Made in Sheffield

By Alistair Stevenson

Published on Oct 14, 2004



When I was fifteen I became one of the youngest ever captains of an under-18 football team at county level. I was selected after the coach had watched a critical match in which I was robbed of two clear runs at goal by obvious fouls a bent referee had refused to penalise. During my farewell do - before I left the team to start university - the coach had told me he knew that day he had to pick me to lead the side because instead of throwing a fit, I'd smiled and done my best to keep the other lads calm.

Seeing Sarah cheating on me in my own bedroom with some long-haired fuck - who, right then, had his hands around her tits and his mouth against her neck - seeing her cheating on me just five seconds after I'd finished thinking how much I needed her should have had me out of control. But as I'd taken that bent referee in my stride when I was a schoolboy, I stayed still and silent now. The moment Sarah had pulled the blind and the two of them were out of sight, I scaled effortlessly up the back of our house to the flat roof of our kitchen, just to the right of the bedroom window. Once my breathing was steady, I clung to the drainpipe and swung out so I was flat against the wall and able to crane my head to a position where I could not only hear what was going on in my bedroom, but, unfucking luckily for them, see as well.

My Judas girlfriend had been persuading the babyfaced streak of piss she was with that he was safe to fuck her because if I came home he could be out through the open window, onto the kitchen roof and away before I was upstairs. I longed for him to try that route because I could guarantee he'd never get over the beating I'd have given him if he had. But I was, in fact, less concerned with him than with the gagging-for-it slut Sarah was being. Normally, I spent half an hour courting her before an hour (or two) using every trick in the book to persuade her to come. With the dumb-looking surfer type she'd chosen instead of me, it turned out she was the one pleading to be slept with and he was the one umm-ing and err-ing.

"Yeah, OK. But look, I don't want to rush it and I'm gonna break my neck going out that window if Noah comes home and I'm not even worth shagging, Sarah: honestly."

They were kissing while they talked. He was gradually getting on top of her. She was starting to slide his briefs off him.

"It doesn't matter, Col. You don't have to be Cassanova: it'll be a nice change for me if it's natural."

And that was that. No more speech. Just murmuring, sighs and groans as she got herself ready to be taken by this.... I couldn't find the words. From the metre's distance I was away from him I could see he was basically still an adolescent. He was fit but skinny: probably a sportsman but no serious gym-training that's for sure. And fare skinned, like some eighteen year old wallflower. To me, with the long hair and pretty-boy face he looked more like a girl. He had a big cock but I guess I wasn't in the mood for paying him compliments since he was busy guiding it into my girlfriend. I watched him fuck her, letting each thrust of his ass sink into my mind; watching her grip him as he gave her the fastest orgasm I'd ever seen her have. When he finally collapsed on top of her I waited

to see him pull his dick out of her then dropped back down to the garden as silently as I'd got up and used my backdoor key to get inside the house.

If Sarah's doomed new boyfriend had been planning to do a runner when I got home, he'd have ended up just as doomed anyway since his University rowing squad sports top was hanging up in the hallway. What did they take me for? Still keeping in check the limitless anger I felt, I checked for his wallet. The only thing I knew for certain was, whatever happened, this guy was going to pay heavily for the shag he'd had. I had plenty of time and I could think of lots of things to do to him to show him how ticked off I was. I was calm because I knew I wasn't going to forget, ever and everyone with a brain knows revenge is only effective if it's icy cold. From his ID cards I found out he was Colin Wright, a twenty year old geology student who lived in university flats not far away. I looked at his student Union membership, studying the blonde little prick as he grinned his photo booth best at me. Upstairs, the bedroom door opened as one of them headed for the bathroom. I lit into the living room and - unbelievably since Sarah was supposed not to be stupid - discovered the pair of them had started undressing downstairs. The idea of them being too hot for each other to be cautious made my blood steam. I ignored my girlfriend's shoes and jumper and picked up Colin's worn out Glastonbury tee shirt. Like a hound tasting the scent of his prey, I put the cotton to my face and inhaled. He'd been wearing some brand of lover-boy perfume but his sweat was there as well. I imagined him getting ready to go out with the possibility of sex with Sarah on his mind. I didn't feel horny - I felt dangerous - but my dick was stiff again and, in that moment, as I squeezed my balls and took in the smell of Colin's body I knew exactly what I was going to do. I dropped his shirt, crossed the hall and searched quickly among the rubbish in the cupboard under our stairs. I found what I was looking for and wedged it in the pocket of my jacket. There was laughter coming from the bedroom and their voices were getting louder. They were moving around, dressing maybe and preparing to say goodbye. I felt cheered up slightly by promising myself that the next time they had sex, Colin at least would have been through quite a lot that he couldn't possibly be expecting now. Something his mother probably wouldn't like the idea of. And it would be me who'd done it to him.

Without a sound - I left the house, locking the backdoor behind me.

In the garden, I dropped back far enough not to be seen, but so I could still keep watch on what the two of them were up to. I stood invisible on the lawn in the dark while Sarah turned lights on to give me a better view of what a cheating little whore she was. I'd never lied to her about myself; she'd always known I was up for sale and since she'd benefited as much from the cash I earned as me, I'd thought it was something I'd been doing for both of us. All right, I enjoyed fucking around more than I ever let on to her, but I'd always been honest that it was what I did, the bitch had no need and no excuse for sniffing out the blonde dicksplat she was busy helping to get dressed. But it was obvious from watching them, she was runnier about surf-boy than she'd ever been about me. They moved into the kitchen for a farewell clinch. He stood over her, doing nothing while she gazed up at him, holding on tight, giggling and smiling. When it had been me and her, I'd always been the one in control; always been working out new ways to turn her on. And thinking about it now, as I watched her and her himbo, I realised she'd been getting more and more off with me as time went on. Remembering all the effort I'd made with her, compared to the sulks and put downs she'd pulled on me, I began to hate her rower even more than I'd hated him while I watched him giving it to her. My breathing was shallow and fast, desperate for it to be just me and him on our own. He kissed her neck while she zipped up his top and they let go of each other. It caught me by surprise but Sarah had obviously thought through her moves and was letting her toy boy out through the backdoor. I moved behind bushes she and I had chosen together. For one black moment, my anger went out as I thought about losing her and having only Paul - a fucking bloke - to love me. Well, I'd rather have been dead than swap my girlfriend for a boyfriend, so I had nothing to lose: I could do what I liked to Colin including killing him since nothing the University or Police could do to me could be worse than what was happening now. They could take as long as they liked whispering their goodbyes. I leaned back on the fence, feeling calm again. I could wait. Whatever happened, Colin Wright was mine.

