Mac and Caleb

By Aidan Greyson

Published on Jul 29, 2012


Mac & Caleb Aidan Greyson

DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between college boys. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DON'T READ IT! If you choose to read it, then please continue and enjoy.

A month into the Fall Semester and it just had to happen. I kicked my car, instantly regretting it when my toe throbbed with pain.

"Damn it!" I was standing out in the middle of a rainstorm, at 10 o'clock at night, both my car and house keys inside my very locked car. I looked at the keys in question, still in the ignition. The keys twinkled in the dark, a sudden flash of light, as if to rub it in my face.

"Arghhhhhhhh!" I was soaked, my clothes heavy with wetness. I leaned back on the door, mentally kicking myself. Taking night classes was a mistake, but it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Theatre was exciting, and taking it at night, thrilling.

"Somebody pinch me `cause this has got to be a nightmare," I said, loud enough to hear myself over the pounding rain. No sooner had I spoken, I felt a playful pinch at my arm. My eyes, flashed open, burning when water stinged my eyes. I rubbed the water away, realizing that I wasn't alone.

"Jesus Christ! You scared me, Caleb!" Caleb, the hottest guy in my theatre class. He was a Class-A/Wet-dream material. Short curly, black hair, golden tanned, lean muscles, a killer smile, a dimple on his right cheek, and hazel eyes. He was tall, too. An added bonus. He was wearing a green shirt, bringing out the green in his eyes. Too bad he was straight as they come.

As if on cue, he flashed me that killer smile. "Sorry. I saw you standing out here in the rain, all alone. I thought you might need some help," he inched closer, and I noticed that he held an umbrella. I stopped breathing, my heart beat speeding. He leaned over me, closer still, licking his lips. I closed my eyes, licking my own dry lips. I tilted my head back, catching a hint of his cologne. I waited what seemed like hours before I head his voice next to my left ear.

"Looks like your keys are in there," he commented, his chest so close to mine. I blinked slowly, bemuddled. He looked down at me. "Guess you have no place to crash, eh?" He chuckled.

"Guess I don't." His hand brushed away the wet strands of hair from my face.

"You can crash at mine," he said. We looked each other in the eye, aware of the tension between us. My cock was painfully hard by now, pressing against the fly of my jeans. "Ok," I said. He stepped back, taking my arms and started walking farther into the parking lot.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked, looking back at my car over my shoulder. He glanced over his own shoulder, looking at me with a frown on his face.

"Why, to my car of course, Mac." When we reached his car, he let go of my arm, unlocking his car on the passenger's side. I honestly didn't know what model it was. Caleb opened the door, and started to get in. At my confused look, he said, "It's hard to open it on the driver's side." With that he kneeled on the seat and leaned over. His jeans-covered ass up in the air, my hands itched to grab that ass. I fisted my hands to my side. He backed up and jogged to his side. I didn't want to wet his seat, so I was standing out in the rain like a total dork. Caleb was already inside the car and leaned over to the open door.

"What are you waiting for?" I lifted my arms out, emphasizing my wet clothes. "I'll get your car wet," I said, wiggling my toes inside my soaked shoes.

He laughed, "Well, you could always take off your clothes." He waggled his eyebrows, a dimple in this cheek. He laughed again at my shocked expression. "I'm kidding, though you're welcome to do so." he reached into the back seat and pulled out two towels. He spread one on the seat and handed me the other one. "There."

I smiled and got in, careful to not pull at the towel too much. We mostly drove in silence, until a thought struck me. "Do you live by yourself?" I asked, staring at him.

He casted a quick glance at my direction. "Yes, I do, why?" I lowered my gaze, staring at his crotch. "Oh, I was just wondering if you had a roommate, is all," I looked out the window.

His house wasn't that far away from the college, only a 20 minute drive. He pulled into the driveway, his headlight flashing the front of the blue house. He turned off the ignition, again reaching into the back, this time to pull back a black bag. At his door, he reached inside his jeans pocket and took out keys.

In trying to unlock the door, the bag unbalanced from his shoulder, jerking his hand away from the doorknob, pulling him down with it. I quickly put out a hand, holding onto the front of his jeans, the only thing I could get a hold of. I don't know why I thought my scrawny build could prevent him from going all the way down. All it did was pull me down with him. I landed on top of him, nose to nose, chest to chest, groin to groin.

