
By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 1, 2021


Story: Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!?

Chapter 3 Media Exposure

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

This story is NOT that farfetched. It could happen. When Charles married Diana, that was a fairy tale come to life. Diana would become Queen of England! We know what happened there. There were mistakes made by many, many people. No one wants a regular story about someone that meets in the produce section at the grocery store. No matter how hot the other person is making suggestions with a banana or cucumber. Love. True love is valuable! And should be sought.

Media Exposure

Peter and I did return to our apartment. It had been a nice evening the night at Jocks. Peter had issues in this unknown world, but given a little nudge, he did fine. We had a nice evening at the apartment, too. Getting up, we both showered and changed to go to class. As we were ready to head to class, there was a knock on our apartment door.

I looked at my clock. It wasn't even seven thirty. Opening the door, I saw Yuri who had four large men behind him. Looking at these men, what they were, wasn't even hidden or disguised. Dark suits and even had those damned dark sunglasses, with this blank look, but even now they were paying attention to what was happening around them.

Of course, I didn't just let that slide without comment. I nodded. "Yes, I sort of guessed this," I said in English to the men with a sigh. "Do you guys go to class to have this look? Everything about you says security."

Yuri looked behind him at these large men. Turning back to me Yuri spoke to me in Makarovian. "They were assigned to guard Peter. They are more of them at the other residence, as well. They are private securities service."

It was a small apartment; Peter came out of the closet area after brushing his teeth as we were heading out. He looked at the men at the door and his eyebrows rose. He thought only a second and nodded. "Olek."

I looked back at Peter. "We knew your days as just Peter was coming to a close."

Peter nodded a bit reluctantly. "You're right." He looked at me. "Are you okay with this?" He was again looking a little uncertain about how I would react.

"It just is," I said simply. I looked at Yuri and the other security. "I have a tiny apartment, so you'll understand if I don't let you in. It is big for just me. It's cozy with two, it will be wall to wall if I add five..." I looked at the security, "five very large men." I turned to get my books and pulled the laptop from its docking station. "We're ready." Before we went into the hall, I smiled at them. "Just a second." I didn't shut the door, but almost. I looked at Peter. "I'm fine with this," I said softly to him. "Are you going to be okay?"

Peter shrugged. "I'm sort of used to it."

"I'm not scared off, Peter," I said again kissing him gently. "I'm not leaving you." I looked at his small smile come to his face. "Okay?"

Peter nodded. "Okay." He got his books.

We were used to walking to campus, but no, we were escorted to a limousine with an SUV behind it. The typical black. It wasn't a super-stretch, but a limousine.

"So much for keeping a low profile," I said to no one as I got in the car. I looked at the apartment building. I knew Carla didn't like noise, but I'm sure she won't like these men hanging around. Our days here were also coming to close.

What Makarovia had was very valuable. Keeping Peter safe was important to not only Makarovia, but for the United States, thus the security. Yuri sat in the back with us.

"King Olek called last night," Yuri said. "He said the news was breaking today."

Peter nodded. "It was going to come out." He said sadly and looked at me. "When what we have comes out...there will be other concerns about our safety, it will be harder to go to Northeastern."

"Others have done it," I said simply. "Going to a university and being a celebrity is hard, but not impossible."

Arriving at the campus, we got out of the car and began to walk to class. Peter was withdrawing again when we saw a number of people looking our way. The whole campus knew we were a couple. Soon, everybody was going to know everything. I got closer to him taking his hand, making him look at me and smiled.

"Stay with me, Peter," I told him softly. "It will be fine."

Ted came walking up. He was directly approaching us. Two of the security came in front of us in case there would be trouble. The big blond man stopped holding his hands up saying with a gesture he meant no harm but held some papers. The article was in it, I knew.

I touched the security guard in front of us. "That Ted. He's okay. We know him." The security nodded to me and backed away.

Ted smiled and walked toward us, handing us the copy of NSUNews. "Here it is." He looked at Peter. "I hope this goes well." He looked at some other students that clearly had read the article and now was looking at Peter to confirm for themselves that what they read was true.

I took the paper and looked at the headline. "A Real Prince of a Guy." That was the title. I nodded to Ted. "It will be fine, Ted. Thank you." I took the paper and read it. The article said who Peter was and what he hoped would happen while here.

Ted smiled, not sad, but he knew it would be a shock to many. "This is just the hard copy," Ted said. "Copies go out by internet to all alumni and..." he shrugged, "others that subscribe. Just to let you know. It is on the wire now; all the newspapers and media will see this. Just be prepared." He smiled and patted my shoulder and did the same with Peter and walked away. Peter looked over the paper with me. "Not a lot about Makarovia." He grinned. "Makarovia? Where the hell is that?" He read and chuckled and read more, "...but in the first time in recorded history..." Peter read on out loud. "Prince Petro of Makarovia, who is openly gay is marrying his fiancé, Eric Richards from Charleston, South Carolina. Open and not hiding anything from the world, they will marry publicly with the support of Makarovia and the royal families' acceptance and approval. Eric Richards will become the newest royal member of that family in Makarovia as he will become Prince Eric of Makarovia."

I smiled and bumped Peter lightly. "I guess it's now official. We're engaged." I pointed to the written word telling everyone we were getting married.

Peter smiled but gave a shrug. "Well, I still want to ask you in a more romantic and official way." He grinned. "I've asked and you said yes, so I guess it doesn't matter. There is something I'm obligated to do..."

I looked at him waiting, but he said nothing. "...but you won't tell me."

Peter looked away a little. "Well, it's important." He put his arm around me. "You'll find out what it is." He smiled bigger. "Later."

Our first class was together. The second semester of our Economics course and the same professor that put us together in the first place was teaching this part of the course. He did look at the new people in his class...the men with us. Yuri and the other security service guys stood behind us as we sat along the back wall. The professor's teaching began again with no real sign he'd changed. I don't think the heads of the departments were told about Peter; other than he was from this little country no one really knew of. The other students tried to remain unaffected, but there were the passing, of course, glances to see the extra men in the class and knew why.

Peter and I didn't have all our courses together. His course of study was more...economically driven. Mine was industrial and management. As our paths parted for some classes, I pulled Yuri over.

"I know this is your job; securing Peter," I said quietly to Yuri. "I also know that you care for him."

Yuri nodded. "I have for ten years."

"He's never been outside Makarovia like this," I said. "I know you'll keep him safe, but..." I looked as Peter was reading for his next class, "he may retreat back into himself." I looked again at Yuri. "Perhaps you could be...closer to Peter when in class, keep him from doing it as much."

Yuri nodded. "I can do that." He smiled.

Then I grinned at Yuri. "The same threat goes here as when I took him to my grandmother's house for Christmas. You told me this, now I'm saying it to you; do not let anything happen to him, or you will lose your head." I was joking a little, but I might if Peter got into trouble.

Yuri chuckled. "Got it."

