Lusty Laboratory Liasons

By Cooper Max

Published on Oct 31, 2016


Lusty Liaisons of the CDC: Part Two

Kevin pulled up to the lakefront home; his nerves ablaze. It'd been weeks since he had the exhilarating experience with Joel and John in the lab at the CDC. The next few days had been awkward but when John invited Kevin to the lake house again, the temptation was too much to pass up.

Kevin was surprised to see the driveway empty upon his arrival. John and Joel had said they'd be at the house already. As Kevin meandered towards the front door, he received a text from John.

`Kevin, so sorry but we're not going to be able to make it! Joel has an emergency presentation he needs to give to the director. The key is in the frog in the garden out back. Please stay the weekend and relax! Again, so sorry! We'll reschedule'

Reading the message, Kevin's spirits sunk. He was really looking forward to what the weekend would bring with John and Joel. He had fantasized about the two of them ever since their circle jerk and wondered what else they'd get into over the course of a weekend at the lake.

A voice broke Kevin's chain of thought, "Hey neighbor! You must be one of John and Joel's friends. Are they coming up for the weekend?" A shirtless, muscled guy said from the window next door.

Startled, Kevin looked up and took a minute to gather his thoughts, "Oh hey! Actually they were supposed to meet me here but something came up so I guess it's just me in their lake house this weekend. Awkward right?" Kevin responded only half joking.

"Ah bummer! Was hoping to see them. Such nice guys. Well, shoot you'll have to come to dinner tonight. I wouldn't want you feeling put out. Well that's if you want to of course. Darren here by the way." The man stated with a friendly tenor.

"Yeah that'd be great! I'd bring something but I don't think there's much in the house and I doubt there's a store within 30 miles. What time?" Kevin responded feeling his spirits rise as he drunk in the handsome man hanging out the window.

"5 o'clock and don't worry about bringing anything." Darren responded.

The two said their good byes and Kevin went to find the house key.

After a relaxing day down on the dock by the lake, dinnertime rolled in. Kevin was excited to get to know Darren better.

Kevin briskly walked over to Darren's front door to find it already ajar. After a loud knock, he heard Darren's booming voice yell for him to come in.

Darren was on the back porch, still shirtless and in short, tight shorts, grilling steaks.

Kevin took a minute to drink him it. Kevin was still a novice at this guy-to-guy thing but ever since his thrilling experience with Joel and John, he'd been noticing guys more. Darren certainly caught his attention.

Darren's pecs were perfect. His short, tightly cropped blond hair shone in the sunlight. A light covering of blond hair covered his tight torso and perfectly-symmetrical pecs; sweat beaded on his body. His body was well tanned from what was likely many days spent by the lake.

"Hey partner! Glad you could make it. Hope you like steak!" Darren called as he reached his hand out and gave Kevin a firm, handshake.

"Thanks for having me!" Kevin shot back.

The two bullshitted while Darren finished up dinner. The two dined like kings and continued to chat away while sitting directly across from each other at the table.

Kevin felt perfectly comfortable. Darren's incredible body was met by an equally nice personality. He mentioned his ex-wife and sons who were back in Atlanta for the weekend and his job as a financial analyst. Darren's brother was supposed to meet him this weekend but he bailed because of a sick kid so he too was alone for the weekend.

As the evening plodded on and the sunset, Darren suddenly dropped something below the table. He dropped down to get it.

Out of nowhere, Kevin felt a hand on his thigh. Startled he jumped. Thinking that Darren accidently bumped him while grabbing the dropped item, Kevin called out, "Ya ok down there buddy?"

Darren didn't respond with words but instead a second hand on Kevin's thighs. Kevin bolted out of his seat and stood up.

"Uhhh, what's going on, man?" Kevin asked nervously.

Darren stood up looking sheepish, "Ummm I just assumed since you're Joel and John's friend you're uhhhhhÉ of them."

"One of them?" Kevin asked not understanding the question.

"ErrrÉ..yeahhh one of them Ð gay I mean." Darren responded with a flushed face. "Did I misjudge?"

"Ahhhhh well not really." Kevin responded feeling the butterflies in his stomach.

"So do you want to fool around then?" Darren asked.

"Yeah that'd be great! I don't have much experience with this kind of thing though." Kevin responded.

