Magic Moments

By Angela Wagner

Published on Feb 1, 2003



This story is copyright 2003 to me, Angela Wagner. Permission is granted to copy and post this story as long as it isn't altered in any way and as long as this disclaimer is included.

The characters and events depicted in this story are fictional and any resemblance to living or deceased persons is strictly coincidental.

This story has sexual scenes involving gender change and graphic depictions of adults involved in consensual sexual activity. If this type of story offends you, if you are under age, or laws in your area prohibit reading this type of material, please do not read. The author will not be responsible for those who illegally view this information.

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Magic Moments

Chapter 1 - All You Need Is Love

Paul and Mike were best friends and had been for quite awhile. They met soon after they were hired fairly close together at the same company in the same department and were placed on the same team. They were both several years past college in their mid-twenties, single with no long-term relationships and they hit it off immediately. Paul was the bigger of the two, being slightly over six feet to Mike's five nine, and he sometimes felt a little protective of Mike who seemed just a little prone to minor ailments. Paul was also the more outgoing of the two and usually had dates but had never committed to any one girl, outwardly relishing the single life. Mike, appearing more shy, did not see girls any where near as often as Paul, but when he did, he usually had a good time and there were a number of girls who wondered why he did not always follow up after one of their dates. In fact, Paul would occasionally set Mike up with one of his former girlfriends and the four would have a great time out. Once Mike opened up, he was fun to be with. There were times when Paul wondered if Mike was still a virgin.

Paul and Mike did spend a lot of time together, playing (at?) sports and going to games or hanging out sometimes with the other guys from work at a nearby tavern. Paul was much better, say, at shooting hoops, but Mike was always there and although not as athletically talented seemed to understand whatever game was being played enough to make a decent contribution. Where Paul did envy Mike a little was that when it came to their jobs, Mike seemed to catch on quicker. One result of that was that Mike was responsible for training all the new software developers that were hired. And he seemed to be really good at it. Also, while Paul was somewhat handsome, all the girls thought Mike was cute and his smile when he would give it, adorable. Finally, Mike liked to dance. If a girl could get him out on floor, he actually was fairly good and enjoyed staying there.

The friendship that Paul and Mike had developed most closely resembled the friendship that two boys who were just going through adolescence shared, just at a more mature level. A friendship where the world seemed to become unlimited in its possibilities, where both had a trust in each other that was based on frankness and honesty - and a little bull, and where they had a basic respect and feeling for each other that some might call love and that could easily be misinterpreted by a callous and cynical society.

Mike for his part wasn't sure what he wanted in his own life. He had been unsure of himself for years. Although he appeared shy, he liked being with girls and besides dating which at times was enjoyable, he fairly often had girls who were just friends and he seemed to like that as much if not more. It was just that he would often feel uncomfortable in the role he thought he was supposed to play. He had grown up in a family with a much, much older brother, a father who was away a lot on business but tried to make up for it by buying him baseball gloves, taking him to sports events when he was home and encouraging boy type activities, and the nagging belief that his mother, who had passed away, had sort of wished for the daughter that never came. When he met Paul and they hit if off so well, he was surprised. He didn't think he was gay, although the thought was not repugnant to him, it just didn't seem interesting or appealing. But being with Paul somehow just felt right.

Paul liked Mike a lot, although occasionally he would wonder if it wasn't just a little too much at times as he would worry about him and feel protective of him but quickly he would just dismiss it as foolish thoughts or feelings. These feelings increased when after sitting down and doing the figuring, Paul and Mike decided that if they went together and shared a living space, they could get a much nicer, bigger apartment for less then the total each was paying for his own apartment. After agreeing (and hoping it wouldn't strain their friendship), they moved into a very spacious, well-appointed apartment with two large separated bedrooms each at either end of a hall off the living room and each with a small private bath, in a club type setting - large pool, sauna, small gym, etc. It was perfect for them except for one small flaw. They originally convinced the manager to offer a six-month lease to see if they liked it and they had, so at the end of six months, they had to sign for eighteen-months to put the lease back on its original schedule.

A few weeks later, though, Mike got notice of a promotion to manager at work, which would effectively put him over Paul. That definitely began to put a little strain on their relationship, partly because Paul had been hoping for it for himself. He was happy that Mike had received it instead of some of their less competent co-workers knowing deep down that Mike was no less deserving, but still. However, they had vacation time coming up and were planning on going to Las Vegas together and after that, Mike was to start the management training class, so the actual moment of manager/employee confrontation was still weeks away. Mike seemed to try to avoid thinking about the full significance of what could happen to their relationship, but Paul felt all too aware of what could entail. After mentally debating and coming to no satisfactory conclusion, he also decided to put it out of his mind until the actual time came up and work on dealing with it then. Now, they had a week and two weekends off before that problem had to be faced and considered.

First, there was a party on Saturday that they were planning to attend. Then on Sunday they were taking off for Sin City. The party was at a club they and friends from work frequented and were known at. The event was advertised as a costume or fancy dress up party of sorts. Paul wasn't sure what that meant and decided to try to look around on Saturday morning for something different to wear, something flashy and current. Mike usually liked to sleep late, so Paul got up and went to the mall. He wasn't really sure what he was looking for, only that he wanted something special and if he saw something for Mike, he decided to call Mike immediately. After looking through a number of stores that offered little if anything, he turned down a hallway he did not exactly remember being there and saw a rather odd looking store towards the end. It had what looked like designer club wear as well as costumes in the window along with what appeared to be bottles of strange liquids and other unusual items. Paul thought that it looked sort of like a Halloween shop although it was the wrong season for that holiday. The sign over the shop was barely legible and all Paul could make out was "Spells R Us" (you know, that store). He hesitated a moment and then curiosity got the better of him and he went in.

The store was not well lit and had an unusual aroma about it, rather like incense or spices. There was more of what was in the window on display along with other very odd looking things that Paul did not care to investigate. He saw an elderly bearded gentleman behind the counter engrossed in reading a fairly thick and ancient looking book. Paul looked around for a moment and then decided that it was getting rather late and there was probably nothing here and it was time to go. Just as he started to turn around, the gentleman glanced up, smiled a quite friendly and inviting smile (Paul for a moment thought the smile looked vaguely familiar), and asked if he could be of help. Paul hesitated, almost deciding that there was really nothing in this store, but then thought, well, why not ask. So he did. He said he was looking for something to wear for a party. The old man continued smiling and said that it was probably for tonight and that the invitation probably left out exactly what should be worn.

Paul thought for a moment and then blurted out, "How did you know that?"

The old gentleman responded that that was the usual reasons Saturdays were so busy in the store. Paul glanced around and saw that he was the only customer in the shop.

Before he could say anything, the gentleman continued, "But you, my astute shopper, are in luck. I believe that I have exactly the ideal outfits that you require."

Paul asked what he meant by outfits. The man replied that surely Paul was also looking for his roommate wasn't he. Paul wondered how he could have known that, too, but let it go and just nodded. The gentleman seemed to size Paul up, then smiled and said he would be right back. Paul rocked on his heels, as he now really doubted that he had come to the right place. The elderly man was probably a little crazy, this store was way too strange and he should leave now. Before he could reach a decision, the elderly man returned with two somewhat large boxes, set them on the counter and opened the first. Inside was an outfit that Paul had thought about off and on, one that looked to be right out of this month's Maxim. It included shirt, pants, shoes, everything. It was definitely a clubbing outfit and it looked to be pure silk. After being prompted by the old man, Paul carefully picked up the shirt and held it up to himself. It looked like a decent fit. The elderly man said that the store guaranteed a perfect fit and complete satisfaction. This was what Paul had been looking for. He asked if this was a rental or a purchase.

The man said, "Well, let's just call it an option to buy if you like."

Paul was quite happy at this moment and then realized that there was another box. He asked what was in that, noticing it was tied and sealed.

The elderly man said, "Why, for your roommate, of course!"

Paul asked if he could see it, but the elderly man said that everything would work really to the best if Paul just handed it to his roommate and then each dressed in his or her own room and surprised the other with the outfit. Paul wasn't sure by what the man meant as 'his or her own' wondering if that outfit was for the one sex or the other. Paul pulled out his cell phone with the intention of calling Mike, but for some reason, the battery seemed to be dead. Paul thought for a moment and then asked if his roommate could come in and check out the outfit.

The elderly man said that unfortunately, the outfits came as paired packages and the store would be closing for the weekend in a few minutes and anyway, wasn't what Paul saw just what he wanted.

Paul admitted that the outfit looked perfect as the elderly man said, "Please understand, our aim is to please and satisfy our customers and that is exactly what we do. I believe our customer satisfaction rate is just over ninety-nine percent. And I feel quite confident that you and your roommate will be just as satisfied."

Paul thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, how much?"

The elderly man seemed to be adding in his head as he said, "Well, the cost includes the several outfits, the incidentals and a deposit, taxes, etc., and comes to, let's see here, two hundred dollars even."

Ouch, thought Paul, that's a lot, but I'll get some back when I turn it in, and Mike can pay for half anyway.

He asked how long the rental was for and the man said "Two weeks from today."

Now that was good, since he knew they couldn't return it on Monday because they would be in Vegas. This may work out. And maybe these outfits would work in Vegas, too.

"Okay, but what if I get them home and they don't fit, what then?"

"If you have any complaints before tonight, just call our hotline number and we will refund everything."

That made Paul feel somewhat better. This may really work out. Although, he wasn't totally convinced as he passed the man his debit card; there did seem to be enough safeguards and it was starting to get on. The man smiled that ingratiating smile and said that cash would really be preferred and pointed to a cash machine Paul had not seen before in a low-lit corner. He was a little irritated but went over and drew a cash advance wondering about places that did not accept credit cards. He was surprised when the machine informed him there would be no 'courtesy' charge. That cheered him a little while he handed over the cash. The man scribbled on a receipt and handed it and the two boxes over to Paul. Paul quickly put the receipt in his pocket and thanked the old man and started to leave.

"Just one or two more things, please give this to your roommate before you change. It is part of the outfit but comes separately at no extra charge." He showed Paul a small medallion or pendant that looked to be on a chain.

Paul inspected it and it seemed to glow or pulse in the man's hand. It had a small green stone in the center that appeared to have it's own light source. Paul felt a moment of slight dizziness as he stared at the stone.

Then the old man put it in a small box and sealed the box and the dizziness passed rapidly. "This is only to be opened by your roommate alone when you both are ready to change." Paul tried to pay attention as he shook it off. The old man continued, "And there are explicit instructions on how to put on the clothes and things in writing so please tell your roommate that the instructions must be followed exactly. And give yourselves lots of time to get ready." The man looked at Paul expectantly then offhandedly added, "Oh, and it would be helpful if your roommate keeps the medallion on. Do you understand?"

Paul wasn't sure what that all meant but he said he would follow it, then he gathered up the boxes, thanked the man and left. He didn't notice that while walking back down the hallway to the rest of the stores, the store and hallway behind him slowly dissolved into a haze and then a blank wall with only an ATM standing there.

Paul returned to his car, drove back to the apartment and bounded up the stairs. He was fairly pleased with his items and hoped Mike would be too. It was now after three in the afternoon and he knew they should probably start getting ready. He did wonder where the time had gone. Mike looked up and asked where he had been for so long. Paul explained the shop and experience as best he could and gave Mike his package. Mike noticed it was fairly heavy and looked bigger than Paul's and wondered what was in it.

Paul then reached in his pocket and handed Mike the small sealed box.

Mike, acting surprised with a slight teasing tone said, "Oh, for me, Paul, you shouldn't have."

Paul blushed a little then repeated the instructions of the old man, saying that he planned to follow them explicitly and expected Mike to do the same. Mike kidded him for a few minutes saying at the price charged these had better be good and then agreed. He liked Paul and enjoyed being with him. He knew they had a great relationship and hoped that his promotion would not hurt it but had no clear idea what to do. He was sure that they would enjoy the trip to Las Vegas. Well, he could go along with this strange request because Paul was asking it and Paul seemed quite happy. Mike knew Paul would do nothing that might cause Mike any problems at all, as he trusted him. And he really liked it when Paul was happy. And finally he wondered what was in the small box as well as the large package and what these strange instructions were all about.

After a few minutes of bantering, they agreed they should get ready and surprise each other with whatever was in the boxes. Paul took his box and went into his bedroom and pulled out the clothes. The only instructions he could find was a little slip of a paper reminding the wearer to keep the clothes hung up when not using them and that if they needed to be cleaned to use only a reputable dry cleaner. One final instruction was to not burst in on the other person during the first dressing session but that it would not be a problem later on and to remind the wearer of the other outfit that the pendant was an important part of the effect. What did that mean? He pulled out the receipt to look at it, but most of the printing was faded except for the hotline number. At least it was good that the number was legible. He wondered what Mike's outfit was like and if his instructions were so simple. He started to get undressed, and for a brief moment he felt a slight dizziness like back in that store, but it passed quickly. He took a shower and began putting on the outfit.

Mike went into his bedroom, put the large box on the bed and opened the small box. Inside was a rather interesting pendant or medallion on a necklace chain and an instruction sheet that only said to get completely undressed, sit down, and then first put on the pendant. Nothing was written about anything else. That was quite unusual, Paul giving Mike a piece of jewelry especially one that seemed to have a somewhat feminine look to it. Was he to wear the necklace all night long? He wondered if this was supposed to be some 1970's disco look or something. He looked at the next box and started to pick it up, but knowing he promised Paul, put it down and got undressed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and fingered the pendant. It was like a small amulet with a bright medium green stone in the center sort of like the color of his eyes. It did look rather attractive in that feminine sort of way. He looked it over carefully and noticed a very small inscription on the back. It said, "True Love Lays Waiting." Mike thought about it for a moment and wondered if he would ever find true love, then thought about his close friendship with Paul, and slipped the pendant around his neck.

Mike felt very dizzy for a moment and lay back on the bed. The pendant felt warm against his chest and seemed to glow for a moment. Mike got quite confused about what was happening and closed his eyes. In the briefest of moments that also seem to last a lifetime, Mike's eyes opened and immediately realizing that it might be getting late and Paul could be waiting, got up to get ready. Now nude except for the pendant, Paul's roommate walked over to the bathroom door to take a shower. The pendant barely swung just above two nicely rounded and full protruding breasts. Below the breasts was a well-defined narrow waist and below that was a set of quite full hips that were gently and naturally swaying as Mike padded across the thick carpet. She wasn't sure she still liked the nickname her father had given her anymore, that was fine for the former tomboy back in high school, but now she was close to deciding to start asking that everyone call her by her name, Michelle. Yes, her father didn't know what to do with a girl after her mother died when she was eleven, but that was what she was. It didn't help having a much older brother that her father seemed to favor. Her grandmother had tried to help but had been getting on in years and lived during that time in one of those retirement communities anyway.

Mike/Michelle stopped in front of the mirror and gazed on her reflection. She was pleased with what she saw - an attractive young woman about five feet five or six with just below chin length dark brown/auburn hair teased a little just above the bangs over her forehead, the nice full lips, the green eyes, the well defined eyebrows, the attractive figure and shapely legs, the well manicured finger and toe nails, the smooth light skin. It was work keeping her weight down but she managed. Just as it was work to keep looking like she did, but she wanted it. Now for a quick shower and she could get dressed to go out with Paul.

She really liked Paul an awful lot; he had been a perfect gentleman since they decided to move in to share the apartment. Well, maybe a little too perfect. She felt something for him more than just liking, she wasn't quite sure but it seemed to be growing stronger, and she seemed to know that he felt something for her. She was just so very comfortable and relaxed when she was with him. Anyway, she thought while turning on the shower and beginning to slowly rub the soaped sponge over her smooth and supple body, between tonight and the upcoming trip to Las Vegas, they would find out how they really feel about each other. This was the first time they were actually going someplace as a couple as up until now they had gone to places strictly and casually as just friends. Even tonight sort of started that way, although they had agreed to go to and to leave the club together. And since Paul's announced promotion putting him over her might jeopardize their relationship, she was glad they were doing this now. She was happy for him because he got it over some of the other co-workers that weren't all that qualified. She did deep down feel that she was probably a little smarter and more qualified than Paul but she knew how the politics were played at the company and he fit in with what the old line management felt comfortable with at least in that department. She could live with that, she supposed, since it was Paul.

She finished showering and toweled off. This was going to take a little bit of time as she had to set and dry her hair, put her make-up on, do her nails and such and get dressed. She wrapped the towel around her and came over to the bed and opened the big box. Inside was a jade green sleeveless clubbing dress. It was somewhat short and had black mesh netting from the top of the sweetheart cut bra line to her neck, with the mesh being very thin and almost transparent, and the dress came to several inches above her knees. It appeared to be made of a silk like fabric and it was gorgeous. How did Paul pick this out? Surely, he must have had some help. Also in the box were 4" stiletto heel shoes that appeared to go with the dress as well as a matching clutch purse and some jewelry that also looked like it went with the dress.

Mike/Michelle started getting ready. She quickly put two of the rollers in her hair (to get that slightly teased look). Then she sat down in front of the mirror and began applying her makeup. She started with a light foundation, then a little rouge for her cheeks, then on to the eyeliner and mascara and eye shadow, which required blending of several shades. Then she applied the dark red shiny lipstick. When she finished that, she pulled out the nail polish and carefully did her nails and put some on her toenails, too. Then she ran the hair dryer. Finally, she took out the rollers and combed her somewhat thick hair out, getting it to frame her face with the bangs.

Paul had knocked on her door wondering about how long it was taking and she had (rather hoarsely, she thought) told him, just a little while longer. Once her nails were sufficiently dry, she slipped off the towel and put on panties and a demi bra and then carefully pulled on a pair of sheer pantyhose and then slipped into the dress. It was a perfect fit and really showed off her figure quite nicely. It wouldn't surprise her that Paul was going to be the envy of a lot of guys tonight. She slipped into the black strappy open toed 4 inch heels, put on the small bracelet and ankle bracelet and two rings, put on the hoop earrings making a mental note that while in Las Vegas she would finally get her ears pierced. She looked herself over and liked what she saw and spritzed on some Obsession and walked over to the door, opened it and walked into the living room, hoping that Paul would like what she was wearing now that it was on her.

