Magicians Assistant


Published on Feb 16, 2001



by Deane Christopher

Edited by Steve Zink

Copyright 2001


"Jeff!" Mary said as she pulled up in front of her friend's place. "Look! I hate to ask you this! You know, because I know that it's late! And, I know that you're chomping at the bit to play around with all those nifty feminine attributes that Magatrix fitted you out with! But, I've really, really got to use your bathroom! You know, before I have an accident!"

"Sure! By all means! Come on in!

"Truth is, Mary: I was kind of hoping I could persuade you to come in for awhile! You know, because as much as I want to have at myself, I'm not sure I want to be alone right now either! You know, as in I'd like to talk about this ring business some more! You know, just to make sure I have all the facts right!"

"Damn!" Jeff, upon the realization that she didn't have the key to her front door, fumed. "I don't have my keys! I guess there in that silver clutch-purse that Magatrix whipped up to hold them, my wallet and a feminized version of all that other stuff that I had in my pockets! You know, before she went and turned me into her lovely little sexpot of an assistant!

"And me, the blundering air-head of a dumb blonde that I seem to have become as a result of having been turned into a girl went and absentmindedly left that purse of mine in your car! You know, because I'm not use to lugging one around with me!"

"Not to worry, Jeff! I made sure to grab your purse when I grabbed mine! You know, figuring that you'd more than likely forget all about it!

"So, here you go!" Mary said as she handed Jeff the silver clutch purse.

"Thanks, Mary! You're a real lifesaver!

"You know something! If I do decided to go with this ring business - You know, and start becoming a part-time girl on a daily bases! - it pretty much a given that I'm going to need some help!" Jeff said as she opened the purse and endeavored to locate her keys. "You know, as in I'm going to need - Shall we say! - a coach! You know, to help me over the hurtles involved in my functioning as a girl! You know, someone to remind me about purses and other such things such as that...

"So," Jeff continued as she deftly inserted her key into the lock, "I guess what I'm asking - You know, in a round about manner! - is: can I call on you to give me a hand should I elect to go that route? You know, as - Shall we say! - my big sister, or girlfriend or whatever! You know, until I get into the hang of what being a girl is all about..."

"Sure, kiddo! I'd be glad to pitch in and lend a hand!" Mary chuckled as Jeff swung the front door to her town house inward.

"Here, let me give you a hand with your jacket!" Mary said, having just slipped out of own coat and hung it and her pocketbook on the banister's knoll post.

"My, my!" Jeff quipped as she reached up and, for the umpteenth time that evening jostled those ample chest protrusions of hers. "I must say that for a lady, you really know how to play the part of a perfect gentleman, Mary!

"Would you like to see just how much of gentleman I can be?"

"Sure... Why the hell not...

"But... as I recall... I thought you said that wanted to use the bathroom..."

"I lied!" Mary replied with a smirk as she boldly stepped in and smartly enfolded Jeff's magically feminized body into a lover's passionate embrace. Then, without giving her startled friend a chance to protest her advances, Mary proceeded on to plant an impassioned lip-lock on those ever so luscious lips of her otherwise ostensible male-minded work-mate.

Taken completely aback by Mary's brash actions, Jeff found herself quickly warming to the ardor infused kiss. Offering no resistance whatsoever when Mary lips parted her own, Jeff gladly, if not eagerly, accepted the incursion of Mary's tongue into the sanctum sanctorum of her oral cavity.

"Mary!" Jeff breathlessly gasped at the first opportunity that Mary afforded her. "Do you know just what in the hell you're doing to me?"

"I certainly should hope so!" there was a wickedly impish inflection clearly conveyed in Mary's rejoinder.

"But..." Jeff, loving the feel of Mary's lips on her throat, helplessly whimpered. "You said you weren't a lesbian!"

"I'm not a lesbian, per se!" Mary offered between neck-kisses. "I'm a bisexual! That's to say: I swing either way! You know, as in I like sex from either side of the aisle!"

"But..." Jeff, loving the way she was feeling, lamely endeavored to raise an objection.

"But what, my sweet?" Tell me! You do like what I'm doing to you, don't you?"

Stammering, a quivering and thoroughly turned-on Jeff managed, "It's not that I don't like what you're doing to me! You know, because - God help me! - I do! I absolutely love it! It's just that I don't want you doing something that you're going to regret doing in the morning, Mary!"

"Believe me, kiddo! I'm not going to regret this at all! In fact, I think it safe to say that I'm going to relish it...

