Magicians Assistant


Published on Jun 11, 2003


Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 5:

By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002


Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's Guild, and thereby constrained from continuing to use handsome young males as her stage assistants. Due to a little known codicil buried deep within the guild's arcane bylaws, should a performing member elect to avail themselves of a stage assistant or assistants, said stage assistant(s) must be: one, young; two, beautiful; and three, female. Outraged by the ruling of her guild's review board, Magatrix elects to adhere to the letter of the Magician Guild's bylaws, while sidestepping its spirit. Magatrix the Magnificent, via the use of real magic, has elected to sidestep the spirit of the outdated codicil by asking for male volunteers from the audience to come up and join her on stage, whereupon she magically transforms the unsuspecting gentlemen into her lovely female stage assistants.

Normally, Magatrix restores these magically feminized volunteer assistants of hers to their former manly physiques at the completion of her act. However, for reasons known only to herself, upon occasion, Magatrix sometimes elects to maintain her assistants in their feminine personas for the remainder of the evening, and at times, well into the fullness of the night. Generally, when Magatrix selects this expanded stint as a female option of hers, she modifies her sexual transmogrification spell in such a way as to cause the transsexualized young gentleman to automatically regain his manhood at the dawning of the following day.

Generally, when Magatrix chooses to expand one of her volunteer assistant's tenure as a bona fide member of the opposite sex, she further modifies her transsexualization spell to include some very powerful subliminal inducements that tend to function much the way posthypnotic suggestions might. Magatrix does this in order to make it easier for the sexually transmogrified male to continue to function as the woman he has been turned into by drastically downplaying, or completely eliminating the ignominy factor involved in operating for a time as a woman. For instance, Magatrix usually continues to negate the residual and telltale awkwardness that would normally beset most men ensconced in a well-endowed woman's body. She achieves this by incorporating several magical subroutines within her expanded spell in order to compensate for the marked shift in weight distribution. That, in turn, directly impacts on the sexually transmogrified individual's new center of gravity, thereby making it easy for her sexually transmogrified assistants to maneuver about in a pair of stiletto heels.

Since Magatrix the Magnificent's magic act has not substantially altered from that which was described in my previous story, Magician's Assistant 1: The Performance, I have elected to begin Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers shortly after Magatrix has brought her evening's performance to its conclusion. In other words, the foremost male protagonist of this story, one Michael Gerlach, begins this story as the woman Magatrix has turned him into earlier in the evening. However, for those who might be interested in reading (or possibly rereading) a description of Magatrix's magical act, in which the initial transsexualization of birthday boy Jeff Gibson takes place, I encourage them to read Magician's Assistant 1: The Performance, which can be accessed elsewhere on this site.

Synopsis of Preceding Chapters

Chapter 1 began with a conversation that occurred while the ultra feminized Michael Gerlach was dancing with his best friend, John Larsen. Having first discussed Mike's impressions of what it was like to be a woman, Mike continues on to tell John about of some of the more unusual aspects of transsexualization spell that she is operating under. Then, having admitted that she finds herself sexual attracted to John, Mike encourages John to kiss her. One kiss leads to another, whereupon a very turned-on Mike beseeches John to make love to her. At that point Magatrix joins the conversation and offers the two of them the use of one of her hotel suite's bedrooms.

In Chapter 2, we joined the couple just prior to Mike's first multi-orgasmic experience as a woman, via John's selfless act of oral sex. Following that, the two then go on to share their impressions. Then, to John's amazement, Mike informs her friend that what she wants is to experience what it feels like to have his manhood nestled snugly up insider her. John, after a little coaxing on Mike's part, is more than happy to oblige her.

Chapter 3 picks up where Chapter 2 left off, with Mike quickly losing her virginity as the two friends engage in their first act of carnal sex. Then, after they have somewhat recuperated from their love making session, another intimate conversation ensues in which John and Mike begin to tentatively explore how their feelings toward one another may have changed, in light of Mike's temporary and magical transsexualization. Another love making sessions follows, in which John, in the heat of his passion, utters those three little words that not only have a marked tendency to scare the bejesus out of people, but can prove absolutely disastrous to a relationship, terminating it with but their mere utterance.

In Chapter 4, having acknowledged the fact that they are indeed in love with one another, John and Mike begin to seriously examine the pros and cons of a life together as man and wife. Finally, after a good deal of discussion, Mike informs John that she wants nothing more than to remain a woman and become not only his wife, but the mother of his children as well. The chapter ended with Mike asking John to go get Magatrix so that she could prevail upon the magician to make her sexual reassignment a permanent one.

