Lust Is Blind

By Ryan P

Published on Feb 15, 2017


Part 4: Blindsided

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This story contains coercion, humiliation and sex between adult men. If such things offend you, please back-button away from this page. I heard fly-fishing is fun but I haven't tried it. Maybe, you'll find that more to your speed.

Comments, yes! Would love to hear your comments. Please email me at And thank you to all who emailed.

When I got home that night, I wasted no time alin going directly to my computer. I wrote Sir an email apologizing for my fickle-mindedness and that I was quitting the training. I told him it was too difficult to keep this up without my wife finding out. I also said that I could meet him but only to return his chastity device and blindfold. If he wanted, I could mail them to him.

It didn't take long when I got a text from Sir.

"You are not allowed to leave, boy. Give me a call."

I didn't want to deal with him. Besides, my wife was in the house and I didn't want her to overhear our conversation.

"I cannot talk right now - wife is home." I texted back.

"Call me up right now!" Was his reply.

I just ignored him. I'm done with this. He doesn't need a long kiss goodbye.

He then called my mobile phobe. I ignored him and turned the ringer off.

After dinner, my wife wanted me to fetch the vacuum cleaner from the basement. When I came back up, she was handing me the land line phone. Apparently, it rang while I was downstairs.

"Your office." She said.

The company I work for operates 24-7 so it wasn't unusual for work to contact me at night or even on weekends. I took the phone from her and handed her the vacuum.

"Hello," I said.

"Don't you ever ignore me, boy." Sir's unmistakable voice came through loud and clear.

I quickly looked at my wife to see if she heard the voice from the phone. It didn't look like it - she was busy untangling the vacuum cleaner cord. I hurried to my home office and closed the door behind me.

"How did you get this number?!" I said. I could feel the blood draining from my face.

"Listen, cunt, I ask the questions. Your job is to listen and obey."

His voice was loud but he wasn't shouting. I kept quiet.

"I know more than just your phone number. I know where you live. I know where you work. I know that your wife, Nicole, will be very upset if she finds out the things that you have been doing behind her back."

I sank in the office chair, my hands were shaking, something I've never known ny hands to voluntarily do. I had to hold the phone tighter hoping to keep it steady.

"Well, she won't believe you."

"I don't need her to believe me. I just need her to doubt your fidelity."

"well, you - you've got nothing on me, you know."

"You sure about that, boy?"

I thought about the selfie I sent him with cum on my tongue. Crass, yes, but it doesn't say cheater either, besides" it's a blurry picture - the cum may look like phlegm - not a lot better, I know - still, it's defensible as such. When I didn't say anything, Sir continued.

"Didn't you ever wonder why I took out the blindfolds only to use glue on your eyelids, huh?... I wanted to make sure I can see your full face for the camera and I must say you are very photogenic. Quite a catch really."

To myself, I was screaming "Shit!". To him, I said "Why are you doing this?"

"Why? You know why. I told you that when you said 'yes' earlier that you will not be able to quit until the eight weeks is over."

"But you said you will not hurt my wife."

"I didn't hurt her. I wouldn't hurt her. Only a cheating husband would hurt her. Do you want to hurt her? Do you want to hurt the Missus?"

"You fucking bastard!" I said a little too loud. Sir laughed.

"That I am but you know that going in. I told you that much."

"What do you want?"

"Just for you to finish your contract, boy. You're free after that time. It's really just a little over seven weeks from now."

"Ok, ok, you got me. Just please, don't tell my wife. It will crush her. Please."

"I think she's stronger than you think. She can probably find a better husband. One who's actually not a cocksucker."

"Please, Sir. I'll finish my contract, I swear."

"Oh, dear boy, I'll make sure you do more than that... I wish I could see your face right now... You know what, send me a selfie right now, boy."

I took my mobile phone from my pocket and took a selfie, landline phone still pressed against my ear. I sent it to Sir.

I think he put me on speaker, I could hear more ambient noise. After a short while, he took me off speaker.

"You look worried, boy." The edge in his voice gone. "I really wouldn't worry. I wouldn't make you do anything you really don't want to do."

"Well, I don't want to be doing this."

"Sure you do, you said so yourself. I am only making your desire a reality. Tell me boy, did you not tell me that you wanted to be controlled by another man?"

I took in a big heavy breath, expelling it into a nervous sigh.

"Answer me, boy."

"Yes, Sir," I whispered on the phone, "I did."