I listened to them mumbling and chortling together and to the silence while my slut girlfriend opened her mouth to another man's tongue then, as he left, to him promising to ring her and telling her not to "worry about Noah". I looked down at my feet and laughed silently to myself. He was telling her not to worry about me. What was the puny gobshite going to do? Protect her from me? Once again, and with nothing on under my jeans, I felt my cock thicken thinking what I intended to do to the cheeky little fuck. He ambled away round the side of the house and I heard Sarah locking the door. I waited for the kitchen light to go off then whipped round to the front myself.

Colin must have been feeling pretty chirpy for having got himself a shag because he'd sprinted to the top of the street. I was no more likely to lose him than I would someone I'd been told to mark in a football match, but I wasn't going to let him know I was following either. I made ground while he waited to cross the road. I thought about what an insult it was that he was so casually dressed; he'd chosen to date my girlfriend in his oldest hooded rowing team top, a pair of track pants and trainers. I slowed down as I came closer, watching him tie his hair back with an elastic band into a schoolgirl pony tail as he dodged between cars. He vaulted the low wall surrounding the park and was off again, trotting his cock-sure route across the grass towards the college flats. I knew where he was going so there was no rush, but as I got into the park myself and the noise of traffic died away; knowing no-one could see us and watching the guy practically skipping with happiness at having got his end away, I considered changing my plans for him. I was tempted to catch up with him now and hammer him against some tree. I was boiling to take him to pieces, to paste him and drink the fucker's blood. Suddenly, I was speeding after him; racing along silently until I was just behind. Close enough for a quick rugby tackle to have had him on the ground ready for his beating. But it wouldn't do. I wanted to do more to Sarah than just mess up her new boy's looks, I wanted her to know that just like he'd had her, I'd had him.

Colin looked round startled as he clocked that someone had appeared behind him. I barged into him as hard as I could and accelerated away.

"Hey, pal! Watch it...Fuck me!"

I changed some of my anger into energy as I powered over the park, viciously excited at the prospect of doing to Colin exactly what he'd just told me to do.

I was panting by the time I got to the estate of college flats where Colin lived. I dodged behind some cover while I caught my breath and waited for him to arrive. He'd got over being barged because he turned up whistling to himself, bouncing along with no worries, maybe rehearsing ways of telling his mates he'd bagged the captain of the University First Eleven's girlfriend. When he was far enough ahead but still within sight I came out from my hiding place and watched to see into which block he went. I'd thought about appearing behind him again as he was opening his front door, and hustling both of us in at the same time, but I didn't want him making any fuss his neighbours might hear, so I hung back near some garages and watched to see which light came on. There were three stories and I knew male students were usually on the ground floor in case of peeping toms. The Accommodation Office didn't seem to mind the idea of guys being watched which suited me fine because there, at that moment, was exactly what I'd hoped for: the bottom left hand window lit up. It was after midnight, no-one was around and the night was dark. I strolled up to the outside of Wright's little pad and watched him like he was an animal in a trap. He put some music on and sat down to take his Reeboks and socks off then pulled his tee shirt over his head and lay back topless, lost in thought. To go with his ponytail he had a leather thong necklace, heavy silver bracelet and rings as well. He really was like some boy who wanted to be a girl. That's not to say he was weedy. Since I knew I'd get to hurt him more if he fought back, I was satisfied to see rowing had given his body at least a bit of definition. But he was still pale and his face looked female somehow: sort of fragile, with full lips, a thin nose and sculpted cheekbones. If I'd passed him in the street I'd have put his looks down to an appetite for dick and as contempt for him surged through me all over again I thought about the possibility he might enjoy what I was about to do to him. In that case, I'd still do it but I was going to hurt him as well. Maybe, somehow, I'd get pictures of us at it and show Sarah what kind of guy he was. Yeah! If me being on the game was what had made Sarah go elsewhere, fucking Colin would certainly prove to her that what I got up to was no more than what every other guy secretly wanted as well. Another thing at the back of my mind was that when Colin got turned on, it would make the wet dream I'd had with Paul less of a big deal to myself. By forcing Colin to have sex, I could get Sarah back from him and forget what Paul had done to me. Colin sat up, pulled over a dumbell and began some arm curls. I squeezed my packet into shape and went into the flats.

I gave Colin's front door a soft, friendly knock and imagined him putting down his weights and wondering who'd be paying him a call this long after midnight. If he'd been planning a good night's sleep before lectures I was keen to break the news he still had quite a bit to get through before bedtime. The second I heard him release the latch on the door, I dropped my full weight against it, knocking him backwards and forcing my way in. He was pretty sharp to catch on that I planned to do him harm since, in the moment I turned my back to close and lock the door, he sprang at me trying to grab me round the neck. Heavier and more powerful than any guy into watersports could ever be, I let him keep his arms around me and staggered both of us backwards down the hallway into a wall. Being slammed by my full bulk against something solid winded the fucker enough to release his grip on me. I spun round to my gasping attacker and - before he got the air back into his lungs - grabbed him by the throat and forced his chin upwards so he was looking straight into my eyes, pain and panic all over his face. We were nose to nose with him still trying to heave in his breaths.

"Ok, Colin? You make any noise or try being brave again and I'll stop you breathing long enough to fuck your brain up permanently."

He was starting to choke for real so I let go of his throat and got hold of the big glossy nylon covered weight between his legs. I knew from the odd over-confident punter that the best way to get someone to agree with you is to take possession of their privates. It certainly worked with Colin because straight after his gasp of pain he looked like he was just begging me to tell him what he could do for me. Moving backwards and leading him by his bollocks I got the two of us into the lounge.

"Give me your hand."

Colin raised his arm and I swapped my hold on his nuts for a finger lock sore enough to force him down onto his knees in front of me. His face was contorted with agony as, with just one hand, I squeezed hard enough to crack bones.

