Mac and Caleb

By Aidan Greyson

Published on Aug 31, 2012


DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between males. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DON'T READ IT! If you choose to read it, then please continue and enjoy.

I woke to someone nuzzling my neck, hard cock wedged between my ass crack, arms around me. I smiled, remembering last night. My morning wood twitched. I yawed, stretching as I did, arching my ass into Caleb's groin. He tightened his hard, kissing me behind the ear.

"Good morning, sexy," Caleb said, licking the edge of my ear. I shuddered.

"Good morning, delectable," I shot back. I parted my thighs, sighing with contentment when he slipped a thigh in between.

"Delectable?" he asked, teeth nibbling my neck down to my shoulder. I raised an arm to wrap around his neck behind me, digging my fingers into his hair. I bit my lip when he bit my shoulder, a hand sliding down my body, down to cup my balls. I tightened my legs around his thigh, grinding back into his cock gently.

"Yes, 'cause you're good enough to eat, even though you didn't let me eat you," I accused lightly, tugging his hair, tilting my head to the side, leaving the side of my neck exposed. Caleb licked and bit his way up my throat, kissing my cheek.

"I'd rather eat you, but you'll get you chance later," he gripped my chin, twisting my head until we were nose to nose. He wrapped his other hand around my cock, squeezing. My eyelids fluttered a bit when he rubbed his thumb on the head, spreading the precum. "But right now, I'd rather fuck you senseless." He put his lips on mine, demanding entrance. I willingly did so, lips parting. His tongue traced my lips, teasing, before thrusting inside, imitating what he wanted me to do. He broke off, kissing my Adam's apple.

"Again?" I rasped out the question. He chuckled, nudging me to my stomach.

"Again," he confirmed, "You complaining?" He grabbed some lube off his side table, kneading it on his dick, rubbing some on my asshole.

"No, just asking," I got on my knees, reaching behind me to part my butt cheeks. "Ready when you are," I said, anticipation making my cock throb. He placed himself, cock at my hole, one hand on said cock, the other at my hip. His lips touched the back of my neck, breath tickling. He eased the head inside, popping in. He stopped, hands tightening on my hips.

"Oh, God, you're still tight as fuck," he gasped, sliding himself in, slow and easy. His cock brushed my love nub. I moaned, still adjusting to him, forehead pressed to the bed. He pushed until I could feel his pubic hair pressing to my back an ass. He began to draw back, sliding slowly back in, only to repeat it, but instead of slowly going in, he thrust hard and fast. It took my breath away.

"Can you take it rough?" Caleb thrust, not relenting, with a steady fast pace. I grunted a yes, hands gripping the bed sheets. "Hold on, Mac," Caleb warned, slipping a hand under my right leg, hoisting it up, pressing it to my upper body. It opened me more, allowing him to go in even deeper. I moaned, back arching. I was on fire, balls rising in sudden jerks, only to relax down. "Mac, oh, Mac," Caleb slowed down, prolonging the agonizing pleasure. He pressed his lips to my ear, panting. It turned me on even more, especially when he managed to pinch my nipples.

"God, Caleb!" My balls contracted up, more violently, cock twitching, getting closer to the edge. Caleb fucked me slowly, the head of his cock gently rubbing my button with ever slow thrust. I couldn't take it anymore. I shoved my ass back, impaling myself hard. It helped, easing the pleasure-pain, but not enough to catapult me over the edge.

"Caleb, fuck me! Fuck me hard and fast, of God help me--" I was cut off. Caleb speeded up, hips really slamming into me now, balls smacking my own. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, I bit a pillow, moaning so loud, that if Caleb's neighbors were asleep, they would be woken up by me. I reached behind me, placing hand on Caleb's right ass cheek, gripping it, encouraging him to fuck me harder still. I was surprised I hadn't cum yet.

As if on cue, Caleb groaned, "I'm gonna cum, Mac!" I shuddered. I came, Caleb's teeth set on my shoulder, biting.

"Ahhhh! Ca...oh God, Caleb!" I shot my load, spewing all over the sheets. Caleb thrust, once, twice, three times before stopping, deep inside me, cock twitching. I screamed, convulsing. Caleb shuddered and twitched behind me, kissing my neck. I slumped down. exhausted. Caleb rolled to his back, semi-hard cock popping out. I was on my side, facing him. Sweat glistened on his face.

"Wow..." he said, eyes closed. I smiled, enjoying the after glow. "You cum a lot, you know?" he said, looking down between us at my mess. I chuckled, blushing.

"It's all your fault, lover boy."

He grinned, "Lover boy?" He arched a brow.

