Mad Season

By Dane Javier

Published on Jul 17, 2001


Disclaimer: Just who are these people? I don't know them. This chapter's featured songs are Five for Fighting's "Superman", Dave Matthews Band's "Crash into Me" and Dido's "Thank You".

Author's Notes: Hey, I'm back! This chapter is a little longer than what I'm used to so I hope that this pleases the lot of you. Sorry if it seems like forever but life got in the way.

By the way, a very good writer named Zarah is going to host this story on her new site. (Check her site out at ) Her stories are on Nifty with the likes of "If that what it takes" and "Just to be with you". My stuff can be found also on Shaun's site on He has this wonderful story called "D-evolution" which I wish he would update.

I would like to recommend the works of my friends Ashley W( Black magic and November Guest) and Josh (Like the Rain). I'm sad that Penelope ended "Not until you love me", hope you start up with a new story soon.

Anyway, remember to email me your comments, good or bad, and your suggestions. BTW, I've decided to extend the life span of this story for maybe five more chapters as to accommodate all the ideas in my head. Please also read my other story on Nifty called "Love, Words, and Intentions". Trust me when I say that its good for the soul.

Have a good one, Dane

P.S. Jeff Timmons or JC Chasez?

Mad Season Chapter 9: The Space Between

"No, not yet. I'm not ready to go back."

The reaction varied among the four friends of James whom he considered his brothers. Justin had on a face the simply said "stunned", complete with dropped jaw and 'big as saucers' eyes. JC remained passive, but the edges of his mouth curled slightly. Chris tried to speak but nothing came out to react to the situation; in a word, he was speechless. Joey just closed his eyes, as if he were praying silently, and held fast to James' hand. James smiled. It still amazed him how funny looking his friends can be without really trying.

"Guys, its not as bad as you think. It's just I want to have some things out of the way before I want to get back into the Pop race. I want to settle things with my family, tie up some loose ends, and other stuff. You know," James said with a reassuring tone.

"Whatever you need to do, Scoop," said JC with reluctant understanding. "But can you at least tell us when are you okay to be back."

James thought for what seemed like a long minute, and then said, "I think, probably, by the time the new year comes along. I want to start fresh, you know. This year was so bad that I want to forget some of it and move on. I have some doubts that my family wants me back and I don't think my company is still floating. When I come back, I just want to be in it with a free mind and, pardon the pun, no strings attached. I gained so much baggage that I'm only getting rid of them now. I just want to get on with my fucking life," he said with so much conviction that it left all of them in awe at their very much-missed friend.

It started with Joey, who was beside him. He hugged Lance very tightly. Chris followed with both JC and Justin in tow. They formed a ball of human affection that seemed to stay for a long until someone spoke up.

"Guys, as much as love this and all, but can we all let go? I need to go to the bathroom," said Chris who was caught between Lance and JC. They all laughed as they let go of each other and saw Chris sprint towards the bathroom door.

JC looked towards the electronic clock of the room and noticed the time. Leaving Joey and Justin to talk with Lance, he decided to check up on the rest of the conspiracy. Dialing a series of digits on his cell phone, he waited for the person to pick-up while the phone continued to ring.

"Hello," greeted a female voice.

"Hey Dani! How are things going in the function room?," asked JC in a quieter voice than his very loud band mates. By that time, a flush could be heard from the bathroom and Chris came bounding out. He took a seat near JC as he listened to Joey tell Lance about the time Justin got stuck in his room for a better part of a day because the door handle of his room broke. Chris smiled at the sight of Lance laughing; he couldn't remember when was the last time he saw Lance laugh.

"Okay, we'll be down in about 30 minutes. Get everybody settled in for the surprise. Oh, and tell Kelly to make sure that we have enough booze to last us until God knows what time in the morning," ordered JC to Chris' girlfriend.

Chris chuckled slightly. It was nights like these that he truly felt like he was Rock Star. JC got off his cell phone and looked at Chris' face that was full glee. "We have 30 minutes before we bring down Lance. You get the ball rolling, Chris."

Chris rose up and asked everyone what they wanted to do tonight, knowing that everything was already set up for a party downstairs.

