Lust Is Blind

By Ryan P

Published on Feb 7, 2017


Part 2: Blind Decision

This story contains humiliation and masturbation, if these things offend you then please back-button out of this page and continue on knitting your sweater.

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Driving home back from the motel, all I could think about was Sir's cock and how it felt like in my mouth – that musty smell, that curvy helmet of a cock head, that enormous girth. Needless to say, the moment I got home, I had my pants around my ankles and my hand around my cock, or weenie, as Sir wanted me to refer to it. I didn’t have to worry about my wife cause she works full-time and wouldn’t be back home till later in the afternoon.

I tried to make it last, savor all those new memories but it was a futile attempt, I came in under five minutes - jism sprayed all over the floor. The relief was immense, I thrashed about, enjoying the wonderful sensations reverberating through my whole body.

All spent, I plopped breathless on the living room couch. That sweet numbness in my brain now dissipating. Remembering that morning’s activities, I thought: “what have I done?”.

If I had decided right then to sit in front of my computer and email Sir to call it quits, it would have happened. Thing was, I hadn’t had anything to eat the whole morning and was getting hungry, so I decided to make myself some lunch instead. Now, while eating, I watched some TV, to continue enjoying the rest of my day off from work. (Admittedly, I love watching weekday talk shows whenever I get the opportunity.) By the time I decided to write my email, I had forgotten why being a sexual slave without my wife’s knowledge was a bad idea. Instead of saying goodbye, I wrote the report Sir asked me to write. As always, I was honest about my thoughts about the experience. After several months of corresponding with Sir, this has gotten to be one of the aspects of my relationship with him I had quietly enjoyed… Hell, I probably saved a few bucks in therapy money right there. So towards the end of the email I did mention to him that I was having doubts of continuing on with my training. That I couldn't decide whether I wanted to meet with him again. When I checked my inbox later that day, Sir had already responded:

Hi Boy,

That was a good report you submitted. It’s also good that you enjoyed your time this morning. I enjoyed it too.

I am glad that you are being honest with me about your indecision of continuing your training; and, of your concerns regarding how this will affect your marriage.

A fellow master advised me not to take you on as a trainee because of your marital status - truth be told, I thought it only added to your appeal. I like getting things I shouldn't have. I love breaking men like you and making them see the truth that they have been hiding about themselves. I want you to know though that I do not have any intention of hurting your wife. My play is extreme but I do not wish to truly hurt anyone.

I do have high hopes for your training. There are much more things I wanted you to experience. There are still pleasures that comes with submission, humiliation and pain that you have yet to taste. I still have toys you haven't played with. And I haven't fucked your sweet virgin pussy with my big fat cock yet.

In the end, it is your decision to make. I cannot make that decision for you. I will give you till tomorrow morning to decide.

If you do decide to continue with me, know that I cannot have you doubting your commitment again. I will not allow you to back out until our agreed eight week training is over. I will not allow you to say no to me - not even once during your training - without serious repercussions. Think about your decision carefully as I will not be a happy man if you say yes to me now only to flake out later.

If you decide to continue with your training, then reply to this email with "I wish to continue with you, Sir, for the eight week duration previously agreed upon. I fully understand that there might be serious consequences in saying ‘no’ to you. I fully understand that by agreeing to continue with you now that I will not be able to back out at all until the eight weeks of training has been completed".

If, however, you decide to leave, then this is goodbye. You do not need to reply. Thank you for your service and enjoy the rest of your life with your wife. We agree that we will not contact each other ever again. Goodbye.


So, I guess, that was it. It was, while it lasted, a fun time, if not an interesting one. I’ve checked off another item from my bucket list: I had explored my sexual curiosity for submitting to other men. I had gone through this madness long enough. I am done with it. It’s finally over. I closed the email, turned off the computer, and slept that night hugging my wife tightly.

Of course, in the morning when one wakes up with a woody, one’s decision the day before can sometimes not be remembered clearly. I reread Sir’s email again. He was right, he hasn’t yet "fucked my virgin pussy with his big fat cock". Oh that cock! I wondered how that what monstrosity would feel like inside my ass, my pussy, Sir’s pussy. I replied to Sir, cutting and pasting from his email the words he had wanted me to reply with. I sent the email. I’m going to get fucked, I thought. I just didn’t realized then how royally so.

Later that morning I got a text from Sir saying that he got my email response and asked me again whether I was sure about my decision. I texted back saying I was. To which he replied:

"Good. I will be in touch with you. In the meantime review the list of Do's and Dont's you'll be receiving by email shortly."

When I got the email from, Sir, it was pretty much the same as the list he had sent me when we started corresponding a few months ago with a few differences: before, our means of communication was mostly by email, now he wants me to report to him by texting. I am to text him first thing in the morning when I wake up and also before going to bed. Also, I am to give him my complete schedule (work time, vacations, doctors appointments, parties, dinners out, etc.) for the next two months - he wanted to know all my free time and that I was not allowed to create new appointments without clearing it with him first. I did not know why even some things non-sexual as these instructions were giving me a stiffy. To give this man, this stranger, a lot of control over me was making me horny. Lastly, I was not allowed to cum unless he gives me permission to do so with no exception - this was a change from before when I was allowed to cum either by permission from him or when I was having sex with my wife. Sir was asserting himself now even with my personal time with my spouse. This constriction in freedom was making me even hornier.

All that horniness dissolved however as I did not hear back from Sir till a couple of days later, at work, when he had me use my lunch break to go to a certain fastfood restaurant. I was to text him when I got there.

A minute after texting him, he called me up and talked me through what I had to do. I was scanning the crowd in the fastfood joint, surreptitiously looking for any guy talking on their mobile phone in the hopes that I might get to identify Sir. A lot were on their phones texting but not talking. I guessed he wasn't there.

