Mad Season

By Dane Javier

Published on Oct 7, 2001


Disclaimer: The things you read here are not real, hence why should you believe in them. The songs featured here are 'Radio' and 'All the Love in the World' by the Corrs

Author's Notes: Hello again everyone! I hope you are ready for another installment of "Mad Season". This one is a bit longer than usual because I had to re-write some parts and added some others. I wanted to write about the Corrs because they were in town for a concert. It rocked, and boy, was it damn hot!

Anyway, hello to Sam, Jose, Shaun, Zarah, Joanne, Ali, Alex, Josh, and Ashley W. for being there. Thanks for being the lovable people that make up the "neighborhood" in my reality.

Peace Y'all Dane

P.S. I'm thinking of having another artist guest star in the next chapter when Lance goes back to work. When you email me, please include your preferred character. The choices are Brain McKnight, Chris Isaak, Coldplay, Travis, or Mandy Moore. The most votes shall get to be in the next chapter.

Mad Season By Dane

Chapter 13: Why Does It Always Rain On Me

Lance entered timidly into the room. Diane propped herself up weakly when she heard the door open. They looked at each other for a moment, and instantly all animosity dissolved. Lance bridged the space between them and hugged his mother fiercely.

Everyone else filtered in and smiled at the scene. Slowly, one by one, all of them left and gave them some privacy. As JC closed the door of the room, he heard Diane's quietly say the words that Lance longed to hear. "I'm so sorry, Lance. Please forgive me. I won't abandon you ever again." He closed the door quietly and looked down the hall as the rest of Lance's family approached the room.

"JC, what's going on here?" asked Stacey, holding on to a bouquet of flowers. Ford was by her side and holding on to her free hand. Jim was on her other side, looking like he aged 20 years. The rest of the gang smiled and motioned to go to the elevator. All of them left him with the task of bearing the good news.

"Just go in there and you will see," he said before bounding towards the elevator doors to join the rest of them. As the doors closed, all of them heard screams of happiness, which set them off to laughing. The rest of the trip down to the ER made them all feel like at least there is some good news.

Janine stood as the gang approached her. A faint smile crossed her face as they told her what transpired back in Diane's room. "At least some good happened today. Joey's still in there. I've requested that Joey be place on the same floor as Diane so we won't have any problems in terms of visiting them," she said. The mood lightened up, and soon everybody felt the tension of the world off their shoulders.

Chris and Dani arrived in time to see Joey being wheeled up to his room just five doors down from Diane's room. He remained quiet and thoughtful for most of the time. Nick, AJ, Howie, and Christina left a couple of days later to finish off the boy's current tour, with Christina opening for them. Ryan left for L.A. soon after them, but not before he managed to have at least one conversation with Lance.

Ryan managed to drag Lance for a few hours to talk to him. He brought him to Tavern on the Green for dinner, and then he would swing by the hotel for his bags before catching the redeye to L.A. The meal was reserve and uncomfortable, mostly because both really didn't know how to act around each other. Ryan was Justin and JC's friend, sometimes Joey's because of his hanging around the MMC set when he was in high school. Chris and Lance only got to know Ryan as some guy that hangs around when their paths meet. At the beginning of the meal, their conversation was terse and unnatural.

"Your soup is getting cold"

Lance didn't respond. He sat dazed, thinking about all that's been happening since that fateful evening that Joey found him in The Speakeasy.


"What." His trance broke and he looked at Ryan.

"Look, I know we haven't been exactly the closest of buddies but you can talk to me. Now, what's going on inside of that serious-enhanced head of your?"

Lance sighed. "Everything actually. My family, the guys, the possibility of being in the spotlight again, Joey."

"Ahh yes, Mr. Fatone. Now what exactly is going on between the two of you? Have you guys broken up or something?"

"No, nothing like that. Its just Joey said something that really disturbed me."

"What's that Poofu?"

"Shut up, Asshole! I thought we were friends."

"I try. Nice change of topic by the way."

"Shit! You, Justin and JC are all the same."

"It's a mouse thing. It makes us, like, relentless or something. Now back to Joey."

