Lust Is Blind

By Ryan P

Published on Jan 31, 2017


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Part 1: Blindfolded

There I was lying naked - my belly pressed against the carpeted floor of the motel room, hands clasp behind my head, legs spread wide, exposed to whoever may walk in through the unlocked door. I felt chilly. I should had turned the air conditioner off. I mentally debated whether to switch it off now and risk being caught by Sir for not being in the prescribed position, or, freezing my ass off. The decision however had been made for me - I heard the door swing open. Too late now. Too late to turn off the AC. Too late to back-out and run away from this place. Whatever I had gotten myself into is now practically underway. My heart raced a little and my dick twitched in anticipation.

I heard the person lock the door after coming in. I heard something like a bag being dropped to the floor and muffled footsteps slowly making its way towards me.

"Lick my boots, boy" said a low raspy voice. This was the first time I actually heard Sir's voice.

The boots were tall and black with thick rubber soles and yellow threading that matches the yellow laces crisscrossing the grommeted front. They weren't exactly new or clean. Scruff marks were on the leather and dirt were on the sides of the heals. I licked the boot that was slightly closer to my face.

"Stick your tongue all the way out. I wanna see yo give my boots a good licking - every inch of it."

I lashed my tongue out as far as it could extend it to give a thorough cleaning. It was in no way comfortable. I started to put my hand down so I can position myself up over the boots. Sir tapped my arm with his boot.

"Did I give you permission to drop your hands?"

"No, Sir." I said as I re-clasped my hand behind my head and resumed my licking.

I had to strain my neck for a while before realizing that by propping my elbows against the floor, I could support my neck and head. This gave me a good steady height to lick even the top of the boots. At some point, I tried looking up at him. I haven't seen his face yet and I was curious how he looked like. But I guess in my position it became obvious what I was trying to do. Sir shifted his weight and placed one booted foot over my head.

"Keep your head down, boy."

I had no option but to comply. After having licked both boots, Sir pulled a chair nearby and took a seat, he then presented the bottom of his boots.

"You're not done yet."

In as much as I didn't mind licking the leather - what with the nice leather smell and smooth texture, I was not in the least thrilled to be licking the bottom of the boots. It was grimy, salty, and yes, it had dried up mud caked between the deep ridges of the soles. Sir would once in a while check the bottom of his boots to make sure I got everything - when everything was to his satisfaction, he reminded me to put my head down then stood up and walked to his bag and returned kneeling on top of me, striding my torso. He proceeded to wrap something that looked like huge goggles over my eyes which, when he had securely buckled behind my head, left me seeing nothing, not even the sense that there was daylight.

Sir had me stand up and put my hands behind my back. Having done so, he bound my wrist together with rope.

"How are you feeling, boy?" His voice coming from behind me.

I flinched in surprise at the touch of his fingers on my shoulder. The fingers skated across my shoulders while another set of fingers joined in, this set sliding across my arm. I involuntarily tilted my head back. I could easily let myself get lost in his touch.

"I'm good, Sir."

"Are you really, boy?" he whispered to my ear as his arms wrapped around me, his hands exploring my chest. I could feel his chest hair against my back and his hard-on, through his jeans, against my butt. "I actually think you're being naughty."

His hands traveled down to my abs. I admit, I flexed them for him. I was rewarded by his hands tracing the ridges and teasing my belly button. His hands always touching me as he walked around to face me. He touched my lips. I parted my mouth and then I felt his own kissing me. His stubble rubbing against my clean shaven face. Despite the presence of facial hair, I could definitely make out the smell of after shave. His lips, meanwhile, were thick and commanding. I kissed back. He held my head steady as his tongue slithered in and out of my mouth. He stepped back from me, letting go of me. The sudden abandonment elicited a moan from me. I heard him taking off his jeans; his belt buckled jingled as he tossed it to the side.

"On your knees, boy." His hand on my shoulder.

I complied immediately, and just as soon as my knees touched carpeting, I felt something press against my lips.

"Open up, boy?"

