Mad Method of Durst

By moc.eticxe@02xamxalb

Published on Nov 16, 2000


Disclaimer: If you ain't suppose to be here then you should leave. If you are under 18 or 21 depending on where you are, you should wait a few years (the stories will keep). And if it is illegal to view this material where you are. Don't! Or Move. And this is a work of fiction which involves celebrities. And no matter how much I wish it was true (its not). At least iot not to my knowledge. I don't know anyone's sexual preference but myself so basically said....this is a piece of fantasy writing. Now that don't mean you can't get hard thinking about it. Enjoy and hit me up

The Mad Method of Durst

Part 3

The music blasted through the night. And LL Cool J knew that this was a party to go down in celebrity. Beyond having a lot of top knotch celebrities flying through, he also saw some action earlier that evening. And felt some thanks to Eminem's mouth. LL smiled at the whole situation and knew that this need to be something done on a regular basis. Fred Durst sat by Method Man holding on to his side. There no use in hiding it now. He had been fucked by Meth on a table in front of all these rappers. At first, he felt humiliated about it but now he was getting use to calling Meth his own. "Hey you want a drink," Fred asked Method touching his leg. "Naw, but get yourself hot ass slut," Meth shot jokingly at Fred. Fred turned twelve shades red from the comment. He got up and headed towards the bar to get him a drink. Red Man watched the whole exchange between the two of them. He had gotten some of Fred during the fuck show that was put on earlier. But he was jealous of the whole thing. Method Man could feel the jealousy and hurt coming from Red Man's face. Meth didn't know what to say or do. Red Man sat back and thought about why he cared so much about Method Man. Damn, he smoked all his weed and half of yours. Hes selfish as fuck sometimes. Then it hit him like a ton of brick. Red Man remembered back to his birthday that Meth made so special.

"Reggie, I got you something," Meth shouted into the phone. Red Man waited for Method Man to come by the window. When he saw Meth's car pull up he dashed to the door and opened. They met each other with a kiss. Tongues were leaving trails of saliva in each others mouth. Red Man couldn't have been more happier at that moment. Meth manage to break away and get into the house. "Where's my birthday present," Pestered Red Man. The Method Man pulled out a blunt and lit it. He thought that this was his present. So they smoked and their bodies got lighter and lighter. And they were both feeling horny as hell. Method Man took off his shirt and stood in front on Red Man. Then he turned around so that Red Man could see his back. On his back was a little tattoo that read METH AND RED 4 LIFE. Damn! Red's heart began to beat like crazy. And that is when Method Man reached down and picked Red off the floor. He carried him into the bedroom. Now their sexual relationship had consisted of nothing more than making out and a few blow jobs here and there. But after that night, Red opened his legs and gave himself to Meth completely. When Method Man put his dick into him iturt but it was a good hurt.After he let go, he was moaning and crawling up the wall. Meth laughed at the sight of Red Man underneath him crying and moaning. Red Man snapped back to the present and decided whatever they had was done. And that they would be good friends for life. It was time for him to move on. Maybe even find his own bitch.

A table hidden in the back housed two limp bizkit members. They were appalled at watching Fred get fed black dick. And after it, they watched Fred lean over and hug on Method Man. The two guys were Wes Borland and Sam Rivers. Sam acted all upset but he got a hard on when the fucking was going on. Sam kept scratching his bald head while Wes watched the whole table heavily. Wes thought to himself if Fred likes dick fine. He felt like why them instead of the group. All those nights on the road and everyone was hard up for some pussy or just a blow job. Maybe he could have opened his legs for the group. "Revenge on the whole situation," Wes spoke to Sam fixing his hair. "He could have caused Limp Bizkit some fans with that stunt," Sam said trying to appear angry. But Sam hard cock betrayed the whole thing. And he wondered what it would be like to have to get banged by a group of black guys. The two didn't quite know how they would avenge the whole situation. As they were about to give up the spotted singer/MTV Vjay Tyrese at the bar getting sloshed. Wes turned to Sam and gave him the most sinister smile.

Carson Daly walked inot the room. He was decked out in suit pants and a crazy colored shirt. The news of his marriage had shot through the industry but that didn't bother anyone. People still got off on him even if it was just their fantasies. Carson spotted Fred at the table with Method Man and Red Man. So he went through the crowd and joined the table. Fred gave him a handshake and so did Meth. Then his eyes bugged out when he saw Fred's arm snake around Meth. He sat there stunned. But as noraml they talk about the industry and tours that might be coming up. Red Man's heart flipped over Carson. His dick did somersaults. He knew by the end of the night he was going to fuck the shit out of Carson. Red Man pulled Meth to the side and told him he wanted Carson. And after laying a guilt trip on him Meth said he'd get Fred to help too. When Meth whisphered in Fred's ear that Red Man got a crush on Carson. Fred sly grinned at Red Man and then at Carson. Carson just sat there drinking a beer and vibing music. "Hey, I'm tired of this place," Fred softly spoke. "Let's get out of here," Fred stressed giving Meth and Red a look. They both smiled. "Hey you want to come Carson," Fred asked him nonchalantly. " Well, I just got here," Carson came back at the comment. "Come on," Fred pleaded. Carson finally left the club with Fred, Method, and Red Man.

Wes and Sam sat at the bar with Tyrese and listen to him talk about his money problems and women problems. Then came a point in the conversation Tyrese nearly fell out of the chair. "Time to go," said Wes as he grabbed Tyrese under the arms and Sam followed his lead grabbing the other. They walked him out to his car. Sam went into Tyrese pocket to search for the keys. As he was feeling he ran across Tyrese dick and gave it a squeeze. Sam had no real interest in fucking him he more wondered what it would be like to get fucked by him. So they nounted him in the back seat. And Wes joined him in the back. While sam got int the front to start the car. Wes wasted no time. He took out his dick and rubbed it a few times watching Tyrese lay in the seat.. Wes removed Tyrese pants and ripped his tightie whities off.. Tyrese was naked bottom down. Wes spit into his hand and applied it to Tyrese's asshole. Tyrese jerked a little but still didn't know what was going on. Wes's 7 inch cock was definitely thick and would be a challenge getting up Tyrese. His dick looked the same as Tyrese's 7 incher except his was more of a pinkish tan color. Wes put his cock head to Tyrese's hold and slid in one inch at a time. Each inch caused Tyrese to buck. Then When wes has it completely in. Wes began to pump his cock in and out of Tyrese. Tyrese moaned involuntarily at the hitting of the prostate. Sam nearly came when he heard Tyrese moan. Wes was fucking the shit out of him. Wes would ram himself completely in then Sam would hear the loudest smacking sound. Wes was spanking Tyrese's ass to calling him a bitch and everything. Then Wes screamed as loud as he could when he let lose the cum into Tyrese's ass. "We're here," Sam shouted driving into the alley.

The alley was called "one Man's Alley" . It was a place where gay men could come and hook up for some anonymous sex. And when they drove up, guy were already there. Some were searching for something and others were blowing each other or getting some ass. Tyrese was dragged out of the car and tied to a pole. Tyrese still hadn't gained his consciousness yet. And to finish the humiliation off, Wes grabbed some lip stick from one of the drag queens standing around and wrote on Tyrese's asscheeks.....Fuck Me Please. Sam and Wes snickered as they walked away and watched men start swarming around Tyrese's tied up body.

Feedback appreciated: thinking of making a story about the adventure Tyrese will have being tied up and of course i got eminem second story on its way and will Red Man get some ......tune in next time for Mad Method of Durst***

Next: Chapter 5

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