Mad Season

By Dane Javier

Published on May 23, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know them. Don't know their business. Don't know their people. If you read this and get offend, just remember that this is just fiction and it won't hurt anyone because its not real. This story involves homosexuality, and no smut, so if that offends you please turn a blind eye.

Author's Note: James and Lance are the same person if this confuses some people. This will be more used as the story progresses. I love the thought of Lance with dark hair for some reason, he looks cute. People's stuff to read: Lois(hobbiesodd), Gabriella(sweetheart stories), AJ(Josh and Just), Ashley W.(November Guest), DLS(Brian and Me), Anything by Rachel especially her "Human Behavior" series, and "Search and Rescue" by Matt.

Wish me a good journey in writing cuz this is my first attempt and all.



Chapter 2: Deep inside of you

Joey Fatone sighed heavily as the twilight crept slowly the New York City Skyline as he views it from his hotel suite. Normally, he would be glad to be back in New York; after all, he used to live here when he was a kid. Now with all the free time that NSYNC had since Lance's disappearance, he just wanted to do something.

The spare time left him with a lot of mixed thoughts that brims and jumps at the top of his head. He felt ashamed that he didn't do anything to defend Lance and protect him from whatever problems he was undergoing through at the time. Complete remorse and regret flooded his being as he thought of how he misses NSYNC's bass singer. So much regret.

Earlier in the week...

"And the detectives that you've hired haven't turned up anything yet, Chris?", asked Joey to the group's eldest member. They were in the NSYNC compound just waiting for any news about Lance. There were few but even fewer words of hope.

Chris sat down beside Joey with the latest report given to him by the agency he hired to track down Lance. "This last one says that he was found in Chicago about 5 months ago. He saved a Mr. O'Neil from a truck that lost its brakes. Witnesses around that area said that he had dark hair and he wore glasses but it was definitely Lance. He didn't give his name. When the Media came around to interview him, he ran out the backdoor of the store that Mr. O'Neil owned in a wave of panic. But before he left, Mr. O'Neil gave him a guitar as a reward for saving his life. He then got on a bus headed for Baltimore after that."

Removing his reading glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose, Chris turns to Joey and says, "Joe, I'm so sorry all this happened. If I were only more considerate of Lance's feelings, he wouldn't have gone and run away like he did and we'd all be still together as a group. Now, I realize that I was being petty and selfish. When Lance gave as that big surprise, I acted like an idiot who was afraid of losing what we have because of a business no-no." Joey studied Chris and saw much sadness in his once warm brown eyes. "Oh! And Joe, don't worry about Justin. He's a smart kid who has to learn things for himself. He'll come around." They both grinned slightly at that inevitability.

After Lance left, NSYNC business was automatically halted. Everyone decided to go back to their homes and cope as best as they could in this problem. Chris went back to work in Fu Man Skeeto but drowned himself in Alcohol almost every night until JC went to his place and did some heavy talking with Chris. Justin became morose and spiteful at one point. His behavior became so bad that Joey had to literally beat the shit out of Justin and told him to grow up. Being messed-up by his thoughts and moralities, he decided to go on a road trip to clear his head and to make his stand in this situation. Last everyone heard was that he was in Ohio, Christina and Ryan from the old MMC days was keeping him company until they would reach Seattle. JC was supposed to go with them but got intentionally blocked with tons of studio work and songwriting for a new group that he was working with. He opted to stay in New York to finish the group's album.

"So, are you ready for your flight?" asked Chris with a pensive expression.

Joey sighed. "I'm not so sure. I'm happy that I'm going to see my family and all, but I'm having one of those weird feelings that something big is going to happen."

Chris looked at Joey with raised eyebrows. "Joe, I think out of all of us you were hit the worst by Lance's disappearance. At one point you denied him being gone, crying at night for Lance to come back. You got over that but I sometimes wonder about you because every once in a while you would get into one of those strange moods where you wouldn't talk to anyone for a long time. Then out of the blue you are the same old Joey that always had a smile on his face. Is there something you would like to tell me?"

Sighing again, Joey faces Chris with a shrug. "Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with me. But you're right about whatever I'm going through it involves Lance's absence. I've been feeling a lot of things that don't make any sense to me. At night I have a hard time sleeping because of all the things that float in my head. I'm really tired and I need some "me" time."

"Well, I hope you get your answers, Joe. Are you going to hook up with JC in the Big Apple?"

"Yeah. I'm going to hook up also with Jessica in a couple of days. She's promoting her new single on TRL and Nick may want to join us if he can get away from his tour for a few days. And my sister is going to be in town so we intend to paint the city red with chaos if I could convince JC to stock up on Caffeine. I swear, that boy could sometimes sleep like a sloth on Valium", Joey joked.