There was no reason for me not to or for him to even say those words for I was ready. I had dreamed about this moment ever since we started emailing each other which was after I responded to his Craigslist ad a few months ago. It took awhile for us to find the time to meet. But here I am now, at long last, finally able to taste a man's cock. He smelled like soap but I can still make out the musk of his manhood. I opened my mouth. He slipped just the cock head in which I licked and bathed with my tongue. Ever so slowly he was pushing more of himself in. I may have been blindfolded but I could clearly tell that he had an extra large cock. And what I thought was a hard-on earlier could just have been a semi for he started to grow even bigger as i sucked him off in earnest. He was cut just like me. But my own cock, which was dripping precum on my thighs, was nowhere near the size of the monster that was in mouth.

"Watch the teeth, faggot."

I tried to be more careful. His cock's girth was so big, I was having trouble wrapping my mouth around it without my teeth making contact. I felt like I was going to get lock jaw from trying to keep my mouth open that wide and for that long.

"Watch it." He said again.

I tried to watch it. I tried to keep my teeth from touching him. How the hell do you do that? It's a huge cock!

"Damn it!"

Sir shoved me away from him. I fell back on my heals.

"Sorry, Sir," I said.

Whack! A slap went across my face.

"Is that how you show respect to your master's cock, bitch?"

I was taken aback by the suddenness of the slap. When I didn't respond right away, another slap hit my face.

"N-no, Sir. Sorry, Sir. I just haven't sucked a cock before."

And another slap came, equal in strength as the first two.

"Did I ask to hear your excuse?"

"No ,Sir. I'm sorry, Sir."

"Oh you will be now," he said as he pulled me up by my arm pit. "Get up!"

I got up as quickly as I could fearing another slap heading my way. Next thing I felt wasn't a slap however but something round being shoved into my mouth. I thought he was trying to choke me but whatever it was he placed in my mouth just kinda stayed there, filling the space of my mouth, keeping my mouth from closing. Then a strap, I guess, like the blindfold I had on was being buckled up behind my head.

"Your mouth is useless anyway might as well keep it from talking. Now stand on your toes."

I did. He dragged me a few feet over to my right and had me stand on my toes there.


I raised my heels higher.

"Boy, you have to remember that you are nothing more than a cum-bucket. Your opinion about the weather, politics, global warming, or what you can and cannot do don't mean shit to me, so you best keep them to yourself. You understand, boy?"

I nodded my head.

"If you do good, and I feel like it, you get rewarded." he continued. "If you do bad or I feel like it, you get punished. Got it?"

Again I nodded my head.

Then something poked me on my butt cheek. I was so surprised that I stumbled forward. Equally surprised that a wall was right in front of me to stop my fall.

"I said keep those heels up!"

I nodded my head, pushed off the wall, and tried to keep my heels up.

"I have many ways to keep a boy like you from disobeying." he whispered into my ear.

"Say hello to my little friend." He laughed at his own joke. "Mr. Electrowand."

This time my other butt cheek got the electric treatment. Of course, I lost my balance. Lowering my heels causing another jolt from Mr. Electrowand. I don't think it was that difficult to stand on my toes - I think Sir realized this too, so he decided to up the ante by placing clamps on my nipples. The clamps were tied together with a chain that I can feel rest across my belly, Sir then put some kind of weight on it and it started pulling my nipples down. It felt like they were going to be ripped off my body. My focus moved to the pain that this setup was now causing me that, once again, I ended up lowering my heals, causing me to receive more jolts from the wand. Sir laughed as I tried to keep myself from falling apart. I don't know how many jolts I've had with that wand thing but at some point even when it was Sir's hands touching me, I would twitch involuntarily. To make matters worse, my calves were getting tired and I guess all these sensations was too much for me that my body started shuddering uncontrollably from the cold.

"What's the matter, boy?" Sir asked with a tone of concern.

He took the mouthpiece off. I tried to keep myself from shivering but the cold air felt like it was blowing on my bones.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I just feel cold, Sir."

"Really?" he asked, sounding incredulous.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir. I am just a bit sensitive to being cold." I was telling the truth. I felt cold easily even when I was a kid.

"Well tough," he said but he didn't put the gag back on. "Stay on your toes, boy."

He took the weight off the clamp chain then removed the clamps. As he took each clamp off, I yelped as I felt pain which I didn't at all expect. This only proved that I wasn't learning as fast as I should cause my heals touched the floor and, yes, Mr. electro-fucking-wand was there ready to say hello to my different body parts once again. Including a notable one when it touched my nuts. I would have fallen hard on the floor had Sir not caught me and slowed down my fall. He left me lying there on my back.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut, bitch, I'm going to put the gag back on."