I was escorted to my next class. Yuri and two of the other servicemen went with Peter and two came with me. What did give me a little evil pleasure, was I shared my next class with Brad. I was sitting toward the back when Brad came in. I didn't really look too much at Brad, more of a glance, but Brad looked at me and the two large service men beside me. Brad had begun to bruise where I'd hit him the night before. He didn't dare come over to me.

Knowing what would happen and having it happen was different. We progressed through the day, but coming out of class there were news trucks waiting, with reporters and cameras. They all were beginning to come at me. My servicemen, who really didn't talk much to me, took my arm and were now very close as they spoke to whoever was on the other end of their earpieces I didn't see. The reporters began their questions all at once as microphones pointed at me. I wasn't answering them. My servicemen held them off and divided them as we went to have lunch, but arriving at the cafeteria...a lot of others were waiting to try to talk to us. Peter, Yuri, and the other servicemen joined me.

"Perhaps we should reconsider dining here at this...charming establishment," Yuri said quietly to Peter and me. I grinned, yes, he was gay.

"We need to eat, Yuri," Peter said logically. "Getting in the car and going somewhere else won't help."

Yuri nodded. "Okay."

I looked at the servicemen. "Do they have to just stand there?" I asked Yuri. "Is it possible that they can just sit with us?" Of course, I had been speaking in Makarovian.

"They have to stand." Yuri shrugged. "They can see better and are ready for...anything."

Campus security was also there, to keep students away from us and the press away outside the cafeteria.

Peter just didn't really understand all this attention. He was raised in a country where men and women like us were rare and not treated like we were in many parts of the world. He kept looking at the reporters that were being kept out of the dining area.

"They don't even know what's happening in Makarovia. Why are they so interested in us?" Peter asked me.

"Because you and I are doing what has never been done," I said simply. "I know you were raised in a country where those gay and lesbian are not thought of as unnatural. You are a member of a royal family. That's an impressive position, Peter, and we are marrying. That's never been done before."

He shrugged a nod. "I guess."

"When you were in Makarovia, you had to see movies and television," I said. "You had to know gays weren't really thought of well in the past. They had to fight for even a partial acceptance; still not by some."

"What should we do?" Peter asked.

"You're asking me?" I asked a little surprised, but he needed help with this.

Peter sunk a little. "When Ted came to us with what he found out, we told him."

I tried to think of the next logical step to stop what was happening outside. "Are you willing to tell more to other people?" I asked.


"There will no doubt be invitations by other major networks," I said. "CBS, NBC, and others. Perhaps, if we appeared in a broadcast and told them the answers most have questions about; that would cool things down."

"I guess."

Peter and I kept things as they always were. We didn't hide affection from each other before and we didn't now. When we parted again for our separate classes, we parted with our usual kiss, only now there were the sounds of camera's clicking near us for the photos and we were being watched by other students as we parted.

Northeastern told the reporters they were not allowed on campus anymore; not without an okay from them. How that was going to be enforced I couldn't figure out. Now security in the campus patrol cars were posted at most of the entrance ways had security cars with an officer there at each entrance. Cars weren't stopped but watched as they came through.

When we got in the car that afternoon as classes for us were over for the day, I looked over at Peter who was retreating again.

"Are you okay?"

Peter's eyes widened. "You're asking me if I'm okay!? Are you okay with all this?" He waved as we headed back to our apartment.

I smiled. "I was fine."

Peter's face still held doubt but nodded. "Okay."

"But I think...we may spend the night at our apartment, but we shouldn't stay there afterward," I said.

Peter nodded. "Because of all this attention."

"Carla was fine with having you stay with me when you were just my boyfriend," I said. "Ms. No Noise will not like armed security at her entrances."

Peter was now more distressed. "I am so sorry."

I turned to him, pulling his face to me. "Stop that, Peter," I said firmly. "This isn't your doing."

He shook his head and let a moan out. "Yes, it is. I should never have come here and involved you in this."

Even Yuri was surprised by Peter's lament.

"Peter!" I said making his eyes look at me. "You don't regret meeting me, do you?"

Peter looked away, clearly upset. "I've turned your life upside down..."

I pulled him back to me and kissed him. It didn't take too long before he was kissing back and I got the Peter I loved back. "Listen. You stepped out of your comfort zone to help bring Makarovia into this century; to make things better. You were scared and unsure, but you're doing it. Meeting you was not even on my to-do list, but I don't regret one moment since we met." I pressed my forehead to his. "You are who you are and what you are. The most amazing man I've ever met. I haven't regretted a moment. Do you?"

"I regret what is being done to your life."

"Do you regret meeting me?" I asked.

He smiled shaking his head. "No."

We got to our apartment and Carla's apartment door opened.

"Eric?" She asked, but didn't really approach seeing the large men with us. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I walked over but brought Peter with me. "This is about what's happening."

Carla nodded. "I get the NSUNews online..." she looked at Peter. "You're a prince?"

Peter nodded. "I am."

"Before you say anything," I said to Carla. "It wasn't planned, but this is what happened. I know how you feel about noise, we won't be here but tonight. We can go tonight if you'll be paid for the rest of the year."

Carla nodded and upset to say what she did next. "Understand, I've loved having you here. You have been very good as tenants, but you're going to have security here?" She asked.

Peter nodded. "We can keep them at our door."

"They will be posted at the entrances, too, Peter," I said.

"My other tenants shouldn't have to show their ID's to come home," Carla said. "Or their guests ID's."

I nodded. "I'll get some things from the apartment. We'll go tonight."

Carla stopped me. "I meant what I said. You and...then later when Peter were good tenants. I hate to see you go, but..."

"I do understand," I said to her and hugged her. "Thanks for renting to me in the first place."

"I was glad to do it." She smiled. "There have been a lot of calls here about Peter, and you." She warned us. Then she smiled. "Losing a prince and one about to become a prince...that's just a shame." She hugged Peter. "Good luck."

We got...really almost nothing. I was told by Yuri that someone would come and empty the apartment of our belongs.

We went to the house that Peter lived in. There were again the news trucks and people standing outside to speak to Peter...and me. They were kept at bay by other security men at the front door. We were driven around back and pulled directly into a garage I didn't even know was there having always come in the front. Unlike other times when we came in, there used to be just Boris and Yuri, now with the extra security, men at the front and a man posted at the back entrance...and additional persons things like dusting and other things...but there were more.

Boris looked up as we came up from the garage by the stairway up to the living level. He smiled at us, but his smile had sympathy in it. "Greetings, Peter," he said. "Hello, Eric. Dinner at the same time?"

Peter nodded as he looked at the new people in the house. "Why do we need them?"

"Olek thought I needed more help," Boris said with a shrug.

Then I saw Yuri greet his husband by saying just a hello. "Oh, come on, Yuri." I grinned. "I know you're married. I never greet Peter without a kiss. You've seen us do it!"