"I say we just chill here and catch up on things. You know, we haven't all been in the same city together for the about 5 months. I think we need to reconnect or something," said Justin as natural as he can be, considering that this was all scripted.

"I second that, but why don't we take this downstairs in the bar so we can get out of this room. I don't know about you guys but I'm getting some serious Cabin Fever," said Joey to the group.

"Okay, I'm down with that. How about you, Chris? Justin?," JC asked to the pair. Both nodded and smiled slightly. "Lance?"

Thinking for a moment, he realized that he had nothing really to lose. He could ditch his class tomorrow morning and get notes from his classmates. With Kelly gone, he thought, he could do anything he wanted. And he had tomorrow off from work anyway.

"Okay guys, I'm game."

"Cool! Now everybody, let's meet back here in 20 minutes so the rest of us can freshen up. You can wait here, Lance while the rest of us get ready," said JC with a commanding air. Everyone nodded. All rose and left for their respective suite, all except Joey who was just sitting down on the bed smiling at Lance.

"What are you still doing here? Aren't you going to get ready?," he asked the Italian who just smiled.

"This is my room, Lance. I was the first of us to get to New York. The Hotel was fully booked that day so I took this one. I never got around to changing my room to one of the suites," Joey explained to the young bass.

"Oh!", he said with a little embarrassment and looked at floor red-faced.

Joey stood up and placed his hand on Lance's chin, lifting it to face him. "You know, you are so cute when you blush." This comment made James blush even more furiously than before and Joey laughed at his reaction. This set James laughing along with Joey.

After some considerable minutes to calm down, both were able to lull themselves into a comforting silence. Staring into each other's eyes, Garnet looking at Jade, they both got lost into a zone. Both didn't realize it but their hands closed the small gap that was between them. Lance held on to Joey's side and slowly moved them to meet them around his waist. Joey's right hand stayed on chin then went on to stroke Lance's left cheek. His other hand moved slowly upward to feel Lance's longish cap of dark hair.

"It's so soft, like silk," Joey said with much warmth. While his hand continued to touch the smooth hair, Lance steadily moved closer and stopped an inch away from Joey's mouth. After a moment's hesitation, Lance placed his lips upon Joey's. The kiss was chaste and unsure, but surprisingly good. Joey kissed back and all the love he felt for the younger man seemed to focus itself in his reciprocation. Lance moved back and blushed a little, turning away with a grin, feeling Joey's love for him.

"Yeah, you really are cute when you blush," Joey commented before leaning in to kiss Lance again. This time, it was more urgent. Lance allowed Joey's tongue to enter his mouth for him to taste his essence. Joey felt Lance's tongue lap with his, feeding off each other's slowly rising passion. Both of them gripped on to each other almost fearing that the other would leave if them would let go. Somehow, their legs made them move to the bed as they continued to make out. Short of tearing off each other's clothing, Joey and Lance barely could contain themselves. They didn't hear the door open.


Joey and Lance jumped in surprise. Joey, in his shock, landed on the floor with a heavy thud. Lance, on the other hand, shot up and hit his head on the headboard.

The effect of this scene took its witnesses through a range of reactions. Mainly; surprise, then joy, then laughter, and finally pity for the two sore lovers. Chris went around to Joey and helped him off the floor; Joey rubbed his butt in pain and glared at Chris with disdain. Justin came on to Lance's side and asked if he was okay. Using this as a distraction, JC got the ice bucket in the room and slipped out to find an ice machine. As he closed the door, he heard Joey shouting at Chris' Face. He got his cell phone out and called Dani.

"Hello Dani? Nothing wrong, just running late. Give us 15 more minutes and we'll be down. What happened? Oh, we caught Joey and Lance making out. Tell you about it later. 'Kay, bye." JC replaced his phone into his pocket and then headed towards the ice machine at the end of the hallway. After getting a bucket full of ice, he went back into Joey's room. JC heard Chris ribbing Lance.

"Gee, Scoop. You look so much better now. After all this time of trying to get you some color, all we had to do was to get Joey to kiss you," Chris joked. Lance smiled in embarrassment while rubbing the sore spot on his head. JC took pity on the younger man and gave him some ice wrapped in a napkin from room service. Lance took it graciously and placed it on his bump. Looking around the room, JC noticed that Joey was gone.

