Magicians Assistant


Published on Feb 23, 2001



by Deane Christopher

Edited by Steve Zink

Copyright 2001


Having completed their third 'Tit for Tat' cycle, Jeff prudently made the suggestion that she and Mary relocate to her bedroom and the queen sized bed that awaited them there. Giddy, and scampering like a couple of pre-adolescent girls on their very first sleep-over, Mary and that new lover-girl of hers fairly dashed up the steps and into Jeff's manly appointed bedroom. Climbing under the covers, Mary wasted no time getting down to the business at hand. Within a few short moments, the lithe and ever so eager sexpot that Magatrix had turned Jeffrey Gibson into was once again riving under Mary's deft handed ministrations.

Jeff often joked that if a woman didn't know what to give her boyfriend for his birthday or Christmas, she could always give him Head and Shoulders. Then, he would quickly follow up by pointing out the fact that, as regrettable as it was, there were some women out there that just didn't know how to give good 'Shoulder'. Then, more times than not, he would go on to add that even the worst blowjob he had ever been the recipient of had been great. But, as great as fellatio had been, Mary's talented tongue had enlightened Jeff to the fact that the selfless act of cunnilingus was head and shoulders over anything he had ever experienced before.

"Damn!" a very tuckered out Jeff breathlessly whimpered. "That was wonderful, Mary! Wonderful and fantastic...

"I've got to tell you! While I could do without all the hassles involved with my being a woman - You know, like having to sit down every time you have to take a pee! - I must say: I absolutely love the multi-orgasmic business!"

"See! I told ya' you would?"

"Yeah..." Jeff yawned. "I guess you did at that..."

"So, sweetcheeks..." it was Mary's turn to yawn. "Have you given any thought to what you're going to do about the ring?"

Jeff did not replied to Mary' query. Nestle within the comforting embrace of that new bisexual lover-girl of hers, she had fallen fast asleep.

Mary, with a tender kiss placed upon Jeff's angelic brow, was quick to follow suit.

A very bewildered and extremely disoriented Jeff awoke the next morning to find himself in a state of full-blown arousal. He had a hard-on and, though it took him a moment to get his shit together in order to understand all the whys and wherefores behind why he did, he belatedly came to the realization that it was none other than Mary who was the responsible party for his rude, but ever so pleasurable awakening. Feeling her lips sliding up and down his blood-engorged shaft was sensational, but not - He realized. - as sensational as feeling her tongue flick and dart about that gone, but far from forgotten clit he had possessed just a few short hours before.

Aware that her lover had awaken, Mary quickly shifted position. Kneeling astride Jeff's mid-section, she lowered herself onto the blood stiffened shaft of his manhood, there by, replacing one set of her lips with yet another. Slowly, fairly duplicating the erotic rhythm of her previous oral ministrations, Mary, with all the artistry of a skilled paramour and the tempered ferocity of a wanton hussy in heat, began to entice Jeff's penis to the point where it would explosively tender up its' life engendering seed.

Jeff, feeling as if he should pitch in and lend a hand in the proceedings, reached up and, cupping Mary's breast began to knead, fondle and otherwise caress them. Mary, however, was having none of it! Wishing to administer to Jeff's needs rather than to have him try to address hers, Mary, with the heat of her passions infused in her actions, reached up and grabbing his wrists, forced them off of her and down onto the bed alongside of his head. Then, while maintaining the thrust and reciprocal withdrawal of her rhythmic pelvic undulations, Mary bent forward and planted an impassioned lip-lock on her lover's manly lips. However, though she did so, Mary did not send her tongue into the sanctum sanctorum of Jeff's oral cavity, but with the slight and quivering parting of her own lips, she gleefully invited Jeff's tongue erotic admittance to her own.

Soaring on the frenzied whirlwind of their passions, the two became as one entity. With bodies joined and spirits melded they felt the orgasmic echo of the other as they concurrently climaxed.

Moments later, Jeff, with a gentle kiss to serve as a preamble, softly muttered, "Tell me... Did we just..."

"Yes, my love..." Mary weakly managed. "If you're wondering if the two of us just experienced simultaneous orgasms, the answer is: yes! We most certainly did! And, if I do say so myself, they were wonderful, weren't they?"

