Magicians Assistant


Published on Jan 25, 2001



by Deane Christopher

Copyright 2001


"Go ahead, Bill!" Ann cheerfully urged. "Ask Jasmine to dance!"

"Okay! I will! In a minute!"

"No!" Ann, her voice conveying a sense of urgency, replied. "Not in a minute! You need to ask her now!"

"What's the rush? I mean, why are you so insistent that I ask Jasmine to dance now? You know, when I've got the rest of the evening to do so?"

"Because silly, Mr. God's Gift to Women will be back from his trip to the bathroom shortly. And I really think it would be in Jasmine's best interest for either you or Mat to have her out on the dance floor when he gets back!"

"Oh!" Bill, having discerned Ann's implications, returned. "I understand! You don't want Old Blowhard Bob playing a game of grab-ass with Jasmine until she has had a little more time to get use to being a girl! Right?"

"Yeah... Or, something like that..."

"Okay! While I'm not exactly sure how I feel about dancing with a girl who is really a guy, I'll do it! I'll run interference for you!"

"Well," Ann said anxiously, "you better hurry! Bob's on his way back to our table now!"

Bill, raising his voice and speaking directly to Jasmine, did as Ann had suggested. "Would you like to dance?"

"Sure..." Jasmine, who had been chomping on the bit to do just that, enthusiastically replied. "I'd love to!"

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" Bill had to shout to be heard over the raucous cacophony of the music that was blaring out of the Caldron's speakers.

"Do you mean dancing or, my being a girl?" sashaying in close to her partner, so that her boobs occasionally rubbed up against Bill's chest, Jasmine thoughtfully replied.

"Both, I guess!"

"Well then, to answer your question, I guess I'd have to say that I'm enjoying both immensely! I mean, as crazy as it sounds, given the fact that I'm going to be a guy again tomorrow, this being a girl's a blast!

"I mean, you really ought to ask Magatrix to change you into a girl too! You know, so that you can get some first hand knowledge of how the other half lives!"

"No thanks! While it's a tempting thought, I think it's for the best if I just stay like I am!"


"I mean, you really ought to try it! You know, because - Take it from me! - you'd enjoy it!"

"That's what I'm afraid of, Jeff! I might enjoy it to much! You know, to ever want to change back into a guy again..."

"Wow!" Mat, who was leaning over Jasmine's seat to converse with Mary, excitedly exclaimed. "Would you look at her go!

"I mean, now there's a girl who really likes to dance!"

"You are referring to our Jasmine aren't you?" Mary, seeking clarification, replied with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah! I mean, is she a dancing fool or what?

"I mean, there's no getting around the fact that she's really into the music!"

"So, I take it that what you're saying is: you really like the way she shakes her bootie..."

"Oh, yeah! I most certainly do!"

"So, when are you going to get up the gumption and ask her to dance with you?"

"As soon as Mr. Shit-eating Grin out there brings her back to the table..."

"Thank you, Mat!" a breathless Jasmine said as they made their way off of the dance floor. "I really enjoyed that!"

"You are aware of the fact that Bob's busting a gut to get you out on the dance floor."

"Yeah... That pretty much goes without saying..."

"So, are you going to dance with him?"

"Sure! Why the hell not? I mean, why shouldn't I?"

"Well, you've seen him in action before, haven't you?"

"Yeah! I sure have!"

"And, you think that you'll be able to handle him okay? You know, if he trys to pull some of that macho asshole, God's Gift to Women crap of his on you?"

"Oh, I think I can handle Bob all right!

"I mean, if he starts any of his funny business, rest assured! I'll put him in his place so fast it'll make his head spin!"

"Okay! But, just to be on the safe side, I want you to know that Bill and I will be keeping an eye on him as well!

"So, if things starts to get out of hand and you feel that you've gotten in over your head and would like some help, you just give either one of us the high sign and, rest assured, we'll be more than happy to take care of Old Bob for you!

"And, that goes for any other asshole who trys to get fresh with you as well! All right?"

"Thanks, Mat! I really appreciate that!" Jasmine said as she turned, drew Mat to her and nonchalantly planted an endearing kiss square on Mat's cheek.

"Bob..." Jasmine sweetly purred in Bob's ear as she reached up and, grabbing a few strands of the hair growing out his temple, wickedly gave it a hard yank as she concurrently twisted it. "Look! It's your choice! You can either take your hand off my ass right this instant or, you can plan on singing soprano in that church choir you and your wife sing in every Sunday!"

As ticked-off as he was on being called on his crass behavior, Bob contritely complied.

"Now, that's a good boy!" Jasmine wickedly snickered. "I would strongly suggest that if you really feel the need to play grab-ass with somebody tonight, that somebody ought to be Vicki. But, mark my word! If you try it with me, or with Mary, or even with Ann, I promise you: you will live to regret it!