I can almost hear my heart thumping as I laid there on the floor. I tried to calm myself down instead I ended up shivering in the cold again. I heard Sir fidget with something and realized that it was the AC. He had turned it off. The low murmur that it was making had been silence. I think I did hear my heart thumping then.

"After each punishment I give you, you must say 'Thank you, Sir, for my punishment'. This will remind you that you deserve to be punished. You understand, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, and thank you, Sir, for my punishment." It surprised me how naturally those words slipped out of my mouth.

"That's better, boy." Sir said as I feel him pacing about me overhead, "there might be hope for you yet."

I don't know what he was doing at this point but I hear him moving about, going through stuff from his bag probably. I should be worried about what he had in store for me next but I needed that lull to appreciate not shivering from the blasting AC air.

"Follow me," Sir said after a while.

I rolled to a kneeling position and started to stand up when he told me to crawl to him instead. I followed his voice, hoping I wouldn't bump into the corner of a dresser or something. He had me turn to my left and I surmised that I was heading towards the bathroom. True enough, I soon felt the cold tile against my knees. Sir had me sit on the toilet bowl and once again had me open my mouth. He pulled me forward towards him until his cock head was once again inside my mouth. This time though, he was not hard. I proceeded to suck him off again.

"Keep still, boy, and make sure you swallow everything. Don't waste a single drop, understand?"

"Yus, Suhr." I mumbled, his cock in my mouth.

Only when a little spurt of warm pungent liquid escaped his cock did I understand what kind of drops I was not allowed to waste. I haven't tasted another man's piss before, much less drink it. That caused me to panic. I tried pushing my head back but Sir held me still with his hands.

"You're not going anywhere" he said.

I don't think I signed up for this. Or if I did, I don't think I want it now. Why am I even doing any of this? Why am I even here? I struggled to pull away from him but he held me close. His pubic hair was right against my nose. His cock though soft was still a mouthful.

"You agreed to this, faggot."

He seemed to be able to read my mind.

"I gave you so many chances to back-out but you cannot change your mind now."

I did agree to this, or at least, my dickhead agreed to this. Now, I felt like it was all a mistake. Two months of this! I haven't even lasted two hours. Did I even last an hour? I shouldn't be doing this. My hands were still tied behind my back and I couldn't push off him. Then suddenly he released me. I would have been thankful for that, however, the moment his cock left my mouth, I felt a hard slap across my face. This time it rang my head. I felt like I was going to fall off the seat.

"If you don't behave, you'll be really sorry. And I love making men like you really sorry." His voice was calm. Too calm, in fact, it was menacing.

"There are many many ways I can make you obey but none of them you will like. But obey you will. Would you rather discover now how I can make you do what I want? It will be far from pleasant for you but you'll obey for sure. Do you want me to force you? That's the only decision you have to make."

In my mind, I wanted out but I would also be lying if I said I did not fear this stranger I had let in to my life. When we were e-mailing each other, he seemed like a sane enough guy who likes to exercise his sexual fancy and I was just a curious 28 year old married guy who thought he needed some extra-marital relief. But now, in this motel, he might as well be a psycho and I might be very well dead in a few minutes. I wanted to get out of this situation alive.

"No, Sir" I said.

Again he seemed to read my mind.

"I'm really not that bad," Sir said. "I do not want to hurt you, that is, unless you force me to. Besides, we both know you were born to serve real men like me. You need a real man telling you what to do. You need someone who understands how you feel deep inside - that behind that cool guy exterior, your really just a faggot to be used by men like me. This is your chance to experience what you have been secretly craving for so long. This is your chance to explore your real self."

Emotions of anger, regret, and fear were already flooding through me as he spoke. And I was not a person given to crying, but tears were welling up in my eyes then (I was thankful for the blindfolds). It was his words that triggered it though and the realization that what he was saying was actually true.

"C'mon, boy, open up."

I opened my mouth and knew that right there and then, I was surrendering myself to this complete stranger.

"That's it. Good boy. Remember to swallow every drop, boy."

The stream came in slowly at first and I tried to just swallow it. Not taste it. Not think about it. Just swallow it down. I had gagged at some point. Sir paused his flow to let me catch my breath.