"You fuck. You don't know what you've done, do you?"

"!. Please: you're making a mistake. I haven't done anything. I'm a student."

"I fucking know you are, mate. I know just who you are. You're the guy whose just had his dick inside my girlfriend."

His look changed to real terror now, but - not knowing I'd seen him at it - he was trying to shake his head as if it must have been some other guy. I had no interest in an argument. I released my finger lock and pushed him hard enough in the face to send him over onto his back then turned round to find his phone. I could have unplugged it but my anger was flowing freely now so I kicked the socket right off the wall and whipped back round to face my prey again.

He was sprawling backwards towards his bedroom, trying to escape. Rowing obviously improved agility since seeing the fury on my face got him striaght up onto his feet and through the doorway, before I'd even got back across the lounge. I was behind him pretty fast, and even with his back to me, he was under my control again in seconds. I twisted one of his arms up his back to hold it while taking a handful of his usefully long blonde hair, pulling his head back so his body was arched outwards and his cheek was against mine.

"You're not gonna get away from me, pal, so you better stop trying."

"All right, all right. Ah! You're going to break my bloody arm."

"Yes, I easily could. What did you think? Did you think you could take Sarah off me without a fight?"

"No. She didn't want her any more. I didn't know. I thought you were splitting."

I'd eased off the leverage I had on his arm. Now I doubled it. He howled.

"Why. The fuck. Would we be splitting up, Colin?"

"Arrrgh! She said you were gay...she said you were gay."

Beyond anger, or even rage, not able to think about Sarah slandering me like that to someone I'd actually seen fucking her, I threw her boyfriend onto his bed. Not sure whether he had a fracture or not he stayed gasping into his duvet. I was in the right mood to fuck and kill him then go home and do the same to Sarah but, as usual, at my angriest, I caught control of myself. I took my jacket off, still watching Colin squirming in front of me then sat down beside him on his bed.

"She told you that?"

"Yeah, it wasn't my fault. You're name's Noah, yeah? I just met her at a club. She was pissed. Fucking hell, my arm."

I patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I guess if she's been telling you lies, it isn't your fault, is it?"

"No way. I thought I was doing you a favour, honestly. She said you didn't do it with women any more."

He was less scared of me. He thought he'd found a way of dodging the attack. Maybe he was thinking I'd be buying him a drink to apologise, or invite him round to fuck my woman in front of me again. I let him relax. I wanted him off guard. I waited until - still massaging his shoulder and moaning about the pain I'd caused - he began to sit up.

"Look, this is between you and Sarah. I don't want trouble. You're going to have to go."

"Uh-huh. Yep. Ok. I'll go."

I got up from his bed and picked my jacket up from the floor. With my back towards Colin, I fumbled in one of the pockets.

"Oh no. Hang on. I can't go yet. I haven't fucked you."


I turned round pointing a small, heavy, silver replica pistol towards the appalled face of my girlfriend's spunky new lover. The only thing it had ever shot were caps to start track races but it may as well have been real, because whatever happened - whether Colin believed he might get a fatal bullet wound or not - I was going to have him. As it turned out, he had no problem beleiving I was fucked off enough to kill him because as well as immediately stressing out every inch of him, I could see in his eyes he was ready to say or do anything to get out of the situation he was in. For the first time since I'd arrived at Paul's five hours before I felt certain I was the one controlling things. I could relax. Colin wasn't bad looking. He was scared of me. I hated him. I was going to fuck him. Nothing else mattered.

"First you're going to get undressed. Then I'm going to tie you up. Then you're going to let yourself get fucked up the backside by another man. Ok, Col?"

I smiled as his look changed from open fear of the gun to cold understanding that I meant what I said.

"Lie down on your front"

He turned slowly, moving fully onto the bed and lying on his face with his arse towards me. He was still topless and I could see the muscle definition of his lean, broad back and shoulders. I liked the glossy material covering his asscheeks and thought agian what I'd thought before, that in some ways a good round muscular butt was a hotter prospect than a pair of tits. While Colin lay there wondering what came next, I took my time, looking round his bedroom for something to keep his fists out of the way with. Hanging with his rowing medals was an Athletcis Union tie. I took it and got on top of him, my knee hard against his back.

"Put your wrists behind your neck."

Obedient and silent, he did what he was told. Thanks to one-handed knot practice in the Sea Scouts, I looped the tie firmly round his right and bound it safely to his left. He grunted as I drew his tether tight.

This was like a game. Colin was like a living blow-up doll. He was shit scared of me so I could do what I liked with him. He wasn't some trick I had to bother pleasuring, the only cock I needed to prime was my own. Once his hands were bound behind his neck, I got down on top of him. It was good to feel a fit, warm body under me. I liked his smell, I liked his silence; I liked feeling my cock pressed between the young globes of his arse. I humped my crotch against him, massaging a response out of my willing dick. I knew Colin would feel the woody his buttocks were producing from me and I wanted him to know it was there, to get more and more scared as he felt the size of prick his asshole was going to have to accommodate. I was still holding the barrel of the pistol at his cheek but I was free to smooth my other hand up the firm ridges and pads of his oblique, abdominal and pectoral muscles and then underneath him to squeeze at his breast. His body was in good shape. I thurst harder down on him, again and again. His face had been buried in his quilt, but now he turned it sideways for air. I pressed the barrel of the pistol to the back of his head to stop him from resisting as I opened my mouth against his neck. I kissed him hard enough to draw a bruise, hoping to mark him in a way he couldn't hide from his friends. I licked up to his ear, softly biting his lobe then whispering to him.

"I've had your kind before, Colin. You might not think you're going to like being buggered but you will. You're gonna enjoy this, man. I'm gonna hurt you but you're such a slut of a guy you're gonna like it."

I lifted my groin up far enough to pull open my fly and drag out the still growing spear of my prick. I jerked on it a few times to harden it up then yanked the back of Colin's trackpants down and pushed myself home into the cleavage of his asscheeks, rubbing and pressing until I was sure I had my helmet poking at the tight little orifice of his butt. All that separated my cock and his ringpiece were the skimpy Casanova cotton briefs he'd worn to bed with my girlfriend. It was tempting to start fucking him right there and then, but glancing up I realised any of his mates getting back late from a club and looking in his window could've watched me at it. I got up and - with my dick still flag-polling up out of my jeans and never turning my back on Colin - I closed his curtains. Now we were alone and he could lose his virginity to me in private.