"Yes..." Jeff dreamily mused. "I agree! They were wonderful...

"Mary!" Jeff said after a moment of thoughtful silence. "Tell me something?

"When you said 'they', were you speaking figuratively or literally?

"I mean, did you feel that there was something inherently different when you came? Or, was it just me?

"I mean, given all that happened last night - You know, with me being a girl and all! - I'm not really sure that I felt what I think I felt! You know, when I came! You know, just now!

"I mean, I'm not saying that I didn't feel the way I usually do when I come, because I did! And, I've got to tell you; it was so friggin' fantastic it was so far beyond awesome it isn't funny!

"But, the thing is: though it was muted, I also felt - For the lack of a better way to put this! - a stirring - Or, if you will! - an echo of what I presume you experienced! You know, more or less piggybacking the kind of stuff that I normally feel! You know, like whenever I make love as a guy! Which, I'm sad to say, given my current situation - You know, what with my divorce and all! - hasn't been a lot here later...

"I mean, as crazy as it sounds, it almost felt like I experienced a male orgasm, but to a lesser degree, your female ones as well...

"I mean, is that crazy or what?"

"No, Jeff! I don't think it's crazy at all!

"You see, my love!" Mary said with an endearing kiss. "I do believe that I experienced something similar! You know, save that it was pretty much the exact opposite of what you just told me!

"That's to say that I felt my own orgasms and - I guess what I would call! - the hint of poignantly muted surge that - I would assume. - accompanied your ejaculation."

"Now, that's weird..."

"Yes!" Mary concurred as she snuggled deeper into Jeff's loving embrace. "Weird and wonderful! All wrapped up in one nice and nifty little package..."

"Mary!" Jeff speculated. "Do you think it has something to do with what Magatrix said about us being soulmates?"


"Mary!" Jeff intoned about five minutes later.

"What, my love?" Mary wearily mumbled.

"Tell me something!"

"Sure! What do you want to know?"

"Does that count?"

"Does what count?"

"What we just did! You know, in so far as that 'Three Times Rule' of yours?"

"Well..." Mary replied thoughtfully. "As far as I'm concerned, what we just did completely eradicates the 'Three Times Rule'! You know, as in I'm thoroughly satisfied that you - My love! - are a keeper!

"That's to say that irregardless of what you decide to do about the ring business, after what we just did, given how absolutely fantastic it was, I can't envision me sleeping with anyone else ever again!

"And, let me tell you something! If you think that I'm going to let you bed another woman - You know, now or in the far distant future! - you best believe that you've got another think coming!


"So... what you're telling me is: I don't get any say in the matter?"

"No! None whatsoever!"

"Okay! I can live with that!"

"Hey!" Jeff exclaimed. "Didn't you tell me that you were seeing someone?"

"Yes! Yes, I did...

"But, it's over..."

"Since when?"

"Since last night! You know, when I kissed you!

"Besides, it was only a physical thing! You know, in which I serviced her needs and she returned the favor by serving mine! You know, like every now and again..."

"Oh! So, what you're saying is: you were involved in - I guess what you might call! - a lesbian tryst?"

"Yeah... I guess you could call it that...

"But, don't worry! It's over! The only person I want to be with from here on out is you, my love! All right?"

Though Mary was busting a gut to find out what Jeff was going to do about the ring business, given that she sincerely felt her whole life hinged on his decision, she did not want to influence him anymore than she already had. If Jeff was going to opt into the life of a part-time female, it would have to be his choice and his choice alone. Mary, while she might not like it if he didn't go that route, was ready to abide but whatever decision he made with regards to the ring.

"So," Jeff said as he struggled into a pair of jeans, "let me get this straight! If I do decide to put that ring on, I'll have to spend at least six hours out of every twenty-four as a woman! Right?"

"Yes!" Mary said as she fastened her bra. "I believe that's what Magatrix told me to tell you!

"But, just in case I've got it all balled up, why don't you give her a call and ask her yourself!"

"And, just how am I supposed to do that? You know, when I have no idea of how to get in touch with her!"