"I mean, you really don't want me to stop, do you?" Mary asked as she took her right hand and began to artfully caress the inner run of Jeff's nylon clad right thigh.

"Noooo..." Jeff abjectly pleaded.

"That's good, my sweet! Because, I must tell you, I have no intentions of stopping! Not until I make you squeal and squirm and turn you into a first class pillow eater!

"Trust me, kiddo! You're going to enjoy this a whole hell of a lot more than you would playing a game of grabass and titty-tweak with yourself! As you will soon discover for yourself, sweetums, a tongue trumps a finger any day of the week! You know, given the fact that a tongue is more or less self-lubricating! That's to say: that it cuts down on the friction..."

Mary and Jeff never made it upstairs to the master bedroom. They only got so far as the living room. Clothing - Both Jeff's and Mary's - was quickly and furious discarded and therefore, lay haphazardly strewn about the room.

Over and over and over again, Mary had to admonish the blonde bombshell that Magatrix had turned Jeff into to cease and desist; saying, in so many words, that she was the instigator and that it was her show and that if Jeff wished to reciprocate, she could do so later.

Raising her mouth up and off of Jeff's left teat, Mary, with full knowledge of what the answer would be, inquired. "So, we like that do we?"

"Yes!" Jeff, in that ever so sultry voice of hers, exasperatedly squealed. "Oh, yes! It feels wonderful!"


"Now brace yourself, kiddo! Because, I'm about to up the ante!"

Taking her middle finger and placing it at the posterior apex of her friend's magically installed womanhood, Mary, well of aware of the vast amounts of excruciating pleasure she was on the verge of engendering, ever so slowly, ever so teasingly, drew her finger forward. "And, this!" she softly intoned. "Does my little Jeffrey Poo-bear like this as well?"

"Oh, God! Yes!"

Inserting the nail and nubbin of her finger within the love juice slicken channel as defined by the multiple lip-folds of Jeff's vagina, Mary repeated the process.


"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yes..." Jeff whimpered. "It feels wonderful... Absolutely wonderful..."

"Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes!" Jeff shrieked. "Oh, God! Yes! Please..."

"Well... Mary, who was thoroughly enjoying the moment, sardonically replied. "If you insist..."

Jeff bucked. She squirmed. She wriggled. She squealed. She screamed. She repeated beseeched the Almighty on High for succor as her body undulated in spasmodic resonance with the erotic stimulation being lavished upon her clit.

Then, just when Jeff thought that there was no way it could get any better, Mary shifted position in order to bring that ever so talented tongue of hers into the fray occurring at center court.

With a flick and a swirl, Mary manfully propelled Jeff into the multi-faceted wonderment of sexual nirvana. Rising on the elusive, ephemeral epiphany of madly ricocheting and wildly cavorting pleasures, Jeff vigorously embraced her womanhood as she rose explosively toward the blessed crescendo of her all encompassing primordial desires.

With a savage pelvic thrust that threatened to dislodge her benefactrix, Jeff's ultra feminized body subjugated the maleness of her libido as a careening cascade of orgasms gushed and rippled outwards from the clitoral epicenter of her being - one orgasmic tsunami-like doppelganger following immediately upon the heels of its' predecessor.

"So, kiddo!" Mary tentatively intoned after she had allowed an appreciable amount of time for Jeff to savor the warm fuzzes of her very first post-orgasmic experience as a fully functional female. "What 'ya think! I mean, did it meet with all your expectations?"

"Meet 'em!" Jeff dreamily managed. "It so far exceed them it isn't funny!

"I mean to tell you, Mary! It was wonderful! Absolutely wonderful..." Then, in an after-thought, Jeff added, "Truth be told! Not only was it wonderful! But, I've got to tell you! You were wonderful too!"

Replying with a self-satisfied smirk, Mary said, "I was, was I?"

"Oh, yeah! Take it from me! You most certainly were!

"I mean, the way you went down on me - You know, and gave me that that tongue-lashing! - I couldn't believe how friggin' fantastic it felt!

"You know, as in it was so far beyond wonderful it isn't funny!"

"Well, as nice as it is to hear you say that, sweetums, if you say 'It isn't funny!' one more time tonight, I'm going to bop you on that pretty little head of yours!"

"All right, already!" Jeff chuckled. "I'll stop saying that! But, only if you promise me something in return!"

"And, what - Pray tell! - is that?"

"I'll stop if you promise me that you'll do me again! You know, after I've recuperated enough to be able to fully enjoy it!"

