, or we have to hire someone from Skoal to run THAT store, too."

"Who's going to do it now?" I asked. "I assume you will."

Pylyp shook his head and looked a bit guilty at Ganna, "I don't want to give it away..."

"He will," Ganna answered. "I will run this one." She bowed her head a bit at Olek, "I was going to wait until it was ready to open, but I'm giving my notice, Your Majesty," She looked at Boris, "Boris."

Olek shook his head, "I'll miss you cooking for us."

Boris frowned, "How soon?" He asked a little alarmed.

"A month?" She asked Pylyp.

Pylyp nodded, "That was what they said. It's under construction now." He looked at us again. "Their underground is..." he thought of the word, "not as rocky?" He grudged a concession, "It is tunneled, but..."

Peter nodded, "We've seen it."

Pylyp nodded, "Right."

"You're doing this to make more money," I said.

"Well," Pylyp hesitated, "yes."

"Never apologize for trying to better yourselves," Peter said smiling.

"How would you feel about making MORE money?" I grinned.

"More money?" Pylyp asked. "How?"

"We thought about opening a few test restaurants for Makarovian Royal Burgers," I said. "In Athens, London, and the United States!"

"We know Ganna came up with the recipes for the ground beef, pork, chicken," Peter said and looked at Ganna. "How about the hotdogs, kielbasa, and sausages?"

Ganna was nodding, but her face said stunned.

"Naturally," I said. "You get the profits!" I looked at Olek, "With a tax to Makarovia, plus to the countries they're in?" I asked and Olek nodded still smiling. I looked back at Ganna and Pylyp, "This is YOUR business. Makarovia will front the money to start the new restaurants. We want the world to know us. We can do that more with this business."

I think Ganna was about to faint. Pylyp was speechless...until he wasn't. In a hushed voice he could barely be heard, "THREE more restaurants!? In Greece, England, and the States!?"

I nodded, "A franchise of Makarovian Royal Burgers in those three countries at first...spreading to other countries and many cities EVERYWHERE!"

"We'll take the WORLD!!" Peter declared and looked at Olek. "That means the Ukraine and Russia!!"

"If they let us," Olek grinned. That sore spot with those two countries had not healed.

Then I thought PYLYP was going to faint!

Next: Chapter 48: Makarovia II 38

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