"No problem! Magatrix kind of figured that you might want to talk to her! You know, to get all your ducks in a row before you took the plunge and put the ring on! So, in order to make a long story short, she gave me her cellular phone number last night! You know, in the off-chance that you might want to touch base with her first!"

A guardedly exuberant Mary helped Jeff compile a list of questions that Jeff wanted to ask Magatrix. Then, having read through the list a couple of times just to make sure all his concerns were addressed, Jeff picked up the phone and dialed the number Mary gave him. Fifteen minutes later, having run through the entire list of questions twice, Jeff, saying that Magatrix wished to talk to her, handed the phone over to Mary. Then, in an effort to grant that new girlfriend of his a little privacy, he headed into the kitchen where he busied himself with the mundane task of brewing a second pot of coffee for the two of them.

"Coffee'll be ready in a minute or so!" Jeff said as Mary joined him in the kitchen.

"Great!" Mary replied with the hint of what Jeff took to be an awkward hesitancy.

"So... if you don't mind my asking," a curious Jeff heard himself ask, "what did the two of you talk about?"

"Basically... we talked about you! You know, and what the two of us did! You know, last night! You know, when you were a girl..."

"And, what - May I ask! - did you tell her? You know, about me and what the two of us did last night?"

"Well..." Mary was troubled. "While I didn't get into any details - You know, because they're personal! - I gave her a pretty good broad-brush overview of what went on..."

"You did, did you?"

"Yes... Yes, I'm sad to say I did...

"I mean, I hope that was all right! You know, my telling her about us..."

"So, what else did you tell her?"

"That I thought I was well on the way to falling madly in love with you! You know, if that is: I'm not already in love with you! And, that I wasn't about to let you waltz out of my life now that I found you! And, that irregardless of what you decided to do about the ring, I was in this thing for the long haul..."

"Well... I must say, I'm certainly glad to hear you say that!" Jeff playfully chuckled as he raised his left hand to display a plan white-gold band encircling its' ring finger. "Because, I know without the shadow of doubt that I am head over heels in love with you!"

Then, having made his declaration of love, Jeff, enfolding Mary into an impassioned embrace, invoked the magic that the ring granted him access to and so, instantaneously transmogrified into his silver clad, high heel shod and ever so lovely feminine alter ego, Jasmine.

"My, my, sweetcheeks!" an overjoyed Mary teasingly scoffed. "Don't you look good enough to eat!"

"Damn!" a delighted Jasmine replied. "And, here we just made the bed!"

"So! Can't we always just make it again?"

Jasmine, eagerly taking Mary's hand in hers, cheerfully replied as she, with Mary in tow, made for the living room en route to the stairs, "I don't see any reason as to why we can't! After all, you and I are women aren't we? And, if two women can't made a bed, there's something seriously wrong..."

"Damn!" a very self-satisfied Jasmine muttered "It just keeps getting better and better!

"I mean to tell you, Mary! I absolute love this multi-orgasmic business!

"I mean, that - In and of itself! - makes being a girl thoroughly worth whiled!"

"So, you don't think you're going to regret doing this, do you?"

"Well, if I do, you'll be there to remind of the bennies, now won't you?"

"Oh, yeah! I'll be there all right! Tongue primed and ready for action!"

"You better be! You know, because I did this not only for myself, but for you as well! You know, what with that girl-thing of yours and all!"

"I know, sweetums! I know you did this for me as well as yourself!

"And, I promise you - A cross my heart and hope to die kind of promise! - that you'll never - Ever! - regret it! You know, because I won't let you!"

"Okay, Mary! You just say 'when' and I'll do you!"

"That's not necessary..."

"Hey! What gives? I mean, I thought we were playing 'Tit for Tat ' here! And, since you just did me, it's my turn to do you!"

"No! Really! You don't have to!"

"And, why - Pray tell! - is that?"

"Because - My love! - it seems that when I did you, I did myself as well!"

"What? Just what in the hell are you talking about?"

"Do you remember what happened this morning? Do you remember how you said you felt - What you referred to as an echo! - of my female orgasms! You know, more or less piggy-backing your male orgasm! And, remember how I said I experienced something similar? You know, as in I felt a hint of your male orgasm while I was in the midst of my female orgasms?"