"You're doing good, boy, but I'm not done yet. I drank an extra glass of water for you this morning." He was probably smiling when he said that.

I swallowed and kept on swallowing. His piss kept on flowing. Pungent as ever, bitter and slightly salty. I kept at it till there was not even a dribble left. I never felt so dirty and gross.

"What do you say, boy?"

"Thank you for my punishment, Sir."

Sir laughed.

"Boy, that wasn't even a punishment. If anything, that's a reward. You did good though, my personal piss bucket."

My cheeks were probably red both from the humiliation and the slaps I got.

Sir had me get down on all fours there in he bathroom. He then had me lower my head and shoulders and to stick my ass up in the air.

"Have you ever had an enema before?"

"No, Sir."

"In the future, I want you to clean yourself up before we meet. I'll show you how it's done."

And showed me he did. He inserted what he explained was a plastic tube into my anus and which he continued to explain was also connected to the faucet. Right then he sounded like a doctor explaining to his patient the procedures he was doing. Warm water poured into me. He held my belly till he felt it full of liquid at which point he turned the faucet off and pulled the tube out of my ass. I can feel the water trying to get out from me and I struggled to keep it in.

"Sir, excuse me, but I need to go."

"No," he said sternly, "Keep it in."

My toes were curling from my attempt at keeping all the liquid in me. I tried to wait as much as I can before speaking up again.

"Please, Sir."

"Just a little bit longer, boy."

And it felt like forever. I was writhing and breaking into a cold sweat. After an extra dose of forever, Sir finally let me use the toilet - he assisted me back into the seat which was really just behind me.

When I had let go, it was with equal measure of relief and embarrassment. I haven't let anyone in my life see me relieve myself. I can mentally picture how my face contorted as I went. I really wished that Sir would let me clean myself up by myself. Instead, Sir had me repeat the process three more times.

I was spent but Sir had me stand up in the shower. He removed the rope around my wrist which I was grateful for, however, the relief was short-lived as he then tied my wrist up on the shower head above and in front of me. He then re-attached the mouth gag I had on earlier. Lastly, he inserted something on both my ears.

"Stay still. If I see an earphone out of place or if you drop my player, you will get punished."

He started the music up. Van Halen blasting through my ear. He turned the shower on. Cold water poured over me. I resisted the urge to move and avoid the shower fearing that I might drop the music player wherever Sir may have placed it. So I bore the cold, shuddering. Something tells me he was no longer in the bathroom with me. I was tied there for awhile before I realized that he might never come back anymore. Then I thought he would not leave his music player and gear behind, would he? But what if he got my car keys and drove off with my car? He's getting the better deal. This whole thing may have just been an elaborate plot to steal my car.

I wanted to find a way to break free from the shower head. I tried - my hands wouldn't slip off the rope and the shower head wasn't budging. If ever I was left behind, then I would have to wait for the motel cleaning person to show up. I cannot help reminding myself how stupid I was to get myself into this situation. How was I going to explain this to the cops, or worse, to my wife? As far as she knows, I was suppose to be at work.

I don't know how many songs had played or how long his Van Halen album was but it was a relief when I felt someone take the earphones out of my ears. Now I feel deaf from the sudden silence. The faucet was turned off. I shuddered a bit not really because I felt cold but to emphasize my vulnerability to whomever was with me in that bathroom. My hands were untied. The mouth piece was taken off

"Thank you, Sir." I said just in case.

"Good boy. You're learning." Sir's voice was a relief. He hadn't driven off and left me there.

He was thrusting a towel at me.

"Dry yourself up."

When I was dry enough to his satisfaction, he led me back to the room and onto the bed. He sidled next to me, his hairy leg brushing against mine. He started feeling me up again like he did earlier. He guided my mouth to his cock.

"Remember to keep those teeth away from me."

"Yes, Sir."

I tried to be more careful this time. His cock wasn't hard yet so I lavished it with my tongue and, this time, used my free hand to hold the base of it to keep it steady in my mouth. I kept my teeth wrapped with my lips as I pushed his cocked into my mouth. It didn't take long for his cock to harden up and his huge limp dick had turned monstrous again. I stroked his cock while my mouth worked its head. I made sure I kept my teeth in check. Sir started to groan. Wow! I thought - it's working.