Boris chuckled waving at Yuri. "He's a stickler to standing on protocol."

Peter grinned. "He's your husband, Yuri." He pulled me to him and kissed me. "Now, greet your husband properly. We know you love him."

However, Yuri had been trained or taught, he still didn't give Boris that good a kiss.

"Work on that," Peter said lightly. "It's protocol to try to do as I say, right?"

"Well, yes..." Yuri began and he was already turning pink. "We just didn't. I'm on duty."

"When are you not on duty?" I chuckled.

Peter walked over to Yuri. "Your very loyal, Yuri. I love that about you. A good man to have in Makarovia's service, but you are my friend, too. You and Boris are family! Relax."

Yuri nodded as he was still blushing. "I'll try."

"We'll be down at the right time, Boris," I said taking Peter's hand.

Boris nodded. "Very good."

In the room Peter and I shared, I shut the door and yes, I locked it. Peter's eyes got a little humor as he saw that.

"No one will just come in," Peter said smiling.

I nodded. "I'm not taking chances," I said backing him toward the bed. "I'm very protective...of us and mostly you."

Peter nodded. "I saw that last night," he grinned, "when you gave Brad a bloody nose."

I nodded backing Peter up until he had to sit before falling. "If he'd tried to touch you again, I would have broken his nose." I stretched out next to him. "You are the most precious anything to me. I am going to be protective of you." I said making him smile at that. "You are a grown man. We're only two months apart in age, but please...don't regret asking me to marry you."

Peter did look at little sad when I said that. "This is just going to be hard."

I nodded. "It will be. I knew that." I agreed. "I'd be lying if I said I knew what was going to happen. This will be a hard and sometimes difficult life ahead of us. We'll get through this. Together." I said running my hand up his chest. "I love you, baby."

His eyes softened. "I am your baby?"

I nodded. "The most precious person or thing in my life." I kissed him gently. "Never doubt that."

"I love you," Peter said softly.

The next day didn't let up. Instead, it got worse. Only now, security had increased on the campus of Northeastern. Makarovia's own security with Yuri, the servicemen that went with us to class, campus security and now the police department was also there.

"We need to be on one of those shows for that interview," Peter said. "Do they act like this when Great Brittan's Royal family comes here?"

"If Prince George came to school here, maybe...I don't know." I said.

Then we discovered the joys of the Paparazzi. Those guys clamoring for those photos. We were standing on the walk when a motorcycle drove across the grass; the man had a camera and snapped a shot of us. Yes, we were holding hands. Nothing new about that here!

Peter still was having a hard time understanding what the fuss was about. "We're not doing anything!"

I chuckled and held our hands up. "Sure, we are. We're getting married!" I was walking with him on to class. "We're...breaking the rules on what's done." I nodded. "Remember when Queen Kate first dated King William? That made all the headlines."

Peter's head wavered as he tried to remember. "Vaguely."

"Actually, this is a very good thing," I said.

Peter looked at me surprised. "How can you say that?"

"Because, the focus is on Makarovia, but not because of that other thing, but about you!"

"And you!" Peter reminded. "I'm not marrying alone."

I shook my head. "I've only known one story about a person who married themselves."

"Married themselves?"

"Had a wedding, wedding dress, the wedding ring, and reception," I said. "All of it to marry themselves."


"Everyone was pressuring her to marry, so she did!"

Peter shrugged. "Well, I was pretty intimate with myself for a long time, I'm sure she was too." He did a subtle motion with his hand every guy knew you did pleasuring themselves sexually.

Then when we got home that evening, we met Penelope. Both Peter and I were surprised when she suddenly walked directly up to greet us.

"Penelope Baldwin." She said holding her hand out to Peter. "I was hired by King Olek as your Press and Social Secretary."

Even I stepped back as she came toward us. She was...well, there's one word to describe her. Crisp. She wasn't unattractive. She was in her late thirties; her brown hair was done above her shoulders in a pretty nice hairstyle and she wore this dark blue business suit/dress that just said...crisp. She was also British.

"I didn't know we needed one," Peter said cautiously shaking her hand. "This is Eric..."

She nodded. "Oh, yes. I certainly know who you two are." She smiled. "And you will definitely need a secretary." She waved us to come to a room that...she had taken over? I had never been in it before, but whatever it had been before; now there was a desk on which a computer sat and telephone. "I will handle all calls that come in." She said. "And the phone has rung quite a bit. Requests for interviews and appearances..."

I nodded. "We knew there would be."

She never stopped smiling, which was a good thing. "I will give the requests to you and of course, it will be your decision to do as you deem necessary."

"My brother hired you?" Peter said to be clear. "He knows you."

She nodded. "I've worked with him several times on his trips throughout Europe. I think I have his confidence."

"I'd say you do if he hired you to do this," I said. "I've never dealt with someone that..." I waved at her computer and office, "did this stuff."

Peter shook his head. "Neither have I. Olek could have told us."

"We've been gone all day, baby." I reminded Peter. "How was he going to tell us? We have email on our phones..."

"That is also being handled by me." Penelope Baldwin said. "To assure you, your private emails I won't touch, but general emails and solicitations, I go through as with calls or texts on your phones. You'll see there aren't many on them now. They have been routed here." She walked to her computer and waved at her set up. "I got a list of your contacts. All emails sent to you by those contacts were left alone. The others, I've gleaned out and will go through like junk email and that sort of thing." She brought out a folder. "In here are requests by several networks for interviews; the web addresses and contacts are included. You can go through them, contact them, and make whatever arrangements you think you need to. Just let me know." Then the phone rang. "Excuse me." She said and took the call.

I saw him doing it again. He was just...looking lost. "Peter," I said pulling him out the door of Penelope's office. "Stop it, baby," I said softly. "This is a good thing." I looked in his eyes that weren't looking at me and made him look. "Talk to me. Remember that rule."

Peter just let out a frustrated sigh. "This is just a lot. You lost your apartment because of me. Going to class is now a prob..."

I quickly kissed him, stopping his worry about what happened. "I'll tell you as often as I have to. You didn't do this. It's the world's reaction to what we're doing, but I'm not sorry." I grinned as we walked back through the house. I waved at the townhouse. "This is much nicer than our little apartment."

"But it's not even ours."

I stopped him. "It will be," I said. "You know how?"

"How?" Peter asked smiling a little.

"We're adding things," I said. "I mean, personal things. Pictures of Queen Alla and King Olek." I grinned. "But not as queen and king, but as your Mom and brother." I smiled and almost bounced, "and I'm putting that hockey stick in your room!"

"I haven't played hockey since I got here," Peter said grinning.

"We need to change that, too." I wrapped my arms around him. "We'll make this a personal space. Yours and mine. Then maybe you'll feel like you're home; it won't be just where we sleep."

Peter smiled. "Pictures of Mom will be easy; I have tons of her."