Paul was getting rather nervous. He really liked the clothes he was wearing. He felt he finally had the look he had always wanted whenever he and Mike went out to some club. It had taken him a little longer then normal to get dressed, as he worked to get everything to be as perfect as he could make it. He wondered what kind of outfit Mike would come out in and would Mike even like it or would he be embarrassed as he knew Mike was a little conservative. Finally he was ready and he went into the living room and sat down to wait for Mike to come out. And wait, as it seemed like an eternity. He got himself a beer, then turned on the TV for a little while. He knocked on Mike's door to make sure everything was okay and was a little taken aback when Mike answered in a somewhat hoarse voice. Gee, he thought, it's taking Mike as long as girl to get ready. Well, he hadn't heard any complaints so Mike must think what ever the outfit is, it must be acceptable.

What do girls do anyway that take so long? If only I could find the right girl. One who would accept me the way I am and like me for me. One I could go places with and have fun times with. Like going out tonight or going on this trip to Las Vegas. Actually, a girl like Mike only cute. No, most girls think he is cute, so cuter. How would that be, if Mike were a girl, a live-in roommate and more. No, wait, I shouldn't think that, Mike's okay, a great friend, excellent roommate, what more could I ask. Well, a girl like Mike would be a good start. Maybe tonight will be the night I will meet one, but I sure am not counting on it. Oh, here he comes now. I wonder what his outfit is like. I hope it be.., uh, uh, who is that gorgeous girl!

Mike/Michelle came out of the room and stopped as Paul looked at her. She could tell he noticed. She hoped he would like the dress on her and everything she had done. She did notice his attire and thought, he is really handsome.

"Do you like this?" she asked as she modeled the dress for him, "How does this look on me?"

She got a little concerned as he just sat there with his mouth open and a dazed look on his face. Maybe something was wrong with her, maybe he didn't like it that much. He had got it for her so he should have had some kind of idea how it might appear be on her. She stopped and looked at him as he sat there looking, what? Stunned? She got worried. Why didn't he say something?

Finally, in a little desperation, she said, "You don't like it, I'm sorry, I'll go change."

He rocketed to his feet as she started to turn. "Mike?" he seemed to force out.

"Yes," she replied as she smiled at him but still a little worried as to what he was doing, or not doing.

Chapter 2 - Getting To (Really) Know You

Paul was astounded. He couldn't move for what seemed like an eternity. Here in front of him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, looking and talking to him like she had known him for years, but who was she? She came out of Mike's bedroom and nobody else had gone in. He looked at the face and thought he recognized something in the eyes. Yes, hers were green. As she moved, it reminded him of Mike's movements, but this gorgeous creature in front of him could not possibly be Mike. Through the netting he could see the roundness and cleavage of her very real breasts. He had seen Mike in the showers after basketball. His body while not particularly athletic was okay but it was male. Even in those high heels (what fantastic legs!), she barely stood as tall as Mike had. And her figure was unbelievable. Although she appeared somewhat slight, she was rounded in the most wonderful places. This was not Mike in some drag outfit, this was definitely a girl, but again, who is she? Is that the pendant I gave her, um him? Wait, she asked me a question, what was it. Oh, now she is getting a little sad, no, no, don't go. Whoever you are, I am not letting you out of my sight for a second. He jumped to his feet. His knees felt like butter.

He asked, "Mike?" A very pretty smile lit up her face. A smile he recognized.

"Yes," she answered as she looked up into his eyes.

"Mike?" he repeated, almost pleadingly. He thought he was going to collapse as he looked down into her eyes. They were bright and alive and the look on her face told him that this girl whoever she was liked being here with him right now.

"Yes, Paul, um, are you okay?"

Her voice was like music to him, soft and sweet. She was still looking right into his soul. She wanted something from him.

"You, you look absolutely beautiful," he stammered out.

He could not believe that he would ever say those words to a guy, but this, what, angel, heavenly vision, was the girl of his dreams. The glow on her face as he finished was beyond his ability to put into words. He seemed to feel a warmth from her body come right across into his as she sighed with his approval.

"Thank you, oh, I hoped so. I'm sorry it took me so long to get ready."

Long? Long? He would have waited almost to eternity if she would be there for that eternity. He looked down at those perfectly formed breasts and saw the pendant. Yes, it was the one the old man at that store had given him to give to Mike.

"I hope we're not too late," she added.

"Oh, no, we're fine, everything is fine."

"Oh good, oh, you look very handsome. That outfit is perfect for you."

That music again, he felt so lightheaded. This gorgeous creature had just told him he looked handsome. Whether he was or not he didn't care, as long as she felt that way. She noticed him looking down.

"Thank you for the necklace, Paul, it's so attractive. I'll wear it always. It is mine, isn't it?"

"Absolutely, I would never give you anything that would ever be taken back." He meant that, too. If this stunning woman wanted it, it was hers. He would pay whatever it took, regardless if that store wanted it back.

"Um, Mike? It is Mike, right?" He still would not believe this was the guy who was sharing this apartment.

"Of course, silly, but for tonight and for our trip to Las Vegas, please call me Michelle, I would really like that. I'm getting tired of that nickname my daddy gave me. Okay? For me?"

How can I refuse any request from this gorgeous woman, "Sure, Michelle, Michelle. It'll take me a little bit to get to used to it, but for you anything."

It had to be, but it couldn't be. She is going out with me tonight and she is planning on going with me to Las Vegas. Nobody else but Mike would be planning that and those eyes, and her movements and that pendant and that smile. This is all so confusing.

Michelle was very happy. Paul had complemented her and made her feel good about herself and how she looked and she was happy that they were going to be together tonight and for the next week or so. And he did look so handsome.

Now, it was time to go on out to the party. However, as soon as that thought entered Paul's mind as he and Michelle gathered up their things to head on out, he began to have serious doubts. First, how could he explain who this gorgeous woman with him was and next how could he explain where Mike had gone? Just yesterday at the office, they had all talked about their getting together tonight for this and that they were meeting as a group and not bringing any dates. He certainly couldn't tell them that this beautiful young woman was living with him. And he began to get worried that if he told them she was anything other then his girl friend that Jason would definitely try to make a play for her. Jason was the office Lothario who felt he was the gods' gift to women.

And there were the others in the group to worry about. April and Jill were the two young women in their section. Both were good software developers and were pretty much respected and accepted by the young men. And they would definitely be asking about Mike because they seemed to like him a lot and would occasionally include him in things they did. There appeared to be an unspoken agreement between all of them that they would not date each other, maybe because they wanted to remain friends or just maybe because of the lingering male oriented attitude of the department. Whatever it was, Paul just knew he would have trouble explaining Michelle.

Most of all Paul was surprised by Michelle as she was quite 'bubbly' about getting there and getting up with their friends. She was acting as if all this was very normal and there would be no problem at all when they walked in. Even though Paul thought that the night could become a catastrophe, he let Michelle pull him along with her almost exhuberant attitude.

They arrived at the club and as they got out of the car, Michelle got in close to Paul and she put her arm around his. Paul liked it but also knew now that there was no way he could explain Michelle except as a girl friend. As they entered in the door, they saw April and Jill. Well, thought Paul, this is it, what do I say? Michelle saw them and they waved to her and to Paul's shock, she said to Paul, "You go on in and catch up the guys, we'll join you in a little bit, okay, Paul?"

She smiled up at Paul and all he could mumble was an, "Okay." And she went over and joined April and Jill as if they were old friends. Paul just stood there dumbfounded at what had just happened.

Eric, one of the guys, came up and said, "Hey, Paul, are you duded up or what? Some outfit, where did you get it? And Mike there is lookin' out of sight. Hey, let's get in there and get some brews."

Paul was still standing there in a daze but Eric just grabbed Paul and in they went.

Michelle met up with the other girls and both commented on her dress.

Jill said, "I love your dress, Mike, it looks so cute on you. Where did you get it? And how did you ever get Paul into that outfit? It's about time he wore something stylish for a change."

Michelle responded, "Can you believe it, he picked this out for me? And not only that but he found that outfit he's wearing, too. It looks so good on him."

Both girls said, "No, you're kidding, when did he get so fashionable?

April chimed in, "That's an unusual pendant you're wearing, have you worn it before? It looks attractive but seems a little, oh, different."

"Actually, Paul gave this to me tonight. I have no idea where he got it, maybe it's some family heirloom. But I really like it. Oh, I have a real fave to ask, could you all please call me Michelle from now on?"

She explained a little why she wanted it and they agreed and she said she would forgive them if they forgot, but only for about ten minutes, she joked, and they laughed.

They chatted some more and Jill mentioned that she thought Dave was becoming sort of interested in her. Jill and April also asked Michelle a little about her and Paul's upcoming trip to Las Vegas and how lucky she was. Then they went to join the others at the table they had staked out earlier in the evening.

As Paul got to the table with Eric, Dave and Jason who were already there started kidding him about his outfit, mostly because they were rather jealous how it looked on him and that it really looked great. They weren't about to admit that to him. Then they congratulated him again on his pending promotion to section supervisor. Paul, who was just barely getting over how April and Jill accepted Michelle got a blank look on his face and stuttered, "My!"

Dave said, "Hey, man, are you okay? If you don't want it, please pass it this way."

My promotion, my promotion, Paul thought, Mike was the one promoted, don't they know that? He finally blurted out, "What about Mike...?"

Eric responded, "Yeah, you guys should see Mike, she is lookin' really hot tonight. I can now see why you two are off to Vegas tomorrow."

The other guys especially Jason started making little asides about Michelle.

Paul was getting a headache. Was he the only one that knew Mike was a guy? But Mike wasn't a guy, he was Michelle. And Michelle was absolutely gorgeous and he, Paul, was the one that was being promoted. What is going on? Is it that pendant? Then their comments about Michelle hit him.

"Hey, you guys, ease up on Michelle." They all looked at him as he said that. "That's right, Michelle! She asked me if we would all start calling her Michelle. You guys understand?" Paul was a little irked when he said that.

"What is it, man," Dave asked, "you goin' soft on Mike? Oops, I meant Michelle?"

Just then, Michelle, April, and Jill walked in and Dave and Jason looked at Michelle and knew what Eric had meant. Paul caught the look in their eyes and when Michelle came over and sat down next to him and looked up at him, they caught that, too, and right there they understood that Mike was to be called Michelle and there was something going on now between Paul and Michelle.

After they all had been at their table for awhile and the band was getting into playing and people were beginning to get out on the floor, Michelle tried to get Paul out to dance. Paul did not feel comfortable out on the floor, but Michelle finally persuaded him to go out for one dance. He went out hoping not to look too bad and hoping that Michelle wouldn't mind too much if he didn't dance all that much. Watching Michelle dance across from him, Paul felt really uncomfortable, as she was pretty good. Then he remembered that Mike was pretty good, too. Finally the band finished and he sort of looked at Michelle and she picked up on his worries and they returned to the table. Their friends at the table mentioned they looked really cute out there and complimented Michelle on her dancing. Paul really felt self-conscious.

The band played some more numbers and after the second one, who should ask Michelle to dance but Jason. Michelle agreed and took his hand, way too quickly for Paul's liking but he realized Michelle wanted to dance and watched them head to the floor with rather a troubled look on his face. He tried not to pay attention and instead focus on the conversation at the table. That focus lasted about a minute and he turned back to see where they were. A tingle of jealousy was beginning to quiver inside of him.

Paul was frustrated watching Michelle dance with Jason and looking like she was having a good time. And Jason looked like he was having a great time. The other guys at the table kidded Paul that they made a beautiful couple out there and Paul unfortunately had to agree much to his chagrin. He didn't think he could dance anywhere near as well as Jason and in comparison would now look hopelessly clumsy out there and would embarrass both himself and Michelle, and he did not want to do that. But what could he do? Even April and Jill joined a little in the kidding. Paul was feeling miserable and was starting to show it. He even started thinking that maybe Jason would offer to take Michelle home and she would accept. This night was starting to go downhill fast.

Jill and Dave got up to dance. April looked at Paul and out on the floor at Jason and Michelle and realized what she had to do. She first suggested to Paul that why not cut in on Jason and Michelle. Paul refused to budge saying that, much to his own disbelief, they would come back soon enough. Realizing that that line was going nowhere, she got up and went around and practically dragged Paul out on the dance floor with her. Paul protested a little but he knew when April got that look, nothing would deter her. Although Paul felt uncomfortable out there, he was not a bad dancer. He just had that typical self-doubt that plagues most guys.

April maneuvered them so that they were right behind Jason. When the number was over, Paul tried to go back to the table, but April kept him out there. A slow number started and immediately Jason wrapped himself around Michelle. Paul was really miserable now as he started to dance with April. After a moment, she looked up at him and told him to cut in on Jason. Paul looked at her questioningly not sure what to do. April practically had to drag him over and lift his arm to tap Jason's shoulder and kick Paul in the ankle to get him to talk.

Hesitantly, looking more at Michelle than Jason, he said, "May I cut in?"

Before Jason could even react (since this did not happen very often to him), Michelle released herself from Jason and practically fell into Paul's arms. At the same moment, April moved right over in front of Jason and taking his arms said, "Why, I would love to dance, Jason, thank you for asking."

April felt very good about what had just happened. She also thought Jason was sort of good looking and began thinking that maybe she could get him to improve, but then just as quickly realized the absurdity of that possibility and continued dancing knowing that Paul and Michelle belonged together.

If Paul thought Jason and Michelle had danced close, he was in for a happy surprise. Michelle snuggled right into his arms. As she worked into his embrace, she quietly whispered, "Thank you for rescuing me. I thought I'd never get away from him." She rested her head on his shoulder and relaxed and sighed. Michelle was happy. And she would have to thank April later for being such a good friend.

Paul's emotions were on the roller coaster from where they had been since he first saw Michelle come out of the bedroom. He now had her in his arms and he was now in heaven. From feeling miserable and almost thinking he should leave to not wanting the night to ever end. Where before he had determined to never let her out of sight, he now resolved to never let her out of his arms. As these thoughts flooded his mind he would squeeze Michelle a little and when he did, she would squeeze back. Oh, that felt so good.

After a few moments, he realized he felt something else and realized that Michelle was probably feeling it also. Something down below his chest where her breasts were crushed up against him. Down below his waist that was practically locked to hers. He became slightly embarrassed as he realized how noticeable it was and momentarily tried to pull back a little thinking that he didn't want to scare her away. Michelle was having none of that as she held him as tight as she could and kept her body pressed against his as much as she could. She wanted him to know that she cared deeply for him, that she really liked being with him, but most of all she wanted to know that he cared about her and his obvious bulge was one of the strongest indications so far.

Guys could be so naive at times, she thought, but there were times where their bodies gave them away. She began to have idle dreams of where their bodies would be in the near future and probably would be for the next week.

April and Jill from the floor looked on, happy for Michelle, and wondered if they would find someone like Paul for themselves. Dave and Eric looked on wondering if Paul would get lucky that night and Jason could only look on and wonder what might have been, but in reality would never ever have been or be.

Paul and Michelle danced every dance together for the rest of the night only stopping when the band would take a break. At those moments, they walked hand in hand back to the table to join the others. At one break Michelle, April, and Jill excused themselves to go to the ladies room. Paul reluctantly let her go. Michelle thanked April for her welcome assistance and they laughed about Jason's pathetic attempts at trying to be cool, but they did admit he was a good dancer. Both April and Jill expressed to Michelle their feelings that she was just as qualified as Paul was for the promotion, but they all agreed Paul deserved it over the other guys in the section.

Although April approved of Paul and Michelle's budding romance, she told Michelle to be careful on their trip to Las Vegas. She did not want to see Michelle hurt. Michelle promised to be careful. Jill asked a little about Dave and both Michelle and April thought he had possibilities, but before April could say anything, Jill said, "I know, I promise to be careful, too." They all laughed at that.

The night ended and the friends left, Michelle and Paul, Jill and Dave, and the rest by themselves, although Jason seemed to have picked up some woman who looked a little trampish. He just couldn't leave empty handed. They all wished Paul and Michelle a safe and enjoyable trip and the guys winked at Paul and again congratulated him on his promotion.

Paul and Michelle got back into Paul's car with Michelle leaning against Paul and his arm around her. He asked if she wanted to stop someplace for a drink but she demurred and he was content with that. They drove back to the apartment quietly with Michelle and Paul as close as one could get in a car with bucket seats but it was enough.

As they got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the building, Michelle said to Paul, "This has been such a beautiful evening and night and I am enjoying every minute of it and being with you."

She paused a moment then said, "This has been a most special night of my life and even though I hope there are going to be a lot more moments, call me old fashioned but I want this to be first-date special."

She had been sort of glancing at him sideways and looking down but now Michelle looked right up into Paul's eyes and hoped he understood as she started to continue, "I love you and..."

They had stopped in a darkened area just outside the doorway as Michelle said this but before she could finish he put his finger to her lips and looking into her pretty green eyes and gorgeous face said, "Michelle, I can't begin to tell you how wonderful this night has been for me and how special you are to me. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever known and I can't imagine ever being without you."

With a voice just above a whisper and a little trembling she said, "Paul, I love you so very much."

"And I love you, Michelle." There, he had actually said it, which was exactly how he felt. At that moment, Mike had ceased to exist and there was only Michelle and his love for her. He looked down at her and slowly lowered his head to have his lips meet hers.

Michelle looked up at Paul's handsome face and felt how lucky she was to have someone like him and she brought her face and lips up to meet his.

Moments like these can be terribly awkward, but this moment their lips came together in a natural harmony. Two bodies slowly becoming as one. With the touching of their lips, their bodies came together tentatively, hopefully, longingly. Paul slipped his arms around Michelle and her arms came up around his shoulders. Some say when they first kiss there is an electricity. This was more of an extreme tenderness as Paul felt the softness of Michelle seem to swirl around him and envelop him and Michelle felt a deep peace in the strength of Paul's arms that held her so that she seemed to be lifted into the air. It was as if a weight had been removed from each of their souls, a confusion about life that was now being resolved, a sense that what they felt had been missing in themselves was now found in the other and was making each whole again.