I made him watch me while, one-handedly, I unbuttoned my shirt. His eyes glanced down to my raging, full-sized hard-on. For all I knew, it was the first erect prick he'd ever seen on another guy and I hoped it was a sight that scared the shit out of him. I pulled my shirt off with the gun still on him then kicked off my shoes, unpeeled my socks with my feet and dropped my jeans. Now I was naked: my cock was aching for action and I felt randy as a stag. Was I really going to rape another guy? Too fucking right I was. And I knew why. Undressed, angry and aroused I was going to force the bastard because it would mean I'd had him just like he'd had Sarah; it would humiliate him even more than he'd humiliated me and - if I knew anything - he'd wind up liking it which would mean that if Sarah was going to go round calling me a fag she'd have to admit her new boy was every bit as bad. I moved closer to Colin so I was standing at the side of his bed, less than half a metre from his head. He was following orders and keeping his eyes on me. I looked right back at him, and while I thought about him fucking my woman I began long, slow, hard stroking on my dong. I pumped myself as hard as I'd ever been, ready to fuck him while the weapon in my other hand kept his attention focussed on me. I knelt down on the edge of my bed, bringing my helmet close enough to his face for him to hear and smell the hot wetness of my cock. He shut his eyes as I rubbed my dick against his forehead, my big tight bollocks against his nose and mouth. Doing that to another guy was such a horny, powerful thing I could've creamed right there and then, but I was no way ready for it to be over yet. I moved back off the bed, round behind him and pulled him up by his bound wrists. When he was on his feet, I pushed him next door back to his main room and sat down on the sofa with him standing in front of me. I sat back, looking at his crotch, right at where his limp but weighty length bulged against shiny dark silver nylon.

"You sexy for it yet, Col?"

He wasn't saying anything and I could understand that. I grinned, locked my ankles behind his and began tugging on my shaft again, knowing I was about to see what he least wanted to show me: his naked tackle. For a slim built guy, he had a pretty fair body: lean, stacked muscle and the kind of 'here I am' posture that made his helplessness while I had my way with him even more of a turn on. I was gaining some respect for him as I leaned forward and drew his trackpants down. I uncovered a white, close-fitting ,well filled pouch and paused to take another few beats at my cock. Then, finally, his keks were round his knees and I was looking directly at his well-hung tool. His crotch was light on pubic hair, which I liked, and heavy on dick, which was also good. Keeping my eyes and gun on his upper half, I leaned down to help him step out of his clothes then, there we were: two boys in the buff together, one about to be sexually assaulted by the other.

I've seen a lot of guys' privates in my time - ugly ones, fit ones - and I can tell you not many look as good as Colin Wright's. It was well-proportioned flesh he had slung there between thick young rowers thighs. Big, downy, egg-sized balls and a smooth, neat, loaded cock : but I couldn't forget where he'd been using it less than an hour before. If I'd checked I could bet the smell of her was still on him. My own dick was stiff and more than ready for business but I could wait if it meant getting things just right. I stood up and guided Colin to his bathroom. Never dropping my guard, I got the light on and started his shower then told him to get in the stall and get wet. He couldn't wash himself since his wrists were still behind his neck so at his washbasin, I rolled a bar of soap over and over in my left hand until I had a palmfull of lather to use on him. I made Colin turn to face me and cupped my sudsy fingers round his nuts. I lifted the length of his limp but hefty penis and worked it in my hand. Massaging soap around him got me thinking I ought to be putting more effort into getting Colin hard. I wasn't arsed whether he wanted sex or not but I obviously hadn't got him going so far and it seemed like a challenge to make him admit he liked me. I soaped his cock - foreskin forward, foreskin back - until there could be no trace of my girlfriend anywhere near it then I got him turned round and let the water do the rest. With his back towards me I tried out a couple of professional moves for turning a guy on. I smoothed my hand over his thickset shoulder then down his back to his tail, patted his rump then slid one single slippy finger into the crack between his butt cheeks. I pushed more and more firmly as I pressed closer to the lips of his ass then gently fingered him in earnest. No deal. Colin's little ring stayed tight as a knot. For my own benefit, and - annoyed with him for resisting, to prove I could do what I liked - I pressed my hand on further down between his legs to hold and squeeze the full sack hanging under his cock. My wrist was still flush against the g-spot of his anus and his balls were rolling in my palm, but still Colin's prick stayed slack. I leaned forward to cut off the water, gave his bollocks a quick dry with one of his towels, then got him out of the shower and pushed him back into the lounge. Even if he wasn't excited enough for sex, he was clean and - up for it or not - it was time to start fucking him.

Being naked with a guy whose hard on was all for him might have been a scary new situation for Colin, but I was in my element. I felt like you do at kick-off for the second half of a football match you know you're going to win. I knew I could do things to Colin he couldn't possibly avoid being turned on by. And the fact that seducing him - making him admit he wanted to be fucked by me - would add to my revenge on him and Sarah, doubled my determination to be professional with him. Inside myself, I'd been damping down my fury to get a hot, loving thing on the go between us; just the right mood for Colin to fool himself into getting fucked by another guy for the first time.

"You know I'm going to break your neck if you pull any bravery shit on me, right Col? I'm definitely, definitely going to do it to you and it's gonna be nicer for you if you just relax and let it happen."

I laid the pistol down well out of his way and stepped up closer to him. He'd lost some tension now he didn't think he was going to get shot any more and he looked at me properly, trying to bargain.

"You can force me to do anything right now, but think about it sensibly, mate: I don't even want your girlfriend so you could end up in court for doing this to me all for nothing."