Lance sighed again. "He said that he caught me cheating."


"My thoughts exactly. He said he found me on the morning after my drunken spree in bed with someone."

"I find that hard to believe. I may not know you all that well, Lance, but even I know that one nights stands are far from your natural abilities."

"You want to hear something even weirder? Joey caught me in bed with a woman."

At that precise moment, Ryan spitted out the water that he was drinking. Lance got his napkin and wiped off the excess liquid off his tired face. When Ryan calmed down, he gave Lance an apology.

"Sorry Lance. Now did I hear correctly? Did you just say that Joey caught you in bed with a woman? Is he for real? Are you really gay?"

"We argued about it for a few hours before the nurse told me to leave. I backtracked my actions to that night and the only person who could answer the million-dollar question is missing in action. And yes, I am gay, you dumbass."

"Who's this person?"

"Mel, the waitress who I'm closest to in the Speakeasy. She and Mac, the cook there, brought me home, but Mac said that Mel stayed to take care of me. She apparently took off and quit her job while I was too busy with the folks and Joey. I went to her place and found it empty. I want some answers but the possible culprit to this whole thing is missing."

"I remember her. Great ass. Amazing lay."

"TMI!!!" admonished Lance. Both of them laughed.

"Have you and Joey talked about this?"

"Well. I got all the facts today, so I'll probably talk to him later. He's probably cooled off by now."

"God, look at the time. I have to get back to the hotel and catch my flight. Are you done?" Lance nodded. "Okay! Waiter, the bill please."

"Listen, Ryan, what are you up to around the week before Christmas?"

"I think I'll be in town for some audition. Why?"

"Well, if all is okay, I'm going to convince Joey to move in with me while we finish recording the album. JC, Justin and Chris are going to find an apartment around here and rent it out for a few months while we record. The BSB will be in town and fly all their relatives over for Christmas and New Year. Chrissy will be here too. Jess and the rest of 98 Degrees will be in town for a TV special before leaving for Ohio."

The waiter returned and Ryan signed the receipt with his credit card. Both of them stood up and exited the restaurant with their waiter graciously escorting them out the door. "And you're telling me this because?"

"On the 20th of December, I'm planning a Christmas party as a way to give thanks to everyone who's been helping me other the past two weeks."

"Oh okay. I'm not really sure but I'll give you a call when I'm actually sure of what's going to happen. Now, let's go before I miss my flight. You need a ride to the hospital."

"No, I'll take a cab from here, besides if you drop me off at the hospital, it will a long way around to the airport."

Ryan hailed a cab and entered it. "You sure?"

"Positive! Now go before you miss your plane to La-la Land, Hercules."

"I will, and fuck you too, Poofu." With that, the cab left, leaving Lance to hail another cab to ride.

In a Studio Near the Hotel...

JC and Justin were finalizing the last song that will be recorded next week after they moved to a new apartment. Both of them wanted to finish the melody so they could get back to the hospital to help with the departure of Lance's mom.

"Justin, let's stop for a few and rest. My eyes are starting to hurt."

Letting go a long sigh, Justin relented and plopped down on a ratty sofa. "So, have you found an apartment yet?"

JC looked up from the hands on his face and swerved around his chair to face Justin. "I found a couple of places that are near Lance's place. Both are lofts so we'll have no problems dealing with space."

"Cool! It will be like old times when you, me, and Chris lived in my mom's house in Orlando with Lance and Joey living nearby."

"Yeah, the only difference this time will be your parent's will be back in Orlando and the couple will be living with each other, if Joey says yes."

"I think things will turn out alright. Lance doesn't remember if he cheated or not. Joey will just have to get over that. Its not as if he didn't hurt Lance with all those occasions when he would bring back some chick to fuck."


"Well, it's true. You never noticed Lance the next morning whenever Joey has that glow of just having sex. It was worse when Kelly was around. Chris and me would see the tears in his eyes when he thought no one was looking. You were too out of it with just waking up to see anything."

"It makes me wonder how I never saw that. I never really saw anything until James confided in us that miserable night so long ago."