Chapter 5

John returned to the bedroom only to find it unoccupied. "Where you at, kiddo?"

"I'm in the bathroom," Mike called out. "Tell Magatrix that I'll be out in a sec."

"Don't rush. She's not here."

With that sexy new voice of hers, Mike called out, "She's not?"

"'Fraid not, kiddo..."

"What time is it?"

John checked his wristwatch, and returned with a yawn, "Just a little after three."

"Oh, so you think she might still be across the street at the club?"

"Yeah... Probably... That, or out getting something to eat," John thoughtfully replied, even as his ears clearly registered the sound of the toilet flushing.

"What?" Mike called out. "Sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said just then."

Raising his voice a little in order to be heard over the sound of the gushing water, John replied, "All I said was that you're probably right. She's more than likely still over at the club, making sure that everything is in order for tomorrow's matinee. Or, if she's not there, she could also be out somewhere else, grabbing a late night bite to eat."

"But, you do think she'll be back here soon, don't you?" Mike hopefully inquired, as she seductively reentered the room, wearing nothing but that ever so scintillatingly curvaceous new birthday suit of hers.

"Yeah, I would certainly think she'd be back soon. I'd say four at the latest. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but she did tell us that should we need her, no matter what the reason, that her room is just across the sitting room, and that all we need do was knock, correct?"

"Yes. You're right. Now that you mention it, I do remember her saying something to that effect." Though Mike wasn't at all happy over the fact that Magatrix had yet to return to her hotel suite, she was not upset about it either.

"All right, then... I guess we're just going to have to wait until she gets here, if, that is, you haven't changed your mind?"

"No, John. I haven't changed my mind at all. Could it be that you have changed yours?"

"No! Not on your life! I think it should be fairly obvious by now that I like you just the way you are."

"Just so you know, I do too, pal. I do too... So, am I to take it that you haven't changed your mind about wanting to make an honest woman out of me?"

"No. You needn't worry about that, kiddo. Believe me. I haven't gotten cold feet, or changed my mind or anything like that. You ought to know by now that I want to marry you more than anything else in the world, and don't you ever forget that!"

"Good! I'm certainly glad to hear you say that," Mike impishly replied, as she demurely parked that man-troubling new fanny of hers on the side of the bed.

"So, what'dya think, kiddo?" John casually asked as he began to remove his pants.

"What do I think about what?"

"About you and your taking a leak for the first time as a girl?"

"Oh, so you're curious about that, are you?"

"Yes. Yes, I am," John said, as he moved to his side of the bed and began to climb in between the covers. "Given that it was the first time you took a whiz as a girl, I would kind of like to hear your impressions of what it was like."

"Well, basically, it's messy, you know, as in when it comes out, it sort of goes all over the place."

"That's pretty much what I've heard."

"And, as you probably already figured out, you've got to do it sitting down."

"Yeah, I kind of already knew that one as well. So, the question is, do you think you're going to be able to handle it?"

"If you mean, for the rest of my life, yeah... I think I can handle it okay. Now, that's not to say that I won't miss having a pecker each and every time I have to take a pee, because, I can tell you right now, without any reservations whatsoever, that I will. I'm going to miss it dearly, especially so on those occasions when we're doing something like hiking through the woods and I find that I have to relieve myself in the worst friggin' way imaginable.

"I mean, it sort of goes without saying that that's when I'll miss not having a guy's 'thing' the most. But, as much as I'm going to miss having a pecker to piss with, I actually think that when push comes to shove, I'll be able to make all the necessary adjustments. In other words, John, though taking a leak when you've got a pussy instead of a pecker is definitely on the minus side of the equation, when it comes to the pros and cons of being a girl, I do believe that it's a con that I can live with."

"That's good to hear, Mikey, because if you're going to go through with this, it is one of those things that you're going to have to learn to live with."

"Tell me about it!"

"I think I just did..."



"While we're waiting for Magatrix to put in an appearance, do you think that you're up for another go-around?" Mike tenderly inquired as she seductively slid under the covers.

"Well, while I'd like to tell you that I'm gung-ho to go again, the truth of the matter is, I'm not all that sure that I am. I mean, while I'd like to say, sure, no problem, and that my body's up for another go-around, I have to be perfectly honest with you and tell you that I'm not all that sure that as it stands right now, I'm up for a repeat performance. That's to say that I may find that when we reach the crucial part in the proceedings, I maybe to pooped to pop. However, if you can live with the possibility that I might not be able to rise to the occasion, so to speak, I'd be more than happy to oblige you."

