Lysistrata Goofed! story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 6, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"All the women have done what?" Captain Kelly Bryce exclaimed. His adjutant, a young man who had been called simply "Chris" for so long, his actual last name was practically defunct, looked up from his filing work, equally agog.

Dr. Grant Williamson repeated himself. "All twelve of our colony's women have left the colony."

"But...where have they gone?"

"To Outpost Three." Dr. Williamson named a prefab cabin which had been placed about ten miles away from the colony, to be used by scientists still studying this new world, this outpost was not far from the single ocean that straddled this world like a gigantic belt between the northern and southern continents. They'd chosen the northern continent for a starter, these fifty-six men and twelve women, and the colony was on a razor's edge of existence, for the entire female population to abandon the colony like this was...well, it was catastrophic!

There was no way to contact Earth until the next ship arrived another year from now. The ship would deliver supplies and take back messages, and requests for help would it three years from now. Far too late to do any good, they were on their own here!

Captain Bryce for once blessed the emochip that held his strongest emotions at bay here and now, and did the same for all of them. A small chip at the base of his brain fed electrical stimulations upon demand to keep all the members of the colony calm and collected, unable to feel rage, or fear, or jealousy or any of the other titanic emotional forces that can tear a small group to pieces overnight.

So what the hell had happened here?

"You say left as in permanently?" he asked.

"Left until their demands are met." Dr. Williamson handed him a paper. "I found this note tacked to my office door this morning. Laura wrote it." Dr. Laura Schleiter was the colony's OB/GYN and pediatrician.

Captain Bryce read the "manifesto" as it had been titled by Dr. Schleiter. "They want us to change the breeding laws?" he asked.

It had been decided back on Earth to send a disproportionate number of men on this first colony, and for women to take a primary role as mothers and child caregivers. Though all of them held duties in the colony as well, in every case (as in Drs. Williamson and Schleiter) their roles could be replaced by men as needed. It had been decided back on Earth to have the women choose as they wished among the men for their lovers, but for the children to be created by artificial insemination, with all the men to be given their chances at fatherhood.

"They claim that the breeding laws are sexist and demeaning to women."

"They're right." Captain Bryce admitted. "But the other choice was to have more women here, and a smaller work force. Women don't have the physical capacity of men and when bearing children and caring for babies, they are less productive. Our complement was constrained to sixty-eight people, we all knew the situation and signed up without duress or false promises. What else did they expect?"

"Well, they're now demanding that we set up a council to run the colony, seven individuals, four of which must be women, the right to choose their own children's fathers, and a lot of other things that adds up to their running things here. If we fail to comply, they'll refuse to provide any children at all. Reclaiming their uteruses, is how they phrased it."

"They're joking!" was all Captain Bryce could utter, and the dismay he felt didn't feel the least bit controlled.

"They've spent the last month or so building up Outpost Three." Dr. Williamson said. "Diverted supplies, missing equipment. Everything to turn that into their own second colony. Leaving us with our dicks waving in the wind."

"Well, these things can always be compromised." Captain Bryce said.

"Not entirely. You noticed how she signed that paper?"

Captain Bryce had noticed but not thought about it. "She signed it Lysistrata.'" he observed.

"You know the legend of Lysistrata?"

"Only vaguely." Captain Bryce admitted. "Never much into the classics. Some kind of female rebellion."

"A play by Aristophanes. Lysistrata wanted the men of Greek's cities to stop fighting the Peloponnesian War so she arranged for all the women to hole up in the Acropolis and thus withhold their sexual favors from the men. Also locked up the treasury...and the supplies she's taken are enough to cripple the colony severely. They had to end the war to get their supply of poontang back."

Captain Bryce sighed. "Well, it's an inconvenience but if we give them some time, they're bound to realize that twelve women can't make a viable colony. Sixty-eight of us is bad enough." Dr. Williamson sighed. "The problem, Captain, is that we're going to be pretty much in the same situation as those men in Aristophanes' play, walking around with interminable hardons."

"Oh, come now, it's not that bad..."

"You're forgetting the emochips."

"What about them?" Captain Bryce frowned.

"Something we weren't supposed to tell the colony, but now we may have to."

"Go on!" Captain Bryce rubbed his forehead. He knew a headache was coming before it even began!

"The emochips are updated every day and adjusted to help the colony move along smoothly. The ability to work hard on little sleep during the fertile season, and then when the weather turned cold, we were all sleeping fourteen hours a day and only having two small meals a day, remember that?"

"I remember." Captain Bryce wasn't surprised at any of this though it was news to him. When you signed up for the colony, you surrendered your rights to things they didn't feel you should know. It was sign anyhow, or stay on Earth.