Neither wanted that kiss and that moment to end, but it had to end so that many more could have a chance to happen. As they parted lips, Paul opened his eyes to see Michelle with her eyes closed, head back a little, her perfectly formed mouth slightly open and her lips glistening as she was taking short shallow breaths. She looked so perfect in his arms. He bent down and kissed oh so lightly on each of her lips and she very slightly shuddered as if she were waking up. She reached up for his lips and they embraced a second time. And now their tongues found each other.

After an indeterminate amount of time, as much as they didn't want it, they knew it was time. Paul had pulled back and now began kissing Michelle on her cheeks, chin, eyes, neck, over to her ears where he nibbled just so slightly. And she murmured a slight giggle at his touches. Then one final embrace and they were done.

She looked up at him as they parted and she said, "Thank you, Paul. See you in the morning." And then she scurried up the stairs and just before she went into the apartment, she turned and said to him with that smile, "Good night," and she disappeared behind the door.

Paul followed up the stairs and into the apartment but Michelle had gone to her room. He slowly closed the door, leaned against a wall, and exhaled.

Paul's emotions had been all over the place this night. Astonishment, infatuation, fear, jealousy, longing, contentment, and now as Michelle had gone to her bedroom, the beginnings of love and all that went with the realization that you have met a woman you want to be with for the rest of your life. Paul had not believed he was capable of that many feelings and the intensity of those feelings before tonight, but being with Michelle had stirred emotions within him that he had little idea how to deal with. And with the kiss and her smiling and saying, "Good night," he now felt like he was walking on air. He had dated a lot before tonight, but even though he had great times with some of his dates, no one had affected him anywhere near the depth that Michelle had. She may be going to bed but he was way too wired to do even think about lying down. He wanted to run up and down the streets, shout to the world, anything to outwardly express his feelings. He went into the living room and turned on the television and began surfing at an incredible rate.

As she entered her bedroom to get ready for bed, Michelle was thinking back about how much she really enjoyed the evening. She had danced all she wanted and she had got Paul to get up and join her. She still couldn't believe that Paul was jealous of Jason. How many times had they laughed and joked with each other about their mutual feelings towards him? Yes, Jason was a good dancer and that's why she accepted his invitation but she would not soon forget that lost puppy dog look on Paul's face as he meekly gave her up to Jason's invitation. How could Paul not have known that she and Paul would be leaving together? Guys can get so weird at times. And then she thought of the kiss and being held by Paul and the emotions and feelings that pulsed through her.

Now she had to undress, remove her makeup, try to get at least an idea of what she needed to pack for later that day and get some sleep. She felt like she had been awake for ages and could barely remember when she was last asleep. She took off the dress and carefully hung it up. It was such an attractive dress. And it was in good shape, so she could pack it for the trip to Las Vegas. Going into the bathroom to wash up, she thought back on the words of caution from April about this trip with Paul, but she knew April was just going through her unofficial role of mother hen to the younger women in the department and she knew April liked Paul. Paul was definitely one of the good guys and their kiss tonight was another indication of that. She had loved being in Paul's arms and she felt the feelings that were growing inside of her for him were also inside of him. She came back out into the bedroom, removed the bra and slipped on one of her satin sleep shirts from the dresser. She pulled the covers back and sat down on the bed and began fingering the pendant. It felt warm in her hands. She glanced down at it and thought back on all the events of the day and how lucky she was to have friends like April and Jill and then imagining again what it would be like with Paul. She absent-mindedly took off the pendant and became quite dizzy and lay back on the bed.

In a moment, Mike sat up and wondered where he was. That's right, he was getting ready to go with Paul to that party. Where's that box with the clothes in it, wasn't it on the bed? Why is it on the chair? And it's dark outside, what time is it? Oh, my god, it's almost 2AM! What happened? Did I pass out? And why am I wearing this t-shirt?

Mike got up and staggered a little to the door, opened it and saw the light on in the living room. Paul must still be up. What had happened? Did Paul go to the party? Is it Saturday, no, wait, Sunday morning? Mike didn't have any idea as he unsteadily walked to the doorway.


Paul slowly turned his head and looked up as the features on his face changed to one of shock and the blood seemed to drain. And then he jumped. Mike thought Paul had seen a ghost and almost jumped as Paul jumped.

"M.M.M.Mike?" Paul stammered out.

Paul could not get even think about sleeping. He got a beer but couldn't get himself to drink it. He wanted so badly to knock on Michelle's door and tell her he was madly, deeply, forever in love with her. But he was afraid she would either laugh him off or be put off by his declarations. He surely did not want that. What could he do, his emotions were in a tumult? All at once he got extremely dizzy and thought he might pass out. It was over quickly but he thought, 'Wasn't this like earlier in the evening when he was starting to change and even earlier like in the little shop when he looked at the pendant? That pendant. Was something going on with it?' He heard a voice behind him, like some distant voice from the past call his name. He turned and there was Mike. His jaw dropped, his emotions left him except for one little thought that said, "Where is Michelle?"

He jumped and said, "M.M.M.Mike?"

"Paul, are you all right, you look like you saw a ghost?" Mike said as he regained his composure. "And why are you looking at me like that? And what happened to that party? Did you go? Why didn't you wake me or something?"

Paul just looked at Mike for a long, long moment. He felt the world crashing down around him and he didn't think he could even begin picking up the pieces. Then a thought flashed through his mind, Where is that pendant? Mike seemed to still be trying to get his bearings as Paul's eyes searched Mike from top to bottom.

No, it wasn't around his neck. There it was, in his hand. Paul got up even though his legs felt practically numb. Mike was still looking questioningly at him. He had to say something.

"I guess you must have fallen asleep. I knocked on your door and looked in and you looked so peaceful there, I thought I'd let you stay there," he lied as best he could.

"Well, thanks a lot, I hope the party was a real bummer," Mike replied rather irritatingly.

"Actually, it was okay," Paul said as he crossed over to Mike. "Say isn't that the pendant that came with your outfit?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess, uh, how did you know? I thought it was sealed in that box."

"Oh, the clerk at the store showed it to me. I remember him saying that you were supposed to put it on and keep it there, wasn't that in the instructions?"

"Yeah, yeah, I think so. I remember now, I put it on and then got sort of dizzy and then lay down. I wonder what caused that?"

Well, here comes the big one, Paul thought. "Why don't you put it back on, get dressed and we'll see if we can catch up with the guys. I think they were going on to the tavern."

"I don't know, it is kinda late."

"No, put it on, for me and then let's go."

"Well, I guess I can, okay."

He began fingering the pendant as Paul started nudging him towards his bedroom.

"Go on, and I'll call the tavern and see if they're still there. Okay? Hurry up."

"Sure, okay," Mike muttered as he walked back to his bedroom and closed the door.

Paul was all weak as he walked across the room. Better put on at least a show if Mike comes back. If Mike put the pendant back on, Paul couldn't tell, as he was rather unsteady and a little dizzy from what had just happened. He thought he felt something but couldn't be sure, as he began to pace around the room. Minutes passed and no sign of Mike. And it was quiet in Mike's room. He began hoping for the best. He finally went to his bedroom.

Paul was so fearful of going to sleep and even more so of waking up. What if all of this had only been a dream? If it was, it would be more of a nightmare if there was no Michelle in the morning. And did he do the right thing? Getting Mike to put the pendant back on, was that an act of selfishness on his part? Wasn't being in love itself sort of selfish? Didn't he deserve to be happy? Didn't Mike deserve to be happy? Didn't Michelle deserve to be happy. Were those good enough reasons? Could this ever be rationalized? How should one act when something is happening that can't be explained. If it didn't work, he could always get Michelle to remove the pendant. But was he really in control of anything here? The old man had admonished him to have Michelle keep the pendant on. These and countless other questions raced through Paul's mind as he tried to go to sleep. The only overriding thought he kept coming back to was that he was in love with Michelle and did not want to lose her. Paul finally fell asleep, but instead of the fitful sleep he had expected, it was one of the more full and satisfying sleeps he had had in years.

Paul was so refreshed when he woke, thinking back to the events of the evening before, when all of a sudden he remembered the moment when Mike walked out of the bedroom and all that had taken place. He was just about to get up, dreading what he might find, when there was a knock on his door.

He was startled but somehow said, "Yes?"

Chapter 3 - The First Time

The door opened and in walked Michelle with a tray with coffee and juice. He could now smell the coffee from the other room. He enjoyed coffee first thing in the morning, but was always pained to have to fix it himself, as Mike was a juice guy. But here was Michelle in that cute satin nightshirt bringing him fresh coffee. He was speechless for a moment as the shock that either the dream was continuing or this was all real was settling around him.

Before he could say anything, Michelle smiled that smile and said, "Good morning. I want to thank you again so much for last night, I had the best time."

He looked at her with barely any make-up on, and only lightly brushed hair and thought in a flash, if this is how she looks in the morning, I want to wake up next to her forever. He mumbled out, "Good morning."

She continued, "I'm glad to see you're up, we're going to have to get going to get our things together and get to our flight."

She sat on the edge of the bed and handed him the cup. He could not take his eyes off her. All sorts of thoughts flooded his mind, just like last night when they kissed. He kept wanting to imagine sex with her, but somehow what dominated his mind was the desire to just hold her, be with her, spend his life with her. And although he was not a religious person, he said a very personal prayer thanking whoever for what was now happening.

He finished the coffee as they chatted a little about the previous night. Michelle teased him about Jason but let him know that Jason was only good for several dances and thanked Paul again for getting her away from him.

But now they had to get ready for their trip and, of course, this set off a whole new group of worries for Paul. Mike had been in charge of getting the tickets so Paul had only seen the paper receipt for a brief moment as they were electronic. Would they have the correct names on them? Security was always tight at the airports so how could Michelle get through? Did she have valid I.D.'s?

And what about sleeping arrangements once they got to the hotel? Paul assumed that the room reserved would have some kind of twin beds or a bed and sofa/bed, how would they handle that?

Paul fretted about all those potential problems as he got ready. Michelle just breezed through her packing acting as if everything was just perfect. She had to tease Paul a little to keep him in a pleasant mood and several times asked if he was okay or if there was a problem. Paul, of course, denied any hint of a problem. He really wanted to know what was going on, but was just a little too afraid of some serious consequences if he questioned too much, like last night. Oh, he really did not want to think about that anymore. So, he kept quiet and tried to work on becoming enthusiastic about the trip.

They got all their things together to go, and as you would guess, Michelle's bags slightly (!) outnumbered and outsized Paul's. Fortunately, Paul only had the one large suitcase and one carry on, so with all the items being shared, they would just make the airline limit on bags per person. Paul thought back to his wondering what takes girls so long to get ready and now he wondered, what all do they pack that takes so much room?

With Mike getting the tickets, Paul had not thought too much about the airport hassles that everyone was putting up with now. To his surprise, Michelle told him as they were putting things in the car that they would be going out of the smaller jet port in the city north of the metropolitan area they were in and not the large overcrowded airport. Paul was really relieved at that and complimented Michelle on thinking ahead like that. Mike might now be Michelle but she was just as smart.

They arrived at the jet port, parked the car in the long term lot, and made their way into the terminal. Checking in was a breeze as somehow Michelle produced valid I.D.'s along with Paul and they were accepted and two passes were issued. They had just a short wait, and then the line through security was just as short. Michelle went first and sailed on through with no problems. Paul set off all sorts of alarms which was just the result of loose change, keys, his belt buckle, the plate in his head, no just kidding, but he was pulled to the side and given the full search as a result including taking off his shoes. Michelle just stood by and smiled and joked just a little with the young man doing the search. Paul eventually was allowed to get his things back together and join Michelle.

It seemed that every time he started to worry about some calamity befalling Michelle, something unexpected happened to him. He swore that he would stop worrying and try to just let things come. Michelle appeared so happy as she faced each moment as it came with the sweetest of smiles. He decided to let that smile take him in also and he relaxed so much that Michelle noticed it and she stopped thinking about what could have been troubling Paul, at least for a while.

The flight was uneventful and somewhat boring. They talked a little, ate the bland meal that was served and were happy when the jet finally touched down.

They had reserved a room at the Hotel Bellagio and after arriving at the airport and claiming their bags, they took a taxi to the hotel. It was mid-afternoon as the time zone change helped them in this direction. Paul began wondering about the room and what it would be like. The hotel, of course, was gorgeous and opulent, from the fountains to the pool area to the brightly covered lobby. Paul was a little apprehensive as they checked in, but everything seemed to be going quite wonderfully. He wasn't at all sure what to expect when they got to the room and his eyes got a little wide as he realized the room had only a king bed and not the twin full beds he was sort of expecting. As Paul tipped the bellhop, Michelle began unpacking and organizing and acted as though this was exactly what she expected.

Michelle grabbed some clothes and things and headed into the bathroom. "Gotta freshen up a little. I'll be just a minute."

Paul thought to himself, why does she need to freshen up, she looks great just the way she is. Michelle had been wearing slacks, a nice tee, and cross trainers. Paul busied himself checking out the room and the view. He could see a little bit of the strip and some hills off a ways. He heard there was a big mountain nearby but had no idea where it was. He put some of his clothes away, checked himself out in the mirror over the washbasin and waited. Eventually, Michelle emerged wearing a tank, designer type jeans and boots. Paul could only take it in for a moment. Whatever she wore, she seemed more gorgeous then before.

Michelle grabbed his hand. "Come on, let's see what's out there!"

They leave the room and go downstairs to one of the gaming rooms.

Paul played a few slots and then tried his luck at blackjack. Michelle would watch him for awhile and occasionally try some of the slots. After awhile, they decided to walk around a little and take in some of the sites and stop for a light supper. They watched the fountain show and walked out to the pool area then headed to one of the restaurants for a quick dinner. After dinner, because it was a pleasant evening they walked up and down the strip a little ways taking in the extravagance of the buildings. All the while Paul was wondering about the evening and night ahead. Then they headed back for some more gambling.

They finally called it a night at midnight which was even later considering their internal clock from where they came from. Paul's nervousness was growing as he thought about what was going to happen, but Michelle continued quite calm and very pleasant.

They get back to room and it becomes obvious that at least Michelle has been thinking about what is going to happen. She puts Paul in the bathroom first to brush, and whatever, then pushes him out and she goes in. Paul finally gets in gear and gets an idea. He tells Michelle that he has to run out for a minute and goes down to one of the shops and buys a split of champagne. He has the ice bucket with him and brings it back with ice. He sits on bed wondering what will happen, barely noticing that he is starting to get quite hard.

After a moment, Michelle comes out in a cute little pink and white baby doll outfit, lace at the edges with a matching robe. He looks at her like she is some vision.

She looks at him and smiles. "Well, are you going to get ready for bed or are you planning on sleeping in that tonight."

Paul gets a little red faced and grabs a t-shirt and long pajama bottoms and goes into the bathroom. He can't believe how she looks and now how hard he is getting.

As he comes out, she says, "Paul, that is so sweet, getting champagne for tonight." She has poured two drinks as he comes over to bed and sits on it.

She joins him on the bed after kicking off her slippers and curling her feet underneath her. She hands him one of the cups and they toast each other. She looks wonderful. They talk for awhile as he is very nervous. She realizes she will have to encourage him to make the first move.

After a few moments of idle talk about the day and their surroundings, Michelle looks up at Paul and says, "Paul, I love so very much."

Paul has finally taken the cue and responds, "I love you, too, Michelle."

And he slides over and they kiss. And kiss some more and the passion grows as they fall back onto the bed and he feels her breasts and she feels his manhood. And they roll around as she slips out of the robe to the practically shear baby doll. They have turned the lights down to practically dim but he can see the outline of her body through the flimsy material and realizes he wants her next to him quite badly. She gently helps him slide his top off and begins playing with his chest and tiny nipples.

In a few moments, they are now going at it quite intensely as she helps him ease off her baby doll and she is now naked. He can see her form and he is just amazed at how perfect her body is. He rubs up and down her sides, her arms and underarms and onto her rounded breasts rubbing over her nipples, which are quite full and hard. He realizes his cock is just unbelievably hard and long and it is straining to get bigger. She slips a hand down to it and begins gently rubbing it, which seems to make it even bigger.

He had wondered what would turn her on, did he even know. And how would he get her to do those things that turned him on. But at this moment, none of that mattered as they just instinctively did to each other what seemed right and everything they did worked wonderfully at stimulating each other even more.

He does realize that he absolutely loves her kisses. He also wondered momentarily if she was a virgin, but the things she is doing to him, like the massaging of his cock and his balls, how quickly she seemed to find those erogenous zones that he didn't even know he had, makes him quickly stop thinking about trivial things like that and try to concentrate when he could on doing things to her. Things like seeing if she would respond to his searching for that place some call the g-spot, and whether she liked vaginal or clitoral stimulation more. It was a little hard to tell as she began moaning at his touches to all the various places.

He begins to realize that the moment of first penetration is approaching and he isn't sure what kind of protection she was using, so at an opportune moment he reaches over to the bedstand and grabs a little foil packet. She sees it and smiles at him that smile and almost in a whisper says, "Paul, that is so thoughtful. If you want to use that, it's fine, but I'm on the pill and my love for you includes complete trust."

Paul looks at her for a second and puts the packet back and says, "I love you."

They were aware of the dangers of unprotected sex, but they were also at the beginnings of the realization that here was the partner each had wanted and each wanted to be with for a long, long time.

And so, now that they had stimulated each other with their fingers and lips (Paul absolutely loved the feel of her nails on various parts of his body and she was just totally wet down there), that it was now the moment as Paul thrust it into her. Michelle cried out briefly and he was afraid he had hurt her somehow, but she grabbed him and pulled him tightly to her and started thrusting her hips up to meet his. He quickly responded and they started coming together in a quick rhythm. Just imagine Meg Ryan in 'When Harry Met Sally' only more intense and totally honest and that is how Michelle is responding.

And now he is just pounding into her and she is meeting all of his thrusts. And then she arches her back and lets out a small almost shriek and falls back. In a moment, he explodes into her with more intensity then he ever thought possible and then he collapses on her. They lay like that for several moments, each lost in his and her moment of that coupling.

After several minutes, Michelle reaches her hand up and lightly strokes Paul's head and barely whispers, "Paul, Paul, I love you so very much."

Paul rises up on one elbow and gets lost looking into her eyes and exhales, "Michelle, I love you."

And then they start kissing, deep passionate kisses.