I ignored him and ran my hands over the sensitive muscles of his underarms, gripping his packed biceps and then circling my fingers in the soft hair at his armpits before running my palms down the smooth, trim sides of his body. I lifted a hand and slid it between the back of his head and his firmly tied wrists, pulling his face against mine. Kissing guys, kissing women; it's the same soft-hard, wet-warm sexy feeling whoever you do it with so, as Colin opened his mouth to me, I had high hopes he'd stop noticing I wasn't a girl and start letting himself go. He wasn't fighting my tongue so some of his resistance had gone. I took the tip of my dick in my hand to squeez myself while I ate at his face. He tasted good and the idea of getting off with a guy who'd got off with Sarah was turning me on. I wanted him badly. But the back of the hand that I was using to rub my cock was against Colin's balls and I could feel he still wasn't keen enough for sex to get hard. Maybe a close encounter with the truncheon he'd given me would put the right ideas in his head. I stopped kissing him and moved my hand from his hair to his shoulder and pushed downwards. He knew just where he was expected to go. Once he was on his knees I smoothed my hand round the back of his neck and tried pulling his lips towards my balls. He looked up at me,

"I don't want to suck you dick."

Seeing my fully pumped organ so near his mouth, thinking about his tongue round my root, about him swallowing it to the back of his throat and then pistoning it in and out of his lips was going to be a difficult pleasure to postpone. But you can't take every chance you get to shoot at goal and I thought that letting him off his first date with cock-sucking might be a good move tactically. So, instead of putting my helmet against his lips, I made do with a few long strokes at myself while pushing him down onto his back. He untangled his legs and lay there with his hands behind his head and his dick freely available, unwillingly exposed while I jacked off over him.

The whole situation with Colin had made me about as horny as I'd ever let myself get with another guy and the fact that Colin's hot-looking prick was still lying slack against his nuts was starting to piss me off. I got him a cushion from his sofa and put it behind him so the way he'd been tied up wasn't so uncomfortable, trying to show him I was his friend; that he could trust me: that it was safe for us to get turned on together. On my knees beside him, I cupped my hand around his cheek as I kissed him again. It was getting so I was less worried about him sleeping with Sarah than about him not wanting to sleep with me. As I sat up again I let the backs of my fingers drag gently over his chest and stomach to lightly circle the erogenous zones surrounding his crotch. Deliberately not touching his privates themselves I traced around them like they were too precious to approach directly.

"Man, no wonder Sarah got you in the sack. You've got a really nice packet, you know...oh yeah, that's a beautiful set of tools you got, Colin. I bet the girls fucking love it, don't they?"

I looked from his groin to his face, hoping his eyes would be shut and that there'd be a smile on his face while he lapped up my praise for his tackle. But no; he was looking up at the ceiling as straight-faced as he had been since I'd got his pants down. I tried providing an incentive for him to give me what I wanted.

"Tell you what, you get this thing up for me, let me give you a bit of a rub and we'll forget about the rest. The thing is now you've seen my stiffy I can't untie you until I've seen yours."

"I can't get a fucking hard on for you."

"Yes, Colin, you can."

I lifted his penis and rolled back his foreskin, slowly uncovering the pale pink privacy of his head. I liked the sight of his little hole and the ridge circling his shaft and I liked thinking no guy other than Colin himself had seen more of his cock. I let his dick roll back into its hiding place, paused then bared it again; providing Colin with the kind of slow handjob that couldn't help but make him erect. After a few tugs, I put my hand flat on the firmness of his stomach, leaned forward and let a pool of warm saliva from my mouth drop onto his uncovered cock. Now both of us could hear the sound of his spit-lubricated dick as I wanked him off. I got up onto my knees so he could see and touch the unenlargeable hard on he'd given me, but still - fuck knows how - his own dick stayed under control.

"I know you're fighting it. And I'm telling you, you're either going to get a bench on for me or you're going to get fucked. Come on, Col, make it good and stiff."

"It's no good. I've tried before. My younger brother..."

But I didn't want to hear excuses. My balls had been aching over him for half an hour. He'd had a horn with Sarah so he could either offer me the same or I was going to do what I'd been longing to do for years to one of the time-wasting, trouble-making, dick-teasing twats I'd been with, which was to flip them over with their ass in the air and fuck them so hard I was sure the only person whose pleasure mattered was mine. Colin wasn't a trick and he wasn't my girlfriend and he wasn't Paul either, but he would do as someone to take all of it out on. And as for the consequences, I didn't give a flying fuck for them. Let whatever happened to me afterwards, happen. I moved so I was kneeling between Colin's legs, my hand still working back and forwards on his dick. I supported myself with my other arm as I leaned over him. We were nose to nose, his flaccid penis rolling around just under the eight thick hard inches I was all too ready to use on him.

"I'm not giving you another chance Colin. You got no idea what I'm prepared to do. It doesn't take much does it? All I want is to see this good-looking jake of yours switched on. Come on, make it tasty for me. Show me what a big one it can be"

His cock stayed soft. I let it go. I moved from between his thighs up his body so I had my knees in his armpits and my groin right over his face. The tight, churning sack of my spunk-filled testicles was a millimetre or two above his nose. I began squeezing the tip of my dick again as I moved my knees further apart to lower my balls against his face. I jerked off looking down at my scrotum moving against Colin's nostrils and lips. If I'd been calmer I'd have tried persuading him to take one of my bollocks in his mouth, but, glancing back to check on the non-progress of his hard-on, I'd started to lose interest in anything but using his arse. He might have won the battle over his cock, but he was going to lose the war for his backside. Maybe he didn't fancy me; but he was going to get shagged by me.

