Mac and Caleb

By Aidan Greyson

Published on Oct 11, 2012


Mac and Caleb 3

Aidan Greyson

DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between males. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DON'T READ IT! If you choose to read it, then please continue and enjoy.

On Monday, I woke up at one in the afternoon. Just in time to take a quick shower, and a fast breakfast before I had to leave for my first class of the day: government. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I had three classes, starting at two and ended at 10 p.m., with a one hour break in between. Government and Psychology were one hour long. Theatre was two, which I had no problem with.

Government wasn't so interesting but I would manage to pay good attention and write good notes. In psychology, I participated more; maybe because Mr. Moses would talk about sex more than half the time. That day, though, I was day dreaming about Caleb, doodling on my notebook.

"For example, Mr. Reynolds over there should be paying attention to today's lesson if he wants to pass the test next Monday," Mr. Moses' voice was loud. I blushed, ducking my head.

"Sorry, Mr. Moses," I said, sliding down my chair. He waved the apology away. "Back to Human Sexuality," Mr. Moses turned back to the screen. I sighed, feeling nervous about going to theatre.

Ms. Gates' class room was behind and to the side of the entrance to the forum. Her class was made up of 10; apparently, not many were willing to take this course at night. I didn't mind—I loved it! I had gone back home to change into sweats and a tank top—in case Ms. Gates had us doing small scenarios. I always felt more comfortable to act in sweats. I also made sure to not forget my keys in the car again. After all, I figured, I could only get saved by a hot hunk so many times. The thought brought a bitter, though happy, smile to my face. "Well, Mac is happy!" Ms. Gates exclaimed. I grinned a goofy grin. I took a seat, not spotting Caleb anywhere. "Today," Ms. Gates began, "I want to introduce a new play. As always, you can either participate by joining and being part of the cast or you can help build up the sets and props. Remember, this counts as your major grade!" Just then, Caleb came through the door in tight gym shorts and a tank top, sweat glistening on his skin. Ms. Gates scowled at the interruption at first, but smiled when she saw Caleb. "Sorry, Ms. Gates, my car wouldn't start," he said lamely. She waved him away. "It's okay, take a seat." Caleb smiled, heading toward the empty seat behind me. He flashed me his killer grin, winking as he passed. Ms. Gates rattled off, explaining the whole play project to Caleb...Who was leaning into me, sniffing my hair! I shivered, groin tingling. "Cold, Mac?" Ms. Gates asked. I blushed, "Er, no, I'm good." She nodded, turning to the board. "You sure?" Caleb breathed. I ground my teeth together, trying to concentrate, but he made it damn near impossible! "I'm going to pair you off now," Ms. Gates said, facing us. "Samantha and Kyle, Luke and Charles, Lucy and Liz, Mac and Caleb, Mia and Connor. Now, one of you come up to pick up a scenario to act out. I'll give you half an hour to stick to some lines," she places strips of paper, facedown, on the desk. "Pick." I got up, picking up a strip of paper when I reached the table. It read as follows:

You are to act out a couple madly in lust. Person B wants to make their relationship serious. Person A doubts Person B's true intentions. Person B tries to convince and reassure Person S.

Whoa. "What's our scenario?" Caleb tugged the strip from my hand. I stared at him, waiting for him to finish reading. His eyes flashed to mine. "Wanna work on the script?"

For the next half hour, we worked on the script, with me being Person A and him Person B. I had most of them down. What worried me was how were opening the scene. Caleb wanted a hot, mad love scene, obviously with our clothes on—well, just our sweats and shorts respectively—but I was skittish. However, we needed to get the message across that we were `madly in lust'. Love scene it was. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Cross that out; more like giant, mutant wasps out for revenge.

Ms. Gates announced that it was time to begin the scenarios. "You will go up according to the number on your paper." I glanced at it, drowning whatever else she had said. We were number 5. Oh great. Ours wasn't the only couple scenario. Mia and Connor, who went first, acted out a couple dealing with a miscarriage. It was touching. Both were very talented. Lucy and Liz portrayed a long friendship being threatened by cancer on Lucy's part. Again, they had talent. Luke and Charles were father and son respectively. Charles, who was an alcoholic at 17, was stealing money from Luke to buy booze. After going for a joyride really drunk, and ran over a small boy, he tried to get his shit together—a tragedy. Samantha and Kyle's was difficult to discern, but it was only because Kyle was such a shitty actor—Samantha was brilliant. It seemed that Kyle, Sam's son, prostituted himself. Like I said, Kyle made it hard to know.

"Now, Mac and Caleb. Please, boys," Ms. Gates motioned. I took a deep breath, remembering Ms. Gates' words: On stage, nothing matters but your character. I leaned against the table, smiling at Caleb as he sauntered over to me.