He had me go to the men's room of the restaurant. Inside where two stalls, both were empty. He said that he had taped a brown paper bag under the sink. It took me a while to find it, it was securely fastened underneath the counter with duct tape. he then told me to enter one of the stalls and open the bag. I did. What I saw inside was a little metal device of some sort and a padlock.

"You know what that is boy?"

"No, Sir." I said though I had a suspicion what it was which Sir quickly confirmed.

"It's a cock cage, boy. I want you to put it on."

It was pretty obvious where my cock, my weenie, should go but there was no way it was going to fit in it.

"But it's too small, Sir."

"I've seen your weenie, boy - I know that will fit you."

"But I'm hard right now, Sir."

"Of course you are, boy." He laughed. "Well you have to figure something out. I'm not allowing you to leave that restroom without your dick inside that cage."

I told Sir I would need to use both my hands and that I would not be able to hold the phone. He told me I can call him back when I got it on.

I tried to understand how the contraption works and figured out that the cage itself, a series of consecutive rings, slides into a metal prong jutting from the ring that goes around the balls. The padlock would slip through a hole on the prong to lock the whole thing in place. I had hoped that by thinking of this as a mechanical puzzle that needed solving, I would get distracted enough to deflate my weenie to let me squeeze it inside the cage. However, the very prospect of putting that contraption on was only making me harder. After about ten minutes of trying, I called Sir back.

"Sir, I can't get it in. My weenie is still hard. Can I be allowed to jerk off, Sir, so that I can put the cock cage on afterwards?"

"It sure took you awhile, boy, to figure this out. Go ahead, I want you to cum while I'm on the phone."

"Thank you, Sir. Hold on, Sir."

"Oh and boy, I want you to collect all your cum on your palm."

"Ok, Sir."

That seemed simple but I had to use my shoulder and head to hold the phone in place, one hand on my hard weenie, and another hand in front of it to catch all the cum.

As I was getting into it. The restroom door opened and somebody went to the other stall to pee.

"Are you close to coming, boy?" Sir asked sounding a bit impatient.

Even within the privacy of the stall, I was too embarassed to reply. When I didn't respond right away, Sir asked again.


"Not yet, Sir." I whispered.

"Somebody in the restroom with you?"

"Yes, Sir," I said, still whispering.

"Then I want you to say this aloud right now boy: 'I'm going to shoot my cum for you Sir and wear this cock cage for you Sir.'?"

"Please don't make me say that, Sir."

"If you do not say that in the next ten seconds, you're going to regret what I'll do to you, boy" he said. "Ten, nine,..."

I didn't want to say it. I wished the guy would leave now but I could hear his pee still going strong.

"Eight, seven..."

Hopefully the guy on the other stall does not pay me any attention.

"I'm going to shoot my cum for you, Sir, and wear this cage for you, Sir." I said in a voice that was a bit louder than a whisper for I didn't want Sir to have me repeat it.

I heard the guy's piss take a pause before restarting - shit, he probably heard me. I could hear Sir chuckling.

"Good boy but next time if you question anything I tell you to do, you will be punished. So, are you ready to cum?"

"Not yet , Sir."

The guy had flushed his toilet and left the stall.

"Well, get it going, boy, I don't have all day."

I resumed my stroking, keeping it as quiet as possible. The guy was washing his hands. By the time the guy left the restroom, I was ready to blow.

"I'm gonna cum, Sir."

"Good, don't forget to catch every drop."

I cupped my hand over my weenie head to keep my spooge from spilling over. It wasn't the most enjoyable of climaxes - I really just wanted to get it over with.

"Now I want you to put all that cum on your tongue. Take a picture of yourself with your tongue out - I wanna see that cum. And don't forget to swallow it, okay, boy?"

"I will, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Put on that cage before you harden up again. Lock it with the padlock, take a picture then send me all the pictures."

After we hanged up, I did as he commanded. I licked my palm and gagged a little at swallowing the cum down. This was one thing I was still not used to doing - in as much as I cannot get enough of Sir's cum, I still did not like eating my own.

I took a selfie and sent the picture to Sir. I then proceeded to lock myself up in the cage. It really wasn't difficult at that point. I sent a picture of that as well. I tried to pee with the cage on, it took some getting used to but I manage to do so.

When I had zipped up and looked at myself on the restroom mirror, I was relieved to know that you couldn't tell I was wearing a chastity device underneath. I left that place in a hurry to avoid whoever it was in the restroom with me.

When I got back to the office, the thought of wearing the device there at work was enough to stir my weenie back to life and so I understood then how restricting the metal rings can feel. I hoped I would not have to wear this thing for long.

I was waiting for Sir to text or call me later that day. I started to worry when he didn't. I cannot go home with the cage on. My wife will feel it, if not see it, specially when it's time for us to sleep.

I texted Sir, telling him my concern. He replied simply with:

"Not my problem, boy. I'll let you know tomorrow when you can take it out."

I pleaded with him but he didn't respond anymore.

At bedtime that night, I had to make an excuse - telling my wife that I had a bunch of work to finish and that she should go on and sleep ahead. All I was really doing was waiting for her to fall asleep. Only when she was, did I join her in bed. I tried to face away from her for the rest of the night to minimize the chances of her touching the rigid device I had on. I survived the night but it was a fitful sleep. It hadn't even been a week yet and I'm already up to my limits. I do not know how I can survive eight weeks of this. I knew then that continuing with my training was a big mistake.

I would need to grovel and ask Sir really nicely tomorrow to get myself out of this cage and then this time, for real, for sure, definitively, quit for good.

That's it for this chapter. Let me know what you think of the story so far. My email is Suggestions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.

Next: Chapter 3

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