"When she was about fourteen, she was discovered by this man that thought she'd make a good model," Peter said proudly. "Come on, I'll show you." He took us up to our room and sat at his computer. I watched him type quickly. "This..." he said proudly, " my favorite."

This image, beautifully done, a headshot of her from her neck up, her long, thick, blonde hair around her shoulders cascaded down and this...coy sort of smile. She would have tempted ME! I said before, she was stunning. That didn't even come close. Photogenic? Hell yea! She was gorgeous!

"She was eighteen here," Peter said smiling. "She was becoming one of those international supermodels." He said proudly and then laughed. "Until she met Dad." He did another couple of keystrokes and an image of her and a man that looked a lot like Olek...or rather, Olek looked a lot like his father. It looked at the time he was the same age as Olek is now. A very handsome man, also with that close-cut beard of black hair like Olek wore and together with Alla, they were a beautiful couple. I looked at Peter and yes, he had some of his father's good looks, but Olek looked more like his father. Peter had features that were his father's, but a lot of his mother was in him, too. His mother and father were at a party, and her gown was nice but tastefully done. He wore one of those tuxes with the white jacket. The thing was they were laughing at someone off to the side in the picture, but it wasn't posed.

"Oh, yes..." I said to Peter. "You all need to put more out there on the web." I smiled. "You are every bit as handsome as your brother and father. Your mother is gorgeous! The world will want to see this." I waved at the computer. "May I?"

Peter looked at me and smiled. "Sure." He moved over for me to type.

I typed quickly and pulled up what was available for Makarovia. There were some pictures of the castle. It was an older structure that was hundreds, maybe a thousand years old. It wasn't the pretty castles I only saw in pictures from other cultures, but it looked strong. Brown, but strong. There were a few pictures of the towns. I nodded. "This needs to be updated." I smiled. "A better picture of your mother, brother and you." I waved at the monitor. "Your family needs a website and so does Makarovia. People don't know about you because there's nothing to attract their attention. A few more attractive pictures of Stryia and Makarovia will help. People will be moving there."

"Because of the Uranium." Peter nodded.

"Yes. I'm sure Olek has it under control, but the military personnel coming to Makarovia will need housing and they will also need things like...a place to get groceries and have entertainment. What are Olek's plans for the uranium?" I asked. "It needs processing and all that."


"And those that are mining the uranium are going to come from Makarovia, but Olek said it was deep."

Peter nodded. "That's right."

"Deep core mining will require special skills. Someone will have to teach your people those skills. The processor is going to need people with specialties, they will probably come with families. They will want things as well; schools and even for shopping."

Peter nodded. "That sort of infrastructure isn't happening right now."

"Plans need to start," I said. "I'm sure Olek knows this." I smiled at Peter. "The population of Makarovia will be growing."

It was while we were looking at what little information about Makarovia that there was the beeping chime from Peter's computer. Peter hit a key and saw it was a request from Olek to video call him. Peter smiled and activated the computer for the call. The screen quickly brightened.

Olek's smile was instant. I smiled at him, he was a king, but now...just a man. Shirt unbuttoned at the collar and open and he ran hands over his face as he smiled. "You're there!" He said happily. "I was trying to figure out what time it was there so we could talk."

"We just got back," Peter told his brother.

"Hi, Olek!" I said to him, to say hello, but also let him know I remembered what he told me to use his name.

"Hi, Eric!" Olek smiled even more. "Did you guys have a good day at the university?"

"No." Peter groused.

I hugged Peter a little. "It wasn't terrible. There are just a lot of people that want to see and talk to us."

Olek shrugged. "Well, you are doing what's never been done." He looked at us. "I guess you've met Penny."

Peter nodded. "Just before you signaled for the call." He grimaced. "You could have told us."

"I'm busy!" Olek protested gestured helplessly with his hands. "But you need her." He said seriously. "She's very good. She kept me straight over here."

"Over here? Where are you now?" I asked.

"Paris," Olek said without a lot enthusiasm. "Still working out the negotiations."

"But they're coming, too?" Peter asked. "What more negotiations need to happen?"

"It all has to be recorded, who gets the percentage of uranium in exchange for what help they can give." Olek nodded. "We've got what they want, but we can't get it out without help." He said logically.

"The military is arriving in a few days?" I asked.

Olek nodded and smiled. "They've been arriving since yesterday."

"I know you worked out where they're living," I said.

Olek nodded. "We began construction a year ago. Housing and things needed are going up. Other things will come with time."

"This is in Skoal?" Peter asked his brother and he looked at me. "That's a small..."

I grinned. "I know where Skoal is, baby. I studied that map. It's a neighboring village northeast of Stryia."

Olek smiled even bigger and Peter's eyes got wider.

"Don't act surprised." I bumped my head against Peter's forehead. "I even know..." I smiled, "Forgive me, I'll probably mispronounce this... Skotarskoye?" I said hesitantly as Peter nodded, saying I got it right. "That's where you do the processing or the iron ore and smelting." I waved at the computer. "It's on the internet."

Olek was beaming and he did the thing he did moving closer to the camera making his face larger. "You studied our maps?"

I shrugged. "I'm going there in a few months and I will be living there. It will be my home, as it's our home, so yes, I studied the maps." I grinned. "Don't ask me how far Skoal is from Stryia, I'll have to give you miles, not kilometers." I ran my hands in Peter's hair. "You asked me to marry you." I looked at Olek. "You welcomed me into your wonderful family. Do you mind that I become involved with Makarovia?"

Olek raised his head to the ceiling as Queen Alla did shortly after meeting me. Giving thanks? "No! Your opinion is welcome and encouraged. We'll love having you a part of our family and Makarovia." Then he grinned. "Are there more of you at home?"

I shook my head. "Sorry. This Ivanov..." I said to Peter, "got the only one."

Peter smiled and turned to his brother. "He's got some great ideas for the used rods and recycling them...terrace farming...there's no doubt there will be more great ideas." He said proudly.

"The terrace farming is an ancient and proven way to raise crops on the side of mountains, I'm sure we can adapt it in Makarovia. What it comes down to spending a little money, but mostly manpower. It can be done." I said. "What are the financial gains projected for Makarovia?"

Olek smiled. "Billions." He shook his head. "When we can get it out of the ground." He pointed out again.

"Funding for the development of refining and processing the raw uranium?" I asked.

Olek nodded. "The United States and England are funding most of that; the rewards for them outweigh the expense. The housing and other developments are going to be on us."

I nodded. "I saw pictures of your father," I said with a smile. "You look a lot like him.

Olek looked surprised. "Sure, he's my father."

"And was a very handsome man. Just like you are." I said watching his face become puzzled. "I saw pictures of Peter's mother. You are beautiful human beings."

Olek was waiting as his eyes narrowed. "Thank you?"