I would be lying if I said that I was totally afraid of Sir. In truth, my body and mind could not agree whether I was in serious trouble or in serious excitement. No matter, seven weeks will come and go - this will be over soon.

"Good. That means both of us will get what we wanted. Now, here's what you're gonna do..."

From that moment on, and for most of that weekend, he was incessant with his demands. I was at his beck and call. He had all these rules: I had to be able to respond to his texts within a minute of him sending them. If I was going on a meeting or on a drive, I was to text him beforehand so he knows I wouldn't be able to reply immediately. I was not allowed to wear underwear anymore while "under contract". Also, he would text me every so often asking for stupid stuff like a picture of my weenie, a picture of me pinching my nipples. Stuff like that. Sometimes, he would make me skype him just to tell him that I am his bitch. Honestly, what does this guy do that he has time for all of this? My wife was starting to wonder why I was always on my phone. I told her there was an issue at work that needs my attention. My only respite was at bedtime. And I was glad he left me alone then.

When I woke up Monday morning, I had a text from Sir to wear that damn cock cage again. Ny the time I got it out from its hiding place, I was sporting a boner. But I wasn't allowed to cum, so I had to put it on while taking a very cold shower.

I didn't feel like going to the gym that day, specially since I already took a shower, but I had to stick with the schedule I had submitted to Sir for fear of the repercussions. When I got to the gym, I quickly realized that there were certain exercises I wouldn't be able to do. Bench press for one thing. I couldn't lie flat on the bench without being conscious of having my caged pecker outlined against my underwear-free shorts. Squats was another no-no. And when I started running on the treadmill, I quickly stopped because, without underwear on, my junk just kept plopping around too much – there was that skin on metal movement which, though it did not hurt, I didn't much care for. I settled on just using random machines in the gym that had me sitting down and where only my arms needed to move. It was when I was at the chest butterfly machine that I got a text from Sir.

"Skype me after your routine but before you take your shower."

I finished a couple more sets but wanted to get over with whatever this new task is from Sir. Didn't want to prolong thw anticipation. I had my bluetooth earpiece attached to my phone but I walked to an empty corner of gym anyways to make sure I wasb't being overheard. I started the video call to Sir. As expected, he kept his camera off.

"That was pretty quick. Are you done with your routine?"

"Yes, Sir. Couldn't exercise too much, shoulders are hurting." I lied.

"Ok, get to the restroom and into one of the stalls. I complied, feeling all the more self-conscious with every step I took. Though I could hear guys on the adjacent locker room area, fortunately, there was no one in the restroom.

"Show me the toilet."

I flipped the phone over so he could see. The seat was up, somebody forgot to flush as the water was yellowish and you can see that there were drops of pee over the rim. Slobs, I thought.

"Ok. Now I want you to lick around the toilet rim. I want to see that thing spotless."

"What, Sir?"

"You heard me. I want you to clean the while rim of bowl with your tongue. This is your punishment for trying to break ypur contract."

"Please, Sir."

He didn't say anything. If anything, his silence only got me more worried. I squatted in front of the bowl, very aware that anybody in the restroom would see my legs in a position that suggest that I was up to no good. The only thing working on my favor is that I chose the stall for the disabled which was a bit larger and so I was deeper and closer against the far wall which means I wouldn't be readily visible from outside the stall. I cold defnitely make out the smell of urine emanating from the bowl.

"Now, start licking. Make sure I can see your tongue when you do it."

I pressed my tongue against the cold ceramic then tried not to think of anything anymore. Just get it over with. It was my new mantra. If I was to survive through these seven remaining weeks, I had to just get things over with. I couldn't help but cringe though as I passed through the piss on the front of the rim. I felt like gagging. It tasted strong and smelled acrid. That pungent morning piss.

"Yeah, that's it. Make sure you get that spot over there on the inside of the rim towards the back."

I licked that up too which I wasn't all that sure was piss stain. I was up on my feet immediately after that.

"Good. How does that taste?"


He had that laugh again. You can tell he really was enjoying this.

"Now, I want you to dip your head in the bowl and flush the toilet."

"Please don't make me do that, Sir."

"Don't make me have to tell you twice; If you don't do what I say, I am going to hang up right now and call your house."

I took out the earpiece and, again, without much thought just did as I was told. My left hand still holding the phone from above pointing straight down at me and my right hand on the toilet lever. My hair and forehead soaked in the yellow water which, thank goodness, wasn't that deep - that toilet, compared to the ones in the regular stalls, had a shallow basin and a slightly higher seat. I pulled the lever to flush and my eyes and the back of my head got wet too. Again I stood up as quickly as it was over. Water dripping over my face, shoulders, and back. I put the earpiece back on.