I got to my feet and hauled him up by the tie round his wrists, glad to hear his gasps of pain. I pushed him so he stumbled over towards his desk. On the desk was where I was going to have him; where I'd been planning to have him even when I'd offered to let him off full sex in return for getting his erection. I pushed the textbooks and file paper lying around onto the floor and gestured for him to sit down. It was an old-fashioned office table, easily wide and strong enough to take his weight but - sensing my change of mood - he wasn't keen to get on it. I turned to where I'd left the gun, but I didn't need it. Colin parked his bare ass where he wrote his essays and I pushed him firmly onto his back so his feet were off the floor. He was breathing hard; scared as fuck of what was about to happen to him. As for me, I'd never gone this far ever. But I'd watched enough hard porn with my tricks to know all the right moves. I took Colin by his calf muscles and lifted his legs so his ankles were over his head and let them rest on my shoulders. His ass cheeks were split so that between the cute globes of his butt the tight fissure of his prime little gash was on show for me. Just like mouths, there's no difference at all between a guy's rear entry and a girl's. And I'd certainly done it that way with women before so what difference would there be, except that the idea of taking a young sportsman like Colin had my cock aching like no woman ever had. I rolled him further back so his knees were over his chest and took a good look at the golden-haired boy-pussy my dick was about to press into. Colin had his head back and I didn't care about his feelings any more anyway so it was for my benefit not his that I pushed his knees to raise him up still more and lowered my face to his exposed backside to lick him under his balls and round and round his slot. I was too carried away to worry about the reasons I'd refused to rim anyone before. Now he was wet all I wanted was to feel my cockhead arriving at the juicy target I'd found for it. I brought my dick forward, drew my sheath right back and pressed it home into the cleavage of Colin's ass. I wanked my shaft while wiping and jabbing my crown against his ring. I was panting like an animal, desperate to fuck him; to feel myself coming right inside him.

I was turned on enough to do anything but there was no way I could see how I could get it up Colin unless he helped me out. For the first time since I'd lain him back, I looked away from his rear entrance to his face. He was watching me with loathing, biting his lips, real tears of humiliation in his eyes at what I was doing to him. It was a shock. It threw me.

"You gotta let me do this to you, man. I'm so fucking hot for it. Sorry. It won't hurt you."

That was it. I'd apologised. Hearing how pathetic it sounded, an armed rapist aplogising to his victim and seeing the sudden anger that what was meant to be friendliness aroused in Colin - realising the situation I'd set up - I knew I'd gone too far. What I was doing to him was worse than what he'd done to me. It wasn't revenge any more, I was doing this stuff because it turned me on. And the moment doubt flashed across my face, Colin knew he'd caught me out. I'd stumbled and he wasn't going to let me recover.

"You're a bastard. I hope you die."

"You fucked her. I fuck you."

"She wanted me to. You've got a gun. Sarah wanted sex with me. I don't want sex with you. All I did was what she wanted. You're raping me"

I could see he had a point. I wished I'd gagged him because I definitely didn't have an answer ready. I'd been banking on him wanting it in the end but if he wasn't turned on by now, it was never going to happen. I really would have to force it on him and I wasn't sure any more that a rapist was something I wanted to be.

Seeing my uncertainty gave him the upper hand. Not wasting his power, he put his feet against my chest and pushed me backwards with force. He heaved his hands over his head so they were in front of him and tore them out of the tie. One easy punch from me and he would have been flattened but I was lost, confused. I couldn't find whatever it was that had been driving me until then. While I stood dumb with stuff crashing around my mind, I let Colin spring past me towards the gun. Instead of pointing it at me, he checked the chamber. Even though I'd nearly forced my dick into him and with his asshole still wet from my mouth, his first thought was to make sure the only weapon he had to use against me was unloaded. I felt sick.

Once or twice in a football match, I've taken things personally and decided to sort another player out while the game's still on. If you've been badly fouled or held back or let some mouthy fucker get to you then switching your attention from scoring goals to taking someone out feels like a good decision. First he realises you're after him, then he gets all tough, then he gets scared, then he gets hurt. And after you've clattered into him maybe you get sent off, but it doesn't matter because he's lying there with a broken shin or the fear that he's never going to have children now. No: the couple of times I've gone after someone it isn't when I'm walking off the pitch that I feel sorry, it's when the changing room door swings shut and I'm alone that I know I've got things wrong; that rage has taken me somewhere I didn't mean to be. Standing naked in Colin's lounge while he rushed his clothes back on was just like the moment after a red card when it occurs to you that you're the bad guy. You're the one that's left your team still out there a man down. You're the one at full time the coach is going to ball out the most. You want to undo it all. But you can't. I sighed deeply, ran a hand through my hair and looked down at my softening cock. He knew he wasn't going to get fucked any more and Colin was busy as a bee. Dressed and confident, he came back from his bedroom with my clothes and shoes and chucked them at me.

"You can just fuck off now. Fuck off. You dirty bastard."

I pulled my jeans on trying to think of something to say.

"Look at you. What were you thinking of? What, Sarah's going to fall in love with you again because you've raped some guy she fancies? Forcing me was supposed to convince her you were a real straight guy was it?"

All I wanted was to be dressed and out of there. But Colin could see the subject he was getting onto was doing me some harm. While I buttoned up my shirt, he got perky enough to have a shove at me. Instead of shutting him up with a swift left to the face, I let myself stumble backwards then knelt down and did my shoes, deliberately making myself look weaker so he got braver. I was only half-listening because I knew the worst trouble would start when I was outside alone thinking what I was going to do next. But if laying into me made him feel better, he could do his worst. He'd won everything. And I'd handed it to him on a plate. When I got back to my feet I was expecting him to take a swing or two at me, but I should've known: any guy Sarah was into wasn't going to be the kind to do anything obvious. Colin was calm. And he was looking straight at me, no fear and no real hate. I guessed what was coming was going to be worse than having to let myself take a slap or two.

"You've lost Sarah, right? I mean that's it. Yeah, she's not just a one-night stand. I've known her a year but she wouldn't leave you. But I think she will now. What do you think? Do you think she will? I think what you've just done to me, I think that might put her off you just a bit. So you've lost Sarah. And I can lose you your course and your mates and go to the police and all that as well can't I? Eh? You jerk."

I turned away, putting my jacket on, not giving a fuck.

"Listen, Noah. Sarah's told me a lot about you. I know what she's meant to you. I feel sorry for you but, I tell you, I'm going to make it worse than losing your girlfriend unless you listen to me."

I stayed still.

"Sarah thinks you believe all guys feel the way you do about blokes. She's told me you're a rentboy or whatever. Well, look, I knew I was never going to be able to get off with you, even if I'd wanted to. My step-brother's gay. I've slept with him. It doesn't turn me on. I know what's going on in your head."

Right. This was going to be good. He knew more about shagging guys than me, he knew me better than I knew myself. I didn't look up, but if he was going to have his say, he was going to have his say, so when he told me to take a seat I did. Still on his feet, not excited, not angry - pretty gently all things considered - my ex-girlfriend's new lover began setting me straight on a thing or two.