"How would you feel about a redoing of the webpage for Makarovia? Complete with some nice pictures...not only of you three but more attractive pictures of Makarovia. Your country is going to have a sudden influx of people. It would be nice if there was a webpage to tell them what they'll find in Makarovia."

"Why not? We need one." Olek now smiled a little more. "You can do that."


"I'm busy!" Olek said, but not mad at all. "You know what you're looking for." He looked knowingly. "Are you able to do it?"

"I'm marrying into the family, I haven't done it yet," I argued.

"But you're going to." Olek pointed out. "You are marrying Peter, right?"

I nodded. "You know I'm marrying Peter."

Olek sat back. "As your first royal are in charge of that." He grinned again. "With the will be in the pictures." He shrugged. "The marriage will happen, so we're just...planning ahead. Can you do it?"

My mind was working. "I can." I grinned. "And I know who to ask."

"Great! Prince Eric." Olek shook his head. "I'm not worried a bit." He again got serious. "Things are getting better. Ten years ago, we did some work in areas like that." He frowned. "There is money from iron, but...we just didn't spend it for that." He nodded. "You're right, though. There will be people coming to Makarovia and we will need to be prepared."

"I can guarantee there will be people who will want to move there," I added.

Olek nodded. "You mean immigrate?"

Peter shook his head. "What people? Why? They didn't before much."

"People like you and me," I said to Peter smiling. I sighed. "You're a very smart man, baby. You were blessed to be raised in a country like Makarovia. You don't really understand why what we're doing is so shocking." I smiled. "I think that lack of understanding is wonderful, but I will tell you, many gay men and women will want to move to Makarovia. A place where they're not just allowed to be gay, but no one cares if they are. They want to be seen as just people." I looked at Olek who was nodding. "You know this."

"I do," Olek said.

Then I smiled. "I will also guarantee when they do, you'll have all the trendy things needed to make Makarovia grow even more!"

Peter shook his head. "Like what?"

"Bistros, coffee bars...trendy clothing stores." I grinned. "Makarovia will become the Gay Mecca!" I saw the humor in Peter's eyes. "People are beginning to see that when gay men move into their neighborhood, property values go up! And gay men can't do without those necessary niceties."

"So, who are you asking to do this new webpage?" Peter asked.

"They're right on campus!" I said. "We have that great school for Arts, Media, and Design!" I looked at Olek. "There have to be students that will love to be on the cutting edge of a project like this!"

Olek chuckled shaking his head. "I knew you'd know. You can get started when you're ready, but they will get an endowment as payment. I think it's wonderful that you are so invested in Makarovia's affairs."

I gave a shrug and a nod. "I'm getting there. Thanks for including me. There will be others that will want to come to Makarovia. There are people who will want the same acceptance as we have." I smiled at Olek. "A year ago, I never would have guessed this would happen...but I'm happy it did."

Olek nodded. "Me, too."

I picked up the folder of interview requests. "We'll pick one of these and do the interview." I looked again at Olek. "This will be about us, nothing about the uranium."

"Having you and Peter do this..." Olek smiled, "will take the focus from the uranium. Welcome to our family and Makarovia."

Peter and I had a good dinner, but as we were getting ready for bed. He came out of the bathroom in his t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms. This was Boston. It was warm in the house, but it was winter. I noticed Peter wasn't...unhappy, but he was thinking about something that was on his mind.

"What are you thinking?" I asked in the bed moving toward him.

Peter looked up from his thoughts, he smiled. "You'll do well in Makarovia." He turned came to the bed pushing me back gently and laid over me pulling the covers over us. "The same rule applies to you. Tell me what you think about all this. What do you really feel?"

I nodded reaching up touching his face gently. "Alright, that was our agreement." I smiled kissing him and thought. "My first feeling about this was surprise. I was surprised when I met you. Before I even knew what you are. It didn't take long before I saw a portion of you...I was attracted to you. I liked you."

Peter smiled. "Just liked?"

I nodded a little defensive. "Well, first. With a little lust mixed in there." I admitted.

His head went up a little. "When!?"

"That first trip to Walmart."

"Walmart!?" Peter looked as if that couldn't be true. "I was still..." he waved at his face, "covered with those...things."

"So?" I shrugged. "You didn't see what I did." I laughed. "I hate to say it, but you were like this...flower that began opening up." I brought him down to kiss again. "You're still opening up, but for now, I see something very beautiful." I grinned at him. "And you have this great ass."

His head bobbed a little as he began to turn pink as he chuckled. "I'm glad you like it. I really like yours, too."

"I was presented with a challenge," I said simply. "I liked you and I was determined to get you to relax and trust me. Then I find out about Makarovia and what you are there, I was again surprised. We became more than just friends." I put my arms around him. "I love what happened next. Again, surprised, but I love it." I looked at Peter seriously. "Above all else. I love you. That's the first thing. Remember that."

Peter nodded. "Okay, I believe you."

"I meet your brother and mother...they had no problem with us." I said smiling again. "Another surprise. Now, I've been given a responsibility by King Olek himself!"

"Which you'll do."

"I love a challenge," I said again. "An exciting one!" I rolled us over. "I was not only invited to Makarovia, but work to start making improvements! Soon, no one will say again: Makarovia? Where the hell is that!? This all good! I see this life ahead as a challenge." I grinned kissing him more. "This is exciting! I have never been bored since we met!" I smiled again. "But you are the important part of this for me."

"You don't think your life has been interrupted?"

"My life hasn't been interrupted. It just took some unexpected, surprising turns," I smiled. "And it's not my life. You asked me to marry you and make it our lives. Nothing is interrupted." I stretched out beside him. "Now, it's your turn."

He sighed and thought to find words. "When you and Olek both understand the world more than I do. Like when everyone is shocked we're getting married...I understood a little, but I wasn't ready for everyone's reactions to it."

I smiled. "That's what I told you before. The fact that you didn't know is great! Being raised in a whole country where what we are is normal, is so sought after." I ran a hand over his chest. "I readily're kind of...innocent." His eyebrows rose and he was getting an offended look. "That's not a bad thing!" I said quickly. "It's meet anyone with any amount of innocence is hard to find...and you saw something in me you liked and you said you love me...!"

"I'm ignorant! That's stupid." Peter groused. "I hid from the world instead of living in it!"

This was going to be another challenge for me. "I am going to marry you," I told him. "Do you trust me?"

Peter nodded. "Of course."

"I've learned a lot about you. I still will learn more." I said. "Ignorance is again, not a bad thing. You simply don't know. You are NOT stupid. You don't know because you've not been exposed. That's different." I needed him to understand. "Why am I with you?"

"We fell in love," Peter said logically.

"I don't want to be just your husband," I said watching his eyes grow. "I want to be your life...partner. Meaning, you and I are partners as we go through life from now on. You help me with problems that come up. I help you. Good or bad, for better or worse." I said the known vows. "That's how I view marriage."

"But you're always helping me." Peter said in almost a moan. "When do I become your help as that partner?"