Laughing, Chris smiled a wide grin. "Well, have fun, okay. I'll be headed for Napa Valley after you leave. Me, Dani, Howie, and some college friends of mine are going to rent out this place there for our yearly poker reunion."

"What's in stake this year?"

"I think 30 grand or a trip to Jamaica. I don't know really because we each take turns preparing the pot prize. Howie is hosting it this year so I'll see it when I get there"

Joey stood up and started for his room. "I'm off to pack so if in case that I don't see you later 'Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Night'. He exited in his best Truman impression and got hit in the face by a flying pillow.

Back to New York....

Joey woke up from his revelry by the ringing of his cell phone that was on his bed. Letting out a loud exhale, Joey approached the bed, sat down, and answered the caller on the fifth ring. "Hello", Joey greeted.

"Ohh, why so down, Charlie Brown?"

"And a kiss and a hug to you too, Lucy", Joey said to his sister, Janine, remembering that old childhood term of endearment. When Joey was 4 years old, he and his two siblings went out during Halloween dressed like characters from the Peanut Cartoons. While Joey and Janine were Charlie Brown and Lucy respectively, Steve was Linus because he had a security blanket that he still kept till today in his room.

"How was your flight, Joey? Hope you've gotten over that fear of flying that you have? Did you bring me anything? Are we still going out tonight with JC?"

"Whoa Nelly! To answer your questions in proper order, 'It was fine. Yes I did, years ago. Hell No! You didn't ask for anything. And yes, so be on time when we meet up for dinner later. You do remember where we are going to meet, do you?"

"Of course, it's in the restaurant about a block away from your Hotel. By the way Joey dear" Joey felt a shudder go suddenly through his entire body. He knew that Janine was up to something. "How is your love life lately?"

"Haven't been dating lately, if you're curious. Why? What are you up to?"

"Nothing, I just want you to meet this guy that I met today with my friend Kelly in the park today."

Joey rolled his eyes and placed his left hand on his forehead while he shook his head. "Jan, ever since you got me to admit that I was Bisexual you have been setting me up with freaks that you say are nice." Other than Janine, JC is the only one that knows that Joey's Bi. "I mean come on. Remember Dale the S&M waiter and Mia the girl with an extreme case of shoe fetish. She was more interested in my dress shoes than me when you blackmailed me to date her. Now why can't you set me up with your friend Kelly?"

"Because she said that the first moment that Chris will break-up with Dani, she will be with him in the sack doing wild kinky sex."

"Oh God, Chris is a very lucky Bastard! I can't imagine an Angelina Jolie look-a-like actually wanting to go to bed with Chris. The thought simply ruins the cosmic balance of the universe. I would understand if it were any of the other guys but Chris??? God, if there is a flaw in your grand master plan this is it", Joey said with mock despair.

"So are you going at least meet this guy. We're seeing him later anyway when we go to Kelly's Bar. Don't worry. I didn't pick him out. He's one of Kelly's employees that go performs on stage every now and then, and you know Kelly and her taste in men."

Joey thought for a moment and sighed a slight smile. Kelly did know how to pick her men well. Among Janine's friends, Kelly was one that was really lucky when it comes to picking partners for her friends. She's usually the bridge between people's relationship and Joey thought that even he wasn't going to be spared from her hobby. "Okay, I'll see him and if I like him I'll go on a date with him. If just to satisfy your ego if any."

Joey could feel Janine smile on the other end. "So I'll meet up with you guys at the restaurant. Johnny Ho's right?"

"Yes, and remember that Nick and Jessica are joining us for the night."

"Nick Carter and Jessica Simpson?"

"Nick LACHEY and Jessica Simpson, Dumbass! Jeez, and then say I'm full of shit!"

"I HEARD THAT! I'll see you guys in a few hours. Be seeing you, little bro."

"Later, big sis."

Joey placed down his phone then went back to the window and to the thoughts that flow around his head.

Johnny Ho's a fashionable of the moment restaurant found in the middle of Manhattan. Its specialties include a wide menu of Vietnamese Fusion Food and exotic desserts that Janine and Joey raved about for weeks the last time they were in New York together. It was also known as a good place to see a who's who of NYC.

The manager quickly recognized the group and sat them down immediately, drawing the attention of the other patron's conversations. The drinks and meals were soon served, autographs were signed, and stories were exchanged. Jessica was in town to promote her latest single on TRL the next day. 98 Degrees were on a week's vacation so Nick decided to hop on the next plane to see Jess. The next day it was almost certain the all their names would be mentioned in some column stating they were at Johnny Ho's for dinner. Before paying the bill, all the boys got up and went to the restroom.

