
By Walsh

Published on Jun 18, 1998



I knew I was in trouble as I stood before the Judge, and as he looked down on me from his high pirch I began to grow nervous.

"Buddy", he said, "What are we to do with you?"

I stood mute and did not reply.

He continued, "You've been before me more often than I get to see my own son, and always for the same thing. Fighting, and other agressive behavior. It's obvious that you can't be reabilitated, and that your macho behavior is going to continue to get you into trouble."

I was really sweating now, this was the longest speech I'd ever heard from Judge Breed, and I knew this last fight in which I'd totally blown up and kicked the crap out of a guy and then to add insult to injury permanently maimed him by repeated kicking him in the balls was probably my last hurray.

Judge Breed looked at me and said, "I've been given a new option in dealing with you however, and I think it's time I use it. You see son, theirs a new world we've discovered through the portal where your testosterone enhanced behavior is the accepted norm. The men are all macho and fight for everything, women, position, everything. The women are passive and seem to worship the ground the men walk on, here let me show you some pictures."

I looked at the pictures and was amazed. The men were hugh, at least 6'10" and easily 250 to 300 lbs. The males upper body and neck were overly developed, due primarily to the hugh set of antlers each one sported growing out of their heads. The women were cute little things about 5'8" with the prettiest brown eyes and the largest breasts I'd seen. I saw a movie of two of the males fighting, using their antlers to wrestle for position, the larger male eventually over powering the smaller, weaker opponent and driving him off. The winner than walked over to his prize and proceeded to make love to the poor girl. She looked small as he mounted her and filled her with his large erection.

Judge Breed smiled and said, "That's right Buddy, the females are the prizes, the winning male gets her for life. The males seem to be intelligent, and seem to need a female to keep their agressive nature in check. Once the male wins his "bride" he tends to calm down and become a model citizen. The females however, seem to be more instinct based, their role in society appears to be making babies and taking care of their mates, you know domestic chores. The females biggest job appears to be keeping their mate from developing a full load. Apparently, if the male doesn't get sex frequently he becomes progressively more and more aggressive. The fights between sex starved males usually results in deaths and dismemberments. The females appear to honestly worship their mate's cock instinctively. We've talked to some of the females in our studies and they honestly don't seem to have much natural intelligence, which probably helps them deal with their role."

Judge Breed smiled, and says, "Buddy, I've decided to banish you to this world, to make a new start and hopefully have a brighter future. As you know, by going through the portal you'll be changed into one of the locals, you'll loose a few years and be just a child by their standards. One of the locals will take you and teach you everything you need to know to fit into your new role in society. Good Luck Buddy."

With that I was escorted to the portal, told to change into a black robe and told to enter. Everything went fuzzy and I suddenly found myself on an open field, and before me were two large males, fighting, using their antlers. I watched the fluid movement of their powerful bodies with awe, and couldn't tear my eyes away from the fight. Mentally, I was analyzing each move, determine what moved worked when as well as which one's failed and why. I also found myself rooting for the larger of the two, his body glistened with sweat and he suddenly threw the smaller male to the ground and jammed his antlers home in his belly. He stood and bellowed his challenge to the other males, wanting to continue the fight, I almost stepped forward, my blood was a pumping. He saw my motion and turning toward me smiled and said, "Not yet little one, you'd be no match for me, and I'd prefer to instruct you after I earn the right to be your teacher".

I realized that just like Judge Breed had said, one of the locals would instruct me in this world, but would have to fight for the right to be my instructor. I stepped back and watched as another large male stepped forward, bellowing his rage, and exclaiming that if anyone was going to instruct the new one, it would be him. The battle lasted hours, before the large male I'd originally rooted for tripped up his opponent and again scored fatally with his antlers. Bellowing his rage, the other males backed away, and I realized my instructor had been selected.

He stepped up to me and smiling down at me said, "Come little one, we'll go back to my home and we can start your instructions."

I was amazed at his size as he towered over me, he was clearly 7 feet tall, and easily 350 lbs, much bigger than the pictures had led me to believe. I smiled at him and asked him when I'd reach my full height. He smiled down at me and said soon, you'll be full grown. Following him back to his home, I again admired the movement of his muscles, as they bulged and contracted with each of his movements. Reaching his home, he turned and said, "Now that we are home, what is your name?"

I replied, "Buddy is the name I have always been called."

I was surprised when he started laughing, "Buddy will never do for one such as you, I'll call you "Little one" till I think of a better name for you. You should know that I am also from your world, I have been studying this world for years and suggested to Judge Breed that this might be an ideal place for one of your disposition."

I was amazed and it was clearly reflected on my face, because he then said, "My name is Billy, and I'm the kid you beat so badly back on earth, at least over here my injuries have all been erased. Let me explain some of this world to you, most people coming through to this world as males quickly adjust, finding that their brains aren't really effected by the change, but the females find that initially they retain their mental capacity, but that over the course of a week to ten days the instincts of their new brains take over and they find themselves becoming true females of this world. From the few I've talked to, they remember who they are and who they were, but the instincts are overpowering. It's enjoyable watching the liberated women of our world come to terms with their new role as sex objects and servants to the male that won them.