"Well... Mary teased. "Since I already had full intentions of doing just that - You know, after I've received payment in kind! - you've got yourself a deal! You know, just as long as you - My dear! - understand that the two of us are engaged in a very pleasurable game of Tit for Tat! And, you do know how that game works, kiddo? The rules are as simple as can be! In order to get, you've got to give!

"In other words, sweet cheeks, as soon as you feel you're up to it, it's time for you to pay the piper!

"However, before you show me what kind of lesbian lover-girl you are, I have a suggestion to make!

"Since it's a pretty safe bet that we might be going at one another for most of the night - You little minx, you! - I think it would be prudent for the two of us to call into work and leave a message on both of our respective department heads' voice mails! You know, to inform them that something has come up and that we're taking Friday off!

"I mean, you do have enough vacation days left to do that, don't you?"

"You bet I do!" Jeff said as she broke out of Mary's embrace in order go get her phone.

Jeff made the first call. And, after bumbling through what would seem to be a rather farfetched explanation to why he - as a she - did not sound like himself, suggesting in so many words that Mat or Bob or Ann or Vicki could verify the authenticity of her assertions, continued on to inform her boss that she would not be in on Friday and that she was putting in for a vacation day to cover her absence. Mary followed suit.

Taking the phone from that new lover-girl of hers' hand, Jeff set it on the floor and then, eager to return favor for favor, assumed the role of the sexual aggressor as she enfolded Mary in her magically emasculated arms and there by, tenderly bent Mary's upper torso back upon the carpet.

One impassioned kiss lead to another and soon Mary was riving under Jeff's deft handed administrations.

"You want to know something, sweet cheeks?" Mary mused. "For a girl, you sure make love like a guy!"

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?"

"Oh, I'd have to say that in this particular instance, it's a good thing..."

Though she failed miserably, given that ever so sultry voice of hers, Jeff endeavored to respond with a cowboy's western-like twang, "Well, thank you ma'am! I must say: I've had some practice! You know, making love as a guy!"

"Well..." Mary laughed. "I must say: it shows!

"And, guess what, sweetcheeks! If you do decide to go with that ring that Magatrix gave you - You know, and start in doing daily stints as a girl! - given all the insight you'll derive out of using it, you - My dear! - are going to become one of the greatest lovers of womankind that the world has ever known!

"That's to say that as good a lover as you are now, it's a cinch that you'll only get better and better with time! You know, as in you'll probably end up a modern day Casanova!"

"Mary!" Jeff, having savored every nuance of her second orgasmic afterglow, dreamily intoned.

"Yes, sweetums?"

"Explain something to me..."

"Sure! I'd be happy to! You know, if I can..."

"Did I misunderstand you earlier, or did you eluded to the fact that you liked me? You know, as a guy?"

Mary, having taken a moment to mull over her answer, thoughtfully replied, "No... You didn't misunderstand me at all...

"You see, Jeff, I like you! You know, as in: I like you a lot! You know, as in I think you're a great guy, but..."

"Okay! Here it comes!" a dishearten Jeff dejectedly scoffed.

"Would you just shut that pretty little trap of yours and let me finish!" Mary irately snapped. "Because, if you do - You know, shut up and hear me out! - I do believe: you're going to like what I have to say! All right?"

Though still pessimistic, Jeff said, "Sure! I'll be a good little girl! I'll listen!"

"Thank you!

"Okay! Well anyhow... Like I was saying - You know, before you went and interrupt me! - was that I like you! You know, a whole lot!

"And, I also was aware of the fact that you like me!"

"How?" Jeff, unable to restrain herself, demanded. "How'd you know that I liked you?"

"Well... other than the fact that you made it pretty obvious! You know, given how awkward and ill at ease you are whenever the two of us are together! I have to be frank with you and come right out and tell you that a little birdie at work told me!"


"Well... if you must know, sweetcheeks, that little birdie was none other than your best bud Mat!"

"That little ratfink! You just wait till I get my hands on him!"

"Jeff!" Mary's voice cracked like a whip. "Are you going to hear me out or, are you going to throw a hissy-fit about Mat and what you're going to do to him for being a blabber-mouth?"

Contritely, responding with a voice that was very reminiscent of little girl who had just been severely chastised, Jeff informed Mary that she would endeavor to keep her trap shut as she urged that new lover-girls of hers to please continue.

"First off, you need to go easy on Mat. You know, because - Believe me! - he has your best interest at heart!