Eventually, Paul rolls off of Michelle and they lie quietly next to each other, with Paul's arms around Michelle holding her closely to him.

"Paul, that was so wonderful, you were so big and long."

Paul had never had such an intense orgasm and hoped that Michelle had experienced one at least close to how he felt. He was always a little worried that even though he very, very rarely even came close to faking it, that sometimes the girl he was with had had a pleasant but not outstanding experience.

"Was that good for you?" he asked quietly.

"Paul, oh, Paul that was just ... fantastic. It was just wonderful."

"Really? I mean..."

"Sh, that was great, you are a wonderful lover, and I love you so much."

He hoped so as they kissed again and again.

Eventually she fell asleep with her in his arms, and just before he fell asleep, he looked down at her and felt a wave of emotion engulf him as he thought again how wonderful she looked, how great she felt here in his arms and that she wanted to be here with him.

That was the start of the love-making as the next morning, they coupled again, and then could barely keep from touching each other for the rest of the week.

They had professed their love for each other and had expressed that love in the most physical of ways. They were first in love with each other, then in love with love itself, and now they were in love with being with each other. How they touched each other, looked at each other and talked to each other was not lost on the people around them. Occasionally, drinks would appear on their table from anonymous donors, Michelle would be asked to throw the dice for someone who wanted his luck to change, or some slot winner would give a token to them to play. They would be a little embarrassed at that and profusely thank the donor if known and then giddily play. Not a few other older couples on second honeymoons or vacations away from the hassles of family saw them and remembered what it was that had attracted them to their mates and found reasons to leave the gaming floors a little early for the privacy of their darkened rooms and a rekindling of their feelings.

They went to one of the bigger shows early in the week, Siegfried and Roy and were highly entertained. The other nights they would have dinner at one of the restaurants like at Le Cirque and then try their luck at the tables. Paul tried a betting scheme he had read about at the roulette wheel and actually came out a little ahead. He also sat at some of the gimmick black jack tables and was able to barely break even. He got Michelle to sit at one of the tables but even though he explained some of the simpler schemes such as when to split, when to double down, and how much to bet, the cards just never seemed to come her way. She would just smile and remind him that she was lucky in love, anyway. Usually she played the slots and although she won some small amounts, she mostly came out behind at the end of each night.

During the week, Paul would remember back on that first night after they got back from the club and Michelle 'accidentally' taking the necklace off. Every time he recalled that, he got real nervous, and that worry would occasionally come across with Michelle around. Finally, Paul thought of a solution and he hoped Michelle would be receptive.

Paul checked around and asking at the front desk for a recommendation of a quality store, found a place that would do what he wanted and it was just several blocks from the hotel. That night, he broached the subject with Michelle. After a particularly satisfying coupling with Michelle (at least for him, and it also seemed for her), he took a breath and fingering the pendant, asked the question.

"Michelle, darling, I would love it if you would do me a huge favor."

Before he could say any more, Michelle responded with that smile on her face and looking up at Paul deeply into his eyes, "Paul, you know I would do anything for you. All you have to do is ask."

Paul had mixed emotions as he asked, "I love that necklace on you and I was wondering if maybe, like, um, tomorrow, we could , uh, go someplace and, um, shorten the chain, like, um, maybe just a little?"

He didn't want anything to change how they were, but he wondered if this wasn't another instance of his selfishness.

He could only ponder a moment as Michelle responded, "Paul, if that's what you want, that is fine with me. I love this pendant. Is it a family heirloom? I can understand you not wanting to take a chance on it getting lost. Is there a jeweler's close?

Paul fudged a little and mumbled, "Um, yeah, uh, something like, um, that. Oh, there's one just a few blocks away. Thank you, thank you, Michelle, I love you."

"I love you, too, Paul."

And they came together again. Michelle thought on it for just a moment, thinking, 'It might be a little uncomfortable, but if it's a family heirloom, and it would make Paul feel better, then it's all right. I trust him completely.'

The next day, they went to the jewelers and with a little prodding, since the jeweler thought he had heard of everything, he shortened the chain by removing links and all traces of any clasp. The necklace and pendant was on Michelle somewhat permanently now. Paul was visibly relieved and Michelle noticed it and felt happy that he was more relaxed. After the chain was shortened, the couple stayed in the store and looked at various pieces including wedding ring sets. Even though he felt he never wanted to ever be apart from Michelle, he had never really considered marriage and a wedding and all that, but to his surprise, he actually encouraged Michelle to try on rings and after trying on one set, it was apparent that Michelle fell in love with the setting. It was a rather unique design with a solitaire diamond surrounded by small emeralds. Emeralds like the color of her eyes and like the color of the stone. Even the clerk commented on the closeness of the stones' color to the color of the stone in the pendant.

As he looked at the rings, and into Michelle's eyes, Paul was struck with extremely intense feelings of love towards her. It was like an awakening as he realized what he wanted. It seemed to defy logic as he thought back and forth. They had only known each other for a week, how could it happen so fast, but hadn't he known this person for several years? Wasn't everything he liked about Mike magnified in Michelle? Wasn't everything he ever wanted in a friend, in a partner, yes, in a wife, all wrapped up in this gorgeous girl that was next to him?

Michelle looked up at him and said, "Paul, are you okay?"

After a second, Paul realized Michelle was talking to him. "Oh, I'm sorry, yes, yes, absolutely everything is okay, no, no, just about perfect." It became quite crystal clear what he wanted to do.

Michelle just looked at him, wondering a little about what was going on, but Paul was just so happy right now. That fog that had been lifted by being with Michelle seemed to be turning into a bright shiny path, that he would only be too happy to follow. Later, when they were back in their room, getting ready to go out again, Paul excused himself and made a trip to a certain store, obtaining exactly what he was looking for. Tonight, they would have fun. Tomorrow night, that would be something else, something quite special.

For the next twenty-four or so hours, Paul was just brimming over with happiness. Michelle didn't understand, but liked what was happening. This was the happiest, most carefree Paul had ever seemed to be and Michelle enjoyed being with him and seeing him like this. She couldn't believe that having the chain fixed could cause all this but whatever it was, it was wonderful.

They went to another show that Thursday night, comedienne Rita Rudner, who was quite funny, and then gambled a little afterwards before returning to their room. That night, sex was just fantastic.

Friday night would be their last night as they were returning on Saturday, so Paul asked around and found a somewhat intimate restaurant downtown, Hugo's Cellar, to take Michelle to.

They finished dinner and were sipping on the last of the wine when Paul said, "Michelle, I have something I would like to give you." And he reached into a pocket and pulled out a small wrapped gift.

Michelle was surprised and had no idea what it was. "Oh, Paul, you shouldn't have." And this time she wasn't teasing. "Just being together this week has been so wonderful."

"Please, go on and open it."

She took the package and unwrapped it, suspecting that it might be some piece of jewelry like a pin or something. No, it was a case that earrings or rings come in. She was getting excited and a little nervous as she popped open the box.

Even in the somewhat dim light, the stones on the ring gave off a sparkle. There it was, to Michelle's mind an absolutely huge diamond surrounded by smaller emeralds. It was the engagement ring from the store and it was beautiful. Michelle was speechless as the meaning of this gift and the look in Paul's face and eyes told her everything that she was just beginning to realize.

"Please don't say anything yet, I want to do this right."

He took the box out of her hand and reached his hands across to take hers.

She was trembling as she reached her hands out and Paul took them quite firmly in his hands after taking the ring out of the box. This was such a beautiful moment, one that girls dream of almost as much as walking down an aisle. Paul's hands felt so strong and firm and yet loving, too. This was such a huge surprise as tears began to well up in her eyes.

The patrons around them realized what was happening and an almost hush came over that part of the restaurant.

Paul took the ring and slipped it onto Michelle's ring finger of her left hand then slid out of his chair and got on one knee in front of her.

"Michelle, would you do me the greatest honor I could ever expect or even imagine and say that you will marry me?"

All the emotions that had been swirling around Paul for the past week now engulfed Michelle. In a flash, she thought back on the past week and going to the club and dancing with Paul and having him hold her, and that first kiss and then Sunday night when they first came together. And then this whole week. And each night and day with Paul. And even though she had not thought of marriage even when they were trying on rings, she knew that this moment was right, this place was right, and most of all, this handsome man kneeling in front of her was right. When she first met Paul and they became friends, she knew there was something special about him and about how they were when they were together. She knew without having to think about it that she was in love with Paul and she knew he was in love with her. And she knew that they were both ready to embark on that special journey through life. A journey of husband and wife, of children and grandchildren, a journey of sharing and giving.

Tears were slowly rolling down her cheeks and even though she had been happy before, she was just overwhelmed.

"Yes, Paul, yes, yes, yes. I would love to be your wife and to marry you," she replied quietly.

Paul leaned forward and they gave each other a light kiss and to their surprise and embarrassment, there was some quiet polite clapping around them, and some of the patrons raised their glasses in a toast. Michelle did not want to release Paul's hand as she sat there looking at the ring and at Paul. Paul grabbed a napkin and dabbed up the tears that were caressing her cheeks. He understood well enough that this was an expression of her happiness.

Now it was Michelle's turn to verbalize what Paul had constantly been thinking about since he first saw her. "Paul, I never want to let you go, I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Michelle," replied Paul.

They practically floated back to their room and into bed for a very romantic and tender interlude that lasted a long time. Michelle did mention to Paul that she wanted to introduce him to her family as soon as possible and to formally ask her father, as she knew her father would really appreciate it. Paul, still in a very happy mood, agreed immediately and they returned to their lovemaking.

The week eventually came to an end. Of course, their bank accounts couldn't take much more and they saved a little by spending the last several days practically in each other's arms, but they had won some, lost a little more, and had a wonderful time. And Paul popping the question was the moment of the entire trip. They were now both extremely happy and quite dreamily in love. The trip from the hotel to the airport, flying home, and back to their apartment went by in a whirl as they talked about the week, what each wanted for a wedding and for their future, and how they and their friends and co- workers would deal with it. But as Paul turned the key in the lock and held the door for Michelle, a part of what had happened to them was now being faced. Where it had been a shared apartment by two singles when they left, it was now the beginnings of the first home for a couple as over the next several weeks and months, Michelle slowly moved into Paul's bedroom.

The love that they shared and the accompanying sex only seemed to get better and better, as they would find new ways to stimulate and please each other. And as they realized that the euphoria they received from that pleasing of each other was almost (but not quite!) as sensual as being on the receiving end.

Going back to work was so anti-climactic, as both Michelle and Paul wanted their moments together to last forever. Now, they prepared to go and face their co-workers with the good news. And for Michelle, the moment to show off her new piece of jewelry and start talking and planning with her friends what she wanted in a wedding and shopping and looking for clothes and all those other details that make weddings so special to young women. While Paul braced himself for the good-natured ribbing that usually goes with announcements like this, the winks and leers, the condolences and the congratulations. But none of this really mattered because they were in love, in love with each other, in love with being love, in love with the promises of a future together, a future made brighter because they would be sharing and experiencing it together.

Monday morning bright and early they got up, got ready and headed off to work, giving a little kiss as they got out of their car in the parking lot. Their cubicles were in the same bullpen, but were fairly apart from each other, which Paul was at this moment thankful about because he had some things on his mind. Michelle was in wonderful spirits.

Paul was quite nervous as he walked to his desk. Although his friends at the party had expressed their congratulations on his promotion, he still had trouble believing it. Mike was supposed to be moving into it, not him, but now Mike was Michelle. Shouldn't it have been her? He sat down at his desk and there was a memo on the desk from the Department Manager's secretary requesting a meeting in a few moments. Would this be it? He gathered up his courage and strode off to the meeting, wondering how Michelle was holding up.

Michelle became the center of attention when she got to her desk. April and Jill immediately came over and wanted to know all about the trip to Las Vegas and to fill her in on what was happening around the office. But they really wanted to know about her and Paul and what had happened, although after only a moment they knew at least it had happened. And to their surprise and immediate delight, Michelle showed off the engagement ring.

They had suspected that Paul and Michelle would get together and felt they were perfect for each other. Both expressed their belief that Paul just had to find himself and realize that Michelle was the one for him and they were both happy for Michelle. Some of the other young women in the office crowded around and most were excited to see the ring and congratulate Michelle. Of course, one or two of the younger ones had harbored the hope of making a play for Paul as he was probably the best looking eligible bachelor in the company and now he was taken, but they were happy for Michelle as they liked her. April and Jill were quite excited because they knew that they would be helping Michelle with the wedding plans, and of course, Michelle assured both that each would be in the wedding.

Paul passed Jason's desk on the way to the meeting and Jason gave Paul a wink and asked, "So how did the week go with that fox, Michelle, is she as hot in bed as she looks?"

After that party, Jason had sort of hoped that he could make it with Michelle if there was any noticeable problem between her and Paul, and maybe even if there wasn't. Paul stared at him.

"Everything went just fine," Paul practically hissed at him. "We had a great time."

Jason kept at it. "So how was she?"

"Oh, okay," Paul replied offhandedly, "gotta run, by the way we're engaged."

The change in expression on Jason's face was almost priceless. The remnants of that leer remained as he tried to not show anything, but the color drained from his face as it was obvious he realized he had put his foot into it big time.

"Oh, um, good, yeah, um, oh, congratulations," he mumbled trying to look like he had something important to do.

"Thanks, hey, talk to you later." That put that asshole in his place. Maybe this has the makings of a great day, Paul thought and headed to the meeting with a smile.

Paul got to the manager's office right on time and had to wait about fifteen minutes or so until he was ushered into the office. Then he had to wait another five or ten minutes for the manager to get off the phone while sitting in a somewhat uncomfortable chair directly across from the manager's desk. But of course this was all standard procedure in the department. When the manager finally got off the phone he was polite but efficient. This was the department manager that Jim Elias, their acting section supervisor who they reported to until Paul took over, had been reporting to and now Paul would. Of course, Paul was fairly nervous during this meeting and why not, because nothing was being done to make him feel at ease or comfortable.

Paul was told that his training class would begin on Friday with an orientation and then last for the next two weeks. The manager's secretary would show him his new mini-office (higher partitions and a clear door for a very limited amount of privacy) and Paul could begin moving in the next day. Paul was also to plan on a meeting on Thursday with the other section managers. While Paul was being told this, the phone rang several times and each time, the manager had Paul wait while he finished whatever talk with the other party. During this time, Paul looked around and realized the office was way to organized and neat for someone who supposedly was quite busy.

Finally, the interview as it were, ended and the manager thanked Paul and wished him luck as he got back into his office routine. Paul was glad to be out of there and wondered where these managers come from. He couldn't wait to tell Michelle and the others that their after hour's speculations were more on the money then they knew.

Later that morning, Michelle received a phone call from the secretary of a senior manager in the marketing department of the company requesting that she come to a meeting that afternoon. Susan Weatherly, an assistant vice-president, was known as a hard nose in the company. She was demanding and could be difficult to get along with but was considered fair. As a Vice-President, she was one of the higher-ranking women in the company. Michelle wondered what she could want with her. She knew who Ms. Weatherly was and they had exchanged pleasantries when they passed, but other than that, Michelle had little knowledge of her responsibilities other than they were related to marketing.

Michelle and Paul met for lunch and Paul told her what happened in his meeting and that he would start training later in the week and had no idea what the hours would be. Michelle was still a little jealous of Paul's promotion but seeing how happy he was, made her feel a little better. She told him about her upcoming meeting and they both wondered what that was about. After lunch, she mentioned the meeting to Jim Elias but he had no idea either. He could only hazard a guess that Marketing may be fishing for inside information on new products that might be coming down the line and told Michelle to be careful what she said. That sent a flag up to Michelle, as here was another instance of the petty politics that were played especially by this department. Software development and integration was considered one of the key departments and the managers were very territorial. She hoped Paul would try to manage with an open mind.

She went to the meeting with Ms. Weatherly somewhat concerned about what it meant. She did look around the Marketing department with a little more eye to how it was laid out then she had in the past. Michelle noticed immediately that while there was the constant hum of activity it appeared quieter than her department. The work area walls were higher, the ceiling looked newer, and there were usually two or three people per workspace which were proportionally larger then the low walled single person spaces in her department. It seemed a lot more conducive to actually getting work done more efficiently then her department. The most surprising thing of all was the phones seemed less intrusive. That in itself was a welcome relief to Michelle.

Susan's secretary, Lisa, greeted her and told her to go right on into Ms. Weatherly's private office. Michelle entered the rather spacious office (having never been in a VP's office before). Ms. Weatherly was on the phone but as Michelle entered she put the call on hold, got up and welcomed Michelle.

"Thank you so much for coming," she said as she shook Michelle's hand. "I certainly appreciate you taking time for this."

"Uh, you're welcome, Ms. Weatherly." Michelle was a little surprised at her courtesy.

"Please, call me Susan and can I call you Michelle?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Good, now, Michelle, take a seat over there and I'll be right with you," Susan said gesturing to some comfortable looking chairs around a low glass table.

Michelle sat down as Susan went back to the phone and practically dismissed whoever the caller was saying that something important had come up, then ended the call. She then called to her secretary and told her to hold all calls and joined Michelle at the table. Michelle was really surprised that a manager would treat her better than a phone call. For most managers in Michelle's experience, it was totally the other way around. Michelle did glance around at the office and realized that Susan was quite busy but also efficient.

Susan came over to table and asked, "Would you like some coffee?" There was a pot still warming on a cabinet.

"No, thank you."

"You don't mind if I have a cup, do you?"

"Oh, no, no, not at all, please."

"One of my vices I suppose, do you have any?"

That was an interesting question considering how little Michelle knew Susan. "Well, I love orange juice in the morning, cold and maybe just a little pulpy."

"A software developer that doesn't drink coffee, now that is a little unusual."

"I just never developed a taste for it, but I do drink some diet cola on occasion, along with water, of course."

Susan nodded and changed the conversation, "I understand you just got back from vacation?"

"Yes, I went to Las Vegas for the past week or so."

"That must have been exciting, did you go with a group or ...?"

"Actually, I went with my fiance," Michelle liked the way that sounded, her fiance. The thought made her smile. That warm ingratiating smile that somehow allowed people to relax around her and feel good about themselves.

"Oh, sounds really exciting. So, is that your engagement ring?"