"So Dr. Schleiter has timed this little escapade of hers very carefully, more carefully than you know. Starting tonight and in full gear by reveille, a new signal is going to be spurting into every male brain in the colony. The women are out of range for it to affect them. But all the men are going to get a strong dose of the old mating urge."

"Define mating urge."

"Not just the urge to have sex, because that's not something most men need help with, though there's some of that, but a strong urge to find a single mate and stick with her. The women were supposed to be told about this event today so they'd be ready. And after a year on this world, it was assumed that some pairings would be ripe for exploitation."

"How long is this mating urge going to be working on us."

"Long enough to get every woman in the colony married off. The follow-up signal was to keep the marriages strong while reconciling the remaining men to their single status and satisfied with being allowed to have children by sperm donation."

"And everyone was going to be happy." Captain Bryce didn't have to anticipate the headache any longer, it was building up rapidly. "Well, we'll have to see what the women want once this mating urge kicks in. They want to talk to us, they have to come here. Beyond that..." He rubbed his head again. "Oh, God! Get out of here now and let me think about this."

When Dr. Williamson left, unbidden, Chris came over and began to massage his temples. Captain Bryce had to sigh, Chris was such a blessing to have around. As the leader of the colony, he'd long ago decided not to get involved with any of the women in the colony. He'd counted on the emochip to make it all tolerable for himself. But if he was about to get a shot of gonad-itis, he was in for a disagreeable period!

He contemplated this problem for the longest time. It was true that it was time to set up a civil advisory committee that could evolve into a governing council in time, he could see to it that the women got fair representation on it. One instead of four, but Dr. Schleiter must have realized that she needed room to compromise.

He got an inspiration...set up a relay point to get the signal out to the women's group so they'd find their own snatches aching for a steady man in their beds! Yeah, that was the ticket, offer them the committee, get the women's emochips to do half his work for him! With Dr. Schleiter getting a dose of the mating urge for herself, she'd be quicker to talk sense. And just because some women were on his advisory committee didn't make it a walk to a post on a governing council!

So he managed to calm himself down enough to crawl into his lonesome bed and try to get some sleep. Shit, he was feeling a bit...anxious! Had they turned on that mating urge signal to the emochips already?

His erection was beckoning to him, and he shuffled off the pajama bottoms that he normally wore in bed so he could masturbate. He'd put them back on afterwards, a colony leader needed to be able to jump out of bed and go outside at an instant's notice. But for now, he could lie totally naked in bed and just work his pud a while.

One hand wandered over the chest he kept well-built and strong (no leader can appear to be weak, his physical appearance, a strong handsome male specimen, had been part of the criteria for making him the colony's first leader) and down his wasp-thin waist (same comment) and onto the plump organ between his legs. The criteria hadn't mentioned his generous endowment, but he didn't doubt that the physicians spotting it during his physical hadn't hurt his chances. And now it was throbbing and when his hand wrapped around it, it was like an electric shock running through his brain. "Ah-ah, ahh-ahhhhh!" he sighed. Make this last, make it count, because on this job, you never knew when....

As if the thought triggered it, his door's intercom buzzed. "Damn it!" he grunted and pressed the accept button. "Bryce here!"

"Sir, may I speak with you privately?" It was Chris. That "private" comment concerned him, Chris had never brought up any private matters to him before. All business, that was Chris, calm, quiet and competent, a joy to have as his executive assistant. If he had a problem, that made it the colony's problem.

"Sure, Chris, come on in." Captain Bryce quickly threw the coverlet over himself as the door opened.

Bryce saw that Chris was wearing his own sleep gear, a pair of pajama bottoms similar to the ones now lying on his bedroom floor. Whatever it was had taken him out of his own bed. "What is it, Chris?"

Chris sat down on his bed before he said, "It's about the women, sir."

"Go ahead."

"You know there are fifty-six men and only twelve women." Chris said. And when Bryce nodded, he went on, "And even if we can get them to come back, a lot of us men are going to be left out in the cold, except for sperm donations."

"You knew that when you signed up."

"Yes, sir, but I'm thinking about that mating urge the doctor mentioned. If we're going to want to get paired up and if there's only twelve women to pair up with, well... where does that leave the rest of us with these emochips driving us to find someone?"

"It'll have to work itself out." Bryce said. "And it will, one way or another."

"May I ask what you're going to do?" Chris leaned in at him. "About a partner?"

"I figure the job will keep me too busy to worry much about it." Bryce hesitated, then added, "I never had much desire for a wife and family anyhow."

"Me, either." Chris hastily agreed. "In fact, that's what I was thinking about."


"If you were choosing a colony to have a preponderance of men, what kind would you choose?"

"Devoted, intelligent, hardworking and so on, I suppose."