"Guys, where's Joey?"

"He's in the bathroom taking a cold shower," Justin said with much amusement. Lance reached over the gap between him and Justin and slapped Justin behind his head.


"You deserved that," said Lance with a shit-eating grin but still red in the face.

The four of them continued with the small talk until Joey came out of the bathroom in only his boxers and a towel slung over his shoulder. Lance took a double take at the near naked state of Joey. Oh, the thoughts that were running through his head.

When Lance didn't answer Justin's question, he looked up and saw Lance in a mesmerized trance. He followed his gaze and did a face that was crossed between smiling and disgust. Chris and JC saw this and both chuckled in amusement. After some time hitting Lance on the arm with finger flicking, Lance looked towards Justin in irritation.

"You know, Scoop. I'm glad that you and Joey are hooking up and all, but what you see in Joey's big lard ass is totally beyond me," said Justin, and as result of that comment, an orange streaked rubber shoe sailed across the room and hit Justin on the chest. "OWWW!", he screamed again.

"Are you implying I'm FAT, Timberlake?," questioned Joey as he placed the last article of clothing on himself and grabbed his cologne on the desk table.

"I'm not implying. I'm saying."

Joey just shrugged, surprising everyone, figuring that he would retaliate or something. He just went on with his business, leaving everyone, especially Justin, on a disconcerting feeling. Grabbing his jacket off the chair and spritzing himself with Hugo Boss Elements, he said, "Let's go, people. New York is waiting."

Shrugging their shoulders, everyone got up and filed out with Joey hold the door open. Justin, being the second to the last person out of the room, was almost out the door before Joey placed his foot on his backside and kicked really hard. The force of the kick sent Justin slamming into the door of the room across the hallway and sliding down the hardwood with a sick screeching sound.

It was like a car accident, all of a sudden and very interesting to watch. JC, Lance and Chris saw what happened and dropped their jaws in bewilderment. Out of the three shocked fellows, Chris was the first to let loose with unrestraint laughter. Lance and JC soon followed Chris to the floor, holding in their stomachs. All this time, Justin was still on the door with shock. Joey just leaned on the threshold of his room and grin like it was winning the million dollars in Survivor.

Out of the blue, the door that Justin was on flew opened and a haggard middle-aged man looked and gave a face at the guys. He looked down as Justin quickly moved himself vertical and apologized profusely. He herded the guys to the elevator as the man looked on with confusion. As the group got into the elevator, Justin faced his friends and gave Joey an annoyed whiny face.

"What was that for? I could have broken something!", whined Justin.

"That, my curly haired friend, was for that stupid insult you made in the expense of my ass. Ain't payback a bitch!"

Everyone, including Justin, laughed at that as the elevator stopped at the ground floor. All of them moved out of the compartment with Justin shaking his head in amused disbelief. They all moved towards the function room in anticipation except for Lance, who didn't know where they were going. Flanking just so Lance was the middle of the group with JC and Chris leading and Joey and Justin in the rear, JC and Chris opened the double doors of one of the function rooms.


James jumped at the large group of people inside the room. His jaw dropped at the amount of people here. Some of his family, friends, bodyguards, and old acquaintances were all about looking on with smiles and joyful gestures. Lance went in the room and started to mingle and to open himself again with these people. He looked back at his band mates and smiled a "thank you". When he saw his Dad, he broke down in tears and rushed to give him a big embrace. They held each other of a time, each saying words of familial love. Lance decided to talk with Jim to clear the air and asked him to go with him to a quieter spot. Moving towards outside the room, Lance saw Stacey give him a thumbs-up while Ford was hugging her from behind. Going over to a large sofa in the lobby, Lance and Jim sat themselves down and stayed silent, almost afraid to break the awkwardness. Then Jim spoke up to break the air.

"Son, what your mother did was inexcusable. If it's still okay and all, I'm really sorry that all this had to happen to you."

Lance exhaled in relief. "So you're not mad or anything?"