Sir was laughing so much he was hooting.

"Congratulations! You've just christened yourself to be the lowliest form of faggot there is. You're not a cum-bucket anymore, you're more like a scum, a stain on the inside of a cum-bucket."

"Thank you Sir for my punishment." I said, trying not to think, trying not to feel anything at all. I'm just an empty vessel. A cum-bucket. Just a stain on the bottom of a cum-bucket.

That night was the same deal as the Friday before. I met him at the same place by the park & ride, kneeling at the same place with the blindfolds on. This time he started off pissing in my mouth but I couldn't swallow fast enough so some spilled into my chin, sliding down my neck, wetting my shirt underneath. My jackets and pants got wet too. It was a continuous flow from that giant tap. I barely had time to catch my breath and already he was making me suck him off. Everything went fast 'coz it didn't take long for his cock to reach full mast. And he didn't waste anytime either in face-fucking me with it. I sense he wasn't being as careful with me as before. It was clear that I wasn't thwre for my pleasure but for Sir's alone.

It was in the middle of the face-fucking that I just lost it. Trying to keep up with Sir's demands and suppressing thoughts and feelings about all that's happening flooded the dam and now the waterworks started. I could feel the blindfolds being soaked. I think he noticed I was crying probably from my body shaking. He stopped his assault to ask me.

"Are you crying, boy?"

I nodded my head.

"You realizing what a pathetic faggot you've become, huh?"

I nodded again.

"Fuck yeah, that's right. C'mon open up. You're not done yet."

I opened my mouth gasping for breath from crying but he used that opening to reinsert his cock then resumed his fucking with even more urgency this time. His hands locking me in place.

"Yeah, that's right. You thought that a straight jock like you won't ever get fucked like a cheap whore but look at you now, on your knees, servicing my big cock. And you know what else, faggot, you actually wanted this to happen. Yeah - it's true. You're just starting to fucking understand your purpose in this earth. You're here to serve real men like me. Your friends don't know this. Your parents don't know this. Your wife doesn't even know this. But I do. And you do. We both know your purpose; you're here to serve men like me. Yeah, your just a bitch for real men to use."

I bathed in his words. They felt like showers of filth on me and I let them drench me. I did seek this out, didn't I? Why else would I let another man do this to me? Why else did I do all that Sir told me to do? This only meant that I deserved those words he was blessing me with.

Accepting his words was one thing; nevertheless, his assault on my mouth was more than I could handle. He was too much for me - too big, too fast. I pushed him away or at least tried to. He didn't stop but instead grabbed my wrists and held them over my head. If I had my wits about me, maybe I could have pushed myself off him but something in me let the face-fucking continue. I deserved it. I'm nothing more than a whore.

After he was done - after shooting his baby-makers deep inside my throat - he let me fall to the ground, sobbing.

"Stand up!"

I got up slowly then he pushed me against the boulder. My shoulder hitting the big rock.

"Shut the fuck up!" there was anger in his voice now.

Suddenly afraid, I tried to stop my whimpering.

"Take your pants off, bitch."

I did. My fingers fumbling over the button. I manage to let the pants fall off me. He had me step out of them.

"If you weren't married, I would just fucking leave this on you." He said more to himself than to me.

I felt him take the cage off, and again, he slipped it inside my jacket pocket.

"Now turn around and spread those legs."

This is it, I thought. It's what I wanted wasn't it. It wasn't going down the way I imagined it would but then again nothing was really. I heard a bottle cap snap open, probably lube. Sure enough, Sir spread some of it on my asshole, my pussy, Sir's pussy to use. He slid a finger in and fucked me roughly for awhile with it. Next something hard was being pressed into me but it didn't feel like skin. It felt more like wood or plastic.

"Push out a little like you are going to go."

I complied and the thing slipped right in. I felt my hole open up and engulf what I realized then was a butt plug. It wasn't like the nozzle of the enema that Sir had given me – this one made my whole underside feel fully stretched.

"You are to wear the plug all the time unless you need to relieve yourself or when taking a shower. Clean it everyday with soap and warm water."

"Can I take it off when I sleep, Sir?" my voice was weak but not shaky.

"Nope. You wear it even while you sleep... Just seven more weeks, slut."

He patted my cheek and gave me the same drill of counting one to one-hundred before leaving me there with my pants down and a butt plug up my pussy.

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Next: Chapter 5

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