"You're holding onto Sarah not because you love her but because having her means you can sleep with men and still hide from the truth. Well, I'm telling you: my step-brother, Tim, was fourteen when he started wanting to do the same stuff you do. I was eighteen, I had no problem with any of that and when he asked if he could try things out on me that turned him on I let him. I love him, I know what it's like being fourteen and I wanted to help him out but - no matter what he did, no matter what I did - I couldn't get a hard-on with him. I wouldn't care if I wasn't, but I'm straight and there's no way I'm ever going to like doing it with another bloke. Tim fancied me for a year or so but he didn't want it all one-sided so he moved on, Noah. He stopped having a girlfriend just because all his mates had one and he lost interest in me because he wanted something more. He's sixteen, right, and he's sorted. He's out to my Mum and Dad, he's honest with his friends and he's on his way. What he's not doing is fucking guys for money and using his girlfriend for cover. He's not forcing someone to have sex with him with a gun. You think all guys feel the way you do about blokes because that's what you want to believe: that everyone is just like you. Why don't you have the guts my sixteen year old brother's got and be yourself?"

If I hadn't lost control two hours before when I'd discovered Colin and Sarah he wouldn't have been able to make me listen to him, so perhaps it was my fault I had to sit through his sermon. I wasn't going to lose control again, no matter how much I wanted to escape. Some of the stuff he'd said twisted things inside me but no reaction was the response I'd planned and no reaction was what he got. I think he was expecting me to kiss his hand and run off to ask my parents if they knew any queers I could settle down with for the rest of my life, because he seemed pretty disappointed I didn't have anything to say.

"Anyway, anyway. I don't care about you, basically. But I'm not going to let you hurt Sarah any more."

"You're telling her about this, then?"

"No way. No way. You're going to tell her. You're going to tell her you attacked me and you're going to admit to her you're gay. I'm meeting her in the Union at lunchtime tomorrow and if she doesn't believe you're moving out and that it's OK with you she's seeing me then I'll make sure everybody knows what you've just tried doing to me. And I got no worries saying it in court, either"

"That's it?"


I got up without another word, crossed his room, went down his hallway, opened his front door and left his flat. Out of the block, over the estate and into the park I thought and felt nothing. Whatever shit I was in I knew blaming myself would be no different from cursing a team I was captaining for losing. It was no good thinking about other things I could have done to Colin when I caught him at it and it was no good pretending everything was going to be all right. On my own in the dark and hearing only the sound of my own feet on grass and the distant city traffic I slowed down, thinking what to do.

My first plan was hitching to Manchester and living off what I knew I could earn on the streets. But doing a runner would mean I could never come back. No more organised sport. No more career. I thought about Paul, remembering myself trying to put him down and wondering what he'd think of me now. Then I thought about Sarah. All the anger and pain of her cheating on me, of seeing her and Colin together, of her loving him more than me, and of me wrecking things forever by jumping him; all that frustration and regret surged back. I couldn't handle it. So, coming out of the park onto the street, I stopped thinking about her and instead of crossing towards our house, I followed a road away from it.

It was nearly two am so the only traffic was taxis, the only people around students getting back from clubs. I had my hands in my jacket pockets, my shoulders hunched, my head down, my mind on other things so I was surprised when someone behind me called my name. I looked back and a guy called Chris was trotting up, all grins.

"Wow, Noah. Bloody hell! Are you all right? Oh, God, Noah: can you spare half an hour? I'm loaded. Will you?"

He was high on speed or E or something. A regular, occasional trick for the last three months. I'd picked him up by hanging around playing pinball outside the Wednesday night Gaysoc Disco at the Union. He was their leader or president or whatever. He had limp highlighted blond hair, a skinny kind of build and a soft, excited way of talking. Classic campus homo. I liked him because he had the good sense to prefer paying for sex with me to getting it free from any of the fags he dealt with every day.

"What are you looking for, Chris? I'm pretty tired."

"Look, come back. Just let me at your dick. Twenty minutes, tops. I'm gagging for it. I can't believe you're here. Pretty please, Mr Green, sir?"

"Twenty quid."


So, with my life in the shithouse, I let Chris rush me back to his place for sex. I didn't want to talk much and I didn't have to. He got me into his bathroom to change into the combat gear and boots I usually wore for him and within half an hour of leaving Colin's I was knocking on his bedroom door pretending to be his soldier-boy lover on leave. He'd stripped down to a tee shirt and boxers and if Colin's dick was one end of a scale, Chris' was the other because the moment I held him I could feel his instant hard-on pushing us apart. I'd always assumed the stuff I made up to say to my customers made a big difference to them but apparently not. Me standing doing nothing while he touched me up seemed to be more than enough for Chris to get off on. He squeezed at my arm muscles and groped at my crotch. He kissed my face and felt my ass. He put me in a chair and stood there hand-fucking himself while I sat watching him. It didn't seem to matter who I was; it was like the real me was unnecessary. All Chris needed was someone with a dick, a gym-worked body and some army trousers. For the first time ever as a prostitute I felt used.