Michelle nodded and stretched out her hand.

"Very beautiful, have you set a date yet?"

"Not definitely, but probably in about eight or nine months."

"Well, congratulations," she added as Michelle smiled again. "Who is the lucky man? Anyone from the company?"

"Yes," Michelle answered beginning to wonder about all these personal questions. "Paul Marten, in my section."

"Hmmm," Susan looked thoughtful for a second. "That's, um, interesting."

Now Michelle was getting a little irritated at this rather personal questioning. What does she want, Michelle wondered.

As if she read Michelle's mind, Susan said, "I hope you don't mind these somewhat personal questions. In this department we like to think we are family. I know that sounds rather trite, but I believe that we all will do a better job if we know and understand each other. And that leads me to why I asked you here. Can I speak frankly to you?"

"Why, yes, of course." This was all still a little unsettling to Michelle.

"Good, first of all, I just want to say, Paul is a very lucky man and I know you'll be good for each other. I keep track on who gets promoted in this company and from what I hear, Paul should do all right as a manager."

Michelle was pleased to hear that. But what did it mean to this conversation?

"However, I think we both know that you really deserved that promotion."

That shocked Michelle. She felt deep inside that she did but wondered if anyone else other than her friends even cared much less knew of her contributions and abilities. She even wondered a little about Paul, who she knew did care about her, but that old boy climate was strong. And the way Susan was looking at her made Michelle think that she was trying to determine her reaction. She felt she had to respond quickly.

"That may be, but Paul is very qualified," Michelle replied with a touch of indignation in her voice.

Susan sat back and took a sip of coffee, looking at Michelle rather closely. After a moment she smiled a little and said, "Good response. I appreciate people who don't disparage themselves. And that was not a knock on Paul in any way. I also keep up on the women that come through this company and especially those that get considered for promotion and I have followed your career fairly closely. It's quite apparent that you have a lot on the ball. I've talked to some of the people you have trained and they all speak very highly of you."

Michelle was quite flattered by this first bit of recognition of her talents by someone independent of the department. But she still wondered where this was going. She had been passed over and Paul was promoted and there was nothing more to be done. She did begin to wonder if there was some opening here in marketing that Susan seemed interested in having her fill but she wasn't sure she wanted to leave the development area.

"Thank you," she replied to Susan, "I think it's important that the new developers start out with the right information."

Susan smiled and said, "And that, Michelle, is what I want to talk to you about. As you are aware, the company is growing and with that growth there are growth pains. I can see the beginnings of a disconnect between Marketing and Sales, and to a degree Support, and the Engineering and Development areas. It seems that there is a lot of functionality in our products that our Sales people don't even understand is there much less be able to use what is there. The manuals that are provided and the limited dog and pony shows that are presented just aren't working."

Michelle could vouch for that. She had been part of one of the 'dog and pony' shows and seriously wondered if it just wasn't a big waste of everyone's time.

Susan continued, "Also, I have talked with some of the section managers in Development and they are a little envious of what you're doing and want to start their own training. And each of the other departments wants to start their own training. Fortunately, several of us managers got together before all these ad-hoc training groups could get started and we decided to implement a company wide training department and I have been tasked with getting it started. And that is where you come in. From what I can determine, you have training experience, are knowledgeable in many of our products, and with limited materials you are able to provide a quality experience. That is exactly what I am looking for." She paused.

Michelle was a little surprised. Obviously, Susan wanted her to come to Marketing and help set up a training group. She wondered who else would be involved. She was about to ask when Susan said, "Please, before you ask any questions, let me finish."

"I want you to head up this new group. Initially, you will be the entire company training department. I will help where I can but you will be doing most of the work to begin. I would like you to set up initial training classes for each of the departments, Marketing, Sales, Support, and Engineering. Obviously there will be differences and you will have to factor those in. Each training session will be evaluated and when the initial sessions are done the managers will meet and determine where we will be going from there. If it is successful, which I have every reason to believe you will be, a training department will be set up and staffed and implemented with a budget. And of course you will also have to train the trainers. I envision that staffing will come from each of the departments so there will be a cross flow of ideas and each department will have a stake in the process. Also, we will encourage senior people from each of the departments to rotate through as guest trainers to keep the classes current.

"Now here are some of the problems. As you can guess, funding will be difficult. Before, each department could hide training costs in project start up costs. Now it will be open to the company and unless we can show an addition to the bottom line in line with our costs, it will be hard to get funding. You and I will have to develop metrics during the initial training that can be used to justify continued funding. Second, as with any brand new project, getting this off the ground will be difficult. You will probably be forced to scrounge for some materials and supplies and at the same time, keep up with new products. And finally, I'm sure there will be some opposition as there usually is that you, and I, will have to overcome. So, do you think you're up to it?"

"Oh, one other item, not to sway you in any way," she smiled as she said this, "to begin with you will be given the title Project Lead with a raise in pay and if this is successful, I expect you to get that Section Manager promotion when the department is fully implemented.

Michelle carefully responded after a moment's thought, "I am flattered by your confidence in me and I hope I can live up to your expectations. However, I think this could be a big responsibility and I would like a little time to think it over, if that's all right?"

"Please, take some time. If you decide to come aboard, I want you coming in fully committed. I do hope to get this up and running sometime this month."

"Oh, I'm sure I will have an answer for you by tomorrow morning at the latest."

"That would be fine. Do you have any other questions?"

"Just a couple. Does Jim Elias know about this? And how soon after if I say yes do you expect me to start and where would I be sitting?"

"No, Jim doesn't know this yet, and I thought it would be difficult to pry you away from him, but you're aware of company policy concerning spouses? It will be a lot easier with your upcoming wedding. I would expect you to start within two weeks and you will stay where you are for several more weeks. I want Engineering to feel you are still a part of them. The initial funding for this is coming from each of the departments. Eventually, you will be over here and if it is made a section, you will be somewhere in between. Probably in one of the offices across the way. Any thing else?"

"No, not right now, but may I call you?"

"Certainly, any time, and my door is always open. Even if you don't take the job, you are welcome in here any time."

The interview was over and they chatted for a moment about Las Vegas, Michelle's upcoming wedding and the company. Michelle stressed that she was glad to see the formation of a training group. The other engineers had recognized a need for it for a long time. Susan mentioned that she would like Michelle to not discuss the offer except with Paul, obviously, until the announcement was made. She could tell everyone that the company was thinking about setting up some training classes and just wanted her input. Michelle agreed and Susan thanked her for coming and hoped to hear her decision soon.

And Susan finally said, "You are everything I hoped for, Michelle. I look forward to working with you."

Michelle left very excited. She was fairly certain she was going to accept the offer. She felt that Susan was a very good manager from what she had seen and that the marketing department seemed very well organized. She liked what she saw and what she heard and began to realize that this was an opportunity for her to make a difference. And thinking back on it, she realized she liked the training she had given and had wondered how she could expand it and make it better and now the chance was being presented. She looked at the offices across the way where she would eventually be sitting and they were all standard offices with regular doors and walls and ceilings.

She got back to her area and gave the cover story to Jill and April and eventually to Jim Elias and they seemed satisfied. She also began looking at her current projects and how she was going to finish them or pass them along. She went over to Paul and told him she had something important to talk to him about on the way home and that it was good, as Paul immediately got his worried look.

When Michelle and Paul got together, she explained the whole offer to Paul, told him she was probably going to accept it, but said that she wanted to wait for his opinion because how he felt mattered a lot to her. It was probably a little sexist, but her immediate family now mattered even more than the 'family' she was thinking about joining and she wanted Paul's total support.

Actually, after Paul got over the initial disappointment that Michelle might be leaving the department, he realized that it was probably the best thing that could happen. She was going to be getting that promotion that she deserved and he had felt bad about (even though he did not want to tell her), and he knew the company policy and was concerned that she might have to leave the company or take a lesser job in some other department. He wondered how this had all happened and thought again that there had to be some magic in that amulet as how else could all this be explained.

He then told Michelle, "I think you should take the offer, but more important, whatever you want to do, I will always be there to support you, because I love you and I want you to be happy."

That was what Michelle wanted to hear and it did make her happy and she told Paul she loved him and they had a quick celebratory dinner for both of their new jobs and finished the celebration on the sofa, in the kitchen and in bed where Michelle got him off for the not very often third time.

The next morning Michelle called Susan's office to make an appointment and Lisa said Michelle could come by anytime in the next hour, after which Susan would be tied up in meetings. Michelle went right over and was ushered in immediately to Susan's office and after being greeted they both sat at the small table. This time Susan offered Michelle some juice.

Susan started, "I was going to ask if you have decided but I suspect by the look on your face that the answer is yes. Just a little suggestion, don't ever play poker with people who don't like you. And I can also assume that Paul is in favor?"

Michelle blushed a little at both suggestions and before she could answer, Susan said, "Good, good, we want everyone here to be fully committed to our goals, and their significant others should provide support. I'll talk to Jim later today and we'll get the paperwork moving. As I said, I would like you to be able to start in about two weeks, but in the meantime, I'll be scheduling some meetings I want you to attend so we can get some of the groundwork started."

Michelle said finally, "I have some ideas I've been thinking about and I would like to hear your comments."

"Have you written them down?"

"Yes, but they're only in outline form right now." She pulled out a sheaf of papers she had been working on.

"I am impressed, but that's why I wanted you. Let's get together in a couple of days and we'll go over them. Set up a time with Lisa. And be prepared to make a small presentation. The sooner we show some movement on this, the more resources we will be able to get. Do you have a personal e-mail address? Good, give it to Lisa as I may want to communicate outside of company channels, if that's all right with you?"

They shook hands and Michelle left to go back and start closing up her projects. She knew she would be in for a lot of work. The next week after several successful meetings where Susan was able to show off Michelle and her work, Susan invited Michelle to join her and some of the other women managers of the company for dinner. Michelle fit right in and they all treated her with respect.

Jim put up a little bit of resistance as he did not like losing a good worker but realized he had no choice. But he also knew that the replacement developer would be trained by Michelle and would have an excellent grounding. He helped Michelle set up the transition of her projects to the other engineers. April and Jill were quite happy for Michelle and even though she was leaving the area, they all knew their friendship existed beyond just where they were sitting and they would remain close.

And so Paul and Michelle settled in to their new jobs. They were kept busy by the demands but were able to get together in the evenings and enjoy each other through the nights. The weekends were still theirs and they used that time to keep up their friendships and they even had a small get together with their friends to celebrate their engagement.

Two weeks passed and it was time to drive back to Michelle's home town to meet with her father and family. Paul sort of knew some already from what Mike, now Michelle, had said and Michelle confirmed and filled in some of the particulars. So much had already happened that Paul spent a few moments fretting over what might happen but realized that he should try to let whatever happen, happen. There was not much he could do about it. He went over what he knew several times so that he wouldn't make too many mistakes. Her father's name was Edward and he was retired. He had worked for one of the phone companies and left just after the breakup. Michelle's mother had died of an illness when she was eleven. Her brother Allen was considerably older, married, and had three children, all in their teens. And her grandmother that had tried to help raise her had also passed away a few years ago. Her father's parents had passed away years earlier as Michelle had been the real baby of the family. There were some cousins but they were more Allen's age and she saw them only at holidays and funerals. Of course, all would expect to be invited to the wedding, as well as the many friends that Michelle's parents had made - which was fairly sizeable as both her parents were quite outgoing and involved.

Now, no date would be finalized until Paul formally asked Michelle's father for her hand, but they had made several decisions. Since they knew money was tight and Michelle's father was on a fixed income, they concluded that they would pay for the wedding themselves. Michelle wanted a rather traditional wedding but it would have to be small, maybe twenty-five to fifty guests tops with an hors d'oeuvres reception, cake, wine and maybe a cash bar, as well as the cost of the wedding dress, flowers, invitations, maybe a DJ for music. It could add up quickly, but they would find a way.

Paul concentrated on getting most of Michelle's family information down and tried not to think about the quickly approaching meeting with Michelle's father. As they arrived at his little house, Michelle excitedly pointed out that Allen's car was there so her whole family would be able to meet Paul. That, of course, got Paul as fretful as he ever was about what could happen when they got to the door. Yes, everyone else accepted that Michelle was a young woman but now it was her family. Not only did he have the normal fears as any young man would have about to ask for the hand of a daughter from some strange older man but how would this family react and what would he do if they did not recognize Michelle. They got to the door and Michelle rang the bell, saying that Daddy preferred coming to the door rather than having people just barge in.

After a moment the door opened and an older man stood there looking at them with no hint of recognition.

He looked at both of them and said, "Not lookin' for any dang religion handouts, thank you."

Paul was almost aghast as the old man started closing the door.

"Daddy," Michelle said with a little irritation in her voice.

Chapter 4 - We've Only Just Begun

The old man looked at them with a little smile at the corners of his mouth. "So you're not going away, eh? Well, I guess the polite thing is to ask you in, so come on."

"Oh, Daddy," Michelle said as she hugged him and he hugged her back. "You are such a tease. Are you sure you want us here? We can get a room and come back later if you want?" It was her turn to tease.

"Oh, no, no need for that, your brother and Jean and the kids are here and I'm sure they want to meet your friend."

"Do you?" Michelle asked.

"Yes, yes, I do," he said as he turned to Paul. "So this is the young man you've been telling me about that you have your heart set on."

"How do you do, sir." Paul extended his hand uncertainly.

"Please, no need for that formality. You are welcome in my house, please come on in," he said as he took Paul's hand in a very friendly way and shook it with feeling.

Paul let out a deep breath of tension and they went in.

Next in line to meet were Allen and his wife, Jean, and their three children, two girls, Alicia and Abby, and a boy, Andrew, all of whom were in their teens. (I know, those names are way too cute, but that's what they are, you just have to know Allen and Jean). Because of the age difference between Michelle and Allen, the kids had grown up treating Michelle like an older and more experienced sister or cousin rather than an aunt and of course were all over her, with the girls wanting to confide intimately with her about their teenage problems as well as their eagerness to learn all about the upcoming wedding. Michelle was so patient and caring with them. And Paul noticed that they would glance his way sometimes and giggle.

And surprisingly, neither Allen nor especially Jean seemed at all put out by the closeness of Michelle and the girls. Actually after making time for all of them, Michelle went right to work, helping Jean in the kitchen prepare dinner, which she didn't have to do since she and Paul were the guests, but she new it would be appreciated since she was more familiar with where everything was then Jean. That left Paul to fend for himself with Allen and Mr. Horton.

Allen was tall like Paul, and was heavier being more into middle age as it were. He was very friendly and took a liking to Paul immediately.

He pulled Paul aside and confided, "Don't take Dad too seriously when he starts acting gruff. He just likes to have fun with people. Which is his way of showing that he likes you."

Allen related various incidents in his and Michelle's lives when they were younger that Paul soon realized were not gender specific. Those things could have happened to anyone. Some of them sounded slightly embarrassing and Michelle would scold Allen a little when she overheard some of the stories, and would roll her eyes and leave quickly upon hearing some others.

Mr. Horton told Paul about his wife, Michelle's mother, and how wonderful she was and how it was sad she couldn't be here as she had always wanted a daughter and had dreamed with him about the day her daughter would marry and what the wedding would be like. Paul quickly sensed the closeness this family had when they were together and even now how much they seemed to love one another.

They both asked Paul about his job and his background and both seemed to approve of what they heard. They were quite impressed with his promotion to manager. Of course, Michelle had filled them in on what it meant and where Paul might be headed, but they liked the fact that their daughter and sister had taken up with someone who was polite, courteous, obviously smart, and had ambition, but isn't that what families always seem to hope for?

After awhile, Paul began noticing that Andrew was acting really strange around him, even for a teen-aged boy. He asked Michelle once when they were alone, "Is your nephew okay? He sure is treating me like I'm Doctor Evil or something."

Michelle smiled at him and responded, "I think he has a crush on me and because of that he's a little jealous of you. Didn't you ever have a crush on an older woman?"

Michelle moved in close to Paul and looked up at him as she ran a finger across his shirt.

Paul chuckled, "Yeah, back in fifth grade, we all had a crush on Miss Craft. I see what you mean. We were really disappointed when she got married at the end of the year and moved away."

He could barely end his sentence as they embraced for one of the many passionate kisses they gave each other that weekend.

"I'll talk to him and tell him what a good guy you are. Okay?"

"Mmmmm, whatever, " Paul was too deeply engrossed with feeling Michelle close to him.

"I'm the one who should be jealous, Alicia and Abby both think you're a hottie," Michelle said with a laugh and a smile and then went back to the kitchen to see what else she could be helping with.

Later, a little before dinner, Michelle got Paul aside and said that he should ask Andrew about some current video game he had purchased recently which seemed to be all the rage.

Paul went up to Andrew at a quiet moment and said, "So, I understand you have the latest version of Grand Theft Auto, are you any good at it?"

That was the challenge Andrew had been unknowingly waiting for. He smiled and dragged Paul off to the Game Cube and when they came back some time later (with both Allen and Jean admonishing Andrew about the time but Paul standing up for him), they were friends. It probably helped that Paul had a younger brother and understood a little how to deal with some of these issues.

After dinner, Mr. Horton moved to the living room and Paul and Allen joined him after they had all helped clear the table. Jean and Michelle were in the kitchen doing dishes with the help of the younger girls. After a few moments, Allen excused himself to help in the kitchen and replaced Michelle who came out to join her father and Paul. This was the moment she had got Paul to come for and after a second's hesitation, Paul realized what he had to do.

With Michelle sitting expectantly next to him, he said, "Mr. Horton, you have a wonderful daughter who I am very much in love with and I would like your permission to marry her. I know I can be the husband you would want for your daughter, one who will work to provide her the things she deserves."

Michelle was delighted with that and gave Paul a squeeze on his leg.

Mr. Horton arranged himself in the chair, cleared his throat and took what appeared to Paul as a rather gruff tone, and said, "Well now..."

Before he could get another word out, Michelle smiled and said, "Daddy."

He looked at her, grinned, and settled back saying, "How can I possibly refuse what my daughter wants." He looked at both of them rather resignedly and said, "She has always had me around her finger, just like her mother."

Michelle said with a little exasperation, "Daddy!"