"Yeah! So?"

"So... guess what, kiddo! When you came - You know, just now! - I did too!

"I'll grant you, it wasn't anything near as strong as what you felt! But, I did feel it! And, it was wonderful!"

"You're joshing me, aren't you?"

"No, sweetcheeks! I'm not! I'm as serious as serious can be!

"I felt what you felt! You know, but to a somewhat lesser degree!"

"That's crazy!"

"Yeah! It's crazy all right! But, not as crazy and as farfetched as the notion that there's a guy I know who can change himself into a utterly fantastic looking girl!"

"All right, already! When you put it like that, I guess anything's possible!"

"Hey! I have an idea! Let's try a little experiment!" Mary said as she lovingly guided Jasmine's hand towards her own loins.

"Go ahead! Flick my Bic!"

"Ooo..." Jasmine gleefully exclaimed as a muted sexual shiver coursed through her. "I felt that! I actually felt that!

"I mean, it was no where near as strong as when you do me, but you're right! There's no getting around the fact that I really did feel something! You know, when I tweaked that clit of yours just now!"

"I know! Isn't it wonderful!

"Now, let me do you!" Mary said as she nimbly inserted her index finger into Jasmine's cunt.

"Oh, my!" it was Mary's turn to exclaim. "I do believe that it's getting stronger!"

"Okay!" a sexually exasperated Mary irately snapped as she began to brake for the light. "That's enough of that, sweetcheeks! Look! I hate to have to be the spoilsport here, but you've really got to stop playing with yourself! You know, because if you don't, there's a good chance that you are going to cause me to have an accident!

"Remember! Due to this symbiotic sexual thingie that you and I have going on between us, whatever you do to yourself, you do to me as well!

"So, knock it off right now! Because, if you don't, guess what! I'll let you drive! You know, and maybe that'll keep your hands busy doing something else!"

As Mary pulled into their company's parking lot, Jasmine began to direct her soulmate to the area of the lot where she had left her car parked the night before.

"Okay!" Jasmine said. "So, the plan is: I'm going follow you back to my place where I'll park my car. Then, the two of will head over to your apartment in your car so you can pick up whatever you need to get you through the weekend?"

"That's right! Then, we can stop and get some lunch and decide what we want to do this weekend. You know, besides the two of spending a lot of time in bed having at one another! All right?"

"Sure! Sounds like a plan to me!" Jasmine returned brightly.

Then, in an afterthought, Mary called out to that new girlfriend of hers. ""Hey, Jazz! Just remember! No more playing grabass with yourself until we get someplace safe! Okay?"

Then, just to punctuate her remarks, Mary wickedly reached down and drew her finger up along the swath of her own vagina.

"Hey!" Jasmine, having experienced the corresponding sexual jolt, rudely exclaimed. "I felt that!"

"Good! Let it serve as a reminder for you to behave yourself on the way back to your place..."

Starting that Friday and continuing almost incessantly for next several months, Jeff was like that proverbial kid in a candy store that you are always hearing about. Like one of those windup toys that reverses its' direction of travel upon running into an obstacle, Jeff was switching his sexual affiliation on damn near an hourly bases all throughout that Friday afternoon.

"Hey, kiddo!" Mary teasingly chided, as the two of them were about to head out to a restaurant that evening. "Don't you think that you ought to tone down that outfit of yours a little?

"I mean, I know you enjoy dressing like a dick-teaser's dick-teaser, but come on! We're going to a family styled steak house! You know, and not some snobbish up-scale nightspot!

"Tell you what! Since it's quite evident that you've got a thing for high heels and satin - You know, that probably borders on a fetish! - why don't you go with a pair of stiletto-heeled boots, a pair of designer jeans and, if you must, a satin blouse! You know, like in an understated muted pewter!"

Liking Mary's suggestion, Jasmine did just that. Closing her eyes, she followed Magatrix's instructions and formed a mental picture of herself decked out in the items Mary had just described. A second or so later, Jasmine opened her eyes to find herself so attired.

"I must say: I think this magical clothing business is really, really neat! Plus, think of all the money it's going to save me over the long haul..."

"Yeah!" Mary dolefully smirked. "But, think of all the money it's going to cost me!"