"In three months," I said smiling. "You know Makarovia and those traditions. I know what I learned by the internet about Makarovia, but you already know the culture and how to act. I don't! I will be dependent on you to help me keep names and faces...when to do what or not to do something. I will be out of my world. You won't be."

"You'll fit in fine in Makarovia." Peter said.

I nodded. "With your help, yes!" Kissing lightly again. "I wasn't kidding when I told you my love for you would grow. I am more in love with you than when I first said I loved you."

Peter smiled kissing me. "Make love to me?"

I nodded. "Oh, yes."

The next day was more of the same, but everyone seemed to find a way to make it work. Campus and city or other police were in place now watching cars enter the campus area. The media were kept off campus now. The students were also adjusting to our presence. We were shadowed with the five, Yuri being the fifth one. Between classes, Peter and I met and discussed things. It was in the dining area I took out the papers that Penelope handed us.

"There are a number names here...most are obvious. There are news programs that have harder news-based reporters." I said looking the names. "People with LOGO, Advocate, and Out."

"And they are...?" He asked munching and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

I chuckled. "They are sources that are geared for gays and lesbians." I reached over taking his hand which I squeezed lightly. "Remember our discussion last night."

Peter nodded. "I haven't forgotten."

"I realize what we're doing is news, but I'd like the interview to be about the marriage, but not necessarily because we're gay." I took a photo out. "I've seen him. He's good, he's a reporter first. He came out as gay over a decade ago. Anderson Cooper. He's gay, but he was a reporter for years before he came out. He's got a good reputation."

"Okay." Peter smiled. "We'll have Penelope contact him." He shrugged.

I nodded sitting back. "Now, we need to speak with Dean Sutton."

Peter looked confused. "Why? Whose Dean Sutton?"

"Dean Thomas Sutton is the Dean of Northeastern's College of Arts, Media, and Design."

"Now?" Peter asked as I rose. "Now." He nodded and got up, too.

We met with Dean Sutton. He was interested, but my telling him about the endowment carried some weight. Money talks.

"This isn't a rushed project," I said to the man, so he'd understand. Dean Sutton was in his forties, a little heavy set with brown hair that was showing grey at the temples. "This is an important task we need doing."

Dean Sutton sat back nodding. "We can begin the page." He said. "We will need access to records and information about Makarovia." He smiled. "I consider myself an educated man, but until this...unique incident occurred. I never even heard of this country."

"Most people haven't," Peter said sadly but smiled.

I leaned forward a bit and loudly whispered, knowing Peter could hear me. "Not even a year ago, neither had I." I looked as Peter rolled his eyes and looked away, but smiled. "But we need some updated information put on the page. Parts of that information will be photographs we have and others to be made. I'm sure you will know of a good budding photographer who'd like a free all-expense paid trip to Makarovia to take those pictures."

Dean Sutton grinned and nodded. "I can think of a few."

"This will be during the summer break, so we will need someone soon," I said. "In the meantime, I can forward some pictures of King Olek, Queen Alla, and Peter. Can we count on you and this school?"

Dean Sutton nodded. "I will say yes." He stood and offered his hand smiling.

"Great!" I smiled and shook his hand. "I'll send the pictures immediately."

Going back home, Peter was more satisfied that he had been for a few days.

"This was a good day?" I said quietly to Peter.

He turned to me and smiled with a nod. "It was not bad." He admitted. "Our conversation last night helped."


There were still attempts by those photographers to get that picture. At the time of the day, we were returning home, traffic was heavy. There were times we just had to stop and wait. The sought-after picture was worth more than safety to the paparazzi. As we waited at one point, the sound of the motorcycle was heard. Looking, this motorcycle could weave through the many waiting cars. Stopping by our window, which was dark tinted but you could see in because any darker was illegal in case you're stopped by the police and they insisted they be able to see in. The motorcycle rider pounded on the window. "A picture of the happy couple?" The man shouted and pulled the camera and shot the picture. He didn't care if we said yes or no.

Yuri got out from the passenger side of the front, but the photographer sped away.

I shook my head. "We should have given him something to photograph." I smiled pulling him into a kiss.

Peter chuckled. "He missed the opportunity."

What other chaos was happening now...Peter and I did have school! Exams were coming up and we needed to study. We gave Penelope Baldwin our choice and she was contacting Anderson Cooper to set things up. It was as we were studying in our room it was time for the news...the sound was on very low, but on the screen was a picture of Olek. I reached over quickly and I turned the volume up.

" Makarovia. A seldom heard from country and monarchy in East Europe. The reason for the increased military presence has met with no real feedback or explanation from officials. Makarovia is also now known for having the first same-gender wedding of a royal family member. Homosexual marriage was never against the law in Makarovia and accepted. Known for being a place of refugee during the decades of war during World War II, they harbored a number of people; Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals as well as other groups Hitler's forces were put in Concentration Camps and executing." The image of Peter filled the screen, but it was one before like when I first met him and needed the haircut, but none of his acne was seen. "Prince Petro Ivanov, the brother to King Olek Ivanov, who is attending a University in the United States, is confirmed to be marrying Eric Richards from Charleston, South Carolina..." the screen now showed a recent picture of me, then a picture of Peter and me together at Northeastern University as we headed to class with our hands clasped as usual, "other than this first of its kind of wedding in history; there has been no explanation as to the sudden increase of military in Makarovia..."

I turned the TV back down. "Olek is going to be telling everyone soon as to why the military is there now," I said to Peter who had looked up to watch and listened.

Peter nodded. "Then there will be even more attention to Makarovia."

I nodded and got up from the desk I was using to study on. Going over I sat in a chair next to him at his desk. "You take a good picture, baby."

Peter nodded. "That picture was taken before I got treated. It was only because they touched it up, that my skin looks clear."

I nodded. "And now, with the photographer taking pictures for the web page, they will all see how handsome you are."

"And how handsome you are." Peter nodded kissing me.

"I love you," I said to give him the not the revelation of a new feeling now, just as a reminder.

Peter chuckled. "I know. I love you." He said kissing me grinning.

"I know." I smiled and got up. "Now, back to my study of Western Civilization."

"Soon, they will be reading about you in history class." Peter smiled. "Makarovia will be making history and not just because of us."

"Then we need to make some good things happen," I said touching his face and kissed him. "Study."

He saluted me and returned his attention to his books.

We were still bombarded with the press and paparazzi. Penelope had reached Anderson Cooper and scheduled our interview for Sunday night during primetime. The other news programs now were reporting their views on our approaching marriage. We were told by Penelope to watch this particular show in the morning as we were the subject for part of the show. Peter and I watched from our room as there was a group of women sitting around a large table discussing world events and other topics.

"...but this has never been done!" The black woman in her fifties, known for being outspoken, outrageous, and controversial said. "There has never been a marriage like this!"