Our eyes met, surprised. I couldn't move, only feel his taut muscles against my skinny frame. The nipples, hard, pressed against my own hard ones. His stomach was rock hard, a six pack waiting to be unveiled. His groin...Omigod. What should have been soft and cushioned was the complete opposite. He was hard, his boner digging into my own growing erection. On instinct, my hips pressed down, putting pressure on his boner with my now-hard cock.

His breathing was deeper as if he was trying to control it. My hands were on either side of his head, and I used them as leverage as I lifted my torso up a bit, putting more pressure on his cock.

His hooded gaze slid from my face down to where our bodies touched. His hips thrust up, a question. I leaned down, noses nearly touching, breath mixing between us. His tongue swept out, wetting his lips, an invitation. With a groan, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his, an answer. His mouth opened at the feel of my searching tongue, entering his mouth, dueling with his. Caleb groaned, his right hand twining in my hair, his left slowly making its way down my back, cupping my ass in his palm. With my knees, I nudged his legs apart, creating space for me. I started to hump him, still kissing him.

At one point, I stopped kissing him and just looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. Our breathing was labored, and I was so close. I stopped thrusting, knowing that if I so much as readjusted myself, I would cum. It wasn't like my clothes weren't ruined already, but that would be embarrassing.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, it dawned on me that we were on his front porch, for his neighbors to see. He must've also realized this because his eyes widened, mouth open in shock. I felt my face redden with embarrassment. Never mind that I would have cum in my pants like I used to as a 12 year old. The fact that if I had gone on, humping him like I had, and had I cummed, the whole neighborhood would have seen me, heard me!

I got up as quickly as I could with my aching hard-on, holding out a hand to help Caleb up. He took my hand, getting up, picking up his discarded keys along the way. I picked up his bag. Well, tried to, because that damn bag was heavier than a cow.

He looked back at me, noticed my struggle and laughed. "You look cute , d'ya know that, Mac?" I looked up at him, startled. I blushed again, looking down at my wet shoes, avoiding his gaze, noticing the front of his shirt and jeans were wet.

"Oh damn, Caleb, I'm sorry. I made you wet." His eyes went down his body, stopping at the very obvious bulge. "Baby, you've made me more than wet," he winked, again, flashing that killer smile.

I didn't think it would be possible to turn any redder than I already was, but I felt my face heat up even more. He laughed, pulling me to him by my shirt. I found myself plastered to his body, our lips close.

"Sorry didn't mean to make you blush so hard. It's just that you look so adorable when you do. I can't help myself." He pressed a kiss to my cheek.

We stepped inside his house, closing the door behind us. Caleb let the bag fall to the floor. He walked further inside, taking off his shirt on his way to the blinking phone. "You have two messages," the mono-voice announced.

Not wanting to intrude in on his privacy, I looked around. Matching furniture, some pictures hanging from the walls, a plasma TV hooked up with a very nice sound system. After my cursory look-over, I didn't know what to do.

I glanced at Caleb, only to find that he wasn't there anymore. I looked back at the picture before me. It was of a smiling woman, most likely in her 40s with a much younger looking Caleb. The woman had the black curls, only her eyes were a honey brown. Her smile reminded me of Caleb's. It was then that I realized that this was most likely Caleb's mother. They had the same smile, dimple and all.

I took another look at the other pictures, only to find more of him and his mother, him and, what I presumed to be friends, but none that resembled a father. I frowned. I thought back at my own house, where I had pictures of both my parents.

"So are you just gonna stand there?" I whirled around, nearly falling. Caleb caught me, pressing me to his naked chest. "Sorry, I seem to do that a lot, huh?" he smiled apologetically. "Tell you what, I'll try to not scare you or make you blush," he said. "Much," he added, smiling.

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I sobered up, not knowing what to do with my hands. I looked over his shoulder, at the body length mirror. I saw the mane of curly black hair, the wide expanse of Caleb's broad shoulders, his strong back, his tight ass. And over his shoulder I saw me. Me with my straight, dark brown hair, wide muddy brown eyes, pale-ish skin, and too-full lips for a guy. But guys digged it.

"What's the matter? Are you gonna clam up on me now that we're inside," he murmured, his lips against my hair.

"I don't know what to say, Caleb. I'm confused." I could feel his gaze on me, but I looked down at his chest. "Ahh," he finally said. "What are you confused about, Mac?"

I looked up, "I thought you were straight. But...," I slid my hand down his chest, cupping his hard cock in my hand, squeezing. "This says otherwise," I smiled at his sharp intake of breath.

"Ahh, well, what made you think I was straight?" he asked, his eyes slightly unfocused. I didn't let go of him, "That time we were acting out that one scene from Mrs. Gate's play." He frowned, "Which one?"