"Yes, of course, you both have my blessing. Paul, I'm very impressed with you. You remind me of me when I was younger. Just give my daughter the love and respect she deserves and you will always be welcome in my home."

Michelle jumped up and gave her father a hug and Paul got up and they shook hands, with Paul saying, "Thank you, sir, you have my promise."

Paul was so relieved that he had got through this and Michelle was quite happy as Paul had done so well.

Later, when they were all relaxing as everything had been cleaned up and put away, Mr. Horton asked them what their plans were for the wedding, saying that he knew of a lot of people that would like to come.

Michelle, looking at Paul occasionally, took the lead, "Daddy, we want the wedding to be here at the church but we are planning on a small reception. I know that you would do anything for me but we have decided that we are not going to let you go into debt on this. I love you very much but we should take the responsibility for this. I hope you understand." She was close to him and had her hand on his.

Mr. Horton smiled and said to Allen and Jean, "Please excuse us for just a minute." He then led Paul and Michelle into his den.

On the desk was a savings account book. Mr. Horton sat down and as he fingered the book, he explained that before she died, Michelle's mother had put away some money and he had been adding to it. Her mother had said to keep it secret until the right moment and he would just know when that was, and now was that time. It was a fairly tidy sum by now and would be enough to pay for a decent reception and dinner. He also told her, her mother's wedding dress (that was her mother's before that) was stored away in the attic and maybe she could look at it later and perhaps she could use it. He gave the book to Michelle.

She took it, a little trembling, and opened it. It had her name along with her father's on the account and had a quite sizeable balance, more than enough to pay for a quality wedding. Michelle was in tears as she hugged him.

"Oh, Daddy, you are so wonderful," she said between teardrops and giving him a kiss on the forehead. And then she added softly, "I wish Mom were here."

Paul was almost in tears as he realized that Michelle would get the wedding she deserved and the one her mother had hoped for. And both Allen and Jean knew about the account and were happy for his sister.

The weekend passed pleasantly enough for all. Paul stayed at her father's in the spare bedroom and Michelle went to Allen and Jean's, much to the delight of her nieces and nephew. They knew of Paul and Michelle's living arrangements but Mr. Horton was of the older generation and Paul respected him for it. And, anyway, it was a chance for the two of them to get to know each other better. By the end of the weekend to Michelle's delight, Paul was calling her father, Dad, much to his surprise. And of more importance, they had set a date. They visited the church and talked to the minister about the ceremony and got the date on the church calendar as well as a date to come and talk with the minister about marriage itself.

Finally, Michelle went up to the attic and looked around for her mother's wedding dress. There were some other boxes with some interesting papers but she had no time for those on this trip. She found the dress and saw that it had been stored correctly and was in good condition if a little musty. She held it up and realized that although she was the child of her parents, it did not mean that she and her mother were the same size. But it was beautiful and Michelle thought that if she could find a quality seamstress and some alterations could be done that would not damage it, maybe just maybe she could wear it. She carefully put it back in the garment bag and took it back downstairs. Jean and the girls wanted to see it and she displayed it for them and they liked it too and hoped that the alterations would work. Alicia and Abby both held it up to themselves and dreamed those dreams of young girls and excitedly talked about Michelle's wedding and their part as bridesmaids, which Michelle had asked them to be.

The weekend ended and they said their good-byes and happily drove back to their place. Paul was so relieved at how the weekend went and Michelle was happy at how much her family had taken him in and that her father was so pleased with her.

Of course, because they had now visited with Michelle's family, it was Paul's chance to turn it around and have Michelle be the center of attention. A few weekends later, they traveled a little farther and visited Paul's family which included his mother and father, Richard and Elaine Marten, and his younger brother, Kevin, who was in college. Michelle was immediately accepted by his family, and of course they insisted on paying for the rehearsal dinner and a complete availability of liquid refreshments (which of course meant alcohol) at the wedding. The couple could now do a buffet dinner for a over a hundred people which was fortunate because Paul's family was sort of big, too.

Now that they had the family obligations out of the way, it was time to get to work, both in planning the wedding and in working at their respective careers, each which would take a lot of time. There would be get togethers and parties and late nights and too many numerous details to cover completely, but one incident happened shortly after they returned from their family trips that almost gave Paul a heart attack.

One Saturday morning, Paul was up and about, and Michelle was still getting ready in the bedroom as they were going to begin looking for patterns and register at some places and have their engagement photo taken. There was a knock on the door and Paul opened it to a very attractive (guys would say drop dead gorgeous) young blond woman who could easily be a model.

Paul paused and then said, "Hi, can I help you?"

She looked at Paul and asked quizzically, "Are you Mike?

For a brief second, Paul sort of wished he were Mike, but then thinking that she must be some friend of Michelle's said, "Mike? No, no, I'm Paul, but please come in, I'll get her for you."

It didn't register what she was asking. But she caught his response and said, "Oh, right, you're Mike's roommate, but you said 'she'? I mean Mike Horton, Mike does live here, right?"

"Yes," said Paul, beginning to wonder what she wanted. "Mike, um Michelle is just about dressed, I'll call her."

"Uh, I'm confused. Let me explain because this may be the wrong apartment. I have a friend who is a cousin to Jean Horton, Mike's sister in law."

"That's right," Paul said beginning to really wonder.

"Okay, and I just moved here a little over a month ago and some time before that when I was getting ready to move, my friend talked to her cousin and said I should look up Mike when I got here and the sister in law said he was, um, like, unattached or at least might, like, um, have some friends and they gave me this address but I can't read my writing of the phone number and, you know, I may be at the wrong place."

Just then Michelle came out of the bedroom, smiled her smile and said, "Hello. Paul, please introduce me to your friend."

The young woman looked at Michelle and asked, "You're Mike?"

Michelle sweetly nodded and the young woman said, "This can't be right. Someone is playing..." And then she saw the pendant and Michelle noticed that there was a warmth on her chest for a second, but Paul didn't see it as he was having his own problems.

Paul's first thought when he thought he realized what was happening was, 'Well, I guess the dream is finally over.' And then, he got sad that he might be losing Michelle and then he got real worried as how was he going to explain what was going on. And as each second ticked by and he thought more about what was happening he got more and more nervous until he thought his heart would leap out his throat.

The young woman all of a sudden seemed a little dizzy and started swaying a little, putting her hand to her forehead.

Michelle said to Paul, "Paul, help her sit down." And she came right over to help.

It happened so quickly that Paul wasn't sure what was happening as he helped her to the sofa. Michelle then said, "Paul, get her a glass of water, please."

He slowly backed out of the room, fearful of leaving these two women along together and what might happen.

After recovering a little, the young woman said, "I'm sorry, the climb up the stairs must have bothered me a little."

Michelle said, "That's all right, you just rest here a moment." She looked after the young woman making sure she was as comfortable as possible. Then she looked at her and said, "Oh, I know now, you're Beth Tanner. Jean, my sister in law, said you might be stopping by sometime."

Beth seemed to get over what was bothering her as she looked up at Michelle and said, "Yes, and you, you must be Michelle. I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be meeting you like this, feeling ill."

"Now there's nothing to apologize for, I'm glad you came by." She looked over at Paul. "Paul, do you have that water yet?"

Paul was very confused and mumbled something about him needing it more than anyone else and went into the kitchen. He heard them chatting away like long lost friends. It sounded like Michelle might be fixing her up with one of their friends or something. Then he thought, wait, she got dizzy, just like I did. Something is happening, but, what? He brought the water back out and handed it to Beth who seemed happy to have a drink. Paul looked at Beth and had a difficult time trying to understand what was going on. But after thinking about it for a few minutes realized that with Michelle, he had just better learn to accept these strange occurrences as for some reason, things always worked out. And for a moment, Paul felt a tinge of satisfaction that he wasn't crazy thinking that Michelle had been Mike at some time in the past or at least he wasn't the only crazy person.

Beth seemed to be feeling a lot better and she and Michelle exchanged phone numbers and Michelle reminded her about the get together the next weekend, and then Beth had to leave. They said good-byes and after Beth left, Michelle said, "She is very pretty, isn't she?"

Paul started to say something, thought better of it and said, "Oh, I guess, but not nearly as pretty as you."

Michelle looked up at him and they embraced, and their little shopping trip was delayed for the time it took them to remove each other's clothing, Paul to pick up and carry Michelle in his arms, first to dead bolt the door and then into the bedroom, and then for some time after.

As Paul carried Michelle around the apartment, his quite hard member was practically bouncing off her bare bottom. They had come together in all the rooms of the apartment (except maybe the closets), but enjoyed the bedroom the most. There they could roll around on the bed or the floor, bring out exotic pieces of clothing or other articles as the mood hit them, and still have access to the bathroom if needed. They may not have had their wildest times in the bedroom - those came really at the spur of the moment - but they had their most satisfying couplings. And this was certainly one of them, as they came together in lust and passion and love.

Paul absolutely loved touching Michelle, rubbing all the parts of her body with his hands and fingers. He was especially entranced with her breasts and nipples paying close attention to those before moving on to other more interesting places to provide stimulation. His attention included rubbing and squeezing the breasts and nipples both with his hands and fingers and with his tongue, lips, and gently with his teeth. Then his attention would shift downwards where he would excite Michelle with his fingers and his tongue.

Michelle enjoyed trying to get Paul just as hard as possible and used various methods to work at that goal including working on his penis and his balls both with her fingers and hands and with her lips. Paul seemed especially pleased when she would take him into her mouth.

Through trial and exploration they found each other's erogenous zones and used that to arouse each other as intensely as possible. Paul knew he was successful when each time he started to explore Michelle's 'g' spot and found that to call that area damp or moist after his initial probings would be a gross understatement. Just as Michelle knew that when Paul would pre-cum that she was providing the right amount of excitement. They found that Michelle definitely responded more to clitoral rather than vaginal stimulation.

And so they would stimulate each other constantly pushing that stimulation until the other could barely hold off their climax and then easing back slightly. This would continue until one or the other just couldn't take it any longer and then Paul would thrust into Michelle (or Michelle would slide over Paul) until it felt like he was coming right up through her stomach and he would pump and she would match that pumping with her hips and one or the other would explode. More often it was Paul, because let's face it, it's easier with guys, but often enough Michelle would feel that release that seemed to touch all the points in her body and would make her shudder ever so slightly. Even though Paul felt ecstatic when he would climax, it was in those moments that he knew Michelle had, that he would be the most satisfied. Just as Michelle would always feel quite satisfied when Paul got off, it was in those moments when she would climax that would give complete contentment.

After the moment, they would lay there still coupled for a few minutes as they enjoyed the feelings of being both close and just seeming to drift. And then they would break apart savoring the moments just passed and beginning to anticipate the next such moment. Their sex life was eminently satisfying and they hoped and promised to each other that it would last for years.

Back at work, the young couple threw themselves into their jobs. Paul wanted to make an impression with his manager even though he felt the manager seldom paid attention as long as whatever assignment Paul was given was completed successfully. Michelle knew Susan was depending on her to get the new department off on the right foot and wanted to make sure everything was covered. They also had the wedding to plan for and a lot of details to cover. So it was not surprising that the stresses of the new jobs were starting to take a little toll on the young couple.

You can never really pinpoint where a problem starts, so that you never know where to go back to, to try to correct that one little nagging problem that magnified itself into a huge blow-up and put the future of a couple that deeply loved one another into jeopardy. Perhaps it was with Paul who sometimes would get back to the apartment because Michelle had to stay late and he wouldn't always make the best effort to pick up. Perhaps it was with Michelle who was taking on more and more responsibility both with her job and with planning for the wedding and didn't always give Paul the time he needed. Whatever the reason, eventually some small point of contention turned into a major conflict. So much so that Michelle first moved back into her bedroom. Then to their surprise, they started questioning the wisdom of their upcoming union. Something had to give.

Paul was at a loss of what to do. It seemed that each time he tried talking to Michelle, it only made it worse. That was not at all what he wanted and he became quite miserable not knowing what was happening. After thinking about it for several days, Michelle knew what she had to do. She went to Susan's office and asked Lisa if Susan was available. After checking, Lisa told Michelle to go on in.

After they finished with their usual pleasantries but before Michelle could say anything, Susan started off, "You've been doing a superb job, Michelle, I could not be more pleased, but I notice you are putting in a lot of overtime hours and while I certainly applaud the effort, I also realize that to stay focused and be able to contribute one needs time to recharge."

Michelle tried to interject that she really didn't feel that stressed out about the job, but Susan continued, "I've checked your hours and I think that you've earned several days off of comp time. So let me glance at my schedule for next week. Now, Just let me finish, then I'll listen. Good, good, today is Friday, so I don't want to see you anywhere around here until a week from Monday. Should that do it?"

Michelle was so relieved. Susan always seemed to be able to understand what was happening and plan for it. But she didn't want to look selfish and all.

"I don't want to cause any problems for the department or for you. Are you sure that it will be all right?"

"I would be less than honest if I said there will be no problems, but the welfare and health of my staff is just as important as the work we do here. Just leave a number I can reach you at if something does come up and be prepared to dive back in when you return. Okay?

"Thank you, Susan, I cannot say how much I appreciate this, at this time. I promise I will come back ready to get back into it."

As they walked to the door, Susan added, "I hope things work out for you. And for Paul. You are too good of a worker. I would hate to lose you."

As Michelle left, she realized that Susan had hit on what she had been trying not to think about, that if it didn't work out with Paul, she just may leave the area and move back to nearer her father and family. She didn't want to dwell on that thought at all, but it was there in a dark corner. For now, she would go back and stay at her father's for a week and think things through.

She did not want to just up and leave without telling Paul, but she also did not want any long discussions at this moment. She left work a little early, went back to the apartment and packed some of her things, wrote a fairly lengthy note to Paul and spent about two minutes talking to him when he came in trying to explain that she just needed time, not to follow her, and to read the note. Then she left, with Paul looking more miserable than ever. She hated doing it, but knew it had to be done or there would be no chance at a future together for them if she didn't go now. She was in tears as she closed the door on Paul. She hoped he hadn't seen them but how could he as he was in tears also.

So off she went to her father's to spend some time trying to understand her feelings about Paul and the future and everything that was happening. She spent the first several days just cleaning up the place, re-arranging things and trying to keep busy. Her father liked her there and understood that she needed some space and some time and only volunteered to listen to her when she was ready.

After five days, she finally broke down and sat down with her father to work through the issues. He knew not to try to tell her what to do, only to provide a sympathetic ear and make a suggestion or two. But it was apparent to him what needed to be done.

Back at the apartment, Paul was beside himself. He wished that he had said things differently or not at all. How could he have all this love for her and get into any kind of disagreement. It didn't matter if he was right or wrong, only that he wanted her back, but he also knew he had to respect her wishes that were in the note. But after almost a week, he realized what he had to do.

Towards the end of the week, after Michelle had talked to father, she remembered the boxes of letters and papers up in the attic and decided to look them over. She went up there mid-morning with plans to only stay up there for a short time, but she found they were letters from her parents to each other and even earlier ones from her mother's parents to each other before and just after they were married. It seems both couples had been separated for various reasons and expressed their feelings towards the other. These were very intimate and personal and Michelle realized as she read them that the love they shared with the other was in many ways the love she knew she and Paul felt for each other. She took them to the study to look them over more carefully.

Eventually she worked her way down through the pile and came to some pictures that were taken years earlier of her grandparents with her grandmother wearing what looked to be a necklace that looked a lot like the one Paul had given her. It was not very clear but as Michelle looked at it, she instinctively put her hand to the pendant and it seemed to feel quite warm. She started thinking about Paul and realized that she missed him terribly. Yes, they were going to have disagreements but they just had to be able to work through them. And whatever this fight they were having was about just could not be important enough to put their future together in jeopardy. She wished fervently that Paul were here so she could tell him how much she loved him.

At that moment her father came to the study door and asked, "Honey, are you okay?"

She smiled slightly and said, "Yes, Daddy, I was just thinking about things." And she gave a deep sigh, resigned to having this take a long time to resolve.

"Well, if you're interested there is someone here who wants to see you, I think rather badly. Are you receiving visitors?"

She looked up, first at her father, then to the doorway beyond as the realization of what was happening crossed her face.

"Oh, Daddy." Which was followed quickly by, "Paul." And that smile that had been missing for a while reappeared.

There was Paul in the doorway, looking even more forlorn then he did when Michelle danced with Jason. But seeing her smile, he began to brighten. They both looked at each other for a moment as her father quietly left the room, then as Paul started trying to apologize for whatever he might have done, Michelle rushed to him and shut him up with one of her kisses.

Did Paul decide on his own to take matters into his own hands? Did Mr. Horton call Paul, knowing his daughter better then she realized? Or was something else involved? At this moment, it did not really matter as they were back together where they belonged and where they would be for a time longer than this story.

Now that the wedding was back on (it was never officially off, but their friends had some doubts for a while), a lot of events and actions were to take place. Michelle had made a list of things that needed to be done and, of course, the list kept getting considerably longer with not much coming off it. Jean was extremely helpful from her end helping with many of the items that needed to be taken care of around Michelle's home town which Michelle was immensely grateful for. Jean laughed that this would be good training for her anyway since she would probably have two affairs to plan for in the coming years, and Jean also knew that it would be hard on Michelle without her own mother there to help and being family, had no problem pitching in.

Michelle was given two bridal showers, a fun one by April and Jill and the other a household one given by Jean back in Michelle's home town. Elaine, as well as Jean, attended both and she got to know Michelle better and understanding the situation volunteered to help where she could which Michelle appreciated. She looked over the wedding dress Michelle had retrieved and knew of a seamstress that might be able to make the alterations Michelle wanted.

There were lots of other things that had to be done also, including ordering the invitations and announcements, finding a place for the reception, hiring a caterer (if this place did not include one), finding a photographer, ordering the flowers, making sure they had an organist and deciding if they wanted any other music at the ceremony, hiring a d.j. for the reception. Actually, Jean knew of a small combo - drums, guitar and piano - that played contemporary songs as well as oldies and she and Allen kicked in a little to hire them after Michelle listened to them and agreed they were good. And of course there were the small things such as getting gifts for the wedding party and, of course, getting Paul to do the minimal things he needed to do, like making sure he asked enough friends to stand up and to be ushers/groomsmen, making arrangements to be fitted for the tuxes, etc. Eric, who Paul asked to be best man, told Michelle that he would make sure Paul followed through on everything, which Michelle really appreciated.