The other blonde woman in her late thirties or early forties nodded. "It had to happen eventually." She shrugged. "Homosexual marriage is now legal in most of Europe now."

Then the screen showed Peter and me on campus again.

"This is such a major event." The other woman in her late fifties or early sixties, a comedian known in New York said. "There were marriages in the past, of men marrying men or women marrying women...for alliances between countries, but this is two human beings that want to spend their lives together! They love each other!"

"It shouldn't matter what gender they are." The woman that spoke first stated. "Who cares?" She waved at whomever off the screen and the image on the TV changed to Peter. The one was taken before we met. "In this picture...he's not a bad looking guy." Then the scene changed to...and I was surprised. It was a picture taken at the White House the night we dined with the President. It was a good picture! Peter was decked out in that great tuxedo and I was right next to him in mine. "Of course, they'd be hot for each other. Look at them!"

The other female comedian was fanning herself with the papers she was reading from as if overcome with a burning urge. "I wouldn't push either one out of my bed. They're gorgeous! As my mother would say, they could put their boots beside my bed anytime!"

Peter's brow wrinkled. "What does that mean?" Peter asked quietly.

Having heard her before, I told him that was her way of saying she'd willingly have sex with us...taking your boots off beforehand?

Peter was turning a little pink in his face as he understood.

"Yes, you are gorgeous," I said softly to Peter, causing him to redden more.

"We have got to go to Makarovia!" The blonde woman stated as the screen changed again to include King Olek and Queen Alla. "They are all attractive people!"

"The point is..." the first woman said, "there has never been a royal marriage like this. A prince marrying...not only a commoner but from America! If this had been from Great Britain, the Queen would never have approved. Look what happened with Prince Charles!"

"Don't forget about Prince Andrew who dared to marry a commoner." The blonde said. "But something big is happening in Makarovia. To have dinner with the President and Ambassador from England and others...and it's more than just about these two."

"We were told that King Olek will be telling the world about what's happening on Friday next week." The second woman said. "Whatever is going on, it has to be huge!"

The blonde shrugged. "Well, at least no one will be saying, Makarovia? Where the hell is that, anymore."

Peter frowned. "Olek never told us when he was going to do that."

I used what Olek kept saying and I think I got his voice down a did a fair job sounding like him. "He's busy!" Making Peter chuckle.

Then there were the late-night talk show hosts that kidded a lot. The dark-haired man from the Tonight Show smiled.

"...and the Queen is the King's stepmother, not his mother...but I have a question. If Prince Petro marries many queens will there be? When Queen Alla steps down as Queen, which one of them will be the new Queen? They might both be queens, but will one of the really become Queen?" He asked as the audience laughed. "I'm just asking."

Peter frowned hearing that. "I don't understand. My mother will be Queen a long time."

"Queens are what we are often called," I explained. "Queens, Drag Queens, Drama Queens?" I said in English.

Peter shook his head. "But neither of us are Queens. Are we?"

"It's a joke, baby," I explained in Makarovian the meaning. "But neither of us will ever be fit to wear your mother's tiara."

Peter shrugged. "Okay, as long as it's done in jest."

"The world is seeing Makarovia at last," I said smiling. "The fact that they joke about it is a good sign." Then I got more serious. "I want to ask you something...if you say I can't or shouldn't..."

Peter looked puzzled. "What?" He was a little concerned.

"When we marry..." I said. "Do I take your name?"

Peter's eyes widened unprepared. "I one' won't have to." He almost stuttered.

I closed the distance and kissed him gently. "I'd be honored to, Peter. I want to be as much a part of you and your life as possible." I smiled. "Having your last name just makes that more so." I shrugged and grinned. "I can hear it now; Presenting King Olek Ivanov, Queen Alla Ivanov, Prince Petro Ivanov, and Prince Eric Richards!?" I shook my head. "That just doesn't work." I chuckled. "I want to be a part of your family, but mostly, a part of you."

Peter smiled even more as he nodded. "That's what you are, but'll be an Ivanov." He began kissing me more intently as he came over me as his arms wrapped around me. "I want you so badly right now."

I smiled. "I'm right here."

As he was increasing his kiss, we heard the familiar ding from his computer and Peter let out a groan.

"It's probably Olek again." I chuckled. "We can pick up where we left off."

Peter nodded and adjusted his pants. "Yep."

Activating the computer to see who was calling, Peter's eyes widened but hit the key and his mother appeared.

"Hi, Sweetie!" Queen Alla greeted. "Hi, Eric..." then she smiled. "You're both my sweeties, but..."

"I got it." I nodded as I settled next to Peter. "He was your sweetie first. I'm not jealous."

She laughed at that. "I'm calling because I will be there tomorrow."

"Here!? Why?" Peter asked with wider eyes.

"Peter!" I jabbed him lightly. "She's your mother!"

Peter shook his head. "I'm not objecting at all, but...aren't you busy?"

"Very," Queen Alla nodded. "I am indeed, but Olek told me about the interview coming up and...well...they need to see that I...and Olek...don't have any objections. We back this marriage one hundred percent."

Peter nodded. "Okay, it will be great to see you. What time are you arriving?"

"About two in the afternoon." She said. "Then you two and I are going shopping."

"Shopping!? Why?" Peter asked.

"You're going to be telling everyone you're marrying and you need to present a positive image they will like." She sighed. "This one interview is important. We'll get some good clothes for both of you to wear and present the best image of Makarovia."

"Oh," Peter said. "Sure. Okay." He nodded.

"I'll be leaving in the morning from London." She kissed her finger and touched the screen. "See you both soon. I love you." She smiled. "Both of you."

The screen went blank again.

"Shopping," Peter said with little joy in his voice.

"We could take her to Walmart." I grinned.

"My mother? In Walmart!?" He shook his head. "I'm fine with it, but..." then he grinned and leaned into me. "Now, where were we?" He kissed me in a passionate kiss. One I gladly returned.

We told Boris, Yuri, Penelope and the other of the Queen's arrival. Let's just say...Boris was quickly planning a menu and ordering things done to straighten an already straighten house. He was making sure the Queen had fresh linens and all the things a woman needs in the room she was staying in. Peter and I shared the master bedroom, but it would be too much trouble to move out for three or four days. Peter grinned, saying the house was three stories. There were other bedrooms with a bathroom here.

At the private airport, we met Queen Alla's plane. Dressed in a nice outfit, with pants! Coordinated shades of white with a white thermal coat over it she greeted us with the hug and kiss to each of us. No air kisses ever. Before we even headed back to the house, she ordered us to go downtown. I was pretty much like Peter. I didn't do this sort of thing. I knew what I needed, I knew where I'd seen it and went and got it. Or used the internet to find it and go get. Done. No shopping. Peter and I endured what needed to happen and got nice clothes by whomever for the interview.

When we got back to the house, Boris asked what time dinner should be and then left us alone. Queen Alla smiled as she was about to go up to her room.