"You see, he and I had a little confab. You know, about you and I and the prospect of the two of us going out together...

"Well anyhow... in order to make a long story short... Mat told me that while he thought you and I would really hit it off - You know, as a couple! - that it would be for the best were I to hold off for a while! You know, because you were still dealing with all the fallout from that messy divorce of yours! You know, and that your head wasn't in the right place for you to get involved in another long-term relationship until you worked through a few things! You know, as in he thought you needed to go out and sow some of those wild oats of yours - His words! Not mine! - you know, before you were ready for the kind of commitment that a long term, one on one relationship demands...

"Then, I got to thinking that it wouldn't be fair for me to get involved with you! You know, because of how much I like you..."

"Now, wait just a second here!" a clearly disgruntled Jeff broke in, demanding an explanation as she did so. "That doesn't make a lick of sense! You know, that you like me! You know, so much so, that you won't go out with me?"

"Okay! You're right! On the surface it doesn't make a bit of sense!

"But, trust me! It does make sense! Albeit, in an extremely convoluted way!

"You see, sweetums, I like you so much that I didn't want to hurt you! You know, especially so after learning all that you've been through! You know, over the last year or so! What with your divorce and all...

"Look!" Mary was emphatic. "It like this! While I like guys, there's another part of me that likes girls too!

"And, that's a real problem for me! You know, because no relationship I've ever been involved in has ever come close to satisfying my admittedly peculiar - If not perverted! - needs!

"In other words, Jeff, I didn't want to hurt you! You know, because I would have! You know, eventually... You know, because of the girl-thing..."

"So... let me get this straight!" Jeff, having just serviced Mary's carnal needs for a second time that night, sought clarification. "Unless I'm way off base here, my becoming a girl tonight has caused you to - Shall we say! - reevaluate the whole situation? You know, in so far as the two of are concerned!"

"Do you want the short answer or the long one?"

"How 'bout we start off with the short one!"

"All right!" Mary replied as she reached over and began to gentle massage the areola and corresponding nipple of Jeff's ample and conical left breast. "The short answer to your question is: yes!

"Is that a problem for you?"

"No... No, it isn't...

"I mean, I've been wanting to go out with you ever since the first day I saw you!"

"Well, that certainty is nice to hear you say that! You know, as in I find it very flattering! And, let me just add: the feeling's mutual! You know, as in: I've had my eye on you as well!"

"So, what happens now?" Jeff, keenly aware that Mary's renewed ministrations were beginning to take effect, felt compelled to ask.

"Well... I guess that depends on you..."

"Oh! You mean about what I decide to do about the ring business!"

"Yes, my sweet..." Mary replied as she leaned in and tenderly encircled Jeff's right nipple with her lips. A kiss, that became a suckle, that was in turn followed up with artfully accomplished tongue swirl, punctuated what Mary had to say next.

"You see, the way I see it: the ball's entirely in your court! Tonight can be either a thoroughly fascinating and extremely pleasurable one-night stand for the two of us or, it can be the beginning of something wonderful! You know, as this could be the start of life long relationship!"

"Look, Jeff! I'm not saying that I won't go out with you! You know, if you decide not to go with the ring business! You know, because I will! You know, because I really, really like you! And, I think that the two of us could really be good together!

"Truth be told! I want you to make love to me! You know, as a man! That's to say that I want to feel you up inside of me..." Mary said emphatically, even as she punctuated her remarks by inserting her middle finger into the well of Jeff's vagina.

"And, when we do make love, I want to invoke the 'Three Times Rule'!" Mary added as her thumb nimbly began to caress Jeff's clitoral nubbin.

"Okay!" Jeff whimpered. "I give! Just what in the hell is this 'Three Times Rule' of yours?"

"You mean to tell me that you never heard of the 'Three Times Rule'?"

"No!" Jeff squealed. "No, I haven't!"

"So, I presume, you'd like me to tell you about it?"

"Yes!" Jeff frantically pleaded as her body squirmed and bucked as a direct result of Mary's deft handed vaginal manipulations.

"All right! The 'Three Times Rule' goes like this! If we're going to make love, we commit to doing it on three separate occasions! And, the reason we do that, is to be fair to one another! You know, should one or the other of us be having - Shall we say! - an off night..."

"Oh!" Jeff moaned. "Oooo..."

"Holy shit!" Jeff, having finally mustered the wherewithal to do so, breathlessly extolled. "Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?

"I mean, I can't begin to tell you how much a love being multi-orgasmic!"