"I do hope you understand, Bob? You know, that I'm not kidding about this! You know, not by any stretch of the imagination..."

"Hey, Mat!" Bill called across the table. "Did Jasmine just do what I think she did?"

"If you mean: did Jasmine just give Bob a good piece of her mind? "


"Well, given that hang-dog look of his, it sure seems to me that she must have!"

"Serves him right!" Mary chimed in. "It about time somebody told that egotistical A-hole where to get off!"

Jeff could not believe how much fun he was having as a girl. She loved the way she felt. She loved the way she looked. She loved the lithe and shameless erotic way she moved. She loved how sensual se felt. She knew she was three sheets to the wind beyond exhilarated and savoring every blessed moment of it.

She luxuriated not only in the appraising looks that men afforded her, but also in the jealous glares of other women. Her body had become her mistress - Her dominatrix, so to speak! - and Jeff found herself compelled to comply with its' wanton nature.

While Jeff's life as a male member of society was a constant balancing act between an extroverted and an introverted nature, she found that as Jasmine, Magatrix had afforded her no wiggle-room whatsoever. She was clearly an unmitigated extrovert who both enjoyed and flamboyantly demanded the limelight. Owing to Magatrix's decree, Jasmine found herself to be a dick-teaser's dick teaser. The very act of walking to and from the Caldron's parquet dance floor was not only a flirtatious act for her, but a real self-targeted turn-on as well. She gushed with a raw and eager sensuality and she knew it.

"So..." Mat beamed. "What do you say, Jazz? Is it my turn again to trip the light fantastic with you?"

"Hey! As much as I'd like to, buddy, I really need to sit out a couple! You know, to catch my breath, so to speak!

"Hey! Why don't you ask Magatrix here if she would like to dance?"

Mat did and was surprised to find that Magatrix was eager to take him up on his offer. However, before Mat escorted the shapely magician to the dance floor, Mat once again addressed Jasmine and said. "Just remember, Jazz! I've got dibs on the next slow dance! All right?"

"Sure, pal! Whatever you say..."

"So..." Mary began as she leaned in close and gently placed her left hand down on the upper arch of Jasmine's nylon ensconced right leg as a means to gain the blonde bombshell's attention. "It appears to me that you're really enjoying yourself tonight, Jeff."

"Yeah... You could say that! You know, 'cause I guess I kind of sort of am..."

"And, it also would seem that you really like to dance..."

"Yeah! I guess I do at that!"

"And, it would seem that you don't mind dancing with guys?"

"No! Though I can't figure out why, you're right! I don't mind dancing with guys at all!

"I mean, while I'm still a guy - You know, up here in this head of mine! You know, who still likes girls! You know, in the worst friggin' way! - when I get out on the dance floor, for some reason or another, dancing with a guy seems like the most natural thing in the world for me!

"Ironic, isn't it?

"I mean: here I am! Fitted out with a body that won't quit! You know, that's as feminine as feminine can be! And, as long as I'm not out there dancing, my mind's as manly as it ever was!

"That's to say that I have a hard time coming to terms with the notion that I've actually been out there dancing with another guy! You know, because I'm not a gay-bird by any stretch of the imagination!"

In an effort to console her friend, Mary offered. "I know you're not gay, Jeff! So does everybody else!"

"Then explain to me why I kissed Mat?"

"You didn't!" Mary giddily exclaimed.

"You mean to tell me that you actually kissed him on the lips?"

"No! Not on the lips! I kissed him on the cheek!

"And, to make matters worse, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world for me to do! You know, when I did it!"

"So..." Mary summarized. "You're now wondering if you're some sort of latent homosexual or something! You know, because you impulsively did a girl thing and gave a guy a little friendly peck on the cheek!"

"Yeah... I guess so..."

"Well, you needn't worry that pretty little head of yours about the prospect of your being a homosexual and liking guys and all! Because, take it from me! You're not! You're just feeling that way because Magatrix has it rigged that way so that you could handle dancing with guys!

"I mean, you still like girls, don't you?"

"Oh, yeah! You bet your ass I do!

"Trouble is, Mary: the girl I like most right now is me!"

"Well, given the way you look - You know, as a girl! - I think it more or less goes without saying that you have every right to feel the way you do! You know, as in I would suspect that it's the most natural thing in the world for you to be feeling - Shall we say! - narcissistic! You know, liking yourself the way you say you do!"

"And, let me let you in on a secret, Jeff! When it comes to that marvelous body that Magatrix fitted you out with, there isn't a woman here that isn't to one degree or another envious of you! You know, because that body of yours is - As they say! - to die for!"