"Oh, John, I wouldn't want you to do that, you know, and not enjoy yourself as well."

"Hey, you needn't worry about me, kiddo. You ought to know me well enough by now to know that I don't have to get-off in order to enjoy myself. Look, as long as you do, that's perfectly fine with me," John said, as he reached over and began to caress the inner side of one of Mike's ever so erotically sensitized thighs.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, I'm sure! In fact, I get a real kick making you squeal and squirm like I have. Besides, though I don't for one moment think that we'll have any trouble at all convincing Magatrix to make this sexual switcheroo of yours permanent, just in case we can't, you and I need to make damn sure that you make the most out of the time you have left as a woman. And, if that means that I'm going end up with a whole bunch of blisters on my tongue, so be it. I'll end up with blisters on my tongue. Right now, Mikey, all I care about is making sure that you enjoy yourself tonight. Remember! We're not playing a game of tit for tat!

"Well, actually I am. But, you know very well that that's not what I'm getting at! What I meant to say was that we're not keeping a tally sheet. Look, just because I attend to those carnal needs of yours, doesn't mean that you have to feel that you owe me, and that you are under some sort of obligation to attend to mine. All right?"

"John, are you really sure about this?" Mike dubiously inquired.

"Yes, I'm sure! Fact is, I'm surer than sure! Tell you what, kiddo! If it'll make you feel any better, and if Magatrix goes along with what we intend on asking her, which I have no doubt she will, if you really feel that you need to make things all even-steven between us, starting tomorrow night, and continuing every after night thereafter, until you make up whatever deficit you feel that you've incurred, you can return the favor by going down on me."

"Yeah, right! You really think I'm going to do something like that?"

"You mean to tell me that you have no intentions of ever going down on me?" John teased, as he slowly drew his middle finger along the outer lips of his buddy's vagina.

"No!" Mike was emphatic. "That's not what I meant at all! In fact, I'll go down on you right now, if you really want me to? Make no never mind about this, John! I have no intentions of employing a double standard when it comes to oral sex, you know, like some of the girls that you and I have had the misfortune of going out with! In other words, John, while there's no way in hell that I would ever suck another guy's cock as a guy, now that I'm a girl, be advised that I fully intend to become one of, if not the most skillful cocksucker there ever was! Hell, who knows, I might even get to like sucking that gross little gnarled-up thingie of yours so much that, once I get into the swing of things, there's always the remote possibility that I might even let you come in my month every now and again!"

"One can only hope!" John replied, before he pressed his lips to hers.

Slowly, employing the touch, tease, tweak and titillate method of sexual stimulation, John quickly rekindled the fires of his ultra feminized friend's ardor. Proving himself once again to be a grand master of the sensual art form of foreplay, John soon had Mike wriggling and raving under his deft-handed ministrations.

Feeling her buddy's tongue begin to deliciously swirl about the aureola of that man-troubling and rather ample left breast of hers, Mike, unable to stifle herself, frantically exclaimed, "Oooo... John!" she breathlessly gasped. "You have no idea how good that feels!"

Lifting his mouth slightly, John impishly teased, "So, I take it that you like it when I do that?"

"Yes! Oh, Yes!" Mike wantonly beseeched.

Inserting the nub of his middle finger in between the multiple lip-folds of that satin slick slit of hers, John located the nub of Mike's clitoral protrusion, and began to tenderly fondle and caress it. As he did so, he whimsically intoned, "And, do you like it when I do this?"

With jolt after jolt of pure unadulterated carnal pleasure coursing and cavorting within her, Mike first groaned, and then reflexively squealed, "God, yes! I love it!"

"Did you just say that you want wanted me to stop?"

"No!" Mike brazenly implored. "Never!"

"All right, then..." John shifted position. "Since we have the time, what say I take you on a guided tour of all these new erogenous zones with which Magatrix has been kind enough to fit you out, and you can tell me what tickles that new fancy of yours, and what doesn't?"