Elaine and Michelle made an appointment with the seamstress and brought the dress with them at the time agreed. Michelle explained what she wanted and the seamstress countered with what was feasible. She measured Michelle every which way and said the actual size alterations could be done with not a lot of problems but the changes that they settled on would take some work. After some discussion and to Michelle's delight, the seamstress accepted the job for a reasonable, though expensive, price and promised especially as a favor to Elaine who she knew that it would be done in time. Elaine told Michelle that she would keep tabs to make sure. Now that the dress itself was taken care of, Michelle could go shopping with April and Jill for the bridesmaid dresses.

Shopping for the bridesmaid dresses was a real chore in itself. Michelle wanted something that would not only add to the ceremony but would actually make the girls look attractive and possibly be something they could wear again. She also knew that Allen and Jean would be spending a sizeable sum on this wedding and didn't want to put a strain on them, regardless of their protestations to the contrary. After going through several shops and departments and numerous catalogs, they finally found the dresses Michelle wanted and the others liked. It was very fortunate that none of the four young women in the wedding party had unique size issues (PC speak for too heavy or too thin). Then, they had to find the right shoes and get them dyed. So, it was off to more stores.

The invitations went out with both sides helping address and mail them with both sides knowing that some people were going to be a little disappointed being left off the list but that happens. They got commitments from the caterer, the photographer, the florist, the band, and made appointments at the salon and everything else that needed to be done and the final week approached all to quickly in some respects and all to slowly in others.

Paul and Michelle traveled to the town and church on the Saturday before to meet with the minister and to talk with Jean about any issues that needed to be resolved. The minister was young and relatively new at the church and he was quite agreeable to the type of service and small changes Paul and Michelle wanted, like dropping both the 'If anyone knows...' line and the 'and obey' part for a more modern exchange. He talked with them about how the church views marriage and their beliefs. He also introduced them to the church member that coordinated the weddings and they all talked for a little bit on what would happen. That night, Paul stayed with Allen and Jean, and Michelle with her father and the next morning they went to one of the services together. Michelle realized she had enjoyed the church being part of growing up and decided that they would make it a part of their and their children's lives.

And now it was the week of the wedding and if things weren't already hectic, there was now just a ton of things that had to be done. Paul and Michelle picked up the marriage license and here was one more confirmation that in only a few days, Michelle would be Mrs. Paul Marten. Long before they discussed it, Michelle had thought about how she wanted to be called. She was slowly making a name for herself at the company and she knew some of the history of her family, but the alternatives to taking Paul's name were unwieldy at best such as keeping her own name or going the hyphenated route. She decided on taking Paul's name but she also knew that more important than what name you have is keeping alive the memories of the people that were and are important to you. That meant her father and Allen's family and Paul's family would be a part of their children's lives and she would tell them stories of her mother and her grandparents and whatever name their children had, they would know who they were, where they were from and the people important to their lives.

It took a bit of doing, but April and Jill convinced Michelle to have a little bachelorette party. They got some of their friends from work and Jean came too and they went to a local version of Chippendale's on the previous Friday night as they all had way too many things that had to be done starting early the next Saturday morning to have it after the Friday night rehearsal dinner like the guys do. Despite her misgivings, Michelle had fun and the other girls got one of the dancers to do a little number right in front of her and they were all slightly embarrassed but were also a little loud and had a great time.

Both Michelle and Paul took the Friday off from work as well as the following week for the honeymoon trip. Michelle, with Susan's blessing left early Thursday afternoon to finish some errands. And where might you ask was Paul during all this time leading up to the big moment? He did everything that he needed to do, but weddings are for the girl and except for a few minutes here and there, and being available on a moment's notice to run much needed errands, Paul knew enough to stay out of the way, but be there for Michelle when it was required.

Friday was a busy day, getting some of the last minute details resolved, starting to welcome friends and family from out of town, and having the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. On this trip, Michelle stayed at Jean's as that was where the girls would get ready and Paul stayed at Ed's where the guys would change. And of course, wedding gifts had started to arrive.

There was the usual rush of activities leading up to the rehearsal but everyone who needed to be, was there, the minister was considerate and understanding and the run-through went off with few problems. Michelle had to put a little thought into the entrance and pairing off order of the wedding party, and came up with a workable plan. April and Eric were, of course, Maid of Honor and Best Man, so the pairings were Jill and Andrew, Abby and Kevin, and Alicia and Dave. The coordinator suggested that a church member would be happy to provide his talents for the ceremony and he was quite competent and Michelle agreed.

Afterwards, they all went to an Italian restaurant and had a great time. There was some toasting and stories told meant to embarrass the couple. Paul and Michelle took it all in good humor. The couple passed out their gifts to the bridal party. After the rehearsal dinner, Paul's friends took him to a strip club several towns over. They carried on and kidded each other especially Paul. It was entertaining but Paul was relieved when it was over.

The couple went to sleep that night, each in their respective beds missing the other who was not there but also excited, a little like children going to bed on Christmas Eve and also a little fearful that they were embarking on a new adventure that neither of them thought they were fully prepared for. But neither would each of them entertain for a moment the thought of doing anything else the next day.

Saturday morning dawned sunny and pleasant for an early fall day. There was a little crispness in the air and the leaves were just beginning to change. Michelle and Paul both woke up in their beds still wanting each other and still just a little fearful of what was going to happen that day. They both had lots to do and each hour they were apart made them long more for the moment when they would be finally together.

The young women, and some of the older women, had appointments at salons to have their hair and nails done. Jean and Elaine had a number of last minute details to attend to making sure everything was in place, as well as keeping their children moving. Kevin and Andrew were dropped off at Ed's after their mothers had made sure someone would take some responsibility for them being ready on time. Allen stayed around for a short time running errands as needed before going over to Ed's. Allen and Jean's house had two and half baths which was barely enough to handle all the women and what they needed to do. Ed's only had a bath and a half and was probably more then enough. The day progressed slowly and everything was attended to. Michelle had a lot of help in getting ready, with the others taking responsibility making sure the entire wedding ensemble was accounted for. The women felt a little pressed but accomplished everything and made their way to the church to finish dressing. The men both young and older also finished their preparations and went to another part of the church to make final adjustments. Eric and Dave as well as Jill and April were wonderful in their ability to keep Paul and Michelle in good spirits and reduce the nervousness that both Paul and Michelle could develop.

Most everyone invited were polite and came to the service as well as the reception. There were relatives and friends including a number of aunts and uncles, Paul's three grandparents, and Jason was there with Beth which itself was not a surprise, but that they had now been seeing each other for several months which was the longest Jason had ever committed to a girl. Susan came with her significant other, a lawyer from some prestigious firm and one of the other woman managers that Michelle had become friends with was there with her special friend. Dave and Jill were becoming rather serious and Eric and April brought their respective dates.

The wedding was scheduled for 5 PM and most everyone began arriving quite promptly at about 20 minutes before. Michelle had one of her cousins work the guest book and Dave, Kevin, and Andrew ushered people to their seats and handed them simple programs. Just before the ceremony started, Dave joined Paul and Eric as Kevin and Andrew escorted their respective close relatives to the front, rolled out the carpet and then joined the others in a side room. Eric stayed close to Paul as he could tell that Paul was getting quite nervous. Paul felt a little like he was going through a dream sequence. He couldn't believe that here he was on the verge of marrying Michelle. Bits and pieces of memories of Mike flashed through his mind but were always overcome by the moments he had with Michelle. This had been an unbelievable time.

Michelle, her father, and the other brides maids entered the back of the church with all the young women helping Michelle get her dress and attachments to look just right. Michelle was quite nervous and held on to her father tightly. He was so proud of his daughter and thought again of his wife, her mother, and how she had talked and dreamed of this day.

A soloist came first singing "The Wedding Song". Then the young men filed in and the organist began. Canon in D by Pachebel was played for the entrance of the bridesmaids. Jill began her walk down the aisle. As Abby and Alicia each got in their place and entered with the wedding coordinator timing everything, April helped Michelle with the last minute arrangements and then entered. As she reached the front, the organist stopped for a moment and then switched to Trumpet Voluntary by Clarke and was joined on trumpet by the church member suggested by the coordinator Everyone stood and turned to the back as the coordinator made last minute adjustments to Michelle's train, Michelle took her father's arm, and they entered. Michelle's nervousness turned to peace as she saw Paul waiting for her and everyone who saw her smile felt that peace. For a long time, people would talk about what a beautiful bride Michelle made.

The white satin bridal gown had a Victorian era romantic, yet sophisticated look to it. The gown featured a high lace neckline with a sheer yoke accented with white appliques. A multi-strand faux pearl "drop" decorated the center front neckline. The gown's underlining began at the bustline and continued through to the hemline. The bodice was fitted to the hips and ended in a deep point at the center front and back. Lace appliques, faux pearls, iridescent sequins and faux pearl tassels decorated the front of the bodice. The back of the bodice was very dramatic with a keyhole neckline, five button neckline closure and detachable ropes of faux pearls draping through the keyhole opening. The seamstress added some faux pearls giving the strands a fuller look. The sleeves were very full at the shoulders and tapered as they approached the wrist and were also beautifully decorated with lace and faux pearls and ended with a point over the top of the hand. The skirt was very fitted and tapered as it approached the hemline with a slit to aid in walking. The lower portion of the skirt front was decorated with lace appliques and beading. Three long beaded strands accented the center of the decorative lace. The entire hemline was edged with a small scalloped lace.

The gown had a detachable chapel length train and the veil was a very pretty white, single layer with a headpiece that was circular and heavily decorated with faux pearls over lace appliques. The veil was gathered into the back of the headpiece and had a thin edging and was decorated with four white appliques - one in each corner and two at the center back.

Michelle and her father reached the front, and they gave a hug as her father left her and she would soon be joined with Paul. She turned and gave her bouquet to April pulling out a single long stem yellow rose that she laid on the alter, in memory of her mother, then rejoined Paul. The minister welcomed them and the audience and gave a prayer. Then he moved to in front of them with Paul and Michelle facing the congregation and his back to the congregation. Dave and Jill both gave readings. The minister talked about the parable of the wedding party. Paul and Michelle then each took a candle from the alter and lit the unity candle. They then each recited the words they had written for this ceremony each telling the other what that person and this moment meant to them. The minister called for the rings and they exchanged rings in the traditional way reciting the vows. Because of how they were now positioned it was quite easy and natural for them to look at each other as they went through the ceremony. It was also quite obvious to all assembled that these two people were very much in love. As Paul placed the wedding ring on Michelle's finger he looked into her beautiful green eyes and thought back to the first time he had looked into them. Then, they seemed to say that she liked being with him. Now they were dancing with a desire that said she wanted to be part of him, as he knew he wanted to be part of her.

The minister finalized the union after the ring ceremony pronouncing them husband and wife and then encouraged them in their first kiss as a united couple. Paul with Michelle's help lifted the veil and they embraced as they had in the past and would do so often in the future in a passionate kiss. When finished, the minister presented them to the congregation as Paul and Michelle, Mr. and Mrs. Marten. He then said a prayer blessing the union and asking for divine guidance for the couple's future.

As the congregation stood and applauded, the organist began The Wedding March by Mendelsson. April handed Michelle's bouquet back to her and helped arrange her train. Michelle took Paul's arm and they walked out followed by the rest of the wedding party. After hugs and congratulations, the coordinator got them to go around to a side door to wait for the photographer and the final pictures. Andrew and Kevin escorted their respective relatives out, and Dave released the rows. Everyone agreed that it had been a beautiful wedding with a gorgeous bride and handsome groom.

The photographer was quite professional and took a number of pictures prior to the wedding as well as during and after so that the time after the wedding and before the reception was kept to a minimum. Since the couple decided that the receiving line would work better at the reception, they were able to get through the remaining pictures at the church and head out to the waiting limo. Of course, there was a crowd of well wishers who threw a very limited amount of birdseed (rice, even though it is a symbol of fertility or whatever is way too messy to use any more as well as even large amounts of bird seed) but mostly the crowd created a lot of bubbles from the provided containers. It worked quite well as the day was still sunny and pleasant.

The reception was held in the conference center/ballroom of a local inn which made it very convenient for many out of town guests. They could party and stay late and stagger back to their rooms without concern for having a designated driver. The room was quite nice and was set up with about 15 tables of eight seats besides the wedding party table. Dinner was buffet including beef, chicken, fish and pasta, salad, vegetable, and potato and rolls. There was an open bar before dinner, wine with dinner and champagne, of course, for toasting the couple.

The receiving line was set up shortly after Michelle and Paul arrived. After all the guests had gone through and were in the ballroom, the couple made a grand entrance to applause and took their seats along with the rest of the party. Just after they were seated, Eric made a toast as did April and Paul's father.

Shortly, they started the dinner line and were now interrupted quite often by the clinking of silverware on the water glasses. They had their dinner first and finished and started visiting each of the tables.

While the dinner dishes were being cleared the band came in and began setting up. In a few minutes they were ready and Paul and Michelle came out for the first dance. They remembered that their first date was also about dancing and laughed about what had happened then. Then Michelle danced with her father and Paul with his mother.

As Michelle was dancing with her father, he was just beaming and there was just a hint of dampness around his eyes. "I am so proud of you, honey. This is exactly the wedding your mother told me she dreamed about giving you. And Paul, I should be upset with him about taking my baby away from me, but how can I be? You two so obviously belong together."

"Thank you, Daddy," Michelle replied with a contented smile and almost in tears herself as she had been off and on throughout the day. "I remember Mom talking about it. But for the longest time, I never thought it would happen, but then, one day, Paul and I got together and everything just seemed to make sense and everything just worked out."

After a few more minutes the rest of the wedding party joined in as well as the close relatives. Then the floor was opened to all guests. The band played a little bit of everything from 40's and 50's swing and rock and roll to 70's and 80's disco and a few numbers from the nineties as well as a little line dancing. The only dance that didn't work was the macarena as it was still to fresh (and overdone) in people's minds to be nostalgic yet like disco was becoming.

Paul and Michelle danced several times and Jason, in good humor, cut in on Paul. Then it was time to cut the cake. There was the main tiered cake along with a groom's cake. After cutting a wedge out, the couple took turns stuffing each other's face with some of it. Then they danced a few more numbers between visiting with many of the guests. It was obvious to the guests that the couple enjoyed dancing and were fairly good and made a very attractive couple.

Eventually it came time to toss the bouquet and remove and toss the garter. Ideally, Michelle would have liked April to get the bouquet, but when Jill came up from the pile with it surprising her friends with her tenacity, Michelle was just as happy. After the spectacle of Paul removing the garter from Michelle's thigh to the tune of The Stripper, he tossed it to the crowd of guys and Jason came up with it which actually was no longer that far fetched. Everyone at work had commented on the changes that Beth had made in improving Jason's attitude all for the better. And the odds in the betting pool where shortening considerably on Jason's chances of actually getting married. Even April had to admit that she had been wrong, and Jason was trainable. On the other hand, Dave and Jill were beginning to realize that their romance did not have much future although they were determined to remain friends.

Finally it was time for Paul and Michelle to leave the celebration and head to the room they had reserved (not in the local inn). They said their good-byes and thanked each of their guests for coming and sharing in their special day. And especially their friends and relatives in the wedding party although they were invited back to her father's house the next day where the couple would open the wedding gifts before going on their honeymoon. Michelle thanked Susan not only for coming but again for allowing her that time off to work out her problems as that went far to making this day possible. Susan accepted the thanks but also suggested to Michelle that it was her and Paul's ability to work together that really made it happen.

Most all the guests agreed as they finally left that this was one of the better receptions they had attended. The food was good, the band was competent, the bridal couple was gorgeous, and the other guests were friendly.

Michelle had changed out of the wedding gown into a dress. Actually, it was the jade green one that she wore on their first date and only once more in Las Vegas. Paul certainly found it attractive, even though both knew it would remain on her barely just past the doorway of their room. They had not been together for the past two nights and they could not wait to get at one another.

After saying good-byes, they went to their car which they thought was somewhat safe only to find some old shoes and cans attached to the rear end, as well as the back window being painted a little. Not enough to be inconvenient but enough to know they had caring, wonderful friends and family. They drove to the hotel talking about how great the day had gone and how everything worked out. In a moment, they had registered and gone to their room. Paul put down the overnight bags, put the key in the door and lifted Michelle up, carrying her across the doorway with her arms tightly around his neck. Very quickly, they were removing each other's clothes in between quite passionate kisses. Kisses not only to each other's mouths but over the length of each other's bodies as they helped remove the last remnants of clothing.

It didn't take long for Paul to become quite large and long just as it didn't take long for Michelle to feel the dampness between her legs. Their hands, fingers, and lips were all over each other touching each other in the most sensitive of places and in the most sensitive of ways.

They had been making love and having sex and sometimes even both long enough to know what drove each other wild. Paul had worked on Michelle's breasts and nipples enough that they, and she, responded to the lightest touch like a fingertip or the tip of a tongue, but that working moved quickly to quite firm rubbing and squeezing. Michelle would sometimes refer to how her body felt from that rubbing as a 'nipple orgasm.'

Soon enough he would move a hand to her slit which upon initial touching, he would find it to his immense satisfaction practically dripping. He knew how to search out quite erotically that spot within her that she found very simulating, before moving on to her clit. Then, it was by stimulating that with both his fingers and eventually his tongue that would send her into shrieks of passion as she could barely withstand his touches.

Michelle also knew how to bring Paul right up to that moment just before climax and ejaculation. She massaged his cock getting it quite huge and long as well as his balls.

And when they finally came, it was sort of like both an explosion and a release that touched each deeply and into their farthest extremities. And sometimes, each or both would be shaking or quivering a little from the moment as they lay collapsed onto one another.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, somewhat exhausted not only from their exertions of the past several hours, but from all the tensions of what seemed like one of the longest days of their young lives. They lay there, with Michelle curled up in Paul's arms, man and woman, and now, husband and wife and they slept a very contented and deep sleep.

