Lusty Lifeguard

By Matt W

Published on Jul 18, 2011


WOW! Thank you so much for all of the E-Mails. I was shocked that so many people actually read my first and felt the urge to write to me. That really put the rush on me to get something else out there for all of you. I was going to write about my first time and a few encounters with that guy, but I mostly had requests for a stepdad story. Again, if you feel the love after reading this, feel free to say hello or ask me anything at I check that all the time and will try to respond to everyone. Enjoy!

My Stepdad

At the tender age of 6 my dad died. He was in the army and I barely knew him, so it didn't have that big of an effect on me. It was probably a good thing I didn't know him, because I later found out he was abusive to my mom. Anyways, when he died he was on leave and wrapped his car around a pole while driving drunk at almost 3 times the legal limit. Therefore, we did not get near the amount of money we could have if he had lived or died in an honorable way. This meant a pretty poor upbringing until my mom married an old friend of hers from high school when I was 15. She and Ben ran into each other at a wedding and three months later they were married. When I was 20, I found out my mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer a month before she met Ben, had treatment and went into remission. The day before she told me she found out that it came back and she lost her battle three months later. After my mom died, I crashed. I drank, experimented with drugs, and put myself into a lot of other dangerous situations for no reason other than stupidity masked as grief. I didn't return home for almost an entire year after she died.

I found out my stepdad was gay about two months into their marriage. My computer wasn't working so he let me use his for some school work. Well, he should have known that leaving almost any 15 year old boy unsupervised on your computer will result in having your porn discovered. It was loaded with gay porn and all of it was amazing. There were even a combination of old and new pictures of him in there. I never spoke a word of it, though, because I knew the feeling of wanting to keep that a secret. I figured, as long as they are both happy, and they were so happy, it was none of my business. I did, however, make excuses to use his computer whenever I needed a good jack off session, and would use the pictures and videos of him, mostly. He was a very good looking guy. He ran 5 miles a day and lifted weights so he was well-built and had hair all over, which can be a big turn on for me. He had brown hair that was kept very short and brown eyes. Judging from the pictures his dick was about 6".

I believe that should cover the past. On the first night I returned home I had cleaned myself up from how I had been just two weeks before. The only bad thing I kept up was drinking, and that was just back to how it was before my mom had died. I thought Ben saw a ghost when he answered the door that night. He looked me over with tears in his eyes and pulled me into a bear hug. "Where have you been? Do you know how long it's been? I've heard so many stories, are they true? You look like shit!" Those questions and comments poured out of him for a good while before I could respond. I did look like shit that night too. I had dropped to only 124 pounds after my several month binge of danger.

The two of us talked around a bottle of rum for several hours about almost everything. He didn't let on that he was disappointed at all, just happy I was able to pull myself out of it all. I was uncomfortable answering the questions at first so we turned it into a game of truth or dare, minus the dare. By the time the bottle was almost empty and we were both pretty intoxicated, I was tired of asking him easy shit about his past.

I grew a pair and asked him, "Why did you marry my mom?"

"Why would you ask that? I loved her you air head," he replied.

I shook my head and said, "I know you're gay."

Ben sat there and stared at me for a moment with a completely blank face. He still looked just like he did in the pictures I used to jack off to, just aged slightly. I wondered if he kept up with underneath the clothes. He was perfectly sculpted in the pictures, and from the looks of it he was still thin.

"How?" When he asked that it took me off guard. I was so intently studying him that I had forgotten we were talking.

"I found your porn right after you guys got married."

He smiled and shook his head, "you kept it a secret for this long?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "you guys were so happy..." I started twisting my shirt around my finger, something I always do when I'm nervous. "Plus, I know the feeling of wanting to guard that secret."

Ben looked completely shocked. I wiped away a few tears that I didn't realize had fallen and then failed to choke back a sob. Ben knelt in front of me and hugged me tight.

"You're the first person I've ever told," I said after finishing my cry. Ben laughed a little and I lightly punched his arm. "What the hell, you're supposed to be supportive!"

"No, no, it's not that. I just realized that you would always want to use my computer because it was so much better. We were masturbating to the same shit." He said.

I tried to hold it back but I blame the alcohol for what happened next.

"Your pictures are what I enjoyed the most." I said and kissed him after a moment of shared eye contact. He kissed me back, but after a bit he broke it off.

"We shouldn't be doing this."

"It's not wrong. You're not my real dad. Plus, I've seen your porn and I know you like the young and old combo."

