
By Amanda Saunders

Published on Jul 3, 2012


Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed are consenting adults - so, please be one yourself and don't read this if you're under the age of majority or consent in wherever it is you live or happen to be reading this. If you like it, the author welcomes feedback. If you don't like it, at least send helpful feedback.

Hi - my name's Amanda, but I usually go by my nickname - Maddie (it's a long story, but I think it's cute, so I've gone with it.) Last week, I told you about one of my fantasies... now I'd like to talk about the real story of how I met my first boyfriend, Alan...

As I said last time, despite being so sure of myself, I've always been shy around guys - less so now that I'm full-time as a woman, but I'm not out there to be taken advantage of... even if I secretly want a man to just have his way with me. I guess, I'd been waiting for the right man to unleash my inner slut... and I ended up meeting him at the gym, of all stereotypical places. I'd seen Alan a number of times over the last few months - he was always coming in as I was leaving to go to work. I always caught him stealing a peak and eventually I started smiling at him and returning the favor. (I definitely noticed that I was turning his head, even if we were just passing strangers)... well, soon we'd be introduced in a way I'd never have expected.

But first, I guess I should tell a bit more about myself - I'm a graphic designer and branding specialist and I work at a small ad agency in a fairly prominent U.S. city. I'm proud of my work and I think my boss shares my high opinion - so much so that she frequently had me in on early meetings with clients to sketch out new ideas, quick and dirty for clients, impressing them with our ability to work with them and bring new ideas to the table so quickly.

One Tuesday morning I had to rush through my morning workout because we had a new client coming for an early meeting - my boss wouldn't shut up about how much she wanted to land this account - and the marketing exec that we would be working with too, I teased her - she always had a thing for clients - I think she got off on teasing them while still taking their money, but that's a different story...

That morning, I struggled through my workout - but got out of the gym a twenty minutes earlier than normal - sadly, because I wasn't going to flirt with Mr. Hottie that morning - and I really wanted to feel his eyes undressing me as we tried to pretend not to notice each other as we passed, coming or going, as the case may be...

Frustratingly, a track problem in subway meant that I was actually late to the meeting - I rushed to my desk, grabbed my notebook and hurried into the conference room, only to be confronted with my crush, sitting across the table from me. I must have been ten shades of red - and I was totally thrown off my game, flustered and horny - not the way to start a client relationship... or, well, maybe it was... I noticed that Mr. Hottie was clearly a little distracted as well. My boss quickly introduced us - and I learned that his name was Alan. Alan Abrams. I was swooning - it was a good, strong name and he wore it well.

The meeting got underway, but it was terrified that I was transparent with my attraction to our new client. I found myself flirting with him - I never flirt with clients... I usually leave that to someone else in the office. Finally, the meeting ended just before noon. I slipped out quickly to grab my purse to get some lunch as Alan and my boss stayed behind in the conference room. As I rushed out to get lunch and some fresh air, I hurried to catch the elevator, just making getting an arm in before the door closed... when it opened again, who was standing there, but Alan. I think my jaw must have been on the floor (and I prayed that my little clit would behave herself and not give away my secret just yet). Alan smiled when he saw that it was me stepping into the elevator.

As the doors closed, we were finally alone... and, unbelievably, he asked me if I had lunch plans.

"No, actually, I was just going to go find a salad and bring it back to my desk... but I guess I could play hookie".

"I'd hate to corrupt you", he responded in overplayed seriousness.

"I wouldn't mind", I said quietly - but he must have heard me, because before I knew it, his strong hand was on the small of my back, pulling me closer to him as he moved in for a kiss. And some kiss it was - passionate, forbidden (he was a client! And we were in the elevator!) and amazingly hot - as we were kissing, we fell together against the elevator wall, my legs on either side of one of his, with his back leaning against the wall, I was ever so slightly riding his leg.

As we both came to our senses, Alan was the first to speak: "We've needed to do that for a loooong time - I've seen you at the gym and I know you've seen me", he said confidently, yet sincerely. I was putty in his hands but yet I felt oddly safe and secure.

Lunch was fantastic. Alan was simultaneously a gentleman and seductive. His icy blue eyes had a life of their own - they were captivating and engaging... He was genuinely interested in everything I had to say - but he challenged me on some of my ideas and I loved it. I felt like he saw me for who I was, not what he could do to me and it was genuinely refreshing... and yet somehow a major turn-on. Our conversations ranged from favorite movies to weighty political topics, but somehow it all just flowed. He was as smart as he was handsome, as smooth as he was funny.

He walked me back to the office and before we parted ways, I leaned in for a quick kiss - and I gave him one of my business cards, with my cell phone number hastily scrawled on the back. As our lips parted, I held up the card and told him that he'd better call me.

"Trust me - you'll see me again before the gym", he said. And with that, he was off.

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