"What do you think, Joey? JC?" Nick held up a black velvet box containing a golden band with a singular solitaire diamond on in with accompanying smaller stones of Turquoise. Joey, who was beside him at the restroom's sinks, looked up at Nick with wide eyes and smiled. "It beautiful." Joey then began to do an impression of a Catholic School girl and started to bat his eyes. "But we only known each other of such a short time, Mr. Lachey. You haven't even met my parents yet."

Nick punched Joey in the arm lightly while JC just laughed. "Asshole! It's for Jess. I'm going to pop the question on her tonight. I don't know how I'm going to propose but I really want to do this tonight before I lose my nerve."

Both JC and Joey smiled at Nick who was glowing with happiness. "Are you sure that you want to do this? If you are then me and Joey will support you, man", JC said.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about this lately, especially since after I got out of Rehab a few months ago. I gotten so afraid that I would lose everything if I would lose control like I used to. I can't imagine my life without Jess. She's been my rock over the past year."

"I say go for it but it better good on how you're going to do this later. Now let's get out of here. Knowing Joey's sister, she's going to be making some sort of lewd comment on how come we are in here for so long. Nick, good luck." JC led the group of men out the bathroom while Nick replaced the box back into his pocket. Sure enough, Janine was saying that aforementioned lewd comment to Jessica who was laughing herself to fits.

Kelly greeted the group when they reached The Speakeasy. "Welcome to my humble establishment, friends and newcomers." Now humble was so far an understatement to describe The Speakeasy. It was a huge bar that was once a two-story warehouse in Soho that was burnt down but left the basic structure intact. Kelly and a few partners pulled in their money to build a place where style, intimacy, and drinking were the motto of the day. It had a 1920's feel to the place, full of Art Deco designed furniture and black and white photographs dating back to the days of prohibition. It had a very long bar that occupied the length of one side of the place and opposite it was a small intimate stage where performers would do their music. The diffusing lights and the Burgundy walls set the sublime mood. The smell of smoke and spices mingled in the air. And everywhere you saw in the Speakeasy, either you had a drink or being offered one.

Kelly led them to a table near the stage, made some chitchat with the awestruck newcomers (Joey and Janine have been here before), and told them to enjoy the first set that was about to start. Janine gave Kelly a knowing smile; which Joey saw and rolled his eyes.

Soon after a waitress gave them their drinks (a non-alcoholic one for Nick) a dark-haired young man of early 20's got up on stage and started to tune his guitar for the next set. He was followed by a drummer and a sax player. Joey and JC eyed the guitar player carefully, as if some recognition came over them but they could not place it. All of a sudden Nick stood up and approached the stage and greeted the musician. He looked up at Nick, shook hands, and conversed in a low whisper. Nick left the guy to finish his business and came back to a table full of raised eyebrows. "What?", he said.

"You know that guy?" asked JC with much curiosity.

Nick smiled. "Yes, he's the one that convinced me to go to Rehab about 4 and a half months ago. He saw me in one coffee shop in Seattle trying to get sober. We talked for hours about everything until Jeff and a search party found me. We were laughing like crazy idiots when they saw us. We soon parted after that and I thought that I would never see the guy again. I guess it fate that I would see this guy again because I never really thanked him for what he has done for me." Every one of them had questions for Nick but that was interrupted by a smooth deep voice.

"Hello everybody! Welcome to the Speakeasy. We're tonight's house band so if you have any requests just send them over later. For our first song of the night we have you this little thing by Fiona Apple called 'Paper Bag'."

JC and Joey exchanged looks thinking why was the guy so familiar, even the voice. Then it hit them when they first hear the guy sing the first few notes of the song.

I was staring at the sky just looking for a star To pray on, or wish on, or something like that I was having a sweet fix of a daydream of a boy Whose reality I knew was a hopeless to be had But then the dove of hope began its downward slope And I believed for a moment that my chances Were approaching to be grabbed But as it came down near so did a weary tear I thought it was a bird but it was just a paper bag

Hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh its kills Cuz I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up I got to fold cuz these hands are too shaky to hold Hunger hurts but starving words When it costs too much to love

And I went crazy again today Looking for a strand to climb Looking for a little hope Baby said he couldn't stay, wouldn't put his lips to mine And a fail to kiss is a fail to cope I said 'Honey, I don't feel so good, don't feel so justified' Come on, put a little love here in my void, he said It's all in your head and I said, 'so everything' But he didn't get it; I thought he was a man But he was just a little boy

Hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills Cuz I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up I got to fold cuz these hands are too shaky to hold Hunger hurts but starving words When it costs too much to love

Both of them sat looked at the musician amazed at the musician. Joey turned to Nick who was clapping profusely. "Nick, what's the guy's name?"

He turned towards Joey and JC who were looking at him with expectation, "His name is John, no its was Jimmy, no,no, James. James is his name", he finally remembered and wondered at their sudden interest.

Both JC and Joey thought the same thing with excitement. Lance.

Next: Chapter 3

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