Ben fought with himself for a few seconds, and then leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back hard. I slid my hands up his shirt to feel his well-kept washboard abs. I continued sliding my hands up to get his shirt off, and then pulled mine up and over my own head. Ben grabbed my hand and led me up to the bedroom. He started to undo his pants so I slid mine off with my underwear. I sat on the bed and watched him approach me in just a pink thong. I laughed at it and he slid it down just before he reached me. I placed my hands on his thighs and rubbed down them, and back up to his ass. My fingers explored his hairy, but soft skin.

Ben pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on over me. He kissed me as he lay down on top of me, pressing his hard cock against mine. We embraced and continued our passionate kiss. We were both grinding our groins into each other; our hands explored each other's bodies, as our tongues danced between our mouths. The passion kicked up a gear and Ben began grinding himself harder against me. Broke the kiss and started licking my neck and face. I moaned and held tight to him. Our cocks were rubbing together under the pressure of our bodies so that it felt like we were actually penetrating. I cried out in pleasure as Ben bit down on my neck. He rolled with me so that he was on the bottom now.

"You want to suck each other?" He asked. His voice was thick with lust.

I kissed him and spun so I was positioned over his dick and my dick over his. He immediately took my head into his mouth and I started by licking. I licked every inch of skin around his base before going up his shaft. I pulled his foreskin down and ran my tongue around his perfectly shaped mushroom head. Ben's back arched and his legs bent up from the pleasure. He had my entire dick in his mouth, now and had what felt like a vacuum seal on it. He expertly worked his tongue on my dick while he slowly bobbed on it. I took just his dickhead into my mouth and flicked my tongue over it. Ben began to almost vibrate beneath me as I took the plunge down to his base.

I started to bob my head on his cock. When I slipped a finger into his asshole to finger fuck him, Ben released my dick and cried out for more. He began to writhe beneath me and begged me to suck him harder. I obliged and picked up the speed, trying to keep my tongue circling his cockhead. I slipped in another finger and finger fucked him faster. He swore and told me he was about to explode so I used my free hand to assist the process while I slipped a third finger into his asshole. Ben cried out as he exploded into my mouth, so I plunged so that my face was buried in his pubes. The warmth of his cum hit the back of my throat as I swallowed it all down.

Ben got up on his hands and knees and said, "Fuck me so you can finish."

I got up fast and positioned myself behind him. I started to rub my dick between his ass cheeks and reached for the lube on his bed stand. After lubing up his ass and my dick I slowly pressed my head into him. Ben grunted as I slid myself into him completely. I began to thrust myself into him slow, but hard. I could feel my own climax building inside and began to thrust faster. I held onto his hips and pulled him back on each of my outward thrusts. I cried out as I felt myself release into him. After I finished shooting, I completely buried my cock and pulled Ben up against me. He turned his head to the side and I kissed him. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his chest, while he reached his arms back to run his hands through my hair as we kissed.

I slid my dick out of him and walked over to the bathroom to grab a towel. Ben had followed me and cleaned up his asshole from when I came. When I was finished cleaning myself, Ben came up behind me and kissed my shoulder blades.

"Do you want to go to bed with me?" He asked.

"Well..." I said with a sly smile, "I wasn't really planning on staying the night..." Ben's face showed disappointment, "but after all you did let me cum in your ass, so I guess I can stay." We both laughed and I turned around to kiss him.

When we were both settled in bed, spooning with our legs intertwined, Ben said, "I did love your mother. That was never a problem. You are also the only person I've been with other than her since about a month before we started dating."

I turned my head and kissed him, "thank you."

"You should also know that she did find out I was gay before she died. She was already sick and told me that the only thing that mattered was the love we shared. Your mother was the greatest person I knew, and I have seen her light in your eyes many times. You will do great things with that light she has given to you." This time he pulled my face to his for a kiss.

I woke up the next morning to Ben's movement. He was just waking up as well.

"No regrets?" He asked with a smile.

I replied with a soft kiss on the lips. He reached over and took hold of my 'morning glory' which was fully awake. Ben started to rub me and I took his head in my hands to bring him in to me for a kiss. We kissed passionately, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and massaged his, and he continued to rub my hard dick. His hand was just lightly touching me as he rubbed. It was a cross between a tickle and a massage and felt oh so good. I started to breathe heavily as Ben continued working my dick. Ben kissed down to my neck and lightly kissed and licked the nape of my neck while he grabbed onto my dick harder and started to jack me faster. I started to moan as my back arched and Ben held my focus with a kiss. The orgasm hit me with great force and I started spewing all over myself and the bed. I let out a sigh and lay back on the bed while Ben got a fingerful of cum and licked it off his finger.