"James, I love you no matter what you are. I have to admit though that for quite sometime I was so confused by all this. In the long run, I began to realize that you are my son despite your decisions in your "lifestyle". I may not be comfortable with being gay yet but please give me time and I will come around."

James smiled but frowned almost immediately as another thought entered his head. "Dad, what about Mom? Won't this cause more trouble between the two of you?"

"You know, despite all that happened to you, you still think about the needs of others before your own," Jim chuckled. "Don't worry about her. She'll come around. She's alone on this one in our family."

"I still miss her." As he said this, he hung his head low.

Jim felt pity for his son and held out his hand to rub on James'. "Son, it's okay. Just let things be and everything will be fine. Just remember not to let her bother you so much because that will only weigh you down more than you know. It's like trying to go up a mountain or fishing, in some cases. Sometimes it's the burden of things that affect your living. If you allow this to burden your mind then you will go on continuing this pathetic life in misery. Honestly, do you need anymore misery?"

James paused for a moment and answered. "No, I don't need anymore, Dad. I'm tired and I want to feel okay again." With a smile, he reached forward and hugged his father. Jim returned it with a pat on the back and some kind words.

"Everything will be okay. Now it's time to stop running away and to walk tall. You've already started your road to happiness again, starting with forgiveness and acceptance. Now, all you need is to live with the people you love. You'll need them."

Out of the blue, a gang of small children in black-spotted dog costumes came running out to the father and son, and dragged them back into the function room. The kids pulled them towards the stage and everyone clapped at Lance's presence.

James looked down on the crowd of people that he has met along the way in life and, for the first time in a long while, he felt blessed. His family stood right in front him along with the rest of NSYNC and their families. And all around, people he had the pleasure of being friends with and had worked with, along with various artists in the industry. All of them welcoming him back.

Joey approached him for the side and gave him a microphone. Lance whispered something to his ear and Joey smiled at the request he made. Running to find the Concierge of the hotel, he grabbed Justin to help him. Tapping the mic a few times to see if it was on, James nervously began to address the party.

"Wow! I'm surprised by all this. I figured that you all would have forgotten me after I disappeared. I guess some of you still remember the money I owe you. By the way AJ, I already paid you that 5 grand I owe you. Don't blame me if you lost the cheque and weren't able to bank it until it was way past the encashment due date."

AJ flipped him the bird and made the crowd laugh.

"Bring it on, Alex. But seriously, I'm grateful that you guys care enough to show your love and support for me. Five months ago, my world felt like it was nothing. I was not looking for support and that was my mistake. If there was someone who cared for me in those days, I never really gave them the time of day because I was too caught up in my problems to notice. Well, it's better late than never to felt like you are loved."

More applauding.

"I want to thank my NSYNC brothers who, after a time, came around and began to help their own brother when he went astray. My family, who are here, for not giving up on me. To you guys for not turning a blind eye on me and showing me your support. And to my special someone who after all this made me feel so much more than what I am."

The crowd of loved ones clapped. Just then, Joey came in with an amplifier and electric guitar, and was followed by Justin who held JC's electric keyboard. The people in the room became curious at the sight of the equipment as the two NSYNCers began to set up the small stage with them. Motioning JC to come forward, he whispered a few words and JC nodded. JC got up on stage and sat down behind his keyboards.

"Everyone, I want to do something that only one person in this room has seen me do for the pass 3 months. Kelly, I thank you for the opportunity to do this. My brothers, except for Justin, have all seen me do this. Nothing kinky so get your minds out of that particular gutter," James joked as he tuned the guitar, and the crowd laughed. "Oh, a quick thanks to Nick, Jess, and Janine for being there too. And a special thanks to my Superman, I love you." The audience cooed at the dedication, and Joey blushed. James held out a finger to cue JC to start. JC began to play the piano intro to Five for Fighting's "Superman" and James started to strum the riffs of the song. Soon, his powerful bass voice began to fill the hall.

I can't stand to fly I'm not that naive I'm just out to find The better part of me

I'm more than a bird...I'm more than a plane More than some pretty face beside a train It's not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry Fall upon my knees Find a way to lie About a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd...but don't be naive Even Heroes have the right to bleed I may be disturbed...but won't you concede Even Heroes have the right to dream It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me It's all right...You can all sleep sound tonight I'm not crazy...or anything...