"I forgot the name, but you were with Krystal. She was wearing the skimpy dress, with the not quite covered breast. You were wearing the tights, which left little to the imagination. It was very obvious that you had a hard-on over Krystal's rack." I looked intently into his eyes, and saw the moment in which he remembered.

"Oh, that play. Well, if you must know. I didn't have a hard on over Krystal's rack, or any other girl for that matter. This bad boy you're holding in your hand? He was hot for you." His arms came around me, cupping my ass, pressing my own arousal to my hand.

"What?!" I couldn't believe it! He nodded, "If you remember, you were also wearing those tights, and you had a bulge going on. Ms. Gate had asked me some time before the play started if I could, ehm, get an erection during that scene, to emphasize the erotic atmosphere. She knows I'm gay, which is why she asked me to begin with."

I shook my head, still not believing. I let go of his cock, pushing back. "You still don't believe me?" he was incredulous. I smiled ruefully, "Let's just say that I find it hard to believe that you're hot for me."

He growled, suddenly pushing me up against the wall. "Boy, you better believe that I'm hard for you. Now take these clothes off." He started pushing down his jeans.

I stood there, staring like an idiot as his pants slowly revealed navy blue briefs and then thighs slightly sprinkled with hair. He slid them off and away from his feet, hooking his thumbs in the elastic of his briefs.

"What are you waiting for? I'm not taking these off until you're down to your undies too," he said, waggling his eyebrows. Without a second thought, I took off my shirt, still a bit wet, kicked off my shoes. As I was unbuttoning my pants, I remembered that I had decided to go without undies. He saw my hesitation and cocked a brow in question. I debated whether to tell him of my dilemma or to take off my pants. In the end, I decided on the latter. I gave him a cheeky, shy smile, straightened and pulled down my jeans, letting them pool at my ankles. My erection smacked against my stomach, a drop of precum splattering. The look on his face was priceless.

I kicked my jeans away, gripping my cock in one hand, jerking myself off a bit. I cupped my balls with the other, watching as he ripped off his briefs. When he straightened up, he walked quickly towards me. "You're a tease, Mac, did you know that?" he grabbed my hips, pulling me up against him. "I'm not a tease, Caleb. A tease gets you all hot and bothered and leaves you like that. I plan to get you hot and bothered and finish what I started," I said, leaning towards him. He knotted my hair in his fingers, pulling me back.

"Not as shy anymore, Mac?" He licked my exposed throat. "That wasn't me being shy, Caleb, that was me unsure if you could handle me." I let my hands roam, pinching his nipples, caressing down his abs, taking hold of his penis.

He wrapped his hand around mine, squeezing both my hand and his penis. He was leaking precum, and on the upstroke, I rubbed the head, smearing the liquid. He groaned, his head thrown back. "It's been a while," he said as he straightened his head. Our lips met, kissing, sucking, biting. My hand moved up and down faster, and Caleb thrust into my hand. He pulled away suddenly. "You've got work or class tomorrow?" I frowned. In my aroused state, I couldn't think clearly. Friday, today is Friday, Mac, meaning tomorrow is Saturday, no class, no work, my study day. S is for studying and all that. "No, neither, why?" He dropped to his knees. "Good, 'cause I don't think tonight will be enough to satisfy my hunger for you.

With that he pulled down my hard cock to mouth-level with his hand, taking it in said mouth, tongue swirling on my head. "Oh God! Caleb!" I put my hand on his head, tugging his hair. He closed his hands over my ass cheeks, sucking up and down my tool, one finger working its way to my asshole. Caleb began massaging my hole, and with the other hand cupped my balls, pulling at them lightly. I could already feel my orgasm building up.

I placed both hands on his head, starting to hump his mouth, his finger still at my hole. "Caleb, I'm gonna cum," I gasped, warning him. He sucked even harder, pressing harder against my hole. I felt myself tense, legs shaking, getting ready to blow. My balls raised up as came in his mouth. "Oh Caleb...Oohh." He swallowed everything, sucking me clean. I shot one last time, shuddering, nearly falling down. He stood up, "Easy there," he grinned, leaning down to kiss me on the lips. The kiss deepened, and I could taste myself in my his mouth, tongues dueling. His cock poked my stomach. I broke off, laughing, "Ok, your turn." I was about to drop to my knees, ready to suck, but he stopped me.

"Let's take this to the bedroom."