"Yes, and so on." Chris agreed. "But wouldn't it be convenient if you chose men who didn't have much interest in women to begin with? And since you want those men to be young and need them to be virile, what does that leave you with?"

"The other sex." Bryce agreed. "Men who only want men."

"Exactly." Chris said. "And with the mating urge thrown in, well, I was wondering...." It wasn't a coincidence that his hand left its position on the bed palm-down and landed again on Bryce's thigh.

"Wondering what my mating urge is calling for?"

"Wondering if it matched up with my mating urge." The hand began to wander about on his thigh. Not quite reaching the nexus of his legs, but getting close, very close.

Maybe it was the emochip, or just the knowledge that his chances with those women was as bad as anyone else's, made Bryce do what he did next, which was catch the hand as it got close to his groin and guide it over so it could grip his cock through the coverlet. "Like I said, it'll have to work itself out." he said softly. "And it will, one way or another."

"Or another." Chris agreed and his hand clenched upon Bryce's prong, began to palp the re-emerging tumescence of Bryce's manhood.

Bryce reached to stroke Chris' inner thigh which was perched up on the bed next to him and Chris moaned, leaned over to pull at the coverlet, pulled it downwards and then his lips latched onto one of Bryce's nipples and suckled at it hungrily. Bryce groaned and pulled the younger stud up so their lips could meet, which they did, open, passionate and wet, their tongues met and stroked each other, fed into each other's mouths and lingered there, trying to become a part of each other.

A part of each other. Bryce felt it. It didn't matter if this was the first impact of the "mating urge" Dr. Williamson had mentioned, he felt this was right, this was what he needed. A partner in life should be able to share all your life, and who better to share his than his executive assistant, they could become like two halves of a single entity. The men of the colony must be doing this all over, if Chris' theory about the "ideal colonist" was right, who else would they have if the women selected only a dozen of the nearly five dozen men. Forty-six men had to be prepared to live alone...or find love with each other. He and Chris could be the model they could all follow. The women would be happier (and so would their male mates) at knowing that they wouldn't be the targets of lonely, sexually frustrated men.

Chris got the coverlet completely off of Bryce and his own pajama bottoms followed more slowly. He was worming on top of Bryce and when the bottoms had slid down enough, the heat of Chris' dong pressed against his and made the subsequent squirming an incredibly erotic experience, that warm pole of maleness wriggling like a live worm atop his own love-sausage, he could feel its heat, the way it throbbed like the heart that pounded in the chest Chris pressed against his own...or was that his own heart shaking his ribs with every thump-ump it made?

Bryce gave in to his need and began to thrust up against Chris' body, ramming his hard rod against Chris' cock and lower abdomen as if he could stab that dong into Chris like that and finally connect them, connect them for all time!

"Oh, God, oh, God!" He breathed as Chris raised up on him and his legs straddled Bryce's waist. "I don't know if it's the emochips or what, but I want you so fucking much!"

"You have me, Captain Bryce." Chris breathed. "Anytime you want me. You've always had me."

"In this room, at night." Bryce told him. "You can call me Kelly."

Chris shook his head. "I might slip during the daytime. Better if I don't."

"That won't matter after a while longer, after everyone knows about us." Bryce said. "But it's up to you."

"I don't care about what I call you." Chris said. "As long as I can do this."

And his hand guided Bryce's dong toward Chris' ass and when it contacted, Bryce felt a slickness that was unmistakable. "You lubed up before you came in?"

"Just say I was hoping you'd say yes."

"Yes, yes, oh, God, yes!" Bryce murmured as Chris pushed down and Bryce's prong slid up into Chris' tight ass. Chris' face was wrinkled in pain, he may have squirted lube up his ass before he entered, but this was no experienced butthole he was entering. Chris had saved himself for this day, he realized. Or never had the chance given his dream of being a colonist, all the hard study and work, priming his body and his mind for this. As had Bryce. He wondered how many more men were pairing up around the colony right now, in this first night of the great rush toward finding your heart's true love? After a year together in the intense labor and struggle of building the colony, most of those bonds may well have already been formed!

Chris had made it down to the very base of Bryce's pud and he held it there, his face glowing from within as though he were an angel down from Heaven, transfixed and enraptured by the towering male dong now buried inside him.

And then, he began to move, slowly at first but then moving faster as he adapted to the hard, hot prod. Bryce just lay there and watched his young lover, the man upon whom he depended so heavily, and now was serving him here in this as well. Yes, Chris was right, the two of them belonged together. This was not a savage male rutting, this was the first night of a long-term relationship, one that had only now become sexual, but this addition felt simply so right, so pre-ordained. Had the psychologists of Earth chosen them that carefully? He wouldn't have been surprised, not with ten thousand volunteers to select from. The colony had had very few personality clashes so far. Until this latest situation with the women...Lysistrata!