Primarily employing his mouth as the instrument of her undoing, and starting just below the lower extent of Mike's conical breast, John began to kiss, suck and nibble his way across that taught and delectable little tummy of hers. Continuing down across her lower abdomen, and coming within a scant RCH (red cunt hair) of the trim little V'ed mat of curly cued hair that comprised Mike's natural honey blonde pussy, John passed on to creamy smooth skin that marked the crest of his lover's thigh. While continuing to work his way down the run of her outer thigh, John deftly slipped a hand under one hemisphere of Mike's ever so sublimely sculptured rump, and began to knead and fondle it. Then, as John found himself forced to reposition himself so as to be able to continue down Mike's lower leg, he slid his hand beneath Mike's other knee and gently began to massage it. Arriving at Mike's foot, and taking great care not to tickle her over much, thereby destroying the intimacy of the moment, John, upon reaching the toes, began to tenderly suckle them.

Mike was flabbergasted. Though she always heard that women had it far better than men when it came to erogenous zones, she had no idea that women had it that good.

'Damn!' she reeled. 'I've got some many! They're all over the friggin' place! Hell, I'm getting turned on, and all he's doing is sucking my toes! This is fantastic! Absolutely, fan-fucking-tastic! God, it's great to be a girl!'

Oddly enough, the erogenous zone that really did a number on Mike, that made her feel all lucy-juicy inside that new glory hole of hers, was when John began to orally minister to the inner portion of her wrist.

"John!" Mike gasped. "That feels wonderful..."

"Oh, so I take it that I've found something that Madame likes?"

"Yes!" Mike managed with a gleeful yelp. "Yes, Madame likes that a whole lot..."

"Would Madame like me to take her to the next plateau?"

"Yes! Oh, yes! Madame would like that very much..."

With lips that alternated between nibbling and sucking and kissing, with nimble fingers, fingers that prodded and probed and stroked, with that ever so talented tongue of his, a tongue that swirled and twirled and twittered and tweaked, John repeated propelled Mike to the brink of unbridled ecstasy. Employing a spectacular kaleidoscope of varying foreplay techniques, John stripped away the last vestiges of Mike's humanity, thereby reducing her to that depraved status of a primordial she-beast. With reckless abandon, the she-beast that she had so willing become, in turn surrendered herself to the upwelling of her most debasing desires, and so degenerated into a lust-crazed succubus.

Mike bucked. She squirmed. She cavorted.

She screamed. She cried. She whimpered. She clamored, repeatedly and unrelentingly, beseeching the Almighty On High to grant her the unparalleled rapture of physical fulfillment.

She began to fantasize. In her mind, instead of it being her boyhood friend who was making love to her, Mike became an avowed narcissist as she began to picture her male-self getting it on with her female-self. Then, in a strange, though far more erotic turn of events, the scenario that was being played out in her mind modulated. Instead of it being Mike's male-self who was engaged in making passionate love to her female-self, both of the fantasized lovers were not only female, both were the thoroughly feminized renditions of Mike, herself. In her mind, Mike had cloned an identical twin, and that twin was eagerly engaged in eating the other Mike out.

John had purposely paced himself, so as to extend the duration of this fourth sexual go-around of theirs for as long humanly possible. However, upon the realization that his buddy had reached the shit or get off the pot point in the proceedings, the point where she was thoroughly primed and ready, and that to postpone the inevitable any longer would prove detrimental, John deftly repositioned himself. Moving his torso into the inviting splay of those ever so lovely, sculptured long legs of Mike's, and without breaking stride or dropping a stitch, John lowered his head into position and eagerly began to perform the selfless act of cunnilingus.

Seconds later, Mike was hanging ten, as she rode the tsunami like wave of her cresting elation. Concurrently, the unbridled pleasure that was chaotically billowing and surging within her reached a level that surpassed excruciating. Several tongue swipes later, critical mass was achieved and the spasmodic chain reaction of orgasmic Nirvana unleashed.

Having allowed his friend an appreciable amount of time to once again savor and enjoy the warm-fuzzies of post-orgasmic bliss in silence, John felt compelled to ask, "So, tell me, kiddo, was it as good for you this time as it was before?"

Sheepishly, Mike sensually purred, "Oh, yeah... Definitely..."

Then, adding in an afterthought, Mike dreamily murmured, "Fact is, though I would much rather have had you in me when I came, I'd have to say that each time seems to get better - No! On second thought, make that stronger! - than the time before."

"So, am I to take it that you still enjoy coming as a girl?"

Coyly, Mike replied, "I think that's pretty much a given, don't you?"

"Yeah..." John chuckled. "I guess it is at that. And, you haven't changed your mind?"