"Mary..." Jasmine said with some hesitancy. "By the way everybody's acting, I've got a feeling that I may have said some things earlier that, under other circumstances, there's no way in hell I would have said.

"So tell me! Am I right about that or what?

"I mean, by any chance did Magatrix have me answer a whole bunch of personal questions or something?"

Mary's answer was just as hesitant as Jasmine's question had been. "Yes. I'm afraid your right! She did have you answer some questions."

"So, did I let the cat out of the bag and say something about you? You know, about how I felt about you? You know, about how I've been wanting to ask you out?"

"Yes... I'm afraid to say that you did..."


"But, as it works out, Jeff, I'm really glad you did! You know, because I like you, Jeff! You know, as in: I like you a lot! And, I'd really like to go out with you!

"You would? But, I though that you we involved with someone!"

"I am! Sort of..."

Though she was enjoying herself immensely, Jeffrey became keenly aware of the irrefutable fact that she was riding an emotional roller-coaster. While he - as a she - was out on the dance floor, gyrating that pert and perky heart shaped derriere of hers off, Magatrix's injunction kicked in and inundated her mind with a female's mind-set. At all other times however, Jasmine's mind and, more importantly, that libido of hers, was staunchly male.

Though convoluted to the extremes, it all seemed somehow right to Jeff. Right and oddly enough, manageable.

Whenever she was not dancing, Jasmine found herself to be a narcissist who was so in love lust with herself that it took every ounce of her will power and then some, to keep herself from playing a crass game of grab-ass and titty-tweak with all those new and nifty attributes of hers. However, even though she was a narcissist, as torqued and turned on as she was, an erotic empathy factor kicked in and, instead of lessing her sense of sexual attraction to other women, it only served to increase it by leaps and bounds.

In other words, whenever Jasmine was not out on the dance floor, she was quick to realize that she was not only a self-avowed narcissist, but an unabashed lesbian as well. Over and over and over again, she found herself entertaining a sexual fantasy in which she jumped Mary Edwards' bones and Mary enthusiastically reciprocated by returning the favor and energetically engaging in a little tongue-in-grove work of her own.

'Damn!' Jasmine thought as Mat once again enfolded her into the ever so intimate embrace of a slow dance. 'This isn't right! There's no way I should like dancing with Mat or, for that matter, any man as much as I do!

'Shit! My tits are rock hard and erect! And, I'll be damned if Mat hasn't got a boner!

'Wow! I did that! I actually gave him a hard-on!

'Now that's really something...' Jasmine thought as she snuggled in to get a better feel of her friend's erect member pressing hard up against that trim and enticingly taught lower abdomen of hers.

"Jazz..." Mat helplessly murmured as he nuzzled her ear. "Do you have any idea at all what you're doing to me?"

With a little teasing bump and grind to accentuate her remarks, Jasmine, who as hot and bothered as partner was, seductively intoned, "If you mean: do I know that I'm turning you on, the answer is yes...

"Mat!" Jasmine breathless whimpered. "I can't believe that I'm actually saying this! But, I want you to kiss me! And, I want you to kiss me now!"

Mat, who wanted nothing more than to do just that, passionately complied.

"Holy, shit!" a sexually exasperated Jasmine exclaimed as their lips parted. "That was wonderful, Mat! Absolutely wonderful...

I mean, I can't believe I'm actually saying something like this! But, take it from me, Mat! You really are a good kisser!

"Please, Mat!" Jasmine aggressively implored. "Before the dance is over! Before I stop feeling the way I do now! Before I won't want you to! I beg you! While I'm feeling all feminine like I am, please kiss me again!"

"Mary!" Jasmine said as she demurely seated herself at the table. "You'll never believe what I just did!"

"I already know! You see, Jeff, I was keeping my eye on you when you were out there dancing with Mat!"

"You were? So, I take it that you saw Mat and me kissing?"

"Oh, yeah! I most certainly did! I saw the two of you kiss each other not once! But twice!"

"Oh! So, you really were watching!"

"I sure was! I was watching the two of you like a hawk!

"How come?"

"Well... let's just say that I'm a little concerned! You know, about your welfare! You know, with your being a girl and all...

"So, what do you say, Jeff! How about we just leave it at that! Okay?"

"So, tell me! What did you think? You know, about being kissed?

"You know, because I'd really like to hear what you thought about it!

"I mean, speaking as one girl to another, did you like it?"

"I'm afraid that that's not an easy thing for me to answer...

"You know, as in I have to admit that I absolutely loved it then! You know, when Mat and I were out there dancing...

"But, as soon as we weren't, as soon as he let go of my hand, everything got weird and I started feeling kind of icky about it! You know, realizing that I had not only just kiss another man, but that I had enjoyed it immensely!"