He barked a laugh totally out of tune with the lovemaking.

"What is it?" Chris asked him.

"I was just thinking. Those women leaving us may be the best thing that's happened to us." Bryce said. The men of Greece had been willing to have sex with each other. Lysistrata with her sexual blackmail couldn't have held the men at bay with just that. She had also seized the treasury in their efforts, and that was why the women had prevailed. Which meant....

He gave a whoop and reached up and grabbed Chris, rolled him over so that he was on top.

"What is it?" Chris asked again.

"I just figured out the answer to all our problems." he said. "Now I can really relax and enjoy this."

He began to hump his young lover with all the energy and zest his long-deprived body demanded. Chris held onto him and cried out in rapture as he was zealously pounded by his commander, and Bryce felt his own joy building as well even as the lesser joy of fucking raced through his body.

Chris gave out a final cry and then a continued moan as he blasted his wad all over Bryce's stomach and chest, hot ropy splashes of male jizz that were like slashes of heat upon his flesh. Bryce looked down into the soft warm face rapt with ecstasy and this was the face of his love, his partner, his MATE!

He threw his own head back, howled and drove his dong deep into Chris tender buttocks and he blew his load, a huge spray of his body's essential fluids that hit like hot glue into Chris' body and bonded these two men, in the prime of their life and in the sharing of their loves and their fortunes and their futures. His ecstasy pounded his senses and he could feel the emochip seizing him, saying that yes, this was the one, this was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The perfect man.

His climax wrenched him and wrung him dry and threw him down like a damp sponge onto Chris' body, exhausted and drained utterly.

Chris kissed him tenderly as he breathed hot, weary breaths onto Chris' neck, then he began to gently kiss that neck in his own turn. They nuzzled like this and then Bryce wearily rolled off of Chris and sighed.

Chris waited a moment, then said, "You have the answer to the problem with the women, sir?"

"I certainly do, thanks to you." Bryce said. "I know exactly what we are going to do about them."

"And what is that?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Bryce smiled at his young assistant. "And it will all work itself out over the next few weeks."

It took nearly three weeks before Dr. Schleiter, her many messages and signals totally ignored by Captain Bryce, re-entered the colony with two of her fellow women carrying weapons as her bodyguards. Captain Bryce let her come unopposed and unchallenged all the way into his office like that.

"What can we do for you, Dr. Schleiter?" He asked.

That unleashed a rather long tirade that ended with the ultimatum he expected. "Either you accede to our most reasonable demands or you can build this colony without us."

"I see." Bryce said. "And the answer is simply, no."

"No?" Dr. Schleiter couldn't believe it. "Do you know what you're saying?"

"I know that your colony of twelve can't possibly survive without our help. It's rough enough with the men we have here. So I figure if I do nothing, you'll have to come back sooner or later."

"We won't come back until our demands are met."

"So how about we compromise. You women stay there at Outpost Twelve, you can build any kind of civilization there you want. We men will stay here at this colony and we'll engage in trade and commerce. That can include the having of children and our support while you raise them. Beyond that, we'll see how things work out."

"You're mad!" She exclaimed, the antithesis of the calm rebel commander she'd been upon her entrance.

"Not really." Bryce went on. "The weeks you've been gone, all of the men in this settlement have already formed liaisons with each other. I don't think you women will find a single one of them ready to drop that for a marriage with one of the women at this stage." Thanks to the emochips which had seized upon the men's proclivities and reinforced them into solid male-male relationships, the colony was now composed of strictly gay male couples. Chris had come over at his signal and Bryce put an arm around his assistant in an unmistakable gesture. "So you women will be better off with each other's company anyhow."

"Two colonies, one of men and one of women?" Dr. Schleiter asked him.

"When the children are old enough to wean, you can send the male children here to live with us. No reason why this arrangement couldn't form the basis of our future society." Maybe the day would come when they could put all the women on the southern continent, or maybe share both of them equally in some way.

Dr. Schleiter blustered some more, but eventually she gave up and left for her group of fellow rebels now holding a freedom they hadn't expected or even wanted.

Bryce watched her leaving through a security camera displayed on his desk screen. Chris came over and said, "It's mealtime, sir. Will you be eating with the men today?"

"Of course." Bryce stood up. "And I need to address the men anyhow."

"About the women, sir?"

"That's right." Bryce said. "Dr. Schleiter signed herself as Lysistrata. Well, in this case, our Lysistrata forgot to seize the treasury along with withdrawing all the women. That's the mistake that defeated our Lysistrata."

"So Lysistrata..."

"Yeah. Lysistrata goofed." Bryce agreed. "Come on, lover, let's go get lunch."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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