He then told me to follow him and we entered a living area, with mirrors along one wall. He smiled and said, look, do you like your new appearance. Turning I saw his image in the mirror, and a smaller, obviously much younger person standing beside him. I realized it was me and asked him how old I was, to which he replied that by this world's standards I was an adult, that the actual age didn't matter. If I was an adult I then asked when my antlers would grow, since they clearly weren't their now.

He started laughing, "Little one, you won't grow antlers, did you think you were still male?"

I was floored, my mouth dropped open, and I thought about it, realizing I hadn't examined myself since I'd stepped out of the portal, I still thought the way I'd always thought and considered myself a guy. He walked up behind me and with one pull tore my black robe off, revealing my naked body for his inspection. My eyes locked on my image's dickless crotch and I found my hands reaching down to confirm the lack of my once proud penis and balls. Billy's eyes also locked on my dickless crotch and smiling he grabbed my hips from behind, his own cock growing rigid before my eyes. I felt myself bent at the waist and his cock sliding between my thighs. I felt myself reach down and my hands guiding him between my vaginal lips, my new sex flowing with sudden anticipation. Mentally, I was screaming at myself to stop as he slide deep within my belly, his hips thrusting as he stroked my vagina. My moaning increased as he suddenly came deep within me, I could feel his cock pumping his seed into my eager belly. He grunted, and pulling out held his cock before me, and said, "Now little one, be a good girl and lick me clean."

I tried to fight it but I found myself licking his cock, amazed as it again started growing in my hand. He held my head and told me to suck the tip, which I did. Mentally, I couldn't believe this was happening, I'd gone from macho stud who'd kicked this guys balls just last week to his blushing bride giving him a blow job. After he filled my throat with his seed, he laid back and smiling, told me to get him something to eat. Having nothing to wear I walked into the kitchen naked, and started making him a meal. Standing before the stove, I could feel his juices dripping from my pussy, and slowly run down my inner thigh. This is discusting I thought, why am I making him something to eat, and tidying up the kitchen while his food cooks, I thought to myself. With a force of will I stopped myself and stormed back into the bedroom to demand an answer, "How do I get back to earth and out of this world?" He laughed and said I'd been banished here, and that he'd suggested I come through as a doe. I was pissed and my macho mind drove me to attack him. He laughed as he easily pinned me and once again became hard between my legs. Ah, "Little one" you've found my weakness, I like a girl with spirit, and with that he proceeded to fuck me again. I screamed and kicked as he thrust harder and harder into me, driving me deep into the bed with each of his powerful thrusts. My legs wide and feet kicking in the air I suddenly found my clit being rubbed, I moaned and felt myself explode as he again filled me with his seed. As he pulled out he reached over and handed me a short robe, here, wear this and go get the food before it burns.

Standing before the stove flushed with excitement from my new experience I thought about how I was going to get out of here. The robe barely covered my naked ass, and again his seed was running down my inner thigh. I felt him walk up behind me and squeeze my ass, leaning over he whispered, I hope your able to keep some of that spirit alive over the next few weeks, as your female brain takes over, and instincts control more of your behavior. You realize that you'll be pregnant by this time tomorrow don't you? I'm going to have to think up a pretty name for you soon, "Little one".

I put his food on his plate and served him at the table, he smiled and woofed his food, ordering me to sit at his feet and eat his scrapes. I found myself doing so, although I fought it mentally. You'll find you'll get a lot of your protein from my cock, so you'll not being eating as much as you use to. If your hungry I think I have some more for you. I struggled, but found myself eyeing his cock again, as it started growing under the table. My lips seemed to have a mind of their own as they locked on his penis tip. I sucked on it, and started stroking it, faster and faster, and suddenly he exploded in my mouth, I quickly swallowed his seed and licked him clean. My, you've become a good little cock sucker haven't your Little One. Smiling I told him I loved his cock, and just wanted to please him. I couldn't believe what I'd just told him, I didn't love his cock, I didn't want to be his "Little One".

The next morning, after an exciting night of sexually acrobatics he took me into town to meet the other girls. I found myself tagging along beside him, and admiring the shoulders and neck muscles as he moved. I found myself wanting to please him, and mentally kicking myself for it. In town I was left alone with two of the locals. They were given instructions to find me clothes to wear that would make me feel sexy and desirable. I begged them not to, but they ended up picking out dress after dress of clingy and formfitting material, as well as sexy undergarments to wear with the outfits. In addition some housedresses were included for wearing around the house when I was cleaning and Billy was away. I found myself crying as I tripped in my new heels, and realized that I was doomed to be Billy's "Little One" for the rest of my life.

After 6 months, Billy brought a friend home, I was quite large with Billy's and my first child, and was busily cleaning the kitchen when Billy walked in. Kimmi he said, I have a visitor from our world. You'll remember him as Judge Breed. I flushed with embarassment as Judge Breed looked at me and smiled. I see she's adjusted nicely to her role in society, and that little macho streak that gave her so much problems back home has been completely cured over here he said to Billy. I moaned as I saw Billy start growing before my eyes, he laughed and said, not completely cured, she still wants to be the man, but I keep reminding her that she's just my "Little One" and soon junior will be reminding her that she's his Mommy. With that he took my hand and led me into the other room and drained his balls yet again into my belly. As he finished he had me put on the skimpy robe and go relieve the Judges fullness as well.

The End

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