"What'da'ya mean?"

"Well... since I don't have a whole lot of the kind of stuff that you seem to like in my present wardrobe, I think I'm going to have to start upgrading P.D.Q.! You know, if, that is: I'm going to compete in order to keep you from becoming a full fledge narcissist!

In fact, sweetums! After we eat, before we head on over to the movies, I want to stop by the Clark Street Mall!

At the mall, Mary proved true to her word. Stopping in a fashionable shoe store that catered to the young at heart, she picked up two pairs of high heels, one pair in a black kid and the other in navy. Plus, she purchased a pair of stiletto heeled ankle boots. Then it was off to a Victoria's Secret where she picked up a varied assortment of satin bras and matching bikini brief ensembles. Following that, she and Jasmine headed off to a department store where Mary purchased several sleek satin blouses.

Pulling into the movie theater's parking lot, Mary sheepishly suggested that Jasmine change back into her male alter ego, saying that since this would be their first official date together, she'd like it to be with Jeff. Taking no offense whatsoever in Mary's suggestion, Jasmine closed her eyes and - Whalla! - a second or so later, opened them as Jeff.

Arriving back at Jeff's townhouse, the two doffed their coats and quickly scampered upstairs to master bedroom. There, Jeff proved his worth as slow handed and extremely talented tongued lover. Using some of his recently acquired knowledge of the 'in's and out's' of a woman's physique, Jeff soon had Mary riving under his deft handed ministrations.

Mary wiggled. She squirmed. She screamed. She cried. Her hips bucked. Her tummy undulated.

Jeff, who was experiencing the erotic and ever so stimulating echo of the very same pleasures he was so skillfully and tenderly engendering, was primed and ready to oblige Mary's frenzied and impassioned supplications for him to enter her. Where upon doing so, their unique form of sexual symbiosis kicked in and took control of the proceedings. As one narcissist entity, joined body, mind and soul with one another, they copulated. They climaxed, with each experiencing the full force of both sides of the sexual equation simultaneously.

"Okay, kiddo!" Mary wantonly intoned. "How 'bout accessing your ring's magic and pulling a presto-chango, guyo-girlo thing-a-ma-jig and turn yourself into that sexy little lover-girl of mine?"

Jeff, thoroughly enjoying that new found ability of his, did as Mary requested. "Oh, so now it's your turn to do me?"

"Oh, yeah! You've got that right!" Mary impishly exclaimed as she began to teasingly toy with the nipple of Jasmine's rather ample left breast. "And, I just want you to know that virginity is highly overrated!"

"And, just what is that supposed to mean?"

"That, sweetcheeks, is for me to know and for you to find out!"

Jasmine loved the sexual aspects of being a woman. She loved having erogenous zones all over the place. And, she absolutely loved the slow and tender way Mary attended to those extremely sensitive and ever so pleasurable aspects of her feminine anatomy.

It wasn't long before Mary had Jasmine riving under her deft-handed and talented tongue techniques. Then, all of a sudden, Jasmine realized that something thoroughly unexpected had occurred. She came to the stark realization that she was no longer a man fitted out with a woman's body. Rather, she had become keenly aware that she was a woman - body, mind and soul. And, she wanted Mary the way a woman wants a man. She wanted to feel Mary up insider of her. She dearly wanted Mary to make love to her as only a man could.

Suddenly, as if in answer to Jasmine's prayers, Mary, with a final, endearing tongue swirl, broke off the selfless act of cunnilingus and repositioned herself atop of that lesbian lover-girl of hers. As Mary did so, Jasmine felt herself penetrated.

"Mary!" Jasmine, aware of the fact that she had been entered, squealed in raging disbelief. "How? How is it possible?"

"All in good time, kiddo! All in good time!

"But first, you - My love! - must answer me a question.

"Do you want me to do this?" Mary said as she slowly began to back the head of her newly acquired penis out of the vestibule of Jasmine's vagina.

"Oh, yes!" Jasmine gasped. "Please! I implore you!"

"All right, my sweet... But, I warn you! It'll probably hurt like hell! You know, when I pop your cherry!"

"I don't care!" Jasmine screamed. "I want you! I want you in me now!"