"Tell me about it. Chris and me were, like, big shit-heads for treating Lance like that. I wonder why Joey chose to ignore him though. It doesn't make any sense."

"Joey told me that he was afraid. After you and Chris started yelling at Lance, his fear took over and he ran out, afraid to be yelled at by his friends."

"Speaking of coming out, how did you know about Joey being Bi? Me and Chris didn't know anything until two weeks ago."

"Well, it's kind of embarrassing."

"Oh, you can tell me Big Daddy. Remember, we all talked about having 'no secrets'."

"Well, you see..Ahh. Okay, way back during may first season in the MMC, you knew that Joey was the first friend I met in Dr. Philips High when I first moved here. He invited me for a sleep at his place with Dale and Tony. I needed to use the john and found some reading material beside it. Let's just say Joey forgot to hide his stash of porn before we came over."

Justin laughed and JC blushed like a tomato. When he calmed down, Justin wiped off the tears from his eyes and focused intently at his best friend with mirth. "Was the experience of seeing one of Joey's gay porn all that bad, Josh?"

"It honestly made feel inadequate for the first time in my life, but thankfully I was still growing at that time. I left it back where I found it and told Joey about it when Tony and Dale left the next day. He looked like he was going to pass out. I told him that I was fine with it and he relaxed. He told me the truth and we've been best friends ever since."

"I guess once a dork is always a dork, even when he wears pink half the time."

"Justin, one of these days you are going to get your puny ass kicked to high heaven if you are not careful with some of the words you say. Now, let's finish this so we can see to Mama Bass getting out of that infernal place of pain and misery."

The next day in Joey's room in St. Mercy's...

Joey awoke to the mid-morning light outside his window. A nurse just entered and took his vitals.

"I think you'll be out of here by after lunch. Now that you're awake, would you like to see people? That fine young man that you fought with the other day is here again with another bunch of flowers. I think you should forgive him because he's obviously head over heels with you. If I had a man that attentive, I would give in and let him sweep me off my feet. Do you want to see him, because he waited pathetically for you to allow him to see him and some of the girls want to try to get some that man of yours."

Joey exhaled a shallow breath. "Okay, send him in," he said with a hint of exasperation.

Lance sheepishly entered the room after the nurse exited. Giggling was heard outside as Lance closed the door. "What's all that about?"

"I think they all like your ass."

"Really now. But my ass is just for you, Teddybear."

Joey tensed up a bit, recollecting the sight of Lance in bed with a woman. Lance noticed this and sat down to hopefully talk some sense into Joey. He placed the flowers on Joey's lap and moved closer to him.

"Joe, I don't really know what you saw back in my apartment but I want you to know that I really have no memory of sleeping with anybody. I know it's not an excuse, but if I did, I was too out of it with alcohol to even remember anything. I woke up alone, so that's why I'm having such a hard time believing you. I talked with everybody and I think Mel is responsible, but that doesn't excuse me to what happened. I guess what I'm asking is for you to forgive me. Will you?"

Joey thought about it. Lance saw the concentration in Joey's brow, the biting of the lower lip, and the grasping and un-grasping of the blanket. Looking at his boyfriend, Joey looked at his face, searching for any insincerity. He found none and leaned in to kiss him. "You're forgiven."


"Now it's my turn to apologize."

"For what? For acting like an idiot who followed my example but only doing it like ten times worse. For almost killing yourself by drinking too much. Just be happy that the doctors didn't recommend rehab for you. It was bad enough to know that AJ and Nick (Lachey) had to go through that. I know you did this out of spite and anger. Just need to know why did all this just to hurt yourself."

Joey moved a bit to allow Lance to lie down and placed the flowers on the bedside table. Circling his arms around Lance, he tilted his head onto Lance's crown and let him lie on his bulky chest. Both allowed a moment to pass before Joey started to talk.

"You know, you never saw me whenever I would do something like this. Sure, I party hard but I usually party hardest whenever someone I loved is hurt or is hurting me. You never knew this because you were doing your "Hollywood" thing and promoting another movie and was gone for two weeks, but the last time I did this was when Kelly left with Brianna. It was too painful to think about, so I went out to forget about it, even for a little while. When morning comes, the pain would return, and then another circuit around the bars and clubs of whatever city we are in. I would usually stop it if someone kicks my ass high enough for me to listen. Last time, it was Chris. He was with me during one of these trips to self-destructionville and he basically told me off for about a week after that."