"No, John. If you're asking me if I've changed my mind about wanting to remain as I am right now, I haven't changed my mind one iota. Now, that's not to say that I don't have some misgivings about it, because I do. I have a lot of them. However, even though I do, the more I think about spending the rest of my life as a girl, the more I think the pros far out weigh the cons."

"I'm sure glad to hear you say that, pal."

"You are, are you?"

"You bet your sweet ass I am! I mean to tell you, kiddo! Were you to reconsider this girl-shit business now, I'd be down right devastated."

"You would, would you?"

"Oh, yeah! Make no never mind about it, Mikey! I have found the girl of my dreams, and you'd best believe that girl is you!"

Feeling the cockles of her heart warmed upon hearing her friend say such a thing, a thoroughly delighted Mike adolescently cooed, "I'm sure glad to hear you say that, John. Because it's like I told you before, if the two of us can convince Magatrix to make my present condition a permanent one, you'd best hold up to your end of the bargain and make an honest woman of me!"

"Oh, have no fear of that, Mikey. I fully intend on marrying you, that is, if some other guy doesn't come along and steal you out from under me."

"Don't you concern yourself about that, John, because that ain't never going to happen! And, do you know why that ain't never going to happen? Well, I'll tell 'ya! It ain't never going to happen for a couple of reasons! First and foremost, I love you! And, that's the be all and end all of it!

"Secondly, I have the sneaky suspicion that the way Magatrix has this whole girlhood thing of mine rigged, there's only one guy in this whole friggin' world that I can love, and that guy is you, pal! I mean, while I still can't be entirely sure about this, you know, until I put this admittedly far-retched theory of mine to the test, I do believe that with the exception of you, yourself, as it stands now, I do believe that I'm a lesbian!"

"You can't be serious?" John was incredulous. "Take it from me, kiddo, you're no lesbo!"

"Look, John, I'm not trying to be contrary here, but I tend to think that I am. And, if I'm not a lesbian, then I guess you'd have to consider the girl-me a bisexual!"

"How can you say something like that?"

"Because..." Mike stammered. "Because, while there's no doubt about the fact that I find myself sexually attracted to you, I still find that I like women!"

"Name one!"

"Well..." Mike replied demurely. "As conceited as this is going to sound, I think I've got a bad case of the hots for the new me."

"Oh, you do, do you?"

"Yes!" Mike returned defensively.

"So, what's the big deal about that? So, what if the old you that's still crammed up inside of that pretty little head of yours likes the new you! Who cares? I mean, I'm certainly not about to get jealous over something as stupid and as non-threatening as that! Besides, liking yourself like that, even if liking yourself like that is a turn-on for you, doesn't make you either a bisexual or a lesbian. It makes you a narcissist, or, if you'd rather, a sort of self-contained sexual freakazoid, who digs the livin' shit out of that hot new bod of hers!"

"Thanks a heap, pal!"

"Hey! Watch it! Look, there's no need to get flip with me, kiddo! Remember, I'm on your side. Besides, if I had a body like yours, you'd best believe that I'd be gah-gah with myself, too! I mean, given the same set of circumstances, who wouldn't be? Think about it, kiddo! The way you look, coupled with all those nifty new erogenous zones with which Magatrix fitted you out, you're a real live, walkin', talkin', multi-orgasmic accident waiting to happen!"

"Yeah..." Mike replied shyly. "I guess I am at that. Oh! And, speaking of Magatrix, by any chance, did you hear her come in when we were, shall we say, going at it hot and heavy?"

"No... Now that you mention it, I didn't. Did you?"

"No. Thanks to you, and what you were doing to me, I think it's fair to say that I was far too preoccupied to have heard anything. What time is it, anyway?"

John, having glanced at the wristwatch that he had earlier placed on the night stand along with his keys and wallet, replied, "Four-fifty-four."

"Damn! I didn't think it was that late."

"Neither did I, kiddo. Neither did I..." John admitted with a yawn.

"I would think that Magatrix should have come in by now."

"I agree. She certainly should have."

"But, you didn't hear her come in."

"No... No, I didn't. But, that doesn't mean she didn't. I mean, it's like you said, we were both kind of preoccupied there for awhile..."

"John, as much as I hate having to ask you to do this, could you be a dear, and go out and see if she's in her room, you know, so that I can ask her what I want to ask her?"