"Umm, well..." I stuttered, unsure of what I had said wrong. He placed a finger on my lips.

"Shh, sorry, I love your nicknames for me," he said softly. He leaned in, pressing his soft lips to mine for a gentle kiss. "Clean up?" I nodded. ***

In the shower, Caleb adjusted the water temperature. His bathroom was a similar shade of blue as his room; very ocean-like. The walls were really impressive, like it was sponged to imitate ocean waves.

"Was this your sister, too?" I asked, looking around me. He straightened away from the tub.

"Yeah, Lauren has a good eye for these kind of things. I do clothes, she does rooms," Caleb shrugged. "A shower's okay? The tub broke awhile ago, and I haven't been able to fix it."

I nodded, "Yeah, a shower is good, though I like the way I smell." I got in the shower, water making its way down my body.

He stepped in, "What do you smell of?"

I leaned against the wall, "Well, for starters, of sex, and then you."

He pressed against me, "Oh, really? Do I smell good?" I pulled him closer, twining my arms around his neck, gripping his hair.

"Oh, yeah," I said against his lips. He kissed me with a groan, tugging my hips to him, water making our bodies slick. Like me, he was hard already. Our tongues dueling, Caleb grinded into me, hands fisting my wet hair. He pushed me harder against the wall, hoisting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Hold on," he said, fingers parting my ass, fingering my still wet and slightly open hole. Grabbing shampoo, he squirted some on his hand, coating his cock.

"And here I was, hoping to go down on you," I said, holding on tight to his shoulder. He grinned, pushing inside me. I bit my lip, wincing.

"You'll have to take a rain-check," he stilled, gripping my hips. He trailed kisses from my jaw to my collarbone, occasionally biting. He began to pump his hips, shifting me slightly to rake my prostate with the head of his cock on every thrust. I really was moaning loudly now, the tiles making everything echo.

"I love to hear you moan," Caleb breathed, slamming into me. It made me shiver, throwing me off the cliff. I screamed, digging my short nails into his back, the heels of my feet urging him to push in deeper. I came, though it really wasn't as much as it would have been twenty four hours ago. Upon shooting a third time, Caleb groaned, stopping in mid thrust to spasm, fingers digging into me. We both came down from the high about the same time, though with me a bit weak in the knees. ***

Since I didn't have any clean clothes--it hadn't occurred to us to put my wet and dirty ones in the wash-- Caleb let me wear some of his clothing: black sweats with a grey shirt. No underwear, 'cause it would be a bit--make that a lot-- loose on me. I was just too skinny to wear his briefs without them falling.

We spent the rest of the day together, watching a movie at his place. Around seven, he said he was hungry for something greasy and fast. We made our way to McDonald's. When Caleb insisted on paying for the both of us, I protested. Eventually, I gave in, grumbling the whole time. "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" I finished my chicken sandwich before answering. I had to go to work tomorrow. I told him so.

"Oh," he aid, disappointed. "When do you get off?" he persisted. And then I realized that it made my ego swell, along with other things.

"Um, well, I do the closing shift," I said, scooping up ketchup with a fry.

"So you can stay." A statement, not a question.

I sighed. "Not really. I promised my mom I'd have breakfast with her." Again that disappointed "Oh."

"Sorry," I offered. He shrugged, drinking some soda.

"I guess we'll see each other till Monday, then." He sounded kinda depressed. I nodded, puzzled.

"By the way, I called a friend of mine, told him about your car. It should be at my place by now," he said, taking a huge bite out of his BigMac. I thought it was ironic.

"Um, well, thanks," I said, eating more fries. "I'll pay you back for whatever he charged you."

He shook his head, "Nah, he owed me a favor, so I called on it."

I felt a tad uncomfortable, "Okay."

"Can I have your number?" he asked out of the blue. I nodded. After exchanging numbers, we left. The ride to his home was silent. And as he'd said, my car was there.

"You want to go inside for a drink?" I got out of the car, shaking my head. "Nah, I've got laundry to do, but thanks for the offer anyways," I said, peering inside my car for the keys.

"They're in the mailbox," Caleb said, leaning back into his car.

"Oh...well, I guess I'd better go," I looked at him, regretting asking Sasha for extra hours. Caleb was staring at the ground, shuffling his boot.

"See you Monday?" I asked, stepping in front of him.

He smiled. "You bet." He pulled me in for a kiss. It was slow and gentle, lingering. He let me go. I smiled like a goof the entire way home.

Comments and questions can be sent to Let me know what you liked and disliked about this. Also, please remember to donate to Nifty!(: -Aidan

Next: Chapter 3

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