"What are best friends for though?"

"Yeah, I thought I was going to lose you to some bimbo."

"Really now?"

"Yeah, even Joey Fatone "The Masta Playa" has his own fears of losing what he loves."

"I guess I'm no better than you. That's my same reason, only towards my mom at the time. I was afraid that she would reject me again if ever I get to see her again. I know that it sounds silly now but I really don't think I could have survived another one of what she did to me when I left. I only have so much tears in my body to cry in this body."

"I guess, you and I are quite a pair."

"Are we?"

A moment passed. "Yes, we are. I don't think I'm going to let you go now that I've found you and almost lost you again. You're stuck with me, Bright-Eyes."


Joey looked lovingly into Lance's light jade eyes and let himself wonder at their beauty. Leaning in again to kiss him softly. "If I don't get to call you Poofu, at least let me name after the part of your body that I really love about you. They never hide anything. Always expressing some emotion or secret that the world has yet to find out. I know you love me because I can see them in your eyes. It true about what you see in them."

Lance smiled meekly and gave Joey a lingering kiss. "Thanks Teddybear. And if I haven't said it before, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm sorry too, Bright-Eyes"


Lance fell off the bed in surprise and landed on his butt. Joey looked down and saw him rub his sore backside with gentle motions. "Fuckers," Lance muttered. JC, Justin, and Chris just laughed their asses off and soon Joey and Lance joined in their joviality. Everyone settled in their own seating and let old friendships and new love take course.

A Week Later...

By this time, NSYNC has moved out of their hotel suite in the Ritz-Carlton and settled into their new place in SoHo, just two blocks from the Speakeasy and five blocks from Lance's apartment. The Bass family all went back home to Clinton, Mississippi and promised to come back for New Year's. Joey had moved into Lance's apartment with little reservation, with only a kiss from Lance to convince him otherwise.

The loft that JC decided on was huge, with a mezzanine floor that surrounds the place. The kitchen is ultra-modern with industrial appliances and restaurant fixtures and sinks. A baby grand piano stood in the corner near the huge high windows that gave a view of the city rooftops. The living room was designed in a minimalist style to avoid as much clutter when possible with a huge entertainment/ media center that took up one wall. It has 5 bedrooms, 2 on the main floor and 3 on the mezzanine. Chris slept on one of the rooms in the main, while JC and Justin slept in the mezzanine being that they wanted to be as far away from morning when they sleep. After the lengthy moving process that took a week to finish, everyone bummed into the various sofas and chairs in the room, except Chris and Dani who went out to shop for groceries.

"I can't believe that Justin had actually conned me into wiring ever single sound equipment and entertainment system in the loft," complained JC as he lifted his legs over the arm of one of the futons.

"Hey! Don't blame me if you didn't want to do it in the first place. Besides, would you want someone like Chris or me wiring that whole thing," said Justin from the dining table while reading the latest issue of Details magazine.

"I guess," JC conceded. "You would have just left only the TV and all the gaming systems hooked up while Chris would do Crosswire Tic-Tac-Toe." Next thing you know, Justin sits up, casually approaches everyone, and hits JC in the backside of his head with the magazine. "Oww!" JC whined. Before JC could retaliate, Chris and Dani burst in through the door with gleaming excited eyes.

"Guys, you won't believe what we've just heard from management?"

"What Chris?" said Lance as he pulled himself up from Joey's lap.

"The Corrs are in town and they are going to have a special concert to help raise funds for a few charities," announced Dani as she started unloading the food onto the island counter in the kitchen.

"Yeah, I hear that their going to do it "unplugged" style like in their third album. Oh shit, I'm so excited. Okay guys, who's going besides me and Dani?" asked Chris with child-like glee.

"When is it and where?" asked Joey, amused at Chris' giddiness.

"It's at the Hammerstein Ballroom this Friday."