"Well," Mary returned coyly, "since you're doing the very same thing to me that I'm doing to you, I think it's safe to say that I know exactly how you feel!"

"It's feels absolutely wonderful, doesn't it?"

"It most certainty does, sweetums..."



"Are you serious about this three times business?"

"I most certainly am!"

"Well..." Jeff began speculatively. "Since you had me at a distinct disadvantage - You know, when we were talking about it before! - do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?"

"No! By all means! Ask away!"

"I did hear you correctly, didn't I? You know, about you wanting me to make love to you as a man?"

"You sure did, sweetcheeks! Using a phrase that you have pretty much beat to death tonight, I want to feel that thingie of yours up inside of me so bad it isn't funny!"

"And, you want us to do it at least three times?"

"No! I don't want us to do it three times! What I'm saying is: I want us to do it on three separate occasions! You know, in order to deal with any apprehensions and awkwardness that could - Oh, what's that word I'm looking for here? Oh, I know! Impede! The word I'm looking for is: impede! You know, as in our apprehensions could either impede or hamper our performance or our pleasure or both!

"In other words, sweetums, you could be off one night! And, I could be off on the next night! But, if we're both off on our third go-around, maybe it just wasn't meant to be! You know, as in maybe we're not cut out to be lovers!

"However, given what's been going on tonight, I really don't think there's much chance of that occurring! Do you?"

"No! No, I don't!

"Good! 'Cause neither do I!

"I mean, for my money, I think Magatrix was right!"

"Right about what?" an extremely curious Jeff felt compelled to ask.

"About us! About how the two of us were made for each other!"

"And, when - Pray tell! - did she lay this little tidbit on you?"

"When you were dancing!"

"Oh... So, what else did she have to say? You know, about us?"

"Quite a bit, actually!

"Well, are you going to tell me? Or, am I going to have to pry it out of you?"

"Oh, I'll tell you all right... But first... before I do... since I just did you... and we are still engaged in a game of sexual 'Tit for Tat' if my recollection serves me right... it's time for you to step out of the on-deck circle and do me again!"

"It would be my pleasure..." Jeff said as she eagerly brought her lips to bear on Mary's breast.

"Okay!" Jeff demanded. "So tell me! What else did Magatrix have to say about the two of us?"

"Basically, she said that you and I were soulmates and that we were destined to be together!"

"Oh! So, she not only a magician - You know, who really wields magic! - but she's a fortune teller as well!"

"No! By her own admissions, she's not a fortune teller by any stretch of the imagination!"

"She's not! Well, if she isn't, then how in the hell can she say that we're soulmates and that we're destine to be together?"

"Because, silly! The way she explained it all to me was: she can divine auras!"

"Oh! She can, can she?"

"Yes!" Mary was emphatic. "And, she says that ours are in perfect harmonic resonance with one another's!"

"And, that makes us soulmates?"

"Yes! According to her, it does!"

"And, we're supposed to just believe this rather farfetched assertion of hers? You know, about us being soulmates?"

"Jeff! How can you - Of all people! - be so skeptical about all of this?

"While I hate to be so repetitive about all of this, may I once again remind you that you're a guy fitted out with a girl's body because of Magatrix!

"I mean, if she can do that to you, isn't it within the realm of possibilities that she has the ability to read auras as well?"

"Well... when you put it that way... I guess I'll have to concede that she might be able to read auras..."

"So, tell me! What else did you and Magatrix talk about? You know, while I was out there dancing?"

"Basically, we talked a lot about you! And, I think it's fair to say: that we also talked a lot about me...

"I mean, would you believe that Magatrix had me pegged as a bisexual right from the get-go?"

"She did, did she?"

"Yeah... she sure as hell did!

"Furthermore, she told me in no uncertain terms that I had one chance to find the one person that would fulfill my needs and there by, make my life whole! And, that that person - My little Jeffrey Poo-bear! - was none other than you!"

"Oh! So, that's why you jumped my bones tonight!"

"Yeah... I guess so...

"But honestly, the real reason I put a move on you tonight, sweetcheeks, was because I really, really wanted to! You know, even before Magatrix went and urged me to just go with my feelings...

"I mean, as soon as I saw you - You know, up there on that stage! Looking like you do now! - I knew that I wanted you!"

"You did, did you?

"Oh, yeah!

"Wow! Then, I guess it's my turn to feel really flattered..."

Jeffrey Gibson's story will continue in: MAGICIAN'S ASSISTANT 6 - THE RING'S THE THING

Next: Chapter 6

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