I can't stand to fly I'm not that naive Men weren't meant to ride With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet Digging for kryptonite on this one way street Only a man in a funny red sheet Looking for special things inside of me It's not easy to be me.

The people were surprised at the Lance's talent. All of them knew of Lance amazing Bass voice but never really knew his full range. It started with Janet Jackson, who was taking a break for touring to see Lance's return, standing up and clapping with gaining fervor. Then AJ, Nick, and Howie of the BSB followed along with Nick Lachey, Jessica, Christina and the rest of the NSYNC family. Soon, Rob Thomas and the rest of Matchbox 20 joined in the applauding and praising. The entire room became one big noisy barrage of amazed individuals. Shouts of "more" and "bravo" came from all over the room, especially from Rosie O'Donnell in a very loud and clear fashion, and it made James felt very appreciated. He looked towards his family and saw the pride in their eyes. He looked around some more and saw Kelly with a bunch of "recruited" volunteers serving drinks. He caught her gaze and immediately rolled his eyes at what she doing.

"Since you guys want more, my next song is dedicated to my current boss, Kelly, and her unbridled need to make the world madly drunk."

Kelly heard this and shouted, "You know it. You want anything?" At this, the crowd chuckled.

"How about a Midnight Cowboy?," he shouted over the crowd.


"Everyone! If you got any drink that you desire, go to Kelly and she's hook you up with a fine alcoholic buzz. Just remember to drive safely and make sure to have protection, sexually or otherwise." More laughter. "By the way, before I forget, when I find out who put those children into those dog costumes I will personally make sure you are arrested for Child Abuse." Even more laughter. "Anyway, I see Nelly is here. Girl, come up here and help me with a song."

From the back of the crowd, Nelly Furtado approached the stage and bounded up the stage. She hugged Lance briefly, but lovingly, and talked softly as to what song he had in mind. JC was quickly informed by Nelly to start on the intro of Dave Matthews Band's "Crash into Me", and then she began to sing.

You've got your ball, you've got your chain Tied to me tight, tie me up again Whose got their claws in you my friend? Into your heart I'll beat again Sweet like candy to my soul, sweet you rock And sweet you roll Lost for you I'm so lost for you

You come crash into me And I come into you I come into you In a boy's dream In a boy's dream

Touch your lips just so I know In your eyes, love, it glows so I'm bare-boned and crazy for you

When you come crash into me, baby And I come into you In a boy's dream In a boy's dream

If I've gone overboard Then I'm begging you To forgive me In my haste When I'm holding you so girl Close to me

Oh and you come crash into me, baby And I come into you Hike up your skirt a little more And show the world to me Hike up your skirt a little more And show your world to me In a boy's dream, in a boy's dream

Oh I watch you there Through the window And I stare at you You wear nothing but you Wear it so well Tied up and twisted The way I'd like to be For you, for me, come crash into me

Crash into me Crash into me

You know, I'm the king of the castle You're the dirty rascal, crash into me Please crash into me, baby

Oh, no no no Yes, I see the waves Come and crash into me. See the waves come and crash into me. Crash into me

All the while Nelly sang, Lance kept on stealing glances at Joey. He caught them and smiled at the how much love he was putting into his performance. Joey didn't notice that Stacey came up beside him and startled him back into reality.

"You love him, don't you?," she asked the blissful Italian.

He gave her a long-sided glance and smiled. "Yeah, I do. For the longest time now."

She patted his shoulders, gave him a hug and leaned up to kiss him in the kiss. She pulled him down to say something into his ear. "Just remember, if you hurt him, I was personally make sure that you will have a sex-change operation without any anesthetic."

Joey's eye got wide and nodded slowly.

The night wore on and the party continued. James gave the stage to however decide to perform, acoustic style. Matchbox 20, Christina, the currently present BSB, Nick and Jess, all members of NSYNC and other artists perform with the limited instruments. The night just became one big jam session.