"What do you say, Teddybear? Let's go watch a band of 3 sisters and one brother whose music tends to inspire endless love and hours of foreplay before sex," teased Lance.

"Let me think. Sure. Why not? Besides, that Andrea chick is really hot."

"You better re-think your situation before we go to bed tonight," huffed Lance with a mock tone.

"Aww baby, you know it's only you that I think about."

"Yeah sure. I believe that." Lance came closer and whispered into Joey's ear. "truly." Joey just smiled.

"Yeah Chris, me and Lancey-poo here are up to it."

"What about you two?" asked Dani to JC and Justin.

Both looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure, why not?" said Justin.

Chris grinned and whipped out his cell phone to tell management to send them the tickets.

Friday at Lance and Joey's Apartment...

"Is it just me or are we getting excited over some band like The Corrs and not over something like Matchbox Twenty or Mary J. Blige?" pondered Lance as he wore on his dark jeans.

"No, it just means that we are in dire need of something other than the usual music that we listen to. It's actually nice to hear a band as elegant as the Corrs succeed in the music business and not get caught up with all the hype and imaging. I remember watching them perform one time but only me and JC could go. It was an experience to see them perform, they're really that good," Joey spoke as he put on his corduroy jacket over his shimmering dark red shirt.

"I guess we need the occasional respite for other forms of music." Lance finished dressing up and turned to face Joey. "How do I look?"

Joey turned and absorbed Lance's appearance. He wore dark jeans with a dark green cable knit sweater and a leather aviator jacket. He looked more of a combination of the old Lance and the one that he's grown accustomed to in the pass few weeks.

"You look amazing, James." Lifting his hand to touch Lance's chin, Joey traced his outline and deftly kissed him on the lips. Passion rose and hands started to roam. The sound of someone knocking on the door interrupted their lip locking and the two lovers separated hesitantly.

"Coming," shouted Lance as he disentangled himself from Joey's embrace.

"I hope we didn't disturb anything to cause you some nasty blue balls, James?" irked Justin when Lance opened his front door to reveal his four friends. Lance sighed and got his keys and wallet off the kitchen table. Joey followed suit and exited the apartment, giving all of his friends a glaring look. Suddenly, JC raised his hand and slapped it upside on Justin's head before he could come up with another comment. "Oww! Okay! Okay! I'm sorry, now can we go because we are going to be late."

Instead of a limousine, which they tried to insist on for the group's safety, the group decided on taking two separate taxis for the quick trip to the Hammerstein Ballroom. As that JC, Chris, and Dani came ahead of everyone else, Justin had the unfortunate pleasure of riding with Joey and Lance. The second arrived at the venue and Justin suddenly ran out in dread.

"Oh, the horror of it all. The vile, disgusting, unbelievably horrible sight of it. I'm traumatized for life," moaned Justin as he held on to the back of JC's shoulders. The rest of them just raised their eyebrows in perplexity. Lance came out of the cab followed by Joey; the first with a noticeable scowl while the latter had a bemused smile.

"Oh fuck you, Justin. You'll be seeing more of this in the future so you better get use to it," reprimanded Lance as he got closer to the group's youngest member.

"Nah, just pulling your leg. You got to be careful though. Someone might recognize you," said Justin as he composed himself with a cheesy grin. The expression on Lance's face magnified while Joey's smiles passively, leaving the rest to ponder Justin's answer.

"You Fucker! All that drama about me giving Joey one kiss and you were just pulling my leg. Just you wait, Justin Randall Timberlake. After I'm through with you, you won't be able to sleep without a night-light," rambled Lance as he started to chase Justin, but Joey held him back. Chris got between them, with Justin throwing a raspberry at Lance and Lance trying to grab Justin's shirt.

"Children, go to your respective corners or I will personally take away your toys until you behave," said Chris, trying to sound serious but failing miserably. He managed to calm both of them down before dragging them to the end of the line that formed to take the audience inside. "Both of you better behave. I'm happy that I have the sense and foresight to get six tickets that are separated by twos. Justin, since you're not with Britney, you get the privilege to sitting with Mr. Joshua Chasez." Chris gave him his ticket.