"Okay! I think I've got the picture!

"When your dancing, the way Magatrix has the game rigged, you're in total girl mode! You know, as in your mind is in - Shall we say! - sexual sync with that revamped body of yours! So, given that little fly in the ointment, it's pretty much a given that you would enjoy being kissed by a guy! You know, whenever you're dancing..."

"It's worse than that, Mary!

"I mean, the way I was feeling at the time, I was so hot and horny that I found myself wondering what it would be like to have Mat's thingie shoved up inside of this new little you-know-what of mine!"

"You didn't?" Mary couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey! Come on! This isn't funny!"

"Sure it is! It's as funny as all get-out!

"I mean, it make not be funny to you, Jeff! But, I've got to tell you that it's a riot for the rest of us! You know, to see you flip-flopping! You know, from being a flirtatious, dancing fool one moment, to being - I guess what you might call! - a lesbian narcissist!"

"Mat!" Jasmine meekly intoned as she felt herself drawn into her friend's embrace. "We really need to talk!"

"About what?"

"About what happened before..."

"Oh! You mean about the two of us kissing?"

"Yes! We need to talk about that!"

"No, we don't!

"Oh, yeas we do!"

"All right then! If you insist! Go right ahead! Talk away! I listening..."

"Well..." Jasmine, at a loss as to how to begin, lamely stammered. "I just don't want you to get the wrong idea...

"I mean, whatever Magatrix did to me - You know, to make it so that I could actually enjoy dancing with men! - I've got to tell ya! It has really done a number on my head!

"I mean, you've got to understand that if it weren't for what she did to me, there's no way in the world that I would have allowed you to kiss me!"

Nuzzling her ear as he did so, Mat tenderly whispered. "I know, Jazz! May I remind you: I was sitting right there when Magatrix laid that rather convoluted post-hypnotic suggestion on you! And, because I was: I know that none of this is your doing! That's to say that I know that you're only acting this way because that's how Magatrix set the whole thing up...

"Look, Jazz! You and I are friends, right? So, if you're worried about how I'm going to feel about this tomorrow, don't!

"Speaking for myself, I'm fine with it! And, you should be fine with it too! You know, because the way Magatrix has the whole thing rigged, you have absolutely nothing to feel bad about! Okay?"

Jasmine, though she did so with a good degree of hesitancy, found herself agreeing with Mat's assertions.

"Look, Jazz!' Mat said in an effort to further placate her. "There's no need for you to get those new tittys of yours in an uproar! You know, just because you and I kissed a couple of times!

"Look! Take it for what its' worth! But, here's my suggestion! You ought to just go with the flow and enjoy it!

"I mean, how often does I guy get to know how it feels to be a girl?

"Or, to put that another way, Magatrix has afford you a rare opportunity and you'd be a real asshole not to take full advantage of it!"

"Mat!" Jasmine purred.


"Would you please just shut up and kiss me!"

"I'd be delighted to... You know, just as long as I have your assurance that you'll respect me in the morning...."

"Hey, Mat!" Jasmine began quizzically as the two of them made they way off the dance floor and back towards their table. "What gives between Magatrix and Mary?

"I mean, have you noticed that every time I get up to dance with either you or Bill or one of the other guys who have asked me, one or the other of them slides over into my seat? You know, so they can talk to one another!"

"Now that you mention it, I most certainty have!

"In fact, the two of them seem to be as thick as thieves! You know, gabbing away about something or other..."

"Where's Bob and Vicki?" Jasmine asked about fifteen minutes later as Bill escorted her back to the table.

Providing an answer, Ann quipped "Oh! Those two! They took off about five minutes ago!"

"So, is Bob going to get lucky tonight?" Jasmine asked.

"Probably not!" Mat chuckled as he placed his beer glass back on the table. "Vicki didn't look none to happy with him! You know, given the way he's been lewdly gawking at you all night, Jazz!"

"Serves him right!" Mary said with a degree of indignation clearly conveyed in her voice. "You know, specially so since he's a married man and all..."

"Jeff!" Mary began. "Mat and I have been talking while you were dancing with Bill and, while I know he was supposed to drive you back over to work after we leave here tonight so that you can pick up your car, we kind of thought that it might be for the best if I take you home tonight. You know, since I have to go right past your place on my way home anyway! Then, tomorrow morning, I'll just stop by your place and pick you up and you can ride into work with me. Okay?"

"Sure!" Jeff replied. "Sounds like a plan to me!"

Jeffrey Gibson's story will continue in: MAGICIAN'S ASSISTANT 4 - CAR CONVERSATION

Next: Chapter 4

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