"Hey Ben..." I said with a bit of nervousness, "will you be my first to, uh... Fuck me?"

He laughed a bit and said, "You've really never had a dick in your ass?" My blush was reply enough.

Ben kissed me and sat up. He reached over and grabbed the lube from the side table and poured some on his hand before he set it down next to him. Ben started to rub it all over his engorged cock and smiled at me. He pulled me up to him so he could kiss me and had me sit on his lap so my legs wrapped around his waist. He reached around me and lubed up his hand again. I felt his fingers touching inside my crack and prodding at my hole. I let out a grunt and held on tight to Ben's body as he slipped his first finger into me. Ben kissed me as he fucked me with the one finger. He added another and kept up a slow pace of inserting the fingers. He continued to add a finger after about 30 seconds each time until he had all four up there. I had my fingers dug into his back and I bit down on his shoulder to stifle my cries of pain and unexpected pleasure. He started up a motion that was almost like a massage. He would push his fingers in, expand them, pull them out, and repeat the process.

Ben stopped the finger massage of my asshole and asked me to look at him; he wanted to watch my eyes while he entered me. I looked at him with nervous anticipation while he stared intently into my eyes with a hunger for sex and release. I bit down on my bottom lip as I felt just the tip of his cock enter me. He let me breathe a moment and collect myself. I relaxed and pushed slightly as his dick penetrated me to its full potential. I grunted through the push, not expecting as much pain as there was. Poor Ben's back was probably full of claw marks from my nails. After the initial pain left, an overwhelming sense of pleasure and warmth filled me. Ben had been doing most of the work by slowly rotating his hips under me. I could feel his cock deep inside of me and just the thought had me wanting more.

I began to take a little control from him and moved my hands up to his shoulders for support. I started rocking my hips back and forth. Ben let me know I was giving it to him good with his moans and pleas for more. After Ben's moaning came to a lesser tone I decided to change it up some and pushed him back on the bed. I started to bounce on him, while holding tight to give that extra edge of pleasure. Ben grabbed a pillow to cover his face and screamed into it. When he started to show signs of reaching his climax I changed rhythm again, rotating my hips in circles. Ben started grunting in short but loud bursts so I placed a palm on his chest and began thrusting myself back and forth with a lot of speed. Ben screamed out a "holy fuck!" as he filled me up.

"Jesus Christ, Matt. I haven't had a ride like that in a very long time. Where did that come from?"

I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him, "just wanted to give back to you what you've given me."

The two of us got up and went into the bathroom. After I cleaned out my ass the two of us climbed into the shower to clean up. Ben lathered up a washcloth and started to clean off the dried cum from my chest and stomach from my hand job. He massaged the washcloth all over my skin, and then started to focus on my cock and balls. He started from my ass and worked his way across my taint and to my balls. He then started to clean off my cock and I started to get all hot and bothered again.

"Ben, I've really got to head back to school soon! You can't start something we can't finish." I said, arching myself to pull my cock away from him.

He just pulled me back by my cock and said with a smile, "Do you think a nice face fucking will work for time for you?"

I got the chills from his suggestion and grabbed onto his head, guiding it to my dick. He let it enter his mouth and I pushed myself base deep into his mouth. After Ben's deep throating last night I knew his throat could take some big meat nice and deep. I started to fuck his mouth, pumping my cock into his mouth with each thrust of my hips. Ben took it without a gag. I looked at his face as I started fucking his moist, warm mouth and saw that you could see the outline of my cock move all the way down to the side of his throat. Just the sight of this kicked me into high gear and I could already feel the tingling beginnings of climax. I had never been able to face fuck someone and it was the greatest of feelings. I threw my head back and let out an animalistic cry of pleasure as felt Ben actually swallowing my cock. I couldn't hold back anymore and unleashed a load of cum into his mouth. Ben swallowed every last drop.

Ben stood and slapped me on the ass, "let's get you dried up and outta here."

He turned off the water and we stepped out of the shower. He grabbed a towel and started to dry me off starting at my feet. He slowly made his way up, rubbing every inch of my body off with the towel. After I was dry he followed me, even though he was still wet into the bedroom. He watched me as I pulled on my underwear and pants, then followed me downstairs to get my shirt. I pulled him into me and kissed him.

"Thank you for this weekend, Ben. You wouldn't believe how long I've wanted to do that." I said.

Ben smiled, "you might be surprised to know that I have thought about you in the past. It was hard for me because I do care about you like a son almost."

I kissed him again, "It must be really hard I said with a look down at his chubby."

We ended up making out for a bit before I left him with a blow job for one final goodbye.

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