On Sunday morning the couple woke up late, enjoyed each other again, and got dressed and went back to Michelle's father's house to open gifts. The families and the wedding party were there and they all congratulated the couple again. There was the usual assortment of gifts, china and silverware, linens and such, all in the patterns Michelle and Paul had selected as well as a fair amount of money, gifts for their home and the occasional white elephant that they would all smile about. The friends and families slowly departed after a simple meal of soup and sandwiches all wishing the couple well and hoping they would have fun on their honeymoon. Michelle and Paul thanked each individually for their contributions to making their wedding as special as it was, especially to Jean and Elaine for all the work they did as Michelle fully understood that it would have been near impossible without their help. Finally they said their good-byes to their parents and went back to their apartment to get ready for their trip. Paul again carried Michelle through this doorway as it was now their first home as a married couple.

For the honeymoon, they decided on the Caribbean and the island of Aruba. They flew down there on Monday with no problems. They checked into one of the nicer resort hotels that had beach front access but also one of those tropical surroundings around the extensive pool area. The island was clean and neat, the weather was perfect, if a bit windy, but they went windsurfing and sailing and snorkeling and just enjoyed the beach and the pool but mostly enjoyed each other. That meant every night and sometimes during the days when they would look at or just touch each other and they would head back to their room for moments of great sex.

The honeymoon was over all too quickly but the couple was happy as well as beginning to get a little anxious to get back. Back to their friends, their family, their work and their marriage. They had pictures and souvenirs to show and get togethers with their friends and families. Mostly, they had a marriage that both were deeply committed to with a future they were prepared for and looking forward to experiencing together.

It had now been over two years since Paul and Michelle had become husband and wife and even more since Paul had shortened the necklace around Michelle's neck into a choker, which had made it more or less permanent. Michelle had never minded at all since it made Paul happy and his happiness was what she had always wanted and, besides, she liked the necklace. It always seemed to give off a warmth (which was especially welcome on cold days). And Paul seemed a little calmer after that to Michelle although she did not know that the reason was that there was now no chance the choker could accidentally come off.

In the two years, Paul had been promoted again and was now being considered for the senior management track at the company. He was looked upon as an up and coming star. He admitted to Michelle often that her help had made it possible. She seemed to understand the finer points of some of his workload and made suggestions that never seemed to fail. And when they were invited to social gatherings with the executives, Michelle fit right in and was immediately accepted by the wives and she would make subtle hints to Paul about what to talk about and who he should get to know. And, of course, every so often Michelle was in limelight because of her efforts in creating the training department.

He was sometimes a little jealous of her abilities and that wherever they went people just seemed to like her but when he got the promotions and when he and Michelle came together he understood that their success depended on both of them working and loving together.

If their love life was absolutely fantastic, their sex life was even better. From that first time when to Michelle's surprise, Paul had thoughtfully tried to provide protection to when they finally moved in with each other, and even now, they had come together constantly. It was like they were both perpetually in heat. Even when Michelle was having her period, they still enjoyed each other and found ways to stimulate one or the other to climax. Their friends were constantly amazed at how much in love they appeared to be.

It was during one of their frenzied copulations, through which Paul was certain that Michelle looked even more beautiful then he had ever seen her and had a glow about her that was absolutely heavenly, that the chain broke and the pendant and chain slid off Michelle's body onto the bed. Paul noticed immediately and went into a severe panic as he grabbed for the pendant sure that a great calamity was at hand. He was deep inside her and she was moaning as guttural as she ever had and writhing as forceful as ever. Paul was certain that in a flash, he would pop out of her and he would be lying on top of a naked guy.

He let out a painful "Nooooooooo," as he fumbled for it.

Michelle continued to pull him towards her still working on him, thinking only that he might be coming early from his scream, but as the seconds ticked by, Paul realized that nothing was happening. Confused as he had ever been, but not wanting any opportunity to pass by and especially because she was still stimulating him, he gave in and they climaxed fairly close together in a mess of sheets, sweat, raw sex and love. They barely whispered together "I love you", as he collapsed onto her soft rounded body.

As they lay in each other's arms breathing heavily from the exertions, he remembered what had happened and said, "The chain on your pendant broke and it fell off."

There, he said it, fearful that whatever spell might still be in effect would be broken now by his utterance of that occurrence. He got up on his elbows and glanced around for the medallion.

Michelle began rubbing her fingers on Paul's chest playing with the few hairs that were there.

"I know," she murmured as she smiled up at him. "I meant to tell you that I looked at it in the mirror the other day and one of the links was wearing thin. I'm sorry, I forgot, but tomorrow, I promise I will go to the jewelers and get it fixed and put back on." Then she almost whispered, "Was it good for you?"

Paul reached over and picked up the pendant and said, "Oh, baby, that was great. That was just right up there like, like all the rest." Sex with her was still and always fantastic. He finished, "About the necklace, that's fine. It looks so attractive on you. Whatever you want."

"It's the first present you ever gave me, Paul, darling, and I will treasure it forever and keep it on because I know it's important to you," she said as she reached her hand to touch Paul's.

Paul fingered the pendant in his hand noticing that it didn't seem to glow or have the warmth he remembered it having. It still had the emerald green stone in it, but it now looked just like any other standard cut stone. Paul wondered what was happening. Michelle was still Michelle and she wasn't wearing the pendant and the amulet or whatever it was, was nice but didn't seem that special anymore. They slowly came apart and he lay back on the bed.

"Um, Paul, darling, have you looked at the calendar lately?"

"Uh, no. Oh, no, did I miss an anniversary or something?"

"Well, of sorts, it was three years ago today you gave me the necklace and we went out on really our first date."

"Oh, you're right. Happy anniversary, honey," he said as he remembered that special night.

"Happy anniversary, Paul, but there's something else about the calendar too."

She rolled over on her side facing Paul and he instinctively rolled over to face her. They were now very close with her tucked up into him and he had his arm around her waist.

"I'm sorry, I don't know," he said apologetically.

"You used to keep track of this during our first year together. It's about my period."

"Is there something wrong? Are you okay?"

"There's nothing wrong at all, silly, at least I hope. Really, just the opposite."

He looked puzzled as she continued, "Well, I guess this is as good as any time, Paul, I missed my period and I bought one of those home tests today and"

"And, what, baby? Are you sure you're okay? Is everything all right?"

She loved to get him worried about her. He would get so protective.

"And, as my anniversary gift to you, it's positive! We're pregnant!" she said rather quietly and expectantly.

He got wide eyed, "We're preg. pregnant? No! You're? Wow! We're pregnant"

"Are you happy?" she got into her favorite little pout.

"Michelle, honey, oh, darling, baby, I love you so much, I can't possibly tell you. You just made me the happiest man on earth or anywhere. Is it a boy or a girl? When is it due? I thought you were on the pill, it's all right of course. No, it's wonderful!"

She flashed her mile up at him, which made him want to hug her to him as tight as he could. "I told you a year ago, the pill is only I guess maybe ninety-five percent effective and we've done it a lot more times then that. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. But, we won't know the date or anything until I see the doctor."

"Then you're not sure?" he said afraid it may not be true.

"Oh, I think a girl knows these things. And that test is pretty accurate."

All of a sudden, it hit him. That glow she had, her finding out today on the anniversary not so much of their first date but of her putting the necklace on. And it broke today of all days and it was now just another necklace. If there was magic or a spell or something, it was over now, it was over because she was pregnant, because she was having their child, because now more then ever they were as one. And having it all happen on this day.

"Are you really happy, Paul? You look a little worried."

"Michelle, I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am." He looked down at her, then grabbed her and held as tightly as he could. "I have been scared that this all has been some dream, a wonderful one, but one I was going to wake from sooner or later, and right now, if it is a dream, nothing will ever wake me up, but I know now, this is really real, and we are really here and I really love you. And you love me." He paused a moment, "Are you happy?"

"Paul, having you here, now, holding me like this, with our baby inside me, if I was any happier I would burst." She knew she was the happiest girl on earth.


Eight months later, a very healthy, very adorable little boy was born to Michelle and Paul. When they found out through ultrasound that it would be a boy, without hesitation, they said practically together, "Michael Thomas" (which was Paul's middle name). Michelle wanted to quit the company to take care of her family but it took the CEO to persuade her to stay on as a part time consultant - at an exorbitant rate - because they did not want to lose her services especially to a rival.

Michelle's pregnancy was rather normal if you can call all the changes one's body goes through as normal. She handled it okay until about the third month, then had morning sickness and was generally cranky. She did send Paul on some strange buying trips like the time she wanted chocolate eclair ice cream. But there were also moments of contentment when Michelle would be sitting or lying down trying to get comfortable and would feel the baby inside her kick and she would take Paul's hand, place it on her enlarged abdomen and he would feel it too. And she would smile at Paul and he would slide up close to her and hold her and tell her he loved her. And quite often that closeness and tenderness was all she needed.

She read the books and didn't care much for Spock but liked Brazelton. They attended a modified Lamaze class and worked on all the techniques. The other women in the company gave her a baby shower and she and Paul had the usual discussions on plastic versus cloth and formula versus breast milk with the latter winning out easily.

Finally the moment came and she was far more prepared (and ready and thankful!) then Paul was and they went to the hospital. She was offered an epidural but declined wanting to do a natural birth. Her pain became rather intense as she dilated a little faster than normal. She was scared that the breathing, focusing, panting, telling Paul to back off and squeezing his hand to keep him there would not be enough. The two nurses were very efficient and knowledgeable and helped her, and Paul, through it and she gave birth right in the labor room. She was exhausted but thrilled as they lay Michael on her stomach after the delivery. Paul was about ready to lose it, but that was all right as Michael was healthy and had all ten of his toes. Now she only wanted to sleep.

Just over two years later, she gave birth to the cutest little girl they named Rebecca Pauline (after Michelle's grandmother). Paul had made it to a Division Manager position and had success written all over him. Michelle had to work at it after each pregnancy but she kept her figure and she aged oh so very gracefully. She joined a volunteer group and a women's club and maintained excellent social contacts. Michelle had stopped working full-time about three months before Michael was born and after about six months gradually increased her time back from one day to no more then two or three days a week. They had saved and with Paul's promotions were able to just afford a nice house in a new neighborhood as their family grew. Paul was always astounded at all this, as he was sure that maybe the pendant was magic and everything those first two years was strictly because of it. But their marriage flourished and even though they had occasional disagreements they were continually able to work through them and commit to an even deeper love for each other.

About six months after the birth of Rebecca (which very coincidentally (!) occurred on the anniversary of their first date), they went shopping in the mall on a pleasant Saturday morning before it got crowded. Michelle was pushing the stroller with Rebecca in it and Michael was on Paul's shoulders when they turned a corner and saw a hallway they did not remember being there before. Looking down it, they saw a little shop with its window full of fancy clothes and costumes and other exotic items.

A deep memory stirred inside Paul's mind and he said, "Come on, let's go in."

"Are you sure about this?" Michelle asked, "It doesn't look like it's for families."

Paul smiled and said, "It'll be fine, come on, Michelle, I think there's someone I want you to meet."

Michael said, "Cool," as he saw nothing but neat stuff for him to explore.

Inside was an aroma of incense and other spices and the dimly lit shelves were full of odd and mystical looking items besides the section for clothes and costumes.

Michael wanted to get down and explore everywhere and as Paul lowered him, Michelle glanced at Paul and then admonished, "Now please be careful and don't touch anything." Michael took but a second to say, "Okay, Mommy," and started poking around.

Behind the counter was an elderly bearded kindly looking gentleman reading a large dusty tome. To Paul he hardly looked any older then Paul remembered. As Paul came up to counter, the old man looked up and said, "May I help you?"

Paul smiled and said, "You probably don't remember me, but I was in here, oh maybe five or six years ago." (Actually, longer then that, but time plays tricks).

Before he could say another word, the old man smiled that smile again and said, "Of course, I remember you, Paul, it seems like only yesterday you were looking for some outfits. I trust they were satisfactory." It was somewhere between a question and a statement of fact.

Paul gushed, "I can't begin to tell..."

The old man very graciously cut him off as if he already knew the answer, "Our aim is to please, and satisfaction is our guarantee. Now who all did you bring with you?" He looked beyond Paul to the rest of his family.

At that moment, Michael wandered behind the counter and saw the old man.

"That is my son Michael,"

"What a handsome lad. That's a fine name for a boy as good- looking as he is. He will be a real ladies' man, I'm sure. Come over here, young man, so I can shake your hand."

Michael who was normally quite shy of strangers slowly came over as the old man smiled at him and shook his hand. "Would you like to see what's in this very old book?"

"Yes, sir," Michael responded.

With that the old man hoisted him up on his lap. Michelle had taken Rebecca out of the stroller and was holding her as the old man turned to them. She was surprised at how bold Michael seemed.

"And who would these lovely ladies be?"

Paul just beamed as he replied, "The little one is our daughter, Rebecca."

"Rebecca, Rebecca, what a very pretty little girl. I knew a Rebecca once," he replied as he seemed to be in deep reflection. Michael played happily on his lap.

"And this is my wife, Michelle," Paul said, taking her hand as he again realized just how much he loved her.

The old man looked at Michelle with the most pleasant smile imaginable and said, "I am so pleased to meet you, Michelle. You are just as attractive as I thought you would be."

He leaned forward a little and extended his hand and they shook hands and Michelle thought that this was the gentlest firm grip she had ever felt. "It's nice to meet you," she replied and a faint hint of recognition started playing in a corner of her mind. And for a brief second, she seemed to feel a warmth spread through her from that hand, like a warmth she hadn't felt for some time.

He continued looking at her, "I must say, you have a very handsome and pretty family and I can see where your children's looks and manners come from."

"Why, thank you, you are so gracious. I do hope Michael isn't bothering you."

"Oh, no, not at all, it's been a long time since this lap was used to hold someone as nice as your son. By the way, that's a very attractive pendant you're wearing."

Michelle fingered the pendant on the chain around her neck. "Thank you, it was a gift from Paul," she looked around the shop and a look of understanding slowly spread across her face, "Did this come from here?"

"Yes, darling, when I came looking for our clothes for our date."

"I absolutely love it," she replied.

"I knew it was perfect when your husband came in, as it once belonged to someone special and it needed to go to someone quite special," the old man said.

Michelle looked at the old man and said, "Excuse me, but you remind me of someone I knew a long time ago, when I was a quite young, perhaps Michael's age. My grandfather died when I was quite young but I remember getting up in his lap just like Michael there and the happy times I had in that lap and my mother telling me that he would always be there for me, and then," she paused, "he was gone. My mother and then my grandmother, Gramma Becky would regale me with tales of his life. That was such a happy time I had with him and I had not thought about it until just now."

"Yes, memories can be wonderful things sometimes, can't they?" They looked at each other for a moment and to each one's face that most pleasant smile appeared. "Could you bring the little one closer so I can get a look at her?"

Michelle kneeled a little so the man could see Rebecca.

"You have a very beautiful daughter. She'll no doubt be a heartbreaker like her mother," he looked at Michelle and finished, "I can see the family resemblance."

He reached out his hand and Rebecca wrapped her tiny hand around his little finger for a moment. Maybe it was just what babies do, but a small smile came to Rebecca's face, a rather familiar smile.

After a long moment, Michelle reluctantly said, "Well, we have to go now, Paul, it's getting on, come along, Michael."

"You obviously care very much about your family, that is such an admirable trait," the old man said helping Michael down as Michelle put Rebecca back in the stroller. "I'm sure you will be able to pass it to your children."

She said to the old man, "Thank you for being so nice to us, this is such a pleasant little shop and you have been so kind."

"No, no, my dear, you have been more than kind to me. I appreciate it and will remember it always."

"Say good-bye to the nice man, Michael."

"Good-bye, sir."

"Good-bye and you remember to mind your mother and father, because they love you very much," he said as he shook Michael's hand.

Paul said, "You go on ahead with the kids, Michelle, I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay, but don't be too long," she said as she took Michael's hand and they left the store, "Good-bye and thank you, again," Michelle said as the old man intently watched them go.

Paul turned to the old man, "I want to thank you for everything you've done, whatever it was. And I'm sorry I didn't come back, do I owe you anything on those purchases?"

"Paul, you don't have to thank me at all and meeting your family and especially your beautiful and delightful wife, and seeing what has become of all of you, any debt has been paid and then some."

Paul wasn't sure what he meant.

"A long time ago I made a promise to a young mother and it is now fulfilled. Whatever it was, as you said, and you may believe it was magic if it satisfies you, was nothing more then helping set up one situation, one event. Everything before and especially after was strictly the result of two hearts coming to realize and understand what they really wanted and then working together as one to make those dreams come true. That is the real magic. Now go catch up with that wonderful family of yours and enjoy these years."

Paul was just as confused as he had been the first day, as the old man knew he would be. Just as he also knew that Michelle was beginning to understand.

"Good-bye and thank you again," Paul said shaking the old man's hand.

"No, no, thank you, more then you can imagine," the old man replied as he smiled that warm smile again that made Paul feel good.

Paul glanced around the shop trying to take it all in and feeling somewhere deep down that this was a special-some might say magical- moment. As Paul walked out of the shop, a soft voice from some place behind, above or maybe all around the old man said, "They're such a beautiful family, you have very right to be proud." And after a pause, "It's time."

"We both do. After all these years I feel so young again." He paused a moment, then said, "I know, I'm coming, Becky."

Paul saw his wife and children about to turn the corner down the hallway and said, "Hey, wait up for me."

The old man was right, they are wonderful, he thought jogging a little to catch up with them.

As he got there, Michelle said, "He was so nice. You know, I believe I did meet him somewhere before, a long time ago. What was his name?" She began to smile that warm deep ingratiating smile again as she realized just how happy their lives were.

"Gee, I don't think he told me," said Paul, noticing that smile and all at once feeling quite blessed.

"That's all right. I'm glad we went in there and we had Michael and Rebecca with us," she said with a sigh.

Michael said, "I like him, Daddy, do you?"

"Yes, I do, but I also really like you and Rebecca...and your mother," he said as he picked up Michael and slipped an arm around Michelle for a moment.

Paul and Michelle both turned to glance one last time at the store as they rounded the corner. They were just in time to see it slowly disappear into a haze. They looked lovingly at each other and at their children and Paul's smile was almost as pleasant as Michelle's.

The End.

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