"I hope you realize why we did that." She said to me.

I nodded. "Sure, I do."

She looked at her son. "We're letting people in our lives. We need to have the best picture of us. It's important." She stressed.

When she said that, I saw Peter become tense; literally stiffen and begin to do it what he did again; retreat. Had he always done this before and she didn't see it anymore?

When his mother went to change, I took Peter's hand. "What just happened?" I asked Peter.

"Nothing," Peter replied.

"Bullshit," I said in English in a loud whisper, making him look at me with raised eyebrows. I rarely cussed and never directed at him. This wasn't at him, but because of his dismissal. Taking his hand I led him upstairs, dragging him up to our room and closed our bedroom door. "Talk to me." I almost demanded turning him to look at me.

He turned away, but I grabbed his arm and I didn't let him go.

"You...doing that thing..." I said. "I can physically see it!"

He looked helpless a second. "It's not her fault, but...there's so much riding on this. I was like this before the White House. Remember?"

I shook my head. "I can't help that you doubt yourself," I said softly. "I was there before at the White House. Trust that I will be there tomorrow night." I said quietly coming to him. "I have no doubts about you, your mother doesn't and neither does Olek." He had said he was disfigured once. It was something he believed as he was growing into a man and so ingrained, he still believed it. "I will be with you. If you will...just trust me."

Peter nodded. "I do."

"You've tensed up so need to relax." I said. "I'm will do whatever you need, baby. Please." Then I nodded at my idea and pulled him to the bed and began to undo his belt and opened his pants. Pulling them down I got him to sit down.

"I know you want to do, but..."

"Will it help you relax?" I asked. "We can strip and make love if you need to." I looked at him. "Sex isn't necessarily the answer, but you tensed up. Will it help?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."

Unbuttoning his shirt, I began working on his chest and nipples. I watched as he wasn't reacting at first, but the more I did...I smiled as he was becoming erect and moaned as he pulled my head closer to him. I always did a pretty good job orally with him and I went slower until he was moaning more directing what he wanted by pulling my head back and forth. When he finally burst, cumming in three good shots; I swallowed what he gave me readily, licking him clean. Then I went up his now relaxed body as he sighed and smiled.

"Are you better?" I smiled at him.

"Oh, yeah." He nodded kissing me. "I love you."

"I love you," I said returning his kiss. "I'll do it again several times between now and when we have the interview...right before the interview." I said. "I'm with you, Peter. I'm your life partner." I grinned leering. "I'll take any excuse to suck that beautiful dick of yours."

"We do every day! Several times!" Peter said smiling more. "You don't need an excuse. We just do it!"

"This was stress therapy!" I said. "I think it worked."

Peter laughed hugging me tightly. "Thank you."

We had dinner and a nice visit with his mother. The next morning, we got ready. With his coloring, the dark blue chosen was a nice contrast and I naturally thought he was sexy. Mine was lighter in color. It was midafternoon when the TV van arrived and men came in with equipment and things they needed for the interview. The broadcast was going to be live at eight that evening. It was six when the car arrived and the reporter I'd only seen on TV got out and came in. His white hair was sort of shocking, he wasn't that old. He was a handsome man. He was well dressed, of course. He was a reporter for a major network. CNN. People trusted him to bring them the truth.

Peter was beginning to do it again, but I knew what to a few minutes. I greeted Anderson Cooper at the door and let him in.

"Hello, Mr. Richards." Anderson greeted, knowing who I was without telling him made me smile. He turned and looked at Peter. "Prince Petro. Thank you for choosing me for this opportunity." He looked at Peter. "Should I bow or something?"

Peter shook his head and smiled. "Not to me, Mr. Cooper." He turned using his accented English. "I prefer Peter to Prince Petro." Peter turned to his mother as she walked over in the coral suit all one color with pants, her blonde hair cascading below her shoulders: elegant, but casual. Again, she was stunning. "Perhaps to my mother, Queen Alla."

Anderson's eyes widened, but he smiled. "I wasn't expecting this." He bowed to her. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty."

Queen Alla stepped forward and offered her hand to Anderson. "My sons didn't know I would be here." She explained shaking his hand. "But I wanted people to know that this marriage has my full support and King Olek's support."

Anderson nodded and you could see he was delightfully surprised at her words. "That's marvelous." He looked at his watch. "We need to set up. There will be a light makeup applied to each of you to prevent shine from the lights of the camera."

I nodded. "We'll do what we need to," I said taking Peter's hand. "We'll be back in a few minutes," I said and took Peter upstairs. Not rushing, I pushed him down gently and I did what I'd done the day before again.

More relaxed Peter was fixing his clothes. "I know you know this. I love you, but I need you."

I nodded. "And I'll be here whenever you need me," I assured.

He smiled. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

I nodded kissing him. "Oh, definitely," I said as my hands traveled over his butt. "Later. I get this." I said and squeezed lightly.

"You do every night!" Peter chuckled. "I make love to you and you then make love to me."

I nodded. "And I enjoy both." I raised his arm and brought my nose to his shirt covered armpit. The smell of his cologne and deodorant filled my nose. "It will be better when you shower before bed. I love your scent."

Peter laughed. "After this is done...smell me all over and do what you will to my ass for as long as you like." He said more relaxed kissing me.

"I intend to," I said taking his hand and going downstairs.

Anderson was talking with someone on his crew but turned as we came in. "I really didn't get anything from Ms. Baldwin about things I shouldn't ask."

I nodded. "I've seen you doing what you do, Mr. Cooper. That's why I chose you. People will listen to you." I looked at him. "You are openly gay, so I knew you'd understand us more, but what I hope is..." I thought of the best way to approach the subject, "do you want to be known as the gay reporter for CNN or a top reporter at CNN who happens to be gay?"

He looked a moment and thought, but he smiled. "I get it. So, you're just a couple that's marrying. Understood."

"We are doing what hasn't been done. We know that." I said. "You can ask about that, but we're just a couple of people that are getting married."

Anderson nodded. "Now, help me out. Is it Mak a rovia?"

I chuckled. "It's Mak'rovia. The second A isn't really pronounced much." I looked at him. "We're trusting you."

Anderson nodded. "I'll do a good job. I promise. You know what's happening in Makarovia, don't you?"

I nodded. "I do, but we aren't going to tell people what that is. King Olek is doing that at the end of the week."

"I'll simply bring it up so you can say that, okay?" Anderson pointed to the living room where the lights were shining or the sofa before the fireplace. He looked at his watch as a man nodded to Anderson. "We're on in fifteen minutes, so if you'll sit and let Russ get that powder on, we'll get ready." The camera was on a rolling...whatever they call it to keep it steady.

Sitting we watched as the clock behind the men and the camera counted down. We were lightly covered in this white powder and Russ stepped away.

"We're on in five, four, three," A man said.

We all watched as the red light on the camera came on.

Next: Chapter 4

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