Caleb's bedroom was done in woodsy greens and deep oceanic blues. A king sized bed lay in the middle, with nightstands on both sides, all the furniture a deep brown. " have good taste!" He grinned, "Thanks, but it was all my sister." He eyed my crotch, pulling me close to him. "So, you're ready for round two?" I smiled. "Yes."

Caleb pulled me to him, and we kissed, deepening the kiss, grinding our groins together. I was hard again, and the sensation of Caleb's hard cock rubbing against mine caused precum to ooze. He guided me to the bed. I sat and he stretched out on his side, taking me with him, not breaking the kiss. My hand found his balls; I fondled, loving the way his breathing hitched.

He pulled away, "Are you a top or bottom, Mac?" We were both breathing heavy. "I like both, but prefer to bottom." He nodded, "Ok, let's get you nicely open." He flipped me over.

"Wait, I wanna go down on you, too, Caleb. I want a taste of your big juicy cock," I pleaded, feeling his hands on my ass cheeks. I looked over my shoulder, saw as he leaned in and took a deep breath, inhaling my scent. "Oh God, you smell so good, Mac," he groaned, closing his eyes. "And as to getting some of this big boy," he kneeled, grasping his shaft in his hand, wiggled it at me, "don't you worry about it."

He pulled my hips up, shoving a pillow beneath me. I began panting again as he separated my cheeks apart, drawing a small yelp out of me when he kissed my hole with tongue. I groaned, thrusting my butt to get more of that tongue. I felt more than heard his chuckle, then he began to lick from the small of my back down to my perineum, delving deeply at my hole. He repeated this several times, eliciting moans from me. He suddenly focused on my hole, tongue lapping furiously. "Caleb!" I cried out, twisting the sheets in my hands, writhing with pleasure.

I gasped when Caleb took my left nut into his mouth, gently sucking it. He treated my right nut to the same treatment. He went back to rimming me, taking my cock in his hand, jerking me off. He shaped his tongue into a spear, poking, trying to gain entrance. I pushed, as if to take a shit, granting him access, his tongue fucking in and out of my ass. "Caleb, I'm gonna blow." My balls were drawing up, cum churning. My moaning got louder as Caleb jerked me off faster, rimming me, reaching up to my chest with his remaining hand to pinch my nipple. "Caleb!" At this point I was past making sense other than his name. I came again, all over the sheets and pillow, one shot hitting my lower mouth and chin, splashing my throat and chest. I shot 6 more times while Caleb continued. I shuddered as I dribbled the last of my cum. "Ohhh..."

I rolled over onto my back, numb, mind-blown. Caleb grinned, leaning over me to lick my cum off my chest, licking up my throat, sucking my chin. He kissed me, spreading my juice all over our lips. I broke the kiss, panting. "I thought you were gonna fuck me?" He laughed. "I am, it's just that your ass is too much of a temptation for me to resist," he winked, brushing the hair off my face. He sat up, opening a drawer from the bedside table, producing a bottle of lube. "I don't think you need me to open you anymore than you already are," he cocked his brow.

I blushed, "No, I'm good." He coated his cock with lube, applying some to my asshole, too. He got on top of me, spreading my legs, positioning his cock at my entrance. He pushed, and I did, too. His head popped in, and he stopped to let me adjust to him. He kept pushing, until all his 9 inches were inside of me. I felt 'full.'

He began drawing back and just when he was going to pop out, he thrust back in. I gasped. He looked down at me, starting to speed up, fucking me faster. "Harder," I moaned. He complied, reaching up to hold himself with the headboard, pounding me hard. "Oh, God, yes, like that, Caleb," I held on to his ass, feeling it clench and unclench as he thrust.

He angled his hips a different way, going deeper, rubbing my prostate. I was moaning like crazy now. He grunted, speeding up even more. I began to feel my third orgasm begin to build, deep in my balls.

"Mac," he whispered, and I let go, cumming so hard, but not as much after two orgasms. He threw his head back. "Oh, God, Mac!" I felt his cock twitching inside me, his hot cum blasting my insides. He kept on fucking me, prolonging my own climax. I twitched for a final time, relaxing as I felt Caleb' cock twitch a last time, too.

He stayed inside me or a little longer, coming down from his sex high. I cleared my throat, smiling at him. "That was great," I said, sounding a bit hoarse. He grinned, "Yep." He pulled out, laying back on his back next to me, and I rolled over, putting my head on his chest, a leg over his hip and though. I dozed off, feeling sated and sleepy.

Caleb wrapped an arm around me, kissing my forehead. "Goodnight, Mac," he shut off the light.

Please send any comments and/or questions to Thanks, A.

Next: Chapter 2

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