"Sure, kiddo. It would be my pleasure to do that for you. But, before I do that," John began, as he climbed out of the bed, "tell me, what's with this 'dear' shit of yours? I mean, we aren't even married yet, and you're already starting to employ endearments."


"Yes, dear..."

"Just so you know, sarcasm does not become you."

"Oh, and here I thought it did..."

"Please! Since we don't have a lot of time left before the sun comes up, would you just go and see if she's come in yet?"

"Yes, dear. I'm on my way." John, having sleepily drawn his pants on, smirked.

Returning to the bedroom a minute or so later, only to once again find it unoccupied, John called out, "Hey! Are you in the bathroom again, Mikey?"

"Yes." Mike, with that ever so sexy voice of hers, sang out from the adjoining room. "Is she here?"

"No." There was a sense of chagrin clearly conveyed in John's voice. "I'm afraid not, kiddo."

"Shit!" Mike, thinking that Magatrix might be a no-show, agitatedly replied. "I was afraid you were going to say that! She did say that she would be here, didn't she?" Mike, appearing in the doorway, quizzically inquired of her lover.

"That was my understanding..."

"So, why isn't she?"

"Beats me, kiddo. I only wish I knew. Remember, Mikey, I want to get this business resolved as much as you do."

Realizing that she was starting to allow her frustrations to get the better of her, Mike contritely replied, "I'm sorry, John! I didn't mean to snap at you like that!"

Opening his arms to her, John urged, "It looks as if somebody here needs a hug, so why don't you drag that sorry ass of yours over here and let me give you one."

Mike, feeling as dejected as she was, did as her lover suggested. "John..." Mike softly intoned. "What are we going to do?"

"You mean, if Magatrix doesn't show up before it's time for you turn back into a guy?"

"Yes! That's what I'm asking."

"Well, I guess we can always camp out here until she does put in an appearance, if that is, you think that's the way to go."

"Yeah..." Mike replied thoughtfully. "I kind of think I'd like to do that."

"All right then, that's what we'll do! We'll camp out here until she shows up. However, since we do have the key to let ourselves back in, and they do have a pretty good restaurant downstairs, my suggestion is that we leave Magatrix a note, informing her that we really need to talk to her, and then go down and get us a some breakfast. Then, once we're finished eating, you and I can hop on an elevator, ride it back up here, and watch some television while we wait for Magatrix to put in an appearance."

"Sure sounds like a plan to me."

"Okay, kiddo, then that's what we'll do. We'll wait her out."

"So, do you happen to know when the restaurant here starts serving breakfast?"

"Early, I think. I know there's a lot of locals who like to catch a bite here on their way to work, so I should think that it'll be open by six, six-thirty at the latest."

"Tell you what, why don't you call down to the front desk and check?"

"Sure thing, kiddo! And, just what are you going to do while I'm doing that?"

"Me? I'm going to go take a shower."

"Yeah, a shower sounds good. I really ought to think about taking one of those myself," John thoughtfully replied. "Hey! Do you think Magatrix would get bent out of shape if I were to use her shower? I mean, while I'd really like to take a shower with you, I'm afraid that one thing might lead to another and we'd end up getting sidetracked. And, were we to get sidetracked, we could easily lose track of the time. And, were we to lose track of time, the sun could come up before either one of us was aware of it. And, were that to occur, you might all of a sudden change back into a guy again, embarrassing the shit out of both of us in the process.

"I mean, while I know we take showers together all the time after we're done swimming laps over at the pool, this is an entirely different situation altogether. Look!" John, in an effort to explain himself, stammered. "I don't want you getting the wrong idea here, kiddo! I mean, you know I'm anything but a prude! But, you've got to admit that a shower stall is just a little too close for comfort for something like that to happen! You know, as in were you to all of a sudden grow a pecker, while I was fingering your clit, it would freak me out!"

"Yeah, you're right," Mike concurred with a nervous chuckle. "I really don't think either one of us wants something as icky as that to happen. I mean, I for one sure don't. I'll grant you that Magatrix assured us that whatever happened between us tonight wouldn't do anything to screw up our friendship. However, she also said that she'd be here. So, as much as I'd like it were we able to take our showers together, I think you're right. We shouldn't push it. The risk just isn't worth it. So, as much as I hate to say this, I do believe it's for the best if you and I took separate showers. And, if Magatrix gets upset over the fact that you used her bathroom in which to take a shower, tough-titty! She'll just have to get over it. I mean, it's not like we don't have enough towels..."

Next: Chapter 13: Friends and Lovers 6

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