"That's better," Sir said.

All the doubts I had just a few minutes ago had subsided at that point. This was always what I had in mind when I agreed to meet with this man. This is what I signed up for. This is what I came for. This is why I took a day off from work. This was what I wanted. I was digging how I am able to make this man enjoy my mouth. This man with the hairy chest and the sizable cock was moaning with pleasure.

After a few minutes, Sir stopped me and told me to lie face down on the bed. He got up and told me to keep my eyes close and head down. He then took my blindfold out. The brightness that seeped through my eyelids made me feel better. There was light and I was alive, and I had tasted cock. I was so tempted to open my eyes but I was afraid Sir was watching me and just testing if I would obey. I kept my eyes shut.

He straddled my back and I could feel his balls rest close to my neck. I then felt him reach for my face from behind me. He proceeded to smear something gooey over my eyes.

"Keep your eyes closed if you do not want 'em to burn."

Whatever it was he wiped on my eyelids smelled funky like cum. Sir moved to the center of the bed and positioned himself in front of my face. I could feel his cock rub against my nose.

"Keep those eyes close," he repeated. "Now lick my balls."

I licked those soft orbs if his while he started rubbing my head and my back almost like he was giving me a massage. He then leaned forward and gave my butt a few whacks.

"Show me your pussy, boy"

I used my hands to spread my ass cheeks apart. He started fingering the entrance of my hole. I moaned quietly.

"that's a nice fucking pussy you have there, boy."

I kept my ass cheeks apart hoping he would put a finger in. He didn't - just kept on teasing me. After awhile of this, he told me to open my eyes. I tried to open them. But I couldn't. Like they were - oh, glued together.

"I cannot open my eyes, Sir."

"Good. I recommend you don't or you might tear off your eyelashes."

"Show your master's cock some love."

I proceeded to do that immediately. I licked his cock, kissed it, and sucked it. I used both my hands to service him. One on the base of his cock like before stroking it, the other one on his balls - gently cupping and tugging on them. He told me to slow down a bit. I slowed down my pace and concentrated on giving him pleasure. I was realizing then that I was eager to give my best effort. If this was my one time shot of sucking cock then I was going to make sure I did it right. I could disappear after today and not make contact with this man anymore but I would have had the experience I seek and I would have a memory that I know I would jerk off to for many years to come. Today I was a cocksucker and this made my own cock hard - the underside was rubbing against the bed which I gently humped a little.

"Yeah, boy, that's it. That's it."

I loved the taste of his precum. I love the smell of his cock. I love how wide his meat stick was around my hand. I love how loose his balls were. He started humping my head. Slowly at first but getting faster and deeper. His breathing was also getting deeper. I could feel he was getting close. I doubled up my efforts. His cock now slick with spit and precum. I tried taking more of his meat in my mouth without choking. His balls were contracting.

"Oh fuck, fuck!" he exclaimed and held my head down as he humped my face.

I tried to keep calm. Knowing that this shouldn't take forever but I was gagging anyway. He didn't care anyway and kept banging my face like a piston. The large head hitting me deep in my throat. My teeth was probably rubbing against his cock but he didn't notice anymore. His thrusts slowed down and he was withdrawing further out with each thrust allowing me enough passageway to breathe.

"Thank you, Sir, for feeding me your cum," I said after both of us had regained our breath. It felt like the right thing to say.

"You're welcome, boy. I think you have just released the cock-sucker in you."

He slid down on the bed and pulled me on top of him. I rested my head on his nice hairy chest. I listened to his breathing. I gently played with Sir's cock while my own, though haven't cummed yet, was limp like his. It didn't matter to me at that point. It felt like I had orgasmed just as he did. I felt like I shot my load just as his seed shot down my throat. We stayed like that for a wonderful long time. I almost fell asleep.

Eventually, he rolled out of bed but told me to say where I was. I could hear him cleaning up, dressing up, putting things back in his bag. He told me to count 1 to 100 before getting out of bed and washing the glue out of my eyes with water. He also said that he would be waiting for an email from me with a report of what I felt and thought about my experience that day. I said I would do as he told me and with that I heard Sir walk out of the room, closing the door behind him.

This story is true with some details changed. If you want to know what happens next, let me know and I will continue the story. My email is

Next: Chapter 2

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