"Remember, nothing matters," he said, brushing his lips on my ear. I nodded. He put his arms around me, pulling me up against him. We began to make out, not pretending, but actually French kissing—in front of the whole class. I heard a few gasps, but no one cried bloody murder. I let myself go, forgetting about Ms. Gates and the other eight students. I let myself revel in the sensation of Caleb's body pressed against mine in such an intimate manner while we played tonsil hockey. He broke off, breathing hard, eyes dark. He tugged my shirt up revealing my upper body.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered. I ignored his compliment, instead pulling off his shirt to gaze at his amazing chest. I felt Caleb kick off his shoes, and I followed suit, the shirt joining my shoes. He lifted me up, setting me down on the table, pushing me back to lay back. That's when he started to grind against me, still kissing me. I restrained my moan of pleasure, but only by a bit. My butt was on the edge of the table, his cock pressing into my ass through his shorts. He thrusted, letting me know that if it weren't for his shorts and my sweats, he would already have been inside me—`cause let's face it, I don't think the audience would have stopped us, er him.

I felt myself nearing the edge, "Caleb, I'm about to blow." He grunted, "Fake it, I will too." Few more thrusts and I wouldn't have to, I thought. But I tensed, and then broke out in a convulsion, clawing his back. He grunted again, stilling on top of me. We let ourselves slide to the floor, my head on his chest.

"I love you, Mac." He sounded sincere. Good actor, I thought. I stayed silent, sitting up.

"This isn't love, Caleb, it's lust. Hot, mad, rough lust." True. He placed his hands on my shoulders, scooting up to me, a small kiss landing on the back of my neck.

"Why do you do this, Mac? Can't you see that I really do love you?" He shook me, albeit gently. Again, he sounded sincere.

I frowned, "This is so recent, so new, it's too soon to be love." True again.

Caleb sighed, "No, the sex is recent, but I've harbored feeling for you for some time now." Was he being honest or was he going with the script.

"Then why tell me until now?" I demanded.

Caleb turned me around to face him. "I didn't know how to approach you." Believable.

I shook my head, "I can't take that risk, Caleb."

"Why not?!" He sounded and looked to exasperated.

"I've been hurt before, Caleb, badly. I don't think I can put myself out there like that again." I looked down and to the side. "I don't think my battered heart will be able to survive another fall," I continued. Truth was my last relationship had ended rather badly. My ex had been cheating on me with a cousin of mine. I'd broken off after finding them in bed together. It broke my heart; I honestly thought he was as in love with me as I was with him. Obviously not. He didn't even apologize, to boot—the bastard.

Caleb pulled me in. "But I do love you. And I won't let you fall in nothing but my bed and arms." So tempting, even if it was acting.

"I don't know..." Caleb surprised me when he planted small, soft kisses on my face.

"I promise to never let you go—no matter what." Caleb squeezed me. Oh how I wanted to believe him.

"I'm gonna hold you to it," I said, kissing his lips. We separated, standing up. The class applauded. The girls were grinning like yaoi fan girls. Oh boy. The guys looked unfazed. Huh.

"Excellent work, boys," Ms. Gates all but jumped up and down. "As a treat for your hard work tonight, I'll let you out early." Everybody got up to leave. "Goodnight," Ms. Gates called out. I felt more than heard Caleb walk behind me as I left the room, walking down the pathway leading to the parking lot.

"Hey," Caleb said, walking beside me. He didn't say anything else, and neither did I. He walked me to my car. I couldn't take it anymore. I spun around, "Caleb, I—"

Caleb was on me, smashing me to the car, mouth devouring my own. I shoved one hand down the inside of his shorts to his ass, the other at his nape. He kissed me like I was his air and he was drowning. My boner hadn't gone soft all the way, immediately hardening. We broke off, breathing like we just completed ten miles.

"Mac...What I said in there? It's true. I've always liked you, but lately, it's something stronger..." He pressed a small kiss to my forehead, hugging me to him.

"I...I don't know if I can go into a relationship so soon after..." I suppressed a small cry.

"So soon after what?" I took a deep breath, and told him about Martin and my cousin. He hugged me tighter.

"I'll never do something like that to you, Mac," he said, "I promise!"

I was still hesitant, "We'll have to take this slow. The dating at least."

He grinned, "You got it."

Just then, it started pouring like it hadn't rained in months. I laughed, not missing the irony. Maybe it would be great.

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Author's Note: That's it for the third part. Not sure if I want to continue it, though. To be honest, it took me this long for various reasons. One of them being that I got stuck every time I wrote past this point. I'll try my best to continue it, `cause, I don't like it ending like this, though it is a happy ending, no? Anyways, let me know what you think.

-Aidan G.

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