"Me either Ð Joel and John sort of introduced me to all of this out on the lake. We all were super drunk one night and things kind of just happened. Every time they come out to their lake house I try to come out too now so we can all hang out and fuck around." Darren said looking slightly embarrassed.

Kevin laughed out loud, "Yeah they sort of introduced me to all of this too."

Darren moved towards Kevin and slid his fingers into Kevin's waistband. Within seconds, he had Kevin's shorts on the porch and Kevin's cock in his mouth. Kevin moaned with pleasure as Darren cupped his balls and stroked his cock while sucking him.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound at the door and a startled voice yelled out, "OH MY GOD, DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Shocked Darren jumped to his feet. Kevin hurriedly pulled his pants up.

"Daniel, jesus, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Atlanta!" Darren jumped up.

"I came up to surprise you. Uncle Bill told me he cancelled on you and it'd be a good idea to come up and have a father-son weekend." Daniel screamed.

"Fuck. Daniel this is ummÉoh jesus how do I explain this." Darren stuttered.

"Maybe I should just go and give you guys your privacy." Daniel said, his face pink with embarrassment.

Kevin stood hapless not knowing what to say or do. He was mortified at the situation.

"Dad, are you gay? What the hell is this? Daniel inquired

"Shit, fuck uhhhh I don't know how to explain this Daniel. It's uhhh complicated. Ever since your mom and I divorced I've been testing the waters and this all sort of happened." Darren replied.

"Does mom know? Does anyone else know? Darren implored.

"God no - no one knows Daniel and I'd like it to stay that way." He replied.

The two noticed Kevin for the first time.

"Uhhh Daniel this is Kevin. He's visiting next door. Kevin as you may have guessed already this is my son Daniel. He's 18 and a freshmen at Emory University." Darren stated.

"Hi Daniel." Kevin muttered with embarrassment.

"Dad uhhhhhh is this normal?" Daniel asked softening a bit.

"It is for many people bud. I'm still figuring it all out for myself but as you know already as a young person this kind of thing is increasingly more acceptable." Darren countered.

Daniel looked at his feet in embarrassment.

"Uhhh, why do you ask, son? Just because of this crazy situation you walked in on orÉ.." Darren's question trailed off.

"WellÉ.uhhh God I can't believe I'm telling you this. I've kind of experimented since being at college." Daniel replied.

An awkward silence gripped the porch.

"It's ok, son. Experimenting is normal. I used to circle jerk with my friends all the time. Even helped each other out once or twice in college." Darren said.

"Really?" Daniel looked shocked.

"Yeah this kind of thing is more common than you think. If it's just a phase for you Ð cool. If you're gay or bi or whatever that's cool too. You know your mom and I will always love you." Darren stated.

"Ummmm don't be mad but uhhhhh what if we all experimented together? I've always snuck peeks at you, Dad. Please don't think I'm a pervert. I'm just curious." Daniel said clearly embarrassed.

Darren looked positively shocked. Kevin's mouth was ajar with surprise. A long silence encapsulated the porch.

"Daniel, buddy, I don't think that'd be appropriate. You're my son. You're just barely an adult. This is crazy." Darren's thought process trailed off as he stood there awkwardly.

"Uhhh what if we didn't do anything and Kevin and I just fooled around?" Daniel asked.

Kevin turned bright red, "Ummmm errr uhhh, I don't know if that'd be a good idea, Daniel."

Darren interjected, "Daniel, Kevin is an adult. A grown man. I don't thinkÉ"

But before Darren could finish Daniel interrupted, "Dad, I'm an adult now too. I'm legal and I can make my own decisions. I'm game if Kevin is!"

Without waiting for an answer, Daniel rushed forward and grabbed Kevin's cock and started massaging it.

Kevin looked with panic at Darren and Darren looked aghast at the situation.

Darren was just about to protest when Kevin let out a light moan. Daniel dropped his shorts to the ground and both Kevin and Darren eyes widened as they looked at Daniel's cock.

"Holy hell, son, I had no idea your cock is so huge." Darren stated with shock.

"Thanks, Dad." Daniel said playfully as he slapped his own cock and grabbed Kevin's harder. "I think I have a yes from both of you now, don't I?"

-------To be Continued -----

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