"Thanks Chris, I think." Justin got a punch in the arm by JC.

"Here is yours, Josh. Joey and Lance. And finally, me and my sweetie," said Chris as they moved inside the large auditorium. He placed his arm around Dani's waist and lead the way down the aisle. Everyone moved their separate ways and sat down expectantly for the Corrs to come out on stage and perform. Luckily, no one noticed that in the audience tonight were five members of a world famous boy band.

Soon enough, the support musicians of the band came out and started to flare up their instruments. A few minutes later, Caroline, Sharon, Jim and Andrea came from the side and sat down on the stools placed in the center of the stage. The Irish siblings smiled brightly at the crowd and, for some reason, the atmosphere felt a little more intimate.

"Hello," Andrea greeted with her cute Irish accented voice and the audience cheered. "Thank you fro coming here tonight. As you know, we are here to help raise a fund for the treatment of a few children who are suffering from cancer and leukemia. By being here, you are helping in giving them a second chance." The crowd clapped in approval. "I hope you like our set-up tonight. It's designed to give you a more intimate feel than our usual concerts. Just look at the pretty red curtains and candles. It's specially made from you couples out there." Murmurs of agreement rose through the people sitting down. Most of the couples in the crowd started to clasp their hands together in reaction to her words. Joey gave an extra squeeze in his grip and Lance smiled in return. "I bet some of you know this one. I wrote this one night while I was missing my boyfriend. It's called 'Radio'." Jim started to play his riffs and soon the rest of the band followed with his lead on the guitar.

It's late at night and I feeling down There's a couple standing on the street Sharing summer kisses and silly sighs So I step inside Pour a glass of wine With a full glass and an empty heart I search for something to occupy my mind

But you are in my head Swimming forever in my head Tangled in my dreams Swimming forever So I listen to the radio and all the songs we use to know So I listen to the radio remember where we use to go

Now its morning light and its cold outside Caught up in a distant dream I turn and think that you are by my side So I leave my bed and I try to dress Wondering why my mind plays tricks And fools me in to thinking you are there

But you're just in my head Swimming forever in my head Not lying in my bed Just swimming forever So I listen to the radio and all the songs we use to know So I listen to the radio remember where we use to go

I listen to the radio and all the songs we use to know I listen to the radio remember how we use to go You are in my head Swimming forever in my head Tangled in my dreams Swimming forever, Swimming forever So I listen to the radio and all the songs we use to know So I listen to the radio remember where we use to go

I'm listening to the radio 'coz of all the songs we use to know

I listen to the radio.

The audience roared with applauds. A few "thank yous" later, Caroline tapped her drumsticks and started the rhythm of their next song. The crowd thoroughly enjoyed the performance as it was not the usual heavy Rock and Roll or beat-pressed Hip-hop that was so prevalent in the everyday music that they hear. This was rare treat, of sorts.

While Lance would watch the concert with wild fascination, Joey would keep on stealing glances at the younger man as each song gave a poetic tangibility to their relationship. He leaned in and whispered into Lance's ear, startling him. "You know, if I didn't know better, Chris set this up like a date." Lance turned to the older man and smiled lovingly as Andrea sang 'Runaway'.

"I think Chris has the right idea. You know how much of a romantic that goober is."

"Yeah, especially when he has the worst relationship track record among us. I wonder how Dani can stand him sometimes."

"Shush. Stop thinking of Chris and enjoy the show, Teddybear." Both of them quiet down and continued to enjoy the show while their hands clasped under the arm between their seats.

"Thank you everyone," said Sharon, the violinist, to the audience. "Our next song was featured in the movie 'America's Sweethearts' that was starting Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones, John Cusack, and Billy Crystal. This one is called 'All the Love in the World'."

All three sisters started to sing the chorus of the song and allowed the band to follow their lead.