Chris' face was getting hotter and his hand was moving faster. For a second I thought he might let loose there and then and I'd be off but, panting, he released his cock and got to his knees between my legs. He pushed my knees apart and rubbed his hands up and down the solid muscle of my thighs. Under worn out Khaki it was obvious my dick, big as it was, was still limp. Chris didn't mind. With his fist back around his shaft, he worked on himself more slowly as he pushed the soft material tighter up around my balls. I wasn't putting any effort into it, but with his fingers gently teasing back and forwards over my covered dick, I began getting hard. He smiled and jerked harder on his pole as he watched my penis filling out. I relaxed. After everything that had happened, I didn't care what happened next. I put my head back and shut my eyes. Chris took a while longer pumping at his dick while fantasising about the length of army hard-on he was about to set free then I felt him easing down the zip on my combats and let him pull them off from under me. He breathed warmly over the sensitive tip of my erection and - with nothing to gain any more by resisting it - I allowed my mind to concentrate on the hot, wet valet wash my pounding organ was about to get. Chris licked slowly up it like some big, tasty stick of rock then pulled back my foreskin and put his lips to my pisshole and kissed the head of my dick. He knew what he was doing. I tried imagining it was Colin who was worshipping my prick like this but the memory of him resisting me began to turn me off. As Chris formed his lips into a soft ring and pressed his head down my rod I wanted to forget that it was him and, with my eyes still closed, I suddenly realised whose throat it was I most wanted my cock to be sliding down. It was a surprise to me, but it was Paul. Thinking of him on the field in his football kit, in the showers soaping his body, naked against me in his bed, my dick stretched even harder into Chris' face. I really wanted this blow job. I slid my hands into Chris' hair and guided the pumping of his head. Lifting myself up from the chair I forced more and more of my cock into his gob. His chin pressed hard against my bollocks as I forced him to swallow all of me. And as he sucked more and more eagerly at my root he yanked faster and faster on his own. At last, the pistoning of his head wasn't up to what I wanted to feel. I pulled my stiff wet dick free from his mouth. Keeping his face close to it, I began hard wanking, my cock bumping against his lips and nose. He started to groan as his prick unloaded in big squirts that fell back onto both of us. And then I was coming too, thick ropes of sperm jetting into his hair, down his cheeks and off his chin. The whole thwarted anger I'd felt all night burst out of me and for the first time in hours, I sank back into the chair, feeling released. Chris laughed as he wiped his face clean of the spunk storm with which I'd drenched him.

If I'd been my usual self Chris coming would have been the final whistle. I'd already have had my money and I'd be getting back into my own clothes and heading to the sports centre or my own place for a shower. Hanging around afterwards only encouraged the idea that there was something more to what we'd done than selling a service. Chris, twenty-four-hour-a-day out homosexual that he was, had had a lot of casual sex and I knew a big attraction for him of getting off with me was that it was nice and tidy. After he'd got his end away, he didn't need to worry about anything else. But this was an unusual night. While he turned away to find the cash he owed me, I stayed in his chair looking round at his room, trying to imagine what it was like to be him. He was doing maths and I knew he was good at his course and that - because of all this welfare shit he did for the Union - he was pretty popular with people in University management. I'd seen him on campus laughing with the Vice Chancellor, heard that he was the first Union officer to be called if a student was threatening suicide. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't know what to say. Luckily, being half-female, Chris never let a silence last for long.

"I'm ever so pleased I saw you. We showed our video to the Faculty deans today and, well, you're our star witness, of course, and I was sitting there in the dark watching you and I thought, oh my God, he's the most beautiful man alive and if I don't have it off with him soon I'm going to..."

He was talking quick and giggly like a schoolgirl because, I guess, he was nervous of me and because he was high. But listening to him prattling away and noticing his Westlife Forever posters and the male centrefolds around I lost any interest in asking for his advice. I imagined what the other lads on my course would make of Chris. And then I remembered Colin's ultimatum and felt not just alone but afraid as well. If I had to swap Sarah for someone like Chris, if I had to trade my girlfriend for some queen then what the fuck was the point of anything? Why bother working or playing football or holding onto your friends if every time you went home the camp twat everyone laughed at on tv sitcoms was waiting for you?

Alone in the bathroom I changed from being Chris' fetish back into my own clothes. It was the third time in six hours I'd pulled on the same jeans and shirt - after Paul, after Colin, after Chris - and each time I'd felt worse than the time before. This time, I didn't even bother cleaning myself up. Suddenly, I was panicking about the state I was in and thought again about asking Chris for help. But when I got back to his room he'd closed and locked his door, no longer bothered about me now he'd paid his twenty quid. I dumped his spunk stained combats on the floor and left, glad be out in the dark again. It was still mild but I was too tired to avoid home any more. I walked down sleeping streets and across empty main roads trying to imagine the next day. I was meeting a mate, Nick, to go to the gym at nine before a lecture at eleven and then....But soon after that lecture Colin would be seeing Sarah and - no matter what else happened - instead of Sarah and me meeting the usual Friday night crowd at the Union it would be just me or just her and one of us would be explaining that we'd split and someone would ask why and maybe a couple of people would already know the truth: it turned out I was a closet fag who'd tried to rape another guy. I didn't want to consider any of it. I turned into our street and emptied my mind as I approached the house. However troubled I'd been about Paul the last time I'd arrived home, things were worse now. I opened the front door and, without turning on any lights, locked up and climbed the stairs. I went into the spare room where I had my study and my weights and stood at the sink. I opened my shirt and the front of my jeans, using an old cloth to wash away the come from Chris that was clinging to me. I looked up at the mirror and saw how sad I looked. None of this was my fault: if being on the game was wrong then how come so many people were ready to pay me for it? If having my life wrecked was punishment for attacking Colin, what punishment did he get for a year-long affair with my girlfriend? And - worst of all - if he was right, and I really was fooling myself about being straight, then what the fuck had I done to deserve that? But that was bollocks. My fault or not, fair or not, I was still going to have to deal with it all. I brushed my teeth, took my clothes off, switched the light out and headed for the bedroom. I could hear Sarah breathing, slow and deep, dreaming about nursing or Colin or whether she could persuade me to give her and her new boyfriend my house. I climbed into bed, lying on my back and sighing as, in the dark, I looked up at the ceiling. Unconsciously, as she always did, Sarah moved to be closer to me, putting her hand on my chest. I could feel her naked body against mine but - despite the revenge I'd taken on Colin - I still felt angry and betrayed about seeing her cheating on me. I thought about how I'd fallen asleep with Paul earlier, about protecting him and about how much he'd wanted me. For a moment I wished I was with him instead of with Sarah. Then I remembered how weak he'd seemed and the contempt I'd felt about the idea of one guy falling in love with another and then - worst of all - about how off I'd been with him when I left. I should have been a nicer guy because if being treated badly by me felt anything like being cheated on by Sarah, I felt really sorry for him. Sarah moved away, rolling over onto her other side. I closed my eyes thinking that - even if Paul heard what I'd done to Colin and hated me for it - maybe I could still help myself feel less like a bastard by offering him more sex. Yeah, that's the Noah Green way all right: a bastard with a body other people want to fuck. And that's ok with me, I thought and drifted off.

Real Time


COPYRIGHT ( Alistair Stevenson 2002

Next: Chapter 4

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