"All right, sweetums..." Mary said tenderly as she enthusiastically thrust inward. "But remember, I warned you..."

"Mary!" Jasmine finally managed to coherently stammer. "How? How was it possible? I mean, you're still a girl!"

"Correction, sweetcheeks! Right now, I'm a girl with a guy's thing!

"Fact is: the way Magatrix's set the whole thing up, right now I'm a girl who's been fitted out with none other than an exact duplicate of your own male thingie!"

"That's crazy!"

"Yeah! About as crazy as your being my lesbian lover!"

"But, how? How's it possible?"

"Magic!" Mary smirked. "It all boils down to magic!

"I don't know if you remember this or not, but there were two rings in my purse last night! Not one!

"That's to say that Magatrix not only gave me one ring to give you, but another one to keep for myself!"

"Oh... So, tell me! Besides fitting you out with an exact duplicate of my penis, what else does yours do?"

"Let me answer that by asking you a question.

"Do you feel in any way different now than you did before we made love?"

"Yes! Yes, I do..."

"How so?"

"Well, I'm not sure how to put this, but just before you entered me, I felt like my whole perspective shifted! You know, from male to - What I guess what you might call! - female!"

"Well, guess what, my little Jeffery-poo-bear! That's exactly what did happen!

"When I triggered my ring's magic - You know, that fitted me out with not only a facsimile of your pecker and a rather healthy male libido too, you - My love! - were turned into a complete and total woman!"

"So," Mary said a few minuets later, "did it hurt? You know, when I went and so rudely broke your hymen?"

"Yes... Yes, it did! It hurt like hell!"

"Sorry 'bout that, sweetums..."

"No, Mary! Don't apologize!

"Look! I wanted you to do it..."

"And, I've got to tell you: I loved feeling you up inside me like that!"

"Well... I'm certainly glad to hear that..."

"This is weirder then weird!" Jasmine, with a girlish giggle spilling out around her words, gleefully exclaimed as she gentle stroked Mary's manly prominence.

"What is?"

"Me! You know, doing what I'm doing!

"I mean, I never - Not in my wildest dreams! - thought that I could ever get up the gumption to do something like this!"

"I gather that you're referring to what you're doing to this set of male genitalia that I'm now sporting?"

"Yes..." Jasmine replied softly as she repositioned herself down in between Mary's splayed legs. "I mean, I can't believe I really going to do what I'm about to do!"

"And, why is that, kiddo?

"Because, I'm really a man!" Jasmine said as those luscious lips of hers tenderly encircled the head of Mary's blood engorged member.

"Oh, no you're not, sweetums! As long as I've got what I've got down there, you - My dear! - are all woman!

"In other words, my love, for the time being, giving head is the most natural thing in the world for you to do! Besides, since you're experiencing a slightly muted down version of what I'm experiencing, if it helps to appease any aversions you might be feeling, why don't you just think of it as a form of oral masturbation! You know, that you're doing to yourself..."

Knowing that she get a rise out of that new lover-girl of hers, Mary playfully began, "It ain't fair!"

"What ain't fair?"

"You, girl! You're not being square with me!"

"What in the world do you mean, Mary? You know, about me and how I'm not being square with you?"

"You've done that before, haven't you?"

"No!" Jasmine was emphatic. "Never!

"I mean, how could you ever think I did something like that?"

"Well..." Mary teased. "For starters, you seem a whole hell of a lot more proficient at it than I am! You know, and I'm no where near the neophyte at it that you claim to be! You know, as in I freely admit that I've given head a time or two on the past! Where as, you claim that this was your one and only time..."

"Mary!" Jasmine was quickly becoming frantic. "How could you ever think that or me?"

"I don't, sweetcheeks! I really don't!

"I was just teasing you! You know, pulling your leg so to speak...

"But, even though I was, I've got to tell you! When it comes to giving head, you're great!"

"I am?"

"Yes! And, you know you are!

"But, given the instant feedback - You know, that we're both now privy to! - it more or less stands to reason that you should be great..."

Jeffrey Gibson's story will continue in: MAGICIAN'S ASSISTANT 7 - TOMFOOLERY

Next: Chapter 7

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