Kelly kept on pouring the drinks and pretty soon everyone one was buzzed. By the time 1 A.M. rolled along, only about a third of the party stayed and were going on strong. "Who knew the Britney was such a lush?," commented Lance to Joey as they saw her cling on to Justin along with her glass of Long Island Iced Tea. The rest of the girls gathered by the bar and exchanging top secret information. (namely beauty tips) The guys divided themselves into different cliques and traded banters. The jam session eventually devolved into karaoke with the drunken duet of two of the NSYNC bodyguards. It was at the moment that JC decided to send everyone home.

Seeing everyone off, all the members of NSYNC decided to continue along with their own thing. Chris joined Nick Carter and AJ in a night in the town. Justin managed to escape the clutches of Britney and went with them. Nick and Jessica went up to their room for some quiet time. JC and Kelly decided to go back to the Speakeasy, along with Howie, Christina and Ryan. A very drunk and dejected Britney went along with Dani, and Janine to a nearby diner to go get some coffee to drink. "JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! You owe us fucking big time!," shouted Dani to the fleeing singer. Lance and Joey stayed a bit longer, waiting for everyone to leave.

After making sure the employees of the hotel got started cleaning up, Joey told them to charge up any damage to the NSYNC rooms. Both of them left and went up to Joey's floor. Holding hands as they walked to Joey's room, each bashfully looked at each other. When they got to the door, Joey gave Lance a light peck on the lips and opened the room for them to enter. Lance entered to a room full of lit-candles. Touched so much by Joey's gesture, he gave him the most passionate kiss he could ever muster. After some time, Joey broke the spell and gasped for air.

"God, where did you learn to hold your breath like that?," asked Joey in shallow breaths as he held on to Lance.

"Tai-Chi teaches breathing control," James said, and then leaned up for another kiss. Tired enough as they are, they just stripped their clothes and continued to make out until sleep came upon their consciousness. Only the retreating light of the candles broke the contentment of the darkness.

Next Day...

The sun's ray crept through the curtains along with the faraway sounds of New York's traffic. Vanilla and lavender scented the room from the extinguished candles. The air seemed a little nippy even with thermostat set on a comfortable level. This only served the couple to yearn more warmth from each other. Despite having nothing to do that day but stay with Joey, James woke up early and just stared at his lover with happiness, stroking his brown hair as he slept peacefully. The magic of the moment caught James in wonder and soon began to sing quietly as if giving thanks to the lord for the amazing gift that was given to him.

My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all And even if I could it'd all be gray, but your picture on my wall It reminds me that it's not so bad It's not so bad

I drank too much last night, got bills to pay My head just feels in pain I missed the bus and there'll be hell today I'm late for work again and even if I'm there, They'll all imply that I might not last the day And then you call me and it's not so bad It's not so bad and

I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life

Push the door, I'm home at last and I'm soaking through and through Then you handed me a towel and all I see is you And even if my house falls down now, I wouldn't have a clue Because you're near me

I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life

Waking up but keeping his eyes closed, Joey smiled slightly at the song the James was singing and whispered in his best bedroom voice "Thank You" to the younger man after he finished. Lance leaned down and gave him a kiss, which deepened in intensity, until the phone rang.

Joey cursed Alexander Graham Bell in his head as he lifted the phone off the handle to his ear. James snuggled closer and lay down on Joey's chest as Joey finished the conversation. Replacing the phone, Joey kissed James forehead and put his arms arm the dark-haired man.

"Babe, we have to get up and go to the police station," Joey said to James as he continued to lie on his torso.

"Why?," James said as he perked up in curiosity.

"That was just Chris on the phone. He and Justin, along with AJ and Nick, got arrested a few hours ago for disturbing the peace. We have to go pick them up," Joey sighed; frustrated at the fact that he had to give up his comfortable position to bail his friends out.

James frowned but nodded in agreement. He got up and headed for the shower but glanced back at his lover. "Care to join me?," he asked.

With that, Joey jumped up in excitement and pulled Lance into the bathroom.

"I guess Chris and Justin are going to have to wait a bit longer," said as Joey stripped them both and started to kiss James up and down his neck and chest.

Next: Chapter 10

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