I'm not looking for someone to talk to I've got my friends; I'm more than okay I've got more than a girl could wish for I live my dreams, but it's not all they say

Still I believe (I'm missing...) I'm missing something real I need someone who releases me

(Don't want to wake...) Don't want to wake up alone anymore Still believing you'll walk in my door All I need is to know it's for sure Then I'll give all the love in the world

I've often wondered if love's an illusion Just to get you through the loneliest days I can't criticize it, I had no hesitations My imagination just stole me away

Still I believe (I'm missing...) I'm missing something real I need someone who releases me

(Don't want to wake...) Don't want to wake up alone anymore Still believing you'll walk in my door All I need is to know it's for sure Then I'll give all the love in the world

Love's for a lifetime Not for a moment So happy, don't throw it away I'm only human And nights get colder With no one to love me that way

I need someone who releases me

(Don't want to wake...) Don't want to wake up alone anymore Still believing you'll walk through my door You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure Then I'll give all the love in the world

Don't want to wake up alone anymore Still believing you'll walk in my door (Fade)

Soon the group found themselves backstage meeting with the Corrs. JC was in a serious discussion with Jim about a possible producing opportunity. Chris and Dani talked animatedly with Sharon about her playing the violin. Caroline and Justin sat on the couch, flirting candidly with each other. Joey and Lance kept to themselves after meeting the family band, until Andrea decided to approach them from behind them.

"You two look like a nice couple," she said, surprising them and causing them to separate. "Now don't get embarrassed in my account. Your secret is safe with us. After all, how can I be against it if my own brother is like the two of you."

Dumbfounded, Lance and Joey sat down on one of the couches, which prompted Andrea to kneel in front of them. "I guess, its okay. We really don't anyone to know yet about us, except the guys and a few friends. That's all," said Lance with a meek expression.

"Well, you two make a nice looking couple nonetheless. How did you like the concert?" she asked while absentmindedly biting on her thumb. Lance noticed this and smiled.

"It's very different from the concerts we pull out. We sing and dance, its all very tiring sometimes. Watching you and your siblings perform was like a breathe of fresh air in the industry. I've seen you perform at your best in England one time with a friend, and I left with the most wonderful feeling in the world. Pretty much more, now that I've seen you guys again with someone I love," answered Joey.

"That's nice to hear," commented Andrea. Their conversation lasted about 30 minutes before Joey looked at his watch at thought for a moment.

"Andrea, I was wondering if you could do us a very big favor," asked Joey to the youngest Corr member.

Lance perked up in curiosity and Andrea nodded. "It depends on the favor though," she said.

"If any one the guys ask where me and Lance went, tell them that I brought him to finish our date someplace else."

Lance beamed at this and gave Joey a big kiss on the cheek.

Andrea gushed. "Aww. That's so sweet. Go ahead now. I'll cover for the two of you, and hopefully you'll return the favor to me someday."

"Gladly", said Lance as he pulled Joey off the sofa and ran out of the backstage area to the street outside. "Now, where to oh mighty Phat-one?"

Joey smirked at Lance's anticipation. "I know a little corner bistro just down that way. It's quiet, private and utterly romantic. I intend to share with you a bowl of spaghetti, with lots of meatballs. Maybe a fiddler in the corner will play some Mario Lanza music for us."

Lance laughed softly. "I swear, Joey. Only you could make a scene out of 'Lady and the Tramp' romantic in real life." Lance thought for a moment. "So what does that make me? Lady or the Tramp?"

Joey laughed heartily. "Forget about that and let's continue with this date. I want to romance the hell out of you before we go to bed tonight."

"Okay," said Lance as they held hands, going towards the bistro down the street. A few minutes down the sidewalk, Lance just had to ask. "I'm Lady, am I?"

"Stop thinking or I'll do this."

"Do what?"

"This." Joey grabbed Lance and faced him to give him a mind-blowing kiss. This made Lance weak at the knees and speechless. Next thing he knew, Joey was buying him a rose from a street vendor and saying that he loved him.


Hey, I hope you enjoyed that. Now for some shameless self-promotion. Damn me and my pride! I wrote also 'Love, Words, and Intentions' and 'Eventually', which is currently on hiatus and are both in the Nifty Archives. Remember to email me with your reactions, comments, and answer to my question. Later Days!

Next: Chapter 14

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